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Title Page
Publisher Information
Tips for the Teacher
Tips for the Pupil
Spanish Pen Pals
Let me introduce myself!
What are you like?
My family!
My hobbies!
My school!
Enjoy your meal!
My day!
I live!
My house!
Christmas here!
Summer holidays!
Also Available
Pen Pals
Made Easy
A Fun Way to Write Spanish and
Make a New Friend
Sinead Leleu and Belen de Vicente Fisher
1 1 ~
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Published by Brilliant Publications
Unit 10, Sparrow Hall Farm
Edlesborough, Dunstable
Bedfordshire, LU6 2ES, UK
Digital Edition converted and published by
Andrews UK Limited 2010
Website: uk
General information enquiries:
The name Brilliant Publications and the logo are registered
Written by Sinead Leleu
Illustrated by] ames Walmesley
Text Sinead Leleu and Belen de Vicente Fisher 2008
design Brilliant Publications 2008
First printed and published in the UK in 2010.
The right of Sinead Leleu and Belen de Vicente Fisher to be identifi
ed as the authors of this work has been asserted by themselves in
accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Pages 10-57 may be photocopied by the purchasing institution or
individual teachers for classroom use only, without consent from
the publisher and without declaration to the Publishers Licensing
Society. No other part of this book may be reproduced in any other
form or for any other purpose, without the prior permission of the
In this era of technology, we MFL teachers are spoilt with an excellent array of resource material.
Interactive CO-Roms, DVDs, Internet sites ... you name it, we use them all. The main aim of all
this is that, one day, our pupils will be able to communicate with other MFL speakers through
our chosen language. In my own classes, this 'one day' is now. This, we do, through pen-pal
My experience has shown me that, despite regularly introducing a variety of resources into my
classes, rarely a class begins without a pupil asking 'Have our letters arrived yet?' 'No, todav(a,
no' is met with disappointment whereas 'S(' is met with great excitement and delight. My pupils
are unwaveringly eager to reply. This may seem like a daunting task to the less-confident or the
time-strapped teacher but ...
For the teacher, Spanish Pen Pals Made Easy:
+ Does not require fluency
+ Is time-saving -little or no preparation is required
+ Links with the KS3 Programme of Study
+ Has inherent cross-curricular links to geography, art and ICT
+ Supplements, consolidates and revises course work
For the pupil, Spanish Pen Pals Made Easy:
+ Is easy to follow. The method used is gap-filling as opposed to giving pupils the daunting
task of beginning with a blank page
+ Is realistic. The pupil realizes that Spanish can be used for real-life communication and not
just in an artificial situation
+ Instils confidence. They can communicate effectively at a basic level
+ Helps foster positive attitudes towards foreign language learning
+ Facilitates intercultural understanding. The pupil can learn about Spanish culture through
a Spanish peer
+ ... and of course, it is fun and a wonderful way to make a new friend. (I should know as I
have had the same two pen pals for over 25 years!)
Tips for the teacher
Where to find pen pals
1. There are many websites to help you to find a Spanish-speaking class to correspond with, for
+ (small fee)
If you have the option of choosing a country, do not forget other countries where you can find
Spanish -speaking schools such as Mexico, Peru, Chile and Argentina.
2. If your town is twinned with a Spanish town, you could contact their 'Colegio de Educaci6n
Primaria' (ages 6-12) or 'Colegio de Educaci6n Secundaria' (ages 12-18).
Checklist for you and your Spanish-speaking counterpart
1. Confirm with your Spanish-speaking counterpart that your pupils will write in Spanish and
decide whether the replies will be in English or Spanish. (They may like to know that Spanish
Pen Pals Made Easy can be purchased from Amazon.)
2. Decide which class will write first.
3. Decide how you are going to pair the pupils. Either one of the teachers decides or the pupils
in the class that receives the first letters decide. It is a good idea to make a note of the pairs
immediately as some pupils will not remember their pen pal's name. Unless you find a class
with the exact same number of pupils, some pupils will have to write two letters.
4. Discuss the expected frequency of your letters. This depends on the school calendar, workload
and enthusiasm. Be careful to decide on realistic deadlines. It is a good idea to take one term at
a time.
5. Agree on the themes for the term ahead. Take into consideration seasonal events such as
Christmas, Hallowe'en and local festivals.
Before pupils begin
1. Before pupils begin to write a letter, it is paramount to have covered the relevant language
orally. Remember: hear it, say it, see it, write it.
2. Introduce letter writing with a sample letter written on the board, chart or overhead projector.
You could use the letter for Unit 1, 'Dejame presentarme', on page 10; this letter can also be
downloaded from our website so you can display it on a whiteboard: pdfs I 1042.pdf.
Highlight the five main parts of the letter:
+ the heading, which includes the town and date
+ the greeting
+ the body of the letter
+ the closing greeting
+ the signature.
3. Before pupils begin their first letter, explain to them how to use Spanish Pen Pals Made Easy:
+ Point out that pupils must first fill in the blanks and circle where there is a choice.
+ Using imaginary details or those of a pupil in the class, go through the letter line by line.
Complete and circle where necessary. See what pupils can come up with themselves before
referring to the 'V ocabulario adicional' section.
+ Write out the entire letter on the board. Explain to pupils that they will need to write a
draft into their Spanish workbooks.
+ Tell pupils that you will then correct their draft letters before they write their final letters.
Writing your first leUer
1. Having explained how to use Spanish Pen Pals Made Easy, give each pupil the Spanish
template letter for 'Dejame presentarme' (page 10). Depending on the class level and time,
some teachers will prefer to only give certain sections of the unit For example, if your class
has a good level of Spanish, you may prefer not to hand out the English template. However, if
unfinished letters are given as homework, it is advisable to give all four pages of the unit As
the templates and vocabulary are bilingual, parents/ guardians will feel comfortable helping.
2. If you give out the English template, point out to your pupils that they are not always word-
for-word translations. It is the ideas that are translated.
3. Once you have corrected the pupils' drafts, they should write their letters out neatly to send to
their pen pals. Using personalized stationery can help to make their letters special. Allow the
pupils to choose this for themselves.
4. If pupils wish to include enclosures such as postcards, photos, drawings etc, make sure
that they are either stapled or stuck to the letter or that each pupil has their own individual
As you move on
1. As soon as you receive your first replies, get your pupils to stick their letters into their Spanish
workbooks or put them into their Spanish folders.
2. Spanish Pen Pals Made Easy is flexible, so, excepting the first unit (Dejame presentarme), the
units may be used in any order.
3. At the beginning of the correspondence, it will be easier for pupils to stick to the template
letter. However, as many pupils become more competent, encourage them to change the order
of the body of the letter. Weaker pupils can continue to stick to the template letter whereas
stronger pupils can use the template letter as a 'springboard'.
4. You can give the class as a whole a choice of topics to choose from. Alternate the choice
between the two corresponding classes.
5. To vary the correspondence, you could use other means, such as recorded messages on CD,
tape, DVD or video.
6. Do not allow pupils to give their home address or telephone number (or e-mail if you are
using snail mail) until the correspondence is well established.
Class projects
Oass projects are an excellent way to vary class correspondence. The units 'Mi colegio', 'j Yo
vivo!' and 'jLa Navidad aqui!' are particularly suitable. The projects can be done in English with
an English-Spanish glossary. The class can be divided into small groups and given one section
each. Include drawings, photos, posters, videos, DVDs, CDs, brochures etc. A class project can
be sent along with individual letters or in the place of individual letters. If you have any festivals
particular to where you live, this would also be interesting for your pen pals.
Here are some ideas for things that could be included in the class projects:
Mi colegio
+ our class timetable
+ after-school activities
+ school dinners
+ our uniform
+ our school building
+ our teachers
+ our school crest
+ history of our school
+ history
+ amap
+ landmark(s)
+ festivals and celebrations
+ clubs/ activities for children
+ food specialities
+ local heroes and/ or famous people
+ traditional music
+ languages and dialect
&La N avidad a qui!
+ Chrisbnas food
+ Chrisbnas tree and decorations
+ Chrisbnas crackers
+ A typical Chrisbnas carol
+ Chrisbnas card-giving tradition
+ Chrisbnas stockings and gift-offering tradition
+ 12 Days of Chrisbnas
+ Pantomimes
Classroom ideas
1. As soon as you receive your first replies, set up a 'pen pal corner' in your classroom. You can
include a map of Europe, the world or the country of your pen pals, indicating where they
live. You can also make flags of their country and your country. As the correspondence moves
along, you can include anything that you or the pupils find interesting, such as traditional
dishes, school brochures or festivals.
2. To work on oracy skills, pupils can give an oral presentation on their pen pal.
3. As part of art or ICT, pupils can make information sheets based on their pen pals with
headings such as:
+ nombre
+ edad
+ ciudad
+ cumpleaftos
+ color de ojos
+ color de pelo
+ hermanos y hermanas
+ animales/animal favorito
+ hobbies o pasatiempos
+ color favorito
+ mU.Sica favorita
+ comida favorita
+ bebida favorita
+ asignatura favorita
+ estaci6n favorita
Tips for the pupil
1. Using a model letter, fill in the blanks and circle
the words you would like to use. Check out the
'Vocabulario adicional' (Extra vocabulary) section for
extra vocabulary. You can keep the English translation
nearby to help you.
2. Write out a draft
letter (a practice
letter). Your
teacher will then
correct it.
3. Rewrite a final copy of your letter.
4. To make your letter more interesting, use nice stationery and/ or decorate your letter with
colourful designs and drawings. You can use some of the ideas in the 'ildeas adicionales!'
(Extra ideas!) section.
5. Enclose anything you think may interest
your pen pal such as stickers, magazine
cuttings, and postcards. Again, you will
find ideas in the 'ildeas adicionales!'
(Extra ideas!) section.
6. Do not give your home address,
telephone number or home e-mail
address without the permission of your
parents and teacher.
7. Havefun!
(puiblo/ ciudad) lfecha)
Me llamo
Tengo _______ anos. lCuantos anos tienes tu?
Vivo en ________________ , en ------------:----:-:---------
lD6nde vives tu?
Soy una chica I Soy un chico.
Me gusta __________ y ----------
________________ _
Let me introdu:e myself!

My name is ________________________________ ___
I'm _____ years old. How old are you?
I live in ____________ , m --------:------:---------
Cyuu r country)
Where do you live?
I'm a girl. I I'm a boy.
I like __________ and---------
I don't like----------------
Bye for now!
(your first name)
Voc:abulario adic:ional
Extra vocabulary
el fUtbol football
los deportes sports
elbaile dancing
el baloncesto basketball
montar a caballo horse riding
lanataci6n swimming
el atletismo athletics
el chocolate chocolate
los caramelos sweets
lacocacola cola
el br6coli broccoli
lapizza pizza
las espinacas spinach
las coles de Bruselas Brussels sprouts
el helado ice cream
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Boy or girlt
la musica rock rock music
la m'lisica clasica classical music
el colegio school
el cine the cinema
las peliculas de rniedo horror movies
(de terror)
lamoda fashion
el teatro drama/ theatre
los Simpsons The Simpsons
(en) Francia (in) France
(en) Inglaterra (in) England
(en) Escocia (in) Scotland
(en) Gales (in) Wales
(en) Irlanda (in) Ireland
Your pen pal may not know from your first name if you are a girl or a boy. So, it's a good idea
to tell them.
2. Tengo 10 aiios
Did you notice that, to say how old we are in S p a n i s ~ we say 'jTengo 10 afios!' This literally
means 'I have 10 years'!
3. El, Ia, los, las
In English we say:
I like football.
I like classical music.
I like sweets.
I like horror movies
but in Spanish we say:
Me gusta e1 fUtbol.
Me gusta Ia m'lisica clasica
Me gustan los caramelos.
Me gustan las peliculas de miedo.
E1 means ~ t h e ' before a masculine word such as:
La means ~ t h e ' before a feminine word such as:
Los means ~ t h e ' before a masculine word in
the plural such as:
Las means ~ t h e ' before a feminine word in
the plural such as:
Jldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include a map of your country showing
where you live. Write 'jYo vivo aqui!' (I
live here) and draw an arrow pointing to
where you live.
jYo vivo aqui!
Draw or include pictures of
anything that you think is
particular to your country
such as a double-decker bus
or a red postbox.
Let me introdu.:e myself!
the cheese
the broccoli
el zumo de naranja the orange juice
la mtl.sica clasica
los deportes
los Simpsons
los caramelos
las pizzas
las manzanas
las peliculas de
the classical music
the apple
the cola
the sports
The Simpsons
the sweets
the pizzas
the apples
horror movies
Draw the flag of both your country and
your pen pal's country on your letter
page. Alternatively, you could draw a
page-size flag of your country or your
pen pal's country and write your letter
on the flag!
Use the colour-by-number flags below to
help you.
The United
La bandera
1 =azul (blue)
2 =blanco (white)
3 = rojo (red)
4 = amarillo (yellow)
iComo eres!
(pueblo/ciudad) ifecha)
Querido/querida ________ / iHola!
Gracias por tu carta.
lQue tal? Yo ________ _
Tengo los ojos _________ y el pelo
Soy ____ ~ ~ - - - - y - - - - ~ ~ - - - -
(adfetivo) (adjetivo)
Mi cumpleanos es el __ de _________ _
(.Cucindo es tu cumpleanos?
Mi color favorito es el ___________ . lY el tuyo?
(.Cucil es tu color favorito?
iEscribeme pronto!
(tu nombre)
Dear ___________ I Hello!
Thank you for your letter.
How are you? I'm ___________ _
I have _______ eyes and ________ hair.
I'm ~ d
- - - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - -
ft;ldjective) ft;ldjective)
My birthday is the __ of _________ .
When is your birthday?
My favourite colour is --------- How about you?
What's your favourite colour?
Write soon!
(yau r first name)
Voc:abulario adic:ional
Extra vocabulary
hola I adios
mora do
very well
not well
hi there I bye
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Describing your eyes
Tengo los ojos ...
Tengo el pelo ...
castano claro
castano oscuro
Soy pelirrojo(a)
light brown
dark brown
I have red hair
In English, we say 'I have green eyes'. The colour comes before the word 'eyes'. Did you
notice that in Spanish the colour comes after the word 'ojos'? So, 'Ten go los ojos verdes'. As
'ojos' is plural, we must also make the colour plural. This is usually done by adding's'.
2. Describing your hair
When describing your hair colour you also put the colour after the word. In English, we
say 'I have black hair'. In Spanish, we say 'Tengo el pelo negro'. If you want to add a second
adjective to describe your hair, you say 'Tengo el pelo negro y rizadlJ' ('I have black curly hair').
What are you like!
3. Writing dates
In English, we write the months with a capital letter, eg the 15th of November. In
Spanish, we write the months with a small letter, eg el 15 de noviem bre.
4. Colours
When we are saying our favourite colour, we must put 'el' before the colour, 'Mi color
Javorito es el '
1ldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include a photo of yourself. You can
stick it onto the back of your letter and
write 'jAqui estoy!' ('Here I am.!') or 'jSoy
yo!' (It's mel').
Make up some of your own Spanish and
English expressions about your new
friendship such as:
ncrefble (incredible)
ngenioso(a)lt (clever)
nseparable (inseparable)
~ racioso(a)*
entil (kind)
enial (awesome/
* For a girl you need to say 'ingeniosa' and
'graciosa'. For a boy you say 'ingenioso' and
Querido I querida ________ I iHola!
Gracias por tu carta y foto. lQue tal estcis?
Yo bien I muy bien I mal.
Ten go ___ hermana(s) y ___ hermano(s).
Mi hermana se llama ________ . Tiene ___ anos. I
Mi hermano se llama . Ti ene anos. I
Soy hijo unico I soy hija unica.
lTu tienes hermanos y hermanas?
Tengo un /una __ ~ ~ ~ - - que se llama --------
, ~ n ~ O
El I ella es - - - - - - - - : - ~ - : - - - -
lTu tienes mascotas?
Yo no tengo mascotas, pero mi animal favorito es el /Ia
iEscribeme pronto!
iHablamos pronto! I iAdi6s!
Dear _________ I Hello!
Thank you for your letter and your photo.
How are you ? I'm fine I very well I not well.
I have_ sister(s) and_ brother(s).
My sister's name is ________ . She is __ years old. I
My brother's name is . He is __ years old. I
I'm an only child.
Do you have brothers and sisters?
I have a who is called
- - - ~ ~ - - - ---------
Helsheis _____ ~ ~ ~ - - - - -
Do you have a pet?
I don't have a pet, but my favourite animal is the
Write soon!
Talk soon! I Bye!
(your first name)

Extra vocabulary
Aqufesta ... Here is ...
Ttl. eres ... You are ...
Soy yo This is me /1 t' s me
mipadre my father
mi papa my dad
mimadre my mother
mimama my mum
mi madrastra my step-mother
mi padrastro my step-father
mi hermanastro my step-brother
mi hermanastra my step-sister
mi abuela my grandmother
mi abuelo my grandfather
mis padres adoptivos my foster parents
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Types of family
ungato a cat
unperro a dog
unpez a fish
unconejo a rabbit
unhamster a hamster
unpajaro a bird
unrat6n a mouse
uncaballo a horse
unacobaya a guinea pig
dulce sweet
gracioso(a) funny
irritante annoying
adorable adorable
juguet6n(ona) playful
There are many types of family. If you live with your grandparents or foster parents or
anybody else, you can say 'Vivo con '(I live with ____ _,
2. Dear ...
If your pen pal is a boy, you must translate 'Dear' to 'Querido '. If your pen pal is a girl, you
must translate 'Dear' to 'Querida'.
3. More than one brother and sister
For more than one brother, you can say:
Mis hennanos se llaman ____ y ___ _
(My brothers' names are and _____ .)
The same applies for more than one sister:
Mis hennanas se llaman ____ y ____ _
(My sisters' names are and _____ .)
4. More than one pet
If you have more than one pet, you can say:
Tengo 2 perros que se llaman ____ y ____ _
(I have 2 dogs who are called ____ and ____ .. )
Don't forget to make the animal plural. Most words are made plural by adding 's', such as:
Tengo 2 ratones, 3 conejos y 4 gatos
(I have 2 mice, 3 rabbits and 4 cats.)
The plural of 'pez' (fish) is 'peces'.
Tengo 2 peces.
(I have 2 fish.)
If you would like to describe your pets, then it is easiest to describe each pet individually:
Tengo 2 perros que se llaman Max y Molly. Max es juguet6n. Molly es adorable.
(I have 2 dogs called Max and Molly. Max is playful. Molly is adorable.)
5. Mi, mis
In Spanish, there are two ways to say 'my':
If the noun is singular, we use 'mi':
If the noun is plural, we use 'mis':
1ldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include photos of your family. You could
stick a photo to the back of your letter.
Draw a frame around your photo. Write
'Soy yo' and use an arrow to point to
yourself. For other members of your family,
write 'Es mi hermano' or 'Es mi padrastro' etc
and use arrows to point to the person in the
mis hermanos
mis hermanas
Es mi hermano.-----------
my brother
my sister
my brothers
my sisters
Soy yo.
(pueblo/ ciudad,)
Querido I Querida _____ I iHola!
Gracias por tu carta I tu foto I tus fotos.
lQue tal estcis? I lQue tal? Yo bien.
lTienes algun hobby? Yo juego al _________ I
yohago ________ _
Me encanta porque es divertidol relajantel
interesantel energeticol un deporte en g rupo. lY tU?
lA ti que te gusta?
De momento estoy leyendo '----------------------
Me gustaria aprender a------------------
En mi colegio el hobbie mcis popular es el ________________ _
" u.
iEscribeme pronto!
iHablamos pronto! I Tu amigo I amiga,
Hi there I Dear _____ _
Thank you for your letter I your photo I your photos.
How are you? I How are you? I'm fine.
Do you have hobbies? I play ________ I
I do ________ _
I love because it's fun I relaxing I interesting I
energetic I a team sport. How about you? What do you like?
I collect
At the moment, I'm reading '------------
I would like to learn to
In my school, the most popular hobby is ---------
How about you?
Write soon!
Talk soon! I Your friend,
(yaur first name)

Extra vocabulary
toco el piano
toco el violin
toco la flauta
toco la guitarra
juego al rutbol
juego al baloncesto
juego al rugby
juego al voleibol
juego al hockey
juego al golf
I play the piano
I play the violin
I play the flute
I play the guitar
I play football
I play basketball
I play rugby
I play volleyball
I play hockey
I play golf
juego con mi consola I I play on my
playstation playstation
juego al ordenador I play computer
juego a la petanca
hago ciclismo
hago gimnasia
hago atletismo
hago karate
hago equitaci6n/
monto a caballo
I play petanque
(game similar to
I cycle
I do gymnastics
I do judo
I do athletics
I do karate
I go horse riding
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Sports
jugar a ( + un deporte) - to play ( + a sport)
me gusta bastante
el arte
el teatro
mirar la tele
escuchar musica
ir al cine
los sellos
las mufiecas
las pegatinas
las monedas
los peluches
las cartas __ _
to play
to do
I don't like
I hate
I quite like
to swim
to read
to dance
to watch TV
to listen to music
to go to the
cuddly toys
In English, when we speak about playing sports we say 'I play football', 'I play volleyball', 'I
play hockey', etc.
In Spanisl\ when the sport is a masculine word, we say:
Juego a1 futb61. I play football.
When the sport is a feminine word, we say:
J uego a Ia petanca. I play petanque.
My hobbies!
2. Musical instruments
toco (un instrumento musical)- to play (a musical instrument)
When we speak about playing musical instruments, we say 'I play the piano', I play the
guitar', 'I play the violin', etc.
In Spanish when the musical instrument is a masculine word, we say:
Toco el piano. I play the piano.
When the musical instrument is feminine, we say:
Toco Ia guitarra. I play the guitar.
3. Me gusta ... - I like ...
You can use the noun or the verb to say you like something:
Me gusta la nataci6n. or
Me gusta la lectura or
Me gusta nadar.
Me gusta leer.
Me gusta el fdtbol. or
Me gusta el piano. or
Me gusta el judo. or
Me gusta jugar al futbol.
Me gusta tocar el piano.
Me gusta hacer judo.
Jldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include drawings, photos or magazine
cuttings of anything to do with your
hobbies, eg your favourite football team
your favourite singers or you practising
a hobby.
If you are interested in sports, here is
a football chant for the Spanish Real
Madrid team:
jHala Madrid, hala Madrid, el equipo
campe6n de primera division, hala
Madrid, hala Madrid, hala Madrid!
Querido I Querida ________ I iHola!
Gracias por tu carta./ Me puse muy contento/a al recibir tu cartao
lQue tal estcis? Yo bien/ muy bien/ genial.
Mi colegio se llama ______________ o Es
un internado mixto/ de chicas/ de chicoso Estoy en el curso
_______ y hay ninos en mi claseo Mi profesor
(numero) ,
I Mi profesora se llama o El /ella es
Llevo uniformeo I No llevo uniformeo lY tu?
Curso_"":""""':----:-_asignaturas: ______ ~ - : - - ~ : - - - - - - - -
(numero) (tus asignaturas)
Mi asignatura favorita es ----------porque es
------------o No me gusta _______ _
porque es --------o lCucil es tu asignatura favorita?
iEscribeme pronto!
iHasta pronto! I iAdi6s!
Dear _________ I Hello!
Thank you for your letter. I I was very happy to get your letter.
How are you? I'm fine I very well I great.
My school is called __________ . It's a
mixed I girls' I boys' I boarding school. I'm in year __ _
and there are----.,.--.......,.......,....---- in my class. My teacher's
name 1s ____________ . He I She is
I wear a uniform. I I don't wear a uniform. How about you?
I do subjects: - - - - - - - : - - - - - : - ~ - - - - - -
(number) (your subjects)
My favourite subject is-----------because it's
----------.I don't like--------
because it's--------. What's your favourite subject?
Write soon!
Goodbye! I Bye!
&Mi :olegio!

Extra vocabulary
me encanta I love lunes Monday
lo odio I hate martes Tuesday
el recreo break-time miercoles Wednesday
comida lunch jueves Thursday
(a mediodfa) viernes Friday
saba do Saturday
domingo Sunday
las materruiticas mathematics
lalengua language
lahistoria history porque because
la geograffa geography es it's
lamusica music interesante interesting
la educaci6n fisica PE aburrido(a) boring
la educaci6n plastica art and design dificil difficult
las ciencias science facil easy
el espaf\ol Spanish bueno(a) nice
el ingles English estricto(a) strict
la educaci6n para la citizenship gracioso(a) funny
cuidadania y and
la infol'll'Uitica ICT
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Spanish and British schools
Spanish and British schools have different names for the school years. Find the equivalent for
your year.
Colegio de Educaci6n Primaria-
Primary School
Spain UK Age
Segundo de Year 2 7--8
Prim aria
Tercero de Year 3 8-9
Prim aria
Cuarto de Year4 9-10
Prim aria
Quinto de Year 5 10-11
Prim aria
Sexto de Year 6 11-12
Prim aria
Colegio de Educaci6n Secundaria-
Secondary School
Spain UK Age
de laESO* Year7 12-13
2de laESO* YearS 13--14
3de laESO* Year9 14-15
4de laESO* Year 10 15--16
*ESO = Educaci6n Secundaria Obligatoria
'Profesor' is used for male teachers. 'Profesora' is used for female teachers.
3. Feminine adjedives
If you are describing a girl or w o r n a ~ you must make the adjective feminine by changing the' o'
at the end of the adjective to an 'a'.
El es estricto. I Ella es estricta. He is strict. I She is strict.
If the adjective already ends with an' e', we do not add an extra' e'.
El es interesante.l Ella es interesante. He is interesting. I She is interesting.
'Facil' and 'dificil' stay the same for both masculine and feminine.
4. Tu, tus
In Spanish, there are two ways to say 'your':
If the noun is singular, we use 'tu':
If the noun is plural, we use 'tus':
Jldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
tu desayuno
tus profesores
your breakfast
your teachers
Include your own timetable. Write each subject in a different colour. If you don't have a
timetable, ask your teacher. Here is an example from a Spanish school to help you do your
own: 'Aqui esta mi horario' ('Here is my timetable').
Horas Lunes Martes Mierroles Jueves Viernes
Lengua Matemati.cas Lengua Matemati.cas Lengua
Ingles Ed. Fisica Matemati.cas Ingles Ed. Fisica
Cto. Medio Ed. parala Ingles Lengua Cto. Medio
Rea eo
12,15 h- 13,15 h
Matemati.cas Lengua Informatica Milsica Matemati.cas
13,15h -14 h
Cto. Medio Cto. Medio Ed. parala Cto. Medio
Cto. Medio stands for 'Conocimento del Medio', which roughly translates as 'knowledge of
the world'. It includes science, geography and history.
Querido I Querida _____ I iHola!
Gracias por tu carta. I Me puse muy contentola al recibir tu carta.
Espero que estes bien. Yo estoy bien I mas o menos I genial.
lTu que comes? A mi me gusta ________ y
__________ . No me gusta ________ _
lQue te gusta beber? A mi me gusta ________ _
y ________ _
No me gust a _________ _
Aquien ___ ~ ~ ~ - - -
es un plato tradicional.
iEscribeme pronto!
Tu amigo I amiga,
(tu nombre)
Enjoy your meal!
Dear _________ I Hello!
Thank you for your letter. I I was very happy to get your letter.
I hope you are well. I'm fine I not bad I great.
What do you eat? I like ________ and
I don't like _________ _
What do you like to drink? I like _________ and
I don't like-------------
Here in
- - ~ c y - ~ - r c - ~ n ~ r r ~ ~ - - -
is a traditional dish.
Write soon!
Your friend,
(yaurfirst name)
&Que aprove.:he!

Extra vocabulary
el cafe
el te
el zumo de naranja
el agua
el chocolate caliente
la pina
la frambuesa
las uvas
el platano
las pasas
las patatas
la zanahoria
el br6coli
las espinacas
las coles de Bruselas
orange juice
hot chocolate
Brussels sprouts
el helado de vainilla
el helado de caramelo
el helado de fresa
los caramelos
los crepes
la tarta
el chocolate
el sandwich de queso
el sandwich de jam6n
el pure de patatas
la tortilla francesa
las patatas fritas
el quiche
la ham.burguesa
me gusta bastante
lo odio
vanilla ice-cream
caramel ice-cream
strawberry ice-
cheese sandwich
ham sandwich
mashed potatoes
chips I crisps
I love
I quite like
I hate
Yum yum!
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Your friend
'Tu amigo' or 'tu amiga'? If you are talking about a boy, you say 'tu amigo'. If you are talking
about a girl, you say'tu amiga'. We change the 'o' at the end to an'a' to make 'amigo' feminine.
2. Spanish dishes
The following are examples of traditional Spanish dishes:
Tortilla de patatas
Ajo blanco
Jldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include the recipe for the traditional dish
you have chosen. You can write this in
English, but look up the ingredients in a
bilingual dictionary and include a mini-
Design your perfect menu. Put it on
the back of your letter. Use the example
below to help you.
jAqui esta el menu ideal!
(Here is the ideal menu!)
Menu tfe
Lomo con yatatas
Pure deyatatas y
Coca cofa.
Zumo de naranja
J{e[acfo de cliocofate
J{e[ado de vainilfa
Querido I Querida ______ I i Hola!
Estaba encantadola al recibir tu carta. Muchisimas gracias.
lQue tal estcis? Yo estoy bien I muy bien.
lQue tal tu dia? Yo me despierto a lallas
____ . lAque
hora te despiertas tu? El colegio empieza a la/las __ _
lY tu colegio?
Como a lallas ____ y acabo el colegio a lallas ____ .. lY tU?
Ceno a I alias ______ y me voy a Ia cama a las
_______ . lA que hora te vas a dormir tu?
lCucil es tu estaci6n del ano favorita? Mi estaci6n favorita es
_______ porque me encanta ________ y
- - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - - -
(el tiempo)
iEscribeme pronto!
iHasta pronto! iAdi6s!
Hi there! I Dear _____ _
I was delighted to get your letter. Thank you very much.
How are you? I'm fine I great.
How is your day? I get up at a.m. What time do you get
up? School starts at a.m. What about your school?
I have lunch at p.m. and I leave school at
_____ p.m. How about you?
I have dinner at ______ and I go to bed at ____ _
What time do you go to bed?
What's your favourite season? My favourite season is
because I love
--------- ----------
and when it--------::-:---::--:------
(the =ther)
Write soon!
Talk soon! I Bye!
(your first name)

Extra vocabulary
yo tomo el desayuno I eat breakfast
salgo de casa I leave home
llego al colegio I get to school
yo duermo I sleep
yo hago actividades I do after-school
extracurriculares activities
yo veo la televisi6n I I watch TV
yo leo I read
hacebueno it's fine
hace sol it's sunny
esta nevando it's snowing
haceviento it's windy
hace calor it's hot
esta lloviendo it's raining
hace frio it's cold
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
primavera spring
verano summer
otono autumn
invierno winter
Navidad Christmas
las vacaciones the school holidays
Halloween Hallowe'en
Semana Santa Easter holidays
mi cumpleanos my birthday
iralaplaya to go to the beach
los colores oto:ii.ales autumn colours
los narcisos the daffodils
hacer un mufieco de to make a
nieve snowman
tener una pelea de to have a
bolas de nieve snowball fight
In English, we usually use am. and p.m. to differentiate between morning and evening.
In Spanish, it is more common to use the 24 hour clock.
1 a.m.= 1h 7 a.m.= 7h 1 p.m.= 13h 7p.m. = 19h
2a.m.= 2h 8a.m.= 8h 2 p.m.= 14h 8p.m. =20h
3a.m.= 3h 9a.m.= 9h 3p.m. = 15h 9p.m. =21h
4a.m. =4h 10a.m. = 10h 4p.m. = 16h 10p.m. = 22h
Sa.m. =5h 11 a.m.= llh Sp.m. = 17h 11 p.m.= 23h
6a.m. =6h 12 p.m.= 12h 6p.m. = 18h 12a.m. = 24h
In Spanish, the minutes go after the h (the hour), so:
&Ideas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Fill in the times in the following daily routine.
Yo me despierto a 1a I las .
Yo llego a1 colegio a la I las .
Yo salgo del colegio a 1a I las
Yo ceno ala I las
Yo desayuno a 1a /las
Yo como a 1a /las .
Yo hago mis actividades ala I las
Yo me duerm.o a la I las .
To make your daily routine more interesting, why not add speech bubbles.
You could fill them with comments such as:
(I'm happy!)
iEsta del icioso!
(It's delicious!)
iLiego tarde!
(I'm late!)
iEstoy cansado(a)!
(I'm tired!)
(puiblo/ ciudad) lfecha)
Querido I Querida _________ I iHola!
lQue tal estcis?
Yo bien, gracias. I Yo muy bien, gracias.
Vivo en ______ . Es un pueblo I una ciudad I Esta en
el campo. Es --------=--=,.....,.,......,....------- . Hay ____ _
(.Como es tu pueblo I ciudad?
En , hay una piscina I una bi blioteca I
( tu pueblo/ ciudad)
un supermercado I un hospital I un ayuntamiento I un cafe I un
restaurante I un cine I un colegio I un parque I una farmacia I una
carniceria I una panaderia I un castillo I un rio I una iglesia.
Cada ano en el mes de , celebramos
" u.
iEscribeme pronto!
iAdi6s!l Tu amigo I amiga,
I tenemos un carnaval.
I live!
Hello I Dear ________ _
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. I I'm great, thanks.
I live in _________ . It's a village I a town I a city I in
the country. It's ----......,......,,.......,..,....,....------ . There are __ _
inhabitants. What's your town I your village like?
In---:----:--':""""'::"---:----- , there is a swimming pool I a library I
(yaur town/ village)
a supermarket I a hospital I a town hall I a cafe I a restaurant I a
cinema I a school I a park I a pharmacy I a butcher I a bakery I a
castle I a river I a church.
Every year in the month of _________ , we celebrate
I we have a carnival.

How about you?
Write soon!
Goodbye! I Bye! I Your friend,
(yaur first name)
Voc:abulario adic:ional
Extra vocabulary
un estadio
una tienda
una oficina de correos
una pista de hielo
una estaci6n de tren
un aeropuerto
ruidoso( a)
bonito( a)
precioso( a)
bonito( a)
a bank
a stadium
a shop
a museum
the post office
a market
an ice rink
a street
a train station
an airport
a factory
nice (for things)
nice (for people)
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
encima de I en
una isla
una feria
El Af\o Nuevo
Dia de San Jorge
Martes de Carnaval
Dia de San Andres
Primero de mayo
Procesi6n de Semana
1. Prepositions to describe where you live
an island
by the beach
a fair
the Chinese New
Saint George's
Pancake Day
Saint Andrew's
Easter parade
You can give a clearer idea of where you live by using prepositions, for example:
Esta cerca de Leeds I Manchester I Lond:res I Stonehenge.
(It's near Leeds I Manchester I London I Stonehenge.)
Esta en la playa.
(It's by the beach.)
Esta en una isla.
(It's on an island.)
Esta en la Isla de ____ .
(It's on the Isle of ____ .)
I live!
2. Adjedives
You can also use adjectives to describe buildings and public places. Adjectives go after the
noun in Spanish. For example:
un museo bonito
una piscina pequefia
un estadio grande
una iglesia grande
3. Plurals
a nice museum
a small swimming pool
a big stadium
a big church
In Spanish, we usually put an fs' on the end of the noun to make it plural. For example:
Hay un restaurante.
Hay restaurantes.
Hay una iglesia.
Hay iglesias.
There is a restaurant.
There are restaurants.
There is a church.
There are churches.
4. Famous for anythingl
If the area where you live is famous or known for anything such as a market, a sporting event,
a famous person, a particular type of food or an historical event, you can say:
----:--"""'7"""':--:----es conocido por --------
(tu ciuda&O
( _______ is famous/known for------.)
(your town)
1ldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include tourist
guides or
brochures of your
or county.
Draw a plan of your town/ village or an area of where you
live. Label your plan in Spanish.
u n l ~
"-j Yo vivo a qui!
iHola! I Querido I Querida _______ _
lQue tal estcis? Yo Bien I no muy bien. Muchas gracias por tu carta.
lTe gusta Ia moda? Adoro Ia moda I Odio Ia moda.
En el fin de semana, me gusta llevar _______ y
_______ .Megusta laropa ____
lY tu?
Llevo un uniforme al colegio. Es obligatorio. I No llevo uniforme.
lTu llevas uniforme?
Yo llevo un jersey ---"":"""":"'-:----- I un pantal6n
---7"""':""":------ I una camisa ---'7"""";"""-:---- I una
(color) (color)
falda --":"""":""":----I un vestido I una corbata
(color) --
-----:-""":"""":-- I un chcindal I unos zapatos
(color) (color)

iEscribeme pronto!
Tu amigo(a) I iHasta pronto! I Con amor,
Hello I Dear ________ _
How are you? I'm fine I not very well.
Thanks a lot for your letter.
Do you like fashion? I love /hate fashion.
At the weekend, I like to wear _________ and
______ . I like clothes. How about you?
I wear a uniform to school. It's compulsory. I I don't wear a
uniform. Do you wear a uniform?
I wear a --"""7"""";'----:--- jumper I --"""7"""";'----:--- trousers I a
(colour) (colour)
shirt I a __ """":""""---:-__ skirt I a
--"""7"""";'----:--- dress I a --"""7"""':---:--- tie I a
(colour) (colour)
tracksuit I shoes.

, isn't it?
Write soon!
Your friend I Talk soon! I Love,
(your first name)
&La ropa!

Extra vocabulary
grande big
pequefio(a) small
largo( a) long
corto(a) short
pasado(a) de moda old-fashioned
rojo(a) red
naranja orange
amarillo( a) yellow
verde green
rosa pink
azul blue
morado(a) purple
negro( a) black
marr6n brown
blanco( a) white
gris grey
azul marino navy
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Adjective agreement
unos vaqueros
unas zapatillas de
de porte
un vestido
una gorra de beisbol
una chaqueta
de colores vivos
precioso( a)
a veces
a sweater
a dress
a scarf
a baseball cap
a jacket
a hat
a coat
a shirt
a jersey
brightly coloured
Colours are adjectives, so they need to agree with the noun they are describing.
If the noun is masculine, you need to use the masculine form of the colour:
un jersey rojo
un vestido negro
a red jumper
a black dress
If the noun is feminine, you need to use the feminine form of the colour:
una bufanda roj a
una camisa morada
a red scarf
a purple shirt
Many colour words in Spanish stay the same, whether the word they are describing is
masculine or feminine. For example:
un vestido naranja
una bufanda naranja
un abrigo rosa
una camiseta rosa
2. Plural
an orange dress
an orange scarf
a pink coat
a pink T -shirt
If the noun is plural, you must change the colour to its plural form:
dos pantalones verdes
seis jerseys azules
cuatro zapatos grises
unos zapatos negros
two pairs of green trousers
six blue jerseys
four grey shoes
some black shoes
1ldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Mi ropa favorita (My favourite outfit)
Draw your favourite outfit on your letter or include a photo of you wearing your favourite
outfit, sports gear or uniform.
(ptublo/ciudad) (fecha)
iHola! I Querido I Querida _______ _
Muchas gracias por tu carta. Estoy encantado(a) de haberla recibido.
Espero que todo te vaya bien.
Yo vivo en un I una ----,..,.,....--,....---...,......----- . Hay __ _
(tipo de msa)
habitaciones. Hay _______ _
_________ y ________ _
Yo tengo mi propio cuarto. I Yo comparto mi cuarto con
------------.En mi cuarto, hay
________ y _______ _
Tambien tenemos un jardin I balc6n con
iEscribeme pronto y describeme tu casa!
iAdi6s! I iHasta pronto! I Tu amigo(a),
Hello I Dear ________ _
Thank you for your letter. I was delighted to get it.
I hope you are well.
I live in a I an-------:-____,.,....---,....------. There are ___ rooms.
(type of hause)
There is
and _______ __
I have my own bedroom. I I share my bedroom with
_________ .In my bedroom, there is _____ __
________ and _______ _
We also have a ________ garden I balcony with
Write soon and describe your house!
Bye! I Talk soon! I Your friend,
(yau r first name)
Voc:abulario adic:ional
Extra vocabulary
unsotano abasement
unacocina a kitchen
unsalon a sitting-room
un dormitorio a bedroom
unaoficina an office
un cuarto de juegos a playroom
un bafio a bathroom
un atico an attic
ungaraje a garage
uncomedor a dining room
unacama abed
una mesilla de noche a bedside table
una tele a TV
una television a television
unarmario a wardrobe
una alfombra a rug
un reproductor de CD a CD player
unac6moda a chest of drawers
unp6ster a poster
una estanterfa a set of shelves
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Plurals
mihermana my sister
mis hermanas my sisters
mihermano my brother
mis hermanos my brothers
grande big
pequefio(a) small
una flor a flower
los columpios swings
unarbol a tree
una anilla de a basketball ring
unacasa a house
un apartamento an apartment
una caravana a caravan
una casa flotante a houseboat
If you have more than one of a certain room or piece of furniture, do not forget to make the
noun plural. For example:
Hay un dormitori.o.
Hay 4 dormitories.
Hay un poster.
Hay p6sters.
There is 1 bedroom.
There are 4 bedrooms.
There is a poster.
There are posters.
2.1 or a
The number'1' and the word 'a are both translated into 'un' or'una', so
There is 1 bedroom.
There is a bedroom.
There is 1 television.
There is a television.
Hay un dormitorio.
Hay una television.
1ldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include a photo or drawing
of your house or apartment
Mi dormitorio (my bedroom) I Mi dormitorio ideal (my ideal
Draw a plan of your bedroom or of your ideal bedroom.
una mestlla de noche
un reproductor
de CD
una alfombra
&La Navidad aqui!
(pueblo/ciudad) (fecha)
Querido I Querida _________ I iHola!
Gracias por tu carta. I Me puse muy contento(a) al recibir tu carta.
Espero que estes bien. Yo estoy bien lmuy bien I genial.
A mi me encantal A mi me gusta Ia Navidacl. lY a ti'?
En muchas fami lias celeb ran Ia Navidad.
Los ninos dejan sus calcetines en Ia chimenea y Papa Noelles deja
En el dia de Navidad ceno con . Comemos
_____________ .lY tu'? Despues de cenar, tiramos de los
Esta Navidad, me gustaria - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - . lY a
(un regalo)
iFeliz Navidad y Pr6spero Ano Nuevo!
Tu amigo(a),
Christmas here!
Thank you for your letter. I I was very happy to get your letter.
I hope you are well. I'm fine I very well I great.
I love I I like Christmas. How about you?
In-------:------:--:------ many families celebrate Christmas. The
(yuu r country)
children leave stockings on the chimney. Father Christmas leaves
presents in them.
On Christmas Day, I have dinner with . We
eat . How about you? After dinner, we pull
This Christmas, I would l i k e - - - ~ ~ - - . - - - - - - . How about
(a present)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Your friend,
(your first name)
&La Navidad aqui!

Extra vocabulary
Nochebuena Christmas Eve
un belen the crib
un arbol de Navidad a Christmas tree
los adornos
las guirnaldas
una estrella
a star
a present
un monopatin a skateboard
un juego de ordenador a video game
un ordenador a computer
unCD aCD
un telefono m6vil
una bici (bicicleta)
unos patines
un libro
un juego de mesa
mis abuelos
mis primos
a mobile phone
a bike
roller blades
a book
aboard game
my mother
my father
my sister
my brother
my grandparents
my cousins
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
1. Christmas cards
en Inglaterra
en Gales
el pavo
las patatas asadas
las zanahorias
las coles de Bruselas
un 'mince pie' (una
un pudding de
Navidad (tarta con
pasas yron)
in England
in Ireland
in Scotland
in Wales
roast potatoes
Brussels sprouts
a mince pie
a Christmas
soft nougat
In Spain, some people send Christmas cards, but they aren't as popular as in the United
2. Stockings for Santa I
In Spain, children don't leave out stockings at Christmas. On the 6th of January, Spanish people
celebrate Kings Day (Reyes). Children leave out water and food for the three wise men (kings)
and their camels. They leave a shoe for the three kings to fill up with presents.
3. Crackers
Pulling crackers is not a Spanish tradition.
&Ideas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Christmas here!
Although sending Christmas cards isn't as popular in Spain as it is in the United Kingdom
you could make a card to send to your pen pal. Write a greeting such as:
Feliz N avidad y Pr6spero Ano Nuevo
(Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)
As most Spanish people don't usually know about Christmas crackers, you could make one
for your pen pal. You will need:
+ a toilet paper tube
+ c r ~ e paper
+ aribbon
+ goodies such as sweets, a paper hat, a small toy
Don't put a snapper in as it is illegal to post them overseas.
+ Fill the tube with some goodies.
+ Wrap the tube in the c r ~ p e paper.
+ Gather the ~ p e paper at both ends of the tube and
tie with the ribbon.
+ As your pen pal may not know what to do with
the cracker, include the following instructions:
Dos personas co gen. cada uno de un lado y tiran. La
persona con la mayor parte se queda con el regalo.
(Two people hold an end each and pull. The
person with the biggest piece gets to keep the
Querido I Querida ______ I iHola!
Gracias por tu cartao Me encant6 tu cartao iMuchas gracias!
Las vacaciones de verano van a llegaro ________ _
Cuando pienso en las vacaciones, pienso en _______ _
__________ y _________ __
lEn que piensas?
En --------,----,------- , me voy a
- - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - c o n
o lY 11.1?
(pais o ciudad)
------------I me quedo en casa para relajarmeo
lY tu? lTe vas de vacaciones?
Tambien voy a ____ -::---"""":""'"""'l"""":"" _______ _
(haz una actividad)
lTu que vas a hacer este verano?
Hoy hace ----------------- 0 lQue tal estci el tiempo por ahi?
iEscribeme pronto!
iHasta pronto! Tu amigo(a),
Dear I Hi!
Thank you for your letter. I I loved your letter. Thank you!
The summer holidays are coming. ______________ _
When I think of the holidays, I think of ______ _
___________________ and ______________ . How about
you? What do you think of?
In - - - - - - - - - - - : - ~ ~ - - - - - - - , I'm going
(mont IV
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - : - - - " " " " : " " " " ~ " " " " : " " ' " " - - - - - - - - - - - with
(to a cauntry/ a town)
------------------I I'm going to relax at home.
How about you? Are you going on holiday?
I'm also going to -----------;-;------:-...-.:-:----------- . What are you
(riD an activity)
going to do this summer?
Today, it's------------. What's the weather like over there?
Write soon!
Talk soon! I Your friend,
(your first name)
&Vaaadones de verano!
Voc:abulario adic:ional
Extra vocabulary
jFenomenal! Great!
jFantastico! Fantastic!
jMaravilloso! Wonderful!
jYupi! Yippee!
laplaya beach
el sol sun
levantarse tarde to lie in
un castillo de arena sandcastle
elmar sea
un picnic picnic
unhelado ice cream
mi familia my family
mis padres my parents
mis abuelos my grandparents
mis primos my cousins
Puntos adic:ionales
Extra points
ira un campamento
de verano
una colonia de
jugar al fU.tbol
jugar al baloncesto
ir a clases de
ir a montar a caballo
jugar juegos
ir de camping
hace buen tiempo
hace sol
esta lloviendo
hace calor
hace frio
hace viento
1. Exclamation points and question marks
to go to a summer
a holiday camp
to play football
to play basketball
to go to Spanish
to go horse riding
to play games
to go camping
it's fine
it's sunny
it's raining
it's hot
it's cold
it's windy
In Spanish the exclamation points and question marks are put in twice, once at the beginning
and then at the end. The punctuation at the start of the sentence is upside down. This is often
2. When does 'tu' need an accent'l
When 'tu' is used to refer to a person (for example: l Y tu? How about you?), there is an accent
on the 'u'. However, if 'tu' is referring to 'your' (for example: tu carla), the 'tu' does not need
an accent as it is does not refer to a person.
Jldeas adic:ionales!
Extra ideas I
Include a map of Europe. Use arrows to point to countries you would like to visit:
Aqui estein los paises que me gustaria visitar.
(Here are the countries I would like to visit.)
If you have visited some of these countries, you can say:
Aqui estein los paises que he visitado.
(Here are the countries I have visited.)

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