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Year 25 No. 64 Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (B) White June 10, 2012
Sunday TV Maria 8aM 3pM 7:30pM
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hrist must have known the
saying: The fastest way to
a persons heart is through his
stomach. His frst miracle was
at a party: the wedding at Cana.
He invented fast food when he
multiplied the few loaves and
fshes into quantities enough to
feed fve thousand. He attended
luncheons and dinners prepared
by his friends, as well as by
sinners and tax collectors. And
when he was about to defnitely
leave his disciples, he chose
to give them a remembrance,
a living sign of his presence;
the Eucharist. And what is the
Eucharist? It is, basically, a meal.
Imagine a God, who, in his
desire to be loved by us, worked
his way to our hearts through our
stomachs. St. Thomas Aquinas
describes Christs presence in
the Eucharist as visus, tactus,
gustus. This means that, when
we behold him in the Blessed
The Edible God
Sacrament or receive him in
Holy Communion, his presence
is not imaginary. We actually
see, touch, and even taste him.
He is not only the Word who is
proclaimed to us and understood
by our minds. He is the Bread
that gives life. Indeed, he is love
made visible, life made edible.
When Christ told the Jews that
he was an edible God, the Jews
were naturally shocked. What
do you think of us? Cannibals?
they must have murmured to
themselves. For them, there
was no way for a transcendent
God to be eaten by human
beings. It was blasphemous,
even scandalous to think of
God as food. But as always,
love can do the unthinkable.
Besides, Jesus made himself
edible because he knew that our
heads and hearts are oftentimes
in our stomachs.
I remember the story about
St. Benedicts encounter with a
farmer. One day, St. Benedict
rode his horse, on the way to his
monastery. He brought along a
few loaves of bread and some
cheese. He met a farmer who told
him: I envy you because you
have an easy life. All you do is
pray while all I do is work, work,
work. St. Benedict replied:
Believe me, praying is not easy.
If you can pray the Our Father
without being distracted, I shall
give you my horse. The farmer
was delighted. So, with eyes
closed, he began to pray aloud:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed
be thy name. Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day, our
daily bread When he reached
the word bread he suddenly
opened his eyes, looked up to St.
Benedict and asked: May I also
have, not only your horse, but
also the bread and cheese you
are carrying? St. Benedict then
said: You see, you are already
Like the farmer, most of us
think and feel in terms of what
our stomach tells us. This is
perhaps why, when the devil
tempted Adam and Eve, he struck
frst where all human beings feel
weakest: the stomach. He offered
them an appetizing fruit, diffcult
to resist. Most of our fears stem
from our fear of starving. In the
desert, Jesus realized that what
really kills is not thirst or hunger,
but our fear for these. And our
fear is directly proportional to
our lack of faith and confdence
in God who says: Even if your
mother forgets you, I shall never
forget you. See, I have written
your name on the palm of my
hands (Is 49:15-16).
Today, Catholics all over
the world remember Christs
last supper with his disciples.
The Hol y Mass i s not hi ng
but a commemoration of that
wondrous event when Christ
gave us the living memorial of
his love: the Eucharist. Every time
the priest consecrates the bread
and wine and utters the words:
Do this in memory of me, he is
actually echoing what Jesus must
have wanted to tell us: When
you eat this bread, and drink this
wine, please remember ME!
Fr. Rolando V. de la Rosa, OP
This copy of Sambuhay is made available through generous donations.
Entrance Antiphon (Ps 81:17)
(Recited when there is no opening song)
The Lord fed his people with
the fnest wheat and honey;
their hunger was satisfed.
(The sign of the cross is made here)
P The Lord Jesus is here
among us. He speaks to us when
the Scripture is proclaimed. He
gives himself to us when we
approach his table. May the
Lord be always with you.
All And with your spirit.
(May be read using these or other similar
P Dear brothers and sisters:
The Eucharist is the source
and summit of our Christian
life. In this sacrament, Jesus
gives his body and blood to be
our food unto eternal life. With
this living bread, we experience
Jesus salvation and God s
peace, receive power to give
ourselves in loving service, and
gain strength for our spiritual
journey. When we gather in
Jesus name at the Eucharist,
we proclaim that we are truly
Gods people.
Penitential Rite
P Is the Eucharist not a
sharing of the Lords body
and blood? Do we partake of
it worthily? Let us now ask the
Lords forgiveness for our sins
and failings. (Pause)
P Lord Jesus, you raise us
to new life: Lord, have mercy.
All Lord, have mercy.
P Lord, you forgive us our
sins: Christ, have mercy.
All Christ, have mercy.
P Lord Jesus, you feed us
with your body and blood: Lord,
have mercy.
All Lord, have mercy.
P May almighty God have
mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.
All Amen.
All Glor y to God in the
highest, and peace to his
people on earth. Lord God,
heavenly King, almighty God
and Father, we worship you,
we give you thanks, we praise
you for your glory. Lord Jesus
Christ, only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God, you
take away the sin of the world:
have mercy on us; you are
seated at the right hand of the
Father: receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy
One, you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ, with the Holy
Spirit, in the glory of God the
Father. Amen.
Opening Prayer
P Let us pray [to the Lord
who gi ves hi msel f i n t he
eucharist, that this sacrament
may bring us salvation and
peace]. (Pause)
Lord Jesus Chri st , you
gave us the eucharist as the
memorial of your suffering and
death. May our worship of this
sacrament of your body and
blood help us to experience
the salvation you won for us
and the peace of the kingdom
where you live with the Father
and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.
All Amen.
First Reading [Ex 24:3-8]
When God frst made a covenant
with the Israelites at Sinai, the
covenant was ratifed with the
blood of animals to show that
God meant to share in the life
and destiny of the chosen people.
A reading from the Book of
WHEN MOSES came to the
people and related all the words
and ordinances of the Lord,
they all answered with one
voice, We will do everything
that the Lord has told us.
Moses then wrote down all
the words of the Lord and, rising
early the next day, he erected at
the foot of the mountain an altar
and twelve pillars for the twelve
tribes of Israel. Then, having
sent certain young men of the
Israelites to of fer holocausts
and sacrifice young bulls as
peace of ferings to the Lord,
Moses took half of the blood
and put it in large bowls; the
other half he splashed on the
Taki ng the book of the
covenant, he read it aloud to
the people, who answered, All
that the Lord has said, we will
heed and do.
Then he took the blood
and sprinkled it on the people,
saying, This is the blood of
the covenant that the Lord has
made with you in accordance
with all these words of his.
The word of the Lord.
All Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm (Ps 116)
R I will take the cup of
salvation, and call on the
name of the Lord.
1. How shall I make a return
to the Lord/ for all the good
he has done for me?/ The cup
of salvation I will take up,/ and
I will call upon the name of the
Lord. (R)
2. Precious in the eyes of the
Lord/ is the death of his faithful
ones./ I am your servant, the
son of your handmaid;/ you
have loosed my bonds. (R)
3. To you will I offer sacrifce
of thanksgiving,/ and I will call
upon the name of the Lord./
My vows to the Lord I will
pay/ in the presence of all his
people. (R)
Second Reading
(Heb 9:11-15)
The New Covenant, mediated
and ratifed by Christ through
the pouring of his own blood on
the cross, is most pleasing to the
Father and ef fective in cleansing

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name of the Lord.


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A reading from the Letter to
the Hebrews
When Christ came as high
priest of the good things that
have come to be, passi ng
through the greater and more
perfect tabernacle not made by
hands, that is, not belonging
to this creation, he entered
once for all into the sanctuary,
not with the blood of goats
and calves but with his own
blood, thus obtaining eternal
For if the blood of goats and
bulls and the sprinkling of a
heifers ashes can sanctify those
who are defiled so that their
flesh is cleansed, how much
more will the blood of Christ,
who through the eternal Spirit
offered himself unblemished to
God, cleanse our consciences
from dead works to worship the
living God.
For this reason he is mediator
of a new covenant: since a death
has taken place for deliverance
from transgressions under
the frst covenant, those who
are called may receive the
promised eternal inheritance.
The word of the Lord.
All Thanks be to God.
Lauda Sion (Short form)
(This sequence, Laud, O Zion, is
optional before the Alleluia.)
Lo! the angels food is given/
to the pi l gri m who has
striven;/ see the childrens
bread from heaven,/ which
on dogs may not be spent.
Truth the ancient types
fulfilling,/ Isaac bound,
a victim willing,/ Paschal
lamb, its lifeblood spilling,/
manna to the fathers sent.
Ve r y b r e a d , g o o d
shepherd, tend us;/ Jesus,
of your love befriend us./
You refresh us, you defend
us,/ your eternal goodness
send us/ in the land of life
to see.
You who all things can
and know,/ who on earth
such food bestow,/ grant
us with your saints, though
lowest,/ where the heavnly
feast you show,/ fellow heirs
and guests to be. Amen.
Alleluia [Jn 6:51] (Stand)
All Alleluia, alleluia! I
am the living bread that
came down from heaven,
says the Lord; whoever eats
this bread will live forever.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Gospel (Mk 14:12-16, 22-26)
P The Lord be with you.
All And with your spirit.
P A reading from the holy
Gospel according to Mark.
All Glory to you, Lord.
Feast of Unleavened Bread,
when t hey sacri f i ced t he
Passover lamb, Jesus disciples
said to him, Where do you
want us to go and prepare for
you to eat the Passover?
He sent two of his disciples
and said to them, Go into the
city and a man will meet you,
carrying a jar of water. Follow
him. Wherever he enters, say
to the master of the house, The
Teacher says, Where is my
guest room where I may eat the
Passover with my disciples?
Then he will show you a large
upper room furnished and
ready. Make the preparations
for us there. The disciples
then went off, entered the city,
and found it just as he had told
them; and they prepared the
While they were eating, he
took bread, said the blessing,
broke it, gave it to them, and
said, Take it; this is my body.
Then he took a cup, gave
thanks, and gave it to them,
and they all drank from it. He
said to them, This is my blood
of the covenant, which will be
shed for many. Amen, I say
to you, I shall not drink again
the fruit of the vine until the
day when I drink it new in the
kingdom of God. Then, after
singing a hymn, they went out
to the Mount of Olives.
The Gospel of the Lord.
All Praise to you, Lord
Jesus Christ.
Homily (Sit)
Profession of Faith (Stand)
All I believe in God, the
Father Almighty, Creator of
heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord. He
was conceived by the power of
the Holy Spirit and born of the
Virgin Mary. He suffered under
Pontius Pilate, was crucifed,
died, and was buried. He
descended to the dead. On the
third day, he rose again. He
ascended into heaven, and is
seated at the right hand of the
Father. He will come again to
judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the hol y cathol i c Church,
the communi on of sai nts,
the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and
the life everlasting. Amen.
Prayers of the Faithful
P Let us pray to our Lord
Jesus Christ that our Eucharistic
celebration may tr uly be a
sign of unity, brotherhood, and
sharing. With confdence, we
R Lord, unite us in your
C May the Holy Father Pope
Benedict XVI, our bishops,
priests, and deacons proclaim
by their lives the meaning
of the sacred mysteries they
celebrate. We pray: (R)
C May the Body and Blood
of Christ heal all the divisions
among the Christian Churches
and bind them together in love
and service, so that one day all
may sit as one at the Eucharistic
table. We pray: (R)
C May al l Euchari sti c
ministers grow in faith through
their service and be credible
signs of Gods presence to
others. We pray: (R)
C May the hearts of believers
respond generously to the
hungry and may governments
and corporations work to bring
food to those who need it most.
We pray: (R)
C May our fathers show
their children the Fathers
loving care for them and mirror
Jesus self-giving love in the
Eucharist. We pray: (R)
C (The urgent concerns of
the community are prayed here.)
P God our Father, you
have called us together in this
Eucharist. We thank you for
this sacrament of our salvation.
This copy of Sambuhay is made available through generous donations.

The ChurCh renewed:
A Vatican II Catechesis
Fr. James h. Kroeger, MM
Vatican II and the Eucharist
The Second Vatcan Council did not issue a specifc document on
the Eucharist but considered many Eucharistc themes throughout
its sixteen documents.
Lumen Gentum boldly states that the Eucharistc sacrifce is
the source and summit of the Christan life (LG 11). The priesthood
document reiterates the same message: The Eucharistc sacrifce
is the root and center of the whole life of the priest (PO 14).
The laity document asserts that charity, the soul of the
apostolate, is nourished in the lay faithful through the sacraments,
especially the most holy Eucharist (AA 3). Bishops have the duty
of instructng the faithful so they will know and live the paschal
mystery more deeply through the Eucharist (CD 15).
Pope John Paul II, a Vatcan II partcipant, reemphasized in
Ecclesia de Eucharista (2003) that the Eucharist is the source and
summit of the whole Christan life (EE 13).
Help us to worship you with
lives poured out in loving
ser vice for the sake of our
brothers and sisters.
We ask this through Christ
our Lord.
All Amen.
Presentation of the Gifts
P Pray, brethren
All May the Lord accept
the sacrifce at your hands
for the praise and glory of
his name, for our good, and
the good of all his Church.
Prayer over the Gifts
P Lord, may the bread and
cup we offer bring your Church
the unity and peace they signify.
We ask this in the name of
Jesus the Lord.
All Amen.
Preface (Holy Eucharist I)
P The Lord be with you.
All And with your spirit.
P Lift up your hearts.
All We lift them up to the
P Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All It is right to give him
thanks and praise.
P Father, all-powerful and
ever-living God, we do well
always and ever ywhere to
give you thanks through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
He is the true and eternal
priest who established this
unending sacrifce. He offered
himself as a victim for our
deliverance and taught us
to make this of fering in his
memory. As we eat his body
which he gave for us, we grow
in strength. As we drink his
blood which he poured out for
us, we are washed clean.
Now, with angels and arch-
angels, and the whole company
of heaven, we sing the unending
hymn of your praise:
All Holy, holy, holy... (Kneel)
Acclamation (Stand)
All When we eat this
bread and drink this cup, we
proclaim your death, Lord
Jesus, until you come in glory.
The Lords Prayer
All Our Father
P Deliver us, Lord
All For the kingdom, the
power, and the glor y are
yours, now and for ever.
Invitation to Peace
Invitation to Communion
P Behold Jesus who offers
the Bread of life and the Cup
of salvation. Happy are we
who are called to share in his
All Lord, I am not worthy to
receive you, but only say the
word and I shall be healed.
(Note: It would be most ftting today to
give communion in both Eucharistic
Communion Antiphon
(Jn 6:57)
Whoever eats my flesh and
drinks my blood will live in me
and I in him, says the Lord.
Prayer after Communion
P Let us pray. (Pause)
Lord Jesus Christ, you give
us your body and blood in the
Eucharist as a sign that even
now we share your life. May we
come to possess it completely
in the kingdom where you live
for ever and ever.
All Amen.
P The Lord be with you.
All And with your spirit.
Solemn Blessing
P Bow your heads and pray
for Gods blessing. (Pause)
Lord, grant that your faithful
people may continually desire
to relive the myster y of the
Eucharist and so be reborn to
lead a new life.
We ask this through Christ
our Lord.
All Amen.
P May the bl essi ng of
almighty God, () the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
come upon you and remain with
you for ever.
All Amen.
P Our celebration is ended.
Go and may the Eucharist
empower us to love and serve
our neighbors.
All Thanks be to God.

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