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In today's day and age people have become very narrow-minded in the study of the Second World War.

It is easy to see why this is the case, considering the war ended nearly 70 years ago and there are not many people still living that actually lived through it. In cases such as this, people, over time, begin to forget details, and many aspects get overlooked. This is not, however, an excuse for not studying the war in detail. When WWII is thought of, general only a hand-full of countries are thought of as playing a major part in the fighting the war, which is simply not the case. There were actually over 70 countries involved in the war (Allied). This goes to show that it is not called a world war for nothing. Three countries, Germany, Poland, and France, entered the war on its very first day. Other countries waited, some until nearly the end of the war, such as The Peoples Republic of Mongolia, which entered just a few days before the war actually ended. Still other countries, such as Italy, Romania, and Bulgaria, actually changed sides within the war itself (Allied). Many of these countries get little to no attention when WWII is discussed, and this is truly a shame, as failing to pay attention to these countries makes it impossible to fully grasp the significance of the largest and most complex war in the history of mankind. Even in the few cases in which the lesser known powers of the Second World War are discussed, nearly all of the emphasis is placed on the Allies. Almost no focus is placed on the lesser powers of Axis. When people think of Axis, they think of Nazi Germany, due to the holocaust, and Japan, due to the infamous Pearl Harbor bombings. Little to no attention is ever given to Fascist Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, and Finland among other countries. Fascist Italy actually played a much larger role in the war than many people today realize. When taking all of this into consideration, it becomes difficult to understand why so little attention is given to these other countries that were involved in the war. Nazi Germany is the country that is always credited with initiating WWII. This actually is true, but focusing solely on the German invasion of Poland creates a struggle to see how many other

Comment [GLPD1]: Revised by Genesis Poz Diaz Will you be discussing all of WWII? Or just the alliances; how they were formed, and the effect that it had on the war? Will you be focusing on a certain alliance, the axis powers or allies? Comment [GLPD2]: Dont really like how this sounds, maybe In Todays age and society.. Comment [GLPD3]: No comma needed

Comment [GLPD4]: Forgot the of after fighting Comment [GLPD5]: After this sentence I would probably include something about the Axis powers, that is if you will be talking about them. I feel as though everything up to this point could be part of your introductory paragraph. Comment [GLPD6]: I would begin a new paragraph here, and begin to discuss how, when and for what reason each nation joined the war. Comment [GLPD7]: Should probably include a comma here or just eliminate the comma and the some so that it reads waited until nearly the end... Comment [GLPD8]: I am aware that there were countries that initially entered the war allied with a certain power, but by the end of the war had switched sides. It would be interesting to discuss in a paragraph why countries who had entered the war together, ended on opposite sides.

Comment [GLPD9]: This is an interesting topic, because many times the other nations are over looked, you should go into further detail about what exactly Italy did in the war.

countries, especially those affiliated with Axis, came to be involved in the war. Although Japan and Italy did not officially enter the war immediately, they were dealing with Germany well before the war began. On November 25, 1936, nearly three years before the beginning of the war, Germany and Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact in Berlin. Less than a year later, on November 6, 1937, Italy signed as well (Krug, 9).
Comment [GLPD10]: I think that this paragraph should be included or be placed somewhere closer to when you were talking about when nations joined the war. Also, the invasion of Poland is great topic that I think should be written about in more detail. Comment [GLPD11]: I overall understand what the main topic of this paper is, the ideas that are planned to be discussed throughout the paper are there, just need to organized and further detailed. There are plenty of topics in which research may be incorporated to strengthen the details. Because this is a rough draft, I understand that it is not properly formatted, just do not forget to put into MLA.

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