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This year, the Bilderberg meeting is taking place in Chantilly, Virginia on 31May-3June. Let me repeat that, in the year 2012, the Bilderberg conference is taking place inside the heart of America. They know that a considerable amount of people are waking up to their crap within America, and setting up the meeting within reasonable travelling distance of many righteously upset Americans (North and South) is literally just asking for trouble. Last year, the Bilderberg meeting was hidden in the mountains of Switzerland, and now theyre putting themselves out in the open in the middle of swarming hordes of awakened truthers right before the 21Dec12 event. If you didnt know, Bilderberg is a gathering of the most powerful people in the world, corporate and political, that occurs once a year in a constantly changing, heavily guarded and secretive expensive hotel. The existence of it has been proven by professionals, its existence is completely provable. This is where the different sectors of society all receive instruction to take back to their spheres of influence. Whatever they are planning for the end of the year needs to have the conspiracy community controlled and suppressed. Little by little, bit by bit, one by one, legitimate, independent but powerful/hardcore truth and conspiracy sites, blogs, tumblrs and social networking initiatives are being taken down and disappearing from existence. At this rate, most of the non-infiltrator voices of conspiracy truth can easily be taken down by the end of the year. If Alex Jones, a known liar and shill for the fear mongering of the multiple forces of the NWO, is leading the charge on Bilderberg in America in 2012, it is plausible and more than likely that he may trigger a premature revolution. If one is able to start an uprising prematurely, then that would effectively incapacitate any future attempt at righteous mutiny and would give the country a reason to facilitate free speech. The powers that be are planning something for 21Dec12, and this is made evident by the fact that everyone has been prepared for a massive paradigm shift through Hollywood and compromised authors who shall remain nameless. People who dont even know that a third building (WTC7) fell at all on 9/11 know that something big is supposed to happen on that day. In order for the deception of the 21Dec12 event to be effective, alternative conspiracy research and the truth movement in general needs to be silenced and suppressed. Just like the Illuminati pulled off the Oslo attacks through a loyal Freemason masquerading as a Christian in order to discredit the faith in the minds of neighboring Europeans and to prepare the way for the future crack down and massacre of all non-Papal forms of Christianity, the Occupy Bilderberg event will similarly be used to discredit and disband the truth movement within the US and will be used to outlaw certain forms of dissent which will result in reeducation or repositioning. The 6 months between June and December 2012 would be the perfect amount of time to pass legislation to crack down on all thought crime. It is likely that we will get a double whammy of (supposed) truther violence with the

NATO summit in Chicago and the Occupy Bilderberg operation in Virginia. After that, our government will have no choice except to react to these truther terrorists. Then, after the Olympics bombing in July, the crackdown will go (more) global. The FEMA recovery camps around Chicago are up and waiting for a mass evacuation or mass arrest. Do not participate in these events unless you want to feel the physical crackdown. If youre smart, the only way this crackdown will affect you is by making you depressed about it as you read about it. Dont let what happens prevent you from telling your friends and open acquaintances about the truth in any way. This is just my opinion, and it is my digested response to taking all known information into account. This is not insider information. Dont treat this as gospel, but let it make you question the deception and the plans that the powers that be have for 2012 and beyond. I could be wrong, nothing may happen in Chicago or Virginia, and I will definitely be praying for the plans to be foiled, but things and timeframes are lining up and more and more independant conspiracy research is being taken down on a daily basis. Alex Jones is a pied piper, a mouthpiece and gateway for Jesuit-approved conspiracies and hijacked awakenings. Realize that some people like Alex Jones became the loudest voices by screaming their way to the top and getting handed carefully phrased, often deceptive information to them (true or not.) But he has been in the game for years, and a retirement right before the post-2012 world seems fitting for an obedient servant. He may stage an arrest with a long-term relocated prison sentence or he may even stage a death/execution so that he can disappear to a remote location in the non-civilian section of one of the underground survival bunkers or to a European mansion. There may be an fully controlled execution of a cloned body of Alex as these cloning facilities do exist and they can produce a fully functioning body within a short period of time. A gruesome staged forced retirement would be befitting for such an influential icon as Alex. Alex is not just another compromised voice. He isnt just one of those today who are trying to gain secret knowledge and sacrificed the integrity of their platforms and careers for what they (incorrectly) thought was illumination (these are those who may have been compromised over time, but are still using their platforms for what they believe is good.) He is one of them, through and through, and he too revels in their sick sacrifices. George Lucas is one of these men too, and he abused clones within his movie (the lava scene where Anakin falls in (Episode 3) and gets disfigured was not %100 CGI, that was the maiming of a clone.) It is because of this sick appetite of these men that it is plausible to create an interesting end of the Alex Jones era and beginning of the (temporary, short-lived) new world. This isnt necessarily any form of prophetic word, but rather it is a logical speculation that accounts for all known data points and synthesizes a projected path. What can you do? 1. Share this note and warn people about these protests. It doesnt matter if you credit

me or not, Im already a blip on their radar and this note will be instantly connected to me, so anonymity doesnt matter. If you leave my name on it, it may prompt interesting, intelligent people to interact with me, so leave it on if you can. If not, that doesnt matter, this note is about warning people, not making new study friends. 2. Throw away Alex Jones. Stop listening and giving him power. Ask yourself how many times he has mentioned (or allowed to be talked about) the Jesuit Order and the Vatican or why he has never had Eric John Phelps on his show. The only reason you should tune in to the sound of Alexs fear mongering voice is to watch the shows in which Fritz Springmeier is brought on board. Our Heavenly Father has given Fritz a platform for his message, so please pay attention to his shows. Throw away the Occupy movement, it is Illuminati initiated dissent. It is the guided reaction stage of the Problem-Reaction-Solution system (with the RBE/ Zeitgeist/Venus Project/NWO being the appetizing solution.) The origins of Occupy are traceable to Anonymous, whose inner circle has had some upheavals and regime changes within the past few years. There is real, solid evidence that Anonymous has been hijacked and is being used as a psychological operation against truthers. The Anonymous/Occupy movements are drenched in symbolism from the movies of the Wachowski siblings (artists of the Illuminati.) This is not the proof that links Anonymous/ Occupy to the NWO network, but it is an interesting thing to take note of. Throw away GLP (Godlike Productions), it is a psychological operation conducted by the Tavistock Institute and there are posters who are paid to perpetuate myths, fear, disinfo, and who can tear apart real posts and guide the mentalities of gullible conspiracy theorists into something totally deceived and unappetizing to those around them. 3. Focus on internal spiritual refinement for the next 6 months. Knowing how the control grid network works doesnt mean squat if you havent dealt with the hatred, pride or spiritual disease within yourself. Repent from these carnal impulses of fleshly thought and follow Christ, Yshua of Nazareth, and use the Bible as a handbook to understand how life is organized, how to purify yourself, what character traits to align with (love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) and how end times events will go down. This does not mean to become a Christian or to follow the teachings of men. Yshua came to bring Himself and Heaven, not religion, so dont prescribe to tradition, find out the truth for yourself. With the Holy Spirit as our operating power, we cohabit as one with the Divine and are capable of everything that Yshua did. You can go and heal the sick and invade the gates of hell with Love as we walk as He did in miracles, Love, absolute belief, identity, Torah and submission to the Father. God is Love, so align yourselves with His Character and let yourselves be changed by the lessons He shows you. Operate on the vibratory wavelength of Love. 4. Constantly question and talk about everything, especially your beliefs. Be open to change and refinement if you are presented with evidence that contradicts your

worldview. Trust no one, question everything. 5. Google the different names and things I mentioned in this paper and search out information if you are not familiar with them (Jesuit Order, Eric John Phelps, Fritz Springmeier, Illuminati, Donald Marshall, etc.) Look up Bill Cooper (even though he was given his platform by higher powers, he didnt play by their rules and told more than he should, which is why he was taken out; he was a rogue asset out of control.) Absorb and download all the info on Vigilant Citizen and SOTT. Research Project Bluebeam. Build faith, reject Babylon. 6. Pray that the casualties be few in the culling planned by the powers that be. Pray against their influence and that the amount of those negatively affected by their many campaigns of death will be minimized and that many will survive unharmed. Pray for the salvation of certain key members in powerful positions so that the impact of certain plans are delayed or cancelled. 7. Check out my book once I finish it or put up the rough draft (coming soon.) Its called Fractal Eschatology and it is about the repeating and continually manifesting symbols and archetypes of Biblical Prophecy and how the Book of Revelation incarnated in 70 AD with the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, incarnated over the 2000-year course of history (antichrist was Vatican and the false prophet was Islam), manifested within our own personal lives (the return of Christ is the unfiltered manifestation/appearance of Christ in our lives after we go through a refinement process that includes the destruction of our personal Babylons), within the 20th century (Hitler was the antichrist, the holocaust (even though the numbers lost were distorted for political means) and the bombing/destruction of Protestant cities in Europe (there were very few Catholic cities that were harmed and Rome survived untouched; the only Catholic cities who had large casualties were killed were threats to Papal rule) was the massacre of Revelation, Chernobyl means wormwood in its native tongue, the descending mountain of fire was the Hiroshima/Nagasaki incident(s), the darkened skies were the burning oil fields of Iraq in the first Gulf War) and it will manifest again in the future for a final time (starring Imam Al Mahdi as the white horse that went out to conquer and the temporary RBE/Zeitgeist NWO as the first overthrown Babylon (a small Babylon is overthrown before the largest and final Babylon (the Arabian Babylon) is thrown down.)) I have already posted a few fragments of the book online, primarily in my facebook discussion group, Fractal Eschatology and no holds barred general discussion. Feel free to join and contribute, but be warned that people from all ends of the spiritual spectrum post in there. Contact me with any comments, questions, concerns, rebuttals, input, sources, general conversation starters, friendly hellos, whatever, etc. ------------------------------

Matthew Chojnacki youtube channel: mattqatsi twitter: mattqatsi skype: mattqatsi anything else: probably mattqatsi facebook discussion group: Fractal Eschatology and no holds barred general discussion

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