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TITLE [11]

Title Page Instructions. Delete this box before printing final copy. - Replace default text as necessary - Times New Roman 12 point - Margins set to 0" on all sides; do not "fix" if Word offers to do so. - Centered - Line numbers in brackets, delete prior to printing - Last line of title is line 11 - Dividing line = 16 spaces long - Wrap long titles as inverted pyramids

________________ [16]

A Paper [21] Presented to [23] Title Firstname Lastname [25] Central Baptist Theological Seminary [27]

________________ [32]

In Partial Fulfillment [37] of the Requirements for the Course [39] Coursename coursenumber [41] _________________ [44] by [47] Your Name [49] Month Year [51] Box 999

Blank Page. Delete This Box Before Printing. COUNT this page for preliminary numbering as page ii, but number does not appear on this page.


-- A table of contents is optional for term papers. -- Wording of subheadings inserted into the body of the paper must match exactly the wording that appears in the table of contents. -- Left and right margins may vary; adjust to look balanced if necessary.

[2 blank lines]

[centered at 2 inches] [Use 1.9 if word processor offers 1.9 and 2.1.]

INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1 I. TEXT OF POINT ONE...............................................................................................2 A. Text of Sub Point A 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 B. Text of Sub Point B 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 C. Text of Sub Point C 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 II. TEXT OF POINT TWO..............................................................................................7 A. Text of Sub Point A 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 B. Text of Sub Point B 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 C. Text of Sub Point C 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 III. TEXT OF POINT THREE........................................................................................13 A. Text of Sub Point A 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 B. Text of Sub Point B 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 C. Text of Sub Point C 1. Text of Sub Point 1 2. Text of Sub Point 2 CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................20 APPENDIX ONE...................................................................................................................21 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................24


REPEAT THE TITLE HERE IN ALL CAPS Introduction Start paragraph one here. Text of First Main Heading Start paragraph one here. Text of Second Main Heading Start paragraph one here. Conclusion Start paragraph one here.

BIBLIOGRAPHY First bib entry. The second line will wrap beneath the first line if enough text is present. It should look like this. Second bib entry. The text within each entry is always single spaced; however, a blank line appears between each entry. Third entry.

APPENDIX ONE: TITLE Begin text of appendix here. Appendices allow for more flexible formatting than the body of the paper. Location of page numbers may vary if necessary, but the numbering sequence should continue on from last page of bibliography.

APPENDIX TWO: TITLE Begin first paragraph here.

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