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Opening in the Base of Skull


Olfactory n. Anterior Cranial Fossa Perforation in cribriform Ethmoid plate Middle Cranial Fossa Optic Canal Lesser wing of Sphenoid Superior Orbital fissure Btwn lesser & greater wings of Sphenoid Foramen Rotundum Foramen Ovale Foramen Spinosum Foramen Lacerum

Greater wing Sphenoid Greater wing of Mandibular div. of Trigeminal n. Sphenoid Lesser petrosal n. Greater wing of Middle meningeal a. Sphenoid Btwn petrous part of ICA temporal & sphenoid

Optic n. Ophtalmic a. Nerves: Lacrimal, Frontal, Trochler, Oculomotor,Nasociliary, Abducent Vein : Ophthalmic v. of Maxillary div. of Trigeminal n.

Posterior Cranial Fossa Foramen Magnum Occipital Hypoglosssal Canal Jugular Foramen Internal Acoustic Meatus

Medulla oblongata Spinal part of accessory n. Rt & lf Vertebral a. Occipital Hypoglossal n. Btwn petrous part of Nerves: Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, temporal & condylar Accessory part of occp. Sigmoid sinus become IJV Petrous part of Vestibulocochlear n. temporal Facial n.

Cranial Nerves NERVES

I Olfactory

Sensory Sensory Motor Smell


Cribriform plate ethmoid Optic canal SO fissure of

II Optic III Oculomotor

Vision Muscles of eye (extrinsic) *exp SO, LR

IV Trochlear V Trigeminal Ophtalmic V1 Maxillary V2 Mandibular V3

Motor Sensory

-lift upper eyelid -rotate eyeball sup, med, inf -constrict pupil Sup. Oblique -rotate eyeball inf, lat Cornea, skin forehead, scalp, eyelid, nose, mucous nasal cav, paranasal sinus Skin ( face over max & upper lip), max. teeth, mucosa nose, max air sinuses, palate Skin over mand, lower lips, side head Mand teeth, TMJ, mucosa of mouth, ant 2/3 mouth Mastication m., mylohyoid, ant digastric, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani Lateral rectus -rotate eyeball laterally Muscle expression, scalp, stapedius(mid ear), stylohyoid, post digastrics Taste ant 2/3 tongue, palate, floor mouth Submand g, sublingual g, lacrimal g, nose & palate g. Semicircular duct - Position & head movement Spiral organ - hearing

SO fissure SO fissure F. rotundum F. ovale

Sensory Motor

VI Abducent VII Facial 6 branches Chorda tympani

Motor Motor Sensory Parasympathe tic secremotor

SO fissure Stylomastoid foramen IAM/facial canal/petro-tympanic fiss.

VIII Vestibulocochlear Vestibular Cochlear IX Glossopharyngeal

Special sensory Motor Parasympathe tic Visceral Sensory Special sensory Motor Sensory

Internal AM

Stylopharyngeus m (swallowing) Parotid g. Jugular Foramen Carotid sinus, carotid body, parotid g, mid ear, pharynx Post. 1/3 tongue, pharynx Constrictor m (pharynx) Intrinsic m (larynx), trachea, Jugular Foramen bronchi, heart, alimentary tract, liver, pancreas Taste ( epiglottis, palate) M. soft palate, pharynx, larynx CSM, trapezius Jugular Foramen


XI Accessory Cranial root Spinal root


XII Hypoglossal


Tongue muscles ( shape & Hypoglossal canal movement) *exp : platoglossus

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