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Now a days we are living in the modern age where our daily life depends upon the technologies especially on the modern technologies of the computer. Day by day progress in the technologies impacts ethically on our society. We need to make some ethical decision for solving these dilemmas. Ethics of Digital Media, suitable look at persistent issues facing all of us in a unified, global society and offers a rich, brief and applicably simple introduction to digital media ethics for students of various disciplinary backgrounds is provided by the Charles Ess. Author arises a question Through the Digital media how the act of distribution and copying of intellectual property can be evaluated.

2. Motivation
Three scenarios in first he describes a problem of university student who want to listen the music but due to financial limitation he could not buy a brand new CD from the store. He gets an option from one of his friend who can help him to steal the CD from the store to enjoy that music. In second scenarios where author describes a local band produce a music CD which as friend one person can buy it from internet though he have the option to illegally download from internet. After listening to track of that music, one friend ask him that could he have a loan of music to make a CD for himself and play in a party. Simply here the person has to makes two decisions which need ethical motivation. Why he purchase the music from internet when he have the opportunity to download the music without paying and whether he lend the music to his friend to makes a copy of that music or not.

3. Arguments
3.1 Intellectual property: Western approach Most of the western countries rational possessions law is formed from useful ethics and deontological perception. Rational property law in US shaped by useful ethics which is, copyright and other form of rational property protection are reasonable as these contribute to the larger public good over the long run. The huge industries become benefit by the copyrights law protection. The individual agents are viewed as secondary. According to this view believe that authors, artists, software designers, and other innovative agents will take the problem to innovate and build up new products and services that will help the larger public. The European shaped their rational property law from deontological perception as copyrights is justified as an essential right of the authors, a compulsory recognition of the authors identity or personhood the general rationale for copyrights in this practice regard creative work as a work of art that has been invested with some assess of the authors personality or that reflect the authors individuality. Out of admiration for the self-rule and humanity of the authors, that work of art deserves legal

recognition. In general word authors identity required using legal rational property and it is user duty to protect the right of authors rational property. 3.2 Copy left / FLOSS Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) are the substitute of extremely restricted condition on the growth and use of computer software. FLOSS is the short form of Free/Libre /Open Source Software originate with a grand deal of the attention and work with FOSS, share the goal of promoting the growth of software to be made for all comers available for other to copy, use, amend, and then restructure. This objective is also common for the Free Software progress associated with Richard Stallman and Free Software Foundation but they spotlight mainly aware opposition to commercial growth of profit-oriented proprietary software. Where open source plan spotlight on making free software more attractive to for profitable businesses. The definition of free software by Stallman is - The liberty to run the program, for any reason. The liberty to study the program, how it works and become accustomed it to your needs. The source code is a condition for this. The liberty to restructure copies of a program, so you can help your neighbors. The liberty to get better the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community advantages. A program is free software if users have all of these liberties. Ethically, what is attractive here is the good reason for such liberty in term of advantages to the whole community. Quite relying on copyrights scheme as leaning either towards economic incentives or defensive authorial rights as the tank engine of creative growth and sharing, the free software association begins with a more communitarian sensibility, one that is inspired in part by a deep confidence that the potential advantages of computer software should be shared as generally and equally as possible. Linux operating system developed by Linus Torvalds, web browser Firefox, e-mail client Thunderbird and Wikipedia which is famous knowledge base though not accepted by the academic people are the example of FLOSS. Those are more popular as the passage of time. 3.2 Intellectual property and culture: Confucian ethics and African though The rational property right is strongly aggravated by culture. For example U.s copyrights law is fairly with regard to what count as fair use. The fair term means one can copy a part of a work such as for teacher can copy an article or a chapter of a book to give student but he cant copy the book and give his student which is unlawful. Most of European copyright law has no equal facility for fair use. Simply copying a whole book is lawful in Thailand. Thai culture is prejudiced by Confucian custom. Dan Burk summarized Confucian ethics as Confucian custom highlights emulation of revered classics and in this way, copying is an activity that expresses utmost admiration for the work of the author. The master philosopher or thinker is motivated first and foremost by the desire to advantage others with his or her work. Quietly personally profit through sale of the work and so he would want to see that work copied and distributed widely rather than limited in its sharing. Confucian custom in some method close to Africans Ubuntu custom. They share the intelligence that person are rational being and needy to the huge

community. They give more importance for the healthy life form of the huge community then individuals. 3.3 Copyright: different ethics for different countries and culture The most students of rising countries make illegal copy or piracy of imported CD under the state First Well-to-to artists, Second. Well-to-do multinational corporations. They give good reason for their doing of pirating as these things advantage them in two ways. The imported CD cost more than 10 dollar where a pirated CD sell in the market cheaper price as 1 dollar. Resulting company reduces their CD price to 2 dollar which makes the CD affordable to whole community of the country. By this break companys monopoly of the market and help them for major possible supply for whole community with a lowest price. Simply this act breaks down the capitalism. The student to pay full price of CDs creates by local musician, they should support those who really needed it and thus help boot their own economy. The student of rising countries lived in well to do countries on the other hand student rising countries do piracy with the good reason of their conviction. 3.4 Copy right and virtue ethics The good worth ethics information is defined as common good which is shared rather than treated. One person or business has the right to control the share of information such as computer software or music, in public area which advantage the whole community. Scandinavian approaches to information technologies over the precedent decades was also based on understanding as common or public goods which require and merit the material support of the state. By asset ethics we can follow fineness in our abilities to develop, influence and deal out information as a common good for greater community agreement and advantage but we must also think about person economic increase.

4. Message
In this chapter the author provides the ethical framework and cultural viewpoint. 4.1 Copyright: different ethics for different countries and culture In ethical views on copyrights & piracy are dissimilar in individual country and their culture. Developed and rising countries both have dissimilar views and law on copyrights. Person should have to follow the law as their country. In addition to person, community and the nature of rational property right the author said culture may further associate with the basic ethical framework that people use. 4.2 Copyright and deontological ethics Pinching a physical CD from a music store is immoral. Downloading an illegal copy of a music album is like pinching a physical CD from a music store. Therefore, downloading an illegal copy of a music album is also immoral.

5. Benefit:
In this the author discuss advantage of rational property law as copyrights law, the copy left movement as the free open source software and Ubuntu and Confucian tradition. The copyrights laws in dissimilar countries formed cultural perspective to either to advantage the person or the whole community. Most of the non-western countries rational property advantage goes to the bigger community not to the group of person who build up the product. People now a day people rotating against Western copyright law because free and open source software is receiving popular. The people are benefited from this software by sharing, modifying and redistributing.

6. Critical Assessment:
The author has organized the chapter well as long as three real life scenarios, after that ethical structure of copyrights law of different countries including copy left and FLOSS association. He emphasizes on useful, deontological, and asset ethics which lead us easily understand the topics. In the chapter indication, conversation and question writing part let me explore much deeper inside of each ethical structure and culture which give improved understanding of the rational property.

7. Reference
Ess, Charles (2009). Digital Media Ethics. Cambridge: Polity

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