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European Conference on "Later Learning in Adult Education and its Role in Europes Development Challenges, Concepts, Benefits" English

h version follows Learning Community lieta di segnalare, nellambito del progetto AGE ON STAGE, la C onferenza Europea Later Learning in Adult Education and its Role in Europes Devel opment Challenges, Concepts, Benefits che si terr il 21-22 Giugno a Graz (Austria) organizzata da E.N.T.E.R. - European Network for Transfer and Exploitation of E U Project Results in collaborazione con lEurope Direct Information Network Styria European Office of the Province of Styria (Austria) . Durante la conferenza ver r mostrata una piattaforma ideale, realizzata nellambito del progetto, nella quale target group (discenti adulti, persone che lavorano con adulti, ricercatori, fo rmatori e persone interessate a progetti europei) e stakeholders potranno discu tere i temi chiave dellanno europeo dellinvecchiamento attivo (2012) e trovare mag giori informazioni riguardo ai progetti inseriti tra le 30 buone pratiche selezi onate. Ricordiamo che tra questi presente il Progetto LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development LAB 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP coordinato da Learning Comm unity. Le lingue di lavoro dellevento saranno inglese e tedesco con traduzione simultane a. La conferenza si terr allAustria Trend Hotel Europa a Graz (Bahnhofgrtel 89, A8020 Graz).

Per alloggio e prenotazione contattare Tel +43 316 7076-0 Fax +43 316 7076-606 Email:

Il format di prenotazione alla partecipazione della conferenza scaricabile da ht tp://

Per altre informazioni contattare Ms. Petra Kampf E.N.T.E.R. Geidorfplatz 2 . 8010 Graz . Austria Tel: +43 316 329005 . Mobile: +43 664 6203506 . Fax:+43 316 329006 Email:

Learning Community is glad to inform that, about the AGE ON STAGE Project, organ ized by E.N.T.E.R. - European Network for Transfer and Exploitation of EU Projec t Results in cooperation with lEurope Direct Information Network Styria European

Office of the Province of Styria (Austria), the European Conference Later Learni ng in Adult Education and its Role in Europes Development Challenges, Concepts, B enefits will be held the 21-22 June at Graz (Austria). During the conference, an ideal platform will be presented for the target groups (senior learners, people working with seniors, researchers, trainers and adult educators plus people inte rested in European cooperation projects) and stakeholders. This platform will al low them to discuss not only important topics regarding active ageing (the year 2012 is the european years of active aging and intergenerational solidarity) but also to gain information about 30 selected best practice projects concerning la ter learning. We remind that the Project LEADLAB Leading Elderly and Adult Development LAB 502 057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP (, coordinates by Learning Community is one of this 30 best practices. The work language will be english and german with simultaneous translation. The conference will take place at the Austria Trend Hotel Europa Graz (Bahnhofgrtel 8 9, A-8020 Graz).

For the accomodation and reservation: Tel +43 316 7076-0 Fax +43 316 7076-606 Email:

Registration forms can be downloaded at:

For further information Ms. Petra Kampf E.N.T.E.R. Geidorfplatz 2 . 8010 Graz . Austria Tel: +43 316 329005 . Mobile: +43 664 6203506 . Fax:+43 316 329006 Email:

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