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Sarah Elizabeth Colburn Curriculum Design Project

Keys to Success: English to Open Doors

Bacara Resort & Spa, Santa Barbara, CA Lesson Plan: Unit 1 Language needs, styles and strategies Topic: Length of Lesson: 1. Background This is the second class in the first week. The first class will focus on past accomplishments and the defining of personal goals. Students will learn how to write goals and will be asked to bring in a draft of their personal goals for this class. 2. Objectives 1. Students will be able to identify their expectations and needs for this course based on an ad-hoc needs analysis 2. Students will be able to discuss and negotiate class goals and expectations as a group 3. Students will rethink, revise and solidify their personal goals for the course 3. Materials and equipment Ad-hoc needs assessment Good Language Learners handout Draft of class goals from previous class Whiteboard and markers Student handbook 4. Lesson Stage and Time Welcome and Lead-in Discussion (5 minutes) Teacher Student Objectives Met Ad-hoc needs assessment & language learning strategies 60 minutes

Teacher will take attendance and ask students to turn to a classmate and reflect on the last class and answer any logistical questions about the course that they may have since the first class

Students will turn to a partner and 2,3 recall what we went over in the last class, and formulate any questions that they may have so far about the course, attendance policies, logistics, etc. Then they will ask their questions.

Sarah Elizabeth Colburn Curriculum Design Project

Pre-Task 1 (10 minutes)

Teacher will hand out a copy of the ad-hoc needs assessment (see appendix A) (This needs assessment will be translated into Spanish) Teacher will briefly explain that the students will first order their needs & expectations alone. Teacher will ask students to turn to a partner that they havent worked with yet and discuss their rankings. Ask them to say WHY they ranked the needs the way they did, and then to decide collaboratively on their top 5. Teacher will bring the whole group together and write Class goals on the board. The teacher will then ask each group their top 2 preferences and facilitate discussion as to why these needs are important to the students individually and as a group. Teacher will discuss the difference between professional and personal language goals. Teacher will ask students to take out the goals that they drafted from the previous class. Teacher will elicit more reflection from students regarding the class discussion from last time on formulating goals. Teacher will ask students to revise, rethink and solidify their 3 goals and write them in their student handbook. *Make sure to emphasize that this needs assessment could have changed what they wrote down for their goals, and this should be carefully considered

Students will read and rank their expectations and needs on the needs assessment handout.

Task 1 Pair work (10 minutes)

Students will work with a partner 1, 2 and discuss their ranking choices. They will then choose their top 5 needs from the needs assessment as a pair and be ready to discuss these choices with the class.

Task 1-part 2 Class discussion Formulating Class Goals (10 minutes)

Students will participate in a class 1, 2 discussion, share the process of narrowing down their preferences, and respond to teacher questions regarding their choices.

Task 2 Pair/group/or solo Work: Working with drafted goals (15 minutes)

Students will participate in a class 2, 3 reflection on the articulation of personal goals and take out the goals they have already drafted. Students will rethink, revise and solidify their personal goals and write them in their personal student handbook. This will be a collaborative atmosphere, and students will discuss with their partners or other classmates before finalizing their personal goals. They will turn in this draft and teacher will give feedback next lesson. These goals are not graded, but are open to change 2

Sarah Elizabeth Colburn Curriculum Design Project

Teacher will collect the draft of goals that students started last class and worked on today, then give ungraded feedback on them.

throughout the course and will be worked on continuously

Cool down/ inspiration Good Language Learners (10 minutes)

Teacher will pass out a handout entitled Good language learners (please see appendix B). Each pair will be assigned one axiom from the handout and will be asked to discuss the meaning of this phrase.

Students will work in pairs to 1, 2, 3 discuss the meaning of one axiom from the handout. Students will share with the class the meaning of their axiom. This task is meant to be awareness raising and encourage students to be open minded and conscious of their language learning, and to see it as part of their own personal as well as professional development.

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