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Recognition of learning in ASDE and SPAIN

As a remind

Spain is a Country with 17 Autonomous Regions (autonomous governments). ASDE is a Scout Organization which is made up of one Scout Association per Autonomous Region.
Every Scout Association has formulated their own non-formal training system At the same time, each Autonomous Region has its own laws about the training, recognition and minimum qualification for camping and make outdoor activities.


Every Autonomous Region has got different rules about how to get the Leisure Time instructor Certificate

ASDE counts with its own non-formal educational system framework from which each Association designs its own training system . Aim of ASDE: To train the scout leaders. Its curriculum contains scout values, knowledge and skills only. Named Federal Scout Training System. Aim of every Scout Association: To formulate a Training system based on 2 curriculums: The scout curriculum, inspired on Federal Scout Training System and The legal curriculum of the Autonomous Regions.

This certificate is absolutely necessary if you want to camp and make outdoor activities. But not every certificate is valid for every Autonomous Region.

1st. Conclusion: 1 Federal Scout Training System 17 curriculums for legal Leisure Time Instructor Certificate. 17 Regional scout training system.

INCUAL tries to include the Leisure Time Instructor into the National Catalogue. In 2007, a workgroup was set up in order to design this professional qualification, valid for whole nation. This workgroup is composed by several Institutions and NGOs, one of them is ASDE.

2nd. Conclusion: A unique Leisure Time Instructor is going to be in Spain, valid for all Autonomous Regions. ASDE and its 17 Regional Scout Associations will have to adapt their scout training system to this new Diploma.

Creating a project plan

1. Sponsor
Who are you initiating this project for? ASDE is a National Scout Federation made up of 17 regional scout associations. Each regional association has responsibility for the training of the "scout-leaders" (training that ends with the Wood Badge). ASDE is competent in the training of trainers (3 rd and 4 th wood). There is a Federal Training Team, within the ASDE structure, responsible for training and development. 17 regional associations are represented in it.

1. Sponsor
Who are you initiating this project for? This team has a leader and depends on a political leader (responsible "adults in Scouting). Within this team has created a working group composed of Paz Almendros, Tanis Villar and Jose Pacheco (which leads) to streamline the process of updating and adapting the ASDE Training System to the new vocational qualifications. This change must count on the collaborationof the 17 ASDE Federated Organizations.

1. Sponsor
Who are the stakeholders in this project? Government: Ministerio de Educacin, INCUAL (NQF), Other National Scout Organization: organizations that are involved in develop of this YIA project. Specially, Corpo Nacional de Escultas, which is going to develop its project in contact with us and vice versa. University. We are in contact with several universities that are collaborating with Federal Scout Organizations developing training events, and researching about scout Method.

2. Result Definition
Why are you initiating this project? According with the Autonomous (Regional) and National rules of Spain, our scout leaders need to get a certificate for developing their work inside the scout organization. Especially if they do outdoor activities. Is absolutely necessary our scout school will be validated by our Governments and train our scout leaders for getting the certificate. This is quiet similar in every Spanish Autonomous Region.

2. Result Definition
What do you hope to achieve though this project? - We want a training system based on competencies according to the new qualifications. - We want a valid training system in the 17 federal scout organizations, which allows the transfer of skills acquired by a scout leader of an organization to another. - We want a training system validated by the Government of Spain and its regional governments.

3. Conditions
How will you find the people necessary to make this project a success? Every people are involved in this project about the position on the structure and the responsibility that develop.

4. Phases of the project

REVIEW AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL SYSTEM OF TRAINING PHASE FO RU M Fed era l Sco ut Or ga nis ati ons Fed era l Tra inin g Tea m (EF F) CS F AS F TASKS Items for the analysis: 1 .- Level SFF current implementation in the OF 2 .- The structure and precision of the SFF in the OF is facilitator of the training 3 .- Degree of effectiveness of the tutoring process and scope of the investigation scout 4 .- Possibility of adaptation of the SFF and their implementation to the requirements of legal rules of training 5 .- Adaptation and sequencing of the contents of SFF. Correct correlation of content and time / training periods set by the SFF 6 .- Quality training through the SFF CALENDAR / AGENDA

1.- Analysis

June 2011 (CSF) a October 2011 (EFF) Deadline for submission of review by OOFF: October, 10, 2011


Internal commissions work 2 Phases: a) Writing of proposals b)drafting document

Oct 2011 to Feb 2012 Feb 2012 to Jun2012

3.Agreement 4.- Approval

Consensus and agreement process Approval by the Assembly

Feb 2012 (CSF) to Jun 2012 (CSF) Dec. 2012

5. Span of control
When should this project be finished? According to the above scheme, the project should be completed in December 2012. However, the development of this plan will depend on the evolution of laws to develop vocational qualifications certificates in Spain. Both processes must go hand in hand.

Thank you Thank you very much

Thank you

Jos Antonio Pacheco Calvo Paz Almendros Gonzlez Tanis Villar Bermejo

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