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Dear Friends and Family, As always, we must first start by expressing our gratitude to each of you for seeing

us through this time of preparing for Ireland through your prayers, your support, and your faithfulness.

May 2012, Volume IV, Issue II Gach uair d gcuimhnm oraibh gabhaim buochas le mo Dhia. Filipigh 1:3 (Irish) I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. (Phil 1:3)

Lakewood Home
All is well for us. We are still living at the Old Stevens home in Lakewood. The Stevens family has graciously allowed us to rent their previous home. We have been doing very well here, as our new home is near Kevins family as well as our sending church. It makes a perfect base for our support raising.

Support Building Report

We praise God for His provision each day! We have already reached approximately 25% of our support. We are very thankful God has brought churches and individuals in our lives to help carry out our passion to reach the lost people of Ireland. As part of our fundraising, we launched an Irish Missions Night at our church on April 15th. We hope to move to Ireland in the fall of 2013. This would require us to raise 75% of our support by next July 2013, when we would attend the final Field Preparation Seminar in Atlanta before departure.

Sending Church Internship

We are very grateful to our sending church Warner Ave. Baptist Church. They have been very instrumental in this journey. Kevins internship is progressing very well. He has received a list of required reading from both Biblical Ministries Worldwide and Pastor Orman. Here are just a few of the books he has been able to study: Irish Puritans By Crawford Gribben, Life in the Fathers House By Wayne Mack, Life Together By Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Missionary Methods St Pauls or Ours? By Roland Allen. He has also completed Masters Seminary Theology classes III and IV.

Faith Increased
The Lord has been increasing our faith as He provides contacts to share about our passion for Ireland. April was a busy month. Our May and June calendar is also filling up. We will be taking a trip to Sacramento this summer to attend the Advanced Training Institute annual conference. While were up in northern California, we will be sharing our presentation at a couple churches. It will be a good opportunity to build contacts and reach out to other believers.

Baby ews

Adelaide (27 months) is our little sunshine! Her vocabulary has been increasing daily. Her favorite word is Willow her pet name for William.

William will turn one on May 1st. He has already taken his first steps. He is rarely without his heart-melting smile!

Its a boy! August 19th is the estimated due date. Darleen is over halfway through her pregnancy now. Baby boy is active these days and about the size of a banana!

Prayer Request:
Contacts to team up with people in the effort to reach Ireland (Col 4:3). Clarity to speak effectively about the needs of Ireland (Col 4:4). Courage to prepare in reaching a new culture (Eph 6:19-20). Conversions to reach unbelievers we come in contact while support building (2 Th 3:1). Care to have safe travels (2 Th 3:2). Christ-likeness to become more Christ-like in our interactions with others (Phil 1:19-21).

May God richly bless you in your service to our Lord! Kevin, Darleen, Addie, & William

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