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Soy milk is a nutritious beverage from the second century BC was made in China.

From China to Japan and then developed after World War II berkembeng to ASEAN countries. But the development of soy milk in Indonesia is still far behind in comparison with neighboring countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Filipinos.Filipinos in Malaysia and since 1952 has been developed soy milk under the trade name "Vitabean" which has been fortified with vitamins and minerals. Most of the Filipinos soy milk known as "Philsoy". (Tri Radiyati, 1992:15) Products such as soy milk is cow's milk, but is made from soy extracts. Soy milk was obtained by grinding soy beans that have been soaked in water. The results of milling and then filtered to obtain filtrate is then simmer and flavored to enhance taste. Soy milk proteins have similar amino acid composition of cow's milk so it is good for cow's milk substitute for those with allergies (lactose intolerance) or for those who do not like cow's milk. To obtain soy milk is good and decent human consumption, in need of the following requirements: 1. Free from unpleasant taste Unpleasant taste is the characteristic flavor of raw soybeans and generally not spoiled by the community. Unpleasant taste caused by the action of the enzyme lipoksigenase found in soy beans. 2. Free Antritripsin 3. Soybeans steady stability To get the soy milk with good colloidal stability can be done by: a. Adding emulsifier b. Temperature regulation processing and storage c. Homogenization d. Regulation of protein levels (FG. Winarno, 1984:37) A. Liquid Soy Milk Soy milk can be made using simple technology and equipment that do not require high skills and modern technology in the factory. Quality requirements for soy milk in Indonesia have not been there, but outside the country have set quality standards in the soy milk as follows: protein content of at least 3%, 3% fat content, total solids content of 10%, and maximum bacterial content of 300 calories and not pergramcolli bacteria.

Nowadays many ways that can be used to make soy milk with good results. Below is described some common methods in use in the manufacture of soy milk for human beverages, namely: A. Methods Llinois This method was developed by Nelson (1979) from University Llinois, so-called method of llinois in the manufacture of soy milk. 2. Methods Pusbangtepa This method was developed by the Food Technology Development Center (Pusbangtepa / FTDC.IPB.Bogor) as a package of food industries to rural areas. 3. Simple Method This method is relatively simpler than the two previous methods and can be used for a much smaller scale. 4. Modern Ways In soy milk processing industry in a modern series of processes that are used continuously. That is, the raw material in the form of intact soy incorporated into a set of processing machines and produce soy milk products that have been packaged and ready for use.

B. Soy Milk Powder In addition to the liquid form, can also be made of soy milk in powdered form (powder) which is generally done by spray drying (spray drying). In addition, soy milk powder can be processed further into instant soy milk powder with instanisasi process. Spray Drying Spray drying is a process of change from a liquid material to form dry particles by a process of spraying material into the hot dry air. There are three important elements in the spray drying of "atomizer", the drying chamber and the collecting system of particles that have been dried. Each of these elements masimg require certain conditions are highly dependent on the nature of the material to be dried. Spraydrying process consists of four stages, namely: A. Atomization or spraying materials through an atomizer 2. Contact between wet particles with air 3. Evaporation of water from wet particles 4. Separation of particles from the air dried

Instanisasi aims to enhance the reconstitution of milk. The principle is to wet the surface of the particles of milk powder with water, steam or a combination thereof resulting aglomelasi milk and flour to form particles that swell and stick together to form clots. The next process is drying quickly return the lump, followed by size reduction or reduction.

10 Soy Milk Benefits You Need to Know SEPTEMBER 13, 2009 tags: Anti-Cancer, the results of the study, soybean, Savor A. Lactose Intolerensi overcome. Mother's Milk (ASI) is the best food and drinks as well as natural for most bayi.Yang clean, nutritious, and inexpensive. However, due to various constraints or reasons, not least the mother is trying to replace breast milk with cow's milk. In fact, in reality many children, especially toddlers allergic to cow's milk. The response can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms. This is a sign of the digestive system is not able to digest and absorb lactose (milk fat) as well. Such a condition known as lactose intolerance, lactase enzyme due to the limited functioning in the body break down lactose into glucose and galactose (monosaccharide) that is more easily digested intestine. As an alternative, soy milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk and breast milk beverage for toddlers. One of the advantages of soy milk compared with cow's milk is, the absence of milk lactose. Therefore, children allergic to cow's milk is recommended to consume soy milk; as well as for adults who are allergic to cow's milk. Especially for children, soy milk should be given after a child aged over one year. 250 500 ml portions enough. or 1-2 glasses per day. Two glasses of soy milk are able to supply 30% of daily protein

requirements for infants. Soy milk can be given after or before meals, depending on the habits and tastes of children. 2.Minumam for People with Autism. Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs in childhood, thus making a person incapable of social interaction and as if living in a world of his own. Autism in children is usually called the Autism Infatil. People with autism should not mengkosumsi foods that contain casein (milk protein) and Glutein (protein powder). Because in addition it is difficult to digest, foods that contain both types of proteins can lead to impaired brain function. If the consumption behavior of people with autism will be more hyperactive. Casein sources derived from animal milk (cow milk) and a wide range of products, like cheese and cream. For people with Autism, Milk Cows can be replaced with Soy Milk. Thus, people with autism continue to be the input protein, vitamins, and minerals are sufficient. The most important thing of all, soy milk does not contain casein and Glutein. 3. Drinks for Vegetarian Vegetarian is a person who adheres to abstain from eating meat, including other food products of animal origin seoerti eggs, milk and processed products. But in fact the very vegetarianpun require animalsource nutrients are a source of high nutrition for growth and development of the human body. For vegetarians, soy milk can be served as a main drink. In addition to delicious and refreshing taste, nutritional value is not inferior to cow's milk. Soy milk is a beverage source of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and provitamin A), the source of minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorus), the source of carbohydrates, protein sources, and sources of fat).

Blood Cholesterol Levels 4.Mengurangi. Cholesterol in the body would join the protein, forming compounds called lipoproteins; which consists of two types of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). LDL cholesterol is known as the Evil One, because it often leads to the buildup of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the arteries. Sementera HDL cholesterol is known as the Good, as it serves to clean cholesterol in the arterial wall and bring back the place precautionary cholesterol is broken down and secreted. Soy milk can block the bad cholesterol (LDL), because the milk contains soy lecithin; that is emulsify (dissolve) cholesterol in the blood, so there is no narrowing and blockage.Properties of lecithin have been studied by Dr. Edward and published in Biocontrol News and Information, Discover & Science News. Besides lecithin; Nutritional other substances that can demolish the cholesterol is Isoflavones act as antioxidants and to increase HDL. If America Heart Association research shows Soy Milk consumption during the three months to increase HDL an average of 4.7%. 5. Prevent Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, Coronary Heart, and Stroke. Besides lecithin and isoflavones, soy milk also contains Vitamin E (Tocopherol) which can also help prevent Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke. Vitamin E is also capable of preventing oxidation of LDL cholesterol; so as not to cause plaques that cause blockage of the arteries, and rejuvenates aging arteries, making it more elastic and prevent Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Research at Harvard University, showing them that getting Vitamin E 200 IU / day; the risk of severe cardiovascular disorders have decreased by 34%. Folic acid content and Vitamin B6 in soy milk can also prevent heart disease.

Fortunately again Soy milk contains mineral magnesium is able to regulate one's blood pressure. Not only that, the Jerry L. penilitian Nadler of the City of Hope Medical Center - California; mention Magnesium can inhibit the release of Thromboxane - a substance that makes platelets (blood fragments) becomes more sticky and easy to form a clot, so as to prevent the rise in blood pressure and prevent stroke and heart problems. 6. Preventing Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes mellitus arises because the body lacks insulin; which resulted in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, fat, water, and electrolytes. Soy milk containing the amino acid glycine and Amino Acids Arginine Insulin is able to maintain balance. In addition, the protein in soy milk is more easily accepted kidneys compared with animal protein. Soy milk is good because it is consumed by people with diabetes mellitus. 7. Menopause and Osteoporosis Prevent inhibitory. Despite the natural prose, not a few women feel scared and worried about facing menopause. This is reasonable because the process is characterized by cessation of menstrual cycles that often cause psychological and physical disorders that are very disturbing; both before and after entering it. Cessation of the menstrual cycle in women menopause is influenced by the hormone estrogen produced by the ovarian gland. Therefore, medical therapy is usually given is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Although powerful enough to overcome some of the menopause syndrome, but in the long term can cause health problems; including breast cancer (33%), stroke (49.1%), Thromboemboli (125.3%), and Jantug disease (34.4%) - (Woman Health InitiaiveUSA). Solutions that can be done is constantly looking for and researching Fito-Estrogen or

Estrogen derived from plants. One of them is shown to effectively cope with menopause syndrome is isoflavones contained in soy milk. Besides it's cheap; products have also been known to the public. Besides isoflavones, soy milk nutrient that can inhibit the menopause is Vitamin E; is useful to keep the balance of hormones that slow the occurrence of menopause.Natural Vitamin E is more readily absorbed than synthetic Vitamin E. Besides being able to prevent menopause, it can prevent Osteoporosis Isoflavones; to stimulate the osteoblastic activity of estrogen receptors, and increases production of growth hormone - (insuline Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). Consuming Soy Milk on a regular basis to maintain the skull and spine . (Susan M.Potter-University of Illinois - USA) 8. Preventing Migraine Migraine is also known as recurrent headaches and is idiopathic (arising by itself with no known cause); and be recurrent. The disease is more common in females as males (3: 1). The main factor is the hormonal cycle in women. With its idiopathic migraine is associated with biochemical changes. Consuming soy milk regularly can prevent and relieve migraine; mainly caused by nutrient deffisiensi. This is because soy milk is a source of Vitamin B-Complek (except B12), Minerals (especially potassium), and Amino Acids (especially Lysine) with a high enough number. 9. Anti-Cancer drinks. Have you ever heard or seen ads that milk can prevent cancer? Milk is Milk Soy Soymilk alias. Because soy milk is one source of health drink mineral, selenium, vitamin E, Isoflavones, and Amino Acids Triptopan. To cope with the triggers free radical exposure, the cancer is needed substance or compound that functions as an antioxidant. Selenium In addition, anti-oxidant on Soy milk is Vitamin E and Genistein, which can synergistically block cancer.

10. Prevent Aging (Anti Aging). For everyone; memjadi old is a certainty that in fact nothing to be afraid. One of the most powerful way that is believed to ward off premature aging is to rely on Anti Oxidant that comes from food or drink. Consuming food or beverage source of anti-oxidants is a wise choice, as well as the right choice to combat premature aging. Antioxidants are generally derived from the class of vitamins and minerals; include vitamins B, E, C, Beta-Carotene, Chromium, Selenium, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, and isoflavones. Soy milk is inserted into the list of menu worthy of your diet, so you stay young. Soy milk contains some compounds Anti Aging (preventing premature aging).

Tempe health benefits for Tempeh for health benefits is one of food products from soybeans that have been fermented. Tempe contains high nutrition are many health benefits such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, fiber, enzymes, daidzein, genisten, as well as antibacterial components that are beneficial to health. Tempe health benefits for both to be given to all ages (from infants to the elderly).Tempe is a relatively economical food in terms of price, and could in the consumption of all classes. Tempe is often found at home or in the stalls, as a side dish and the dish turned out to

complement the content and value of tempeh has better digestibility compared to soy. Tempe believed to be useful for preventing anemia and osteoporosis, two diseases that affects many women, because the nature of women who have experienced menstruation, pregnancy and breast-feeding a baby. This anemia can affect women who are lazy to eat, for fear of fat, so the supply and production of red blood cells in the body decreases., Tempeh can also serve as a supplier of minerals, vitamin B12 (found in animal foods), and iron that is needed in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, tempeh can also lower blood cholesterol levels. Compound protein, PUFA fatty acids, fiber, niacin, and calcium in soybean can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. In the tempeh antioxidants also found a substance in the form of isofalvon. As well as vitamin C, E and carotenoids, isoflavones are antioxidants that are needed by the body to stop the reaction of free radical formation. In soybean, there are three types of isoflavones, ie daidzein, glisitein, and genistein. In Tempe, in addition to the three types of isoflavones are also contained an antioxidant factor II (6,7,4 trihydroxy isoflavone), which has the most powerful antioxidant properties as compared to isoflavones in soy. Research conducted at the University of North Carolina, United States, found that genestein and phytoestrogen found in soybean was able to prevent prostate cancer, breast and aging (aging). Antioxidants are biosynthesized at the time of the fermentation process of soybeans into soybean by bacteria Micrococcus leteus and Coreyne bacterium. On the nutritional value of tempeh increased approximately 2-fold after soy fermented into tempe, such as vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niacin, and pantorenat acid. Even the results of the analysis, nutrient content of tempe show at 1:13 mg/100 g niacin weight tempeh can dimakan.Karena niacin content in soybean is only about 0.58 mg.

Tempe for health benefits include: Prevent the onset of hypertension Have anti-oxidant properties, resist cancer A high calcium content, tempeh can prevent osteoporosis Protein is found in very high tempe, easy to digest, so good for diarrhea Contains iron, which are antioxidants flafoid thus lowering blood pressure Hipokolesterol power. Polyunsaturated fatty acid content in soybean is able to lower cholesterol Desmutase containing superoxide free radicals which can control, good for heart patients Prevention of anemia, characterized by low hemoglobin levels due to lack of available iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), protein, folic acid and vitamin B12, in which the elements are contained in tempe Anti-infective, survey results indicate that soybean contains antibacterial compounds produced by corals tempe (R. oligosporus) is a useful antibiotic to minimize the incidence of infection Prevent multiple nutritional problems (due to nutritional deficiency and excess) and its accompanying diseases, both infectious and degenerative

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