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Unit 5 Vocabulary

Abolition is to do away with; to eliminate. Abolitionists were citizens who advocated for the ending of slavery during the 1800s. Abraham Lincoln was the Sixteenth President of the United States. He promoted equal rights for African Americans, issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and set in motion the American Civil War; determined to preserve the Union. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. An auction is a place where goods are sold to the highest bidder. An example would be slave auctions held to sell African Americans during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Bleeding Kansas was the name given to the conflict that occurred over the slavery issue in Kansas. In many cases, the conflict involved armed violence and bloodshed. Compromise is an agreement between opposing principles, groups, or individuals by modifying some aspect of each. The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise attempted to solve the slavery question by forbidding the taxing of exports of slave-produced products in exchange for the end of the import of new slaves to the United States by 1808. The Three Fifths (3/5th) Compromise allowed each slave to be counted as 3/5 of a person for population and representation purposes. This allowed the southern states to increase their influence in the House of Representatives. The Compromise of 1850 was Henry Clays proposed agreement that allowed California to end the Union as a free state and divided the rest of the Mexican Cession into two territories where slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty. The cotton gin was a machine developed by Eli Whitney in 1793 to remove seeds from cotton. The cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry. Cotton Kingdom is the economic philosophy that the Southern economys foundation was the cotton industry. Daniel Webster was an American lawyer and statesman who spoke out against nullification and states rights, believing that the country should stay unified. A debate is a regulated discussion of an issue or topic, generally involving two or more persons on opposing sides. Dred Scott was a slave whose court case led to a United States Supreme Court ruling that declared African Americans were not United States citizens, that the Missouri Compromises

restriction on slavery was unconstitutional, and that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in any federal territory. The Election of 1860 was a four way contest that allowed the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency. The election results angered southerners and led to the decision of southern states to begin seceding from the Union. Fanatics are people who demonstrate an excessive devotion to a cause. Fort Sumter was a federal outpost in Charleston, South Carolina, that was attacked by the Confederates in April 1961, sparking the Civil War. Frederick Douglass was an African American abolitionist and writer, who escaped slavery and became a leading African American spokesman and writer. Frederick Douglass lived much of his life in Baltimore, Maryland. The Fugitive Slave Act passed in 1850 made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal, and required their return to slaveholders. Harpers Ferry was the site of a raid by fanatical abolitionist, John Brown, and became a symbol of the Abolitionist Movement. John Brown and his followers took over a federal arsenal in the hopes of starting a slave rebellion. Federal troops eventually captured John Brown and his followers and they were executed. Harriet Tubman was an American abolitionist who escaped slavery and assisted other enslaved Africans to escape. She is most famous for being an Underground Railroad conductor and is known as the Moses of her people. Henry Clay was an American politician from Kentucky, known as the Great Pacificator, because of his support of the Missouri Compromise. He is also credited with crafting the Compromise of 1850. John Brown was an American abolitionist who started the Pottawatomie Massacre in Kansas to avenge the killing of abolitionists, and later seized the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, to encourage a slave revolt. He was later tries and executed. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a law that allowed voters in Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether to allow slavery. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates were a series of debates between Republican Abraham Lincoln and Democrat Stephen Douglas during the 1858 United States Senate campaign in Illinois. Even though Lincoln lost the election, his performance established him as a national presence and eventually led to his nomination as a candidate for the Republican nomination for the presidency.

The Mason-Dixon Line is the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania. It has been historically thought of as the dividing line between North and South. The Middle Passage was a voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies. The Missouri Compromise (1820) was an agreement proposes by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state, and outlawed slavery in any territories or states north of the 36 30 latitude. Nat Turner was an American slave leader who claimed that divine inspiration had led him to end the slavery system. He led a rebellion that was the most violent one in United States history. Nat Turner was tried, convicted, and executed. A plantation was a large farm that usually specialized in growing one kind of crop for profit. Plantations are commonly associated with southern farmers growing cotton or tobacco. Popular sovereignty is rule by the people. It is a basic principle of the United States system of government that asserts that he people are the source of all governmental power and that government can exist only with the consent of the governed. The Republican Party formed in the 1850s to stop the spread of slavery in the West. Resources are the total means available for economic and political development, such as mineral wealth, labor force, and armaments. Capital resources are the goods that are manufactured and constructed by people and used to produce other goods and services, including but not limited to factories, warehouses, roads, bridges, machinery, ports, dams, and tools. Human resources is the health, strength, talents, education, and skills that humans can use to produce goods and services: also called human capital. Natural resources are the renewable and nonrenewable gifts of nature that can be used to produce goods and services, including but not limited to land, water, animals, minerals, trees, climate, soil, fires, seeds, grains, and fruits. Roger Taney was a Maryland born United States Supreme Court Chief Justice who authored the majority opinion in the Dred Scott decision, stating that African Americans were not citizens and that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Secession is the act of formally withdrawing from the Union. Sectionalism is the practice of having regional and specific political, social, and economic preferences and alliances with a section of a country, i.e. during the American Civil War. Sectionalism created differences too great for the union to survive. A slave is a human being who is owned by another.

Slave codes were laws passed in the colonies to control slaves. Slave revolts were violent conflicts involving slaves trying to escape to freedom. The slave trade involved the transport and sale of Africans to southern plantation owners as a cheap labor force. Slavery is a system of ownership of humans, by humans varying by society and time period. States' rights is the belief that the power of the states should be greater than the power of the federal government. Stephen Douglas was an American politician and pro-slavery nominee for president, who debated Abraham Lincoln about slavery during the Illinois senatorial race. He proposed the unpopular Kansas-Nebraska Act, and established the Freeport Doctrine, upholding the idea of popular sovereignty. A tariff is a list or system of duties (taxes) imposed by a government on imported or exported goods. Triangular trade was the trading networks in which goods and slaves moved among England, the American colonies, and Africa. Uncle Toms Cabin was an anti-slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed northerners the violent reality of slavery and drew many people to the abolitionists cause. Unconstitutional means to be contrary to constitutional provision and therefore illegal, null and void, and of no constitutional or legal force or effort. The Underground Railroad was a network of people who helped thousands of enslaved people escape to the North by providing transportation and hiding places.

William Lloyd Garrison was an American journalist and reformer who published a famous anti-slavery newspaper, the Liberator, and helped to found the American Anti-Slavery Society, which promoted immediate emancipation and racial equality

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