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Intro to Biology: Biology, The Science of Life

I. What is Alive?
6 Characteristics 1. Order -all living things made of one or more cells -cells are the basic unit of life 2. Response -exhibit sensitivity -response to stimuli ex. pupil dilation, plants grow to light (phototropism), blinking 3. Growth and Development -Reproduction -DNA common hereditary molecule 4. Use of Energy -uptake and transformation A. Photosynthesis -green Plants -[sunlight + water + CO2] -> [O2 + sugars] B. Respiration -all living things -[oxygen + sugars] -> [ATP + water + C02] 5. Homeostasis -maintaining constant internal conditions -behaviorally or biologically ex. temperature, water balance, 02/C02 6. Adaptation -change in response to environmental conditions ex. thorns, stalks instead of leaves, desert organisms minimize water loss Hierarchy of Life Atoms > Molecules > Cellular Organelles > Cells > Tissues > Organs > Organ Systems > Organism > Biosphere

II. Cells
Intro -0-100 millionths of 1 meter (10-100 micrometers) -Microscopes invented in mid 17th century History -1590: Zachariah Jansen -compound (2 lens) microscope -1665: Robert Hooke -cork -first to see dead cells called cellulae (small rooms) for little compartments -1650-1700: Anton von Leewoenhoek (Loovinhok) -Lens x200, x300 -First to examine living cells, pond water, sperm, blood -Used animacules (little animals) in pond water -single-celled organisms -1707-1778: Carolus Linnaeus -Founder of taxonomy -classification system for all living organisms -1838: Matthias Schleiden -botanist, plant observations -cell theory -all plants made of cells -1839: Theodor Schwann -biologist -cell theory -all animals made of cells -1855: Rudolf Virchow -cell theory -all cells arise from preexisting cells (by cell division) Cell Theory 1. All organisms made of cells 2. Cells are the basic unit of life 3. Cells come from other preexisting cells Two major types 1. Prokaryotes -1 kingdom -nucleoid- DNA in central area -no membrane-bound organelles -cell walls 2. Eukaryotes -all other kingdoms -DNA in chromosomes in nucleus -many membrane-bound organelles -Plants and fungi have cell walls Differentiation

*Intro -cells develop along different pathways and express different genes -every cell in an organism has all the same DNA, only some cells express different genes within that genome -once the developmental pathway of a cell is started then it is usually fixed. *Stem cells -can renew and differentiate -only used for limited repair -area of rapid development -ex. -human embryos -some found in skin, liver, bone marrow -cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells -can become any blood cell type -used to treat some leukemias -chemo to kill cells that over-produce white blood cells then introduce cord blood to blood stream of patient

III. Taxonomy
-Currently 1.5 x 10^6 identified species Importance 1) common names useless -ex. panther, puma, mountain lion, cougar= Felis concolor 2) shows evolutionary relationships -ex. bears, raccoons, sloths 3) enables predictions of characteristics shared by members of group -ex. new primate discovered expect diagnostic char. 4) ID of organisms by organizing: a) ecological data -where they are found b) anatomical data -how they look c) physiological data -how they maintain homeostasis, how they are, etc. d) molecular data -DNA & protein specifically -proteins: cytochrome C -has 104 amino acids, found in mitochondria -consider differences in amino acids -humans vs. chimps= 0 -humans vs. dogs= 13 -humans vs. snakes= 20 -humans vs. tuna= 33 Hierarchy- KPCOFGS 1) Prokaryotae -Monera (bacteria) -Hetero and Autotrophs A. Archae bacteria -primitive -extremophiles -halo- (salt conditions) -thermo- (temperature) -do not need o2 B. Eubacteria -most bacteria -some parasites but all modes of nutrition 2) Protoctista -Protists -eukaryotes, most unicellular -hetero and autotrophs -ex. algae, amoeba, ciliates, diatoms 3) Fungi -Eukaryotes- most multicellular -heterotrophic -acquire food by absorption -if cell wall is present, made of chitin (exoskeleton) -ex. yeast, mushrooms, molds 4) Plantae -multicellular, eukaryotes -autotrophic (photosynthesis) -call wall made of cellulose (fiber) -ex. mosses, ferns, conifers, flowering plants 5) Animaliae -multicellular, eukaryotes -heterotrophic -lack cell wall Binomial Nomenclature -C. Linneaus -Genus species

-Genus species (handwritten) -ex. Felis sylvestris= house cat Ranunculus acris= buttercup

Domestic Cat Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Animalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Felis sylvestris

Common Buttercup Plantae Anthophyta Dicotyledons Rununculales Ranunculacae Ranunculus acris

Human Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Homo sapiens

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