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RELATED WORK Two fundamental requirements are there that has to be met in order to introduce a good third party auditor (TPA). They are as follows: Without needing the local copy of the data,TPA must be able to audit the data storage in cloud in an efficient manner, and the cloud user must not be given on-line burden. It should not bring any vulnerabilities on data privacy. [2]. Two Secure PDP schemes are proposed which are more efficient than the previous solutions when compared with schemes that achieve weaker guarantees [5]. Encrypt data to hide it from the auditor, and store encrypted data as well as the key with the storage service [3]. The issues of sending the unsecured data outside the server is resolved with the techniques that are alternative to encryption such as Tokenization, Data Anonymization , Utilizing Cloud Database controls [4]. Ambiguity, a method to protect both presence privacy and association privacy with low information loss is proposed [1]. 3. OUR APPROACH 3.1. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION For storing the data and maintaining it on cloud, the users need to rely on the CS. And also, for accessing and updating their stored data for various needs and purposes, the users can interact with the CS actively. The users may make use of the TPA to make sure the storage security of the data simultaneously keeping their data private from TPA. The presence of a semi-trusted CS is considered in the way it works properly most of the time and does not bend from that protocol execution that has been prescribed. The rarely accessed data files may be deleted or neglected to keep by the CS for their own good. To maintain its eminence, the CS may resolve to hide the data corruptions caused by server hacks. The TPA which takes up the duty to audit is thought to be relied upon and is also considered independent. And hence, during the process of auditing, it has no advantage to conspire with both the CS and the users. Any possible threat to the privacy of the data outsourced by the users towards the TPA in the way of auditing should be banned. And thus The TPA should be able to audit the data storage on the cloud without making an additional copy of the data locally. 3.2. OBJECTIVES 1. The main objective is the way by which the user-oriented description of the data that is being input is converted into a computer-based system. To avoid errors while entering the data, the input design plays a major role. It is also essential to show the right path to the management to pick up the right information from the computerised system. 2. This is attained by developing screens that would be user friendly while entering the data so that it would be able to handle huge data. The aim of designing the input is to make the process of entering the data easy and error free. And the design for the screen for entering the data facilitates performing all the data manipulates. It also has provisions for viewing the data.

3.3. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE KEY GENERATION To attain a public auditing system that enables preserving the privacy of the data storage security on cloud simultaneously keeping all the above said needs in mind, here in this paper we make use of the public key based homomorphism authenticator and integrate it with random mask technique. To enable handling of multiple auditing tasks more efficiently, we go further into the bilinear aggregate signature technique to extend the platform to a multi-user setting, where TPA can simultaneously perform multiple auditing tasks. This thorough analysis of security and performance shows that these schemes are highly efficient and can be proved to be secure. We also show that the batch auditing for the TPA can be supported by extending our main scheme.

4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Homomorphism authenticators are unforgivable verification metadata generated from individual data blocks, which can be securely aggregated in such a way to assure an auditor that a linear combination of data blocks is correctly computed by verifying only the aggregated authenticator. Overview to achieve privacy-preserving public auditing, we propose to uniquely integrate the homomorphism authenticator with random mask technique. In our protocol, the linear combination of sampled blocks in the servers response is masked with randomness generated by a pseudo random function (PRF).

The scheme proposed is as follows: Setup Phase Audit Phase

4.1. BATCH AUDITING TPA may be able to simultaneously handle multiple auditing assignments upon requests from different users with the establishment of privacy-preserving public auditing in Cloud Computing,. Auditing the tasks one by one could be very tedious and inefficient. Concurrent auditing of various tasks also reduces the burden of the cost of computation which could sometimes be very expensive.


Therefore, supporting the dynamics of the data for privacy-preserving public risk auditing is also of principal importance. We show how our main scheme can be adapted to build upon the existing work to support data dynamics, including block level operations of modification, deletion and insertion. We can adopt this technique in our design to achieve privacy-preserving public risk auditing with support of data dynamics.

5. CONCLUSION Sharing of the date in cloud is based on the privacy policies, where TPA can audit the storage without making a copy of the data locally. To assure that the TPA would not gain any knowledge on the data stored on the cloud server while auditing, we utilise the homomorphic authenticator and random mask technique. This relieves the user from the fear of leakage of the data outsourced besides eliminating thier burden of tedious and possibly expensive auditing task. We further extend this platform for the TPA to handle multiple auditing tasks simultaneously in batch manner considering the fact that TPA may simultaneously handle multiple audits from various users for their outsourced data files. This thorough analysis of security and performance shows that these schemes are highly efficient and can be proved to be secure. We believe all these advantages of the proposed schemes will make the economies of scale for cloud computing free from ambiguity.

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