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Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training (BSERT) and Department of Agricultural Economics Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh Interview

Schedule for the Economic Analysis of Shrimp and Paddy in Two Selected Villages of Polder 31 in Dacope Upzila of Khulna District. Section-A
1.0 a) Identification of the Respondent Name:..Fathers name:.Village.... Union Upazila ...Polder Area

b) What do you cultivate? Paddy Shrimp White fishVegetables Yes No

c) Doyou engaged in any type of NGO/s? If yes,specify the name of NGO/sDuration of membershipd) Do you have any trainning ? Yes


if yes, specify the organization and purpose of trainning -

e) Family composition of the farmer Sl. No. Relationship with HH Age Main Occupation Secondary Occupation Literacy level Remarks

2.0 Land Ownership Land utilization

Owned land (Decimal)

Leased in (Decimal)

Leased out (Decimal)

Total area (Decimal)

Homestead area Area under vegetable crops (specify) Area under BagdaGher Area under Golda Gher Area under Paddy Fallow land (if any) Other (specify)

3.0 Cropping Pattern Crop season Golda Bagda Paddy Vegetables Others (specify) Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

4.0 Cost and Return of Paddy Farming a) Cost of Paddy Cultivation (Please provide information on the biggest plot), Plot size; _________ Decimals. Name of the variety____________ Items costs/return Gross Costs Power tiller Seeds/seedlings Labor (land preparation, transplanting, weeding, harvesting, etc.) Urea Fertilizers TSP TSP MOP Gypsum Gypsum Quantity with units Unit price (Tk) Total value(Tk)

Cow dung/manure Irrigation cost Chemical Pesticides Organic

Other (specify) Total b) Return from Paddy Cultivation Yield (kg) Unit price Estimated Gross (Tk/kg) value return (Tk) of byproduct (Tk) Used for home consumption (kg) Marketable surplus (kg)

Area under paddy (Decimal)

5.0 Bagda/Golda Farming a) What do you cultivate ? Shrimp (Bagda) Prawn (Golda) Both b) Sources of Post larva (PL) c) Cost of Golda/Bagda farming(Please provide information on the biggest plot/Gher, Plot/Gher size; _________ Decimals) Quantity of input used Cost items for Bagda/Golda farming Home Supplied Gher preparation Night duty (wathman salary) Labour Feeding Liming and salting Others Post Larva Feed (put names of feed;..................) Lime Salting Electricity Price/unit Total cost(Tk) (Tk) Hired/purchased Total


d) Gross returns from production of Golda Species Area of Gher/pond Quantity Price/unit Value (Tk) (Tk) (kg) Gross return (Tk) Golda Others (specify) Marketable Used for surplus home consumption (kg) (kg)

6.0 Sources of Household Income

Sources of income Aman Rice farming Boro Vegetables production Cattle rearing Poultry and duck rearing Goat rearing Sheep rearing Buffalo rearing Foreign remittances Golda culture Others Fish Culture Small business Sewing machine/tailoring Rickshaw/van pulling Labour selling Others (specify) Bagda culture Amount (Tk) % of total Sources of income Amount (Tk) % of total

7.0 Are you benefited from this polder? If yes, what sorts of benefits?



If not, specify complaints:

What could be done to improve polder management?

What has been done to improve polder management?

Section-B 1.0 Shifting from Bagda to Golda Farming Did you recently shift away from Bagda? How were you able to shift? If yes, why? When and how were you able to shift?


Are younow cultivating Golda/white fish concurrently with paddy?


Are you now alternating Golda/white fish with paddy cultivation? ?

If there is any cost of sifting,specify the cost incurred during shifting? Cost items Amount


Were there any institutional mechanisms influence you to shift? (Probes, recent events, local governments, influential people, WMOs etc.)if yes how? a) b)


Please explain your historical background of shifting?


If you recenty shift from alternateBagda andPaddy farming to concurrent Golda and rice farming or alternate Golda Paddy farming, please specify your pervious cost and returns

a) Cost

of Bagda farming(Please provide information on the biggest

plot/Gher, Plot/Gher size; _________ Decimals)

Quantity of input used Cost items for Bagda farming Home Supplied Gher preparation Night duty (wathman salary) Labour Feeding Liming and salting Others Post Larva Feed (put names of feed;..................) Lime Salting Electricity

Price/unit Total cost(Tk) (Tk) Hired/purchased Total


b) Gross returns from production of Bagda Variety Area of Gher/pond Bagda Others (specify) Quantity (kg) Used for home consumption Market able surplus Price/unit (Tk) Value (Tk) Gross return (Tk)

3.0 Problems of Practicing Alternative Paddyand Golda Farming

Problems(MV Rice Cultivation) a) b) c) d)


Problems(Goldacultivation) a) b) c) d)


4.0 Do you know that the High Court recently made saltwater shrimp cultivation expansion into agricultural land and forestry illegal?

What do you think of this news and why?

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

Name of the Enurmerator:



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