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Legalization Of Marijuana FOR GOOD!

Dont you feel as if people should have the basic right to make individual choices for themselves as long as these actions are not harming anyone else? Did you know that if the legalization of marijuana in the United States became a reality, the US government would save $10-15 billion annually? Have you ever realized that marijuana, just like tobacco and alcohol, is not an abusive and addictive drug in itself but it is the user that chooses to use it for that purpose? The continued denial of personality dysfunctions and the prohibition of marijuana only fuels this abusive behavior in people. Regulation of marijuana, educational teachings and therapy are the keys to eradicating drug abuse. Has anybody told you that the US prison population is 8 times as high as majority of Western countries? According to the Bureau Of Investigations, in 2007 there were an astonishing 872,721 arrests by police in the US for marijuana related violations. Are you surprised to find out that if marijuana is legalized, drug dealers would lose most or all of their business? Some of the biggest opponents of legalizing drugs are the drug dealers themselves. Legalization would open competition and reduce the price of marijuana considerably there would be no need for dealers. Growing Marijuana Guide It is the duty of the team here at LegalizationOfMarijuana420 to offer you the most up-to-date information and happenings in the world of marijuana. For quite some time now our whole team has been on the look-out for a marijuana growing guide that is worthy of recommending to our loyal and respected readers. After years of finding nothing but old, out-of-date guides, so-called bibles on Amazon and reference books that require a PhD in horticulture just to understand, we wanted to recommend the most ground-breaking, step-by-step and easy to read guide that will have you going from seed to smoke in no time. and we have finally found what we have been looking for. PERIOD! When it comes to growing top-caliber marijuana, whether indoors or outdoors, the best information and methods change rapidly.

Without the correct road-map it is 99% certain that newbie growers will suffer unavoidable humiliation and will waste weeks of dedication. We truly believe its time for you to be shown exactly what to do with all the latest advancements and tips when it comes to growing aspects such as LED and HPS lighting, little-known soil secrets, revolutionary outdoor and indoor growing methods, etc. Each person from our professional team has just finished reading this 748 page Growing Elite Marijuana by Ryan Riley and unanimously claim it to be the best ever growing guide out there. Click here. The United States has been at war since 1971 this is a war that has never been won and never looks like it will be won while it is still fought. This war is the war on drugs. 40 years have passed since this war was declared and what has it produced? The US have spent $1 trillion and have cost thousands of lives. Drug use is more rampant and violence is escalating and becoming more barbaric than ever. In 1970, hippies were smoking marijuana and dropping acid. US soldiers were arriving home from Vietnam addicted to heroin. An embattled US president, Richard Nixon, sprung into a war he thought he could win. Public enemy No. 1 in the United States is drug abuse, he proclaimed. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive. Nixons first drug-fighting budget was $100 million. Today its $15.1 billion. Over the last 40 years the US government has spent $33 billion in marketing the Just Say Nostyle messages to Americas youth and other prevention programs. Illegal drug use rates are the same as they were back in 1970 with high school students. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say drug overdoses have risen since the 1970s to more than 20,000 in 2009. The US has also spent $121 billion to arrest over 37 million nonviolent drug offenders, about 10 million of them just for the possession of marijuana. Even more alarming is that studies show jail time tend to increase drug use. The Justice Department estimates the consequences of drug abuse costs the US $215 billion dollars a year due to an overburdened justice system, an over-used health care system, loss of productivity, and environment destruction. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. It is time for change.

The common illusions and misconceptions of marijuana are widespread in the general population. Just like any substance, we agree that marijuana can be abused. With frequent and excessive use of marijuana comes the reality of lethargy. This type of use of marijuana does not cause longterm effects for the smoker at all though. There are no negative implications for the users immune system, damage of the brain or nervous system. Alcohol, on the other hand, does cause brain cells to die and is a main ingredient in a lot of social violence that is going on in todays world and its only getting worse. Is marijuana an abusive drug in itself? No! One of the biggest arguments against the legalization of marijuana is that it is an addictive substance and will spoil everybody who smokes it. Amazing research into the nature of addiction by experts such as Gabor Mate, M.D., strongly indicates that there is no such thing as addictive substances. The reality of it is that addiction is searching for something outside of oneself to fill an insatiable yearning for happiness and fulfillment. All addiction is a self-medicating behavior medicating against deep fear and anxieties. The addictive substance, whether it is drugs, sex, TV, internet, food, etc. is not the source of addiction the source of addiction lies within the individuals psyche. Dr Mate has discovered that when it comes to brain chemistry everyone is looking to produce endorphins. Now, you might have heard of endorphins Endorphins are the brains feel-good, pleasure-based, pain-relief chemicals. They also are the love chemical which enable us to connect to one another and the world around us. When someone is an addict, the part of the brain circuitry that produces endorphins doesnt work very efficiently. The part of the brain that is responsible for motivation and reward, which involves the chemical dopamine, also doesnt function that well either. When people take a stimulant drug or act out in a stimulating behavior the brain releases dopamine and endorphins. Why arent these brain circuits not well developed in some people? Dr Mate believes that it comes from childhood abuse whether intended or not intended. What this means is that a mother who is stressed regularly during pregnancy or in the first 5 years of a childs life directly impacts the brain chemistry of that child as does the parent/s being emotionally unavailable, physically abandoning the child, etc. Unlike other species, the human baby is always born prematurely. A human baby is 100% dependent on caretakers for a number of years for its survival. The brain is still developing tremendously during this period. Thousands of neural connections are being made every second!

When the parts of the brain that are responsible for illiciting feelings of love and connection are not activated because of neglectful parenting/upbringing then the brain doesnt develop strong wiring for this brain activity. All of this happens before the person addicted to weed for example has a choice in the matter. So when a healthy upbringing is not given to the baby its brain development leaves it open and susceptible for becoming addicted to outside forces later on in life. When someone does not feel the source of love coming from the inside (a healthy self-esteem) they will automatically gravitate towards finding this source of love from the outside and drugs give off these wanted emotions very easily and quickly. When Dr.Mate spoke to one of the hard-core addicts he regularly treats and asked her what did it feel like the first time you injected heroin she replied, It was like a warm soft hug. So stop now and take a moment to realize this The war on drugs, largely motivated by the misconception of the source of drug-abuse, is actually a war waged against people who were abused from early on in their life long before they touched any drug. People who support this war are actually punishing the people who have been abused.

We have sourced some excellent new sites to check out for your marijuana needs:

Growing Marijuana Outdoors - Get all the latest tips and tricks on how to grow marijuana outdoors today! How To Grow Weed Indoors One of the best little free guides on the net to give you the MUST KNOW essentials of growing your own marijuana indoors. Germinating Cannabis Seeds Youre not going to be growing the most mind blowing weed in the world if you dont have the art of germinating seeds handled. Its not hard to germinate especially after reading this killer guide. Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana Addiction
It seems like theres a non-stop tidal wave of people who are pledging harsh words of criticism against drugs such as marijuana. Their belief is marijuana (or other drugs) are the source of addiction and destruction in a persons life.

I know that people can become addicted to using marijuana BUT it is not marijuana they are addicted to. Let me explain To see marijuana as the source of addiction is to miss the underlying currents that sweep someone into addictive behaviours. The nature of addiction is not a problem encapsulated within the substance or activity itself, it is merely a function that springs from an individual that is trying to meet emotional needs. They are self-medicating.

In its essence, the individual is using a substance to change his/her emotional state. This is usually to move away from pain and to gain pleasure even if its only temporary. There are many substances and activities that people use to the point of addiction: drugs, television, internet, food, sex, etc. But majority of people who drink alcohol are not alcoholics. The majority of people who eat food do not have eating disorders. Addiction is not in the substance, it exists in the persons psychological makeup. In whichever way the addiction is expressed externally (tv, sex, drugs, etc) is just a SYMPTOM of an internal problem. It is a reflection of inner needs not being met. So all of the big boys who stand up to condemn marijuana for being addictive are missing the point.

People who are addicted to alcohol are called alcoholics. Is alcohol addictive? Of course not. Majority of people who drink a glass of wine regularly are not going to become addicted. Its not the substance that forms the addiction it is what the individual BRINGS to the substance and how the relationship between both forms. All people in addiction are living a life where certain human needs have not been met or have not been met to the extent that they need to be. Family dynamics in the last century has shifted considerably. The closeness between majorities of families has been marred. An example is absent mothers or fathers unable to give to the child what it needs. The need for attention, unconditional love, time with parents, etc. is paramount for any child. This creates emotional dysfunction when it is withheld. This is not the only source of dysfunction, but it is one of the main ones.

Whatever the reasons for dysfunction, there is an emotional wound that forms which can lead people to become depressed, have low self-esteem, poor self-images, shame, lack or purpose, codependence, etc. To cure any addiction these issues mentioned need to be taken care of. If they are not then the individual will return to the behaviour of addiction, or simply swap one behaviour for another behaviour. All proper and successful addiction programs such as the 12-step programs now this.

Legalization Of Marijuana

HomeIt seems like theres a non-stop tidal wave of people who are pledging harsh words of criticism against drugs such as marijuana. Their belief is marijuana (or other drugs) are the source of addiction and destruction in a persons life.

I know that people can become addicted to using marijuana BUT it is not marijuana they are addicted to. Let me explain To see marijuana as the source of addiction is to miss the underlying currents that sweep someone into addictive behaviours. The nature of addiction is not a problem encapsulated within the substance or activity itself, it is merely a function that springs from an individual that is trying to meet emotional needs. They are self-medicating.

In its essence, the individual is using a substance to change his/her emotional state. This is usually to move away from pain and to gain pleasure even if its only temporary. There are many substances and activities that people use to the point of addiction: drugs, television, internet, food, sex, etc. But majority of people who drink alcohol are not alcoholics. The majority of people who eat food do not have eating disorders. Addiction is not in the substance, it exists in the persons psychological makeup. In whichever way the addiction is expressed externally (tv, sex, drugs, etc) is just a SYMPTOM of an internal problem. It is a reflection of inner needs not being met. So all of the big boys who stand up to condemn marijuana for being addictive are missing the point.

People who are addicted to alcohol are called alcoholics. Is alcohol addictive? Of course not. Majority of people who drink a glass of wine regularly are not going to become addicted. Its not the substance that forms the addiction it is what the individual BRINGS to the substance and how the relationship between both forms.

All people in addiction are living a life where certain human needs have not been met or have not been met to the extent that they need to be. Family dynamics in the last century has shifted considerably. The closeness between majorities of families has been marred. An example is absent mothers or fathers unable to give to the child what it needs. The need for attention, unconditional love, time with parents, etc. is paramount for any child. This creates emotional dysfunction when it is withheld. This is not the only source of dysfunction, but it is one of the main ones. Whatever the reasons for dysfunction, there is an emotional wound that forms which can lead people to become depressed, have low self-esteem, poor self-images, shame, lack or purpose, codependence, etc. To cure any addiction these issues mentioned need to be taken care of. If they are not then the individual will return to the behaviour of addiction, or simply swap one behaviour for another behaviour. All proper and successful addiction programs such as the 12-step programs now this.

So whats going on is that people have psychological dependency on marijuana use. This is when it can possibly turn into a strong addiction and color majority of their life. Because when someone is in this position they just cant go to the movies, they have to get high then they can go to the movies. They just cant go out to a club and dance, they have to smoke some weed before they go. They are essentially using it as a coping mechanism to get through life. As I said previously, some people use other coping mechanisms but not weed even if theyve smoked weed they still do not become addicted to it they have other activities they are addicted to. So instead of focusing on the outside-in, it is really an inside-out job. Many people are addicted to watching TV but theres a TV in nearly every home in the US. Many people are addicted to alcohol but theres bars and places to drink alcohol 24/7 all across the US. Many people are addicted to eating food excessively in a way that is harming their well-being but junk-food is supplied with pride nation-wide.

None of these substances are inherently bad in themselves, but neither is marijuana!

Recent breakthrough research and insight by Canadian doctor Gabor Mate has shown all addicted is a response from childhood trauma it is basically a way the person using to selfmedicate. When people use such drugs as opiates, heroin, or even television there is a surge in chemicals in the brain called endorphins and dopamine. The endorphins are really the chemical in our brain that allows us to feel good it is also the love chemical. When people have been traumatized or abused in childhood they do not feel loved. This becomes an emotional wound. When they do not feel loved that start to create negative beliefs about themselves and even the part of the brain which modulates and illicits loving feelings can become damaged and not operate as well as it should. As people grow up they try to find the source of loving emotions and self-esteem in things outside of them because inside they feel empty. But nothing from the outside is sustainable for self-love. Advertizing and marketing plays on this notion and actually uses peoples fears to get them to buy their product. Using language such as sooth yourself, enhance your personality, etc when selling a product plays on peoples fear and feelings that they are not good enough and that there something wrong with them. This is unfortunately a large part of what makes consumerism roll on. For consumerism to work it need consumers to keep buying things and the more they do this in an out of control manner and buy compulsively the better it is for a countries economy and captilism as a whole. But the victim in this in the individual because they dont feel WHOLE. The term individual mean in-divisable; that which cannot be divided. But thats exactly how majority of people feel: divided. They feel that should do one thing but then act compulsively on doing something else feeling as if there is nothing they can do to stop it. The solution to all this is healing. Healing childhood trauma and emotional wounds. Substances and activities that people can use to be addicted to are everywhere and one of these is in the livingroom of 95+% of people in the US that makes it that theres no reason marijuana should have a misguided belief of being addictive in itself. Marijuana being addictive is not a feasible argument anymore. It is time that the light of truth is finally seen by all people who consider marijuana to be the problem of addiction when addiction itself is the REAL PROBLEM.

Legalization Of Marijuana Marijuana Addiction Marijuana Costs

Here I want to give you the financial facts that keeping marijuana illegal is costing us and also I want to share with you how much marijuana is costing for users all around the world at the moment. It is common knowledge that when you look beyond the surface structure of marijuana illegalization you start to see that one of the chief benifitors of this are drug dealers themselves. The more illegal marijuana becomes and how heavily imposed this illegality of it is the more that marijuana prices tend to rise. What would happen if marijuana became legal there would be very little motivation for drug dealer and if people still wanted to buy marijuana then it would extremely inexpensive. In the US to date there has been over 20 million people arrested. Majority of these arrests have been for possession. In 2006 there were incredible 830,000 arrests made alone that ends up being one arrest every 38 seconds. Now there have been numerous research results that show how extensive, financially speaking, it would be for the US to legalize weed. Hundreds of economists, which include Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, have found that taxing marijuana in the same way that alcohol is taxed could possibly bring in over $6,000,000 every year! This would also free up and offer alot of people jobs in terms of farming, distribution, packaging and handling, advertising, etc. At our current time, Americans who are punished for marijuana related offences find that there is a dominoe-effect of negativity that comes from it. Many suffer loss of unemployment, loss of child-rearing custody, some people lose their housing, student benefits, voting privileges, adoption opportunities and even federal welfare help. The costs just arnt a financial one there are also personal human costs as well.

Legalization Of Marijuana Marijuana Costs

Marijuana Facts
Heres some amazing facts about marijuana some are well-known and others a little more obscure. Either way it shows the amazing potentials of the cannabis plant!

- Up until 1883, around 80% of paper used in the United States was made from hemp. - Former Us president, George Washington, and world reknown Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp plants in their own individual housing properties. - Some of the first Levi Strauss jeans were made from hemp. - The first recorded use of the marijuana plant was sometime around 7000-8000BC. The hemp plant was turned into fabric and cloth. - Marijuana is the most popular illegal drug circulating in the US. Each year over 25 million people smoke marijuana in the States. - Marijuana comes in at the #2 spot for the most popular drug around the world. #1 is alcohol. Over 22 million people around the globe smoke weed every daily. - Marijuana seeds were started to be used as food about 5500BC in China. - In ancient Indian holy texts the marijuana plant is listed as one of five sacred grass. - Christopher Columbus brings weed into America in 1492. - The United States Declaration of Independence back on July 4th, 1776 was written on hemp paper. - Marijuana in itself is not addictive. For more information about marijuana addiction click here. - The version of the Declaration of Independence released on July 4, 1776 was written on hemp. - Marijuana have over 400 chemical compounds. - Hemp seeds make an excellent source of birdseed when they are sterilized. - The chemicals in marijuana can stay in your body for few weeks after using it. - There are in excess of twenty thousand uses for hemp. - The Hemp plant is draught resistant. - Henry Fords first Model T asutomobile was made with hemp plastic - Hemp based fuels do not destroy or impact on the ozone layer in a negative way. - Hemp is one of the best sources of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. These fatty acids directly stimulate the immune system and strengthen it.

- The author of Alice In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, was a devout marijuana user. The first printings of the book were actually printed on hemp paper. - The recreational use of weed over in Britain became illegally in 1928 - On October 2nd, 1937, the US President Roosevelt signed the marijuana tax law which made it totally illegal to possess marijuana without a US tax stamp. That very day, Samuel Caldwell became the first person to be arrested in America for a marijuana-related offence. - Many famous paintings have been painted on hamp canvas. Rembrandt is one such artist who used hamp canvas. - There are over 250 slang words for marijuana which include ganja, pot, weed, grass and herb. - The chemical THC (delta 9 tetrhydrocannabinol) is what gives marijuana its sensory effects on human brings. - Paraguay it to be thought as the biggest grower of marijuana plants. - Nearly 1 million people were arrested in the US for marijuana offences in 2008. - 2003 marked the year that marijuana was offered for medical purposes for the first time. This occurred in Canada.

Marijuana Lies
Heres some incredible lies about marijuana that have been filtered into common-thinking for many people. They need to be exposed! LIE: Marijuana use can cause permanent mental illness. People who smoke, especially adolescents, are opening themselves up to the risk of intense psychological damage. It has to be said that there is no concrete scientific evidence out there that proves marijuana has any damaging effect on a smokers psychological functioning whether adult or adolescent. Sure, after a smoke some marijuana users experience some psychological sensations such as anxiety and paranoia. These sensations and experiences can be scary but they are only temporary. Large doses can also cause temporary psychosis but this happens when the user eats, rather than smokes, the marijuana.

LIE: Marijuana is a highly addictive substance that creates a dependence among its users and forces people to seek drug rehabilitation treatment if they want to kick their smoking habit.

Majority of the smokers out there around the world smoke only occasionally. Only a very thin slither of the US population (less than 1%) actually smoke on a daily basis. An even smaller number than this actually form a dependence on marijuana usage. This group of dependent smokers sometimes take the route of going through a drug treatment center to get over their addiction whereas many heavy and addicted smokers have quit smoking altogether cold turkey without any major problems at all. If their are any withdrawal symtoms they are very mild. Of these people who are addicted to smoking marijuana, it is not the marijuana that is addictive itself because if it was then EVERYBODY would become addicted right? Dr Gabor Mate who has worked with hardcore addicts has found that it is the persons brain development that ultimately leaves the susceptible to become addicted to a substance or activity, it is never the substance alone that can create an addiction because none of it is actually addictive in itself. For more information of marijuana addiction Click Here.

LIE: Marijuana is more potent today then in was in past decades. Data from the 1980s to the present time indicate no rising of marijuana potency, specifically the psycho-active chemical THC. Some studies were taken back in the 60s and 70s which only measured marijuana with low amounts of THC. These studies were contrasted with the average THC-filled marijuana of the last couple of decades and were made to give marijuana a tarnished look. But when marijuana has been studied over the last three decades there has not been any considerable change in its THC potency.

LIE: Marijuana related offenses are not severely punished. Since 1995, every year more than 500,000 people in the US are charge for marijuana related offenses. Usually around 80% of these people are arrested for marijuana possession. Tens of thousands of people are in prison for marijuana offenses. An even highly number of people are punished with probation, fines, having driving licences revoked, property seized, employment terminated. Despite all this, marijuana still continues to be highly available and used.

LIE: Marijuana does more damage to the lungs than tabacco. Marijuana smoking does contain some of the same chemicals that are in tabacco but its users smoke alot less than tabacco smokers do. Moderate smoking of weed appears to elicit very minimal problems for the lungs. There have been no reports of lung cancer that a directly linked

to marijuana smoking alone. In fact, a study in 2006 found that marijuana users who smoked heavily had no increased risk of lung cancer.

LIE: Marijuana has no value in medicinal purposes. Marijuana has been an active part of treating illness and sickness for thousands of years. Such recent uses of marijuana in the medical world have been for treatment of intense nausea for cancer patients, to stimulate appetite in people who have AIDS and to also treat depression. There has also been recent scientific studies that support the effects of marijuana to treat certain muscle spasticities caused from neurological deficiencies. So many people who know that marijuana use could help relieve pain or even heal their problems dont use it because of fear of the criminal charges of being caught. And those that do use marijuana do so at their own risk of being caught.

LIE: Marijuana use will lead to the use of other drugs. It is a long held belief among the general population that marijuana use is a gateway drug. The idea that marijuana use will encourage its users to go on and try other drugs is total nonsense. Majority of marijuana smokers never try other drugs and become highly satisfied with the effects that weed brings them.

LIE: Marijuana kills and destroys brain cells. There have been no proof with scientific research that can measure brain damaging that indicates marijuana can have this kind of effect on the human brain. This is equally true for long-term users of marijuana. The notion that marijuana can kill and destory brain-cells dates back over 30 years ago to a speculative report that has never been backed up by any scientific study.

LIE: Marijuana use encourages crime. All the serious researches and governmental commissions have found that the correlation between marijuana use causing crime is non-existent. All of the studies that have been done on marijuanas effect on people have shown that it decreases aggression rather than increases it. Marijuana uses are on the same par as the rest of the population when it comes to the occurence of crime.

LIE: Marijuana use suppresses the immune system. This myth is founded on studies where animals where given an extremely high, in many cases near-lethal, dose of cannabinoids. These very same reults have never ever been seen in human beings. There have also been countless studies over the years that showed the use of marijuana actually stimulated the immune system of those who were studied.

LIE: Legalized marijuana would cause extreme problems on the roads. Although marijuana does have a similiar toxicating effect and performance impairing on people that alcohol does, studies actually show the effects of weed on car accidents are in fact less than that of alcohol. Also, majority of marijuana users are very moderate drinkers of alcohol, or dont drink at all, which has an even lowering effect on alcohol abuse which is the main culprit for road-related deaths due to drugs.

Marijuana Lies

Marijuana Religious Use

The religious and spiritual use of marijuana has been widely reported since ancient history. The ritual activities of this natural plant has been incorporated for aiding trance states, hemp oil painting, religious worship and many other meaningful practices. People are shocked when they find out that every main pharmacy in America supplied cannabis tinctures for medicinal use up until the 1930s when marijuana prohibition began. When majority of people think of marijuana and religion together they think of Rastafarians and not much else, but marijuana had played a huge role in the past, and even today, in many religions around the world. It has been a part of religions as early as 1000BC in India and Herodotus reported about ceremonial practices by the Scythians which occurred around the 4th century BC.


Hemp has a long standing affair with China and at one point it was so regarded that China named their country the land of mulberry and hemp. The marijuana plant was such a symbol of power over evil and in the pharmacopoeia of emperor Shen Nung it was referred to as the liberator of sin.

Cannabis has been cultivated in China since Neolithic times and was used for clothing, the nets they fished and hunted with, ropes, fiber and even food. As the Yang-Shao culture in China, nearly 6500 years ago, grew over time they replaced their clothing of animal skin with hemp cloth. At first hemp clothed the wealthy, but when silk became available hemp clothed the masses. The Chinese believed that the emperor Shen Nung first taught the cultivation of hemp in the 28th Century BC. A Chinese Taoist priest also wrote in the 5th Century BC that cannabis was used in conjunction with Ginseng to set forward time to reveal future events. Many Taoist shamans recommended adding cannabis to their incense burners around the 2nd Century AD which would encourage achieving immortality. The Taoists began and continued to condemn the hallucinations brought on by too much use as they believed in encouraged the state of seeing devils. This though did not discourage the use of incense burning of cannabis for immortality and a heightened spiritual awareness.

India Early Indian legends proclaim that the angel of mankind lived in the very leaves of the cannabis plant. It was so sacred that is was believed the leaves would recoil evil and cleanse its user of sin. In Hindu mythology cannabis is seen as an incredible holy plant that is offered to man and woman for the welfare of mankind and noted to be a divine nectar able to give a person such experiences as good health, long life and even visions of the gods. Nectar is defined as the drink of the gods.

Potent effects of the cannabis plant are also distilled into one of the favorite drinks of Indra (the King of Indian gods). It is highly believed through tradition that the god Indra offers marijuana to man and woman as to encourage and illicit heightened states of consciousness, celebration of beauty in the world and freedom from fear. In Indian religions marijuana is also regarded as 1 of the 5 kingdoms of herb. It is commonly stated that this herb kingdom is a source of happiness, anxiety relieving, joy and a channel for connected with the ground of all being. Indian tradition believes that Siddhartha (Buddha) ate only hemp seeds for six years before becoming enlightened.

Islam In the Islamic world, the Quran doesnt signal a no-use of cannabis though it does deem cannabis

to be khmar (an intoxicant) by majority of religious scholars. This automatically links cannabis to be forbidden as khmar is not to be taken up by muslims. Interesting, the meaning of the word Khamr is fermented drink, not intoxicant.

Although Mohammed did not prohibit the use of hemp many orthodox muslim groups believe marijuana to be an intoxicant. The Quran prohibits any kind of intoxication as it is the belief that this will invariably lead to social vices and can become threat to the social fabric. This proof is seen in societies where alcohol and other drugs are abused it often leads to other harmful practices and can to untold damage to personal relationships, people and the environment in the process. When one follows the direction of the Quran they are acting not just for the betterment of themselves but also society as a whole. The only major proof of marijuana use in Islamic circles is by a movement of muslims known as Sufis that exist mainly in South Asia. Legend says that the Persion leader of the Sufis was a quiet man and one day he returned to his monastery after consuming some marijuana leaves and he was extremely jovial, talkative and this delighted his disciples. The disciples took foot out into the mountains and consumed the marijuana for themselves. This was the beginning of the love of cannabis by the Sufis.

Legalization Of Marijuana Marijuana Religious Use

Medical Marijuana

Through the last 50 years marijuana has come to be defined as a soft illegal drug for majority of people. This label of illegal drug naturally slants and contextualizes marijuana into a box from which people view it as that: an illegal drug. If for the last 50 years it had been widely perceived as a natural healing plant then the meaning that we ascribe and peoples feeling and behaviours regarding marijuana would be totally different all because the veil we see the world through would be different. For example, if I said The tree has no bark, that is one thing. If I then said The dog has no bark, well that is another thing entirely isnt it! The context changed and so did the whole meaning of a thing called bark. More and more people are beginning to view marijuana in a new light from a tree bark to a dog bark shall we say. Scientific research is supporting this realization that marijuana is in fact a healing property. Here are some health benefits that marijuana has been found to supply: The Slowing of Tumor Growth The American Association of Cancer Research found that certain properties in marijuana reacted with human cells to slow down tumor growth in the lungs, brain and breasts to a surprising extent.

Relieves chronic anxiety and stress Marijuana use has long-held been known for its calming effect for people who suffer such mental and physiological issues such as chronic anxiety and panic attacks. Many people have used marijuana as a way to ease into conquering their fears when it comes to conditions such as social anxiety and even phobia.Smoking marijuana allows people to access a more relaxed and chill state of consciousness and they can start to better understand the feeling of ease and calmness. Through this they are able to take on challenges step by step that would have brought anxiety and fear but now are done with relaxfulness. Migraine Magic Californian doctors have claimed that they have been able to treat more than 400 000 cases of migraines successfully with medical marijuana.

Anti-emetic (anti-nausea) Solution THC compounds within marijuana have been shown to be extremely effective for various patients who suffer nausea from chemotherapy treating cancer. The cannabinoid power to reduce the suffering of horrid health phases such as this have been known for centuries. Multiple Sclerosis People who suffer from the painful, impeding and occasionally fatal multiple sclerosis (MS) have terrible muscle pain and spasticity.

There are an estimated 370,000 people in the US who live with this central nervous system disorder. Many patients have reported that cannabis use has had a tremendous positive effect on muscle spams, bladder control, muscle pain, eyesight and even balance. In Britain, up to 5% of MS sufferers already are using marijuana for symptom relief. Glaucoma Gold Unfortunately glaucoma affects over 65 million people throughout the world and in one of the chief factors causing blindness today. Intraocular pressure is the main instigator of glaucoma-type damage to the optic nerve. It has been founds through studies that marijuana actually reduces, halts and in some cases even reverses the intraocular pressure when patients were smoking cannabis. Seizures Reduced Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that is pronounced with seizures that affects just over two million US citizens and over thirty million people throughout the world. A seizure is the over-reactions of sizable pools of brain cells which instantly synchronize and elicit such experiences of motor activity spasms, muscle contractions and a sudden change in consciousness. The muscle relaxant properties in marijuana have been of extreme help for individuals who have reported positive effects in reducing the severity and rate of their seizures.

Alzheimers Disease is a horrific experience for the person who has it and those close to them. It effects over 5.3 million people in the US and is an illness of the brain. When massive amounts of nerve cells die in the brain in effects the persons ability to recall and remember things and to think clearly as well. As of yet doctors have been unable to find the direct cause of the problem but it is widely reported that the disease starts after the age of sixty and half of the people over eighty-five years old suffer some form of Alzheimers. Below is a graph that indicates the number of people who have and will have Alzheimers.

In recent times scientists have found that certain active ingredients in marijuana such cannabinoids are receptive and successful in preventing neurodegenerative stages that the disease gives off.

ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition by which the brain has trouble ignoring stimuli that is unimportant and not useful. This creates the person suffering from ADHD to have trouble focusing on one project and ignore useless distractions.

It seems as if the brain with someone who suffers from ADHD finds it difficult to filter out and create proper boundaries to enable stark and controlled direction and focus. Recent scientific research and first-hand experience from users have found that certain strains of cannabis can engage more focus to people suffering with ADHD and in some cases can even replace medications such as Ritalin.

PMS Women who are suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) consistently complain about such symptoms as breast pain, pelvic pain, difficulty sleeping, migraines, anxiety, irritability and even depression. It is said that 75% of US women suffer from PMS and many of the standard drugs that are dished out by doctors are anti-depressants to treat mood-related issues, naprosyn for pain relief and various pills to treat sleeping problems. These artificially created pharmaceutical drugs can be very harmful via long-term use and even short term use. Luckily there has been greater support and recognition from women who have used marijuana to relieve their PMS symptoms dramatically. Even just a few inhales of pure marijuana smoke have had a massive corrective affect on these women. Tourettes Tourette Syndrome is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with prominent physical and vocal tics. Such tics include coughing, throat clearing, eye blinking, sniffing and various facial and head movements. A number of individuals who suffer from severe Tourettes report that they use marijuana quite regularly and that it calms and reduces the severity of their tics quite considerably. Many of the scientific research seems to point to the active ingredient delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as the main instigator on why marijuana is so helpful for Tourette sufferers.

Legalization Of Marijuana Marijuana Medicinal Use

One Response to Medical Marijuana

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Growing Cannabis
Growing Cannabis is the cultivation of the flowering plant cannabis for the production and enjoyment of its marijuana buds. What are these marijuana buds going to give both you and I?

Thats right! sweet, long, mind-blowing highs.

Im not sure if you know but growing marijuana has been around since the third millennium BC! It has been a major part of many cultures and societies around the world including India, the Middle East, Greece, China and the Americas. This beautiful plant has been held in very high esteem for its therapeutic and spiritual qualities but in recent times, especially in the Western world, it has had its name dragged in the mud. In the 20th Century the US government suddenly banished all legality from cannabis as they decided any cultivation, consumption and trading of cannabis to be prohibited and illegal. This decision has had its repercussions as laws against marijuana use spread like wild-fire throughout the rest of the world. Now for marijuana possession or growing you can be charged a small fine, be imprisoned or even executed depending on which state or territory in the world you are charged in. Does that seems totally ridiculous every time you think about it? Im not sure about you, but it sounds totally crazy to me. How can they justify charging someone over using a natural plant!? Alcohol causes far more damage than marijuana has the ability to do. Marijuana has been shown to cause people to become more relaxed and friendly whereas alcohol is a vehicle used by many to become more violent and confrontational. Have you ever heard of violence and confrontation caused by smoking marijuana? I didnt think so.

So its time that cannabis cultivation be celebrated and used in todays society. I want to offer some of the basics of growing cannabis and how aligning and augmenting with mother nature can offer amazing benefits for our health and wellbeing. Here are some of the key stages of soil-based cannabis growing:

Seed Germinating It must be said that germinating a cannabis seed is the easiest part of cultivating marijuana so why do so many people out there have some trepidation when they know they have to do it? It beats me! Once you get the right process down your germinating success rate with be over 95% for sure. The three essential conditions you want to have for the seeds are: darkness, moisture and warmth. The moisture part involves grabbing a paper towel, soaking it filtered water and placing the seeds very delicately in between this paper towel so the seed it covered completely. This is placed on a plate. The next two points, warmth and darkness, are then employed by positioning this plate with our cannabis seed in a place that is nice and dark and has a general warmth to it. A popular choice is some place like a cabinet drawer. After about 12 hours check that your paper towel is still moist, if it isnt just add a touch of filtered water to reintroduce some replenishing moisture for your seed. From here on in you should be checking your seed every seven to eight hours until you find that the outer shell of your marijuana seed has split and a white shoot has sprouted out for the centre of your seed. This can be the most exhilarating moments for beginner growers when learning how to grow cannabis as it the first measurable and direct result that they receive showing their time and effort are paying off for them. The germination stage of cannabis growing will take on average around 70 hours to complete and from there you place your freshly hatched seeds into its nurturing and welcoming growing medium.

Soil and Seedling Just like all plants, the marijuana plant is one that will flourish and thrive in an environment that is rich, nutrient dense and full of supportive, fresh life around it. You gotta think of the soil as the womb for the marijuana seeds that is going to create the most uplifting and earth shattering highs youll ever experience. All growers dedicated to growing this kind of weed invest in high grade quality soil. This usually comes in the form of an organic based soil which have many must needed micro-organisms that do all the unseen work of helping feed the plant the nutrients it needs.

So the marijuana grower will very gently place his newly germinated seed in the soil and inch or two down and keep it watered again with filtrated water until it sprouts. When it sprouts through the surface of the soil two small rounds petals will form and then over time will turn brown and die. This process is very normal, healthy and expected. It is at this point the sprout is called a seedling. The seedling is very delicate like a new-born baby. Incredible care and nurturance must be given so it can thrive and transmute energy into growing. If growing indoors, the use of compact fluorescent lights is highly recommended by professional growers as they exude very minimal light which is crucial for the delicate seedling. The part of this step that causes many cultivators huge pain when they awake to see their dying seedling is consistent watering. They must ensure as a grower that they supply consistent moisture to their plant and soil as these beautiful seedlings have only small root systems that have the tendency to dry out quite rapidly. During the Seedling stage the plant can also start to sex itself. The grower will determine the sex of the plant, remove the males, and if growing indoors he/she will configure the appropriate lighting ratio.

The Vegetative Plant The light whilst the marijuana plant is vegetating is maximized as much as can be. If growing indoors the plants receive at least 19 hours of light and if the plants are grown outdoors they soak up as much naturally sunlight as they can. The proper nutrients from a high quality soil are monumental at this point in the grow as this is the food that the plant feeds on to turn into a bud production for your smoking pleasure! All of the energy that the plants takes in from sunlight, nutrients and water is directed to ensure the growth of its precious leaves, stems and roots. This stage of the grow ends up taking around one to two months and as the root system becomes stronger and deeper so too does the rest of the plant above the soil. It is much like a human digestive system; when a persons digestive system is unhealthy the rest of that persons body, including vital organs, suffers. Many people ask how long EXACTLY does the vegetative part take when cultivating a cannabis plant indoors? US Policy on Drugs Driven by the Drug War, the U.S. prison population is six to ten times as high as most Western European nations. The United States is a close second only to Russia in its rate of incarceration per 100,000 people. In

2000, more than 734,000 people were arrested in this country for marijuana-related offenses alone.

Grow Marijuana Guide For over a decade, in fact since we started on the web in 1996 we have been looking for a brilliant Marijuana Grow Guide that we can refer to our legalization of marijuana visitors. We found it just the other day 08 October 2010. It rocks!! Over the last 15 years we have probably bought every grow guide available online and the best books from Amazon. Problem is they are all old. None are kept up to date, like 2010 up to date, not 2009. Indoor growing changes at a rapid rate. You need to know about the latest LED and HPS lighting, latest nutrients and hydroponic advancements. I just finished reading this 748 page marijuana grow guide. Everything is perfectly up to date and so easy to understand. This is a work of art, a work of love by the author Ryan Riley. Truly exceptional. Here, we offer the best grow guide on the planet The main features of this package:

748 pages of the most up-to-date grow information encompassing virtually everything you will ever need to know for how to grow your own mind blowing top calibre medical grade marijuana. It combines over 20+ years of growing medicinal marijuana (the highest standard of bud quality known today). Sticky and juicy. Breathtakingly beautiful high quality HD images, easy to understand plus essential charts, tables, and graphs that makes every step of growing and maintaining your marijuana plants so fun. Jam-packed, crystal clear information that even 80 year old grandmas could grow their own killer herb. Personally I would buy this book just for the bonus books, a couple I loved were The Stoners Cookbook The Stealth Guide Ganja Etiquette and 114 Homemade Smoking Devices Plans.

Check out this amazing deal. We promise you from 15 years experience you will not find better! Click here. The US war on drugs places great emphasis on arresting people for smoking marijuana. Since 1990, nearly 5.9 million Americans have been arrested on marijuana charges, a greater number than the entire

populations of Alaska, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming combined. In 2000, state and local law enforcement arrested 734,498 people for marijuana violations. This is an increase of 800 percent since 1980, and is the highest ever recorded by the FBI. As has been the case throughout the 1990s, the overwhelming majority of those charged with marijuana violations in 2000 646,042 Americans (88 %) were for simple possession. The remaining 12% (88,456 Americans) were for sale/manufacture, an FBI category which includes marijuana grown for personal use or purely medical purposes. These new FBI statistics indicate that one marijuana smoker is arrested every 45 seconds in America. Taken together, the total number of marijuana arrests for 2000 far exceeded the combined number of arrests for violent crimes, including murder, manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault. Like most Americans, people who smoke marijuana also pay taxes, love and support their families, and work hard to make a better life for their children. Suddenly they are arrested, jailed and treated like criminals solely because of their recreational drug of choice. State agencies frequently step in and declare children of marijuana smokers to be in danger, and many children are placed into foster homes as a result. This causes enormous pain, suffering and financial hardship for millions of American families. It also engenders distrust and disrespect for the law and for the criminal justice system overall. Responsible marijuana smokers present no threat or danger to America or its children, and there is no reason to treat them as criminals, or to take their children away. As a society we need to find ways to discourage personal conduct of all kinds that is abusive or harmful to others. Responsible marijuana smokers are not the problem and it is time to stop arresting them. Once all the facts are known, it becomes clear that Americas marijuana laws need reform. This issue must be openly debated using only the facts. Groundless claims, meaningless statistics, and exaggerated scare stories that have been peddled by politicians and prohibitionists for the last 60 years must be rejected. ANNUAL AMERICAN DEATHS CAUSED BY DRUGS TOBACCO 400,000 ALCOHOL 100,000 ALL LEGAL DRUGS .20,000 ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS .15,000 CAFFEINE .2,000

ASPIRIN 500 MARIJUANA . 0 Source: United States government, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics Like any substance, marijuana can be abused. The most common problem attributed to marijuana is frequent overuse, which can induce lethargic behaviour, but does not cause serious health problems. Marijuana can cause short-term memory loss, but only while under the influence. Marijuana does not impair long-term memory. Marijuana does not lead to harder drugs. Marijuana does not cause brain damage, genetic damage, or damage the immune system. Unlike alcohol, marijuana does not kill brain cells or induce violent behaviour. Continuous long-term smoking of marijuana can cause bronchitis, but the chance of contracting bronchitis from casual marijuana smoking is minuscule. Respiratory health hazards can be totally eliminated by consuming marijuana via non-smoking methods, i.e., ingesting marijuana via baked foods, tincture, or vaporizer. A 1997 UCLA School of Medicine study (Volume 155 of the American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine) conducted on 243 marijuana smokers over an 8-year period reported the following: Findings from the long-term study of heavy, habitual marijuana smokers argue against the concept that continuing heavy use of marijuana is a significant risk factor for the development of chronic lung disease. Neither the continuing nor the intermittent marijuana smokers exhibited any significantly different rates of decline in lung function as compared with those individuals who never smoked marijuana. The study concluded: No differences were noted between even quite heavy marijuana smoking and non-smoking of marijuana. Marijuana does not cause serious health problems like those caused by tobacco or alcohol (e.g., strong addiction, cancer, heart problems, birth defects, emphysema, liver damage, etc.). Death from a marijuana overdose is impossible. In all of world history, there has never been a single human death attributed to a health problem caused by marijuana. Legalize marijuana and life would be better for most people. Cool Sites Legalize Cannabis - Sites for and against marijuana.

Medical Marijuana - Find out the truth about medical marijuana at Medical Marijuana Blog. Vaporizer Premium herbal vaporizers at very low prices. Hydroponic Marijuana Grow unbelievable buds, which means you need to smoke less for a sensational stoned feeling. Marijuana Tea A great way to consume your greens in a lovely drink. Bongs and Pipes The worlds finest, high quality smoking paraphernalia. (Visited 511,560 times, 1,821 visits today) Is the legalization of marijuana valid? The debate over the legalization of Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been one of the most controversial issues ever to occur in the United States. Its use as a medicine has existed for thousands of years in many countries worldwide and is documented as far back as 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings. Marijuana should be legalized for several reasons. First, the government could earn money from taxes on its sale. Its value to the medical world outweighs its potential abuse, and because of its importance to the paper and clothing industries. Legalization should be considered despite efforts made by groups, which say marijuana is a harmful drug that will increase crime rates and lead users to other more dangerous substances.

Government could impose heavy taxation on it. The Marijuana Tax Act, which passed in 1937, coincidentally occurred just as the decoricator machine was invented. With this invention, hemp would have been able to take over competing industries almost instantaneously. William Hearst owned enormous acres of forest so his interest in preventing the growth of hemp can be easily explained. Competition from hemp would have easily driven the Hearst paper-manufacturing company out of business and significantly lowered the value of his land. DuPont's involvement in the anti-hemp campaign can also be explained with great ease. At this time, DuPont was patenting a new sulfuric acid process for producing wood-pulp paper. According to the company's own records, wood-pulp products ultimately accounted for more than 80% of all DuPont's railroad car loadings for the 50 years the Marijuana

Tax Act was passed. Two years before the prohibitive hemp tax in 1937, DuPont developed nylon which was a substitute for hemp rope. The year after the tax was passed DuPont came out with rayon, which would have been unable to compete with the strength of hemp fiber. DuPont's point man was Harry Anslinger, who was appointed to the FBN by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, who was also chairman of the Mellon Bank. Anslinger's relationship to Mellon wasn't just political, he was also married to Mellon's niece. The reasoning behind DuPont, Anslinger, and Hearst was not for any moral or health related issues. They fought to prevent the growth of this new industry so they wouldn't lose money. As we start the new century, people should be concentrating on the serious drugs like heroin and amphetamines. In the UK in 1991, 42,209 people were convicted of marijuana charges, clogging courts and overcrowding prisons, and almost 90 percent of drug offenses involve cannabis. The British government spends 500 million pounds a year on "overall responses to drugs" but receives no taxes from the estimated 1.8 billion pound illegal drug market. Figures like this can be seen in the United States as well. The United States spends billions of dollars annually on the war on drugs. If the government were to legalize marijuana, it could reasonably place high taxes on it because people are used to buying marijuana at high prices created by the risks of selling marijuana illegally. It could be sold at a convenient store just like a pack of cigarettes for less than someone would pay now, but still yield a high profit because of easy growing requirements. An entire industry could be created out of hemp based products. The oils extracted from the seeds could be used for fuels and the hemp fiber, a fiber valued for its strength that it is used to judge the quality of other fibers, could be manufactured into ropes, clothing, or paper. Most importantly, the money the government would make from taxes could be used for more important things, such as serious drugs or the national debt. The recreational use of marijuana would not stimulate crime like some would argue. The crime rate in Amsterdam, where marijuana is legal, is lower than many major US cities. Full Marijuana Tax Act Medical Benefits. The American Medical Association tried to argue for the medical benefits of hemp. Marijuana is actually less dangerous than alcohol, cigarettes, and even most over-the-counter medicines or prescriptions. Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care. For marijuana to be illegal in the United States when alcohol poisoning is a major cause of death in this country and approximately 400,000 premature deaths are attributed to cigarettes annually. A Person that drinks an extreme amount of alcohol will experience and inability to stand or walk without help and may result in unconsciousness or death. Even though these effects occur only under an extreme amount of alcohol consumption, the fact is smoking extreme amounts of marijuana will do nothing more than put someone to sleep, while drinking excessive amounts of alcohol will kill someone. The most profound activist for marijuana's use as a medicine is Dr. Lester Grinspoon, author of Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine. According to Grinspoon, "The only well confirmed negative effect of marijuana is caused by the smoke, which contains three times more tars and five times more carbon monoxide than tobacco. But even the heaviest marijuana smokers rarely use as much as an average tobacco smoker." Marijuana also relieves nausea suffered by cancer patients undergoing powerful chemotherapy. It is also used by patients who have multiple sclerosis and AIDS. Marijuana also proved to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma because its use lowers pressure on the eye.

Information site An other information site And in conclusion. Marijuana supports can expect strong opposition from companies like DuPont and paper manufacturers but the selfishness of these corporations should not prevent its use in society like it did in the 1930's. Regardless of what these organizations will say about marijuana, the fact is it has the potential to become one of the most useful substances in the entire world. If people took action and the government legalized it today, we will immediately see benefits from this decision. People suffering from illnesses ranging from manic depression to Multiple Sclerosis would be able to experience relief. The government could make billions of dollars off of the taxes it could impose on its sale, and its implementation into the industrial world would create thousands of new jobs for the economy. Also, because of its role in paper making, the rain forests of South America can be saved from their current fate of extinction. No recorded deaths have ever occurred as a result of marijuana use, it is not physically addictive like alcohol or tobacco, and most doctors will agree it is safer to use than those substances . Marijuana being illegal has no validity at all. Due to all the positive aspects of marijuana it should be legalized in the United States. Some useful information

USENET newsgroup that can be very helpfully and informative. Check it out

See the number of Deaths in car accidents due to Marijuana and Alcohol

See a poll conducted in the streets of Washington DC.

Also check out our bibliography. Click here

101 reasons to legalize marijauna

Monday, June 11, 2007

101 Reasons to legalize marijuana 1 Marijuana grows naturally. Making something that is natural illegal is unnatural. 2 Marijuana is discriminated against by legislators that are too scared of being referred to as a druggie. Legislators wont stand up for what they believe in, only the self interest of the corporations they represent. 3 Marijuana does not cause death.

4 Marijuanas active ingredient THC is less toxic than nicotine. 5 Marijuana is not addictive. 6 Marijuana can be used to make hemp and other products such as paper (no more tree chopping) clothing, and rope. We can also make marijuana oil which can be used as a renewable fuel. 7 Legalizing marijuana will cause a sudden drop in need for beer. Wine wont be affected as much as beer. Beer consumption will plummet. 8 There are more people in jail for drugs then there are other criminals. 9 Marijuana is an issue of public health, not the police. 10 Billions of dollars are spent on the war on drugs each year. IT destroy families and ruins lives. 11 Marijuana being legal will cause a sudden drop in using other harder drugs such as methamphetamines, barbiturates, heroin, alcohol and cocaine. 12 Alcohol and cigarettes kill more people a year than war. 13 People still drink and smoke regardless of the warnings. 14 Teenagers and children are lied to about marijuana by uninformed uneducated parents and propaganda. 15 anti marijuana legislation and TV propaganda are funded by the lobbyists that have interest in alcohol and timber. 16 cultivating marijuana will cause a spike in economic growth for more and more plantations of marijuana. 17 the cultivation of marijuana will create jobs for low income families. 18 the price of marijuana will plummet form 100 an ounce to 5 dollars an ounce 19 The US government is losing billions in tax revenue. 20 The US has more people in prison than any other country 21 The US is a few trillion dollars in debt

22 Marijuana can help HIV victims eat and sleep. 23 Marijuana can reverse the effects of crystal meth by making the person hungry and tired. 24 Marijuana does not impair your ability to drive as much as alcohol, however operating machinery driving and using power tools isnt a good idea while using the plant. 25 Congress was lied to by yellow journalism 26 Marijuana is legal in Amsterdam and is on the way of being legal in Canada. Both countries have far less crime than the US. 27 Marijuana can be fermented into alcohol which burns cleaner than oil. 28 Africa can be the worlds largest supplier of hemp. 29 The US can spend the tax dollars generated by marijuana to fund a universal public health care system 30 Treatment of marijuana should increase instead of sending people to jail. 31 Mandatory minimum sentences should be outlawed. MMS only hurt the innocent while protecting the self interest of corporations. 32 Marijuana grows in the privacy of peoples homes ? 33 Marijuanas fibers are an economical god send. 34 Marijuana use is in the bible. Genesis gave mankind the power over every land, sea, and animal. Not to mention every seed bearing plant. (Marijuana is a seed bearing plant) 35 Marijuana is not a gateway drug. 36 Marijuana does not cause cancer 37 Tobacco users will still get their nicotine from cigarettes. 38 By definition, Nicotine, Aspirin, Alcohol and THC are drugs. There are more drug users then there are non drug users. 39 Marijuana and alcohol cause short term memory loss. Alcohol destroys your liver, THC doesnt.

40 Marijuana can be used to help alleviate pain and suffering humanely. 41 People who dont want marijuana legal have a drug of choice. 42 No one cares about other peoples problems. 43 Your teenager will try marijuana no matter what you do. 44 Your teen has a better chance of dieing from alcohol or becoming pregnant then they do messing up their lives form marijuana. 45 using marijuana does not support terrorism. 46 Jamestown, Virginia had a law enacted stating that framers shall produce marijuana and sow the seeds everywhere. 47 Jamestown, Virginia was created 20 years before the Puritans sailed to New England. 48 It is human nature to seek pleasure. 49 There are more people using marijuana than people know. 50 Marijuana is used in world religions. Jesus Christ himself used the plant. 51 Christians dont know Jesus was a stoner. 52 It is a plant. It is no more harmful than dandelions. 53 There are anti marijuana commercials but never commercials for anti drinking nor are their commercials for anti cocaine. 54 Cigarette companies are putting more nicotine in their products since more and more people are being killed and are quitting. 55 It cost more to smoke cigarettes than it does to smoke marijuana. 56 Marijuana can cure insomnia. 57 Marijuana does not kill brain cells, it only blocks receptors. 58 Marijuana will not hurt a fetus; it is not a good idea to have a child. Get an abortion and light up a joint.

59 Marijuana does not lower your immune system. 60 Marijuana smoke isnt as bad as Cigarette smoke. Cigarettes have more carcinogens. 61 You can not overdose on marijuana. 62 Marijuana does not make you lazy 63 It is rare to cause toxic psychosis, but this is rare and usual stops in an hour or so. 64 Marijuana has the same potency as it does in the 60s 65 There is no supporting evidence to date that shows drug prevention is working. So far it seems to only increase curiosity. 66 Marijuana increases heart rate and blood pressure more than cigarettes do. This is true. It doesnt harden arteries like cigarettes however. 67 Marijuana is offered to people by their friends or people they know. It is ok for these kids to say no and still be socially accepted. Most kids who try marijuana like it. Some shit their pants. Parents should talk to their kids at early stages. 68 Pot brownies accidentally convert people to pot smokers. This is true in my case. Im fat I will never turn down a brownie. I didnt know it had ganja in it! Oh man I was missing out. 69 Your parents tried marijuana! 70 So did your grandparents! 71 According to the NIDA, 1 in 6 10th grades use marijuana, 1 in 4 seniors of high schoolers use marijuana. 72 Marijuana smokers normally hang out with other smokers. People pay a premium and party; the owners collect the benefits and have a great time. This is normal. 73 Marijuana ranges in potency, it can be American skunker (grown in basements) or it can be white widow (the strongest known). White Widow is the rarest of weed, but if smoked, you will need a wheel chair. 74 Marijuana can grow in most climates.

75 Marijuana inspires painters to pain, writers to write, and musicians to music or sing. 76 Marijuana is fibrous meaning that its fibers can be used to manufacture textiles. 77 There are patented machines that were designed to cultivate hemp which now remain useless since they are obsolete. 78 Marijuana will make the US less materialistic. 79 Marijuana is biodegradable. 80 Marijuana is a renewable resource that can help us prevent global warming. 81 Marijuana, if legal, will create a less of demand for harder drugs, thus eliminating cocaine. 82 With a nationwide health care plan, and marijuana being legal, GSK and other pharmaceutical monopolies will lose billions! 83 Marijuana can eliminate hostility in aggressive people. For example, if you were to give hostile criminals marijuana, they wont be hostile. 84 Psychologists could study deeper human motives while the patient was high on marijuana. This has since been stopped since the marijuana ban. 85 The US government could have an economic overhaul if they legalized marijuana. 86 how can people criticize something they never tried? 87 Marijuana can create an agriculture spike in demand for labor, thus allowing more jobs for immigrants. 88 Indoor growth in peoples houses will stop since technically it is not worth growing indoors if it were legal. 89 The price of marijuana will drop allowing drug dealers to do something else. 90 The US state stores, where they sell alcohol can sell marijuana as well. 91 With the sudden drop in people in jail for non-violent crimes will cause states to have more revenue since they dont have to pay to keep innocent people in jail. 92 the extra funding grated to states will allow for increase treatment for addiction to harder drugs.

93 If legalized marijuana will become the drug of choice over Cigarettes and alcohol. 94 States with the extra revenue can place more funding into schools telling people not to do drugs. 95 Job training can be provided to low income families with zero expense to the tax payers. All funded by the taxation of marijuana. 96 States can make legislation stating that cultivation of marijuana should be regulated with a license to grow. Licenses will allow people to pay taxes on the marijuana they produce. 97 Tax stamps can also produce revenue on states that are too large or to populated to regulate cultivation. 98 Marijuana is an excellent party drug. For thousands of years mankind used marijuana as an intoxicant. 99 Marijuana, despite what you heard, is a lot of fun. 100 Marijuana is the only drug that, if made stronger, still can not kill you. 101 Marijuana can create stronger family ties by relieving stress form the work environment. Posted by MX at 11:00 AM 99 comments Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

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Reasons Marijuana should be legalized

Discussion in 'Legalization/Decriminalization' started by Lukeaxx, Dec 27, 2009.
1. Dec 27, 2009 Post # 1

Lukeaxx Sr. Member

42.0 Reasons for Marijuana Legalization

1- Its a plant and 100% natural, not man-made and not owned by anyone

2- It is much less addictive than tobacco and alcohol, two legal substances, and is easier to quit if someone is hooked on it, because there are no physical cravings.

3- According to a poll 53% of the population support legalization. In a democracy, shouldn't the mass vote be the one followed? Otherwise, what happened to the democracy?

Most Americans support legalizing marijuana: poll | Raw Story

4- Marijuana causes people to relax, it does not cause violence unlike Alcohol. The only violence ever caused due to Marijuana is because of its criminalization. Well I don't really need evidence for this one, anyone who has ever taken it, seen someone high or even heard about someone being high should know its relaxing. 5- It is practically impossible to overdose on Marijuana. In order for a human to consume enough marijuana to be fatal, they would have to consume nearly 40,000 times the amount of THC required to intoxicate them. In contrast, it only requires about 5 to 10 times the amount of alcohol required to intoxicate, to be fatal. For example, if it

requires 3 beers to intoxicate you, it only requires 15 to 30 beers to kill you. However, if it takes you 3 'hits' of marijuana to intoxicate you, it would require 120,000 hits to kill you. Thus, it is virtually impossible to die of a marijuana overdose. 6- Prohibitation has essentially backfired. A lot of people still take it and all it does now is supply money to gangs and criminals. Legalization would take A lot of money away from street gangs. Don't really need evidence for this one, its kind of a state the obvious. 7- 750,000 individuals a year are arrested for the use or distribution of Marijuana. At the same time 37.4% of murders go unsolved, that is 6,035 people (roughly) who get away with murder. (Verified by the FBI) Crimes units have much better things to do than enforce a pointless law. 8- Here's a big reason it should be legalized. Give me one good reason it should be illegal. The only one I could find in the UK (where I come from, I have a mix of American and UK statistics, but the countries are generally the same on everything but gun laws.) is that it is "subject to misuse". But so is Alcohol, Caffeine and Tobacco, and they are legal. Either the government is stupid, or hypocritical. Probably both. 9- Marijuana legalization would blast the economy forwards, it could be taxed (and most cannabis users would be perfectly willing to have that.), it would be sold using legitimate means, hemp and cannabis would both create many businesses and could be used for exports and imports. Keeping it illegal is hurting the economy, because money is wasted enforcing laws. 10- Some religions use Marijuana. What right does the government have to take away peoples religious beliefs, some kind of democracy when that is the case to be honest? 11- The Black Market is where people get cannabis. This gives money to

the black market, meaning: Gangs, Arms Dealers etc.. Are all profiting from the criminalization of Marijuana. 12- In the UK cannabis distribution can earn you up to 14 years in prison. In the UK many people get 5-10 years for Grievous Bodily Harm. Does that seem right to you? 13- Liberty. In America, and the UK, the government constantly preaches liberty, and the conservation of Human rights. How is telling us what we can and cant put in our own bodies, when they do not affect anyone else? That is worse than Fascism. 14- Most people who use Cannabis are against harder drugs; just check these forums for the evidence of that one. Heroin users and Cocaine users, usually start out with Alcohol addictions. 15- The Bible: The lord said unto me, 'I will take my rest and i will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs.' - Isaiah 18:4-5 Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of this earth. - Genesis 1:29-31 He causes the grass to grow for cattle, and herb for the service of man. Psalm 10:14

16- there are no long-term effects to using cannabis in a safe way (Vaporizer or Cooking), and the effects from smoking it in a joint, pipe or bong are very minute in comparison to many legal things. 17- If it is not hurting anyone, why is it illegal?

20- Marijuana can be used medically, to aid in pain relief, stress relief, anti depression and to reduce effects of chemotherapy. If you have ever experienced having to watch someone go through chemo, or experienced it yourself, you would wish for anything to make them feel better, it is awful. Most legal prescription drugs have: (the examples are only one example out of a group of many.) A- Side effects - Aspirin thins the blood quite dramatically, causing 400,000 deaths a year B- Overdose - It is possible to overdose on many legal drugs, such as Paracetamol for example. C- Addiction - Most Anti Depressants or Stress Relievers are actually very addictive. 21- Police officers get a bad reputation for arresting and putting innocent marijuana users in jail, when it is the governments fault, they just have to do their job. 22- Legalization would eliminate "lacing". The act of putting a different drug on a stash and then selling it on the black market for more, because the effect is a lot more powerful (and potentially dangerous) 23- There would be less underage users, because it is primarily on the black market, children can get it easier than if it were monitored. Granted children could still access it, as is the same with cigarettes, but it would be more difficult. 24- 1 acre of cannabis/hemp will produce just as much paper as 4 acres of trees. And will grow back much faster. 25- Cannabis can be used as an efficient renewable source of fuel, is that not what the world is in a current crisis looking for?

26- Cannabis doesn't need pesticides to grow; it grows pretty fine by itself. 27- Although drinking while stoned is stupid, you can argue as much as you want, it does impair your driving skills. But one glass of wine will impair your driving skills much more than one joint. (Either way, be safe, don't do either.) Why is Marijuana Illegal?

Top 7 Reasons
By Tom Head, Guide
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drug policy marijuana

From a prohibition-based perspective, marijuana is illegal in the United States primarily for these seven reasons. 1. It is perceived as addictive. Under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug on the basis that is has "a high potential for abuse." What does this mean? It means that the perception is that people get on marijuana, they get hooked and become "potheads," and it begins to dominate their lives. This unquestionably happens in some cases. But it also happens in the case of alcohol--and alcohol is perfectly legal. In order to fight this argument for prohibition, legalization advocates need to make the argument that marijuana is not as addictive as government sources claim. Ads

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2. It has "no accepted medical use." Marijuana seems to yield considerable medical benefits for many Americans with ailments ranging from glaucoma to cancer, but these benefits have not been accepted well enough, on a national level. Medical use of marijuana remains a serious national controversy. In order to fight the argument that marijuana has no medical use, legalization advocates need to highlight the effects it has had on the lives of people who have used the drug for medical reasons. 3. It has been historically linked with narcotics, such as heroin. Early antidrug laws were written to regulate narcotics--opium and its derivatives, such as heroin and morphine. Marijuana, though not a narcotic, was described as such--along with cocaine. The association stuck, and there is now a vast gulf in the American consciousness between "normal" recreational drugs, such as alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, and "abnormal" recreational drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Marijuana is generally associated with the latter category, which is why it can be convincingly portrayed as a "gateway drug." 4. It is associated with unfashionable lifestyles. Marijuana is often thought of as a drug for hippies and losers. Since it's hard to feel enthusiastic about the prospects of enabling people to become hippies and losers, imposing criminal sanctions for marijuana possession functions as a form of communal "tough love." 5. It was once associated with oppressed ethnic groups. The intense anti-marijuana movement of the 1930s dovetailed nicely with the intense anti-Chicano movement of the 1930s. Marijuana was associated with Mexican Americans, and a ban on marijuana was seen as a way of discouraging Mexican-American subcultures from developing. Today, thanks in large part to the very public popularity of marijuana among whites during the 1960s and 1970s, marijuana is no longer seen as what one might call an ethnic drug--but the groundwork for the anti-marijuana movement was laid down at a time when marijuana was seen as an encroachment on the U.S. majority-white culture. 6. Inertia is a powerful force in public policy. If something has been banned for only a short period of time, then the ban is seen as unstable. If something has been banned for a long time, however, then the ban--no matter how ill-conceived it might be--tends to go unenforced long before it is actually taken off the books. Take the ban on sodomy, for example. It hasn't really been enforced in any serious way since the 18th century, but most states technically banned same-sex sexual intercourse until the Supreme Court ruled such bans unconstitutional in Lawrence v. Texas (2003).

People tend to be comfortable with the status quo--and the status quo, for nearly a century, has been a literal or de facto federal ban on marijuana. 7. Advocates for marijuana legalization rarely present an appealing case. To hear some advocates of marijuana legalization say it, the drug cures diseases while it promotes creativity, open-mindedness, moral progression, and a closer relationship with God and/or the cosmos. That sounds incredibly foolish, particularly when the public image of a marijuana user is, again, that of a loser who risks arrest and imprisonment so that he or she can artificially invoke an endorphin release. A much better argument for marijuana legalization, from my vantage point, would go more like this: "It makes some people happy, and it doesn't seem to be any more dangerous than alcohol. Do we really want to go around putting people in prison and destroying their lives over this?" 28- Cannabis has been illegal for less than 1% of the time it has actually been used.

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