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"Teenagers Today Are Worldly...

by Gene Taylor I knew it was true. It confirmed my view that young people today are worse than they were in my day. "Teenagers today are worldly, shaped by exposure to a culture that has dropped many of its inhibitions..." Thus read a recent article in The New York Times ("American Teen-Agers Are Both Worldly and Devoid of Cynicism, Poll Indicates," April 30, 1998.) This article was written to summarize the results of a nationwide poll of 13 to 17 year olds conducted jointly by The New York Times and CBS News. As one who is growing older, I just knew that the young people of today did not have the values my generation had. I also believed they lacked the respect for authority they should have. So often when I heard of such things as school shootings, rampant drug use by the young, and sexual activity among teens, I just knew that the young were growing more immoral all the time. I was just about ready to write them off thinking there was not much hope in reaching them. This article seemed to confirm all of that. I was wrong. Instead of confirming my views, this article rebutted them. Oh yes, all is not well. In many ways those young people who responded to this survey have views I cannot accept. But on the other hand, they, as a group, display a conservatism in morals and respect for authority my generation, the "baby boomers" responsible for the free sex, drug laced, rebellious "sixties," did not have. While the article did state that today's teenagers are worldly, it also spoke of their wholesomeness. "Yet, the same poll suggests, in some ways they are as wholesome and devoid of cynicism as the generation that wore saddle shoes. They trust their government, admire their parents and believe it is possible to start out poor and become rich. Ninety-four percent say they believe in God (emphasis mine - GT). Strong majorities say they never drink alcohol and never smoke cigarettes or marijuana. On sexual matters, too, they display a notable conservatism." About the only coverage teens get in the media is negative. The only time we pay much attention to them, even in the church, is to denounce them and tell them how bad they are. How wrong we are in doing that! Yes, when young people do that which is wrong they need to be disciplined. Their erroneous views need to be corrected. But let us never forget, there are many good young people who can serve as role models not only for their peers but also for those who are older. Even the article states that those teens who are worldly are that way because they have been "exposed to a culture that has dropped many of its inhibitions." Who do you think is responsible for such a carnal culture? It's those older folks who are wringing their hands and wondering what has gone wrong with young people today. They have failed to provide an environment where children are raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).

I must admit, though, a good deal of this article was written "tongue in cheek" reflecting what I perceive to be the general view that many who are older have of the young. You see, I have had faith in a good portion of the young generation long before I read the newspaper article. Why? Because of the good young people I have been blessed to have in my life -- in my own family and in this church. They have godly values and they respect authority. I am thankful for them and the good example they are. Let us not fail them. Let us respect and honor them. Let us continue to provide a good example for them. If this world and our society is going to be preserved, the influence of these godly young people will be the key. As those who are older, let us not downgrade them or give up on them. Rather, let us equip them with the knowledge of the Lord and His will they need to keep them "steadfast, immoveable" so they will be "always abounding in the work of the Lord" (1 Cor. 15:58).

Perilaku remaja zaman sekarang

Posted on 9 April 2011

perilaku remaja saat ini cenderung mendekati perilaku yang negatif tidak memungkiri karena semakin berkembangnya era globalisasi gaya hidup dan perilaku remaja saat ini, di dalam sebuah pergaulan remaja indonesia sudah tercampur dengan gaya pergaulan dari luar, alhasil banyak kebudayaan indonesia tidak menjadi tradisi di kalangan remaja, perilaku dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang tidak di tujukan oleh seseorang sehingga dapat di sebutan dengan sesuatu tindakan sosial yang amat mendasar oleh sebagian manusia tindakan manusia tidak sama dengan perilaku sosial karna perilaku manusia adalah perilaku yang khusus di tunjukan oleh manusia. namun saat ini masyarakat telah menunjukan perilaku sosial yang ada pada individu, seperti ketrgantungan dengan pergaulan yang ada seperti di kalangan remaja saat ini berpacaran dengan mesra di depan umum dan lainlain, menurut remaja jaman sekarang di anggap menjadi kebiasaan, namun kebiasaan itu telah di campur tangankan dengan pergaulan di negara lain yang pergaulan di luar menganut pergaulan bebas. akan tetapi sebuah pergaulan bisa di hindari jika individu tersebut memiliki kekuatan iman yang ada pada dirinya, agar tidak menyalah gunakan pergaulan yang sekarang sedang merajalela di kalangan remaja, dan dari perilaku manusia pun menjadi sebuah dampak kejahatan yang ada di dunia, tanpa di sadari kita pun sudah membuka peluang kejahatan di dunia karena ke salahan dari individu itu bergaul. namun tidak semua remaja yang bisa melakukan pergaulan yang negatif namun ada remaja yang mengetahu pergaulan yang begitu luas namun tidak di lakukan atau di contoh dalam kehidupannya faktor utama kesalahan dari pergaulan remaja itu bagaimana lingkuan yang ada di sekitar individu

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