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WHEN SHE IS BEING SPEAKER OF SIX STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVE, TO THE 4TH SESSION OF HAPPY ENDING-GRADUATING PARTY OF PONPES MODERN DAAR EL-AZHAR RANGKASBITUNG, DATED ON 24TH OF JUNE, 2005. Honorable All The Priests and The Piousmen of FSPP1 and FKPM2 Your Majesty our Beloved Father Drs. K.H Ikhwan Hadiyyin, MM. Honorable our Great Teachers of Islamic Teachers Training College Daar el-Azhar Respectable K.H Abah M.Yusuf Honorable The Regent Government of Lebak Honorable our beloved Parents Respectable The Invited Audiences. And I dont forget to my Dear Brothers n Sisters !

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Praise belongs to Allah, with thy holy name we begin and from Thee we seek guidance and support. Our life and death, our petition, prayer and praise belong to Thee. I beseech Thee to grant the clarity and magnetism of the word of Truth to my utterance and make them a message for the Millions of peole who passionately thirst after Truth and for those who shall, in the future, seek the Truth. O God the Almighty, my ITTC Daar el-Azhar and I offer our thankful salutations to the souls of thy great Prophets, in particular Muhammad. Thy peace be upon him who did his utmost and lives in order to spread and immortalize the message of awareness and salvation of humanbeing. We do not feel that times were passed away and all temptation we have conquered them till come this day the day for us. Four till six years were passed away in this historic day.
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Forum Silaturrahmi Pondok Pesantren FSPP Forum Komunikasi Pondok Pesantren Modern

We (The great six Student of ITTC DA) should like to express our sorrow and thankfulness to all one who has taken part in our education especially for our Beloved Father Drs. KH. Ikhwan Hadiyyin, MM, we beg your pardon, we recognized that during 4 till 6 years wed staid in this college we make nothing useful for this college but you still proud us, we sincere of all your snapping and other punishments because we realize that those are parts of our education way for success. Thanks a lot for your education that has made us the Human Ready for Use and usefull for the community of people, Islam and Nation. Our respectable teachers, you are never bored and never lost your hope to teach us, educate us and make us the men wide of knowledge and till we know what the meaning of , and can speak English well like what you see now. Thank teachers of all your meritorious service, and God bless you !. Amien. So, from deep down inside, appologize us to our fault, our stupid and fool till made you angry, and especially for our beloved father forgive us if we couldnt give the best and help this boarding school but we always effort and try to give the best and we hope to you to give us your hand and please cross your finger and up it for us for the next war. Dear brothers and sisters dont you ever lose your hope and dont ever you give up in your study but please be struggle and seriously to get your desire and continue our struggle and help your father and teachers and also this campus, good luck and we just hope you to always pray for us and give us the best motivation and notice and I say you good bye. And the last, to you my friends, today well be the graduate of this college, surely youve waited this event since 4 or 6 years ago but dont be happy firstly, because today is not the end of our struggle but its the beginning of new war and struggle. Just keep your faith in facing all the challenges and temptations in your struggle of life. Finally, I would like you to forgive me if I make mistakes in my speech. May Allah Almighty bestowon us His endless blessing for this happy ending party, and I say you :

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