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Drug Study
Drug Name Diazepam 4.2mg IV Anxiolytic Antiepileptic Skeletal muscle relaxant Benzodiazepine Mechanism of Action Acts mainly at the limbic system & reticular formation; may act in spinal cord and at the supra-spinal sites to produce skeletal muscle relaxation The drug is a member of benzodiazepine tranquilizers which exerts anxiolytic, sedative, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant and amnesic effects; potentiates the effects of GABA. General CNS depressant; barbiturates inhibit impulse conduction in the ascending RAS, depress the Indications Muscle Relaxant: Adjunct for relief of skeletal muscle spasm due to local pathology (inflammation of muscles or joints) or 20 to trauma. Antiepileptic: Adjunct in status epilepticus and severe recurrent convulsive seizures. Contraindications Adverse/Side Effects Contraindicated with The most common hypersensitivity to reported adverse benzodiazepines; effects are: psychoses, shock, Fatigue coma, acute alcoholic Drowsiness intoxication, Muscle pregnancy, and weakness lactation. Nursing Responsibility Practice the 10 Rs of drug administration Maybe taken with or without food Monitor liver and renal function Caregiver should report severe dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and rash or skin lesions, palpitations, and dysuria.

Phenobarbital 35mg IV q120 Barbiturate Sedative Hypnotic Antiepileptic

Indicated for the treatment of generalized tonicclonic and cortical focal seizures and emergency control of

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to barbiturates. Use cautiously with seizure disorders (abrupt

Confusion, lethargy, hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, rashes, stevenjohnson syndrome, hypoventilation,

Practice the 10 Rs of drug administration The drug will make the patient drowsy and less anxious Do not reduce or

Paracetamol 140mg IV q40 Analgesic Antipyretic

cerebral cortex, alter cerebellar function, depress motor output, and produce excitation, sedation, hypnosis, anesthesia, and deep coma; at subhypnotic doses, has anti-seizure activity, making it suitable for long term use as an antiepileptic. Reduces fever by acting directly in the hypothalamic heatregulating center to cause vasodilation and sweating which help dissipate heat.

acute seizures.

discontinuation of daily doses can result in status epilepticus).

apnea, respiratory depression, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, circulatory collapse, withdrawal syndrome.

discontinue(abrupt discontinuation could result in serious increase in seizures. Report severe dizziness, weakness, dizziness that persists, rash or skin lesions, fever, sore throat, mouth sores, easy bruising or bleeding, nosebleed, petechiae. Practice the 10 Rs of drug administration Give drug with food if GI upset occurs Discontinue the drug if hypersensitivity occurs. Give the drug only for complains evident Report rash, unusual bleeding or bruising, yellowing of eyes or skin and changes in

Common cold, flu, other viral and bacterial infections with pain and fever

Contraindicated to clients with allergies to acetaminophen. Use caustiously with impaired hepatic function.

Headache, chest pain, dyspnea, jaundice, Rash, fever, Hepatic toxicity and failure, acute renal failure, myocardial damage, hematuria, anuria, neutropenia, leucopenia, hypoglycemia. pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia.

Phenytoin 6mL PO q120 Antiepileptic Antiarrhythmic, group 1b Hydantoin

Has antiepileptic activity without causing general CNS depreesion; stabilizes neuronal membranes and prevents hyperexcitability caused by excessive stimulation; limits the spread of seizure activity from an active focus.

Indicated to control grand mal and psychomotor seizures.

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to hydantoins, sinus bradycardia, sinoatrial block, stokes-adams syndrome. Use cautiously with hypotension, severe myovardial insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia.

Slurred speech, mental confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, CV collapse, SLE, steven-johnson syndrome, nausea, gingival hyperplasia, liver damage.

voiding patterns. Document every abnormal or unusual effects after drug administration. Practice the 10 Rs of drug administration May give with or without food Do not discontinue drug abruptly, except on the advice of the health care provider Maintain good oral hygiene (regular brushing) to prevent gum disease Report rash, severe nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, slurred speech, impaired coordination (ataxia), swollen glands, bleeding, tender gums, yellowish discoloration of eyes or skin, fever, malaise

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