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The step

Beginning: As the words I do formed on both their lips, timothy and melody swore before god that they will love each other forever; they will be there through thick and thin and through rich and poor. A kiss between them feels like infinity where their minds escape the reality of life and fly over to a different dimension. But before they could, they have to find a way to find each other and also find a way to become one.

Chapter 1: Melody. Ive been living in fantasy worlds as long as I can remember. I had a few different ones before I found my permanent one. When I was little I believe there was one based on a real world, but I dont remember it. Then there was one that involved a kingdom with princesses and magical potions. You got to it by walking over a rainbow which I imagined being down the street from me.

When I was 9 years old I found the scenario and characters that have been with me ever since. My character was an idealized version of myself, thinner, prettier, and the center of everyones lives. I felt guilty that I even had this fantasy world full of people who I loved when I didnt love anyone on the outside world. Until one conventional day, when he had tripped over my chair and dropped all his books, I could hear him cursing under his breath; however he didnt acknowledge my presence one bit. I remember I helped him pick them up and my eyes caught his shimmering bright purple eyes, at first I thought it was just contact lenses but I highly doubted it for the reason that there was no sign to indicate the usual outline of the contact lenses in a persons usual outline I learnt after that his name was timothy, and thats as far as I know, it was the day I finally broke out of my inner world and I was able to look upon this person, who might just be who I was looking for. Is this how I was supposed to feel? I had no idea but nevertheless it felt good. I read books about these kinds of things, love and romance and from what Ive read your first crush really isnt the one and only, there will be more.

I mean what are the chances of the boring usual me of being with someone like him, the chances are unbelievably low. Nevertheless I still wanted to get to know him, even if it didnt mean anything, at least then I would be satisfied. My first and actual encounter with him was when I was walking on my favorite street, it wasnt much of a street it was more of a long path where either side was totally covered by trees, not any ordinary trees, they were cherry blossoms, where the petals would turn bright pink in spring and then normal green the rest of the year, on one of those quiet days, I was walking with Joanne in the path, my all time friend, I dont believe in besties and such, he was sitting against one of the trees, I wanted to take up the courage to go and start a conversation, I asked Joanne to go ahead of me because I wanted to stay here a bit more by myself, she agreed to meet me by the caf in half an hour and then left, I stood approx.16 meters away from him, he didnt seem to notice me standing there at all because he had his headphones in his ears and had his eyes closed. I had to make a choice, either walk on or interrupt whatever hes doing and hope for the best, in the end I went for the 2nd option, I walked towards him and I leaned against the same tree, but I could hear his music from his headphones so

he wouldnt hear me, I picked up a rock and threw it at his feet, not intending to hit him but just enough for him to sense it. He snapped out from his position and looked at me, probably confused, I introduced myself and reminded him of the chair accident and thats when he recognized me, from there everything went so flawless, we talked on and on , one thing I learnt about him that day it was that he didnt really like to talk about a particular subject for very long, it seemed to disturb him. We exchanged phones numbers and for once that day I didnt look back to my fantasy world once.

Chapter 2 timothy Cant say that I have loved anyone for sure, never really knew the true meaning of what love really is, and have sworn that Id never want to know.

I just like to live life to the fullest with friends- but never really been open minded about it, Ive never really been open minded about anything. I dont like to deal with things either, I sort of like to leave it to Mother Nature to get rid of. My life is quite the usual; the school day in which I have to get myself up earlier than usual to meet up with friends, then afterschool is when reality sets into place; my mind starts to wonder about my existence, and as the curiosity sets into my brain cells, I sometimes wonder why I even exist. I yet dont know what exactly I want to do with my life, Im not exactly the bright student but Im not useless either, I thought about music but when I play on my guitar or blow into my saxophone, I get a rush of emotions that flow into my veins, and I dont think Id like that feeling every time I play, it urges me to play a single tune, that I have known for ever. Right at this moment, as I am walking down the cherry blossom road, looking right ahead to the same tree I lean on every day, and there she was as usual. She looked up as soon as I was near, almost as if she sensed my presence.

Her name is melody, nice name for a nice girl, shes very quiet, but she seems to like my company, she also likes drawing , which seems to occupy most of our time as everyday shed draw the trees as they blossom. She would talk endlessly, and always urge information out of me but being the person I am I always push her questions away, her eyes are a dark shade of brown and her hair takes up most of her face. Shes innocent that all I can say.

Chapter 3 melody What are you thinking of? said I. We were at our same spot under the cherry trees; their pinkness was fading away as spring is ending. Life timothy said What about it?

Everything he sighed remember when we did the what are you going to do in the future activity in citizen? he stopped and thought for a minute I didnt know what to write They take time to figure out Tim, I dont blame you for being stuck Its not being stuck, its that I dont want to do anything, even thought I know how important it is, I still dont want to I stayed silent, I didnt really know what to do or say about that. We stayed silent for a couple of minutes, me finishing my drawing and timothy just staring into space. Tim? What do you dream of? At night I mean. Fantasy, and illusions, filthy illusions that keep me awake after that, Illusions of a girl, a girl once upon a time, that I knew, but shes gone, and shes the reason why I no longer care I saw the anger on his cheeks and forming on his lips, I didnt ask him about the girl, but I was.. Well I dont really know what I was. I was just blank.

I glanced at his perfectly shaped eyes and hair, and I realized what he was looking at, I directed my eyes in that direction to notice that there was a couple holding hands, Walking and laughing, I was in a trance at such beauty before me. And as I sit there just admiring the scene, he surprised me with a question, a question so soft and delicate, and.well.beautiful. He said, why do people love something that hurts them melody? I looked into his eyes and saw sincerity, so I paused and I answered his question. We all want to fall in love Tim. Why? Because the experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesnt diminish its value. Because we are left with memories we treasure for the rest of our lives. It is love, not reason that is stronger than death. And then in my head I said each morning as I awaken youre the reason I smile, youre the reason I love Chapter 4 Francis was her name, the girl I mean.

I did not want to mention her story to melody, and I was quiet relaxed when she didnt ask anymore about it. When she answered my question, I immediately remembered the way Francis spoke to me. I was mesmerized by the way the words formed on her lips and I stared, wide eyed, when she finished, you were able to clearly hear and feel the hurt in her voice as she spoke, as if trying to refer to an experience she had. This was the first time in 5 years that I understood something-something that didnt come from Francis, and I was astonished at how she managed to grab my attention in seconds. After she finished talking she snapped out from what seemed like a flashback and said that she had to go, I told her that I was going to stay here for a little while longer, so she smiled and left. As soon as she was a few meters away, I kept looking at her direction, and thats when I noticed a glint of white paper fall from her drawing pad, I thought about picking it up and giving it to her but by the time I reached the piece of paper she was already gone. So I held onto it.

As soon as I reached home, my body was filled with exhaustion, and I just felt like sleeping, but I was far too awake to go to bed. As I lay on the edge of my bed, I saw a corner of the paper poking out of my jacket, and I also noticed what seemed like a lot of writing inside. Being my nosy self, I picked it up and opened it. And to my shocking surprise, this is what it said: Dear timothy, Today is it! I want to tell you I want you here with me, if only for one night. I live day to day thinking of you. I picture in my mind everything about you, as if you were really here beside me. When I fall asleep I dream that you're next to me and I can feel your skin underneath my hand. I dream of you running your hands through my hair, down my back, and over every part of my body. I want to share my bed with you. My world is spinning; I can feel defeat, why can't I sleep? Why does my throat close whenever you speak? My heart breaks just to be around you. I take in the way you move, the way you talk, and the way you smell whenever you are around. My eyes directed down when your gaze falls upon me, that bashful smile - I want you so badly! This tension, it kills me. My unspoken attraction is enough

to fill up volumes. How can I get close to you? I'm too shy to talk to you; so at this moment it feels safer to watch you from afar with no rejections. You have taken up residence in my mind. I want so badly for you to tell me everything I want to hear but you won't. I want you to tell me that you want me, but you won't. Every time I think of you I can feel the butterflies fluttering inside me. You don't notice me or the way I look at you; maybe it's 'cause you only see me as a friend and nothing more, but when I look at you, nothing could turn my eyes away. At night I lay in bed and dream of you coming to my door grabbing me in your arms and kissing me. I dream of you and me lying side by side; running my hands down your chest, across your stomach ... feeling every inch of you with my fingers. I imagine kissing you all over your body. Whispering in your ear how badly I want you. I want you to hold me and I want to hear your voice. I imagine being wrapped in your arms and pressed against your chest. I would want you making me feel like part of you ... and every time we touch; we would feel like we were the only two in existence. But, as I sit here watching the sun set into the horizon, my heart sinks with it. My pain is my entire fault; when will I learn? You would never want me. I'm not

perfect, beautiful, or anything important. I have to let the dream of you and me go, for I am a woman with an unrequited crush. Thank you for being my friend. It all made sense, her meeting me by the tree almost every day, her always confiding in me, and trusting me, it all made sense. I knew that she had a crush on me, but I never thought of it that way. After hours of thinking and rereading every word, I finally fell asleep. There she was, in a beautiful white summer dress, and I was a few meters awayguitar in hand, playing the same sad tune over and over again, and with every string I play and every note that escapes my guitar, it seemed to scratch her body and she was bleeding, I couldnt stop playing, no matter how much I tried, I shouted and screamed for her to run away because I was hurting her, but she kept coming forward-towards me. I couldnt control my fingers; I kept playing the tune that I always played for Francis. It was just me and her in a desolated world, her bleeding all over, and me trying my hardest to pull the point that she's covered with blood and she crumples down to the floor

It ended. I opened my eyes, I was drenched in sweat, and I was breathing heavily, it was just a nightmare. I realized that I couldn't do this to her. I picked up my cell phone and dialed the number.

Chapter 5-melody It was three am. I could hear the ringing of my phone a few inches away from my ear, I tried to ignore it but it kept on ringing. I looked at the screen to see the caller and my heart skipped a beat at the name. It was timothy. I answered as quickly as I could. 'Hello, Tim? Is everything ok?' All I could hear was heavy breathing, after what seemed like ages, he spoke.

'Melody, did I bother you, should I hang up? Just say so' No Tim, what's wrong? Is something going on? Tell me' 'Its nothing; I just wanted to hear your voice' I was relieved and shy at the same time; I just couldn't stop smiling to myself. After regaining my normal self I asked, 'so, what do you want to talk about?' A lot of things, way too many things to fit in a phone call, melody? Do you truly have anything to say to me?' 'Say to you? Like what?' 'Well, I know that you have to pretend that you have nothing to say because it's very difficult for you girls to admit anything, but I also know that there should always be honesty between friends, am I right?' 'Timothy, I-' 'Am I right melody? Tell me if I'm wrong' No you're right, but I just don't know what to say to you' 'I know, I understand. Meet me tomorrow in school in the art room-lunch'

'Why? Tell me why timothy?' 'I'll tell you everything-but it might not be what you want to hear. Good night melody' 'Tim-' he hangs up. I couldn't sleep the night, he was on my thoughts, what he said was justconfusing. I got up that morning, and as I was putting on the blue school uniform, I remembered the letter I wrote for him and opened my drawing pad looking for it; I guessed I might need it if Tim is going to talk about honesty. My heart beat raced as I was looking, as I'm not able to find it. I started getting frustrated, with a lot of questions in my head, but as I noticed that I was getting late, I knew I had to do without it as I grabbed my bag and left. As the bell introduces the beginning of lunch, I ignore everyone in my path, I ignore the calls of my name, I even ignore the voice in my head that says 'turn back' over and over. As I walk into the art room, and I see him sitting at the table facing the window, staring out to god know where. (To be continued)

Chapter 6. - Timothy I looked deep into her eyes, searching for clues as to what she's feeling, but I got nothing. I patted the space next to me motioning her to take seat. She paused shifting her eyes from the space to me as if having second thoughts, but then dropped her bad to the ground and made her way towards. So far we hadn't said anything to each other. As soon as she sat, I pulled out the letter out of my pocket and I thrust t in her hand. She stared at the letter probably recognizing it. 'Have you got anything to tell me now?' I tried to sound more sincere than angry. She wouldn't look directly at me. 'How dare you look through my stuff?' 'It dropped out from your drawing pad, but thats not the point Mel.'

'What do you want me to say? - shall I just come up to you and say oh dear timothy, I believe I've fallen in love you' And thats when she was able to look at me; she was very frustrated as if taking out all her hidden rage at this moment. Melody's p.o.v I could no longer control myself at that moment, after he showed me the letter, I knew this was my only chance to really show him how I feel, so I went for it and took out all my rage and hurt on him. By that time I had stood up and I was facing him, a few feet away. 'Tell me Tim? How was I able to tell you that I wanted you, that I wanted to get closer every minute, that I was too shy to talk to you or that I cried myself to sleep most nights?' He was just staring, so I continued. 'Youre heartless, you knew I liked you, you knew that, and yet you ignored those feelings, and now you demand answers? How dare you' He finally spoke: ' Look at you, LOOKAT YOURSELF MELODY!' he snapped

He stood up and came closer to me, to the point that there was only a few cm between our noses, and then he started whispering. 'look at how much your hurt because of me, look at how much hurt I've caused, I'm so sorry I did this to you, even though I knew I still had no idea of exactly how you were feeling' He took hold of my face and at that moment Timothy's p.o.v At that moment tears started rolling down her eyes, but by ignoring her sad eyes, I was able to continue. 'remember the girl I was talking about, I hurt her, I hurt her so bad she committed suicide, not because I didnt like her back, I loved her with all my heart, but nature is against me, the illusions that I dream at night, they hurt the people I love, I can't be with you, I truly can't because I dont want to see you hurt ever, melody I want you to forget me, and I know it's going to be hard but trust me, we'll both be suffering' Melody's p.o.v And that's when he crashed his lips against mine, and gives a long, soft and the most beautiful kiss I have ever had.

It took a moment between us for me to experience every single emotion and hurt I have ever had. When he finally pulled away, I managed to say one thing only. 'I can't' and then burst into tears all over again. 'Melody we have to do this, hold my hand tight, and as soon as we step out of this room, it'll be like nothing has ever happened between us ok? He guided me to the doorway and we both stood with it wide open and he looked into eyes and gave me one more kiss to remember. 'Are you ready?' I nodded 'I'm sorry Mel.' Timothy's p.o.v I stood behind her holding her hands around her waist, and whispered to her one last time. I love you Mel, always' Then walked her out of the room and let go of her and went my separate way. Melody p.o.v I stayed standing where he left me, and watched him disappear down the corridor with his head bent low.

I'd never forget this moment, ever. And then I told myself, 'I love you Tim, always'

Chapter-7 melody

Time has been going very quickly for me, now that I am 22 yrs of age, Ive changed quite a bit even if I say so myself. I am now very successful, Ive become more persuasive, and I was told more attractive. I now have a fantastic job as an estate agent, and have the most amazing fiance I could ever have. Zachary is his name; I met him as I was showing him a house for sale, and he asked me out on a date. The rest just happened, we went out several times and I enjoyed his company unconditionally, until one day when he pulled out a ring and asked to marry him, and since then its all been love. I love him as much as he loves me, now that we are engaged; were both very busy with wedding arrangements, and such. My mother is thrilled, shes been dreaming of attending my wedding since I was 18. My father is out on a business trip and will be back the day before my wedding day; which is 3 months away. My life has never been better.

As for timothy, Ive learnt to forget him and am sure hes learnt to forget me too. Now were both in our own different worlds, I dont know what exactly hes been up to, but as rumors go, hes become a very successful music producer. I guess hes found out what he wanted to do with his future after all. But now Im safe in Zacharys arms, I dont want to leave for anything. He has revolved around my last 6-7 months, and Im enjoying every moment of it.

Chapter 8-timothy Its been five years and shes still on my mind, that day 5 years ago, is still revolving inside my brain. It may look like I didnt care, however that was my aim, I wanted her to forget me. And it was a success. Ive been tracking down her life ever since, and know every single detail of her changed life.

Her engagement with Zachary and her new job as an estate agent, there is nothing that I dont know; I am not stalking her am just making sure shes happy without my presence. But now that shes happy, I feel lonely, Ive tried many relationships with all different types of girls, but none of them gave me the same amount of love that melody had for me. I suppose you could say I took her for granted, I never took the chance when I had it back in high school, but it was all for her benefit. Surprisingly me and Zachary ended up working in the same music industry as producers, and thats how I knew about both of them, I was happy for him. But Id always listen carefully to him whenever he spoke about her, catching every detail and recognizing every description. I dont want to tell him what happened in our past, I didnt want him to know that we even knew each other, because that may change things between melody and him. As well as being a music producer I have been also writing and composing music whenever I get the chance to.

Sometimes, I go back to that same tree in the spring guitar in hand, singing the same song that I wrote for her almost 3 years ago. Now am in my office trying to think, but I cant. Zachary comes into the office, envelopes in hand, and came up to me smiling. He handed me an envelope. You my mate is officially invited to my wedding he smiled and went to give out more invitations. I opened the envelope and stared at the fancy writing that said melody and Zachary together. This cant happen I thought and left the office.

Chapter 9- melody Sitting in my office I got a text message- from Zachary. It said: WERE GOING OUT TNGHT, ILL PICK YA UP BY 7 XX I smiled; I decided to take the rest of the day off since it was already 5pm.

I got into my car and drove home, and although I was paying attention ahead of me, all of a sudden a guy holding a guitar walks right in front of my car. I was startled, and I hit the brakes as hard as I could, causing the car to stop violently. The guy had hair covering his face and I didnt see who it was, but he didnt seem to notice the havoc that he has created, he just kept on walking, he didnt even look my way to apologize. I could swear I saw him somewhere; it must me my imagination I thought. I started cursing under my breath, and drove off. As I reached home and decided what to wear, it was a beautiful violet cocktail dress with a matching purse, I decided not to put on too much makeup otherwise it would look like crayola attacked my face. It was too early to go yet, so I decided to make a cup of coffee and watch a TV program. Eventually the clock rounded up to 7 pm, I switched off everything in my house, the TV and all the lights, except for the hallway lights. I sat in the hallway waiting for Zachary, but he never showed up, not even a text message.

It was 7.30 and I was starting to get fed up, I tried calling him and there was no answer. He must just be stuck in traffic I thought. It was 7.50 and I was about to go in and change when finally there was a knock on the door. I got ready to put all my anger into him, but when I opened the door, there he was leaning at the door outline, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Can you imagine the nerve of it- late and wearing a t-shirt and jeans? Looking good he said it with a cheesy tone as he eyed me up and down. Zach, do you realize what time it is? Suck that baby; you wait till you see what I got for you He pulled me towards him by my waist and I quickly noticed that hes had at least one drink. Zach, have you been drunk driving? at that moment I was starting to get very angry. Nah baby, thats why I brought company he pointed towards the land rover behind him.

I looked more closely and realized that there were 3 of his friends. I thought that it was just us Well, it was until I realized it would be more fun with company, so come on get in the car, well have a blast I did as I was told, and I got in to the front seat and Zach got in at the back, in between two of his mates. It was quite in the car until one of his mates, the driver, looks at me and said: oi Zach, you didnt tell us that youre fiance was a hottie, its a shame youll be spending the rest of your life with her Every and each one of them started laughing at that, I gave the driver a dirty look and looked away getting the message. The rest of the ride was similar; one would say something and the rest would start laughing. I just kept looking away and out of the window, just hoping the place we were going to was more respectable. I spoke too soon I thought, as we stopped in front of a night club. Im not going in there I immediately said.

It was full of drunken men and stripped women. I dont know how I managed to get in there; it was crowded, messy, smelly, and dirty. Zach babes, can we go somewhere else. Come on stop spoiling the night he took hold of my hand really tightly and pulled me over to the drinks bar, by the time he already had to glasses of beer in his hand and he thrust one into me. Drink it and enjoy Stop it, Zach youre hurting me, let go of my hand He let go and walked away to where his friends were standing. I was shivering, and then I glass dropped from my hand and shattered to the floor, in the background I could hear the bartender cursing at me. But at that point I didnt care; I pushed myself through the crowd and out of the door. Not looking back to see if Zachary was following me, I ran through the car park, surprisingly still holding my purse, and out into the streets where I managed to get a bus.

As I sat down inside, tears stated rolling down my cheeks and I couldnt help myself but cry the whole journey. I knew that I wasnt ready to go home yet, with me looking a mess and my feet aching, I removed my heels and started walking bare foot. I walked and walked until I ended up in the path that had the cherry blossoms, I looked around in the dark, recognizing everything, which was once my child hood. Why did I grow up so fast? I thought to my self In a distance I could hear a melody, and as I got closer I realized it was a guitar melody. I followed the sound and as I came closer I saw the same guy that I was about to run over, I stood there just listening to him play. I was only a couple of meters away, when he finished he looked up and saw me. I looked at his face for the first time today, and I realized who it was. Timothy?.... Chapter 10- timothy Melody? What are you doing at this time of night?

I got up and gave her my jacket, because she was shivering in her dress. As soon as I put it on her shoulders, she started crying. I didnt know what to do, so I put my arms around her shoulder and hugged her tightly into my chest. We stood there for what seemed like ages, I missed her scent, and her straight, silky hair. Who would have known that one day we might be back to where we first met and not just sitting but hugging each other like the world is going to end. When she finally stopped crying, I whispered in her ear; do you want to take a walk with me, and tell me whats wrong? She nodded, I kept one hand around her shoulder and we slowly walked through the trees. It seems like youve been somewhere special I nodded at her beautiful dress. I wish, I dont know whats wrong with him Zachary? Her face changed to confusion. How did you know?

We work in the same industry Oh, well hes a jerk! And from there she told me what happened from the beginning of the day till the moment time being. Zachary is not always that jerky, he can be extremely nice; he never stops talking about you at work, he loves you very much he never told me he drinks, he lied to me and said that he never drank alcohol and that he never will, Tim he took me to a strip club and pressured me to drink He said that? He always drinks, that is jerky, considering the fact that he was going to spend the rest of his life with you I pulled out the wedding invitation and handed it to her. She opened it as if having second thoughts about the wedding, then closed it and gave it back to me. Are you coming? Im not sure, I might be busy I lied. I dont think I want to do the wedding anymore, imagine living with him I stopped walking and stood right in front of her, with both hand on her shoulders

Melody dont worry about it, its just wedding nerves, hell be back to his normal self by tomorrow, hell even apologize and try making it up to you, you just have to have a little faith I hope youre right, can you come to the wedding? For my sake Ill try my best, I cant promise anything I looked up to the sky and realized it was going to rain soon. let me give you a ride home, its going to rain soon, and put your arms thought the sleeves of my jacket, its going to get pretty cold She nodded and we walked the rest of the way laughing at memories. Half way through I realized that she was having trouble walking in her heels, so I slid my arm behind her legs and picked her up. She gave a little cry; what are you doing? Dont worry youre not that heavy She giggled at that and put her arms around my neck for security. As we reached my motorcycle, I passed her the helmet. Wow, its beautiful, looking at my motorcycle.

She took the helmet and put it on, as I swung my leg and waited for her to do the same. I looked back to see what was taking time, and I saw her trying to pull the dress as far as she could over her behind. I laughed at her, you wont have to worry about that, I wont be able to see behind me while Im driving She gave me a mocking smile and climbed on. I turned the motorcycle on and asked her where she lived, and then we raced against the cars, and you can hear her amazing laugh behind me as shes enjoying the ride. As we reached up to her house, she got off and handed me the helmet. Thanks, for the night, and the ride too I gave her a warm hearted smile and watched her walk up the path, but then turned around half way through and surprised me by saying; and sorry for nearly running you over, today Then she disappeared into the house, I turned on my motor cycle and left. I was driving through an empty road, surrounded by forests on either side.

15 minutes later I could see head lights up ahead, as I got closer, I noticed it was a huge land rover. And inside was Zachary sitting at the front, probably going to melodys house. Not on my watch I thought, I turned off my headlights and started driving right in front of them, sooner or later they were going to realize that there was something coming towards them, and I was right, I was 10 meters away when the driver of the land rover tried swerving away from me and ended up skidding into the forest. Satisfied I turned on my headlights and continued on my way, I looked behind me and saw smoke coming out from the woods. Well thats one thing that melody doesnt have to worry about.

Chapter 11- melody

As I entered my house that night, I realized I was still wearing timothys jacket. He must be freezing, I thought and went right back out to give it to him but he was already gone.

I went back inside and took a minute to take everything thats happened today. Two more weeks till the wedding, the weeks went so fast. But timothy is such a gentleman, the way he made me feel better, the way he would care for me. Its not like he wanted me in the first place, I thought. If he did he wouldnt have encouraged me to stay with Zachary. What am I thinking, hes probably got a life of his own; he was simply being the kind person he was. I went to turn on the lights of the office and as I did my eyes set on the framed picture of me and Zachary on my desk. I changed out of my dress into something warmer, took out a tub of ice cream from the freezer, and sat on the couch watching whatever was on the TV. I was off the next day so I stayed up till 3am, mostly on the internet. By the time I went to bed, the rest of the night went so quickly, the next thing I know I could hear a ringing noise in my ear. I knew it was my phone, I tried ignoring it for a while, but I ended up reaching for it anyway.

Damn, it was noon, and timothy on the phone, so I clicked on the answer button. Mel? Where have you been? Ive been trying to get to you all morning Im sorry, I slept late last night and I didnt hear anything Well its good that youve picked up because Zachary had an accident yesterday and is in hospital What!!!! Accident? Is he okay? Hold your horses, hes fine, I was thinking Ill pick you up by 1 and well both go and visit, would that be ok? Ermmm, yeah sure, the earlier the better And at that we both hung up. Serves him right for drinking so much last night, if he thinks hes getting any sympathy from me, then hes got another thing coming. I got ready as soon as possible, had a bite to eat and timothy arrived by 12.40 on his motorcycle with an extra helmet that handed to me. He stopped at the florists and bought a banquet of flowers and a card that says get well soon.

As we arrived to the hospital, we were directed through a million halls, until we reached his room however we werent allowed in until we were spoken to by his doctor. 15 minutes later the doctor came out and spoke to us. he was in a bad condition when he arrived here, but we managed to do our best and now hes recovering, Id rather none of you put any pressure onto him until hes recovered, whether its physically or mentally, also hed be out in a weeks time and hell be back to normal She smiled and left. We entered and he was lying on his bed, I took one look at Tim and nodded at me to go up to him. He had his eyes closed, even though I knew he wasnt really asleep. He had a broken arm and bandages on his chest and on the side of his face. Zachary? he opened his eyes and looked at me. melody, baby forgive me, I didnt mean to do what I did yesterday, and Im sorry I lied to you about drinking, I wanted to impress you back then Yeah and now you look like a total fool what was I saying?

I deserved what I got yesterday, the accident was the least I deserved, youre amazing and I tell you that every day, I just cant stand losing you I dont know Zachary, am sure time will allow me to forgive you soon So are we still on for the wedding? Well, I havent taken off my ring and thrown it in your face, so I guess yeah He laughed at that, and then I saw his eyes land on timothy. Timothy, my mate, I am glad to see you here he said Yh well, I couldnt leave a friend in need I couldnt see a hint of sincerity in his face, which was unusual. The he said something which surprised me. Well, since youre getting out in one week, Id like to invite you both to a dinner right before the grand wedding Well, Im sure that will be unnecessary Tim, since we have preparations and all I tried to avoid the invite as much as possible. I insist he glared at me as if giving me a message. Yh sure why not Zach then answered for me.

Then he put the banquet on the table and left. Chapter 12-timothy The days went by, I waited and waited. Shes been seeing Zachary in the hospital everyday that week, most of the time, Id drop by and watch her laugh and flirt with him. But she never really noticed my jealousy. This has to end! I cant stand her being like that; I want her to be mine, only mine. Tonight is the night I thought, its the night that is going to change everything, and I mean everything. I decided to buy a special outfit, so I bought an expensive designed suit, but the thing that topped it off the most was when I bought her favorite flower and placed it in the front pocket of my blazer. I was ready, I looked at the clock on my bed side and it flashed 6pm at me. Right after Zachary came out of hospital on two standing feet, I spoke to them and I suggested that we go to Murano, on me. After a bit of a discussion about payment they agreed that I would be paying.

I got out of my apartment, and as I was going down in the elevator, my iphone vibrated, I pulled it out and it was a text from melody telling me theyre out and on their way. I half-smiled to myself and got out of the elevator confidently walking to my jaguar c-x75. As I got in and drove at average speed, I didnt want to ruin the night at its beginning. I took my time because I wanted them to arrive before and then melody could marvel at my arrival. Half an hour driving, I was right on time; melody and Zachary were in their land rover in front of me as they got out of the car and passed their keys to the valet. Get ready to be amazed, I thought, as I drove into the entrance. I dramatically let my door open automatically and slowly got out of the car, as I passed the keys to the valet. Sure enough I could see her eyes eyeing everything in sight and Zachary was mind boggled. I done it, at last but that was only the beginning of my plan.

I greeted Zach man to man style and when I got to melody I kissed her hand and at the same time glaring into her hazel eyes, she felt uncomfortable and glared at the floor instead. She was wearing a charming red, mermaid like, strapless, red dress that stuck to her body perfectly; she had beautiful earrings, obviously showing off her taste. But as I suspected her neck was bare so I pulled out a little box from the inside jacket and opened it right in front of her. I saw Zach tense a bit, but I reassured him; think o fit as a pre wedding gift at hat he relaxed a bit. Melody just kept staring at the diamonds; no! I couldnt take it, seriously But Ive already bought it, Zach tell her, dont make this hard for me melody, you will accept it She nodded as I took the necklace out of the box and gave the box to Zach as he headed to reception. I put it around her neck and I was clipping it on, I gave it a go. Youre looking very beautiful I whispered in her ear as I was putting on the necklace.

And she tensed. We walked in as the waiter lead us to our booked table, we got comfortable and thats when Zachary decided to break the silence. Well, timothy its an awfully expensive restaurant, I think Ill have to chip in the costs I frowned. I said it was on me tonight Zach and I dont go back on what I say, no matter how expensive it gets He nodded and started browsing the menu. I recommend the cauliflower puree, smoked almonds, apple, and ginger salsa for starters, its absolutely divine I pronounced the cauliflower a bit harshly; Melody took my hint and stared at the purple rose in my blazer pocket. It was an incredibly rare flower to find and the fact that I had it on me tonight brought shock to her face. I think Ill have that, thank you Tim said Zachary, as the waiter came by.

I think Ill have something different, Aubergine caviar, deep fried anchovy and red pepper relish she said it looking at the waiter. Ill have the same I said putting the menu down. And the drinks sir? Ill just have red wine, your finest said Zach I dont drink, Ill have grapefruit juice I said I dont drink either, but Ill have orange juice she said Thats one thing she couldnt disagree about. After the meals came, I and Zach kept talking about work, trying to pass the time, but after we ordered the main meal Zach had too much red wine, and it was about to get worse. Zach did you like the wine? he nodded well since you finished the bottle, let me get another one, except this time, it will be their finest I went up to the drinks bar and ordered the same bottle of red wine, except this time there would be another ingredient. I opened a small test tube cap, and opened the red wine and poured in the contents of the test tube.

I went back to the table and gave him the bottle. But thats the same one I ordered he moaned Trust me they all seem to look the same He took a big swig out of the bottle and said; youre right it has a funny taste Well drink up, since its on my tonight Half way through our main, the contents of the test tube started taking effect on him; he had his hand on his stomach and got up. Do excuse me; I think Ill need the bathroom And at that he left towards the bathroom. Now it was only me and Mel. I ushered the waiter to take Zachs food away, he wouldnt need it. Mel stopped eating and looked at me. What are you playing at? Me? Nothing I innocently said. you cant hide it from me Tim, the necklace, the flower, not to mention that Im pretty sure that this is not a different brand of wine, what did you put in it?

Well madam, if you suspected that there was something in the wine, then why didnt you stop him from drinking it, it might have been poison She went silent at that. I caught you, well since you sense whats going I might as well get to the point beautiful She dropped her cutlery and wiped her mouth, and looked directly at me. do you really want to spend your life entire life with that jerk, hes getting wasted right in front of you, you could be with me, look at everything Ill be able to provide for you, not to mention my undying love Shut it Tim, if you really wanted me, then you wouldnt have left me back when we were seventeen In the corner of my eye I could see Zach coming up. Melody then got up, most probably angry, Excuse me, and then she headed for the ladies. As Zach sat back down, he said; whats up with her? That time of the month He nodded; he was too wasted to ask how the hell I knew that.

The rest of the evening, went off silently, as the evening went to a close, I paid the bill, and we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I wasnt satisfied; obviously she was the loyal bitch I expected her to be. But Im not giving up, there was still 3 days till the wedding day.

2 days till the wedding Chapter 13- melody. What was happening? I thought, Something just isnt right, the fact that timothy wants me back, and the fact that am falling for him. That night was dazzling, the way he got out the car, the way he was treating me over dinner, but I had to stand my ground. If anyone would be asked, they would immediately know that Tim is the utter most perfect guy for me. He had it all, love. Sexiness, richness, he was the whole package. But Ive already given my love to Zach, I dont ever want to be a bitch, so Im going to have to stay away from Tim as much as possible until the wedding.

2 more days, I can resist, cant I? The door bell interrupted my thoughts; it was 4 pm the post doesnt arrive at this time so I wondered who it could be. Stood there was a hunched body guard with dark glasses on. Maam is Melody in? Th...Thats me, how can I help you Im here to deliver a package, from Mr. Timothy Carlos Ermmm, thank you He gave me the package and left, it was a huge package, I went in and immediately opened it. And the first thing I see are a bouquet of purple roses, and as I take it out, it was in a beautiful vase with a big note stuck to it. I took out the note and read it out: I know it hasn't been long since I last saw you my dear, But to me it feels as long as five hundred year. I miss you to the point I am losing all sanity, There has to be an end to this entire calamity.

I think of you every second and every breath, For you I would stare even into the face of death. To kiss your lips is to taste the sweetness of love, And it brings forth feelings from the heavens above. To look into your eyes is to gaze into the sky, So beautiful with the stars and the heavens inside. To see your smile is to see the divine, This poem is for you, sweet love of mine. It will be hard, I knew it will be. Tears started rolling down my eyes, now I was uncontrollable, I kept on sobbing for hours and hours none end. Words cannot describe your leaving Words cannot contain the pain of loving Words are empty shells, words can only tell the shell of the story inside is the pain, inside I cry in vain Cannot. Stop.

Your pain.

Chapter 14, 1 day till the wedding. No phone calls, no reply, nothing. Since the night we had dinner, Ive sent her several packages, gifts.

Diamonds, jewelry, flowers, poems, everything I could think of but I dont get anything back, not even a simple note. I knew I had to push this harder, try even more strategies, but I didnt even know what. My mind was blank. Yesterday I was invited by Zachary to help him choose the wedding hall and reception. Hes been telling me about how shes been excited about choosing the perfect wedding dress, and the perfect scenery for the pictures. It looks like Zachary had no idea about the things that I sent her. At times like this I feel like killing him on the spot and getting rid of him forever, but I know that wont be the right thing to do. I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought about was her, I sent her a text message saying I <3 you and got one back saying get out of my life!! I sent her a chat invite in which he accepted and I continued from where we left off. Me-We both know you dont mean that

Mel-I do and I wish it every night Me-But I dont coz I love you Mel-When are you going to accept the fact that Im getting married tomorrow? Me-I dont know, I suppose Ill keep trying till you say I do Mel-and until then keep trying, coz there will be nothing that will come out of me Me-can you at least satisfy me, tell me your true feelings towards me? *Melody logged off at 8.47 Am* Hours after I called her and I was sent to voice mail; Mel please if youre gonna go with Zachary can you at least tell me the truth and I turned off the phone. I got a message an hour later; meet me by the blossom tree-Mel I was there in 20 minutes. I saw her in a distance and I thought to myself this might be the only time Ill ever get to look into her eyes and fall in the dreamy sea of hazel brown. Half an hour later and we were still sitting staring at each other in silence she spoke first.

Five years later and here we are again Back in love And again we cant be together Ill suffer without you Mel Youre the only person who has ever made me feel this way And I wanted to be last, but it doesnt look like its gonna happen No its not Why? Just tell me Five years ago you wouldnt tell me why you wouldnt be with me I know and Im sorry, but this is a lifetime decision Mel you have to tell me Because I have priorities, people to keep happy But youve kept people happy all your life, you totally forgot about making yourself happy, and what about me, you forgot to make us happy This whole time tears rolled down her eyes. She then surprised me and planted her lips on mine, and we kissed for what seemed like ages.

She pushed herself away and said, Im sorry And at that she got up and left. And I sat there and said to myself, Ill love you always

Chapter 15- melody. Today is the day. I was excited, head over heels with joy and excitement. Since 6 am in the morning everything has been busy, busy, and busy. My house has been raided by girls of all shapes and sizes, well my girl friends to be specific. First was spa, where they whizzed me off in their car and we all spent 3 hours in SenSpa at Careys Manor Hotel, it was truly amazing. Next was manicure and hair, where we had a whole salon reserved for the occasion, we all ended up with the most amazing hair styles ever.

(Mels wedding hair style click here 0ee1_Best_Wedding_Hairstyles_B.jpg ) Next all the girls wanted to surprise me with the wedding dress, unfortunately they didnt allow me to choose my wedding dress so I havent seen it yet, but knowing my girlfriends, I knew it was going to be shocking! As we entered my house at last, they put a blind fold around my eyes, knowing my house very well I knew that they were leading me to my bedroom, as soon as they took off my blind my eyes were transfixed o the most beautiful dress I have ever seen, it was embroidered with jewels everywhere, it overflowed the doll it was in, and it nearly reached my feet, it was huge, and had a beautiful bow at the back, it was professional and I loved it.

Next to it my mother was standing, tears in her eyes, and she immediately hugged me. My daughter is going to look amazing Wow thanks mom

The next thing I noticed was that my room was bare, everything in it was gone, my bed, dresser, everything. As if reading mind, my best friend said: since youll be living with Zach after the wedding we thought we might empty your room so that we have more space to get ready, also so that the makeup artist has more space to work on you I smiled, knowing that she was right. For the next 3 hours, everyone was busy around me, everyone doing something or the other, 5 of the girls were working on my dress and making sure it looked perfect on me, the makeup artist had to wait till they were finished until I was able to take it off and so that he could start on me. After all the hard work, came the photographer, who took a lot of shots, some with me surrounded by my friends, and some with me single for the last time for a long while. My mother left early to the wedding location to check that all the preparations were done. And that left me and my girlfriends to make our way there; I had to have a car of my own, mainly because of the big dress, but also because I was supposed to make a lone entrance.

My girlfriends were all dressed up for the occasion, and some as bridesmaids, and they were following my car in their own limo. I was ecstatic, I couldnt think of the words to describe my joy. With all the chaos I hadnt thought of Tim all day but now that I have the last few moments of quietness I knew that I could do it, I could totally forget about him and live my life. I still regret leaving him under the tree yesterday but it had to be done. I was still wondering if he would attend the wedding since I asked him to, but well just have to wait and see. Timothys p.o.v. The clock flashed 1.30 pm and I was still in bed. The wedding invitation was still there untouched. I was depressed from last night that I when I reached home I went straight to bed and cried my heart out. Its not a manly thing to do but when your heart is going to explode its sometimes ok. I wasnt going to go.

I mean why should I , for one she wouldnt want me there , and also if I did go Id just suffer even more than I already have. There was nothing I could do now, I tried everything and she made it clear to me that she doesnt want me. My head is blank and I cant seem to think of anything that will stop this wedding without hurting her. I just gave up. The one crystal I have ever wanted was now gone. Melody was gone for my life, all this time I have been looking out for her without her knowing was wasted. 2.30 pm I was still in bed, with my mind blank. I decided to watch a movie and got up, as I opened the movie cupboard I looked at a small box in the corner, and thats when I remembered it was the ring I bought for melody as soon as I got the money, I think it was when I was 20, but I never gave it to her. At the time, it was rare and expensive, it was the one that she showed me in a magazine in one of our conversations back in high school, she said it was the most beautiful thing in the world and shed do anything to have one. Im such an idiot, now its too late.

I skipped through the movies and randomly selected a DVD, the movies was called forever yours. Ive watched it many times before purely because I loved it, and in that movie the lover never gave up, he followed her to till the needs of the earth. A few seconds after looking at the cover, I said to myself; and thats what Im going to do. Shes my crystal. Melodys p.o.v I am now in the brides room up a huge mansion, in which the wedding was being held. Below my room was the massive hall in which the ceremony would commence, everyone was rushing with food and decorations. It was only 2 hours till the wedding itself. Half of the time, friends and family would come in and wish me luck and happiness. An hour later, everyone was asked to leave me alone, so that Ill be able to relax and take all this in.

I decided to go out into the balcony, and as I looked out into the oversized garden I could see my mom speaking on the phone, with a concerned look on her face, after a few minutes my father came out and walked towards her, they spent a lot of time talking and then they both looked at me up the balcony and smiled. As they walked away they had a huge smile on their faces, god knows why. 40 minutes later and the wedding planner popped her head around the door. 20 minutes and your father will be here to pick you up I nodded and she left. I went back to looking out of the balcony, but then I heard the door open and shut, I looked around. Timothy? What are you doing here? I stared at his figure; he was looking amazing, so smart and well fantastic. Saving you from making the biggest mistake of your life Tim weve already been through this, why dont you just give up? Because I love you and you love me and there should never be anything standing between us

But there is, and there is no way I can change my mind now, this is crazy, what would my parents think? What would all the people down there think? The door opened again and my father came in. Melody? he started my child, I have always wanted you to be happy, and most of all to make us proud, Timothy here told me everything, between you and all the things that are holding you back, melody I only said yes to Zachary because you said you loved him and I didnt want to take that away from you, but you should never leave the person you love I was shocked, from where did all of this come from, this was all too sudden for me, I needed more explanation. Timothys p.o.v I put my hand on her fathers shoulder and told him Ill take over and he nodded and left now it was just me and Mel. I went up to her and you can see the shock on her face as clear as daylight. Melody, listen carefully we havent got much time I held her hands. love and words, the sense of these two are only brought alive by your existence in my life. I look into your eyes, those amazingly beautiful eyes. And I can feel a deep sensual connection. A chemistry that defies nature. In those eyes I see my

strength, I see my vulnerability, I see my weakness,I see the best in me. Then I feel your pupils dilate;in perfect synchrony with mine. I feel the uncontrollable desire to keep gazing at those eyes. I feel a chill of passion rushing down my spine.Then those supple lips,that make me feel like I can be nowhere better in this world than their warm embrace. You make me feel like those lips were created for me. Your pretty little face. No one could ever take your place. Since the first time we met,there was the undeniable desire to know you more. I felt so comfortable around you. I want to be with you forever. Beyond the limits of time. I want to move closer to you. Faster than the speed of light. I want to stroke every strand of your hair, every length of your skin. Softer than the touch of a feather. I want to hold you close. Tighter than tight. Through our time together you have given me your best. You have shown me a perfect love. Beyond all my imperfections. I will forever give you a perfect love. You are my all. I got closer and closer. And now Melody, its your choice, there is a wedding waiting for you, not here, but in your favorite place' At that moment Zachary came in and Melody jumped away from me. He stared at us, and he finally said; I knew there was something going on between you two, how could you Melody And at that he left down the corridor. Melody started calling out his name and picked up her dress and headed his way.

I quickly stopped her and held her hand and spun her my way. Melody, thats the break you wanted, leave him I took out the ring I had and opened it and went on one knee. Melody for the last time, will you marry me? All this time tears rolled down her eyes and she hadnt said a word all along. She looked at her dream ring and kept saying oh my gosh. Yes, yes, yes!! Melodys p.o.v I couldnt take it, thats it, my timothy, he was mine! All the time I was confused but when he proposed with the most beautiful ring I have seen in my entire life, I knew what my destiny was and who I was meant for. Timothy, I love you, I really do And we hugged each other tight; he then helped me wipe away my tears without smudging my makeup. We ran through the back of the mansion and out, my parents were waiting for us by a limo that had the biggest purple rose on top. This is the best day of my life; we were giggling the whole way to the car. When we got in, I called out for my father; Dad what about the guests?

Dont worry about that poppet, everything is sorted Throughout the ride he kept flirting in my ear and I kept giggling, whenever I ask him where were going he says its a surprise. When we arrived he came out first and pulled me out of the car. It was amazing. We were at the path with the cherry blossom trees on either side, the place where we met and spent time together, it was where all our memories were stored and hidden in the branches and petals. It was spring so it looked like heaven, both sides were decorated with the same decorations that we had for my wedding; the path was filled with chairs on either side and a wedding alter at the end. It was magical, and it was for me, the wedding guests came out of the trees and filled out the chairs, and my dad came and took me from Timothy. But all my girlfriends came and took me away into the trees. Whats going on?

Well, we didnt want you to look the same as you were going to marry Zach, this is Zachs look, its a shame we cant do anything about the dress but we can do something about the hair They took out all my pins and decorations but kept on the veil, my hair fell down to my shoulders. And Tim did say he liked you better like this They then pushed out into the ceremony again and into my fathers arms, the music started and as I walked up the aisle and stared at Timothy, I knew that this was my moment, and at last forever he was mine. (Timothy and melody together speaking) And as we stood in front of each other and said our vows, and said I do. We both knew what love was, and what it meant. Love is unexplainable like a feeling, no one can actually explain. You take no control when to fall in love with a person, or when to fall out of love with a person. Love brings you to a blind world. When you are in love, sometimes you have no clue what are you doing. You get lost in the other one's heart. When you are in love you don't mind to take sacrifices in anyhow. Love makes you can't sleep at 5AM and wanting to call the other one. Love makes you take no control

of yourself & making you call the other one 20 times, and texting the 50 times just to make sure where they are & what they are doing. Love can be with some arguments, but always a happy ending. Real love is just like fairy tale story that comes true with ups & downs, but always a happy ending. When you are in love you are willing to wait for that person for hours on the cold street, just to be with them for 20 minutes. & when your with that other person, you feel like no others are there, but you & that special one. Love doesn't matter if it will last or not, as long it is here now. Love might be sad, but always an unforgettable memory. Love is something that makes you never wanting to trade for or let go. Love makes you promise for something that you will keep. Love is a feeling that you want to last forever-ever. Love makes you make difficult choices, but willing to do it just for the other one. Love is when the one is sad & cries, you care, you talk with them, giving them hopes, & smart answers to the solution. Love is based on trust, love is willing to forgive how much that other person hurtled you & always accepting them back. Love is all about filling hope & dreams with the other one. Love is not only about the words "I love you"- it's about the feeling & the things you willing to do just to make the other one to smile & never tear.

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