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A M P I : A s pir ing M inds P e r s o nalit y I nv e nt o r y C andidat e R e po r t

Dea r Ani r udh Tya gi (AMCAT I D: 1 0 0 1 3 2 6 9 2 6 5 1 4 7 ) This is your personality report according to your responses to AMPI. The purpose of this report is to provide you a detailed analysis of your personality style and give you an insight on your behavioral aspects. The analysis done is on the basis of your responses to AMPI (Aspiring Minds Personality Inventory). Dierent sec ons of this report are especially designed to provide a broad view on numerous aspects related to your personality. The report contains the following main sections:

AMPI: Aspiring Minds Personality Inventory is based on FFM: Five Factor Model, which is by far the only scien cally validated and reliable personality model. FFM is not only a wholesome model for assessing personality, but has also shown to be a valid and consistent predictor for suitability of an individual for different job profiles. AMPI's scoring is based on sta s cal techniques of factor analysis, polytomous item analysis and structural modeling. Norms have been set on large candidate assessment done on nal year graduates. Test forms are auto-generated such that each factor can be reliably predicted in feasible amount of me. Test-retest reliability and test validity are sta s cally guaranteed. AMPI provides the assessment of the candidate on the ECNOA traits:

Your Pers onality Scores

This sec on presents a summary of your assessment scores in the ve traits of FFM. The table below shows your Z-score and percen le in each trait. The Personality Map below shows your score in dierent personality traits of AMPI model. Each bar represents your Z-score in a personality trait.

Y o u r Pe rs o n a l i ty S co re T ra i t Extra vers i on Cons ci enti ous nes s Neuroti ci s m Opennes s to Experi ence Agreea bl enes s Re gi on Hi gh Medi um Hi gh Medi um Medi um Pe rce n ti l e 90% 34% 93% 51% 63% Zs co re 1.25 -0.42 1.41 0.03 0.34

No te: A lo w percen le d o es no t mean bad perfo rmance and high percen le d o es no t mean go o d perfo rmance, as there is no co ncept o f perfo rmance in perso nality.

Sc or es a nd Thei r I nter pr eta ti on: a. For each trait, you shall be classied as being LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH in the category. It should be noted that this classification is not an absolute one, but a rela ve one. These classica ons are based on our norms on a sample of entry-level job aspirants. For instance, a person, who is high on Extraversion, is as extraverted as the top 33% people in our norm group. He/she may not s ll be extraverted enough for a given role or a standard set by another individual. b. Two folks may be classied in the same category of a trait, but may dier in the levels of that trait. For instance, being MEDIUM just implies that the candidate is among the middle 33% bracket of candidates in our norms for the given trait. A candidate may possess the trait more than the other. c. For each trait, a Z-score is provided. The Z-score measures the number of standard devia ons the score is away from mean of norm. A Z-score more than +0.44 means the candidate is in the top 33%, whereas a Z-score of less than -0.44 represents the candidate is in the lowest 33%. d. A trait score of HIGH or LOW may not be equated to being GOOD or BAD. Also, the test does not measure or indicate any psychological disorder or otherwise. Every individual has a unique personality and this report provides an indica on of the same. Candidates with dierent personality combina ons do well in handling dierent kind of situations and perform well in different jobs. There is no absolute metric of a good or bad personality. e. This report is best interpreted by a psychologist. The candidate is strongly advised not to take any action on the basis of this report without referring to a well qualified psychologist.

Des cription of Your Pers onality

This section analyzes your personality and provides you a detailed description of your personality traits.

Ex trave rsi on
Your score indicates you are Hi gh on Extraversion. Extraversion is dened as one's inclina on towards the outer world. Individuals with high extraversion can be characterized as social, talka ve and asser ve. They like the company of people and enjoy social gatherings. They need external s mula on and get energized while interac ng with people. They have lots of friends and thrive for making new social contacts. They like to work in groups and prefer to lead others. You like to engage with the external world, be among people and interact with them. You are assertive of your view and prefer to lead rather than follow. You seek lot of excitement and like to engage in high energy and thrilling ac vi es. You enjoy social gatherings and feel more comfortable being surrounded by people.

Consci e nti ousne ss

Your score indicates you are Medi um on Conscientiousness.

Conscien ousness has been called by some psychologists as the Will to Achieve. It is generally seen to have two components, one of striving for achievement and the other of dependability. The la er is characterized by being thorough, organized and responsible. The former is related to voli onal variables such as hardwork, perseverance and orienta on towards achievement. You are moderately well-organized and dependable. You would generally follow processes and be disciplined towards your goal, but may become carefree of your work and schedules at times.

Ne uroti ci sm
Your score indicates you are Hi gh on Neuroticism. Neuro cism is associated with traits such as being anxious, depressed, angry, embarrassed, worried and insecure. People high on neuro cism are likely to experience these emo ons. They are emo onally reac ve and get inuenced by their surroundings. Its reverse is o en used, which is termed as Emo onal Stability. Emo onally stable people are even tempered and relaxed. They can face stressful situations without getting upset. You are generally anxious, emo onal and prone to worry. You could get angry and frustrated with others and are generally sensi ve. You get easily stressed out and are prone to give in to your impulses and feel self-conscious. You have frequent mood swings and often feel depressed and sad.

Ope nne ss to Ex pe ri e nce

Your score indicates you are Medi um on Openness to Experience. Openness to Experience is associated with being broad-minded, unconven onal, having a rich ar s c sensi vity and being curious and imagina ve. This has been a trait hard to iden fy and has been called as intellect, culture or openness to experience by various psychometricians. Open individuals are crea ve, willing to challenge authority and entertain new ideas. They have intui ve thinking and can adapt to change easily. They are progressive and prefer to explore new ways and ideas of doing things. You would be moderately interested in the aesthe cs and your intensity of emo ons and feelings is comparable to most people. You seek a balance between the conven onal path and experimenta on with new ways. You are generally open to new things. But if something crosses its limit, you'll never favor it. You are suspicious of anything too much out of the way.

Agre e abl e ne ss
Your score indicates you are Medi um on Agreeableness. Agreeableness refers to social conformity, friendliness, compliance and altruism. Agreeable people are sympathe c to others, help others and trust others to help them too in return. They are popular amongst their colleagues and do not believe in manipulating people. Agreeable people are good for customer relationship profiles and work well in teams. You are generally warm and agreeable, but also give as much importance to self-interest as most people do. You understand others needs and want to help people, but not willing to give up yourself for them. At mes, you can be stubborn and competitive.

Your Pers onality Type

Based on your personality traits, your personality type is determined along with the career compatible to your type. A . Pe rsonal i ty Type You are a "I ns pi r er "

You are introspec ve, value-oriented, inspiring, social and extremely expressive. You have an unusually wide range of skills and talent. You are good at doing most of the things which interest you. You are a natural advocate, a rac ng people to yourself and you are gi ed with excellent people skills, warmth, energy and posi vity. Your enthusiasm lends you the ability to inspire and motivate others. You dislike rou ne tasks and get easily frustrated if a project requires great deal of focus on detail and maintenance. You work best in situa ons where you have a lot of exibility and are able to use your crea vity and skills. You are ready to take risks. You often appear to be over positive and can appear insincere. B . Care e r Compati bi l i ty Based on your personality type, the "Career Compatibility Chart" below shows the most compatible careers for you:

C o mp atib le C areers fo r Yo u
J o u rn a l i s t / W ri te r En tre p re n e u r Acto r T e a ch e r Co u n s e l o r
It sho uld be no ted that these are no t reco mmend ed careers and no t based o n perso nal d etails like d egree, etc. It is just a list o f careers mo st suited to yo ur perso nality type.

As piring Minds Concluding Words

Your overall personality features can be summarized as follows: 1. Your P er s ona l i ty Tr a i ts Extraversion: High Conscientiousness: Medium Neuroticism: High Openness to Experience: Medium Agreeableness: Medium 2. Your P er s ona l i ty Type Your personality type is I ns pi r er . We hope this feedback report helped in knowing and understanding your personality and iden fying your strength and weaknesses. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to mail us at Thanking you As pi r i ng Mi nds Repr es enta ti ve

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