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Presented to: The State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S)


Advisor: Dra. Istiadah, M.A NIP. 150253161



Name Student ID Address

: Ariyani Fajar Apriliana : 05320075 : Dsn. Kedung Bendo, Ds. Gemekan, Kec. Sooko, Kab. Mojokerto.

Hereby, I certify that the thesis I wrote to fulfill the requirement for Sarjana Sastra (S.s) entitled Psychological Problems of the Main Female Character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Brontes Villete (An Analysis Using Psychological Approach) is truly my original work. It does not incorporate any materials previously written or published by another person, except those indicated in quotations and bibliography. Due to the fact, I am the only person responsible for the thesis if there is any objection or claim from others.

Malang, 08th of October 2009

Ariyani Fajar Apriliana


This is certify that Ariyani Fajar Aprilianas thesis entitled Psychological Problems of the Main Female Character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Brontes Villete (An Analysis Using Psychological Approach) has been approved by the thesis advisor For further approval by the Board of Examiners. Malang, 08th of October 2009

Approved by Advisor,

Acknowledged by The Head of English Letters and Language Department,

Dra. Istiadah, M.A NIP. 150253161

Galuh Nur Rohmah, M. Pd., M.Ed NIP. 150289814

The Dean of The faculty of Humanities and Culture,

Drs. H. Chamzawi, M.HI NIP. 150218296


This is certify that Ariyani Fajar Aprilianas thesis entitled Psychological Problems of the Main Female Character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Brontes Villete (An Analysis Using Psychological Approach) Has been approved by the Board of Examiners as the requirement For the degree of Sarjana Sastra.

Malang, 17th of October 2009 The Board Examiners Signatures

1. Mundi Rahayu, M.Hum NIP. 150381175 2. Dra. Andarwati, M.A NIP. 150295493 3. Dra. Isti'adah, M.A NIP. 150253161


(Main Examiner)


Approved by The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Culture The State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang

Drs. H. Chamzawi, M.HI NIP. 150218296




My grandfather and my grandmother Bapak Kusnan Djudi, Alm and Ibu Muslimah Thanks for your pray and your pure affection My Allah SWT will bless you.

My lovely parents Bapak Imam Nawawi, S,pd and Ibu Nur Siyam Without your love, your pray, and your support I am sure that I cannot finish this thesis My Sarjana Sastras Degree is for you I LOVE YOU DAD I LOVE YOU MOM.

My beautiful young sisters Laili Indah Muthoharoh And Ummu Zahrotun Nadzifah Your smile and your cares always make my life happy You are the best sisters that I ever have in this world.

My all family members in Mojokerto My Uncles and My Aunts Thanks for your pray and supports And also for all My Cousins Especially for my twins cousins Safira Az Zahrah and Safina Az Zahra You are my spirit when I got little bored In doing my thesis.

My Prience in Heart Muizzuddin Hammam, A. Md Thanks for the best Love and Support You are the best in My life I hope that Our relationship Will be the best from the best relationship In this world Amin..


Bismillahirrohmanirrohim In the name of Allah, Lets Pray and Thanks Unto our God Allah SWT, who has given me blessing and mercies, so that I am able to finish this thesis. I am also grateful to Him for giving me health to finish my study; it is Gods grace and blessing ascertaining me that I could pass the entire long path. This thesis is intended to fulfill the requirement for achieving the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters and Language Department at The State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang, Sholawat and Salam are delicates to my beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has show men to the right way to get closer toward him. Finishing this thesis would be a great hopes for me, it give many experiences. This thesis would not have been completed without contribution and support from anyone else. I would like to thank to all people who help and give their time, thought and idea. I would like to give a great appreciation to my advisor, Dra. Istiadah, MA for the patient and attention to guide me, until I can finish this thesis. I also would like to thank to The Dean of The Faculty of Humanities and Culture; Drs. H. Chamzawi, M.HI, and The Head of English Letters and Language Department Galuh Nur Rohman, M.Pd. M. Ed.

My deepest gratitude addressed to my beloved parents: Imam Nawawi, S.Pd. and Nur Siyam for their love, guidance, support care and understanding until I am able to finish my study. I also would like to thanks for my beloved younger sisters: Laili Indah Muthoharoh and Ummu Zahrotun Nadzifah thank you so much for the support, cares and the purities. I also would like to give the big thank to Muizzuddin Hamam, for his motivations, patience, loves, and cares. And also for my best friends in English Letters and Language Department 2005: Ulya, Rifa, Amin, Husna, E2n, Linda, Mala, Sulis and then for my truly friends Elisa Nurul Lailia and Lailatus Ely Saadah for your great relationship and motivation. All of you are my inspirations. And also for my friends in Sunan Ampel 11: Niza, Iin, Rahayu, and Vida. Thank you so much for your support. I realize that thesis is far from excellent and need improvement; therefore, I will appreciate the valuable criticism, suggestion, and comment from the readers.

Ariyani Fajar Apliliana

ABSTRACT Aprilia, Ariyani Fajar, 2008. Entitled Psychological Problems of the Main Female Character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Brontes Villete (An Analysis Using Psychological Approach), Thesis, English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture, The State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang. Advisor : Dra. Istiadah, MA Key words : Psychological Problems, Main Character. There are three kinds of human problems; psychological problems, emotional problems, and spiritual problems. Psychological problem is the problem faced by human which is caused by their physical causes. Related to the explanation above, it was interesting to conduct a psychological analysis entitled Psychological Problems of the Main Female Character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Brontes Villete (An Analysis Using Psychological Approach). The objectives of the study are: (1) to know the kinds of psychological problems which are faced by Lucy Snowe in Villete by Charlotte Bronte. (2) To know the efforts of Lucy Snowe dealing her psychological problems. The method that the writer applies is literary criticism and she uses psychological approach to deal with the data. Literary criticism is the study, discussion, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. It uses psychological approach because in this study, the analysis is focused on studying the psychological problems of the main female character in the novel. The present study analyzes the novel from psychological aspect dealing with the psychoanalysis theory by applying anxiety, depression, and defense mechanism. The writer viewed psychological approach suitable with this method from the result of problem statement. The research found out: (1) the main female character in the novel Lucy Snowe suffers psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, she suffers anxiety after she knows the news that her boy friend M. Paul Immanuel will leave her. Lucy shows her physical symptoms of anxiety through her thought as like: fear, worry, and afraid. Besides that, she also shows her anxiety through her behavior, as like: headache and dizziness. Lucy also suffers post-traumatic stress disorder, such as: lack of interest in activities, reliving the trauma repeatedly in memories, and sleep disturbances. Besides that she feels afraid in a new situation and insecure in social relationship. (2) Besides the anxiety, Lucy also suffers depression, she fells depressed because no body in this world who is able to accompany and support her life except M. Paul Immanuel. The symptoms are: Lucy has difficulty to concentrate about everything, she has difficulty in sleeping, eating, and thinking, and she also feels worthless and grief. (3) Lucy tries to deal her problems by doing defense mechanism by applying repression, she repress her problems by avoiding talk about her boyfriend, she also move to the other town. Besides that, Lucy uses rationalization; she has rationalized her love to M. Paul by preparing anything that makes him happy. Moreover, after receiving the money from Miss Marchmont, she uses the money to develop her new school.


Page STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY .......................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... ii LEGITIMATION SHEET ............................................................................ iii MOTTO ......................................................................................................... iv DEDICATIONS ............................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................ vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF THE CONTENTS .................................................................... x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ......................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the Problems ...................................................... 6 1.3 Objective of the Study ............................................................. 7 1.4 Scope and Limitation .............................................................. 7 1.5 Significant of the Study ........................................................... 8 1.6 Research Method ..................................................................... 8 1.6.1 Research Design .......................................................... 8 1.6.2 Data Sources ................................................................ 9 1.6.3 Data Collection ............................................................ 9 1.6.4 Data Analysis .............................................................. 10 1.7 Definition of the Key Terms ................................................... 10

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Structure of Novel ................................................................... 13 2.1.1 Theme........................................................................ 13 2.1.2 Character ................................................................... 15 2.1.3 Point of View ............................................................ 17 2.2 Literature and Psychology ....................................................... 18 2.3 Psychological Approach .......................................................... 20 2.4 Psychoanlysis Theory .............................................................. 21 2.4.1 Anxiety ...................................................................... 23 2.4.2 Depression ................................................................. 26 2.4.3 Defense Mechanism .................................................. 28 Repression ...................................................... 29 Rationalization ............................................... 30 2.5 Previous Study ......................................................................... 31 CHAPTER III: ANALYSIS 3.1 The Psychological Problems of Lucy Snowe........................ 35 3.1.1 Lucy Snowes Anxiety .............................................. 37 3.1.2 Lucy Snowes Depression ......................................... 45 3.2 Lucy Snowe Deals Her Problems by Using Defense Mechanism ............................................................... 52 3.2.1 Lucy Snowes Repression ......................................... 53 3.2.2 Lucy Snowes Rationalization .................................. 57

CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conclusion .............................................................................. 60 4.2 Suggestion ............................................................................... 61 BIBLIOGRAPHY CURRICULUM VITAE


This section includes background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, research method, and the definition of key terms. Each of the items will be discussed as follows.

1.1 Background of the Study Literature is one of human expression, it comes from the human thought, and it talks about the human life. Literature is presented in society to convey the benefit things about the idea, life, thought, emotion and all of which happen in society. According to Roberts (in Triawati, 2004: 01) literature is a fundamental discipline for the knowledge of man, one that treads the deeper and vaster fields of humanism. Literature help the readers grow both personally and intellectually, because it enables them recognize human dreams and struggle in different societies that they would never otherwise get to know. Besides that, Hamlyn (in Purnomo, 2006: 01) stated that literature is one of humans creativity that has universal meaning as one of the way to communicate each other about the emotion, spiritual and intellectual experiences that needed to build up intellectual and moral knowledge and mankind. Literature is concerns the imagination of an idea of human expression about the world that has the benefit values to use in humans life.

From the explanation about the definitions of literature above, the writer wants to present the forms of literature. There are three kinds of literatures forms; prose, poetry and drama. Prose includes novel, short story, myth, parable, romance, and epic. Poetry is much more economical in the use of imagery, figure of speech, and rhythm. And drama according to Peck and Coyle (1984: 75), the basic point about all plays, both in formal and thematic terms, is that the characters are always caught up in some sorts of crisis, dilemma, of confusion; they are always faced by some sort of problem. Moreover, Connoly (in Salmena, 2006: 10-11) mentions that there are three points of literature characteristics. The first characteristic is literature has the power, it means that the use of language in certain piecework of literature may create a powerful emotional impact in the readers mind. The second characteristic is literature also vivid; it means that a literary works is meaningful and lifelike. And the third characteristic is the language of literature is clear. Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to study about novel in this thesis. According to Oxford English dictionary (in Hawthorn, 1985: 01), a novel is a factious prose narrative to tale of considerable length (now usually one long enough to fill one or more volumes) in which characters and actions representative of the real life of past or present times are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity.

Describing about a novel, Triawati (2004: 02) stated that novel contains a number of striking incidents, and these can be separated from one another by considerable lapses of time. Moreover, a novel is aiming to present a picture of particular period and society in which the person, the manners, surrounding, scenery, or even modes of speech are meticulously depicted in a way they are supposed to belong. The unity of the novel is a far more complicated matter and depends upon aspects of consistency in tone, character development, subordination, and elaboration of incidents. The reason why the writer uses psychological problems as the topic because between literature and psychology are have close relationship. Both of them are have the same object, that is human being. The different is psychology has the real human being created by God as the object, but literature has the imaginative human being created by the author as the object. Now, the writer prefers to analyze one of classical novels by the title Villete by Charlotte Bronte. The reason why the writer chooses this novel as the data sources because this novel has a struggle woman as the main female character who suffers psychological problems, her name is Lucy Snowe. She has suffered psychological problems after she hears that her beloved boyfriend will be left her. In this novel Lucy Snowe has told as the narrator and she will be view all of the events in this novel by her view points. Lucy has described as the main female character because the point of view in this novel used I as stated in Villete:

In the autumn of the year--- I was staying at Bretton; my godmother having come in person to claim me of the kinsfolk with whom was at the time fixed my permanent residence. I believe she then plainly saw events coming, whose very shadow I scarce guessed; yet of which the faint suspicion sufficed to impart unsettled sadness, and made me glad to change scene and society (Bronte, 2007: 04).

In this novel Lucy has described as a young English woman who is destitute and thrown upon the world, besides that, she has drawn as a young woman who has no money, family, and friends; even she has had a happy childhood. But in this novel, Lucy has showed as the educated woman and come from the gentle class of society like other Bronte heroines. Besides that, Lucy also described as a woman who has psychologicl problems. Especially, after Lucy hears the news that she will be left by someone- the only one man who really understands, cares, and loves her, his name is M. Paul Emanuel. M. Paul Emanuel will be send by Madame Beck, Madame Walravens, and Pere Silas to go to Guadaloupe. They are tried to desperate the relationship between Lucy and M. Paul because they have different faith. Lucy is a Protestant and M. Paul is a Catholic. So that way, after Lucy hears and knows about their planning. The writer catches that Lucy has suffered psychological problems, such as, anxiety and depression. Moreover, the writer uses defense mechanism, especially repression and rationalization to handle Lucys psychological problems. This novel wrote by a British novelist Charlotte Bronte. Charlotte Bronte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, in 1816 and she died on March 31, 1855 in Haworth, west Yorkshire, England. She was the third of six children from Patrick Bronte who was an Irish Anglican Clergyman and Maria Barnwell.

Charlotte was the eldest of three famous Bronte sisters whose novels have become standards of English literature. In this study, the writer uses a psychological approach by applying psychoanalysis theory which is incude: depression, anxiety, and defense mechanism. Besides that, the writer uses repression and rationalization to deal Lucys psychological problems. In this study, the writer focused on analyzing the main female character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Brontes Villete using psychological approach. This approach will be help the writer to focuses her analysis on Lucy Snowes psychological problems and the way she deals with them. There are some students who have conducted similar study. First is conducted by Francisca Theny Engelina (2001), a student of Petra Christian University by the title: A study of Jims psychologicalpProblems in Joseph Conrads Lord Jim. In this study, she has focused on analyzing Jims psychological problems and the way to solve his psychological problem. And also involve the internal and external conflicts which are faced by Jim. The second study is conducted by Meliana Triawati (2004), a student of Petra Christian University by the title: A Study on Three Main Characters ways in dealing with the psychological problems as the effect of the death of their beloved in Banana Yoshimotos Kitchen. She is focused on analyze the three main characters Mikage Sakurai, Yuichi Tanabe, and Erico in the novel Kitchen. The third study is conducted by Chris Andre Susanto (2007), a student of Petra Christian University by the title: The Captains psychological problems and

the process of his withdrawal from reality in Strindbergs The Father. He focused his study on Captains fixations, anxieties, and the process of withdrawal in the reality. So that way, in this thesis the writer wants to study about the psychological problems which are faced by Lucy Snowe as the main female character in Charlotte Brontes Villete, and then her efforts to deals her psychological problems. The writer focuses to study this thesis using psychological approach. And then, the writer focuses her study in analysis anxiety and depression wich are suffered by Lucy Snowe. Besides that, the writer uses defense mechanism to handle Lucys psychological problems by applying repression and rationalization.

1.2 Statements of the Problems Based on the background of the study above, the general problems statements is to find out the answer of the following questions: 1. What are the psychological problems that Lucy Snowe faced in Villete by Charlotte Bronte? 2. What are the efforts done by Lucy Snowe to cope her psychological problems?

1.3 Objectives of the Study Referring to the formulating statements of the problems above, the objectives of the study are: 1. To know the kinds of psychological problems which are faced by Lucy Snowe in Villete by Charlotte Bronte. 2. To know the efforts done by Lucy Snowe to cope her psychological problems.

1.4 Scope and Limitation There are many aspects that can be analyzed in the novel Villete written by Charlotte Bronte such as: in this novel the main female character Lucy Snowe has spoken as the third person (narrator), some of the characters in this novel have changed their childhood names to their adulthood names, there are some borderlines supernatural events and portents, there are some coincidence, told about the buried life, and some philosophical musings. From all of the aspects, the writer only limited this study in analyzing the psychological problems which are faced by Lucy Snowe as the main female character, they are anxiety and depression. For contributing analyze the psychological problems of the main female character, the writer uses the intrinsic elements from the novel, as like; characters, themes, and also point of view. All of those intrinsic elements considered the important aspects that can help to show the psychological of main female characters problems. Concerning the analysis of the characters, it is focused only

the main female character. Analysis of the content is focused on the psychological problems of Lucy Snowe.

1.5 Significance of the study This study is supposed to give contribution in the area of literature. Theoretically, the study is supposed to give contribution and new point of view in the science of analyzing novel and new building of an understanding of literary criticism using psychological approach, especially using psychoanalysis theory by applying anxiey, depression, and defense mechanism. Furthermore, this study is expected to give a contribution for the literature field in term of the psychoanalysis study when it is used to criticize a literary works especially novel. Practically, this study will help the writer and the readers to understand about psychoanalysis study, so that they can broaden their knowledge about psychoanalysis literary theory. In addition, the result of this study will be important sources for the next writers who will conduct research on this field.

1.6 Research Method Research method includes research design, data sources, data collecting, and data analysis that will be discussed as follows.


Research Design This study is literary criticism because in this study the writer conducts

discussion about literature. She uses Villete novel by Charlotte Bronte. Above all,

in this study the writer uses psychological approach. The writer also uses the psychoanalysis theory by applying anxiey, depression, and defense mechanism as the device to analyze the main characters psychological problems and to find out the answer of the statements of the problems. Besides that, the writer also stated the intrinsic elements of the novel, which are, character, theme, and also point of view to help her analyzed this study.


Data Sources The data of this research is taken from Villete by Charlotte Bronte novel.

Villete by Charlotte Bronte is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University; it is an Electronic Classic Series, by Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, Hazleton, PA 1820-1291 and it is a Portable Document File produced as part of ongoing student publication project to bring classical works of literature.


Data Collecting There are some steps to get the data that the writer needs. Firstly, the

writers read and understand the novel being analyzed. Secondly, she has chosen and selected the data from the novel dealing with each problem investigated. Thirdly, she has collected the data which have the relation to the statement of the problems. And the last, she has agglomerated the data based on the original quotation existing in the novel by retyping the data.


Data Analysis To collect the data analysis, there are some steps that the writer has done.

After the data have been collected, the writer continued to reviewing the data and determining the data based on the parts of event. After that, she has continued this analysis by explaining and discovering the psychological problems which is faced by main female character in Villete novel using psychological approach.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms Anxiey: a painful emotional experience which is produced by excitations in the iternal organs of the body. This excitations comes from either internal or external stimulation and they are governed by the autonomic nervous system. Hall (as cited in Olivia, 2004: 08). Defense Mechanism: According to Freud, defense mechanism is a tactic developed by the ego to protect against anxiety. Defense mechanism are thought to safeguard the mind against feeling and thoughts that are too difficult for the conscious mind to cope with. In same instances, defense mechanism are thought to keep in appropriate or unwanted thoughts nd impulses from entering the conscious mind ( Depression: Depression is one of the effects of continues stresses and it is a normal response to life stresses. Depression is characterized by loss of all positive feeling, including joy and humor, loss appetite, lack of interest in doing anything and feeling worthless, helplessness and despair. The

depressed person is unable to concentrate on task or function effectively (Shrove, 1989, P. 29). Main Character: based on main character also called by round character is a major character in a work of fiction that encounters conflict and is changed by it. Minor characters tend to be more fully developed described than minor or static characters. Psychological Problems: based on Narramore (1977:44) is kinds of human problems. There are three kinds of human problems; psychological problems, emotional problems, and spiritual problems. Psychological problem is the problem faced by human which is caused by their physical causes. For example: A home maker may feel that her headaches are the result of insufficient sleep, excessive work, or some other physical ailment which she does not understand. On the other hand, she may not give consideration to the fact that her headaches may stem from unresolved conflicts. This is natural since the medical profession has made a remarkable contribution to the solution of problems of mankind by indicating their physical causes and medical tratment. In this thesis, the writer uses the psychological problems as the topic because there are close relationship between psychology and literature. In this case, this study is literary criticism which is show the main female characters psychological problems.

Rationalization: Rationalization is defense mechanism that involves explaining an unacceptable behavior or felling in rational or logical manner, avoiding the true explanation for the behavior. For example, a person who is turned down for date might rationalize the situation by saying they were not attracted to the other person anyway. Rationalization not only prevents anxiety, it may also protect self - esteem and self concept. When the confronted by success or failure, people tend to attribute achievement to their own qualities and skills while failures are blamed on other people or out sides forces ( Repression: repression is the process of keeping things out of consciousness it is in active rejection of acceptable thoughts, desires, memories and relegation to the unconscious. Repression is a process in which prevent our selves from doing something that might cause pain and embarrassment (Arkoff, 1985, P. 247).


To have a basic support on developing the thesis, the aspects of the related literature are presented in this chapter. They are, elements of the novel (that consist of: character, theme, point of view), Literature and psychology, Psycholoical approach, Psychoanalysis theory by appying: anxiety, depression, and defense mechanism (which are include repression and rationalization), and then the previous studies.

2.1 Structures of the Novel To create a fictional world that seems real to the reader, novelist uses five main elements: plot, characters, conflict, setting, and theme. As stated in the previous chapter, this study focused on character of the literary works, which is novel. To find out the character we cannot ignore the other elements of the literary work. In this study, the elements of analysis focused on are the character, theme, and point of view. Therefore, in this subchapter the three elements are discussed to give better understanding to the concept needed to understand the analysis.

2.1.1 Theme Every literary work has theme in it, but theme itself is not easy to be found. The theme must be interpreted through the story that consists of intrinsic and extrinsic elements. A theme is a central idea. In nonfiction prose it may be

thought of as the general topic of discussion. In poetry, fiction and drama it is the abstract concept that is made concrete through representation in person, action, and image. The unity of the story is established because the other aspects of the novel refer to its theme. Dealing with that statement, William Kenney (as cited in Salmena, 2006: 13) stated that Theme in fiction is the meaning what the author is able to make of the total experience rendered; by the theme we mean the necessary implication at the whole story. The theme of the story is seldom explicit; however, a statement of the theme may sometimes appear in the story, sometimes in the very first sentence, sometimes in so explicit a form as an axiom. According to Hamalian and Karl (as cited in Ahmida, 2006: 17) said that a good author suggest his theme, or purpose of his story, through character, atmosphere, setting, plot, and style- thus theme is a kind of composite statement which requires our comprehension of numerous other elements. Based on the explanation above, Endraswara states that theme should be discussed first because theme would always be related comprehensively to other elements of fiction. Theme is reflection of human desire to make sense of experience. Shipley (as cited in Ahmida, 2006: 18) stated in Dictionary of World Literature that theme can be classified into five levels based on the psycho experience. 1. Theme in the Physical level (Man as Molecule). In this level, the literary work is showing more by physical action frequently than the psychological activity.

2. Theme in the Organic level (Man as Protoplasm) The theme is more related to the problem of sexuality. 3. Theme in the Social level (Man as Socious) Society where the characters live and its interaction bound some problems, such as economy, social, politic, education, culture, etc. 4. Theme in Egoism level (Man as Individual) It is related to the problems of dignity, egoism, pride, character, or attitude. 5. Theme in divine level The theme is about the relationship between man and God, for example religiosity, faith, or vision. Moreover, in Villete by Charlotte Bronte have includes more than one theme, as like: the female main character (Lucy Snow) has spoken as the third person (narrator), some of the characters in this novel have changed their childhood names to their adulthood names, there are some borderlines supernatural events and portents, there are some coincidence, told about the buried life, and some philosophical musings. But the writers only limited her study in analyzing the psychological problems of Lucy Snow.

2.1.2 Character Character of a book is the fictional figures that move through the plot. They are invented by the author and are made of words rather than of flesh and blood. Therefore, they cannot be expected to have all the attributes of real human beings. Nevertheless, novelist do to create fictional people whose situations affect

the reader as the situations of real people would, (Halili, 2004). Characters are all the persons in a story, including their emotion, desire, attitude, morality, etc. Characters can be understood as the persons in a dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say, i.e., the dialogue, and what they do, i.e., the action, the grounds in a characters temperament and moral nature for his speech and actions constitute his motivation (Abram as cited in Widiyastuti, 2007: 08). Characters are divided into protagonist and antagonist character. Protagonist is the hero or heroine in the story, usually someone who has good attitude. Antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist. Besides that, character also divided into flat character and round character. Round character is a major character in a work of fiction who encounters conflict and is changed by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed described than flat or static characters. Flat characters are minor characters in a work of fiction who do not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Villete by Charlotte Bronte also consist of two kinds of characters. The major or main character is Lucy Snowe. In this novel, Lucy Snowe is the narrator, a young English woman who is destitute and thrown upon the world. Besides that, there are many minor characters in this novel, as like: Polly or Paulina, Graham or Dr. John, Mrs. Bretton, Mr. and Mrs. Home, Mrs. Marchmont, Mrs. Barret, Ginevra Fanshawe, M. Paul, Madame Beck, M. Isidore, Trinette, Desiree, Fifine, Georgette, Rosine, P`ere Silas, Count De Hamal, Marie Broc, M. de Bassompierre, Zelie St. Pierre, Madame Malravens, and Goton.

2.1.3 Point of View Point of view is important in telling story, for it determines how much the reader must know and can figure out what is happening. There are four basic points of view in literature according to Connolly (as cited in Afifah, 2004: 18). The first is the omniscient point of view in which the story is told by the author using the third person, and his or her knowledge and prerogative is limited. He or she is free to go wherever he or she chooses, to look inside the minds and hearts of his or her characters, and tell the readers what these characters are thinking or feeling. He or she can interpret their behavior and comment, if he or she wishes, on the significance of the story he is telling. The second one is the limited omniscient point of view, in which the authors tell the story in the third person, but he or she tells it the view point of one character in the story. The author places him or herself at the elbow of this character so to speak, and looks at the events of the story though his or her eyes and through his mind. The third is the first person point of view place another restriction on the voice that tells the story. The first point of view has local character that addressed the readers directly, without an intermediary. This character refers to him or her as I in the story and addresses the readers as You either explicitly or by implication. The last is dramatic point of view. In this kind of point of view, the story is told by one more. The narrator now disappears completely and the story is allowed to present itself dramatically through action and dialog.

In Villete novel, Charlotte Bronte used the limited omniscient point of view, in which the authors tell the story in the third person, but he or she tells it the view point of one character in the story. The author (Charlotte Bronte) places herself at the elbow of this character so to speak, and looks at the events of the story though his or her eyes and through her mind.

2.2 Literature and Psychology In Encyclopedia of knowledge (as cited in Fuadiah, 2008: 11), literature, which originally designated all written language, is now restricted to examples of literary genres such as drama, epics, lyrics, novel, and poetry. Psychology is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes, emotion, personality, behavior, and relationships. Psychology traditionally defined as the science of mind but on recent years, and increasingly, the science of behavior (Rycroft, 1977: 130). Some psychologists would wish to add that a distinction between internal behavior and external behavior is an important part of the basic definition. Besides that literary psychology is a literary study that considers a literary work as psychological activity in which, the author uses the thought and feeling in producing the literary work (Endraswara, 2004: 96). In general application of psychological knowledge to art can generate two kinds of illumination. First, the new field provides a more precise language with which to discuss the creative process. Second, application goes back to the study of the lives of authors as a means of understanding their art.

Psychological aspect is one of virtual values needed to be exposed. A literary work is a psychological activity where the author uses his creative power, deep feeling and inspiration (Endraswara, 2003: 96). The readers, in understanding a literary work, will not release from their psychosocial activity. In addition, the author in progress catches indications in his mind then, expresses it in the written text, and it is completed by the author's experience around his environment. Therefore, the people call such phenomenon "psychology of literature". Psychology of literature views that psychological phenomenon presents psychological activity through the characters if it happens in drama or prose. Jatman (in Endraswara, 2003: 97) states that literature and psychology have close relationship either indirectly or functionally. Indirectly, literature and psychology have the same object, which is human being's life. Functionally, both literature and psychology learn about human being's psychological condition. The difference is that in psychology the indication is real, while in literary work it is imaginative. There is a doubt whether psychological aspects can come into literary text since the psychological aspects in the text is very abstract. Indeed, it is difficult to avoid, because to understand a literary work the knowledge of psychology is needed as literary work also concerns with human psychology (Wellek and Warren, 1956:81). Propose that the psychology of literature have certain typical characteristics as follows: Psychology of literature has four research possibilities. Firstly, the research is on the psychology of the author as a type of person

or as an individual. This study tends to be the psychology of art. The researcher tries to catch the mental state of an author at the moment he produces literary works. Secondly, the research is on creative, process in accordance with the mental. This study has relation to the psychology of creative process; on how the psychological steps focus in expressing literary works. Thirdly, the research is on law of psychology applied in literary works. Here, study can be related to psychology theories. The assumption or this study is that the author often uses certain theories in his creation. This study seriously uses literary text as field of the study. Fourthly, the research is on psychological effect of literary text to the readers. This study is more focusing on the pragmatic aspects of psychological text toward the readers. Research on psychology of literature has a firm base as both literature and psychology are studying the human life. The difference is that literature studies man as imaginative creation of the author, while psychology studies man as the real creation of God (Endraswara, 2003: 97). However, human characters in psychology and in literature show similarity so that psychology of literature is important to take. Despite the imagination and creation of literary works, the author often uses the laws of psychology to develop the characters of the figure. The author, consciously or not, has applied theories of psychology.

2.3 Psychological Approach The writer uses psychological approach because it leads her to look into the main female characters psychological problems. The writer learns that Lucy Snowe, the main female character has several psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression. But, she is unable to handle the pain of her psychological problems, so she tries to handle it by applying defense mechanism. However, the writer sees that this psychological approach helps her focus her analysis on Lucy

Snowes psychological problems and the ways she deals with them. Since the writer analysis about the main characters psychological problem, she uses the theory of depression and anxiety. Beside that, the writer also uses the theory of defense mechanism of analyze the ways of Lucy Snowe, the main female character deal with her psychological problems. All of the theories above are important to understand more deeply about the psychological problem that Lucy suffers due to the painful events that happened in her life M. Pauls departures to Guadaloupe that finally he dies. M. Paul Emanuel is the only one man who ever truly sees Lucy and understands who she really is. The writer will able to see the ways she deals with her psychological problems. Therefore, the writer needs psychological approach.

2.4 Psychoanalysis Theory Psychoanalysis is based on the concept that individuals are unaware of the many factors that cause their behavior and emotions. These unconscious factors have the potential to produce unhappiness, which in turn is expressed through a score of distinguishable symptoms, including disturbing personality traits, difficulty in relating to others, or disturbances in self-esteem or general disposition (American Psychoanalytic Association, 1998). Sigmund Freud was the first psychoanalyst and a true pioneer in the recognition of the importance of unconscious mental activity. His theories on the inner workings of the human mind, which seemed so revolutionary at the turn of the century, are now widely accepted by most schools of psychological thought.

In 1896, Freud coined the term "psychoanalysis," and for the next forty years of his life, he worked on thoroughly developing its main principles, objectives, techniques, and methodology. In An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Freud (1949) explains the principal tenets on which psychoanalytic theory is based. He begins with an explanation of the three forces of the psychical apparatus--the id, the ego, and the superego. The id has the quality of being unconscious and contains everything that is inherited, everything that is present at birth, and the instincts (Freud, 1949: 14). The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling the demands of the id and of the instincts, becoming aware of stimuli, and serving as a link between the id and the external world. In addition, the ego responds to stimulation by either adaptation or flight, regulates activity, and strives to achieve pleasure and avoid unpleasure (Freud, 1949: 14-15). Finally, the superego, whose demands are managed by the id, is responsible for the limitation of satisfactions and represents the influence of others, such as parents, teachers, and role models, as well as the impact of racial, societal, and cultural traditions (Freud, 1949: 15). Freud states that the instincts are the ultimate cause of all behavior. The two basic instincts are Eros (love) and the destructive or death instinct. The purpose of Eros is to establish and preserve unity through relationships. On the other hand, the purpose of the death instinct is to undo connections and unity via destruction (Freud, 1949: 18). The two instincts can either operate against each other through repulsion or combine with each other through attraction (Freud, 1949: 19).

From the explanation about psychoanalysis above, the writer in this thesis wants to analyze about the psychological problems which are faced by the main female character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Brontes Villete using psychoanalysis theory. The psychological problem is kinds of human problems, so that way this thesis will be appropriate if the writer analyze by using paychonalysis theory. In this case, the main female character is faced two kinds of psychological problems, they are: anxiety and depression. Moreover, she tried to handle her problems by using defense mechanism. In this case, three of the psychological problems are stated in Freuds theory, that is psychoanalysis theory. More explanation about the kinds of psychological problems which are faced by Lucy Snowe will be presented as follow.

2.4.1 Anxiety In the primer Freudian psychology, Hall (as cited in Olivia, 2004: 08) states that Anxiety is a painful emotional experience which is produced excitations in the internal organs of the body. This excitation, as Hall explains further, comes from either internal or external stimulation and they governed by the autonomic nervous system. As an example, if a person feels in danger, his heart beats faster, breathes more rapidly, his mouth becomes dry, and his palm is sweating. Although anxiety said as painful, it may alert a person to the presence of internal and external dangers. According to Wikipedia, anxiety is a complex combination of the feeling of fear, apprehension and worry often accompanied by physical sensation such as palpitation, chest pain or shortness of breathe.

Freud, one of the first to focus on the importance of anxiety differentiated between objective anxiety and neuriotic anxiety. Freud viewed objective anxiety as a realistic response to external danger, synonymous with fear. He believed that neurotic anxiety stems from an unconsious conflict within the individual; since the conflict is unconsious, the person is not aware of the reason for his or her anxiety. Freud believe that neurotic anxiety was the result of an unconscious conflict between id impulses and the constraints imposed by the ego and superego (Atkinson, 1953: 431). Anxiety an uneasy, fearful felling is the hallmark of many psychological disorders. To understand anxiety disorder, there are three forms that help the writer to identify the anxiety of a person. The three disorders that can help to identify anxiety are phobic disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder. The writer sees panic disorder can help her to identify the main characters anxiety. In generalize anxiety disorder, distress and uneasiness persistent, painful, and spread across multiple situation. Such anxiety can make people thoroughly miserable and even upset about their health. These people often think they have a serious medical disorder because the symptoms may include trembling, fatigue, breathlessness, insomnia, sweating, nervousness, chest pain, dizziness, faintness, and headache, and so on. A sense of foreboding, apprehension and feeling of impending doom may also be mixed with the physical symptoms. Unlike generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder involves specific focused, time bound attack of intense fear, even terror. The panic attacks, lasting from a few minutes up to an hour or more, may include intense version of the generalized anxiety characteristics described but may also include such severe physical symptoms as choking or something sensation, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, numbness (Morgan, 1986: 655-656).

The writer wants to show that a person can suffer from anxiety through panic disorder. The individual usually fells panic, when she or he heard about something that makes her panic she or he has physical symptoms of panic disorder, when she or he hears about something bad that happens in her or his family ( beloved ones ). The physical symptoms are hand shook, teeth catered, chest tighten, and slow breathing. Besides that, people who suffers anxiety sometimes suffers post traumatic sress disorder. People who live though events that are beyond the normal range of human suffering sometimes developed post traumatic stress disorder. The major symptoms include (a) felling numb to the world, with lack of interest in former activities and a sense of estrangement from others (b) reliving the trauma repeatedly in memories and dreams and sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating and over alertness. Post traumatic stress disorder may develop immediately after the disaster or it may be brought on by some minor stress weeks, months or even years later, and it may along time. Atkinson (as cited in Olivia, 2004: 09).

Post traumatic stress disorder becomes a theory that identifies a person who suffers from anxiety. In this case, Atkinson wants to show that the individual who face traumatic event in the life may develop his or her feeling immediately after the event. She or he also has major symptoms like feeling numb, lack of interest in activities, relives the trauma repeatedly in memories and sleep disturbances. In addition, about the definition and symptoms of severe anxiety, Narramore says: Severe anxiety is a result of basic feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. Throughout carry life, the person has usually been subject to criticism, failure and guilt. He or she has come to be fearful of new situation and insecure in social relationship. Even the slightest stress situations may cause great discomfort and anxiety. Any threat, personal criticism, direct suggestion, of

forceful personality in big his or her environment will immediately re-emphasize the individuals feelings of inadequacy and inferiority (Narramore, 1996: 42).

2.4.2 Depression Psychoanalysis derives from Sigmun Freuds stydies of dreaming as a window into the unconscious mind (Fine, 1979). Since there are currently many schools of psychoanalysis, not all strictly adhering to Freuds theory, spective on depression. In fact, while Freud himself suffered from symptoms of depression, neither the diagnosis nor the explanation of depressive symptoms plays a large part in his works (Frisch & Frisch, 1998: 247). In 1917, Freud published Mourning and Melancholia. By this paper, he meant that the mourner feels as if somehow the lost person is still emotionally present until the work of mourning is complited. In this paper, Freud described depression (melancholia) as loss of an internal quality, such as self esteem during the crisis deriving from a childs discovery of his inability to assume the social and sexual role of the same-sex parents. Freud later viewed depression as a conflict between the ego (the conscious self) and the superego (an inner voice, something like an internalized parent). In depression, the superego punishes the ego for having forbidden wishes or for not living up to the superegos expectation (usually similar to those of ones actual parents). The result of that conflict was guilt, self-hate, and anger turned inward; this processes in turn led to depression (Frisch & Frisch, 1998: 247). Depression can be identifying after the individual has already identify as a stressor. Depression usually occurs to a person after he or she suffers from stress.

Depression is the intense felling of depressed, down mood (Frisch & Frisch, 1998: 240). It is characterized by a mixture of felling, thoughts and behavior that are strikingly distinct from the usual range of felling and functioning. Depression is ordinarily a reaction to a sense of loss (Kendall, 1992:31). Sadness and loss are universal, but symptoms severe enough to justify a diagnosis of depression are much rarer (Frisch & Frisch, 1998: 239). Depression is a state of sadness, decreased initiative, and introversion. This refers either to an emotion, it means in low spirits, gloomy; when referring to a diagnosis, it refers to a SYNDROME of which the emotion depression constitutes one element (Rycroft, 1977: 30). Depression involves the body, mood and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way someone feels about himself or herself, and the way somebody think about things. Depression can even make the most basic life function such as sleeping, eating and thinking become very difficult.

Depression is one of the effects of continues stresses and it is a normal response to life stresses. Depression is characterized by loss of all positive feeling, including joy and humor, loss appetite, lack of interest in doing anything and feeling worthless, helplessness and despair. The depressed person is unable to concentrate on task or function effectively (Shrove, 1989: 29).

A person experiencing a depressive episode may express feelings of sadness and hopelessness or may express the sense of feeling empty or having no feelings (Frisch & Frisch, 1998: 240). Besides that, a person experiencing grief

will have many of the same symptoms as one who is depressed. A grieving person may also exhibit loss of appetite, weight loss, sleep disturbances, and mobility to concentrate, make decision, and carry out daily activities (Frisch & Frisch, 1998: 224). A person who experiences grief because of loss someone she loves as in the novel usually has a several symptoms above. It means that the person experiences the same symptoms as someone who is depressed.

2.4.3 Defense Mechanism In Sigmund Freuds topographical model of personality, the ego is aspect of personality that deals with reality. While doing this, the ego also has to cope with conflicting demands of the Id and superego. The id seeks to fulfill all wants, needs, and impulses while the superego tries to get the ego to act in an idealistic and moral manner. Freud used the term defense mechanism to refer to unconscious processes that strategies do not alter the objective conditions of danger; they simply change the way the person perceives or think about it (Atkinson, 1953: 433). According to Freud, defense mechanism is a tactic developed by the ego to protect against anxiety. Defense mechanisms are thought to safeguard the mind against feeling and thoughts that are too difficult for the conscious mind to cope with. In same instances, defense mechanisms are thought to keep in appropriate or unwanted thoughts and impulses from entering the conscious mind ( Because of anxiety provoking demands created by the id, superego and reality, the ego has developed of number of defense mechanism to cope with

anxiety. Although we may knowingly use these mechanism, in many cases these defense occur unconsciously and work it distort reality. While all defense mechanism can be unhealthy, they can also be adaptive and allow us to function normally. The greatest problems arise when defense mechanisms are overused in order to avoid dealing with problems. There are numbers of defense mechanism that are discovered by Sigmund Freud, but there will be two of defense mechanism that the writer will use. It is called repression rationalization. Repression Repression is another well-known defense mechanism. Repression acts to keep information out of conscious awareness. However, the memories do not just disappear; they continue to influence our behavior. Repression is apart of psychoanalysis theory that has been found by Sigmund Freud, which is later developed and explained by many psychologists. Beside that, repression is the process of keeping things out of consciousness it is in active rejection of acceptable thoughts, desires, memories and relegation to the unconscious. Repression is a defense against internal threat. In repression, impulses or memories that are too threatening are excluded from action or consciousness awareness (Atkinson, 1953: 434). Everyone uses repression, because it works. Repression saves them from are other pain or anxiety. In repression, it requires large amount of energy to keep unacceptable thoughts or feeling from entering to consciousness. As result, the energy is tied up in this process and is unavailable for other using.

Completely successful repression results in a total forgettinga total absence of awareness of unacceptable motive and behavior is resulting from such a motive. Usually, however, repression is not completely successful, and impulses find indirect expression. Some of the following defense mechanisms protect the individual from awareness of partially repressed impulses (Atkinson, 1953: 435). Rationalization Rationalization is defense mechanism that involves explaining an unacceptable behavior or felling in rational or logical manner, avoiding the true explanation for the behavior. For example, a person who is turned down for date might rationalize the situation by saying they were not attracted to the other person anyway. Rationalization not only prevents anxiety, it may also protect self - esteem and self concept. When the confronted by success or failure, people tend to attribute achievement to their own qualities and skills while failures are blamed on other people or out sides forces ( ). In rationalization, the person reduces anxiety by finding a rational explanation (or excuse) for a behavior that really has done for unacceptable reasons. Rationalization does not mean to act rationally; it is the assignment of logical or socially desirable motives to what we do so that we seem to have acted rationally or properly. Rationalization serves two purposes: (1) it eases our disappointment when we fail to reach a goal, and (2) it provides us with acceptable motives for our behavior (Atkinson, 1953: 435). In this chapter, the writer writes about the theory that supports her to analyze the main female character, Lucy Snowe. The write uses three theories that

lead her to write the next chapter. The three theories are theory of anxiety, theory of depression, and theory of defense mechanism.

2.5 Previous Studies The writer takes some previous studies that are related to this novel. The first research is conducted by Nur Afifah (2004), the student of State Islamic University of Malang, entitled A psychological Analysis of Ashley Patterson in Tell Me your Dreams by Sydney Sheldon. In her thesis, the specific purpose is to find out a description of Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD). She has focused on the analysis because it is one of the branches of psychology and to make suitable with the content of the novel. The problems of this study are: What kinds of the character traits does Ashley Patterson have, and What are the psycholoical aspects of the main characters found in that novel. From her analysis, she has concluded: (1) the chracter traits of Ashley Patterson exist on the psychological aspects of Tell Me Your Dreams. The charactertrits are: the character of Ashley Patterson as the main characters of this novel have Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) and overload at trauma, stress, emotion, and anxiety. (2) the psychological aspects of the main characters found in the psychological analysis of Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD). And besides that, there are some students from Petra Christian University that have conducted the research about psychological problems, they are: First is conducted by Francisca Theny Engelina (2001), a student of Petra Christian University by the title: A study of Jims psychological Problems in

Joseph Conrads Lord Jim. In this study, she has focused on analyzing Jims psychological problems and the way to solve his psychological problem. And also involve the internal and external conflicts which are faced by Jim. Lord Jim is basically a novel in which the central character has some psychological problems. Joseph Conrads Lord Jim presents the main character, Jim, as a man who has a dream to be a hero. Jim is trying hard to realize his dream; however, he meets his failures which are caused by his psychological problems in reaching the dream. This thesis examines what Jims psychological problems are and how Jim solves his psychological problems. In order to examines Jims psychological problems and the way out, she (the thesis writer) has based her study on the literary theories, such as; characterization and conflicts, as well as psychological theory , that is anxiety and the definition of dream. From the analysis, she has found that Jim is a tough person. Although he fails in realizing his dream, he never gives up until he finally can reach it. Jim is a man who is willing to die for his dream. The second study is conducted by Meliana Triawati (2004), a student of Petra Christian University by the title: A Study on Three Main Characters ways in dealing with the psychological problems as the effect of the death of their beloved in Banana Yoshimotos Kitchen. She is focused on analyze the three main characters Mikage Sakurai, Yuichi Tanabe, and Erico in the novel Kitchen. In this thesis, the writer interested to take one of the Japanese novels by Banana Yoshimoto, because she is a talented and interesting young writer. Her style of writing is considered to be magical realism. Meaning that there is a miracle in our life and it may happen every day. The writer chooses Kitchen than the other work

because of the outstanding theme in that novel. Kitchen itself is a story about dealing with death of the beloved. To answer the statement of the problems, she uses psychological approach by applying psychoanalysis theory, as like: anxiety, gender dysporia, and defense mechanism. Through this analysis, she wants to show that for some people, it is not easy to deal with the beloveds death, altough death is a ntural thing. She has added that when people try to seek the way out, sometimes, they do not realize that their chosen way does not overcome their problem and just create another new problem. The last study is conducted by Chris Andre Susanto (2007), a student of Petra Christian University by the title: The Captains psychological problems and the process of his withdrawal from reality in Strindbergs The Father. He focused his study on Captains fixations, anxieties, and the process of withdrawal in the reality. This study reveals the psychological complications of the Captain, the main character of Strindbergs The Father, which has been hailed as probably the most powerful play of the naturalistic school. Regarding the gruesome tension between the two main characters within the three acts, the Captain exposes much more of his certain fear and paranoid attitude, as the effect of the lack of gratification in his childhood, than the wife, Laura, who is verbally violent and aggresively fighting of her own will over her husband. In this analysis, he (the thesis writer) is interested in inquiring what kinds of fixation and anxiety that the Captains undergoes and how he finally withdraws from reality. Therefore, he uses psychological approach with Freus psychoanalysis is needed in dissecting the complexity of the mental condition of the Captain.

From the previous studies above, the writer gets the contribution from each previous study, as like: the fourth previous studies above have analyzed about the character in the novel who have psychological problems. Besides that, the previous studies above are used psychological approach as the devices, but each of them are have different solving problems. So that way, in this thesis, the writer feels sure that her studies will be different with other studies because although she uses psychological approach but she uses different data (source), she used Villete by Charlotte Brontes novel as the source. And the main character Lucy Snowe in this novel who has psychological problems is different with the others characters that have been analyzed by the previous researchers. Besides that, the writer also uses psychoanalysis theory by applying: anxiety, depression, and defense mechanism to support her studies. So that way, this study is the new study that different with the others studies.


3.1 The Psychological Problems of Lucy Snowe In this chapter, the writer analyzes Lucy Snowes psychological problems in order to get the answer of the statement of the problems. The reason of the writer analyzes Lucy Snowes psychological problems because the writer wants to describe that she has several psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. The thesis writer sees that Lucy Snowe has both of psychological problems, it is mention that: With me it was a difficult and anxious time till my facts were found, selected, and properly jointed; nor could I rest from research and effort till I was satisfied of correct anatomy; the strength of my inward repugnance to the idea of flaw or falsity sometimes enabled me to shun egregious blunders; but the knowledge was not there in my head, ready and mellow; it had not been sown in Spring, grown in Summer, harvested in Autumn, and garnered through Winter; whatever I wanted I must go out and gather fresh; (Bronte, 2007: 482). This quotation above shows about Lucys anxiety. She tells to the readers about her feeling, and from the quotation above the writer catches the point that Lucy is suffered anxiety. Besides the anxiety problems, Lucy also suffered depression; especially after she knows that her boyfriend, M. Paul Emanuel will be leave her because of some people did not like about her relationship with M. Paul and want to separate both of them. It is mentioned that:

The week consumed. We were told that he was going on such a day, that his destination was Basseterre Guadaloupe; the business which called him abroad related to a friends interest, not his own: I thought as much (Bronte, 2007: 529).

From this quotation above, Lucy wants to share to the reader that she is worry about Mr. Paul Emanuels departure to Basseterre Guadaloupe, because his departure is not his own interest, but it is caused by his friends interest. Actually Basseterre Guadaloupe is in West Indie. Then, the writer wants to analyze the ways Lucy Snowe deals with her psychological problems. In this case, Lucy Snowe deals her psychological problems by doing defense mechanism. To conduct this analysis, the writer uses psychological approach, main the theory of anxiety and depression. Moreover, the writer uses the theory of defense mechanism to find the ways of Lucy deals with her psychological problems. Lucy Snowe, the narrator is a young English woman destitute and thrown upon the world. Actually, she is educated and from the gentle class of society, but she is without money, family, and friends, even though she has a happy childhood. In this novel, Lucy Snowe speaks early of herself in the third person point of view. It is kind of detachment this utter alienation not only for her entire world but even from her self, that is a characteristic of the unconventional nature of the narrator of this novel. In this novel, Lucy talks often of herself as a separate person, and as part of this, she makes it clear throughout the novel that she is not sharing everything (or every important plot point) with the reader. She is sharing only the Lucy Snowe that she wants us to see. This was a stylistic choice by

Charlotte Bronte and a commentary on the alienated and marginalized life of woman like Lucy in her society. ( Here, in the thesis, the writer tries to identify Lucy Snowes psychological problems. In addition, she can describe the ways of Lucy deals with her psychological problems. The writer starts her analysis by showing that Lucy Snowe has psychological problems and the ways she deals with them by doing defense mechanism. There are several ways that Lucy uses to avoid her psychological problems. From these ways, Lucy thinks that she can handle her psychological problems. Therefore, the writer divides this chapter into two. The first, the writer identifies the psychological problems of Lucy Snowe. Moreover, the writer analysis the ways of Lucy deals with her psychological problems. The main female character in this novel named Lucy Snowe has psychological problems in her young life after she hears the news that she will be left by M. Paul Emanuel to Guadaloupe. In this chapter, the write wants to describe about Lucy Snowes psychological problems. Lucy has some symptoms that lead her to have two psychological problems. The two psychological problems that Lucy suffers are anxiety and depression.

3.1.1 Lucy Snowes Anxiety Anxieties are characterisized by marked degree of unfounded dread, worry and apprehension. Some people are subject to periods of intense worry and concern these times are accompanied by a variety of physical symptoms such as :

breathing difficulties, excessive perspiration, headache, dizziness, tremors, palpitation of the heart, restlessness, and inability to sleep. In this novel, Lucy Snowe as the main female character has detected as a person who suffers anxiety. Hall states that Anxiety is a painful emotional experience which is produced excitations in the internal organs of the body. This excitation, as Hall explains further, comes from either internal or external stimulation and they governed by the autonomic nervous system. As an example, if a person feels in danger, his heart beats faster, breathes more rapidly, his mouth becomes dry, and his palm is sweating. Although anxiety said as painful, it may alert a person to the presence of internal and external dangers (Hall, 1979: 61). In this case, Lucy Snowe fears and worries if M. Paul Emanuel, someone she loves so much will go away from Rue Fossete for three years. The first reaction of Lucy Snowe after hearing the news is panicked. It is mention that: A cray at this moment might have ruined me. Be the spectacle what it might, I could afford neither consentration, scream, nor swoon. Besides, I was not overcome. Tempered by late incidents, my nerves disdain hysteria (Bronte, 2007: 565). The words my nerves disdain hysteria means that Lucy snowe wants to share to the reader that she suffers nervous system in this case, nervous system is one of the symptoms of anxiety. Moreover, Lucy watches Pere Silas, Madame Beck, and Madame Walravens for a while. The school gossip was that these three had hatched the plan to get M. Paul to leave for Guadalupe; it is makes Lucys heart broken because she fears to continue her future life without M. Paul Emanuel besides her. Moreover, Lucy and M. Paul have planned to build a new school if both of them

are married. Furthermore, her feeling of fear leads her to have some physical symptoms. It mentioned that: Morning wasted. Afternoon came, and I thought all was over. My heart trembled in its place. My blood was troubled in its current. I was quite sick, and hardly knew how to keep at my postor do my work (Bronte, 2007: 532). From the quotation above, the writer sees that Lucy Snowe feels fear and worry about M. Paul. As a result, she does not realize about her physical action which express panic. In fact, her physical action my hard trembled; it means that Lucy has suffered kinds of physical symptoms, that is the palpitation of the heart. Than, Lucy feels afraid and worried that the literature lesson that is conducted by M. Paul Emanuel in Labassecouriness will be suspended because of M. Pauls departures Lucy and some pupils in Labassecouriness have followed the lesson of literature that is conducted by M. Paul. By this lesson, Lucy and M. Paul have built the good relationship. So that way, Lucy fells very afraid that she cannot find M. Paul again. It stated as follows: Your professor, Ladies, she went on, Intends, if possible, dully to take leave of you. At the present moment he has not leisure for that ceremony. He is preparing for a long voyage. A very sudden and urgent summons of duty calls him to a great distance. He has decided to leave Europe for an indefinite time. Perhaps he may tell you more himself. Ladies, instead of the usual lesson with M. Emanuel, you will, this morning, read English with mademoiselle Lucy (Bronte, 2007: 527). This quotation is a Madame Becks says. She says and informs to the students in the literature class that M. Paul cannot teach his lesson because he should prepare anything before his voyages. The said of Madame Beck has

insulted Lucy. Moreover, Lucy has known that between Pere Silas, Madame Beck, and Madame Walravens are willing to let M. Paul has his life for their own interests, because the distance to Guadalupe is far and the climate is hazardous. It is mentioned that: But the distance was great the climate hazardous (Bronte, 2007: 555).

Then, Lucy Snowe feels very afraid and worried about M. Pauls departure. She is fears that she cannot meet with M. Paul again. She fears that M. Paul does not to have farewell with her. It is stated that: It kills me to be forgotten, Monseiur, I said. All these weary days I have not heard from you one word, and I was crushed with the possibility, growing to certainty, that you would depart without saying farewell (Bronte, 2007: 579).

If this were my lst moment with him, I would not wasted it in forced, unnatural distance. I love him welltoo well not to smite out of my path even Jealousy herself, when she would have obstructed a kind farawell (Bronte, 2007: 577).

From the two quotations above, the writer can see that Lucy Snowe has the physical symptoms that lead her to suffer from anxiety. The fact that, the words it kills me and all these weary days shows that these physical symptoms are pertinent to the physical symptoms of anxiety. Here, Lucy feels fear about M. Pauls departure. It means that she cannot meet with M. Paul gain. She also thinks that her thought is right because she knows about the plan of Pere Silas, Madame Beck, and Madame Walravens who want to separate Lucy and M.

Paul Emanuel. This is the most terrible thing that ever happens in the life. And in the second quotation, in the words I love him welltoo well not to smite out of my path even Jealousy herself, Lucy wants to show her feeling that she really loves M. Paul Emanuel Moreover, Lucy Snowe not only shows her anxiety through her thought, but also through her behavior. Lucy Snowe shows her anxiety trough physical symptoms that the writer identifies in her behavior. It can be seen that Lucy feels apprehension and may also be mixed with physical symptoms such as numbness, dizziness, headache, and soon. Once again, the writer sees that Lucy has physical symptoms of anxiety in the novel; Lucy has the physical symptoms such as headache and dizziness. It happens after Lucy knows the news of M. Pauls departure and after she receives M. Paul letters, Lucys headache can be seen in this quotation: what I now suffered was called illness-a headache (Bronte, 2007: 359). Besides that, after Lucy received the farewell letter from M. Paul Emanuel. Lucy feels dizzy. In this quotation, the writer will be shows M. Pauls letter to Lucy Snowe: It was not my intention to take leave on you when I said goodbay to the rest, but I hoped to see you in classe. I was disappointed. The interview is deferred. Be ready for me. Ere I sail, I must see you at leisure, and speak whit you at lenght. Be ready;my moments are numbered, and just now, monopolized, besides, I have a private business on hand which I will not share with any, not communicate-event to you. PAUL (Bronte, 2007: 535).

This quotation above is a letter from M. Paul to Lucy Snowe. After receiving this letter, Lucy feels dizzy it is mentioned that: Oh! I would be ready, but could that longed-for meeting really be achieved? The time was so short, the schemers seemed so watchful, so active, so hostile; the way of access appeared strait as a gully, deep as a chasm-Apallyon straddled across it, Breathing flames(Bronte, 2007: 535). From the quotation above, the writer sees that Lucy Snowes physical symptoms such as the feeling of dizzy and headache are pertinent with the physical symptoms of anxiety. Next, Lucy Snowe also suffers from the post-traumatic stress disorders that bring her to get her anxiety. The writer uses this theory because a post traumatic disorder is a theory that identifies Lucys anxiety clearly. In this case, People who live though events that are beyond the normal range of human suffering sometimes developed post traumatic stress disorder. The major symptoms include (a) felling numb to the world, with lack of interest in former activities and a sense of estrangement from others (b) reliving the trauma repeatedly in memories and dreams and sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating and over alertness. Post traumatic stress disorder may develop immediately after the disaster or it may be brought on by some minor stress weeks, months or even years later, and it may along time(Atkinson, 1993: 584). From the symptoms of this theory, the writer can sees the anxiety of Lucy Snowe; the main female character has major symptoms of post traumatic stress such as lack of interest in activities, reliving the trauma repeatedly in memories,

and sleep disturbances. After the writer shows about her symptoms of her general anxiety, the writer wants to analyze about her symptoms of post traumatic stress that leads her to suffer from anxiety. Firstly, people who suffer from post traumatic stress usually do not have any interest to do something else. It is also happens in Lucy, Lucy Snowe does not have any interest to do her daily activity after she knows that M. Paul Emanuel will be left her alone in Rue Fossete. After Lucy knows the news about M. Pauls departure to Guadalupe from Madame Beck, she has lacked her interest to be an English teacher in Labassecouriness, it is mentioned that: with my head bent, and my forehead resting on my hands, I sat admits grouped free-stems and branching brush wood (Bronte, 2007: 556). This quotation shows about Lucys lack of interest to do her jobs. Secondly, the writer also can be seen Lucy Snowes anxiety through reviling her memories about M. Paul Emanuel. Before being a close friend, Lucy Snowe and M. Paul are often to quarrel each others. And it is made Lucy feels trauma if she remains about the quarrels, because between Lucy Snowe and M. Paul are being a friend and have a good relationship now. Lucy feels afraid if M. Pauls departures will make them quarrels again, it is stated that: For what I felt there was no help, and how could I help the feeling? M. Emanuel had been very kind to me of late days: he had been growing hourly netter and kinder. It was now a month since we had settled the theological difference, and all that time there had been no quarrel (Bronte, 2007: 530).

Finally, Lucy Snowe shows her anxiety, especially Lucy has sleep disturbances. After Lucy knows that M. Paul Emanuel will leave her alone in Labassecouriness, every night Lucy has suffered sleep disturbances. It is stated that: Basseterre in Guadaloupe. I had little sleep about this time, but whenever I did slumber, it followed infallibly that I was quickly roused with a start, while the words Basseterre, Guadaloupe, seemed pronounced over my pillow, or ran athwart the darkness round and before me, in zigzag characters of red or violet light (Bronte, 2007: 530).

Besides the symptoms above, the writer identifies that Lucy Snowe suffers from severe anxiety. She feels afraid of new situation and insecure in social relationship. The writer sees that this symptom is relevant with Lucy Snowe. Lucy Snowe is a new comer in Labassecouriness. Between Lucy and the people in Labassecouriness are have the different faith. Lucy is a Protestant and Labassecourinesss people are Catholic. It is made Lucy feels afraid about her new situation because she always underestimated by the people around her. She feels that there is no one who can understand her except M. Paul Emanuel, but in this case M. Paul Emanuel will leave Europe to Guadaloupe and it is insulted Lucys heart. M. Paul Emanuel is the only one man who is really understands about Lucys conditions. But when Lucy has conversation with M. Paul, Lucy tries to convince M. Paul that her faith is same with her faith it mentioned that: Monsieur, I dont scorn it-at least, not as your gift, monsieur, sir down; listen tome. I am not a heathen, I am not hard-hearted, I am not unchristian, I am not dangerous, as they tell you; I would not

trouble your faith, you believe in good and Christ and the Bible, and so do I (Bronte, 2007: 502).

Finally, the writer concludes that Lucy Snowe as the main female character in this novel has a psychological problem because of M. Paul Emanuels departure to the Guadaloupe. Lucy Snowe is suffers anxiety, the symptoms are; Lucy has the physical symptom as like: headache and dizzy. Besides that, she is also suffers post traumatic stress disorder, the symptoms are: lack of interest in activities, reliving the trauma repeatedly in memories, and sleep disturbances. Lucy feels anxiety because she fears and worries to continue her future life without her loves, M. Paul Emanuel. As long as she stays in French after moving from the house of Bretton in England, only M. Paul Emanuel who really cares, understands, and loves her, the psychological problem of Lucy Snowe can be categorized as anxiety.

3.1.3 Lucy Snowes Depression Besides the anxiety problems, the next psychological problem that is shown by Lucy Snowe is depression. Lucy Snowe never imagines living alone in this world without any friends and family. She feels depressed because no body in this world who is able to accompany and support her life except M. Paul Emanuel. She becomes very depression because M. Paul Emanuel will be left her for about three years to Guadaloupe. Depression is ordinary reaction to a sense of lose. For example; loss of the family or loss someone whos really loves. In this novel, Lucy Snowe feel depressed after she knows that her beloved close friend, M. Paul

Emanuel will be sails to Guadaloupe. She is shocked and does not believe about M. Pauls departure to Guadaloupe. She knows that no bodies that will be support her life again, because Lucy feels that her life will be miserable without M. Paul. Shrove stated that depression is one of the effects of continues stresses and it is a normal response to life stresses. Depression is characterized by loss of all positive feeling, including joy and humor, loss appetite, lack of interest in doing anything and feeling worthless, helplessness and despair. The depressed person is unable to concentrate on task or function effectively. It stated that: If he were really my brother, how should like to go to him just know, and ask what it is that presses on his mind (Bronte, 2007: 460).

From this quotation, the writer sees the feeling of Lucy towards her love. For Lucy, M. Paul means everything to her and she loves M. Paul Emanuel very much: She also needs her loves in this world. She needs M. Paul to love and to protect her life. Therefore, from the quotation above, the write sees that Lucy wants to share to the readers that she is apprehension about M. Pauls departure. Moreover, when M. Paul asks that if she were his sister, and would she like to always stay with a brother such as him? And Lucy says that indeed she would. One of the symptoms that shows Lucy Snowes depression is she has difficulty to concentrate about everything. Lucy has difficulty to concentrate because she feels worried about the condition of M. Paul Emanuel. It stated that: I become conscious of a relaxation of discipline, a sort of growing disorder, as if my girls felt, that vigilance was withdrawn, and that surveillance had virtually left, the classe. Habit and the sense of duty enabled me to really quickly, to rise in my usual way, to

speak in my usual tone, to enjoin, and finally to establish quite. I made the English reading long and close. I kept them at it the whole morning (Bronte, 2007: 528).

From the quotation above, the writer can sees that Lucy has difficulty to concentrate when she is teaching English reading, so that way, the lesson becomes long and close because she cannot handle the lesson well. Moreover, Lucys depression is caused by the feeling of loss which is suffered by her. She feels depressed because no bodies that can help her to restrain M. Paul Emanuels departure even herself, it mentioned that: For what I felt there was no help, and how could I help the feeling? (Bronte, 2007: 530).

This quotation is explained how very depressed Lucys feeling. That world for what I felt there was no help means that actually she needs a help for everybody besides her to keep restrain M. Paul departure to Guadaloupe. The writer thinks that Lucy Snowe has the psychological problem especially depression because she cannot concentrate when she is teaching English reading, and then she also feels depressed when she is aware that there are no people who can help her to restrain M. Pauls departure to Guadaloupe. The next symptoms is loss of all positive feeling including joy and humor. It is mention that: He learned his error. Thought answer to the questions suged up fast, my mind feeling like a rising well, ideas were there, but not words. I either could not, or would not speak I am not sure

which: partly, I think, my nerves had got wrong, and partly my humour was crossed (Bronte, 2007: 481). From the quotation above, the words I think, my nerves had got wrong, and partly my humour was crossed shows about Lucys depression, because she says that she has lack of her homour. Another symptom that shows Lucy Snowes depression is she has difficulty in sleeping, eating and thinking. In this case, Lucy Snowe shows her depression in her behavior and her though. After she knows that Madame Beck will send M. Paul Emanuel to Guadaloupe in the extreme weather, she has difficulty in sleeping and thinking. In fact, thus psychological problems have disturbed her most basic life functions such as sleeping and eating. This is a clear example in the novel: Let me persuade you to calm, mess; let me lead you to your chamber, said she, trying to speak softly. No! I said; neither you nor another shall to persuade or lead me. Your bed shall be warmed Gotton is sitting up still. She shall make you comfortable: she shall give you a sedative. Madame, I broke out, you are a sensualist. Under all your serenity, your peace, and your decorum, you are an undenied sensualist. Make your own bed warm and soft; take sedatives and meats, and drinks spiced and sweet, as much as you will. If you have any sorrow or disappointment-and, perhaps, you have-nay, I know you have seek your own palliatives, in your own chosen. Leave me, however. Leave me, I say! (Bronte, 2007: 537).

This quotation is a conversation between Lucy Snowe and Madame Beck; Madame tries to offer her to go to sleep and something to eat. But, Lucy Snowe does not want to go to sleep and eat something; the writer sees that it is not usual for Lucy to have difficulty in sleeping and eating. Before she knows about M.

Pauls departure to Guadaloupe is a part of Madames planning to separate her and M. Paul, she does not have difficulty to eat or to sleep. The writer considers that Lucy feels depressed because the writer sees that her physical reaction that showing No! I said: neither you nor another shall to persuade or lead meand take sedatives and meals, and drinks spiced and sweet, as much as you will are pertinent to the symptoms of depression. Furthermore, the writer analyzes that Lucy Snowe also does not want to think about anything. She does not want to thing about her love with M. Paul Emanuel, and also M. Paul Emanuels departure. She did want to think about a discord. It stated that: All that evening I waited, trusting in the dove-sent olive-life, yet in the most of my trust, terribly fearing. My fear pressed heavy. Cold and peculiars, I know it for the partner of a rarely-belied presentiment. The first hours seemed long and slow; in spirit I clung to the flying skirts of the lost. They passed like drift cloudlike the scudding before a storm (Bronte, 2007: 536).

This quotation shows that Lucy does not want to think anything including M. Pauls departure. It showed in the words My fear pressed heavy and like the wrack scudding before a storm means that Lucy feels really depressed because she will be leaved by M. Paul Emanuel alone in Labassecouriness. The writer sees that it happens because Lucy feels depressed about M. Pauls journey to Guadaloupe. Besides that, the symptom that happens in Lucy Snowe is she feels lack of interest in doing anything and she feels worthless. In this case, the writer wants to analyze about the worthless feeling of Lucy Snowe. First, the writer sees that

Lucy feels worthless because she cannot help and restrain M. Paul in order that he will still stay in Labassecouriness with her. She thinks that it is unless for her to live in this world. She feels despair because she is a worthless person and she does not have M. Paul Emanuel as a someone she loves besides her, and she cannot persuade Madame Beck, Madame Walravens, and Pere Silas to cancel M. Pauls voyages. It is mentioned that: There, when, were Madame Walravens, Madame Beck, Pere Silas- the whole conjuration, the secret junta. The sight of them thus assembled did me good. I cannot say that I felt weak before them, or abashed, or dismayed out numbered me, and I was worsted and writer their feet; but, as yet, I was not dead (Bronte, 2007: 553).

The writer sees that Lucy Snowe calls Madame Beck and her two friends as the conjuration, the secret junta, because they are people who have conspired against Lucy to send M. Paul away. From the quotation above, Lucy is aware that her desire to keep stay M. Paul in Labassecouriness is useless because her desire has been blocked by Madame Beck and her two friends. The writer sees that Lucy Snowe also feels despair because her efforts to defend M. Paul useless. It is that: He deemed me born under his star: he seemed to have spread over me its beam like a banner. Once-unknown, and unloved, I held him hars and strange; the low stature, the wiry make, the angles, the darkness, the manner, displaced me. Now, penetrated with his influence, and living by heart I preferred him before all humanity. We parted: he gives me his pledge and them his farewell. We parted: the next day he sailed (Bronte, 2007: 590).

From the quotation above, the writer sees that Lucy really feels despair. Lucy feels about her thinks that she really sad when will parted with M. Paul Emanuel.

The words we parted: he gives me his pledge, and then his farewell. We parted: the next day-he sailed means that M. Paul pledges to marry her (Lucy Snowe) when he returns, and they parted, because M. Paul should sails to Guadaloupe the next day. Those two quotations make the writer sees about Lucys feeling of worthlessnesss and despair toward her life. The last symptom that shows Lucys depression is that expresses grief after M. Paul Emanuel left to Guadaloupe. Lucy expresses grief because she loses her lover, M. Paul. A person experiencing grief will have many of the same symptoms as the one who is depressed. Therefore, the writer identifies that Lucy feels depressed. Moreover, the writer also sees that Lucy also has another symptom of depression. Lucy Snowe experiences a grief event in her life, so it makes Lucy unable to think about her future. Before M. Paul goes away, Lucy has told to M. Paul that she wants to have her own school. Besides that Lucy wants to achieve, through M. Paul, two of main goals of her life: Independence and love. Lucy feels grief because she cannot partake of the love in the normal fashion of married life with M. Paul Emanuel ennobles her, and her early training in adversity perhaps has made it easier for her to bear that it would have been for either of the girls if they were faced with the same tragedy. It is mentioned that: He passed quietly, like a shadow sweeping the sky, at noon. Nothing but a chilling dimness was seen or felt. I looked up. Chariot and demon charioteer were gone by, the votary still lived. M. Emanuel was away three years. Reader, they were there year of my life (Bronte, 2007: 591).

From the quotation above, the writer thinks that lucy feels grief because behind her successes in her life, she cannot enjoy her successes with someone she loves, while it is strongly implied that M. Paul dies in a shipwreck, the fact that Lucy will not write the words of the event shows the abortiveness that has reigned over much of Lucys life. She leans to love but never has the consummation of it. While Lucy does have some success in her life (the independence of running her own school was certainty usual for women in her time- and admirable, event though it was still a job). M. Paul surprisingly, brought her into his own heart and his other couples. But unfortunately, Lucy and M. Paul would not enjoy the success together. And it is makes Lucy feels grief. Thus, based on the symptoms above, both emotional and physical disturbances, the writer surely concludes that this main female character suffers from depression.

3.2 Lucy Snowe Deals Her Psychological Problems by Using Defense Mechanism After Lucy has her psychological problems, she also has some ways to handle her painful memories of the loves. After she knows about the news of M. Pauls departure to Guadaloupe, she wants to avoid the situation that makes her remember her loves. It is hard for Lucy Snowe to forget her beloved M. Paul. But the writer analyzes that Lucy Snowe tries to escape from the painful situation there are two ways which shows her efforts to avoid from her painful situation, that repression and rationalization. It can be sees in the following subchapters.

3.2.1 Lucy Snowes Repression Lucy Snowes uses defense mechanism to handle her psychological problems. The psychological problems that are suffered by Lucy Snowe are anxiety and depression. So that, she uses repression to deal with psychological problems. Arkoff said that repression is a process in which prevent our selves from doing something that might cause pain and embarrassment. In repression, it requires large amount of energy to keep unacceptable thoughts or feeling from entering to consciousness. As result, the energy is tied up in this process and is unavailable for other using. Before M. Pauls departure, he has prepared a little house with a small school to Lucy Snowe, it is mention that: Did you do this, M. Paul? Is this your house? Did you furnish it? Did you gets this papers printed? Do you mean me? Am I the directress? Is there another Lucy Snowe? Tell me: say something (Bronte, 2007: 584). Besides that, after Lucy knows that M. Paul have prepared anything for her, he promise to do anything for M. Paul. M. Paul wants that Lucy always keep her loves, it is mention that: Lucy, take my love. One day share my life. Be my dearest, first on earth. (Bronte, 2007: 590).

Because of the last message from M. Paul above, Lucy tries to handle her psychological problems trough avoid talk about her beloved, M. Paul. In this case, she repressed her painful memories about M. Pauls departure with talking about something that makes her happy. It is because of the fact is so hurtful for Lucy, so she tries to forget about her beloved (M. Paul Emanuel) by discussing about her

activities in her new school, especially the school is an inheritance of M. Paul. She wants to avoid everything that will remind her about her beloved boyfriend by her own ways. In this case, she tries to throw away her memory about M. Paul by telling the reader about her activities in her new school. It mentioned that: M. Emanuel was away three years. Reader, they were three happiest years of my life. Do you scout paradox? Listen. I commenced my school, I worked, I worked hard. I deemed my self the steward of his property, and determined, God willing, to render to good account. Pupils came burghers at first a higher class are long. About the middle of the second years an unexpected chance threw into my hand an additional hundred pounds (Bronte, 2007: 591).

This quotation above shows that Lucy wants to repress her felling by discussing her happy pair in her new school. She does not want to discuss about M. Paul but she wants to share to the reader about her activities in her new school. It can be seen, when she shares to the reader Reader, they were three happiest years of my life. Do you scout the paradox? Listen. I commenced my school; I worked I worked hard (P. 591). From this sentence, Lucy chooses the three happiest years of her life as the topic discussion. By discussing those topics, she wants to share to reader that she are able to life independently. She is able to manage her school, her own school by herself. The writer looks for the information of Lucys three happiest in her life. So, the writer finds that the three of Lucys happiest in her life are Lucy does have some success in her life, the independence of running her own school, and she has gained some friends. Therefore, she really wants to tell the readers that she has successes in her life by her own ways. Although her feeling is

so terrible, she does not want to think and to show it. It seems that she wants to repress until she can accept it. Furthermore, the main female character in his novel also represses her psychological problems by moving to the other town. Before M. Paul has sailed to Guadaloupe, she has prepared a little house in the Foubourg because he does not want to leave Lucy Snowe in Rue Fossete, or Labassecouriness School alone. It is slated that: He did not like me leaving in Rue Fossete; he feared I should miss him there too much- I should feel desolate I should grow sad -? (Bronte, 2007: 581).

Because of her message from M. Paul, Lucy has decided to move to Faubourg although the house is small, but looked pleasant. And Lucy Snowe wants to start a new life in numero 7, Faubourg Clotilde, Directrice. It is stated as follows: The secret of my success did not lie so much in myself, in any endowment, any power of mind, as in a new state circumstances, wonderfully changed life, a relieved heart. The spring which moved my energies lay far away beyond seas, in an Indian isle. At parting, I had been left a legacy, such a thought for the present, such a hope for the future, such a motive for persevering, a laborious, an enterprising, a patient and a brave course- I could not flag. Few things shook me now. Few things had importance to vex, intimidate, or depress me most things pleased more trifles had a charm (Bronte, 2007: 592). From the statement, in new state of circumstances, are wonderfully changed lives, a relived heart (P: 592). The writer sees that Lucy tries to handle her psychological problems by deciding to move to Faubourg. She wants to leave her memories with her beloved in Rue Fossete behind because she thinks that the

leave of her beloved M. Paul Emanuel is her past time. She realizes that M. Paul has leaved her alone, and he never comes back again. So she wants to leave all her memories of M. Paul in Rue Fossete, especially in school of Labassecouriness by moving to Faubourg. From this analysis above, it can be seen that the main female character, Lucy Snowe undergoes her psychological problems after she knows the news that her beloved boyfriend M. Paul Emanuel will leave her to sail to Guadaloupe. In this case, Lucy Snowe as the main female character experiences anxiety and depression, when her beloved boy friend, M. Paul Emanuel leaves her. She must face the fact that her relationship with M. Paul has been forced Madame Beck, Madame Walravens, and Pere Silas to be parted. Although Lucy Snowe is not strongly implied in the last chapter that M. Paul Emanuel has dies in ship wreck, but the writer can take the point that M. Paul has really died. Because if M. Paul Emanuel still alive, it seems, Lucy and M. Paul will be a happier couple than others. But the fact that, in the last chapter, Lucy has explained that she has been happy without M. Paul beside her. She tries to cope her painful memories with M. Paul by telling to the reader about her activities in her new places, new home and new school in Faubourg and than she tries to cope her painful memories by moving from Rue Fossete to Faubourg. So, the writer knows that Lucy Snowe uses repression to handle painful memories.


Lucy snowes Rationalization. Another ways that Lucy Snowe uses to deals her psychological problems

is rationalization. Rationalization is a defense mechanism that involves explaining an unacceptable behavior or feeling in a rational or logical manner, avoiding the true explanation for the behavior. Rationalization not only prevents anxiety, it may also protect self-esteem and self concept. When confronted by success and failure, people tend to attribute achievement to their own qualities and skills while failures are blamed on other people or outside forces. In this case, Lucy Snowe uses rationalization to handle psychological problem. The psychological problems that are suffered by Lucy Snowe are anxiety and depression. So that, she uses rationalization to deal with her psychological problems. Rationalization not only prevents anxiety, it may also protect self - esteem and self concept. When the confronted by success or failure, people tend to attribute achievement to their own qualities and skills while failures are blamed on other people or out sides forces ( In rationalization, the person reduces anxiety by finding a rational explanation (or excuse) for a behavior that really has done for unacceptable reasons. In this case, Lucy wants to rationalize her psychological problem by proving her behavior as justifiable and rational. It is mentioned that: And now the three years are past, M. Paul Emanuel return is fixed. It is Autumns, he is to be with me are the mists of November come. My school is flourishes, my house is ready. I have made him a little library, filled it selves with the books he left in my care. I have cultivated out of love for him (I was naturally no florist) the plants he preferred, and some of them are yet in bloom. I thought I loved him when he went away, I love

him now in another degree, he is more my own (Bronte, 2007: 593).

This statement shows that Lucy wants to rationalize her love through M. Paul Emanuel by preparing anything that will make him happy. The words I have made him a little library, filled its selves with the book he left in my care (P: 593) are the Lucys rationalization to prove her love to M. Paul Emanuel. Although Lucy has known that M. Paul Emanuel will never come again but Lucy tries to prepare everything to make him happy. And the next Lucys rationalization, when she has received the money from Miss Marchmont. She has tried to make the money useful for her new school, it is mentioned as follow: About the middle of the second year an unexpected chance threw into my hands an additional hundred pounds: One day I received from England a letter containing that sum. It came from Mr. Marcmonth, the cousin and heir of my dear and dead mistress. He was just recovering from a dangerous ilness; the money was a peace-offering to his conscience, repoaching him in the matter of, I know not what, papers or memoranda found after his kinswomans dethnaming and recomending Lucy Snowe. Mrs. Barret had given his my address, I never rquired. I asked no questions, but took the cash and made it useful (Bronte, 2007: 591-592). From this qotation above, the writr gets the ponits that during the second year of Mr. Paul Emanuels departure, Lucy Snowe receives one hundred pounds from the nephweu of the late Miss Marcmont. Lucy does not know what prompts him to send the money, but she is grateful and turns her day school into a boarding school by leasing the building next door.

Beside that, Lucy wants to rationalize her wishes to have a happy life; she has worked hard to make her own school well known. And she has been success to make her dream come true. It is mentioned that: my school flourishes, my house is ready(Bronte, 2007: 593). The quotation above means that Lucy Snowe has been successful to manage her own school and also her own life because after the miserable life that she has been faced, now she has a happy succeeding life. Lucy works hard because she has been given hope for the future. From the explanation about the kinds of defense mechanism which are include repression and rationalization above, the writer finally concludes that Lucy Snowe is succeded to handle her psychological problems in her life by using repression and rationalization.


In This section, the writer will give the conclusion from her analysis and also she will give the suggestion for other or next researchers who want to study about the novel.

4.1 Conclusion After making the analysis of the main female character Lucy Snowe, the writer concludes that Lucy finally suffers from two psychological problems after she knows that her boy friend (M. Paul Emanuel) will leave her. Lucys psychological problems are: anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a painful emotional experience which is produced excitations in the internal organs of the body. The writer has found that Lucy Snowe suffers anxiety. She shows her physical symptoms not only through her though but also through her behavior. Besides that, Lucy also suffers post traumatic stress disorder. The major simian are includes Lucys lack of interest in activities reliving the trauma repeatedly in memories, and sleep disturbances The next psychological problem is depression. Depression is ordinary reaction to a sense of lose. Lucy Snowe suffers depressions by some symptoms such as: loss of all positive feeling, difficult to concentrate about anything, help lessnes, difficulty in sleeping, eating, thinking, fells of worthless, despair and fells of grief.

To deal Lucys psychological problems, she uses defense mechanism. The writer analyzes that Lucy tries to cope from the painful situation by using repression and rationalization.

4.2 Suggestion The analysis of literary works can be done from various points of view. Besides from psychological aspect, it can be analyze from the other aspects. This thesis is an example of an analysis by using psychological approach, it would be much better to enrich this analysis when it is done from other approaches. In this study, the writer only focuses on the psychological problems of main female character Lucy Snowe after she hears the news that she will be left by her boyfriend, M. Paul Emanuel. The writer hopes that the further writer will conduct an analysis on the feminist aspect because the main female character in this novel is a woman. And the writer also hopes that this study could be the source and reference for the next writer. Finally, the writer whishes that the reader will be familiar with Charlotte Brontes work. As we know that Charlotte Brontes works are good classical fiction novel. Thus, after reading this study the writer expects that the reader can appreciate Charlotte Brontes work by doing analyzes of the other works.

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