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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (2006) 820830 www.elsevier.


Analysis of deections of composite slabs with proled sheeting up to the ultimate moment
G. Mar iukaitis , B. Jonaitis, J. Valivonis c
Department of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio ave 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania Received 19 April 2005; accepted 30 November 2005

Abstract This paper deals with an investigation of the deections of composite slabs. The deection of composite slabs depends directly on the shear stiffness of the connection between proled steel sheeting and concrete. A method for calculating deections of slabs is presented in this paper. This method is based on a theory of built-up bars, which allows one to take into account directly the shear stiffness of the connection. Inuences on the stiffness of the structure of normal cracks in the concrete layer and plastic deformations of concrete that has been subjected to compression are also taken into account in the analysis method. The method gives one an opportunity to assess variations of these factors at all stages of the slabs behaviour from the start of loading up to the ultimate moment. Results of the experimental investigations of a connection (contact) between steel proled sheeting (Holorib type) and concrete are presented in this paper. In the results of these investigations, three stages of behaviour of the contact are distinguished. A connection shear characteristic is determined for each stage, which is used for calculating the deection of the slab. Experimental investigations were performed on deections of composite slabs with a Holorib type of proled sheeting. Variations in experimental deections of slabs were explored from the beginning of loading up to the ultimate moment. Theoretical calculations of deections for the experimental slabs were made. Calculations were performed according to the method proposed by the authors. A comparison of experimental and theoretical values of deections revealed that agreement between these values was sufciently good at all stages of the slabs behaviour. c 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Composite slabs; Experimental and theoretical deections; Theory of built-up bars; Cracks in the concrete; Contact of layers; Plastic deformations of concrete

1. Introduction The behaviour of steel proled sheeting and concrete under load in composite structures is governed by the strength and stiffness of the connection between these layers. The joint action of the layers is achieved by limiting the slip between the layers in relation to each other. The joint action in layered concrete structures is provided by adhesion (chemical connection), keys formed during manufacture, friction and anchors. In composite structures made of steel, the proled sheeting and concrete chemical connection between these layers is weak and, in many cases, can be damaged before the operational stage. In a newly cast concrete layer of composite
Corresponding author.

E-mail address: (G. Mar iukaitis). c 0143-974X/$ - see front matter c 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2005.11.022

structures, during its hardening, shrinkage deformations occur while the steel sheeting does not shrink. Differences in deformations at contact induce shear stresses, which depend on the composition of the concrete of the cast layer and the hardening conditions. Investigations performed by many scientists indicate that these stresses can be substantial and exceed the chemical bond strength. Therefore, special anchors are installed to ensure joint action of the layers, and in the composite slabs special proled steel sheeting is used. Transversal and longitudinal embossments of various shapes are created on the ribs, which form keys in the contact [1,2]. However, investigations by many scientists [39] revealed that, in spite of the number of keys, anchors and other means of anchorage, the connection between layers in real composite structures is not absolutely stiff. In addition, the stiffness of the connection between layers varies with the action of external forces and with an increase in shear stresses.

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1 =

T M1 c1 , E 1 A1 E 1 I1 T M2 2 = + c2 , E 2 A2 E 2 I2

(3) (4)

Fig. 1. Diagram used for the analysis.

In the contact zone of composite slabs with proled steel sheeting (especially above the ribs) a combined state of stresses occurs. Investigations [3,9,10] indicate that shear deformations already occur under the action of small shear forces in a connection that behaves elastically. The shear deformations are not large and practically depend only on the difference in the deformation of layers. Plastic deformations in the connection occur under the action of large shear forces and result in a reduction in connection stiffness. Therefore, stiffness of the connection between the concrete and proled steel sheeting shall be taken into account in the determination of the stiffness of composite slabs, as has been indicated in investigations by many authors [1113]. In Eurocode [14] for the design of composite structures, it is pointed out that, in the design of composite slabs, yield of the connection between concrete and proled sheeting can be taken into account. It is recommended that this is accomplished on the bases of tests. Further, the stiffness of the connection is affected by the concrete composition, and the specimens storage conditions, which can differ from the conditions of the oors under design. Normally, in the concrete of a oor slab under a service load, there are cracks, and in the compression zone concrete plastic deformations occur [1,1316]. The presence of cracks inicts changes in the stiffness of cross-sections in the cracked oor areas. The inuence of all these factors on oor stiffness is signicant. Many of these factors affecting the stiffness of the oor are difcult to assess. Therefore, further experimentaltheoretical investigation in the stiffness of oor slabs, especially of their connection zone, and development of methods for their analyses are essential. 2. Theoretical analyses of composite slabs for deection The theory of built-up bars [18] can be used for the analyses of two-layer composite members for deections (see Fig. 1). According to this theory, horizontal displacement (u) between the rst and the second layers at their interface u = u1 u2, (1)

where T is the resultant of shear stresses ( ) in the contact; M1 and M2 are the bending moments sustained by the rst and the second layers; E 1 and E 2 are the elasticity moduli of the rst and the second layers; A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional areas of respective layers; I1 and I2 are the second moments of areas of the layers; and c1 and c2 are the distances between the contact and gravity centres of the layers. Placing expressions (3) and (4) into condition (2) and Mc 2 denoting that EM11 c1 + EMI2 c2 = E1 I1 +E2 I2 and M = M0 T c, 1I 2 one obtains du =T dx 1 1 + E 1 A1 E 2 A2 T c2 M0 c + , E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 (5)

where M0 is the sum of the moments taken by individual layers without considering connections between the layers; T is the shear force acting in the contact; and c is the distance between gravity centres of the layers. Displacement between the layers can also be expressed by: u= = 1 1 dT dx (6)

where is the stiffness of the connection for shear, and du = dx 1 d2 T . dx 2 1 1 c2 + + E 1 A1 E 2 A2 E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 M0 c . E 1 I1 + E 2 I2

1 E 1 A1


Comparison of expressions (5) and (7) gives: d2 T =T dx 2

(8) expression

Using the notation = (8) gives the following: 1 d2 y dx 2

1 E 2 A2

c2 E 1 I1 +E 2 I2 ,

d2 T M0 c = T . 2 E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 dx M E 1 I1 + E 2 I2


Since curvature of a exural member can be expressed by: = (10)

and, having in mind that M = M0 T c, we obtain: d2 y T c M0 = . E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 dx 2 Placing the values of T and (8) and using the notation
d2 M0 dx 2 d2 T dx 2

(11) obtained from Eq. (11) into

where u 1 and u 2 are the horizontal displacements of the rst and the second layers in the zone of their interface. The relationship between displacement and the strain is du dx = . Therefore du = 1 2 . dx For exural two layer members (2)

= p gives (12)

d2 y p d4 y ( ) M0 ( ) 2 = + , 4 E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 E eff Ieff dx dx where E eff Ieff = E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 +

E 1 A1 E 2 A2 c 2 E 1 A1 +E 2 A2 .


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Fig. 4. Diagram of test arrangement.

Fig. 2. Cross section (a) and design stress distribution (b) of composite slab.

Fig. 5. Overview of test set up.

Equivalent stiffness of the section composite slab is expressed in the following way: E eff Ieff = E c,eff Ic,eff + E p I p +
2 E c,eff Ac,eff E p A p z eff , E c,eff Ac,eff + E p A p

Fig. 3. General relationship between the coefcient and the level of stress in the compression zone of a exural member for concrete class C16/20C40/50 and = 0.00040.0009.


For a exural composite structure subjected only to uniformly distributed load ( p), introducing the notation = 2 we obtain: d4 y d2 y p 2 p x (l x) . 2 2 = + dx 4 dx E 1 I1 + E 2 I2 E eff Ieff 2 (13)

where z eff is the distance between the centres of the equivalent concrete layer and that of the proled sheeting; A p is the cross-sectional area of the proled sheeting; and Ac,eff is the equivalent cross-sectional area of the concrete layer. The solution of a differential equation (14) and consideration 2 of critical conditions y(0) = 0, y(l) = 0, d y (0) = 0 dx 2 and d y (l) = 0 make it possible to determine the vertical dx 2 displacement (deection) of a beam at the middle of its span l (x = 2 ): y l 2 == 5 p l4 p + 4 384E eff Ieff D 1 2l 2 1 . + ch (0.5l) 8 (16) (17) (18)

Composite slabs consist of two separate elements: proled steel sheeting (the rst layer) and a concrete (reinforced concrete) layer (the second layer) (Fig. 2). Some investigations [7,17] showed that the theory of built-up bars [18] could be used for the analyses of such structures. The stiffness of the connection between concrete and proled steel sheeting can be evaluated using the method in Fig. 2. Accordingly (13), vertical displacement (y) of a simply supported composite slab subjected to uniformly distributed load ( p) can be determined using the formula: d4 y dx 4 2 d2 y dx 2 = 2 p 2 x lx E eff Ieff + . E c,eff Ic,eff + E p I p (14) p

1 1 1 = . D E c,eff Ic,eff + E p I p E eff Ieff = , Here

Here, E c,eff is the equivalent elasticity modulus for the concrete, Ic,eff is the equivalent second moment of cross-sectional area for the concrete layer, E p and I p are the modulus of elasticity and the second moment of cross-sectional area for proled steel sheeting.

is a coefcient describing the stiffness of the connection between layers, which depends on the stiffness of the same layers and on the shear stiffness of their connection. The coefcient for contact stiffness: b Gw , (19) = z eff where G w is the characteristic for the connection shear stiffness, and b is the width of the concrete slab. The vertical displacement (y) for a simply supported slab loaded with two concentrated forces is described by Eq. (12).

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Fig. 6. View of general slab after failure.

Fig. 8. Shear deformations in the connection of composite slab P1-2.

Fig. 7. Shear deformations in the connection of composite slab P1-1.

Since, in this equation, p = 0, the equation is obtained in the form: d4 y d2 y M 2 2 = 2 . 4 E eff Ieff dx dx (20)

Fig. 9. Shear deformations in the connection of composite slab P1-3.

l The maximum deection (at the middle of the span x = 2 ), obtained from the solution of differential equation (20), for such a composite slab is:

Direct determination of the coefcient in a exural member is not possible, but there is the following relationship between the concrete elasticity factor in exure () and that factor in axial compression (): = . (23) Here, is the coefcient of the shape for the stress diagram in the compression zone of a reinforced concrete exural member, which varies from 0.5 (for a triangular diagram) to 1 (for a rectangular diagram). With growth of the load, the plastic part of concrete deformation becomes more signicant and increases while () decreases. The shape coefcient for the stress diagram and coefcient depend not only on the value of stress but on other factors as well, e.g. concrete strength, reinforcement ratio and reinforcement properties. Analysis of the experimental results M indicates that varies linearly with M R and therefore the M following relationship c = M R is valid. Thus, there is a direct fc

l 2


l2 8E eff Ieff

1 D

ch (0.5 l) 1 2 ch (0.5 l)

, (21)

where M is the bending moment for the action in which the deection is to be determined. The stiffness of the connection is evaluated using a characteristic of the stiffness (G w ). This value can be determined according to the results of investigations into the stiffness of the connection (Fig. 13). Analysis of Eqs. (14)(21) indicates that many parameters required for the determination of deection depend on the elasticity modulus of the concrete. However, from the very beginning of the loading of a reinforced concrete exural member, plastic deformations of the concrete in the compression zone start to develop and the elasticity of the concrete is reduced. It is proposed to use the concrete elasticity coefcient for the compression zone in a exural member to evaluate this reduction. Thus, E c,eff = E cm . (22)

M c relationship between M R , c and other factors that inuences f the elastic properties of concrete subjected to compression in the case of exure (Fig. 3). By taking into account the results of the experimental investigations associated with the inuence of the main factors, M M R , , f y and f ck , on non-elasticity properties of the concrete and an analytical evaluation of test results, the following formula was obtained for practical elasticity assessment of the


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Fig. 12. Shear deformations in the connection of composite slab P2-2.

Fig. 10. Shear deformations in the connection of composite slab P1-4.

Fig. 13. Relationship between longitudinal slip and shear force: 1for connection without pre-compression force; 2with a pre-compression force of 5 kN; 3with a pre-compression force of 10 kN; 4with a pre-compression force of 15 kN. Fig. 11. Shear deformations in the connection of composite slab P2-1.

concrete: M = 0.5 1 3.2 + m 2 M RC M M RC

2m 1m

fy , (24) fc

where m is the coefcient for evaluating the inuence of the concretes strength and its structure on the character of the relationship. On the basis of the investigations, it is assumed that: m= fc f c,max , (25)

where f c,max is the maximum strength of the cement concrete which, in the case of its ideal structure, can be taken as being equal to the strength of the coarse aggregates ( f c,max = 200 MPa); M is the bending moment for the action where deection is to be determined; M RC is the equivalent design strength of the composite slab, determined by using the assumption that the connection between proled sheeting and the concrete is absolutely stiff; and is the reinforcement ratio.

Analysis of formula (24) and the experimental investigations indicate that the value of = for reinforced concrete members from normal weight concrete varies within limits from 0.5 to 0.1. When MM = 0.600.65, then = 0.460.43. RC Therefore, in many codes for the design of concrete structures in East European countries, the value of = 0.45 was used. In the determination of stiffness for a composite slab without cracks it is assumed that the concrete layer is continuous. The second moment of a cross-section (Ic,eff = Ic ) is determined by taking into account the whole cross-sectional area of the concrete. Data obtained by the authors of this paper and other investigators indicate that the opening of cracks leads to a sudden decrease in the compression zones depth and an increase in deections. These results were pointed out by the experiments performed in this investigation. The concrete layer is split into separate blocks by opened normal cracks. Therefore, the stiffnesses of the concrete layer in a section with a crack and in a section without a crack are different. By taking into account results obtained in [19,20] and the assumptions made, it is recommended that the effective cross-sectional area

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of the concrete is estimated in calculations of cross-sectional stiffness. Various methods are proposed for the assessment of a compression zones depth. Some investigators propose estimating the average of the compression zone depths values in a section without cracks and in a section with cracks [20]; others suggest determining the equivalent compression zones depth [19]. But mostly this does not depend on the value of a load that is acting in the structure. Experimental and theoretical investigations of reinforced concrete structures that are reinforced with a steel bar indicate that the compression zones depth in a cracked section decreases with an increase in the external load. During an increase of the load, new cracks appear between cracks that have been opened in an earlier stage, inducing a change in the general cross-sectional stiffness. In addition, steel proled sheeting in composite slabs is located below the concrete and connes tensile concrete in the whole width of the slab. Investigations performed on structures with external steel and non-metal reinforcements [21] indicate that, in such structures, the width of cracks is less, but the cracks are more closely spaced, i.e. the distance between normal cracks is signicantly less. By taking this into account, the second moment of the area of a concrete layer with cracks Ic,eff in the composite slabs with proled Holorib type steel sheeting can be determined using the following formula [19]: Ic,eff =
3 xm bw x m (b bw ) h 3 c + 1 + 12 0.5 3 12 hc 2

. (26)

The average depth of the compression zone (x m ) is determined as follows: xm = d p 2 + h , dp (27) (28) (29) (30)

where = f +

Ep Ap ; E c,eff bw d p 2E p A p h = f hc + ; E c,eff bw b hc f = ; bw d p

M and = 1.9 2.6( M RC )2 is the coefcient for the evaluation of an equivalent compression zones depth variation with a value of stress in the compression zone.

3. Experimental investigation into the stiffness of composite slabs Six composite slabs were tested (Table 1). The bottom layer of the composite slabs was 0.9 mm thick proled (Holorib type) steel sheeting, the strength of which is f y = 317 MPa. The cross-sectional area of the proled sheeting is A p = 1345 mm2 /m. The compression strength of the concrete is fc = 19.829.6 MPa. The concrete was manufactured by using crushed gravel and quartz sand. The composite slabs were produced without bar reinforcement and without special anchors at the supports.

A diagram of the test arrangement and an overview of the tests set up are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Composite slabs were tested under a short-time static load. The load was increased in steps of a value equal to 0.1M R . Deections, concrete and steel deformations and the horizontal displacement of the concrete with respect to proled sheeting (shear deformations in contact) were measured during the tests. The location of points at which shear deformation was measured is shown in the diagram of the test arrangement (Fig. 4). Experimental investigations revealed that no signicant elastic shear deformations in the contact appear when the slabs are subjected to a bending moment not exceeding 0.4M R (where M R is the bending moment at failure of the slabs) (Figs. 712). When the bending moment due to load exceeds 0.4M R , adhesion between the proled steel sheeting and the concrete is damaged and local compression of the keys at contact between proled sheeting and concrete commences. Slippage of the concrete in relation to the steel sheeting is possible only when either the keys are cut or the concrete is separated from the sheeting and lifted upwards. Because of the shape of the proled sheeting (dovetailed), lifting of the concrete is restrained. This creates a combined state of stresses in the concrete of the slab near the longitudinal rib of the proled sheeting, resulting in the occurrence of vertical and horizontal transverse deformations in the concrete. Shear deformations in the connection substantially increase under the action of a bending moment of M 0.5M R (Figs. 712), and transverse deformations in the steel sheeting and concrete at the rib of the proled sheeting also increase substantially. The principal stresses in the concrete layer are directed at an angle of 45 in relation to the vertical axes of the composite slab. When tension deformations in the direction of the principal stresses exceed limiting values, a longitudinal crack appears in the concrete. The direction of the crack in the concrete layer conforms to the direction of principal stresses and was recorded in all composite slabs that were tested (Fig. 6). These investigations showed that a connection between proled sheeting and the concrete is not absolutely stiff. In an analysis of such a type of composite slab, allowance for partial stiffness of the connection between the layers should be made. During the tests, deections were measured from the beginning of loading up to the beginning of failure. This gave an opportunity to investigate variations in deections for composite slabs at all stages of their behaviour up to the moment of failure. Investigations revealed that, before the occurrence of normal cracks, increases in deection is proportional and were recorded in all slabs (Figs. 1517). These cracks occurred in slabs under the action of a bending moment M = (0.3100.378)M R . In slab P2-2, cracks occurred at the bending moment M = 0.428M R . After the occurrence of normal cracks, the rate of growth of deections increased. A turning-point in the graphs for bending momentsdeections can be noticed (Figs. 1517), but is not well dened. This was caused by the fact that the proled steel

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Table 1 Characteristic of composite slabs Specimen, No. Width of slab b(m) Crosssection depth of slab h(m) Depth of concrete layer above the longitudinal rib of proled sheeting h c (m2 ) 0.0330 0.0285 0.0295 0.0335 0.0505 0.0515 Cross-section area of proled sheeting A p (m2 ) Modulus of elasticity for concrete E cm (MPa) Modulus of elasticity for proled steel sheeting E p (MPa) Characteristic for connection shear stiffness G w1 (MPa) Characteristic for connection shear stiffness G w2 (MPa) Concrete strength f c (MPa) Strength of steel f y (MPa)

P1-1 P1-2 P1-3 P1-4 P2-1 P2-2

0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77

0.0795 0.075 0.076 0.080 0.097 0.098

1.01 103 1.01 103 1.01 103 1.01 103 1.01 103 1.01 103

3.95 104 4.05 104 4.35 104 4.24 104 4.27 104 4.15 104

2.05 105 2.05 105 2.05 105 2.05 105 2.05 105 2.05 105

210 210 210 210 210 210

149 149 149 149 149 149

27.9 21.6 19.8 17.7 29.0 28.6

317 317 317 317 317 317

G. Mar iukaitis et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (2006) 820830 c


Fig. 14. Stages in behaviour of connection between steel proled sheeting and concrete. Fig. 16. Theoretical and experimental deections of slabs: 1theoretical deection of slab P1-3; 2experimental deection of slab P1-3; 3theoretical deection of slab P1-4; 4experimental deection of slab P1-4.

Fig. 15. Theoretical and experimental deections of slabs: 1theoretical deection of slab P1-1; 2experimental deection of slab P1-1; 3theoretical deection of slab P1-2; 4experimental deection of slab P1-2.

sheeting in the tensile zone extends over the whole tension zone of the concrete in the slab. After the opening of normal cracks, the connection between concrete and proled sheeting behaves elastically (Figs. 712) and conforms to the rst stage of behaviour for a connection (Fig. 14). Since the steel sheeting and concrete are acting jointly, a further increase in deections remains proportional but has a greater rate. Such an increase in deections is because the steel sheeting uniformly covers the tension zone of the concrete and results in a smaller width of cracks. When M = (0.50.57)M R (except for slab P2-1) the rate of increase in deections is greater. This is caused by an increase in the horizontal slip of the proled steel sheeting in relation to the concrete. At this moment, local compression of concrete at the transverse ribs of the proled sheeting starts. This is conrmed by an increase in shear deformations of the connection between the concrete slab and steel sheeting (Figs. 712). At this stage, local compression of keys (transversal ribs) in the contact starts. After the initial local compression, displacement of the proled sheeting in relation to the concrete is only possible after either the keys are cut or the sheeting

Fig. 17. Theoretical and experimental deections of slabs: 1theoretical deection of slab P2-1; 2experimental deection of slab P2-1; 3theoretical deection of slab P2-2; 4experimental deection of slab P2-2.

moves over them. But a dovetailed shaped steel rib restrains separation of the proled sheeting and concrete in their connection. With further increase in the external load, the growth in deections is not proportional. According to the results of experimental investigations, three stages in the behaviour of composite slabs can be distinguished: (a) before the occurrence of vertical cracks in the concrete; (b) after the occurrence of vertical (normal) cracks until initial local compression of the key in contact between the sheeting and concrete; (c) from the initial local compression of the keys up to the occurrence of horizontal cracks at the ribs and failure of the slab. Data on deformations and the strength of the connection between proled steel sheeting and concrete are required for an effective assessment of the behaviour of composite steelconcrete slabs.


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Therefore, at the same time, experimental investigations in the stiffness of a connection were performed by means of testing composite specimens 150 150 150 mm in size [22]. The composition of concrete for these specimens was the same as that for slabs, and steel plates were cut from steel sheeting of Holorib-2000 type. Reaction to support in a slab was subjected to the external load and the load applied at the top to induce compression in contact between the proled sheeting and the concrete. To determine the inuence of this compression on deformations and the strength of this connection, parts of the test samples were pre-compressed by a vertical force to simulate the inuences of support reactions on the behaviour of the connection. The value of the vertical force was was 5 kN (222 kPa) for the rst group of specimens, 10 kN (444 kPa) for the second group, and 15 kN (666 kPa) for the third group. Control specimens (without pre-compression) were tested as well. Shear force was applied to contacts, and the values of shear deformations at the connection between the steel proled sheeting and concrete were recorded, which characterize slippage of the layers in relation to each other. Analysis of the connections behaviour revealed that a rib of variable width and transverse ribs at the top of it restrain the slippage of proled sheeting in relation to the concrete. The layers can slip in relation to each other when concrete keys at the top of the rib are crushed or transverse ribs of the steels sheeting are deformed. In the case when there is no pre-compression at the contact, a layer of concrete at the key lifts and thus the area of concrete at the key is subjected to local compression and the shear is less, and less force is required to shear it. Due to pre-compression force, the area of concrete at the key that is subjected to local compression and shear is greater, and a greater force is required to shear the contact. Results of tests indicated that, in test specimens precompressed by a vertical force (Fig. 13), the shear deformation of a connection was almost of the same value as when failure shear force in the contact was reached for all series of specimens, irrespective of differences in values of shear forces at the failure. This can be explained by considerating that connection failure occurred with damage to all components of the connection. To get the key sheared, horizontal movement of the sheeting with respect to the concrete has to be of the same value, irrespective of the contact surface pre-compression forces value. Investigations revealed that it is possible to describe shear deformation of the connection by using an idealised graph with the distinction of three stages in the behaviour of the connection (Fig. 14). The rst stage (0a) is when the connection behaves elastically, the elastic plastic stage (ab) is when concrete keys are subjected to local compression and the plastic stage (bc) is when concrete keys are cut (crushed) and the joint action is provided only by friction. The stiffness of the connection in slabs can be evaluated using the characteristic of a connections shear stiffness (G w ), which is calculated by using the results from connection tests

for shear (Fig. 13). Values for different stages of behaviour for the connection (Fig. 14) are different (G w1 ) or (G w2 ). In calculations of this characteristic, it is possible to evaluate the vertical pre-compression when induced by support reactions. In calculations for the deection of composite slabs, it is recommended that the characteristics of shear stiffness G w1 and G w2 for a connection are determined from the results of experimental investigations, with allowance for stresses induced by slab support reaction. These stresses are determined by dividing the values of support reaction forces by the area of the supporting zone of the slab. Usually, in buildings during normal service, exural members at the service stage carry an external load equal to 0.550.6 of the failure load. Therefore, it is possible to state that partial stiffness of the connection of a steel proled sheeting to concrete has to be evaluated in calculating the deection of composite slabs. Using the method proposed in this paper, calculations of deections were performed for the slabs that were tested. Theoretical deections are determined by calculations taking into account the actual dimensions and mechanical characteristics of materials used for the tested slabs (Table 1). The calculations were performed without allowing for deections due to shrinkage deformations of the concrete during hardening. The deections of tested slabs were determined by applying formula (21). The elasticity moduli for the concrete, E c,eff , were determined according to formulae (22)(25), and the equivalent second moment of the cross-sectional area for the concrete layer was determined according to formula (26). The characteristics of the connection for shear stiffness (G w ) were calculated according to the results of tests on the connection for shear when the vertical pre-compression force for the contact was 5 kN (pre-compression stress equal to 222 kPa). The characteristic of shear stiffness applied for the connection of a proled steel sheeting to concrete was taken to be G w1 = 186 MPa for the rst and second stages of the behaviour of slabs, and G w2 = 149 MPa for the third stage. Agreement is good between deections calculated according to the method recommended in this paper and experimental deections (Figs. 1517). Theoretical deections calculated according to the proposed method are compared with experimental deections when M = 0.6M R (i.e. service load is assumed for most cases) (Table 2). 4. Conclusions When a service load is applied to composite slabs (without special anchors) the connection between steel proled sheeting and the concrete is not absolutely stiff and there are cracks in the tension zone of the concrete layer. Therefore, in calculating deections for such slabs, it is necessary to take into account the partial stiffness of the connection between layers, the effect of normal cracks in the concrete layer and plastic deformations of compressed concrete for the stiffness of this layer. This can be evaluated by applying the method proposed by this papers authors, based on the theory of built-up bars using formula (1)(30).

G. Mar iukaitis et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (2006) 820830 c

Table 2 Results of theoretical calculations of composite slabs at a bending moment 0.6M R Specimen, Bending moment M No. (kN m) Theoretical strength of normal section determined using assumption that connection between proled sheeting and the concrete is absolutely stiff M RC (kN m) 18.6 19.2 16.6 17.8 24.6 24.5 Experimental strength of composite slabs M R (kN m) Experimental deection obs (mm) Theoretical deection cal (mm)
obs cal

P1-1 P1-2 P1-3 P1-4 P2-1 P2-2

7.67 8.66 8.56 6.84 11.43 11.34

13.95 15.75 14.28 11.40 19.05 18.9

6.44 7.51 7.19 3.99 4.35 5.15

5.91 8.18 7.20 4.19 4.41 4.85

1.09 0.92 1.00 0.95 0.99 1.06



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The variation in plastic deformations of concrete in compression for the calculating the deection of composite slabs is described by formula (24). The inuence of normal cracks on the stiffness of a composite slab under a variable load is evaluated using formula (26)(30). The stiffness of the connection between proled steel sheeting (Holorib) used for the manufacture of composite slabs and concrete was investigated experimentally, with the distinction of three stages of behaviour. The characteristics of stiffness (G w ) for a connection, required for calculating deections, were determined on the basis of the results of investigations, which were used for calculating theoretical deection for the tested slabs. The experimental investigations of composite slabs conrmed theoretical assumptions concerning the partial stiffness of a connection between proled sheeting and concrete and the presence of cracks in the concrete layer. By using the proposed method for analyses of composite slabs at all stages up to the moment of failure of the behaviour, a calculation of theoretical deections was performed for the tested slabs. Comparison of theoretical and experimental values of deection indicated that the agreement of these values is sufciently good for all the said loading stages of slabs (Figs. 1517). When the value of the bending moment due to an external load is close to that due to the service load (M 0.6M R ), the ratio of experimental to theoretical deection values varied from 0.92 to 1.09. Acknowledgment Many thanks to Ms Nin Bizys (Australia) for corrections to the English used in this paper. References
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