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Examples of morphological adaptations in animals: 1.

beak Half of the meat-eating birds / carnivore looks short, curved and sharp point to rip. On fish-eating birds beak looks long, flat and pointless to search for clamping catch. 2. tooth Teeth in carnivores function as cutting and tearing its prey, unlike herbivores, more functioning teeth to chew. 3. eye Eye carnivores / predators are located in the front while not carnivorous animals exist in the two left and right side of the head of a functioning observing her surroundings from predators. Ya ... even animals whose eyes can rotate 180 degrees.. Adaptation in Plant Morphology Based on the life, plants can be divided into as follows. 1. Xeroflt , Ie plants that adapt to arid environments, such as cactus. Adaptation xerofit way. among others, have even kecilatau sized leaves no leaves (modified to be a thorn), coated lapisanlilin thick stems, and roots thus reaching a very broad term. 2. hidrofit . ie plants that conform to the aqueous environment, contohnyateratai. How to hidrofit adaptation, among other broadleaf and thin, and has many stomata. 3. Higrofit, ie plants that adapt to the humid environment, contohnyatumbuhan nails and moss Plant Physiology in the adaptation Plant Physiology in the adaptation 1.plant are pollinated by insects have assisted berbaukhas interest. Certain

2.plant produce special substances that can inhibit the growth of other plants or protect themselves against herbivor. For example. in Japanese azalea bush produces toxic chemicals that deer do not eat the leave physiological adaptation of animals Adjustments are influenced by the environment that caused an adjustment in the organs of the body to sustain life. For example: - Polar bears and seals have a thick layer of fat to live in cold regions. - Camels have a bag of water and food reserves so that the resistance does not drink and eat up to 9 months in the wilderness. adaptation behavior in animals
1.chameleon do mimicry, which vary according to the color of his skin color of the

environment / place of his life. By changing the color of his skin in accordance with its surroundings, chameleons are protected from predators as well disguised from the animal to be eaten. Thus, the chameleon can be protected from danger and also easier to catch prey. 2.Cumi-squid release ink / black liquid when there is danger of harm nya.CumiSQUIDs are also able to vary the color of his skin the color of their environment. 3, the pope appeared on the surface to breathe air and water spray. Pope engage in such activities as a means of breathing lungs can not utilize oxygen dissolved in water Behavior Adaptation in Plants 1. when the environment is dry, ginger plants, which include spare-part lethal jaheanakan body growing on the soil surface. 2. the dry season. tropofit plants, such as teak and kapok trees, shed their leaves

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