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Chapter 14 Notes-The Civil War The Withdrawal of The South After Southern states heard the news of Abraham

Lincoln winning the election in 1960, they demanded to withdraw from the Union. -South Carolina in a special convention on December 20, 1960 seceded from the Union first. -Other states that seceded from the Union were: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas -The states that seceded met at Montgomery Alabama and formed the Confederate States of America -Seceding states began to seize federal property, but did not have the power to take Fort Sumter to which they had sent missioners to Washington asking Buchanan to release Fort Sumter, but he refused Crittenden Compromise Created by Senator John J. Crittenden i.e. a new Missouri Compromise, slavery would be permitted in the slave territories but prohibited in the northern territories Rejected by the Republicans who took a stand for no slavery expansion The Start of the Civil War At Fort Sumter the Confederacy had two options, allow the expedition to Fort Sumter(?) or be more aggressive and fire at the fort. They chose to not be cowardly and fired which was the beginning of the Civil War Thus Lincoln began preparing the North for the war, and 4 more states seceded: Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina The North and South believed that their regional differences where what caused the secession and the war Overall states that seceded from the Union Before Sumter: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, After Sumter: Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina (11 states over all) The Opposing Sides Union Advantages Manufacturing industry: they were able to produce their own war materiel Population: The Norths population was 2 times greater than the South and 4 times greater than the southern slave population Transportation System: Railroads made sending supplies to troops swift and effective, also with the use of telegraphs, it helped make message sending more effective as well, (very fast communication like twitter)

Southern Advantages Home territory: They only had to defend their land and were more familiar with the territory Commitment: The South was more committed to the war, and most Southerners were fighting for a clear defined cause Not really an advantage, but if they had foreign intervention like they hoped would happen, they might have won the war Economic Measures Bwahaha Republican takeover . So now that there are no more Southern forces to oppose the actions of the Republicans, they began to develop nationalistic programs to help develop the economy. The Homestead Act of 1862 Any citizen could claim 160 acres of public land, live on it for 5 years, and then pay a small fee afterward The Morrill Land Grant Act Same thing as Homestead Act except for state governments led to the creation of many state colleges and universities Union Pacific Railroad Company Chartered corporation to create a transcontinental railroad Would run from Omaha, the central Pacific and built eastward from California National Bank Acts (1863-1864) New national banking system New banks could join the system if they were willing to invest in 1/3 of their capital in government securities Banks were allowed to issue U.S. treasury notes as currency which created a uniform currency for the nation There were three ways that the North tried to raise money for the war: levying taxes, issuing paper currency and borrowing. However the main method for raising money was selling bonds to the American people and also taking loans from banks. Raising Union Armies Originally only had 16,000 troops in the army mainly serving to prevent Native American attacks on white settlers. So both the Confederacy and the Union had to build their armies from scratch. Congress forced the national draft law, where all young adult males were eligible to be drafted, however, one could escape being drafted by paying someone to go in their place.

Draft Riots Many Democrats opposed the war, and were known as Peace Democrats or Copperheads The Irish also opposed the war which they thought was being fought and behalf of slavery and were angered that African Americans would take their jobs Much violence occurred during these draft riots Wartime Politics Lincoln arrived in Washington and soon made himself known that he was not a force to be reckoned with and quickly established authority. He ignored parts of the Constitution and sent troops into war neglecting to ask Congress for a declaration of war for that would make the Confederacy an independent nation, so Lincoln justified his actions by deeming it as a domestic insurrection. He did many things without going through the processes necessary such as increasing the size of the army and went against the first amendment and repressed people who opposed the war ordering military arrests, suspending habeus corpus and ignored Supreme Court orders Lincoln also enforced martial law where many matters included the military. 1864 Election People running: From the Union(republican) party: Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson From the Democrat Party: George McClellan (formal Union general relieved from command) The Democrats tried to win votes by playing on the weariness of people by the war, but at the same time the Union had several victories including the battle of Antietam boosting the Norths morale which improved prospects for Lincoln. (Also he made it so Union troops could vote) The Politics of Emancipation Confiscation Act (1861) All slaves used in the Confederate army would be considered free Emancipation Proclamation Declared all slaves under the Confederate states to be free Did not apply to slave states under the Union Prevented foreign intervention Thirteenth Amendment Officially abolished slavery as an institution in all parts of the United States

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