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HISTORIA 03 2002 SAP compr los sistemas financieros TopManage, un desarrollador con sede en Israel de aplicaciones de negocio y con

la marca de su sistema SAP Business One. TopManage fue fundada por Reuven Agassi y Shamia Gadi, ambas posiciones ejecutivas clave adoptadas en SAP despus de la adquisicin. La adquisicin de SAP permite llegar a la mediana empresa a travs de sus socios y tambin para ganar negocio adicional de las filiales ms pequeas de sus clientes empresariales. En diciembre de 2004, SAP adquiri la tecnologa y los activos de los sistemas de iLytix AS, una compaa de software privada con sede en Oslo, Noruega. Como resultado de SAP present de informes y capacidades de presupuesto en SAP Business One llamado XL Reporter. En julio de 2006 adquiri SAP Solutions Praxis de software y el proyecto de integrar la empresa CRM basado en Web y las capacidades de comercio electrnico en SAP Business One. Los trminos financieros del acuerdo no fueron revelados. Con sede en Minneapolis Praxis, una compaa privada de software, anteriormente haba sido un socio de SAP Business One. En 2009 vendi el SAP CRM basado en Web de comercio electrnico y los componentes que formaban las antiguas soluciones de software Praxis. Actualmente SAP no ofrece una solucin de comercio electrnico para SAP Business One. Esta funcionalidad se proporciona a travs del Programa de Extensin de la solucin. En 2011 se asoci con SAP CitiXsys a utilizar su solucin de consolidacin de negocios para ampliar el alcance de la integracin de SAP Business One de empresas vinculadas. La solucin permite a las empresas para gestionar las transacciones entre empresas por ms de una empresa por la replicacin automtica de las transacciones correspondientes a travs de bases de datos de la empresa mltiples. INTEGRACION necesidades estn presentes los clientes de SAP Business One que incluyen las pequeas empresas, as como divisiones y filiales de las grandes corporaciones. Adems, muchas de estas empresas requieren la integracin de sus sitios web existentes, la consolidacin de mltiples sistemas ERP y otras soluciones de integracin. SAP Business One proporciona las tecnologas de integracin para estos fines y mucho ms. La integracin se puede lograr utilizando el SDK de la API componente DI, DI API Server y UIAPI. La API proporciona una interfaz COM DI basado en los objetos de negocio y lgica de negocio de SAP Business One. El Servidor DI API es similar a DI API, excepto que ofrece basado en SOAP protocol.UIAPI, que basado en COM tambin se centran en la interfaz de usuario de SAP Business One.

Como son los APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), su uso requiere de habilidades de desarrollo de software. Una manera ms sencilla de lograr la integracin es mediante el uso de SAP Business One marco de integracin. El marco de integracin permite simple (basado en XML) la definicin de escenarios de integracin. En lugar de complejos, de alto costo de implementacin, permite a los fuertes de bajo costo y confiables soluciones de integracin con los requisitos mnimos a los recursos y habilidades. La integracin empresarial Business One FrameworkTecnologa Un marco de integracin es una parte integral de SAP Business One. Se utiliza para habilitar la funcionalidad integrada, tales como cuadros de mando, la solucin mvil Business One, o la integracin Datev-HR. Como una opcin, que permite al cliente para poner en prctica la integracin individual a los socios de negocios en una manera muy eficiente a travs del diseador de flujo de grfica. Se ofrece toda la conectividad necesaria para FTP, SQL, las nuevas tecnologas web 2.0 y soporte nativo para SAP R / 3, SAP Business One, SAP XI, y mucho ms. [Editar] vinculadas solucin de integracin de SAP Business solucin de integracin entre empresas OneThe para SAP Business One es una solucin out-of-the-box para los clientes que ejecutan mltiples sistemas de SAP Business One conectados entre s a travs de una red de empresas del grupo o filiales. Se sincroniza automticamente los datos de negocio y proporciona la consolidacin financiera. La solucin permite a las empresas para gestionar las transacciones entre empresas de ms de una empresa dentro de un grupo de empresas mediante la reproduccin de las transacciones correspondientes a travs de bases de datos de la empresa mltiples. La automatizacin de la reproduccin de dichas transacciones reduce significativamente la cantidad de esfuerzo del usuario final y cambio de clave manual de datos para mantener los estados financieros entre empresas comerciales. [Editar] La integracin empresarial Una subsidiaria solutionThe Business One filial de solucin de integracin (tambin conocido como la integracin de SAP NetWeaver/B1iSN) es una solucin especial para los clientes, ejecutando componentes de SAP NetWeaver en su sede y SAP Business One en sus filiales. La integracin Subsidiario ejecuta en el centro del Cuartel General e integra las filiales en los procesos de negocio de la empresa. Dicho artculo dispone: Normalizacin y unificacin de los procesos de negocio con las filiales El control centralizado de las interacciones subsidiarios Una solucin nica para todas las filiales La integracin rpida Subsidiario de independencia con la capacidad de los procesos de influencia de la empresa matriz [Editar] Business One integracin con dispositivos mviles y de negocios contentThe Una integracin con dispositivos mviles y contenidos permite la conexin de SAP Business One para dispositivos mviles y no-SAP y de la informacin y servicios de SAP. La integracin se logra con la tecnologa de

conectividad que viene de serie con SAP Business One. [Editar] Business One SDKThe Business One SDK proporciona componentes que permitan el desarrollo de addons en el Business One de aplicaciones. Los desarrolladores que usen el SDK puede compartir sus conocimientos y experiencia en la Red de Desarrollo SAP. [3] [Editar] Los revendedores y para PartnersIn para convertirse en un revendedor SAP Business One, una empresa debe ser parte del programa PartnerEdge de SAP. Alianza comienza en el nivel de certificado, y como mayores niveles de conocimiento y el apoyo se puede demostrar, que puede progresar a travs de Silver Asociado, y el oro. [Editar] Empresas CompetitorsSAP Uno compite con Microsoft Dynamics a nivel mundial, y con una variedad de paquetes nacionales, tales como los vendidos por el sabio en muchos pases de todo el mundo. Recientemente compaas como Dynaware (EOS la evolucin de ERP), NetSuite CRM (y ERP), y (CRM solamente) han ofrecido una funcionalidad similar en aplicaciones basadas en web. px Video de SAP Business One

Vea en este video como SAP Business One, es una aplicacin ERP sencilla pero potente, con todas las funcionalidades integradas, ventas, operaciones, finanzas..., desarrollada especficamente para empresas con menos de 100 empleados.

Ver el video Producto Fabricantes: SAP TODOS

Demo interactiva de SAP Business One

Demo en espaol

Por Redaccin Actualizado el 7 de noviembre, 2009 - 20.12hs.

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La demo que aqu se presenta funciona de forma similiar al programa SAP Business One y sigue un ciclo de venta completo, desde el contacto inicial con el cliente, hasta el pago final del pedido.

As las cosas, SAP Business One permite simplificar las operaciones brindando acceso instantneo a la informacin para responder de forma ms gil a las necesidades de los negocios. De fcil instalacin por lo general su implementacin no demora ms de un mes..

SAP Business One ERP Video Demo(s)

SAP Software for Small to Midsized Manufacturing, Wholesale Distribution, and Retail Businesses: SAP Business One (SAP B1) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Video Demonstrations
Manufacturers, Wholesale Distributors and Retailers: Cornerstone Consulting provides live, real-time SAP Business One Demo(s) via the web. If you're interested in having an interactive web/online demonstration of SAP Business One's streamlined-unified-integrated financial accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), material requirements planning (MRP) and inventory management software system, we'd be happy to arrange it for you. To arrange your personalized demonstration of SAP's ERP software system for manufacturers, wholesale distributors and retailers, and speak with a Certified SAP Business One Consultant, please feel free to call (813) 321-1300 xt. 2783 and ask for Eleanor Mullaney.

SAP Business One Certified Sales Consultant, Eleanor Mullaney, Explains the Value of SAP Software and Comgine e-Commerce for Small and Mid-sized Manufacturing, Wholesale Distribution and Retail Businesses, as a Featured Guest of the Danielle Lin Show As a guest of the Danielle Lin Show, Cornerstone Consulting's V.P., Eleanor Mullaney, educates manufacturers, wholesale distributors and retailers about the all-in-one accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), material requirements planning (MRP) and inventory management software system, SAP Business One ERP. Learn more about the value of trusted SAP Software Consultants, Cornerstone Consulting, and the SAP Business One ERP business software system by watching the video:

SAP Business One Certified Sales Consultant, Eleanor Mullaney, Explains the Value of SAP Software with Integrated e-Commerce Web Store, Social Media Networking, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Website, as well as Content Management System (CMS), for Small and Mid-sized Manufacturing, Wholesale Distribution and Retail Businesses, as a Featured Guest of the Danielle Lin Show As a guest of the Danielle Lin Show, Cornerstone Consulting's V.P. and social media networking expert, Eleanor Mullaney, discusses how manufacturing, wholesale distribution and retail companies can out-perform the competition through the use of a completely integrated business software system. The streamilined business software consists of SAP Business One, SEO e-Commerce website, content management system, and social media networking platform. Learn more about the value of trusted SAP Software Consultants, Cornerstone Consulting, and the SAP Business One ERP business software system by watching the video: By watching SAP's video demonstrations of SAP Business One ERP (below) you'll discover how SAP B1 enables you to serve customers better, integrate your entire company, and gain a complete and up-to-date view

of your business. With SAP Business One, every part of your business is connected.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 for the iPad By watching the SAP Business One video demonstration of how the integrated accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), inventory management, and material requirements planning software can run on the iPad, you'll see how easily you can access and utilize your business management system from a mobile device.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 for the iPhone By watching the SAP Business One video demonstration of how the integrated accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), inventory management, and material requirements planning software can run on the iPhone, you'll see how easily you can access and utilize your business management system from a mobile device.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Financial Accounting Software Review By watching the SAP Business One video demonstration of the Accounting Software, you'll see how this unified system allows you to take control of your cash flow, streamline your accounting processes, and transform financial data into actionable business insights. Enabling you to proactively manage financials, gain a complete financial view of your business, and achieve profitable growth.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software Review See how SAP Business One CRM allows you to efficiently launch marketing campaigns, track all sales opportunities, manage your pipelines, and provide world-class customer service. SAP Business One provides you with the tools you need to improve your end-to-end sales processes, accelerate the sales cycle, and optimize customer relationships.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Sales Force Automation Software System Review In this video demonstration of SAP Business One Sales Force Automation, you'll learn how this software system enables sales reps, sales managers, and other employees to document sales activities, access information about gross profit, and enhance customer touch points. You'll learn how built-in sales force automation capabilities enable you to manage sales opportunities, improve profit margins, and optimize customer relationships.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Inventory Management Software System Review By watching this SAP Business One video demonstration of Inventory Management, you'll see how this integrated software system allows you to automate the order-to-delivery process, manage inventory in real time, and adapt to changing business needs.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Streamlining Inventory Control-TrackingManagement

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Software Review The video demonstration of SAP Business One Material Requirements Planning (MRP) shows how easily you can analyze inventory supply and demand, and receive automated make or buy recommendations. Providing a single, integrated solution that enables you to maintain cost-effective inventory levels, make informed decisions, and quickly respond to customer demands.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Reporting and Administration Software Review In this video demonstration of SAP Business One Reporting, you'll see how this software allows you to access up-to-date reports, drill down to see detailed inventory and customer data, and manage information in the format you want. Enabling you to gain instant access to complete business information, make fast, accurate decisions, and take actions that lead to results.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Custom Reports Software Review The video demonstration of SAP Business One Custom Reports show you how it enables any employee to quickly and easily create a business report. You'll learn how the Query Wizard and Drag and Relate features enable you to perform instant and intuitive reporting and analysis, access the information you need, and improve your business operations.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Easy Customization of Data Software System Review The SAP Business One Solution for Customizing Data video demo will show you how the software allows you to easily add and use new types of data whenever your business needs it without having to understand how databases work. You'll learn how SAP Business One enables you to create user-defined fields, use them to generate queries and reports, and access the information you need.

SAP Business One ERP System Demo: SAP B1 Predefined and Custom Alerts Software Review By watching the video demonstration of SAP Business One Predefined and Custom Alerts, you'll see how this system enables all your employees and especially your management team to monitor business processes in real-time and detect problems before they affect your company's performance. You'll learn how predefined alerts and custom alerts enable you to respond to business needs and exceptions, prevent losses, and improve profit margins.

See the Latest Version of SAP Software for Small to Midsized Businesses: SAP Business One 8.8

SAP Business One 8.8 Overview Video Demonstrations

SAP Business One 8.8 Video Demo: By Design, SAP Business One Enables Small to Midsize Companies to become 33% More Productive and Achieve Greater Enterprise-wide Efficiency SAP Business One 8.8 Demo: SAP B1 is a Completely Integrated ERP Software Solution Specifically Designed for Small to Midsized Businesses

SAP Business One 8.8 Video Demo: SAP B1 is an Integrated ERP Software Solution Offering Users a Personalized Work Center

SAP Business One 8.8 Video Demo: SAP B1 Has Built-in On-Demand Business Intelligence (BI)

SAP Business One 8.8 Video Demo: SAP B1 Offers Microsoft Sharepoint Integration

SAP Business One 8.8 Video Demo: SAP B1 Has an Upgrade Wizard Built-in for EASY Software Maintenance

SAP Business One 8.8 Video Demo: SAP B1 Reducing TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) with the Remote Support Platform

SAP Business One ERP System Review: SAP Business One To learn as much as you can about the SAP Software for small to mid-sized businesses, SAP Business One (SAP B1), please see this page. Within this page, you will find resources for SAP Business One: Help, Training, Cost, Reviews, Downloads, Price and more. You can also learn how SAP Business One seamlessly integrates with Comgine e-Commerce for automating and streamling processing online webstore transactions (web orders). In addition to SAP Business One's unified (SAP B1) Financial Accounting, Customer Relationship (CRM), Inventory Management, integrated with e-Comgine Commerce, you can also have a Weblog (Website and Blog), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Infrastructure and Social Media Platform as one cohesive software system for your small or midsized business.

SAP Business One ERP Software System Consultants: Cornerstone Consulting Cornerstone Consulting Inc. is a reseller of Comgine's integrated e-Commerce applications, leading SAP Business One software consultants, and premier provider of Sage Pro ERP (formerly SBT/ACCPAC) to small and mid-market organizations. Founded in 1983, Cornerstone Consulting, Inc. is a privately-owned company that provides a full suite of information technology for thousands of small and mid-sized business clients in North America, Europe, South America, the Caribbean and Canada. Cornerstone provides clients with the ability to make faster business decisions, experience profitable growth and outperform the competition through the use of integrated, unified, streamlined, simple-to-use, scalable and customizable software. Our products and services support accounting, operations, customer relationship management, e-Commerce, and the specific needs of the wholesale distribution, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical (natural/organic products) and manufacturing industries. Cornerstone's services include: Custom Programming, EDI, Barcodes and Scanning, e-Commerce, Website Design and Hosting, as well as Custom Web Application

Development. For more information about SAP's software specifically designed for small to midsized businesses, SAP Business One, please contact Cornerstone Consulting's Tampa, FL corporate office by calling (813) 321-1300 and asking for SAP B1 Certified Consultant, Eleanor Mullaney at extension 2783.

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Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, Cornerstone Consulting is a SAP Software and Sage Software Certified Business Partner offering Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems - integrated business management applications / programs (accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), inventory and warehouse control/management/tracking), Ecommerce solutions, website design, website hosting, search engine optimization, social networking / social media marketing, cloud computing, software as a service (SaaS), mobile commerce (m-Commerce) and more, to small and midsize companies. In addition to providing SAP Software - SAP Business One, Sage Software - Sage Pro ERP, and Comgine E-commerce business ERP systems, we also offer custom programming, technical support and training services for the applications. Although many of our clients are located in California, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, Michigan, Ohio and Florida, we are providing ERP software systems / business applications and services to companies throughout the U.S. as well as worldwide. Copyright 1995-2009 Cornerstone Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. SAP Partner. Sage Software Partner. SAP is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. Sage Software, the Sage Software logos, and the Sage Software product and service names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its affiliated entities. All other trademarks are property of their respective owner.

Copyright 1995 - 2012 Cornerstone Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved



Acceda a una Demo Interactiva y vea nuestro ERP para PYMES en accin. Para empresas que tengan hasta 100 empleados.


La aplicacin SAP Business One integra todas las funciones empresariales bsicas de toda la organizacin (gestin financiera, ventas, gestin de atencin al cliente, e-commerce, gestin de inventarios y operaciones). A diferencia de muchas otras pequeas soluciones empresariales que existen actualmente en el mercado, SAP Business One es una nica aplicacin que elimina la necesidad de instalaciones separadas y la complicada integracin de varios mdulos. Acceda al Centro de Informacin de SAP para descargarse Videos, Demos y documentacin.



Vea un video de nuestro ERP diseado para empresas de un tamao medio (a partir de 100 empleados)


SAP Business All-in-One es nuestro ERP para medianas empresas (ms de 100 empleados) que buscan soluciones sectoriales completas e integradas. A diferencia de otro software empresarial del mercado, SAP Business All-in-One le ofrece una nica solucin configurable para ayudarle a gestionar todos los aspectos, desde las finanzas, los recursos humanos, el aprovisionamiento, el inventario, la fabricacin, la logstica, el desarrollo de productos y los servicios corporativos, hasta la atencin al cliente, las ventas y el marketing. Acceda al Centro de Informacin de SAP para descargarse Videos, Demos y documentacin


Acceda al folleto de la solucin ERP para PYMES, SAP Business One, y conozca en detalle las funcionalidades.


Visite nuestro Centro de Informacin para acceder a los catlogos de esta solucin. Podr conocer las funcionalidades en detalle y los beneficios que puede aportar en su empresa.


CRM con SAP Business One

Utilice las potentes herramientas de gestin de ventas de la aplicacin SAP Business One para crear ofertas,introducir pedidos de cliente y realizar comprobaciones de disponibilidad en tiempo real en sus almacenes, servicios de soporte, etc.

Lea el folleto de la solucin

Parrot mejora su productividad con SAP Business One

"Desde la implantacin de SAP Business One hemos experimentado un considerable incremento de la productividad, gracias a la automatizacin de procesos y la reduccin de tareas manuales. Adems, la integracin de los datos y el rpido acceso a la informacin contribuyen a mejorar nuestra gestin y la calidad de servicio."

Leer la historia de xito completa

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