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Date:/10/2011 Time:50 minute

1.Who is making the web standards?

a)Microsoft b)Mozilla c)The World Wide Web Consortium

2.Choose the correct HTML tag for largest heading

a)<h6> b)<head> c)<heading> d)<h1>

3.What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?

a)<lb /> b)<br /> c)<break />

4.What is the preferred way for adding a background color in HTML?

a)<background>yellow</background> b)<body bgcolor=yellow> c)<body background=yellow>

5.What is the correct HTML for creating a hyper link?

a)<a></a> b)<a url=>Sankalp 2011</a> c) <a name=>Sankalp 2011</a> d) <a href=>Sankalp 2011</a>

6.How can you open a link in a new browser window?

a)<a href=url target=new>

b)<a href=url target=_blank> c)<a href=url new>

7.How can you make a list that lists the items with numbers? a)<ol> b)<dl> c)<ul> d)<list> 8.How can you make a list that lists the items with bullets?
a)<ol> b)<ul> c)<list> d)<dl>

9.What is the correct HTML for making a checkbox?

a)<check> b)<checkbox> c)<input type=check /> d)<input type=checkbox />

10.What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?

a)<img alt=myimage>myimage.gif</img> b)<img href=myimage.gif alt=myimage /> c)<image src=myimage.gif alt=myimage /> d)<img src=myimage.gif alt=myimage />

11.What is the correct HTML for inserting background image?

a)<background img=background.gif> b)<body background=background.gif> c)<img src=background.gif background />

d)<body backgroundcolor=background.gif>

12.How can you create an email-link?

a)< mail>nist@sankalp</mail> b)<mail href=nist@sankalp> c)<a href=nist@sankalp> d)<a href=mailto:nist@sankalp>

13.Choose the correct HTML to left-align the content inside a tablecell

a)<td leftalign> b)<tdleft> c)<td align=left> d)<td valign=left>

14.What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list?

a)<input type=list /> b)<input type=dropdown /> c)<list> d)<select>

15.What is the correct HTML for making a text-area?

a)<input type=textbox /> b)<textarea> c)<input type=textarea />

16.What does CSS stand for ?

a)Creative Style Sheets b)Colorful Style Sheets c)Cascading Style Sheets d)Computer Style Sheets

17.What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?

a)<stylesheet>mystyle.css<stylesheet /> b)<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=mystyle.css> c)<style src=mystyle.css />

18.Where in a HTML document is the place to refer to an external style sheet?

a)In the <body> section b)In the top of the document c)In the bottom of the document d)In the <head> section

19.Which HTML tag is used to define a internal style sheet?

a)<style> b)<script> c)<css>

20.Which HTML attribute is used to define a inline styles?

a)class b)font c)style d)styles

21.Which is the correct CSS syntax?

a){body:color=black(body)} b){body:color:black} c)body{color:black} d)body:color=black

22.Which property is used to change the background color?

a)background-color: b)color: c)bgcolor:

23.How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements?

a) all.h1{background-color:#FFFFFF} b)h1.all{background-color:#FFFFFF} c)h1{background-color:#FFFFFF}

24.How do you change the text color of an element?

a) text-color= b)fgcolor: c)text-color: d)color:

25.How do you display a hyperlinks without an underline?

a)a{text-decoration:no underline} b)a{text-decoration:none} c)a{underline:none} d)a{decoration:no underline}

26.How do you make each word in a text start with capital letter?
a)text-transform:capitalize b)text-transform:uppercase c)You cannt do with CSS

27.How do you change the font of an element?

a)font-family: b)font: c)font=

28.How do you change the left margin of an element?

a)indent: b)text-indent: c)margin-lef t:


29.Inside which HTML element do we put the javascript?

a)<js> b)<scripting> c)<script> d)<javascript>

30.Where is the correct place to insert a javascript?

a)Both the <head> section and the <head> section are correct b)The <head> section c)The <body > section

31.What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called sankalp.js?
a)<script type=text/javascript src=sankalp.js> b)<script type=text/javascript href=sankalp.js> c) <script type=text/javascript name=sankalp.js>

32.How do you define a function in javascript?

a)function:myFunction() b)function myFunction() c)function=myFunction()

33.How can you add a comment in javascript?

a)//This is a comment b)<!This is a comment -- > c) This is a comment d)/*This is a comment*/

34.How do you round the number 7.25, to the nearest integer?

a)Math.round(7.25 ) b)round(7.25)

c)rnd(7.25) d)Math.rnd(7.25)

35.How do you put a message in a browsers status bar?

a)statusbar=put your message here b)window.status=put your message here c)status(put your message here) d)window.status(put your message here)

36.How can you find a clients browser name?

a)client.Navname b)navigator.appName c)

37.What is the correct way to write array in javascript?

a)var txt=new Array(1:sunil,2:subrat,3:subhendu) b) var txt=new Array:1=(sunil)2:(subrat)3=(subhendu) c) var txt=new Array(sunil,subrat,subhendu) d) var txt=new Array=sunil,subrat,subhendu

38.How do you find the number with highest value of x and y?

a)Math.max(x,y) b)Math.ceil(x,y) c)top(x,y) d)ceil(x,y)

39.What is the correct javascript syntax for opening a new window called v2?
a); b);

40.Which function is get called when you click on a button?


b)onMouseOver() c)onLoad() d)onMouseClick()

*41. What does the GENERATOR meta tag tell ?

a) What type of server your page is on b) Which program was used to produce the page c) Who designed the page

*42. What is the REFRESH meta tag used for ?

a) Refresh your keywords b) Allow search engines to relist your page c) Redirect to a new domain

*43. What is used to store information usually relevant to browsers and searchengines?
a) Tabs b) Cookies c) Metatags

*44.Which two meta tags have special relevance for search engines ?
a) Description and Keywords b) Description and Name c) Cookies and Keywords

*45. Using Hspace will add what to your image ?

a) Space to the left and right b) Space to the top and bottom c) Height to all sides

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