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AUTHOR: AHMED NOUSHAD E-MAIL: gfn09997@hotmail.


Doppler Effect Predicts the Future of Universe!

Have you ever observed a speeding Car? What do you observe of the Sound it produces? The Sound of the Car increases as it approaches you, takes highest peak when close to you, and recedes as it speeds away from you! Why do you hear a varying sound level as the car speeds by you? Couldnt have the sound been at constant level? Wondering what makes the sound behave like that? Sound is a disturbance caused in a particle medium, which is propagated in the form of High Particle Concentration Region or Contraction and Low Particle Concentration Region or Rarefaction. During propagation, the distance between two Rarefactions or two Contractions determines the sound intensity. Intensity of sound increases with the reduction of this distance. The sound velocity is determined by the rate at which the disturbances are propagated, which again depends on the nature of the medium. In air medium, a sound wave travels at about 333.3m/s. Sound is a particle property and hence travels much faster in a denser medium. The sound intensity depends on the time taken by one Rarefaction/Contraction to create another Rarefaction/Contraction in air. This time brings about a distance between them that defines the intensity. Traveling at higher velocities means reduction of this defined distance. At higher velocities, the second wave of disturbance is made to follow close to the first wave. How does this happen? After the first disturbance has been released, the wave travels away from the source at a velocity of about 333.3 Km/h. Lets say that the normal distance between each Rarefaction and Contraction is 2 metres. The intensity is maintained if this distance is constant. Lets assume that the car is to release a new wave after each released wave has travelled 2 metres, and travel itself for a metre. When the car releases the second wave, how far is it from the first wave? Is it one metre or two metres? When the car


releases the second wave, the distance would have been 2 meters. Since the car has travelled for a meter, the distance between the car and first wave is just a meter. Now the second wave is released. What does this mean? The sound has been intensified owing to reduced distance between the waves! Didnt get it? You know, you cant kick a ball when its rolling away and youre standing by. It would be easier if you chase it, since that would decrease the distance, and make your legs easily reach it! Thats how the sound intensity is affected too while speeding! Speeding forces the second released wave to catch up with the first wave. This effect in waves while the source is travelling at higher velocities is called Doppler Effect. How Doppler Effect predicts the future of the Universe? Here it goes! The Universe as we know it tends to call itself as Once a Great Star! in terms of scientific assertion. What could have made the science believe that the universe was once a star? If it were a star, how has it turned into the present universe? And are there any consequences to this result? Lets start with the birth of universe then! Around 15 billion years ago, our Universe lived as a giant star, burning its fuel for survival. Unable to replenish its fuel for further survival, the inner core of the star cooled, allowing the surface to collapse under its own gravity that led to a massive explosion. Scientists call this explosion The Big Bang, since that was the most violent event ever the celestial space has experienced, according to scientists. This explosion left the years of molten burden flying through space and away from the point of explosion, which persists even today! This is what termed as Expanding Universe. Wonder, what proves scientists that the universe is Blue Red expanding? Understanding Doppler Shift Effect and Einsteins Theory of Relativity, one would say that, a wave Shift released by a body speeding away from a point will tend to have longer waves, if you look at the wave from that very Star Receding Away From Earth point. The farther it moves away, the longer the waves appear, and vice versa! Try observing the fourth picture of this document. The Electromagnetic Wave released from distance stars where tested for such results. The detected waves were colour coded for better test results. According to scientific observation, the colour for the detected waves gradually changed to red. In the Visible Region (VIBGYOR) of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, the red light has the longest wave and violet (sometimes limited to Blue) has the shortest. This gradual change in the coded colour of the detected waves proved that the star should be receding away


from earth at greater velocity. This phenomenon is called the Red Shift, and proves that the Universe is still expanding after The Big Bang, since 15 billion years! The outward force of the explosion has kept the so formed universe expanding even today! However, someday this outward force will cease from making any effect in the universe and a new force will take birth, which is said to be inward, contracting the entire universe! What would prove that the universe is contracting? The Big Trench, accompanied by The answer again is Doppler Effect, but this a contracting force of the time its the Blue Shift phenomenon. This Universe pulls everything it can! inward force is directed towards the point of initial explosion. Pulling all that is with in its horizon, everything accelerating towards one point, and causing another massive event of cosmic violence, called 'The Big Crunch'! Multiple collisions between the cosmic objects as they move towards their destiny will give a dusty appearance to the contracting universe before its death. The aftermath of the Big Crunch is not known. Perhaps it might give another universe to expand and then contract again and might go on; or it might end up in a Black Hole! Whatever it be, you and I wont be living that long to see if this fate is really going to be a fate or just a magazine comic!

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