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Economy and Employment 1. Growth 1.1. What actions and policies proposed to increase the country's economic growth?

1.2. What do you propose to do to facilitate access to credit for Mexican companies, especially small and medium? 1.3. What industrial policy aims to promote and why? 1.4. What features would your policy on science and technology? 1.5. What is your policy for the country? 1.6. Do you think that the current economic model is adequate or any other possible alternative model? 1.7. What is your position on the so-called structural reforms, such as tax, labor and energy? 2. Public Finance 2.1. What do you propose to reduce oil dependency and increase revenue? 2.2. Do you think there should be a redistribution of powers and responsibilities between federal revenues, states and municipalities? 2.3. What do you propose to ensure that the state spend more public funds it administers? 2.4. In terms of subsidies, tax exemptions and consolidation, what are your proposals? 2.5. What should spend surplus oil obtained and how to balance the budget?

3. Employment 3.1. Mexico does not generate a million jobs a year needed to generate them How do you propose? 3.2. What do you propose to create jobs for young people seeking each year join the labor market? 3.3. What do you propose to improve the quality of jobs? 3.4. What would you do to create more formal employment and reduce the informal economy? 3.5. Do you consider necessary labor reform, and if so, what features should it have? 3.6. What do you propose to raise the income and purchasing power of wages? 3.7. How do you intend to preserve and expand the rights of workers and the autonomy of the unions?

4. Competition 4.1. Do you consider appropriate to allow private investment in PEMEX and CFE? 4.2. What actions and policies boost to prevent monopolistic practices, especially in telephone services, broadband and mass media? 4.3. One of the challenges Mexico's most important is to promote economic competition How do you propose it? 4.4. What mechanisms proposed to attract public investment, private and foreign in the volume that requires Mexico? 4.5. Do you agree to promote the autonomy and powers of competition regulators to penalize monopolistic practices? 4.6. How will it ensure the constitutional principle of stewardship of the state in the economy, especially in strategic areas and priority?

Security and Justice 1. Combating crime 1.1. What would be your strategy to combat organized crime and how it differs from the current? 1.2. What do you propose to reduce violence in the country? 1.3. What items you would invest public resources to better fight organized crime? 1.4. What is your position on the legalization of drugs? 1.5. Would design its strategy against organized crime with the participation of society? How it would intervene in that design? 2. Law Enforcement 2.1. Will you keep the military performing tasks of public safety? And what should be its role in the fight against organized crime? 2.2. What do you consider should be the structure of the national police? 2.3. What would you do to professionalize and train the police and fight corruption? 2.4. What would implement measures to rebuild the relationship between society and the police? 2.5. What would you suggest to prevent the police violate human rights? 3. Procurement and delivery of Justice 3.1. How do you promote a more efficient procurement, complete and honorable in the various fields of justice? 3.2. Would you promote you the constitutional autonomy of the Public Ministry, and on what terms? 3.3. How would you improve the defense mechanisms of the individual by the State? 3.4. What measures would push to end the impunity? 3.5. What policies would you take to improve the prison system in Mexico, including preventing leakage of prisons? 3.6. What specific measures proposed to expedite the implementation of the new criminal justice system, including oral trials? 3.7. What specific measures proposed to modernize the judiciary? What about the method for appointing members, especially the ministers of the Supreme Court?

4. Prevention and rehabilitation 4.1. What would your plan for the prevention of crime, and what priority would you give? 4.2. What would implement strategies to improve the fight against money laundering? 4.3. What do you propose to deter youth crime networks? 4.4. What will your policy to combat firearms trafficking in the country? 4.5. What reforms would you propose to transform the country's prison system? 4.6. Would boost the establishment of a system of penalties for some offenses surrogate is not punished with imprisonment?

Social Development 1. Fighting Poverty and inequality 1.1. What do you propose to combat extreme poverty or food? 1.2. What policies and / or programs intended to apply to achieve a reduction in poverty levels in Mexico? 1.3. What would Opportunities, delete, or modify it to continue? 1.4. How can reduce economic and social inequalities in Mexico? 1.5. Would you propose mechanisms in the legal system to social rights are legally enforceable by the governed? 1.6. How would you modify social programs to prevent electoral consumption and use? 2. Education 2.1. What are the main proposals to raise the quality of education? 2.2. Would you agree to extend the school day, and if so, how would implement? 2.3. What measures would implement to ensure the access of children and young people to information and communication technologies? 2.4. What would you do to speed up assessments in the education system? 2.5. How will you improve access and quality in secondary and higher education? 2.6. What is your position on teachers and their organizations?

Sustainable Development 1. Energy 1.1. What is the policy of energy subsidies? 1.2. How to boost renewable energy development in the country? 1.3. What is your strategy for sustainable energy supply and what role it plays PEMEX? 1.4. What actions take place to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change phenomenon? 1.5. How will you face the consequences increasingly harmful of climate change such as droughts and floods? 1.6. What role should the state and its economic stewardship in promoting renewable energy? 1.7. To what extent should the private sector involved in implementing public policies to address climate change? 2. Conservation 2.1. What would be your policy on management and conservation of the area? 2.2. What is the policy of subsidies for the field, with criteria for environmental conservation? 2.3. What would be your policy to achieve an orderly and sustainable resource of Mexican seas? 2.4. What steps would you take to curb deforestation and recover the country's renewable natural resources?

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