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Personality Disorders and False Claims of Abuse

Close the doors to Janus' temple and step into the light.
This page was last updated on Friday, April 20, 2012

Mental Health authorities in the United States recognizes ten personality disorders. This paper briefly describes five personality disorders as they may relate to false allegations of domestic violence and abuse. My experience suggests that these disorders are a significant factor in these incidents. However, untreated Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other illness can be a factor in these incidents. Psychological projection is a common behavior of guilt and the antifeminists call it blaming the victim when the victim is actually the perpetrator. Its definition appears in the main index of my web site. For an example, Mary abuses Bob but she says that Bob abuses her. An explanation of psychological projection appears in the abuse index (abindex.htm) of this web site.
This paper is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. Individuals should seek the help of a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist when they believe that they or another person may have a mental health problem.

The Personality Disorders

A personality disorder is a pattern of persistent antisocial behavior that adversely affects oneself and others. The literature on personality disorders is not definitive and mental health practitioners may observe behaviors common to more than one disorder. Diagnosis is made by exclusion of other disorders and factors (such as substance abuse). Some texts mention the lack of empathy (the ability to share and understand

another's feelings, thoughts, or emotions) as one of the defining features of a particular disorder. Some abusive individuals understand the pain and emotional distress they inflict on others. Such persons feed on the distress they cause and derive pleasure from it. Another point is that there is very little evidence that low self-esteem leads to violence. The low self-esteem theories run counter to what we know about aggressive initiators of abuse. Persons with high selfesteem tend to be more violent and aggressive. They are often able to persuade others to do their bidding while they sit on the sidelines and enjoy the spectacle. No one knows what causes most personality disorders. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) contains a standard classification of mental disorders. This manual, published in 1994, is not the current edition. The current edition (DSM-IV-TR), published in 2000, corrects errors and reflects updates to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) adopted by the United States Government. Here is a summary of five personality disorders with some links to government sites. General Information

Antisocial Personality Disorder The incidence of this disorder is higher in individuals who have an antisocial biological parent. Persons with this disorder usually have a history of antisocial behavior before age 15 such as repetitive lying, delinquency, truancy, and substance abuse. This disorder occurs more often in persons whose predominate role mode had antisocial traits. Symptoms include:

instability, physical aggression, lacking remorse superficial charisma, selfishness, and arrogance repetitive lying and empty flattery lack of regard for society's expectations manipulative and unlawful behavior promiscuity substance abuse (inherited?)

Genetic inheritance may have some effect on the development of this disorder but research has not established how this may occur. Children who live with others who have antisocial personality traits or other personality disorders are more likely to acquire this disorder. Therefore, removing children from this environment could help in staving off the onset of this disorder. Some children are born addicted because their mother used illicit drugs and these children had no way of escaping their mothers drug use. Prompt intervention is required. As time passes, treatment options are more limited and a favorable outcome is less likely.

Borderline Personality Disorder Researchers are examining the effects of childhood abandonment, abuse, and disruptive family life. Women are three times more likely than men to have this disorder. A child is 5 times more likely to acquire this disorder when one parent has it. Symptoms include:

impulsiveness about money, sexual intercourse (promiscuity), binge eating, reckless driving, or theft abuses alcohol, drugs, or sleeping medications unpredictable actions unstable relationships erratic mood swings frequent and inappropriate displays of anger self inflicted injuries suicide gestures dissatisfaction and feelings of boredom may exhibit other traits associated with antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic personality disorders.

Interdisciplinary studies show that early childhood maltreatment appears to contribute to the onset of this disorder in some individuals. Those studies have revealed malformation and abnormal activity in areas of the brain. Those who have BPD may also frequently suffer from anxiety and severe depression. Psychotherapy combined with antidepressants and other medications may significantly improve the patient's behavior and mood. Treatment options are dependent upon the severity of the disorder and the will of the patient to improve. Due to the nature of this disorder, the

prospect of improved outcome is not promising in highly affected individuals. "Girl, Interrupted" (Columbia Pictures, 1999) is a true story of a young woman's stay at a psychiatric hospital. Psychiatrists diagnosed the woman as having Borderline Personality Disorder. She eventually recovers but first she has to confront the person within her. This is an excellent work but due its intensity, I do not recommend its viewing by children under 18.

Histrionic Personality Disorder No one knows what causes this disorder but learned behavior and possibly genetic inheritance are thought to play a role in this disorder. This personality disorder is more often diagnosed in women. Though people with this disorder are successful socially and at work, they are unable to cope with their disappointment when romantic or intimate relationships end. They tend to over dramatize and blame others for their disappointment. Symptoms include:

rapidly shifting emotions with shallow facial expressions low tolerance for delayed gratification a need to be the center of attention exaggerated emotions excessive dramatics constantly seeks approval reacts to criticism with anger or rage obsessed with personal appearance inappropriately seductive in behavior or appearance

Medication does not affect this personality disorder. Medication can be used to treat depression and anxiety disorders that may be evident. - A real example.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Narcissistic individuals are extremely self-centered and are preoccupied with their own abilities appearance, comfort, and importance. Very few narcissists seek help. Researchers believe that the onset of this disorder occurs in early adulthood. Symptoms include:

pretentious sense of self-importance selfish exaggerates achievements and talents preoccupied with personal fantasies requires constant and unreasonable attention and admiration takes advantage of others to achieve their own goals treats others who do not please them with scorn or anger reacts to criticism with anger or rage cannot or will not empathize with others insincere comments and behavior lying and destruction of property interferes with relationships between others.

Narcissists are very manipulative and clever. Some are addicted to the upset that they cause in others. Due to this addiction, the prospect of improved outcome for these individuals is poor. Otherwise, the possibility of a positive outcome varies with the severity of the disorder. "A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story" is a true story about a California woman who has narcissistic personality disorder. This woman was accusative, manipulative, and violent. For several years she harassed and stalked her ex-husband and his wife. She claimed that the couple were abusing her but she was destroying their property and peace of mind. She bought a gun, took shooting lessons, and practiced at a shooting range. Then one night, she entered the couple's home and cold bloodedly murdered them in their sleep. She steadfastly claims that she had planned to commit suicide that night, an act that narcissist's rarely do, but ran out of bullets. She fired three bullets into her ex-husband and two bullets into his wife. Then, she ripped the telephone from its jack so that no one could use it to call for help. - A real example.

Paranoid Personality Disorder No one knows what causes this disorder but its incidence is higher in families where schizophrenia is present. People with this personality disorder are suspicious of others and they are usually unable to acknowledge their negative feelings towards others. Symptoms include:

poor self esteem poor sense of humor detachment social isolation inability to collaborate concern with hidden motives suspicious of others expects to be exploited by others hostility

People with paranoid personality disorder generally do not lose touch with reality. They tend to avoid people and some are prone to violence a. Treatment can be difficult when the person is suspicious of a physician's motives. Without treatment, this disorder will become chronic and disabling. Medications and therapy are very effective in treating this disorder.

Schizoid Personality Disorder Schizoid Personality Disorder - is a pervasive detachment from others characterized by impassiveness and indifference in social settings. This individual:

wants to be alone, they avoid close relationships, they avoid having sexual experiences, they have few, if any, pleasurable activities, they are indifferent to either criticism or praise, they can be cold, impassive, or stoic, and they are often restrained and detached.

This disorder does not occur exclusively during schizophrenia or a mood disorder with psychotic features or another psychotic disorder or a pervasive developmental disorder. Moreover, it is not caused by the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition. Schizoid personality disorder: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia (Same article and address as above)

Sadistic Personality Disorder According to the literature, Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD) only appeared in the appendix of the revised edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R). The most current version, DSM-IV, does not include SPD because it is not now regarded to be a valid diagnostic category. One reason for this is that this disorder is identified by behaviors that also occur in other personality disorders. So in this sense, SPD is unique in that it affects only a few individuals. The problem is that current literature (2011) does not quantify SPDs prevalence among a sufficiently large population. Other authors have raised the concern that sadistic personalities are most often male and any such diagnosis might have the paradoxical effect of legally excusing cruel behavior (my emphasis added). About 75 percent of the borderline personalities are female and those who engage in illegal conduct are routinely excused by the courts for their own illegal behavior. According to the available literature, sexual sadism that "causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning" is still in DSM-IV. Sexual Personality Disorder is the repeated occurrence of four of the following behaviors:

blames others for their own acts. demeans or humiliates people in the presence of others. destroys or steals property. lies for the sole purpose of harming others and inflicting pain. restricts the autonomy (sovereignty) of family members. A husband cannot leave the house without his wifes permission.

uses intimidation to get others to do what they want. uses physical cruelty or violence to establish dominance in a relationship. takes pleasure in inflicting psychological or physical suffering of others including animals. treats their spouse and other persons harshly. violence, weapons, and torture become an obsession. kills pets and other animals for self-satisfaction and it is also a threat. Sexual Sadism is any behavior defining behavior (above) directed toward a person for the sole purpose of sexual arousal.

Sexual Sadism is any behavior (above) directed toward another person that results in sexual arousal and may include sexual-climax. Although sexual sadism may include an actual act of sadism, it is often expressed as a false allegation to maintain the illusion of victimization when, in fact, they are the abusers. This is only one of several connections between egoism, narcissism, and sexual sadism.

Sexual Sadism
The DSM contains a standard classification of mental disorders to be used by health care professionals in the United States. Moreover, it is supposed to be used for the collection of accurate public health care statistics and to provide accurate diagnostic criteria. The problem is that Sadistic Personality Disorder was removed from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and some people regard that removal as a mistake. So the problem is deciding whether Sadistic Personality Disorder is a variation of an existing disorder or should it be classified as a separate and distinct syndrome that is similar to narcissism. In the past, many researchers had believed that narcissism was mostly a benign character flaw characterized by an individuals superior view of themselves. Their view was wrong because most narcissistic individuals are very manipulative and clever and sadism simply takes these behaviors to a higher level of self indulgement. Sadistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pattern of gratuitous cruelty, aggression, and demeaning behaviors which indicate the existence of deep-seated contempt for other people and a total lack of empathy. Some sadists are actually actors who create their moods and explosive violence to establish a position of dominance within a relationship.

Moreover, they rarely use physical force themselves but instead use others to carry out their intentions. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Tomas de Torquemada (1420-1498) shared this trait with others who collectively tortured and murdered millions over the centuries. Sexual Sadism is often misattributed to the Donatien Alphonse Francois, the Marquis de Sade when actually, he was held in several prisons and in an insane asylum for 32 years. De Sade was appalled by the Reign of Terror (1793) and he publically denounced Maximilien Rospespierre. As a result, De Sade was accused of the crimes of heresy and modernism and imprisoned for more than a year. The word heresy refers to an opinion or a doctrine that is contrary to current accepted beliefs or standards. On the other part, modernism is simply a break with the past in a search for new or better ways of expression. The Gothic Novels and Role Playing This style of fiction is usually set in desolate or remote setting such as a remote castle, a hotel, or an old New England home. These settings are often used to provide the backdrop for strange and macabre incidents with the purpose of producing a thrilling response. So these settings give women a chance to experience situations that may not be realistic, but are nonetheless desirable because a womans sexuality and urges are often strongly driven by her mind and imagination. Many women call this genre the 'hump' novels. It is the excitement and pleasure that she is in the complete domination over another person. That is the essence of her sadistic drive. It is to sink into the overwhelming fantasy of her own making. So sexual sadism is a persistent pattern of abuse to become sexually aroused by causing another persons suffering. Francois (the Marquis) produced many essays, plays, and short stories, and novels. His more popular novels include Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue and Philosophy in the Bedroom. But his '120 Days of Sodom' was so controversial that it was not published until 1904, 90 years after his death. His works are now often used to illustrate certain facets of abnormal psychology. Pulp fiction and 'hump' novels are created to appeal to a womans prurient interests. This is why many women falsely claim rape, spousal abuse, or child abuse because it is sexually gratifying and it is safe. So this paper is not about De Sade or 'hump' novels, it about sexual sadism and its role in false allegations of rape and spousal abuse. Paraphilia Paraphilia is a pattern of recurring sexually arousing mental imagery or behavior that involves unusual and especially socially unacceptable sexual

practices such as pedophilia or sexual sadism. Some texts stress the importance of distinguishing Sadism and Sexual Sadism because sadism does not necessarily include a sexual context. While both are related and are meant to degrade the victim, sexual sadism does not necessarily require physical contact. In this context, sexual sadism refers to the derivation of sexual pleasure through voyeurism, false allegations, and other offenses.

The Mood Disorders

Sometimes a person may be afflicted by a personality disorder and a mood disorder and this is why I wrote about them: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia. Bipolar Disorder is characterized by periods of depression followed by periods of mania. In the hyperactive state, the symptoms include an overly-inflated self-esteem arising from unrealistic beliefs in one's own abilities or powers, and racing thoughts sometimes expressed by very rapid speaking, excessive irritability, and mania. Please see the essay on mood disorders for more information and additional references. (Mood Disorders)

From this Website False allegations and Child Sexual Abuse False allegations and Parental Alienation Syndrome.

From Government Publications False allegations and Borderline Personality Disorder False allegations and Histrionic Personality Disorder False allegations and Narcissistic Personality Disorder Information on Bipolar Disorder from the National Institute of Mental Health.

Information on Depression from the National Institute of Mental Health.

Other Sources
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th edition, text revised. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 2000. Bipolar Disorder, Francis Mark Mondimore, M.D.

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