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Handwriting analysis, or 'graphology', is based on analyzing the way the writer creates words and sentences through the

physical action used to do so. Here are some basic principles that can provide intriguing insights to those around you by using signature analysis. Discovering personality types in handwriting can be helpful in all walks of life. It can help you better understand your partner, business colleagues, competitors, celebrities, family members, friends, yourself, and everyone else. It can reveal aspirations, creativity, energy, fears, inhibitions, potential, sexual stability, strengths, weaknesses and much more. But it cannot accurately reveal a persons age, future (other than potential), gender, left- or right-handedness, race, religion or sexual orientation. To analyze anyone's handwriting in just a few moments: 1. Notice the angle. The slant or angle of cursive writing show a persons emotional responsiveness. A steady right slant can indicate unrepressed attitudes, self-confidence, selfassertiveness, insensitivity sometimes, occasional tactlessness, comfort when socializing, and a positive approach to life. A steady left slant can indicate somebody is comfortable with his or her own company, hides emotions, had problems in early life, is solid, has strongly-controlled feelings and thinks before acting. Consistently upright writing can indicate someone whose behavior is often constrained, is a good actor, hides his or her feelings, is not impulsive, observes rather than gets involved, or is reliable and consistent. A mixture of all the above can show an ambiguous personality, difficulty in making decisions, lack or sureness of one's own identity, a frequently changing mind, inconsistency, unpredictability. 2. Well-connected?

When letters within words are joined up it can denote logical and ordered thinking, use of experience more than imagination, consistency and lucidity in conversation.

When letters within words aredisconnected it can demonstrate strong intuition, original thinking, impulsiveness and creativity. 3. The Base line. The

way a line of writing makes its way across the page can be influenced by the writer's mood as well as his or her character. A steady baseline can mean a person is cool and calm, firm, confident and in control. A wavy baseline can mean a person is impetuous, instinctive, spontaneous, temperamental and unpredictable. A downwardly directed baseline can indicate lack of energy, pessimism, skepticism and tiredness. An upwardly directed baseline can mean the person is buoyant, cheerful, forceful and hopeful. 4. The Signature. The way the given or first name is written relates to the writers personal life. How a surname is written relates to the writers outside life, including his or her business or to more formal activities. A signature in which every letter is legible, the capital letters are about two to three times higher than the small ones, and the t-bars and upper strokes head upwards, usually indicate a person who is:

Self-confident Straightforward Optimistic Socially relaxed Naturally friendly Generally trustworthy Here are a few cautionary insights to signatures:

When the first name cannot be easily read, the writer may be covering up who he or she really is. When the last name cannot be easily read, the writer may be obscuring his or her approach to business or formal activities. When the first or last names are obscured, it can also mean that the writer doesnt like them. When the capital letter of either name is low, it can imply a lack of self-confidence. When the capital letter of either name is very tall say four times higher than the rest it can denote a domineering or egoistic nature.

Words of warning: You are probably not a trained psychologist, and it takes years to become a proficient and unfailing graphologist who uses a vast range of comparative interpretations to reach accurate conclusions in penmanship. So approach your findings as very general and superficial observations that can usually provide intriguing insights, but have no clinical application. At this level, the skills are for your personal amusement and enjoyment. Hopefully they will also increase your appreciation of those who write to you.

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