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International School Manila

For ATTENDANCE concerns, please contact the HS Office (Sam Ramos or Laurie Atilano) Tel: 840 8650 / 840 8653 email For GUIDANCE concerns, please contact Bella, Gigi or Jasmin Tel:840-8655 / 840-8660


A weekly bulletin for Parents and Students

Dear Parents, Our Grade 9 and 10 exams will be next Thursday and Friday. I have asked for all teachers to make sure they spend at least one class of revision and to also ensure that each student has access to review materials. I know that the Grade 9 students will stress out about these first set of exams, however with good preparation and planning will come the requisite success! For Grade 11 students they will have exams all next week. With Seniors already taking their IB exams it will be quiet and serious place next week! Please make sure your child: Studies well with a good revision schedule. Eats, sleeps and exercises properly during the exam period. Arrive early to all exams so that they are not held up in Manila traffic.

As I write this article I am just about to head off to the PTA end of year Despedida, designed to thank staff and faculty and to farewell departing teachers. It is of course that time of year when we begin the process of signing out. I hope to see as many of you as possible at our upcoming HS Academic and Service Awards, Graduation and Honors Societies Celebration. As usual at this time I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents who have directly or indirectly supported the High School this year. Parent participation in ISM High School events has never been stronger and I am sure that this has been a significant contributor to our success in academics and in the cultural and sporting arenas. Whether it was your involvement in PTA, a committee, attending Parent Coffees, on the sport field or court, or providing encouragement to our performing arts, I really do want to state our appreciation for your ongoing support. Our programs would not be as rich and as successful without your involvement.

Kind regards

William R. S. Brown High School Principal

Monday,May14: IBExams Grade11Exams Tuesday,May15: IBExams Grade11Exams Wednesday,May16: LateStart IBExams Grade11Exams Thursday,May17: IBExams Grade11Exams Grade9&10Exams Friday,May18: IBExams Grade11Exams Grade9&10Exams HonorSocietiesCelebration5:00pm(LT) Saturday,May19: UPCOMINGEVENTS: May18:HonorSocietiesCelebration May22:Honors&AwardsAssembly12:30pm(FAT) May29:HSGraduation5:30pm(FAT) May31:LastdayofClasses,EarlyRelease12noon
Reminders from HS Office :

FROM THE TREASURY OFFICE: DearGr.12Parents, In line with the forthcoming graduation of our seniors, we are preparing the return of the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD) of $5,000.00 paid at the time your child entered InternationalSchoolManila,Inc. ToenableustoreleasetherefundonJuly2,2012onwards mayweremindyouofthefollowing: 1. Submission of the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD) certificatedulysigned/endorsedatthebackbytheholder. Therefundintheformofcheckwillbemadepayabletothe holdersnameindicatedinthecertificate. Note : If FUD holder is the sponsor company, the person whowillsignatthebackoftheFUDcertificateshouldthe authorizedsignatoryofthecompany. 2.Clearanceforthetextbookstobeaccomplished thelast dayofschool. 3. Full settlement of all outstanding balance on clearance day. Thankyouforyourcooperation. Verytrulyyours, InternationalSchoolManila


Reminder from Treasury Office : To All Parents: Please be informed that for the year-end account clearance of students, Peso checks will not be accepted after the second Friday of May (May 11) and US Dollar checks drawn from US banks will not be accepted after the second Friday of April (April 13) for this school year. Thank you.

Grade 9 & 10: MAP Results for Grade 9 & 10 students were distributed in their Math class. Parents should take time to read through the results. In case you have questions, feel free to call the HS Office or HS Guidance Office. Grade 9 to 11: EXAM REMINDERS -Remember to bring your ID during the exam. No ID, no exam! -All students must be in proper ISM uniform.


IMPORTANT: Bearcat Career Experience Meet and Greet (Time Correction). For all students participating in the Bearcat Career Experience (Summer Internship), there will be a Meet and Greet at International School Manila on May 30th in the Little Theater. All student participants must attend this important get-together. It is an opportunity for student interns and the company representatives to meet and discuss the internships that begin the following week. IMPORTANT: Originally, the time for the Meet and Greet event was scheduled from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. This time has been changed. The Meet and Greet will be from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm. Students should arrive at the Little Theater by 6:45pm. Business casual attire is expected and there will be drinks/snacks available. Any questions regarding the Meet and Greet can be directed to Doug McQueen (



18moredaysuntilGraduation! Announcementcardsarereadyforpickupinthe HS Office. If you would like to order more announcement cards, make a reservation with Laurie Atilano in the HS Office and then proceed to pay in the Cashiers Office. Orders must be madeinincrementsof2. Please check your email regarding photographyscheduleforGraduation. the

High School Media Center Pleasereturnall librarymaterialsby Friday18thMay. Summerborrowing willstartonMay29th. Pleasepresentyour reenrollmentform whenborrowing.

AGraduationfeeofPhp2,500hasbeenchargeto eachSeniorsaccount.Thisincludesphotography packageandannouncementcards. Seniors need to do their clearance starting May 23. Clearance Forms will be ready for pick up in theHSOffice.

From the Admissions & Advancement Office

REENROLLMENTANDWITHDRAWALPROCEDURES DearParents, ReEnrollmentforschoolyear20122013isongoing.Weadviseallfamiliestobegintheprocessearlytoavoidlonglines. PleasedropbytheAdmissionsOfficetopickupyourREENROLLMENTCLEARANCEFORMorvisitourwebsiteat>ADMISSION>ReEnrollment&Withdrawaltodownloadtheappropriateforms. Clearancesignaturesarerequiredfromthefollowingoffices: AdmissionsOffice,HealthClinicandCashiersOffice Step1:AdmissionsformswillneedtobesignedandsubmittedtotheAdmissionsOffice. Step2:AllstudentsarerequiredtosubmittheHealthClinicUpdatingFormdirectlytotheClinic.Thismaybedoneatany time.IncomingGrade1,5and9studentsmusthavepage2ofthedocumentcompletedbyalicensedphysician.Wedo recommendthatallchildrenhaveanannualcheckup. Inaddition,allincomingGrade5and9studentswillneedtosubmittheTuberculosisScreeningForm. Step3:BeginningMay31,2012youmayvisittheCashiersOfficetosettleyouraccounts. TheReEnrollmentClearanceFormwillneedtobesubmittedinexchangeforyourchildssectioncardand/orclass schedule.Pleasedonotdiscardthisform. WITHDRAWALPROCEDURE IfyourfamilywillbeleavingbeforeorattheendofSY1112,wewouldappreciatethatyousubmittheofficialWithdrawal NotificationForminordertoinitiatethewithdrawalprocess.Pleasenote,thisdoesnotpertaintoGrade12studentswho willgraduateinMay. PleasesubmitthecompletedWithdrawalNotificationFormasearlyaspossible. Allformsareavailablehere:>Admission>ReenrollmentandWithdrawal WITHDRAWALNOTIFICATIONFORM(requiredbyES/HS/MSstudents)PleasesubmitthistotheAdmissionsOffice MIDDLESCHOOLCLEARANCEFORMOncecompletedpleasesubmitthistotheCashiersOffice HIGHSCHOOLCLEARANCEFORMOncecompletedpleasesubmitthistotheCashiersOffice IMPORTANTDATEtoremember: May11,2012WithdrawalNotificationFormsforSchoolYear20112012mustbesubmitted.Formsreceivedafterthis datewillincurapenaltyofUSD$1000ontherefundoftheFUD. FordetailedinformationregardingreceivingReportCards,TranscriptofRecords,obtainingayearbookand/ortherefund oftheFUDpleasevisitourwebsiteatwww.ismanila.orgundertheAdmissionsTAB<ReEnrollment&Withdrawal. Weappreciateyournotificationaswehavemanyfamiliesawaitingwordforenrollmentfornextschoolyear.Pleasefeel freetocontactusatadmissions@ismanila.orgforanyquestionsorconcerns. Sincerely, StephanieH.Hagedorn DirectorofAdmissions&Advancement

FROM COUNSELING OFFICE: K12SummerSchoolCourses ISMoffersonlineblendedlearningcoursesduringthesummerthroughK12( courseswithapassinggradeareawardedelectivecreditandwillappearonthehighschooltranscriptwithagradeof P.ItsanexcellentwaytoexperienceonlinelearningandtosupplementyoureducationatISM.

Pleasefindacompletelistingofsummercourseshere: ContactMr.CurtNichols,HighSchoolCounselingProgramLeader,atnicholsc@ismanila.orgforregistrationdetails.

The2012SummerSessionScheduleisasfollows: 2012SummerSessionSchedule Thefirsthalfofatwosemestercoursemustbetakenduringoneofthetwo"SemesterA"sessionslistedbelow.The secondhalfofatwosemestercoursemustbetakenduringoneofthetwo"SemesterB"sessions.Onesemester coursescanbetakenduringanysummersession,whileallworldlanguagecoursescanbeginanytime. Enrollment Sessions Semester A Semester A Semester B Semester B Start Dates June 6, 2012 June 20, 2012 July 11, 2012 July 25, 2012 Enroll By May 23, 2012 June 6, 2012 June 27, 2012 July 11, 2012

LOST AND FOUND VIIEWIING LOST AND FOUND V EW NG EVERYDAY EVERYDAY Monday untiill Friiday,, Monday unt Fr day May 21stt to June 1st,, 2012 May 21s to June 1st 2012 From 7:00 a..m.. to 4:00 p..m.. From 7:00 a m to 4:00 p m FAT changiing room 1118 FAT chang ng room 1118 IItems uncollllected after thiis tiime tems unco ected after th s t me wiillll be diisposed of iin support of w be d sposed of n support of our Serviice Learniing Program.. our Serv ce Learn ng Program





Since the launch at the beginning of the school year the ATAC blog has to date received over 25,000 visits and has provided valuable up to date information for ISM students/parents in a wide variety of ATAC program areas. We are constantly updating the blog to provide current information and in our quest to do so you will notice a new twitter service now available. Tweets from ISManilaAD will be posted for important ISM information/updates related to the ATAC program. This service will be especially relevant to HS students/parents who are heavily involved in our program and who may travel frequently with school teams. If buses or flights are delayed a tweet can be posted to inform parents and to allow them to keep updated if events like this occur. If you are a regular IASAS host family this service may be of use as tweets will be posted if arriving teams have been delayed at the airport and pick up times are affected. You can view tweets on the blog home page and also by subscribing to twitter/setting up an account you can follow ISManilaAD by clicking on the follow me button at the blog home page and you can receive updates directly to your cell phone to keep updated on the go with all the Bearcats action! During IASAS weeks score updates/results and medal performances will also be posted!

ISMhostsIASASTennisandTrack&Fieldnextschoolyear and these improvements will ensure we have the best facilities possible to host the IASAS Championships in 2013 and for our students/teams to use for their PE classesandteamtrainingonadaytodaybasisduringthe schoolyear.
ATAC Events coming up: May 12th Aikido and Judo meet Gymnastic area/Covered Court. May 22nd ISM Homeless World Cup Football Tournament 3-5pm See Ms Vogt to pay/register your team. Open to MS/HS students. Funds raised help support the Philippines Homeless World Cup team to travel to Mexico City to compete. GAME SCHEDULE PDF: (access to game schedule information) Information about all mid week/weekend fixtures for ISM teams can be found via the ATAC blog. Please note the game schedule does change often due to involvement with many local schools so please check the page regularly to find out the latest information of where and when the Bearcats teams are playing. Click on schedules tab or the Bearcat logo to be directed to the You will need your power school user name and password to access the game schedule pdf. BEARCAT DEN: Please note, new travel bags are arriving soon and new dri-fit shirts training shirts are now availablesee photos in this article Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den: Mon, Wed and Fridays from 11:30am 1:00pm and 2:30pm 4:00pm. Tues and Thurs afternoons from 2:30-4pm. If you are interested in joining our volunteers in the Bearcat Den please contact our BCD volunteers coordinator Radhika or pop in to the Den near the HS Cafeteria and talk with one of our volunteers they will be very happy to make you welcome. Anyone interested in joining the den next school year starting in August names are being taken, please contact Radhika to submit your information and expression of interest. Please note final day for den sales this school year is Wednesday May 30th. Thursday May 31st the den volunteers will be doing inventory and closing up the den for summer hibernation. The den will not be open for sales on the final day of school May 31st

ISMSummerCamps:pleaseregisterasapifyouareplanning ontakinganyofoursummersportsslotsforcampsarefilling upfast camps/ Excitingdevelopmentsfornextschoolyear: In our quest to ensure ISM maintains and keeps improving the wonderful sports facilities we have it gives me great pleasuretoadvisethatworkhasalreadystartedonthenew rooftoptenniscourtprojectandthatworkwillbestartingin late May on resurfacing our track. The tennis court redevelopmentisalargescaleprojectwhichwhencompleted in mid/late October will provide a fully covered facility for tennis and PE classes with the addition of two courts (currently 6 to 8 courts), along with male/female locker rooms, extra storage space for equipment, roll away tennis nets,asmallofficeandtwoareasofspectatorbleachers. Our athletics track will be resurfaced and the jumps runway/landingpitareawillberelocatedslightlytoimprove thisfacility.

COLLEGEUPDATEforClass2012 ReportasofMay11,2012
CollegeAttendance KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology(1) LoyolaMarymountUniversity(1) UniversityofMaryland,BaltimoreCounty(1) MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology(1) UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst(1) McGillUniversity(1) MenloCollege(1) UniversityofMiami(1) MichiganStateUniversity(1) UniversityofMichigan(1) MiddleburyCollege(1) MountHolyokeCollege(1) NewYorkUniversity(3) NewYorkUniversityAbuDhabi(1) NortheasternUniversity(2) NorthwesternUniversity(3) OccidentalCollege(1) UniversityofPennsylvania(2) UniversityofthePhilippines(2) PomonaCollege(1) RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign(1) RochesterInstituteofTechnology(1) SanDiegoStateUniversity(1) UniversityofSouthernCalifornia(1) StanfordUniversity(2) TrinityCollege(1) UniversityofToronto(2) VassarCollege(1) WasedaUniversity(1) WellesleyCollege(1) WesleyanUniversity(1) UniversityofWisconsin,Madison(1)

TheUniversityofAlabama(1) AmericanUniversity(1) AmityDelhi/NoidaCampus(1) AteneodeManilaUniversity(1) BarnardCollege(1) BatesCollege(1) BostonCollege(1) BrighamYoungUniversity(1) BrownUniversity(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatLosAngeles(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatSanDiego(2) CentenaryCollegeofLouisiana(1) ChaminadeUniversityofHonolulu(1) ChapmanUniversity(2) UniversityofChicago(1) ClaremontMcKennaCollege(2) ColbyCollege(1) ColumbiaUniversity(1) ConnecticutCollege(1) DeLaSalleUniversityManila(1) DukeUniversity(1) EmersonCollege(1) EmoryUniversity(1) FordhamUniversity(1) UniversityCollegeoftheFraserValley(1) GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology(1) GonzagaUniversity(1) HampdenSydneyCollege(1) HawaiiPacificUniversity(1) HofstraUniversity(1) HumberCollege(1) UniversityofIllinoisatUrbanaChampaign(1)

CollegeAcceptances BostonUniversity(5) TheUniversityofAlabama(Arts&Sciences)(1) BowdoinCollege(1) UniversityofAlberta(1) BrevardCollege(1) AmericanUniversity(1) BrighamYoungUniversity(1) AmericanUniversity(SchoolofInt'l.Service)(1) UniversityofBritishColumbia(13) ArizonaStateUniversity(1) BrockUniversity(1) ArkansasStateUniversity(1) BrownUniversity(1) AteneodeManilaUniversity(11) BryantUniversity(1) BabsonCollege(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley(5) BardCollege(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis(2) BarnardCollege(2) UniversityofCaliforniaatIrvine(6) BarryUniversity(2) UniversityofCaliforniaatLosAngeles(6) BentleyUniversity(2) BostonCollege(4) UniversityofCaliforniaatRiverside(1)

UniversityofCaliforniaatSanDiego(6) UniversityofCaliforniaatSantaBarbara(2) CaliforniaCollegeoftheArts(2) CarletonUniversity(1) CarnegieMellonUniversity(2) CentenaryCollegeofLouisiana(1) ChaminadeUniversityofHonolulu(1) ChapmanUniversity(2) UniversityofChicago(1) ChristopherNewportUniversity(1) ClaremontMcKennaCollege(6) ClevelandInstituteofArt(1) ColbyCollege(1) CollegeforCreativeStudies(1) UniversityofColoradoatBoulder(1) ColumbiaUniversity(1) ConnecticutCollege(1) CornellUniversity(2) CreightonUniversity(CollegeofArts&Sciences)(1) DeLaSalleUniversityManila(2) UniversityofDenver(2) DrexelUniversity(3) DukeUniversity(1) ElonUniversity(1) EmersonCollege(2) EmmanuelCollege(1) EnderunCollegesInc.(1) EverestUniversityOrangePark(1) FashionInstituteofTechnology(2) FloridaInstituteofTechnology(1) FordhamUniversity(1) UniversityCollegeoftheFraserValley(1) GeorgeMasonUniversity(2) TheGeorgeWashingtonUniversity(4) GeorgetownUniversity(1) GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology(1) GonzagaUniversity(1) HamiltonCollegeNY(1) HamlineUniversity(1) HampdenSydneyCollege(1) HawaiiPacificUniversity(2) HofstraUniversity(1) CollegeoftheHolyCross(1) UniversityofIllinoisatUrbanaChampaign(2) IndianaUniversityatBloomington(1) IowaStateUniversity(1) IthacaCollege(1) JamesMadisonUniversity(1) Johnson&WalesUniversity(1) KenyonCollege(1) KnoxCollege(1) KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology(1) LehighUniversity(2)

LesRochesInternationalSchoolofHotelManagement (1) LoyolaMarymountUniversity(5) MacalesterCollege(1) ManhattanvilleCollege(2) MarylandInstituteCollegeofArt(1) UniversityofMaryland,BaltimoreCounty(1) MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology(2) UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst(1) UniversityofMassachusetts,Boston(1) McGillUniversity(9) MenloCollege(3) UniversityofMiami(2) MichiganStateUniversity(4) UniversityofMichigan(2) MiddleburyCollege(1) MountAllisonUniversity(1) MountHolyokeCollege(2) CollegeofNewRochelle(1) UniversityofNewSouthWales(1) NewYorkUniversity(8) NewYorkUniversityAbuDhabi(1) NortheasternUniversity(8) NorthwesternUniversity(4) UniversityofNotreDame(1) OberlinCollege(1) OccidentalCollege(1) UniversityofOregon(1) PaceUniversity,NewYorkCity(1) PaceUniversity,PleasantvilleCampus(1) UniversityofPecs(1) PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark(2) UniversityofPennsylvania(4) UniversityofthePhilippines(3) PomonaCollege(1) PrattInstitute(1) PrincetonUniversity(1) PurdueUniversity(3) QuestUniversityCanada(2) UniversityofRedlands(1) RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute(1) RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign(1) RinglingCollegeofArtandDesign(1) RochesterInstituteofTechnology(2) UniversityofSanFrancisco(3) SantaClaraUniversity(1) SavannahCollegeofArtandDesign(1) SchooloftheArtInstituteofChicago(3) SchoolofVisualArts(2) SeattleUniversity(1) SkidmoreCollege(1) SmithCollege(1) UniversityofSouthernCalifornia(4) SouthwesternUniversity(1)


SSTHSwissSchoolofTourismandHospitality(1) UniversityofSt.Thomas(1) StanfordUniversity(3) SuffolkUniversity(1) SwarthmoreCollege(1) SyracuseUniversity(2) TempleUniversity(1) TheUniversityofTexas,Dallas(1) TrinityCollege(1) TrinityUniversity(1) TuftsUniversity(2) UniversityofToronto(1) UniversityatBuffaloTheStateUniversityofNewYork(1) VancouverFilmSchool(1) VassarCollege(2) VelloreInstituteofTechnologyUniversity(1) VirginiaPolytechnicInstituteandStateUniversity(1)

UniversityofVirginia(2) UniversityofWashington(2) UniversityofWaterloo(2) WellesleyCollege(2) WesleyanUniversity(3) UniversityofWesternOntario(3) WheatonCollegeMA(1) WhitmanCollege(1) WilfridLaurierUniversity(FacultyofScience)(1) CollegeofWilliamandMary(1) UniversityofWinnipeg(1) UniversityofWisconsin,Madison(1) UniversityofWisconsin,Stout(1) TheCollegeofWooster(1) YorkUniversity(1)







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