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e a o d w t m r t o o u r e c W : r t i H i t o e o w Master of Education by Coursework Language Teaching Research Proposal references: james hummer language teaching coursebook

n a t n s o A W 1 b r s Formulate i t your t r hypothesis and e a review prior Learning language - holistic environment c research. To R a t create your research question / reasoning behind the study / methods / predicted findings or outcomes e 1. hypothesis, s R f make a e learning language effectively without much induced stress o succinct a s lower learners' self confidence and motivation levels r statement that r e place in a holistic environment that one ables to assoicate comfortably with a new language predicts the c a learnt a expected h r results in a level of communicative new language results of your c R research. A P h e hypothesis r s explains the o P e relationship 2. Introduction / begins with background information / the causes of the problem / include p a a between two history of the problem / statistical data to support research for a possible solution o p r variables. s e c Make this as a r h clear as The language of English has become the international communicative lanugage used widely and l possible.serves great importance to new learners to be able to communicate effectively in English. Don't P There has always been a rising need of English teachers throughout the world as more countries have P summarize S r opened r prior research up for example in my recent stint in Rwanda, the land of thousand hills, a small nation with a a o o your history of a million of its people being massacred dated 7th April 1994. With a young and small in m p p abstract, country, Rwanda has realised that in order to keep up with the rest, they have to start to use English as but p o o will the main medium you need l s s have an idea to e a Also a the work with the China market opening up, more students are of s l l has been that References: |done on your |topic, and you e refer to Teaching-Research-and-Service e or two one H H studies to o o support your w w research plan . . and c c hypothesis. o o Explain why m m are you making this h

Language teaching Philosophy Teaching has been a strong passion for me and I truly consider my work gratifying especially so when my students are able to graduate onto the next learning curve with the knowledge of basic English foundation. Moreover, I would be delighted by some of my students who have understood and discovered something important about their own development and learning ability. Teaching is not just an enterprise but i believe is the passion that the teacher posses inspires the students who think otherwise. Learning a new language does take a certain amount of commitment in terms of changing the mindset or inventing a new skill. Seeing students eager and inspired in the learning process does make the language teaching more effective. Hence, the students would feel more confident to express themselves freely and to learn from any mistakes along the language learning journey. As such, the students are able to build more complex learning structures and make it possible to achieve higher goals in their studies or life. Final point to raise is that in my teaching experience, I have to trust the students to learn English language independently besides providing all the necessary know-hows in language teaching and making the lesson as interesting as possible so that students are inspired and eager to learn more and absorb the learning more efficiently. Without this trust of language learning, it would be impossible to learn for them. // Creating a communicative culture in learning English language // How to learn English language effectively?

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