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Global Literature Name ________________________


“The Drover’s Wife” – Henry Lawson

Before You Read

Below, write the definitions for the following words AND the sentence (you can use “…”) in which they
appear. Note: the definitions are provided for you at the bottom of the page on which the word appears.

1. squatter – _______________________________________________________________
Sentence: ________________________________________________________________

2. drover – _______________________________________________________________
Sentence: ________________________________________________________________

3. bush woman – ___________________________________________________________

Sentence: ________________________________________________________________

4. perambulator –
Sentence: ________________________________________________________________
1. What is Henry Lawson remember for accomplishing in Australian Literature?

Next, read through all the questions and activities below, so you know what to look for while you read.

While You Read

1. After reading the first paragraph, write a sentence or two predicting what you think this story will be
about. ___________________________________________________________________

2. Give three examples of how the drover’s wife dealt with the lonliness of life in the bush/outback.

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

3. Give three examples of hardships the drover’s wife experiences.

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

4. Give three specific examples of ways that Henry Lawson builds suspense in his story. Think about
details he includes, things he leaves out, etc.

a. ______________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________

5. What do you think is Lawson’s definition of the ideal bush woman? Provide three specific examples
from the text to support your answer.

6. Do you think that Lawson is realistic or romantic (not “lovey-dovey,” but idealized) in his portrayal
of a woman’s life in the bush? Explain.

7.What do you think will happen to Tommy when he grows up? Will he keep his promise? Explain.

8. Do you think Henry Lawson was successful in getting in to the mind of a bush woman? Explain.

After Reading
1. Visualize an image from the story. In the space provided, sketch an image that developed in your mind
as you were reading.
2. Summarize the plot of the story in a paragraph of 4 – 5 sentences.

3. State the main idea or message in the story in one, concise sentence.

4. Theme. Given the message, name the corresponding theme: _________________________________

1. Did you like this story? Why/why not? Be specific. __________________________________

2. Name one story other we’ve read during the Australia unit and explain how this other story and “The
Drover’s Wife” are similar.

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