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George Washington

Vice president- John Adams Secretary of State- Jefferson, Randolph, Pickering Judiciary Act- September 24, 1789, gave the judicial power to the supreme court Bill of Rights ratified- ratified on December 15, 1791. Lead to the first ten amendments First bank of the United States- chartered by US congress and founded on February 25, 1791 Hamilton's federalists- leaders were Hamilton, Washington, Adams, Jay, Marshall. Wanted economy based on commerce with a federal government.( died out after the Hartford Convention in 1816) Jefferson's (Democratic) Republicans- led by Jefferson and Madison Wanted economy based on agriculture with strong state government. Proclamation of Neutrality/ Citizen Genet- Proclamation of neutrality was Washington telling American's to stay neutral in the war between France and Britain after Citizen Genet traveled to America to seek their assistance. Whiskey Rebellion- Tax placed on whiskey to fund the national debt (Alexander Hamilton's movement) Jay's Treaty- John Jay sent to England to negotiate the evacuation of British soldiers from the Northwest Territory. Pickney's Treaty- allowed the US to navigate the Mississippi river and got a promise from Spain that would prevent attacks on Western settlers from Native Americans. Washington's Farewell Address- warned the nation to stay away from alliances with foreign nations.

2. John Adams

V.P. Thomas Jefferson Sec. Of State Pickering, Marshall XYZ Affair- the US rejected French demands for an apology, a loan, and a bribe as a condition of negotiations; preparations for undeclared war. Amendment 11 (1794)- States sovereign immunity (state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution.)Alien and Sedition Acts (4)- silence representative opposition by laws of government to stifle any alien opposition in America; Alien Act discourage immigration and Sedition Act allowed gov. to prosecute sedition engagements. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions- John Lockes ideas led to Fed. Gov. forming compact that states had certain powers, in the Central Gov. exceeded powers, states had right to nullify them. Fries Uprising (House Tax Rebellion)- Armed tax revolt in Pennsylvania (1799-1800), the third tax-related rebellion, others were Shays Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion. Logan Act- Fed. Law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign relations without authority (1799) tensions between US and France in Quasi-War Convention of 1800- treaty between US and France to end hostilities (Caribbean) from XYZ Affair and Quasi-War; French at war with Britain, wanted US to remain neutral

3. Thomas Jefferson

Vice President- Aaron Burr, George Clinton Secretary of State- James Madison Jefferson/ Burr Tie- The republican electors split their votes, causing a tie between Jefferson and Burr. The voting then went to the house of representatives. Capitol moves to D.C.- NYC was the home to congress until the residence act established a permanent capitol. Until D.C. Was finished, Philadelphia was a temporary capitol for ten years. Louisiana Purchase- the US purchases the Louisiana Purchase from France for 15 million dollars. Midnight Appointments- John Adams appointed as many federalists to government positions as possible before leaving office. Jefferson then re-assigned most positions. Marbury vs. Madison- William Marbury, one of Adam's appointed officers, went to court after Jefferson did not allow him to serve. This lead to judicial review. Amendment 12- put the presidential and vice president on the same party ticket. Essex Junto- Massachusetts federalists that voiced their opinions against Jefferson and wanted the New England states and New York to secede from the union. Lewis and Clark Expedition- Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore/ map the Louisiana purchase. They also befriended Indian tribes and traped/ traded furs.

Burr controversy- Duel between Hamilton and Burr. Defeat of Barbary Pirates- Pirates invaded the white house Robert Fulton's steamboat (Clermont) and Sub (Nautilus)- 1800 Chesapeake/ Leopard Affair- A British war ship (leopard) who attacked and boarded the Chesapeake. Embargo Act- Restricted American ships from foreign trade in 1807 to 1812

4. James Madison

V.P. George Clinton, Elbridge Gerry Sec. Of State Robert Smith, James Monroe Non-intercourse Act (1807-1812)- reopened trade with all nations except Britain and France, was replaced two years later by Macons Bill (which reopened all trade); designed to help protect America from war but ended up causing War of 1812. (Jeff and Madison) Charter of the Bank rejected- Madison rejected Bank of US because the Constitution gave no direct power to establish a national bank or any other corporation, therefore he denied it. Battle of Tippecanoe- William Henry Harrison provoked a fight against Tecumseh at Prophets town (1811) and fought; many died and led to active raids on white settlements by the tribe. National Road construction- Federal money from Ohio lands should be used to build National Roads 91811-1818) a road was built from the Potomac to the Ohio River, changing transportation forever. War of 1812- US declared war against Britain in an effort to gain Canada (only War Hawks wanted this) and end Indian troubles on frontier, and to gain respect for American rights as neutral country; caused by sailor impressionist, blockades, British harassment, right of neutral nations to trade Treaty of Ghent (1815)- restored status quo ante-bellum when a lengthy war and protracted negotiations failed to produce a victory for either side. (after War of 1812); did little but end fighting Era of Good Feelings begins- trade, expansion, settlement to the west results in rising nationalism, declining political bitterness and more nationalistic politics Hartford Convention- meeting to discuss problems with New England and War of 1812; Fed. Party gained strength Erie Canal construction (1817)- an engineering challenge, was built 350 miles long, rout to the Great Lakes, greatest American construction project ever undertaken, immediate financial success 2nd Bank of the U.S. created (1816)- dominated state banks, only issued notes, and promoted central economy. 1st protective tariff- Clay and Calhoun supported protecting industries through tariff to compete with foreign markets; Webster opposed tariff and didnt want US to become reliant on industry American Colonization Society founded (1816)- supported sending African Americans back to Africa, founded the colony of Liberia for freedmen; many blacks couldnt assimilate back into Africa and considered themselves American, not African

5. James Monroe

Vice President- Daniel Tompkins Secretary of state- John Quincy Adams Rush-Bagot treaty, March 16, 1818. Treaty between the US and British that ended a dispute over the demilitarization of the Great Lakes and receiving lake Champlain from British forces. Convention of 1818- set the border between the US and Canada at the 49th parallel and made Oregon a joint territory between the US and Britain. Adams-Onis treaty- (Transcontinental Treaty) a treaty between the US and Spain that gave the US Florida McClloch V. Maryland- Maryland did not agree with the taxes. In this case, it was decided that states cannot tax the national bank Dartmouth College vs. Woodward- New Hampshire's legislature debating if the college should be private or public. Missouri Compromise of 1820- Allowed Missouri to be a slave state, which Maine was a free state. Then prohibited slavery in the Louisiana purchase and north of the 36 30' parallel. Cumberland Road Bill Veto- didn't want road upkeep, since that was essentially internal improvements which was unconstitutional. Monroe Doctrine- on December 2, 1823 that any more colonization of the US would be viewed as aggression towards the US. Nicholas Biddle- Creator of the second bank of the United States Henry Clay's American System- economic plan which used tariff's to support industry and internal improvements and a national bank to aid in commerce.

6. John Quincy Adams

V.P. John C. Calhoun Sec. Of State Henry Clay Corrupt Bargain election (1824)- King Caucus (Monroe) was not reelected but Adams, with support from Clay (who lost the election) won against Jackson although he won the electoral vote. Gibbons v. Ogden(1824)- Congress strengthened power to regulate interstate commerce; Marshall granted state monopoly over individual license for ferry (Gibbons). Erie Canal opens- opening of canal caused better trade or goods, ideas, and people inland, also caused Northern and Southern competition. Panama Conference(1826)- Participation in Panama Conference delayed since Haiti was attending,white southerners opposed white and black delegates mingling Tariff of Abomination (1828)- A tariff on imported goods matched Englands low prices; raised prices of other imports and competed for money of raw materials in New England. South Carolina Exposition and Protest- written by Calhoun in opposition to Tariff of Abominations, South Carolina threatened to secede if tariff wasnt repealed; based on idea that state has right to nullify or reject Federal law Noah Websters Dictionary- the first All American dictionary, simplified and separated the US from its European language and cultural ties; established system on rules to govern grammar and spelling

7. Andrew Jackson

Vice President- John C. Calhoun, Martin Van Buren Secretary of State- Van Buren, Livingston, McLane, Forsyth Tariff of Abomination- taxed British wools and other imports, which greatly hurt the south. Almost lead to a national crisis. Kitchen Cabinet/ spoils system- Jackson's unofficial cabinet. Jackson was the only president widely criticized for using the spoils system, trading jobs for political favors. Indian Removal Act- let the US gain access to land owned by tribes Eaton Affair- The scandal between Jackson's cabinet members and their wives. Marysville Road Bill Veto- Road linking Lexington to the Ohion River was vetoed. Also said that government shouldnt be an economic affair. The Trail of Tears- was the movement of Indian tribes from their homes to a designated Indian territory many Indians were killed or left to die on the side of the road. Tariff of 1832- South Carolina nullified this tariff, although it was supposed to be a movement against nullification. Calhoun Resigns as Vice- Calhoun was put on senate after the Peggy Eaton affair. Force Bill- a collection of duties on imports, which, if not obeyed, allowed the government to use force to make the states obey. Ordinance of Nullification- Declared the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 void, trying to please the states threatening nullification. Lead to the nullification crisis. Veto of Bank of the U.S. Re-Charter- Whigs and Jacksonians hoped to get enough votes to override this veto, but did not. Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia- When told to leave their land, the Cherokee nation took their case to court. John Marshall, Chief Justice, ruled in their favor, but Andrew Jackson knew that John Marshall would not be able to enforce it and refused to comply.

8. Martin Van Buren

V.P. Richard M. Johnson Sec. Of State John Forsyth Republic of Texas recognized by U.S.- US reuses to recognize Texas, causing Texas to turn to Europe but pres. Tyler persuades Texas to apply for statehood in 1844 Oberlin College- first college in America to accept female students (Ohio); four women enrolled in 1837, coeducation remains extremely rare before Civil War Charles Bridge v. Warren Bridge(1837)- Taney supported right of Mass. to award charter to build a second, competing bridge (toll free) that would reduce the value of the first charter (from state to operate a toll bridge); state had right to amend or suspend contract if necessary to advance community; key to democracy is expansion of economic opp. Panic of 1837- hundreds of banks/businesses failed (due to Specie Circular), unemployment grew, food riots and land prices fell, railroad building stopped, debt burdened state gov.s ceased to pay interest on bonds, worst depression in American history (up until then)

Aroostook War- border tensions between Canada and Maine (1838) started with brawl between two groups in Aroostook River region; tensions increased but ended with Webster- Ashburton Treaty (1842) border with Canada. Independent Treasury System- Van Burens plan to put gov. funds into independent treasury in Washington, divorcing government and banks Underground Railroad- sympathetic whites organized underground railroad to help black slaves escape North, Harriet Tubman helped over 300 slaves escape

9. William Henry Harrison

Vice President- John Tyler Secretary of State- Daniel Webster Gives a long inaugural speech, catches pneumonia, and dies on April 4, 1841

10. John Tyler

V.P. Sec. Of State Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun Independent Treasury Act repealed- Whigs repealed Act but Tyler objected on Constitutional grounds, Democrats reestablished Treasury Act in 1844 election Vetoes re-charter of B.U.S.- Tyler vetoes charter for second Bank of US Preemption Bill (1841)- Congress response to demands for squatters (people who didnt qualify to own land) occupy western lands, encouraged westward migration and East though it a labor supply threat; permitted settlers to take 160 acres land and purchase for $1.25 per acre after living on it (ideas lead to Homestead Act) Tariff of 1842- reversed effects of Compromise tariff of 1832, ultimately restored protection tariffs Dorr Rebellion (1840)- in Rhode Island, Dorr, governor of new government with own constitution arrested men and put pressures on the constitution to expand suffrage. Prigg v. Pennsylvania (1842)- Supreme Court ruled states dont need to enforce 1793 law requiring return of fugitive slaves to owners, led to abolitionists securing personal liberty laws and petitioned to abolish slavery in D.C. and interstate slave trade Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842)- Supreme Court ruled that labor unions were lawful organizations and that strikes were lawful weapons; other states agreed but unions still had little power Webster-Ashburton Treaty- its terms determined the boundary along Maine and Canada New Brunswick border Oregon Trail Migration- major pioneer trail, 2,000 miles from Independence to Rocky Mountains; traveled north to Oregon or on to California, faced many difficulties and hardships

11. James K. Polk

Vice President- George M. Dallas Secretary of State- James Buchanan 54' 40 or fight- Polk's slogan to extend America's Northwestern border deep into Canadian's territory (at 54' 40) Annexation of Texas- in 1845 Texas became the 28th state, which also lead to the Mexican War. Manifest Destiny- the idea that America's destiny was to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. Elias Howe's sewing machine- the inventor of the sewing machine Mexican- American war- 1846-1848, over the annexation of Texas. American won and got Mexico and California. John Slidell Mission- a plan that involved the Rio Grande River becoming the boarder for Texas and purchasing California for 30 Million dollars. This plan was rejected by Mexico though. Wilmot Proviso- would have banned slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. Reestablish Independent Treasury- Congress approved, but only to trade gold and silver. Polk Doctrine- much like the Monroe doctrine, wanted to annex Texas. Mormon Trek to Utah- lead by Brigham Young followed the Oregon trail. Obtain Oregon, 49th parallel- British gave up claims in Oregon country, and US extended the 49th parallel over to the west coast. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- Ended Mexican- American war. Mexico game us Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, and Utah. (also known as the Mexican cession). US paid 15 million dollars for this. Gold Discovery in California- discovered by John Marshall in January of 1848. Lead to the California Gold Rush. Seneca Falls Convention- Womans rights convention held in Seneca Falls, NY.

12. Zachary Taylor

V.P. Millard Fillmore Sec. Of State John M. Clayton Taylor dies of cholera, vice president Fillmore becomes president.

13. Millard Fillmore

Vice President- none Secretary or State- Daniel Webster, Edward Everett Compromise of 1850- California wanted to become a state, but their was dispute over if it should be a free or slave state. It was not accepted, and was later broken down into different bills. Clayton Bulwer Treaty- an agreement between the US and Great Britain in 1850 guaranteeing that any canal built to connect the Atlantic and Pacific across Central America would be jointly controlled, open to all nations, and unfortified. Commodore Matthew Perry- opened all trade with Japan and open trade for the west with the convention of Kanahgawa.

14. Franklin Pierce

V.P. William R. King Sec. Of State William L. Marcy Gadsden Purchase (1853)- Davis sent James Gadsden to Mexico and paid $10 million in exchange for part of Arizona and New Mexico for the Southern railroad Bessemer/Kelly- Both men developed a process for converting iron into a much more durable and versatile steel; steel advancements aided the manufacture of rails, locomotives and buildings. Uncle Toms Cabin- Harriet Beecher Stowe brought the message of slavery to a broader audience, the slight propaganda created awareness of slaverys horrors Kansas-Nebraska Act- stated popular sovereignty is valid but Kansas becomes a slave state and Nebraska is free (repealing Missouri Compromise 1854) New England Emigrant Aid Society- transportation company that transported immigrants to Kansas Territory to shift balance and make Kansas enter US as free state, not slave Bleeding Kansas- 1855 election, thousands of Missourians flocked to Kansas to vote for slavery, legalized slavery and Missourians sacked Lawrence; sectional tensions over slavery LeCompton Constitution- proposed constitution for Kansas, protected slavery and rights of slaveholders Know-Nothing Party- Anti immigrant, nativist group who used the secret code of I know nothing in their secrecy Ostend Manifesto- Pierce seized Cuba by force, enraging antislavery northerners at his administration to bring new slave state to the Union Pottawatomie Massacre- led by John Brown (Kansas abolitionist) who massacred pro-slavery settlers to discourage slavery supporters from entering Kansas (response to Lawrence sacking) Sumner-Brooks Affair- Preston Brooks defended his uncle, Butler from anti-slavery attacks from Charles Sumner; Brooks attacked Sumner with a cane in Senate chamber; slavery and sectional tensions

15. James Buchanan

Vice President- John C. Breckenridge Secretary of State- Lewis Cass, Jeremiah S. Black Dred Scott Decision- Robert B. Taney declared that slaves could not sue or go to court since they were not citizens. LeCompton constitution rejected-was written in response to an anti- slavery movement. It was to ban future import of slaves into Kansas, but was rejected by Kansas voters. Panic of 1858- caused by the declining economy. Sort of resolved after the civil war Free Port Doctrine- created by Stephen A. Douglas and promoted Popular Sovereignty. A House Divided- If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. -Lincoln. Over the nation falling apart over the issue of slavery John Brown's Raid- Lead a raid on a pro-slavery camp, killing 5 people. Charles Darwin's Theory- established that all species have descended from a common ancestry, which resulted from natural selection. Comstock Lode Discovered- A discovery of silver ore in Virginia City, Nevada. Ableman vs. Booth- State courts can not issue rulings that contradicts rulings of the federal courts Crittenden Compromise- an unsuccessful proposal to end the secession crisis.

16. Abraham Lincoln

Vice President- Hannibal Hamlin, Andrew Jackson Secretary of State- William H. Seward South Carolina Secedes- After Abraham Lincoln was elected, they knew that there was no chance of achieving slavery, so they seceded. Crittenden Compromise- an unsuccessful proposal to end the secession crisis. Beginning of Industrial Revolution- 1800- 1900 Fort Sumter- Charleston Harbor where the first shots of the civil war were fired. Confederacy established- Jefferson Davis was the president of the confederacy and was established when South Carolina seceded. Ex Parte Merryman- was a test of Abraham's authority to suspend the privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus (protection against improper imprisonment) but Lincoln ignored these rules. Homestead Act- 160 acres given to each family, who payed after 5 years of cultivating and living on the land. Morrill Land Grant Act- Higher education and land grants for foreigners. Trent Affair- The Trent Affair was a diplomatic incident. The USS San Jacinto, commanded by Captain Charles Wilked, intercepted a British boat and took two British diplomats, James Mason and John Slidell. The British were offended, and since Lincoln did not want a war with the British as well, just stepped back and didn't ask for help fighting the South. Conscription Acts (union and confederacy)- For the confederacy, it called for all men between the ages of 18-25 to serve. Later on, they got desperate and called for everyone 17-50 years old. In the Union, it called for men 18- 45 or a fee of 300$. Draft Riot NY- The Irish were mad that you could pay 300$ to get out of drafting, since they could not afford that. Emancipation Proclamation(1862)- after Union vict. at Antietam, Lincoln freed all slaves in areas of Confederacy (except those already in Union control and border states) Gettysburg(1863)- major turning point in Civil War, Confederate soldiers weak and never a real threat to Union again Transcontinental Railroad- attempts to create a railroad from coast to coast, meeting at Promontory Point, allowed settlement, expansion in economy and farming 10 Percent plan- if 10% of voters accepted elimination of slavery, states could take oath and set up new state governments (Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee,) Wade-Davis Bill- if majority of white males pledged alliance to Union, the president would appoint a governor to plead the Ironclad Oath and never bear arms to the US Congressional Reconstruction- Congressional views that South should be readmitted into Union, not as enemies; Congress proposed several bills and questions of black suffrage (15th Amend) Pullman Car and Refrigerated Car invented- Pullman raised rent and cut wages on at his company; workers went on strike and refused to handle Pullman Car equipment. Sand Creek Massacre- Arapaho and Cheyenne conflict with miners in Colorado region, white militia under Chivingtons men slaughter innocent, complying Indians Appomattox Courthouse- Lee and Grant meet (1846, VI) and Lee/Johnston surrender to Sherman Freedmans Bureau established- distributed food to former slaves and poor whites, created schools and efforts to settle blacks onto own land Lincoln assassinated(1865)- Lincoln assassinated in Fords Theater in Washington by John Wilkes Booth; caused martyrdom and hysteria in North, added to sectional tensions

17. Andrew Johnson

Vice President- none Secretary of State- William H Seward Johnson's amnesty plan- disenfranchised all former military and civil officers of the confederacy and those who owned more than 20,000 dollars of property. 13th amendment- abolished slavery Ex Parte Milligan- The US supreme court ruled that the application of military tribunals to citizens when civilian courts are still operating is unconstitutional. Black Codes- Limited rights and civil liberties to the freed slaves. Civil Rights Act- Everyone excluding native Americans born in the US were citizens of the United States National Labor Union Formed- established trade unions in 1866 Alaska Purchased- From the Russian empire in 1867 Grange Prganized- Is a fraternal organization for American farmers that encouraged farm families to get together for their

common political and economical well being. Founded in 1867 Reconstruction Act- military governed that confederate states until they were re admitted into the union and made Southern states take a loyalty oath. Tenure of Office Act-the power to remove anyone who has been appointed by a past president without the consent of the Senate. 14th amendment- Freed slaves/ African Americans could not be citizens of the US Ku Klux Klan- a white supremacy group that terrorized and killed African Americans. Col. Custer destroys Cheyenne Village- Battle of little big horn, the most famous white- Indian battle. Carnegie Steel Company is formed- by Edgar Thomas and steel works.

18. Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) V.P. Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilson Sec. Of State Hamilton Fish Promontory Point Utah: where US Transcontinental Railroad officially completed in 1869. (connected Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads) Knights of Labor-secret union: most influential labor organizations of 1880s advocating workers rights, shorter work days, mostly broad labor members Amendment 15: prohibits government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race Black Friday-Jay Gould and James Fisk: two speculators efforts to profit from the gold market, causing National Womens Suffrage: founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony opposed 15th Amendment unless it allowed woman to vote George Westinghouse: invented railway air brake, alternating current system prevails Tweed Ring: Boss Tweed and the political machines sphere of influence Chicago Fire: one of many great cities subject to fires, created safer buildings and need for fire fighters Force Acts: designed to help protect Africa Americans voting rights and limit the KKK Credit Mobilier exposed: building transcontinental railroad involved Union Pacific Railroad and Credit Mobilier Construction Company. Standard Oil: John D. Rockefellers Oil company was a monopoly who owned 90% of US oil Crime of 73: silver dropped below value of gold, causes government to use silver to expand currency (free silver) Slaughterhouse Cases: Court ruled Fourteenth Amendment only applied to federal government, not state governments; allowed new restrictions on black voting rights Chautauqua Movement: adult education movement across the nation Civil Rights Act (1875): prohibited discrimination in public accommodations Whiskey Ring (1875): group of distillers who bribed federal officials and tax collectors to avoid taxes on their product, involved many of Grants close administrators, scandal diverted public attention away from postwar conditions of South Battle of Little Big Horn: (1876) battle between Sioux and US army, returned Indians to Dakota, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were defeated on the reservation U.S. v. Reese: (1875) upheld poll tax, literacy test, and grandfather clause Alexander Graham Bells telephone: created the first telephone (Bell Telephone)

19. Rutherford B. Hayes V.P. William A. Wheeler Sec. Of State William M. Evarts Compromise of 1877 (Hayes/Tilden)- formed over the dispute of southern democratic votes. Hayes won by 1 vote from the electoral commission.

Reconstruction ends wanted to end construction in hopes of pleasing the south, especially after the compromise of 1877. Munn v. Illinois- ruled that states can regulate prices it its in the best interest of the public. Bland-Allison Act-required congress to buy a certain amount of silver with paper money. Sherman Silver Purchase Act- bought more money in order to stimulate the economy. Knights of Labor- went public to increase their numbers Thomas Edisons electric light bulb- on October 22, 1879 Panama Canal begun by the French- the French began making a canal, but the U.S. took over.

20. James A. Garfield V.P. Chester A. Arthur Sec. Of State James G. Blaine Garfield shot and killed by unhappy office seeker

21. Chester A. Arthur V.P. none Sec. Of State F. T. Frelinghuysen Tuskegee Institute founded- founded by Brooker T. Washington in 1881 A Century of Dishonor- Helen Hunt Jackson, awakened the public to the treatment of Indians. Stalwarts/Half Breeds-the Republican Party split into two different groups; the stalwarts (conservative and opposed civil reform) and the half breeds (liberal, half republican, pro civil reform). Standard Oil monopoly- a growing monopoly taking over small businesses Chinese Exclusion Act- Chinese were not allowed to come to the U.S. Americans were scared of the them taking their jobs for cheaper. European Restriction Act- limited the amount of which immigrants could come to America, and where they could emigrate to. Triple Alliance formed between Germany, Hungary- Austria and Italy (lasted from 1882-WWI) Pendleton Act- established open competitive examinations for civil service positions in order to eliminate the spoils system. Social Darwinism- justified the unequal distribution of national wealth. God granted them with money because of their spiritual salvation. survival of the fittest Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion- what the Republicans called the democrats in the 1884 election. Mugwumps- Republicans in the 1884 election who did not support James G. Blaine. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- written by Mark Twain. Anti-slavery novel.

22. Grover Cleveland V.P. Thomas A. Hendricks Sec. Of State Thomas F. Bayard Haymarket Square Riot: bombing in Chicago after peaceful labor demonstrations, eight anarchists were sentenced AFL founded (1886): founded by Samuel Gompers, an alliance of craft unions (merged to form AFL-CLO with rival in 1955)

Interstate Commerce Act (1887): designed to regulate railroad industry against monopolistic practices and created Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Dawes Severalty Act (1887): called for gradual elimination of tribal land and restrictions American Protective Association (1887): American anti-Catholic society, attacked public institutions

23. Benjamin Harrison V.P. Levi Morton Sec. Of State James G. Blaine, John W. Foster Jane Addams- Opened Hull House. Was an advocate of the Social Gospel Pan American Conference- 1910, was evolved from the International Bureau of American Republics (by James G. Blaine) Jacob Riis- a muckraker and wrote the biography The Making of an American. Battle of Wounded Knee- December 29, 1890. Considered the last battle between Native Americans and whites. Sherman Silver Purchase Act- congress bought 4.5 million ounces of silver each month and issued Treasury notes redeemable in gold and silver. This caused inflation. Alfred Thayer Mahan- wrote The Influence of Sea Power on History, arguing that controlling the seas mean controlling world power. Pensions Act-an act trying to increase pensions Homestead Strike- a strike in Pennsylvania with steel and iron workers against the Carnegie Steel Company to protest salary reductions. Pinkerton strike breakers broke it up. Populist Omaha Platform- goals were silver to gold ration 16:1, income tax, federal loans to farmers, public ownership of railroads and immigration restrictions.

24. Grover Cleveland V.P. Adlia E. Stevenson Sec. Of State Walter Gresham, Richard Olney Depression of 1893: caused by collapse of railroad building and bank failures, worst economic depression before the Great Depression Repeal of Sherman Silver Purchase Act: to prevent depletion of government gold reserve Pullman strike (1894): nationwide strike between unions of rail workers and railroad owners (increased hours and decreased pay from Pullman Palace Car Co.) Coxeys Army (1894): unemployed workers marched to Washington D.C. in response to economic crisis of 1893 Chicagos World Fair(1893): celebrated 400th anniversary of Columbus arrival, also had a profound effect on architecture, the arts, Chicago's self-image, and American industrial optimism U.S. v. E.C. Knight Company: limited the government's power to control monopolies, concerning Sherman Antitrust Act Pollock v. Farmers Loan and Trust: ruled that income taxes on interest (direct taxes) ruled unconstitutional In re Debs: case with Debs and labor unions and interstate commerce/ shipping on carts Plessy v. Ferguson (1896): allowed racial segregation in public facilities separate but equal Klondike Gold Rush: gold rush in Yukon region of Canada

25. William McKinley V.P. Garret A. Hobart, Theodore Roosevelt Sec. Of State John Sherman, William R. Day, John Hay

William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold- given during the 1896 election, he was running on the democratic ballot. Speech- given at the pam American exposition. Yellow Journalism- Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. Stories were played up to increase popularity and helped creates a climate of war and resentment towards Spain. Spanish American War- reasons for going to war were loss of markets, threats to Americans in Cuba, Spains inability to resolve Cuban revolution, and the sinking of the Maine. Maine explodes- Blown up in the Havana harbor, although it was an accident in the engine room, word got to America that Spain blew it up. Delome Letter- a letter written by Spanish minister de Lome, criticizing McKinley. This was published in the newspapers. Teller Amendment- an agreement that stated although the United States intervened with Cuba, they would not annex it. Treaty of Paris- secured Cuban independence and ceded the Philippians, Puerto Rico, and Guam to the U.S. Ratified February 6, 1900 Open Door Policy- John Hay called for a guarantee of equal opportunity of trade in the China markets (arose from a fear that China was going to break up into separate spheres of influence.) Foraker Act- established a civilian government in Puerto Rico; it had governor and an executive council appointed by the President, a House of Representatives with 35 elected members, and a judicial system with a Supreme Court. In addition, all federal laws of the United States were to be in effect on the island. Currency Act- was to define and fix the standard of value, and remain the parity of all forms of currency. Boxer Rebellion- Chinese nationalists (boxers) struck at foreign settlements for allowing foreign industrial nations large concessions within Chinese borders. International armys helped the Chinese government regain its power. Progressive Era- an era in which many laws were created, making efficient political and economic regulatory standards. (Creating primary elections, rooting out political bosses, etc.) McKinley shot in Buffalo, N.Y- September 6, 1901

26. Theodore Roosevelt V.P. Charles Fairbanks Sec. Of State John Hay, Elihu Root, Robert Bacon Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901): U.S. and Great Britain agree to create Panama Canal Platt Amendment (1901): withdrew American troops from Cuba at end of Spanish-American War and gave U.S. control over certain areas, restricted foreign relations of Cuba Big Stick Diplomacy: Roosevelts policy with Latin America to peacefully negotiate but have military enforcements in necessary, part of Roosevelt Corollary (U.S. control over Western Hemisphere, restricted European settlement) U.S. Steel Corp (1901) : founded by J.P. Morgan by combining his steel company with Andrew Carnegie, largest steel producer in world and huge monopoly over the country Anthracite Coal strike (1902) PN: United Mine Workers of America wanted higher wages, shorter days and recognition of their union, threatened major coal supply for cities and first neutral Federal government intervention Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty (1903): established Panama Canal Zone and construction Square Deal (1904): campaign that boasted of coal strikes success in providing square deal for everyone (Teddy Roosevelt) Industrial Workers of the World (IWW): unskilled workers union that fought for better conditions and preformed many strikes The Jungle: by Upton Sinclair (1906) revealed conditions of meatpacking industry and lead to Pure Food and Drug and Meat Inspection Act (original socialist purpose failed) Gentlemans Agreement: informal agreement of shared powers between steel and other corporations to regulate prices (makes smaller companies weaker)

Treaty of Portsmouth (1904-05) NH: formally ended the Russo-Japanese War, both countries agreed to evacuate Manchuria and return it to China Niagara Movement (1905): black civil rights movement under W. E. Du bois, opposition to racial segregation and disenfranchisement (formed NAACP) Pure Food and Drug Act: restricted the sale of dangerous medicines and food, effected by The Jungle Roosevelt visits the Panama Canal: showed his enthusiasm for Panama Canal project and example of decreasing isolationism Pragmatism: Roosevelts policy on practical, necessary steps in his policy Triple Alliance: Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy in the beginnings of WW1 Triple Entente: Britain, France and Russia (WW1) Drago Doctrine: Argentine minister prohibited any nation from using force to collect debt (Latin America), in response when Britain, Germany and Italy blockaded Venezuelan ports Muller v. Oregon: justified sexual discrimination in the workplace and usage of labor laws Ashcan School: an art school that trained painters in realism, many painted gritty scenes of city

27. William Howard Taft V.P. James S. Sherman Sec. Of State - Philander C. Knox NAACP founded- African American civil rights group lead by W.E.B Du Bois. Founded in 1909. Dollar Diplomacy- Taft saying that instead of supporting countries with military force, the U.S. should instead support them economically, which will help them more. Mann-Elkins Act- gave the Interstate Commerce Commission extended regulatory functions, including the power to begin its own court proceedings. Mexican evolution- Francisco Madero overthrew the dictator in 1911. European and Americans feared national interference with their investments in Mexico. Taft recognized the government but placed an army on the Texas border to protect Americans from fighting. Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy- Gifford Pinchot (chief of US Forest Service) charged Richard Ballinger because of the natural resources that he was giving to private corporate interests. Taft supported Ballinger, gaining him a lot of negative opinion. Progressives supported Pinchot. Standard Oil v. U.S. - found Standard Oil guilty of monopolies and split them into several different firms that later competed. Bull Moose Party formed- Republicans in the 1911 election who thought that Taft was too much of a conservatist. They broke away to form a more liberal wing of the Republican Party.

28. Woodrow Wilson V.P. Thomas R. Marshall Sec. Of State William J. Bryan, Robert Lansing, Bainbridge Colby Amendment 16- allowed the government to levy an income tax. Ratified in 1913. Amendment 17- created direct election of senators by popular vote. Federal Reserve Act- agreed that a more stable bank and currency was needed after the panic of 1907. Divided the nation into twelve regions with a Federal Reserve Bank in each region. National banks were required to join and state banks were invited to join. The banks loaned money to member banks. The new form of currency was the Federal Reserve Note, which was backed 60% by commercial paper and 40% by gold. Federal Trade Commission established- Prohibited all unfair trade practices without defining them and created a commission of Eve members appointed by the president. This commission was used to stop actions that were in restraint of trade and bring suit in the courts if those orders werent obeyed.

Clayton Antitrust Act-interpreted the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. Stock ownership by a corporation in competing corporations was prohibited and price discriminations and exclusive contracts which reduced competition were prohibited. Archduke Ferdinand assassinated- the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne and his wife were shot In Sarajevo. This was so Austrian-Hungarian could group up with their southern territories and become Yugoslavia. U.S. declares neutrality- 1914 called for neutrality. The United States drifted towards favor of Britain and France though and supplied them with much of their weapons, food, and raw materials. U.S. invades Veracruz- After the Tampico Affair, where nine American sailors were arrested by the Mexican government for entering off-limit areas in Tampico, Tamaulipas,[2] President Woodrow Wilson ordered the United States Navy to prepare for the occupation of the port of Veracruz. Wilson was still waiting on the OK from congress when he heard of a shipment of weapons. Wilson seized the port they were coming in on and confiscated the weapons. ABC Conference- Pan American Union. Called to find a solution to Mexicos internal problems. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile mediated among the Mexican fractions so the U.S. could extract their troops. Panama Canal opens- August 15, 1914, a few days after WWI started. Lusitania sunk- Germany had made a promise that America could safely travel on ships and American citizens would be taken off a ship before attacking. However, the British ship the Lusitania was sunk, killing 128 Americans and causing mass outcry and the idea of the Gore-McLemore Resolution, prohibiting American travel on armed ships. War Industries Board- July 1917. Controlled raw materials, production, prices, and labor relations. Military forces refused to cooperate with them in purchasing their supplies. Food Administration- Wilson appointed Hoover as head of food administration. He fixed high prices and encouraged production of wheat and pork. He also encouraged conservation of food. Although there were bad harvests in 1916-1917, food exports in 1919 were triple those of the pre-war years. Margaret Sanger jailed- fought for birth control rights (Family Limitations) and went to jail for distributing pamphlets about them. When she was in jail, a huge group of supporters emerged. Birth of a Nation- a silent film in 1915 based on The Clansmen by D.W. Griffith. It took place in post-civil war times and was controversial because of the portrayal of blacks. Sussex Pledge- after the French ship, the Sussex, was torpedoed, hurting 7 Americans; Wilson threatened to sever ties with Germany unless they stopped all submarine attacks. Pershing sent to capture Pancho Villa- After the capture of the port of Veracruz, General Francisco Pancho Villa shot 16 Americans. Carranza agreed to let Americans pursue and kill Villa and didnt expect an army under Pershing to be 6000 soldiers. Carranza demanded they left and there was almost a war. Wilson removed them in 1917 immediately. Keating Owen Act (1916): prohibited sale of interstate goods manufactured under child labor (under National Child Labor Committee NCLC) U.S. declares war on Germany (1917): Wilson declares war on Germany because of American and French ship sinking, the Zimmerman Telegram, and Bolshevik Revolution Selective Service (1917): military draft after US declared war on Germany WW1, supported by pro-war propaganda Bolshevik Revolution: created new Russian government now under Nikolai Lenin Zimmermann Telegram (1917): secret telegram enclosing Russian proposal for Mexican invasion of US, caused public outrage and pro-war with Germany sentiment Espionage Act: prohibited any attempt to interfere with military action, support US enemies, insubordination to military and refuse draft (later convicts Communist conspiracies) Great Migration: migration of African Americans from the South to North in search of better labor and racial opportunity/communities in industrial living, caused racial tension and riots Harlem Renaissance: black cultural movement in 1920-30s, result of Great Migration, led by artists, poets, musicians and writers such as Alain Locke and Langston Hughes. It created revived black cultural pride in African roots and style of art. Marcus Garvey: Jamaican man that attracted blacks with ideology to reject white society and cherish African roots, sparked African nationalism

Schenck v. United States (1919): upheld Espionage Act and stated that individuals do not have First Amendment (free speech) when it violates draft in WW1, established clear and present danger Armistice signed 11/11/11(1918): armistice between Germany and Allies in WW1 (Veterans Day) Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles: Wilsons effort to create a treaty for international advancement, appeals to public when Senate disagrees. Wilson toured cities but became ill, the public eventually lost interest but it showed Wilsons dedication to foreign relations. Sedition Act: also upheld Espionage Act and limited speech or actions against the military, flag, war bonds in any negative way, it imprisoned many people and was sign of growing paranoia and nationalism Palmer Raids: government raids to arrest anarchists and radicals, signs of Red Scare after WW1 Fourteen Points: Wilsons foreign policy consisted of adjusting postwar boundaries, governing I international conduct, created League of Nations to prevent future wars and liberalism Amendment 18: established prohibition Amendment 19: womens right to vote Sacco and Vanzetti trial (1920): Italian immigrants and anarchists falsely prosecuted for killing a paymaster (under Thayer) and sentenced to death in 1927

29. Warren G. Harding V.P. Calvin Coolidge Sec. Of State Charles E. Hughes Washington Conference- a naval conference in 1921-1922 in order to limit the naval arms race. Four-Power Pact signed between U.S, Britain, Japan, and France (1921) stated that they would all consult if there were ever controversy between any of them over any pacific question. The Five-Power Naval Limitation Treaty was signed by U.S, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy( 1922)stated that ratios of capital ships to be held by each of the five was fixed, which stopped the race in building warships that started after WWI. The Nine-Power Treaty was signed by U.S, Britain, Japan, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, and China regulated the use of submarines and affirmed Chinas independence which gave all the nations a right to trade with them on equal terms. Post War Depression- after WWI, the economy had not adjusted to a shift from wartime to peacetime. Returning troops created a surge in civilian labor force and changes in fiscal policy also lead to this. Emergency Immigration Act- restricted immigration. It proved in the long run the most important turning point in American immigration policy because of its numerical limits on immigration from Europe and its use of the quota system. American government wanted to protect its culture, so people from Europe with similar cultures were more likely to get in. Fordney McCumber Tariff imposed high rates on farm products and protected infant industries in order to protect them from his massive tax cuts. KKK revival- adopted the same costumes and code words. Also introduced cross burning. Lost Generation- Refers to a sense of moral loss or aimless literary figures during the 1920s. WWI destroyed the idea of acting virtuously and being rewarded for it. Writers of this era were Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein. Harding Dies heart?- After the scandals, he went on vacation. He died suddenly in San Francisco of a heart attack but there is much speculation of a suicide. Veterans Bureau- Charles R. Forbes appointed. Bureau created medical facilities and clinics for veterans. It was found out that Forbes stole $250 million from the fund though. Alien Property Custodian- was an office within the Government of the United States during World War I and again during World War II, serving as a Custodian of Enemy Property to property that belonged to US enemies. Chief Justice- William Howard Taft Navy and Interior- Secretary of Navy was Edwin Denby, Secretary of Interior Albert Fall

Teapot Dome Scandal- Secretary of Interior Albert B. Fall transferred several naval oil reserves to his jurisdiction and secretly leased reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyoming to Harry F. Sinclair. Sinclair had given Fall $305,000 in cash and bonds in order to do so.

30. Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) V.P. - Charles G. Dawes Sec. Of State Charles E. Hughes, Frank B. Kellogg Leopold and Loeb (1924): two college students who wanted to commit perfect crime and murdered Bobby Franks, example of the rise of organized crime in cities Dawes Plan (1924): Allies agree to help pay off German war reparations of WW1 McNary-Haugen Bill vetoed: developed to help American agriculture by raising domestic prices of farm goods, Coolidge vetoed this on account that it would not solve the problem of overproduction Peak of KKK: revival of KKK with increased discrimination and effort against the NAACP and rising groups from the Harlem Renaissance J. Edgar Hoover FBI agent: created FBI to prevent radicalism Scopes Monkey Trial: Fundamentalists/ creationists against evolutionists in teaching evolution in public schools, a teacher was arrested, case argued by William Jennings Brian Al Capone: built criminal empire with illegal alcohol with gangsters and war gangs, largely in Chicago The Great Gatsby: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Lost Generation writer (along with Hemmingway) Langston Hughes: African American poet who captured essence of Harlem Renaissance Sacco and Vanzetti executed for espionage against US Charles Lindbergh: kidnapped and killed a baby******* The Jazz Singer(1927): first full length motion picture movie, technology advancements Babe Ruth: an early Major League Baseball player credited with changing American pastime and its influence on society during the Roaring Twenties Kellogg-Briand Pact: outlawed war, signed by US and France for a pact on aggressive warfare Clark Memorandum: rejected the Roosevelt Corollary but upheld Americas position in Latin America as having self preservation and benefiting the US

31. Herbert Hoover V.P. Charles Curtis Sec. Of State Henry L. Stimson Agricultural Marketing Act- lent money to the agricultural cooperatives to buy commodities such as wheat and cotton and hold them for higher prices. Stock Market Crash- stocks were overpriced and investors began to take back their investments. October 1929. Federal Farm Board- created to help regulate crop prices and maintain the agricultural market. Tax cut- they were numerous in Hoovers presidency because he thought that the cut would improve the economy. It created a deficit though. Young Plan- lowered the payment in gold marks from Germany in order to settle their reparations after WWI. Hawley-Smoot tariff- raised tariffs on farm things. Instead of helping them, foreign markets also raised their prices, hurting them instead. St. Valentines Day Massacre- north side Italians and south Italians fighting. 7 were murdered over the prohibition of alcohol.

London Naval Conference- set limits for ships Public Works program- aimed at helping economy and creating several public works programs. Veterans Administration Act- helped veterans make a stronger organization. Japan invades Manchuria- Japan got a puppet state Debt and Reparation Moratorium provided for reparations to places that were damages by Germany. Scottsboro Nine- nine black boys were accused of rape. This trial was very controversial because the boys did not receive a fair trial. Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans to railroads, banks, and other financial institutions. Criticized as relief for the rich. Bonus Army- marched to Washington, they wanted to get their money for war efforts early. Glass-Stegall Act- created the federal deposit insurance corporation and created banking reforms. Stimson Doctrine-told China and Japan that all the territorial changes during the war were void.

32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt V.P. John Nance Garner, Henry A. Wallace, Harry S. Truman Sec. Of State Cordell Hull, Edward. Stettinius Brain Trust- Roosevelts inner circle of unofficial advisors which were more influential than the cabinet. Hundred Days- FDRs first hundred days, filled with reforms and acts against the depression. Amendment 20- changed inaugural date from March 4 to January 20 Amendment 21- repealed prohibition. Bank Holiday- the banks closed for a few days in order to discuss where they were at. Alphabet Agencies- all the different reforms FDR created. They all helped different groups and tried to create less unemployment. Good Neighbor Policy- towards the countries of Latin America. It created nonintervention and non-interference yet trading. Fireside Chats- FDRs nightly chats over the radio to the people of America. For the comfort<3 Share the Wealth Society- wanted to re-distribute the wealth of the nation. Huey Long. Neutrality Acts (1936, 1937, 1939)- attempts at keeping the U.S. out of WWII Cash and Carry- America supporting allies with weaponry if they came and picked it up on their own. Quarantine Speech-speech that stated that US would not be involved in any wartime efforts. Panay Incident Japanese attack on an American boat (the USS Panay) Munich Conference- the annexation of the Sudeten region Fair Labor Standard Act- created a minimum wage and gave over time for certain jobs CIO created- a group of international government unions. Social Security Acts: provided retirement benefits for many workers including disabled and families without support National Conscription Act (Selective Training and Service Act of 1940): was the first peacetime war draft, in preparation for US involvement in WWII Smith Act: penalized citizens wanting to overthrow the government, targeted alleged communists and fascists Destroyers for Bases Deal(1940): between US and England, US grants warships in return for naval bases in the UK Lend Lease: permitted US to lend armaments to England who had no money to pay the US after their war Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked this naval base, leading cause of American involvement in WWII Four Freedoms Speech: in State of Union address, professed the fundamental freedoms of speech, worship, free from want and feareconomic international policy Manhattan Project: worked to develop the first Atomic Bomb in race during WWII Office of Price Administration: had the power to regulate prices (except agricultural) and rent during WWII Detroit Race Riots (1943): racial tensions between blacks and whites, stopped by Federal troops Casablanca Conference (1943): plan Italian campaign to seek surrender of Axis

Cairo Conference: Chaing Kai Shek, Churchill and FDR addressed Allied position against Japan and postwar Asia Tehran Conference: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin discussed action against Nazi German forces which led to Operation Overlord (launched Battle of Normandy and D-Day) Yalta Conference(1945): the Big 3 decided on final plans for defeat of Germany, postwar Europe plans, set date for United Nations Conference, conditions for the Soviet Union's entry in war against Japan Roosevelt dies: leaves WWII alliances and progress with Truman and a legacy of the New Deal

33. Harry S. Truman V.P. Alben W. Barkley Sec. Of State Edward R. Stettinius, James F. Byrnes, George C. Marshall, Dean Acheson Potsdam Conference- a gathering to decide the consequences for Germany after the war Hiroshima and Nagasaki- ended WWII and also killed thousands of peoples. 1945 San Francisco Conference- soviets showed their opposition to the draft treaty Churchills Iron Curtain- divided east and west Europe. George Kennans Containment- keeping communism in Europe National Security Act- recognized the US armed forces, foreign policy, and the intelligent community after the war. Civil Rights commission- created recommendations on civil rights and investigated civil rights issues The Marshall Plan- provided money to Europe to aid in their post war reconstruction. Taft-Hartley Act- monitored union activities to keep them in control Truman Doctrine- stating that the US will aid any country trying to fight against communism Dixiecrats- Conservative Southern Democrats, the "Dixiecrats," increasingly associate themselves with Republican candidates who oppose civil rights legislation. Alger Hiss- a state department official who was accused of being a communist spy. NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Free standing army in Europe to maintain peace. Fair Deal enlarge and extend new deal. Increased minimum wages extend social security, clear slums and built public houses. Also more money to TVA and farm housing. Korean Conflict- Korea was not invited to have a seat at the UN McCarthyism accusations of communists within the government during the red scare McCarren Internal Security Act- during the red scare communist parties had to register with the government National Security Council Memo 68- classified a document regarding the cold war. MacArthur fired- he wanted to rid China of communism but Truman didnt agree. Amendment 22- created a term limit for a presidency (8years) Denis v United States- Denis wanted to overthrow government but it was found that his first amendment didnt apply Hydrogen Bomb- newer type of nuclear bomb that was considered to be a thermo nuclear bomb.

34. Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) V.P. Richard M. Nixon Sec. Of State John Foster Dulles, Christian A. Herter Rosenbergs executed: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg prosecuted and killed for Soviet espionage about the development of the Atomic Bomb Armistice in Korea 38th parallel (1953): divided Korea into North and South Khrushchev takes over after Stalins death: short lived hopes for better US Soviet relations crushed after Soviet invasions throughout Europe and warfare expansion

McCarthy hearing about Army (1954): brought the downfall of McCarthy when he accused the Army of harboring communists Brown v. Board of Education (Topeka) 1954: ruled separate but equal unconstitutional and called for desegregation of schools Fall of Dien Bien Phu: between France and communist nationalist under Viet Minh, French defeat in Indochina war, lead to US involvement in Vietnam. AFL-CIO merge (1955): AFL and CLO longtime union rivals merge into one union Salks polio vaccination (1952): vaccine for treating worldwide epidemic of polio Montgomery bus boycott: part of first Civil Rights movements when Rosa Parks refused to give up seat to white man, started year-long boycott to desegregate bus system. Brinkmanship over Chinese bombing of Taiwan: US stations troops in Taiwan islands, which get bombed by China in the height of brinksmanship over Communism Warsaw Pact created: alliance of Eastern European countries and Soviet Union for military assistance Suez Crisis: Egyptian confrontation against Israel, France, England and the US, ended with Cairo bombings and eventual trade restoration in Suez Canal. Sputnik: Soviet Union first to launch a satellite into space in the space race, growing anxieties National Defense Education Act: provided government spending to all levels of public education NASA: US development in space technology in the race against the Soviet Union Little Rock, Arkansas: (1957) the National Guard was called in to protect black students during desegregation of the schools. Many Southern public schools closed due to tensions Martin Luther King: became influentioal in late 1950s with the bus boycotts and sit-ins. King encouraged peacefull protests under beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi and Thoreau Beatniks: anti-conformity musicians, poets and writers who showed their unrest with society Baby Boom: generation born after WWII until early 1960s (huge population increase) Eisenhower Doctrine: stressed US economic and military aid to countries battling Communism Domino Theory: the inevitable fall of Asian countries to communism Cuban Revolution: led by Fidel Castro to overthrow dictatorship, restored Communism in Cuba U-2 Spy plane: US spy plane shot down in USSR, evidence of anxiety and espionage Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-In(1960): black college students in Greensboro held number of sit-ins to occupy restaurants designated whites only

35. John F. Kennedy V.P. Lyndon B. Johnson Sec. Of State Dean Rusk Civil Rights Act- outlawed discrimination against blacks and women Amendment 23- permitted the citizens of the District of Columbia to vote for electors for president. Freedom Riders Berlin Wall constructed- Built in 1961. Separated east and west berlin Bay of Pigs- an invasion in which soldiers were sent to Cuba hoping to raise a revolt. The plan was to receive American back up, but last minute Kennedy decided to minimize American involvement. Alliance for Progress Peace Corps- an alliance of free governments created to help the people. John Glenn orbits the earth- third man in space and first to orbit the earth. OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) negotiated by Kissinger to withdral Israel from some of the lands in Arab in order to remove some boycotts. This was composed of Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran. This raised prices from 3.00 dollars to 11.65 dollars; doubling gas prices and increasing inflation by 10 percent.

Cuban Missile Crisis- Missiles were found on an island of Turkey that belonged to the Soviet Union. We threatened war if they did not remove their missiles. They did and we also removed ours from Cuba; as well as promising never to invade Cuba. James Meredith enrolls in Univ. of- first African American student at the University of Mississippi. Baker v. Carr- gave the right for federal courts to intervene in and decide reappointment cases. Engle v. Vitale- unconstitutional for the federal government to establish a school prayer. Silent Spring- Rachael Carson, first major book about pesticides and the environment. Thalidomide- was a popular sedative but it was taken off the market for being known to cause birth defects. Kennedy assassinated- by Lee Harvey Oswald in Texas (1963)

35. Lyndon B. Johnson V.P. Hubert H. Humphrey Sec. Of State Dean Rusk Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: prohibited nuclear detonations except underground, act to limit arms race and nuclear fallout release into atmosphere, signed by US, UK and Soviet Union I have a Dream Speech (1963): during Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr. gave this speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC Gideon v. Wainwright: requires all state courts to provide counsel for criminal cases unable to afford own attorneys The Feminine Mystique: by Betty Freidan expressed womans escape from gender roles liberation and beginning of Feminist movement Amendment 24: abolished poll tax Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964): resolved US-North Vietnamese torpedo incident, also gives presidential authority to act without Congress during war War Powers Act (1973): prevent any president from involving military in undeclared war Economic Opportunity Act: also Equal Economic(1965) Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforce employment clause of Equal Rights Act, wanted economic equality and rights Civil Rights Act (1964): outlaw segregation in all public facilities (proposed by Kennedy) Malcolm X assassinated (1965): founder of Nation of Islam. Black rights advocate assassinated Watts riots: race riots in Watts, Los Angeles causing tensions to escalate Great Society program (5 Ps): wanted to eliminate poverty, racial injustice, education, medical care transportation, mirrored many of New Deal programs, also enacted after office Medicare and Medicaid: federal aid and heath insurance to the elderly, low income families and the disabled, huge impact in federal reform of heath care Ralph Nadar: presidential candidate for the New Party against Johnson Voting Rights Act(1965): prosecuted states not allowing blacks the vote Thurgood Marshall: Supreme Court Justice ruled for Brown vs. Board of Education and fought for civil rights positions Amendment 25: establishes presidential VP position if vacant or death of president National Organization for Women (NOW): formed in response to corrupt Equal Rights Amendment, wanted more womans rights, founded by Betty Freidan Miranda v Arizona: ruled suspects have the right to remain silent M.L.K. assassinated (1968): by James Earl Ray, death caused public disillusionment and anger R.F.K. assassinated: after winning presidential (D) nominations, also caused fear and anger Tet Offensive (1968): US further attacks in Vietnam, publicized brutality caused major anti-war uprising at home My Lai Massacre: US army mass murder of unarmed Vietnamese citizens, caused even more global outrage (publicized events) and anti-war sentiment grows

37. Richard M. Nixon V.P. Spiro T. Agnew, Gerald R. Ford Sec of State William P. Rogers, Henry S. Kissinger New Federalism was a five-year plan to distribute 30 billion dollars of federal revenues to the states. Vietnamization begins- this was an effort to replace American troops with South Vietnamese forces. Nixon Doctrine- stated that all allies must take care and equip their own military forces. War extends to Laos and Cambodia- he sent troops into Cambodia to clear out Vietcong sanctuaries and secretly bombed there. This pulled in Laos and Cambodia. Chicago Riots during Dem. Convention- most of the riots were caused by the assassination of MLKJ SALT- Froze the number of ballistic missiles that a country could have. Armstrong lands on moon- 1969 American Indians claim Alcatraz- finders keepers. Wanted to reclaim their land. Woodstock- three days of peace and music. Music festival. Kent State- Student protestors against the Vietnam war. National Guardsmen opened fire on protestors, killing four students. This started hundreds of colleges protesting. Reed v. Reed- Administrators of an estate could not be discriminated by sex. Cesar Chavez- Created the national farm workers association. He was a civil rights activist. Amendment 26- extends voting rights to people of the age 18 or up. Pentagon Papers- classified papers leaked to the press, revealing the reasons for the United States role in the Vietnam war, which was to maintain the good name of AMERICA. Peoples Republic of China- Mao Zedong died and was replaced with Hue Guofeng. Moscow Summit (I, II, III)- Russian meetings with American politicians discussing nuclear bombs and weaponry. Watergate Scandal- four guys broke into the democratic headquarters and caught while stealing files and bugging systems. The involvement of Nixon was looked into and he grew more and more paranoid. ERA- equal right advocate for women. Founded in 1974. Munich Olympics- second Olympics held in Germany Aguew resigns Treaty of Paris ends Vietnam War- VP of Nixon, who resigns amidst the water gate stuff. This looked really suspicious. Supreme Court prohibits capital punishment- it was cruel, and they mad it unconstitutional. Oil embargo by Arab nations- Arab nations embargo their oil in response to America helping the Israeli army. Because of this, inflation went up and prices skyrocketed, this lasted until 1974. Saturday Night Massacre- Nixons executive dismissal of independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox during the Watergate scandal. Alaskan Pipeline- made conveying oil easier and was made after the oil crisis of 1973. American Indian occupation of Wounded Knee- giant siege with the American Indians that lasted 71 days. It resulted in a massacre, but there was shooting from both sides. Roe v. Wade- all state laws prohibiting abortion were unconstitutional because of the right to privacy. Nixon resigns- due to the Watergate scandal. Would have been impeached if he hadnt resigned.

38. Gerald R. Ford V.P. Nelson A. Rockefeller Sec. Of State Henry A. Kissinger Ford pardons Nixon: Ford pardons Nixon for his crime during presidency, only decreased his popularity and increased suspicions on a secret deal in already post Watergate mistrust Vietnam becomes Communistic: in aftermath of War in Vietnam, it came under Communism

Khmer Rouge: Communist followers of Cambodia (1975-79) ended in social engineering and mass genocide Mayaquez attacked by Cambodia: Khmer Rouge attacked US marine ship, last battle of the war Patty Hearst Kidnapping: socialite and billionaire, Hearst was kidnapped by the Symbioses Liberation Army and joined cause but was pardoned by Clinton in his last act in office Assassination attempt on Ford: assassination attempt led to better safety for president Entebbe Raid: hostage rescue on the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Chou En-lai replaces Mao in China: Communist aid for foreign policy under Mao

39. Jimmy Carter V.P. Walter F. Mondale Sec. Of State Cyrus Vance, Edmund Muskie Viking II lands on Mars- operated for 1281 days on the surface of Mars and stopped because of battery failure. It took over 16,000 pictures Legionnaires disease kills 29 in Philly- a bacteria disease that causes pneumonia. There was an outbreak in the Bellevue hotel in Philadelphia. Pardons draft evaders in Vietnam war- a campaign promise that he fulfilled while in office Gary Gilmore executed- executed after he murdered two victims in Utah after a major death penalty ordeal. Panama Canal Treaty give up in 1999, panama would be the property of panama. Department of Energy created- concerned about energy and the handling of nuclear goods and use of nuclear power. Fuel shortage- 1979 energy crisis and the oil crisis. Bakke Decision- unconstitutional to use fixed quotas for minority applicants. Three Mile Island- Core meltdown of a nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island Pennsylvania. Increased fear in nuclear power. Shah expelled from Iran- He was overthrown and then exiled twice. American Hostages taken in Iran- 52 US citizens were held hostage for 444 days because Iranian students took over the US embassy. USSR invades Afghanistan- 9 years conflict because the USSR wanted support the communist government in Afghanistan. ABSCAM-An FBI sting operation that put US senators who were doing things they werent supposed to be doing in prison. SALT II- negotiation between US and USSR about limiting nuclear weapons. Mount St. Helens erupts- Major volcanic eruption in Washington State.

40. Ronald Reagan V.P. George H. Bush Sec. Of State Alexander M. Haige, George P. Shultz Reaganomics: Regans economic plan to lower taxes (and federal budget) unemployment decreased but it resulted in greater inflation, debt and interest rates) American Hostages released: Hostages of American embassy in Iran held for over a year, when released created national celebration Olympic boycott: US boycott of 1980 Olympics due to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and threat on their oil control Sandra Day OConnor: first female member of Supreme Court Columbia launched: first space shuttle launched with NASA Air Traffic Controllers Strike (1981): strike in hopes of disrupting transportation system for better wages and benefits

Invasion of Grenada (1983): US invasion of Venezuelan island due to Communist government Strategic Defense Initiative announced (SDI): ground and space mission to protect US from nuclear war/missiles Marines attacked in Lebanon, kills 241: act of terrorism called Lebanon Tragedy, caused US withdrawal in much of Middle East, growing fear and mistrust Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act: tried to cut budget deficient but failed Mikhail Gorbachev USSR: after war with Afghanistan, he became new leader of Soviet Union Achille Lauro hijacked: men from Palestinian Liberation Front hijacked Italian ship, growing terrorism Iran-Contra arms deal: federal aid was given to Iranian and Nicaraguan forces (for American hostages) and Iran wouldnt be subject to arms embargo Ferdinand Marcos ousted in Philippines: local revolution exiled him from the Philippines Challenger explodes: space shuttle that exploded and killed all passengers (1986) Stock Market crash (1987): caused by Regans economic policies and extreme deficient spending, largest crash since 1929 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forced: treaty between US and Soviet Union to end missile range Treaty (INF): created between US and Soviet Union to eliminate intermittent nuclear forces

41. George H. Bush V.P. Dan Quayle Sec. Of State James A. Baker, Lawrence Eagleburger Jesse Jackson runs for President- had a lot of success; especially appealing to African Americans. Intifada uprising in occupied territories of Israel-Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation in palatine. Berlin Wall opens- was torn down 1961. Germany reunified- There was apprehension in an unbalance because of the reunion. Invasion of Panama-meant to give full control of Panama to panama by the year 2000 War on Drugs- ended after US invades panama and arrests drug man. drug war was over Sandinistas lose in Nicaragua- lost to the socialist party of Nicaragua Operation Desert Storm- Iraqi war led by saddam Hussein Breakup of the Soviet Union- a weak government and a weak economy were the main causes of the breakup Rodney King Riots in LA- a Los Angeles police man was accused of treating Rodney King unconstitutionally, causing a riot. U.S. intervention in Somalia- main goal was to create a humanitarian environment in Somalia.

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