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Feilycia Wijaya XII Sc / 3

H O Preda The Perfect Killer W Hun

he Prey
Is it true, the stories about


Whether there was life before now?

Do you know film named Jurassic Park?

monsters that live in the past? Is it a dinosaur? And what kind of dinosaur who was the best killer? Yes, its a question that is always debated by kids and adults. Have ever heard that right? Well, okay lets we find the answer.

Yes, they use some kind of dinosaur to be their first actor, T-Rex. The T. Rex or Tyrannosaurus existed in the late cretaceous period some 65 million years ago. A carnivorous dinosaur and an extremely popular icon in todays movie culture this dinosaur is probably one of the most talked and read about dinosaurs ever to have existed. With some amazing scenes in both Jurassic Park and the recent King Kong movie its no wonder hes so popular. The name Tyrannosaurus Rex means Tyrant Lizard King which stems from the Greek word tyranno meaning tyrant, saurus meaning lizard and rex meaning king. The grand name comes directly from the fact that the T. Rex was most probably one of the largest and most terrifying carnivores of its time. Who is Tyranosaurus? The Tyrannosaurus a bipedal theropod is a part of the Tyrannosaurid family which exists in most parts of western North America as well as some parts of Asia. For a long time it was believed that the T. Rex was the largest carnivorous dinosaur of them all, but that was before the Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus were discovered.

Feilycia Wijaya XII Sc / 3

How about hunt the prey? The T. Rex probably lives close to its prey which is in most cases plant eating herbivores. This implies that its primary dwelling would have been near forests, open woodland, rivers and valleys rich in plant life. We know the T. Rex is probably well suits to hunting but how it hunted is an issue up for debate. Most scientists feel that due to the lack of fossil evidence suggesting group hunting, it is most likely a solitary hunter. How it fares against other dinosaurs that did hunt and exist in packs is an interesting question. Some have said the T. Rex possess such a powerful bite that this alone would have been a huge deter rant and factor in maintaining its superiority over other large dinosaurs and pack hunters. And T-Rex uses its strongest legs and combine with three huge toes on each foot meant the T. Rex was able to take very long strides covering distances of up to 15 ft with each step, thus giving it a top speed of around 25 mph. Its absolutely certain that the Tyrannosaurus eats large dinosaurs if they are already dead but may also have attacks animals that were too young, sick or old to protect themselves. Some scientists believe this behavior is scavenger like whilst others feel its just a fact of life. T. Rex Prey In terms of what and who it preyed upon, theres fossil evidence to suggest it commonly consumes both Triceratops and the duck-billed Hadrosaurs such as the Corythosaurus. In most cases scientists feel that an initial power bite would have severely crippled its prey causing massive blood loss. This would eventually cause its prey to lose strength and even collapse. At this point the T. Rex could quickly use both its foot claws and mouth to finish off its opponent.

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