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Masculine roles include: a) Achievement- to prove their masculinity, men need to beat out other men at work and sports. b) Aggression- they should be tough and fight for what they believe is right. c) Autonomy- Men should be self-reliant and not admit to being dependent on others. d) Sexuality- Real men are heterosexual e) Stoicism- Men should not share their pain or express their soft feelings. Feminine roles include: a) Marriage mandate- Women attain adult status when married, and are expected to cook and clean for others. b) Motherhood mandate- Have children. c) Work outside the home- work outside the home. Aggression involves behavior that is intended to hurt someone, either physically or verbally. a) Relational aggression- Females are more likely to use this. Using the silent treatment, talking behind anothers back, spreading rumors, or trying to get others to hate a particular person. b) Physical aggression- Males are more likely to use this. What is androgyny? a) Coexistence of both masculine and feminine traits in a single person. What are math and verbal differences in gender? a) Verbal includes vocabulary, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar. Women have an edge in this area. b) Math includes performing computations and solving word and story problems. Men usually have an edge here but by very little. Sex PowerPoint ( a lot on it) How do we learn about sex? What are the consequences from learning from others? a) Family, peers, school, religion, the media. Friends are the leading source of information, and the consequences of this are that they are highly misleading you. Ch 14 terminology: b) Diagnosis involves distinguishing one illness from another. c) Etiology refers to the apparent causation and developmental history of the illness. d) Prognosis is a forecast about the probably course of an illness.

e) Epidemiology is the study of the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population. f) Prevalence refers to the percentage of a population that exhibits a disorder during a specified time period. g) Criteria of abnormal behavior: a) Deviance b) Maladaptive behavior c) Personal distress In the feather video, did she have a disorder? a) Yes, she did. She had maladaptive behavior/deviance. I think this is the video to it, but Im not sure because we were both absent. All disorders talked about. a) Generalized anxiety disorder- marked by a chronic high level of anxiety that is not tied to any specific threat. b) Phobic disorder- marked by a persistant and irrational fear of an object or situation that presents no realistic danger. i. Agoraphobia (fear of places of assembly, crowds) ii. Social phobia (fear of being observed) iii. Animal phobias, etc. c) Panic disorder- characterized by recurrent attacks of overwhelming anxiety that usually occur suddenly and unexpectedly. d) Obsessive-compulsive disorder- marked by persistent, uncontrollable intrusions of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to engage in senseless rituals (compulsions.) e) Somatization disorders-marked by a history of diverse physical complaints that appear to be psychological in origin. f) Conversion disorders- characterized by a significant loss of physical function with no apparent organic basis, usually in a single organ system. g) Hypochondria- excessive preoccupation with health concerns and incessant worry about developing a physical illness. h) Dissociative disorders- involves the coexistence in one person of two or more largely complete, and usually very different, personalities. i. Amnesia- sudden loss of memory for important personal information that is too extensive to be due to normal forgetting. ii. Fugue- people lose their memory for their sense of personal identity. i) Major depressive disorder- showing persistent feelings of sadness and despair and a loss of interest in previous sources of pleasure.

j) Bipolar disorder- marked by experiences of both depressed and manic episodes. k) Schizophrenic disorder- marked by disturbances in thought that spill over to affect perceptual, social, and emotional processes. i. Delusions- false beliefs that are maintained even though they clearly are out of touch with reality. ii. Hallucinations- sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of a real external stimulus or that represent gross distortions of perceptual input. l) Anorexia and bulimia Different types of therapy: a) Insight therapy b) Behavioral therapy c) Biomedical therapy (drugs)

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