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By: Iksan Uddin 03320096


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A DEIXIS IN THE WRITING FORM OF ADVERTISEMENT IN TIME MAGAZINE THESIS Presented to: Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) By: Iksan Uddin 03320096 Advisor: Drs. H. Basri Zain, MA., Ph.D NIP. 19681231 199403 1 022


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STATEMENT OF THE AUTHENTICITY The undersigned, Name Faculty Department : Iksan Uddin : Humanities and Culture : English Letters and Language

Reg. Number : 03320096

Declares that the thesis I wrote to fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang entitled A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement in Time Magazine is truly my original work. It does not incorporate any materials previously written or published by another person except those indicated in quotations and bibliography. Due to this fact, I am the only person responsible for the thesis if there is any objection or claim from others.

Malang, 9 October 2009 The Researcher,

Iksan Uddin

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This is to certify that Iksan Uddin's thesis entitled A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement in Time Magazine has been approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the Board of Examiners.

Malang, 9 October 2009 Approved by The Advisor, Acknowledged by The Head of the English Letters and Language Department,

Drs. H. Basri Zain, MA., Ph.D NIP. 19681231 199403 1 022

Galuh Nur Rohmah, M.Pd., M.Ed NIP. 19740211 199803 2 002

The Dean of The Faculty of Humanities and Culture Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang,

Drs. KH. Chamzawi, M.HI NIP. 19510808 198403 1 001

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This is to certify that Iksan Uddin's thesis entitled A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement in Time Magazine has been approved by the Board of Examiners as the requirement for The degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang.

The Board of Examiners 1. Drs. H. Djoko Susanto, M.Ed., Ph.D (Main Examiner) NIP. 196705292000031001 2. Galuh Nur Rohmah, M.Pd., M.Ed NIP. 19740211 199803 2 002 3. Drs. H. Basri Zain, MA., Ph.D NIP. 19681231 199403 1 022 (Chair) (Advisor)

Signatures ________________ ________________ ________________

Malang, 9 October 2009

Approved by The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Culture Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang,

Drs. KH. Chamzawi, M.HI NIP. 19510808 198403 1 001

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The Success People Is the People Who Dares To Face and Solve the Problem Wisely

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DEDICATION This thesis is especially dedicated to: My beloved father Khoiril Amin and my beloved mother Mariana who always give me spirits, supports, prayers, loves, and invaluable attentions to pass the beauty of my life. Thanks for everything you have given to me, I love you very much. All of my brothers and sisters Mas Rajio & Neng Aseh, Cak Jiin & Neng Khuj, Cak Lek, Ria, Uzik, thanks for accompanying me in my happy and sad days. For everyone who has helped me in my struggling journey to reach my dream, my success, my willingness I can't say anything except may Allah SWT gives blessings and mercies to you all Thank you

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Proudly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for all his blessings and mercies, so I finally can finish this thesis. It is only for him I give all my hopes and wishes. Peace and salutation are always blessed upon our noble Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the right way of life. This thesis entitled A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement in Time Magazine is intended to fulfill the requirement for achieving the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang. In addition, the researcher would like to dedicate the best thank to: 1. The Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Culture, Drs. KH. Chamzawi, M.HI, providing tool and infrastructure which support the smoothness of learning and studying in this university. 2. The Head of English Letters and Language Department, Galuh Nur Rohmah, M.Pd., M.Ed., and all of the lectures of English Letters and Language Department. Many thanks for being so kind, patient and generous in leading me to the world, which never I knew before with, the loves, valuable knowledge and experience. 3. Drs. H. Basri Zain, MA., Ph.D as my advisor who always leads and inspires me to get a better critical thoughts and ideas in finishing this thesis. 4. My pride father Khoiril Amin and mother Mariana, thanks for prays, loves, supports, understandings, cares and affections. All of my brothers and sisters Mas Rajio & Neng Aseh, Cak Jiin & Neng Khuj, Cak Lek, Ria, Uzik, many thanks for your endless love and pray. 5. All the struggles and "sahabat" of PMII rayon Ibnu Aqil that taught me a value of friendship, fruitful life experience, commitment, achievement, loyalty, fraternity and gatherings.

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6. Special great gratitude, love, and a real friendship for all my friends in the world and here after. 7. My beloved Pretty-Q I say thanks. Last but not least, I invite the reader's suggestions and critics responding to the presence of my thesis. Hopefully, this research will give many advantages to all of people who much concern in English Language. Finally, there is no rose without thorn. Alhamdulillahirabbil' Alamin. Malang, 9 October 2009

The Researcher

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ABSTRACT Uddin, Iksan. 2009. A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement in Time Magazine. Thesis, English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang The Advisor : Drs. Basri Zain, MA. Ph. D Key words : Deixis, Writing form of Advertisement, Time magazine People as human being are often making errors. The y can make errors in different ways, for example in making perception. This thesis is based on A deixis in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. In reading an advertisement, sometimes we get difficulties in understanding or interpreting the messages as like in the writing form of advertisement. The theory of deixis is chosen because deixis is used to point thing in order to make clear what the writer means. The researcher chooses the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine to be analyzed because the researcher assumed that in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine there are kinds of deixis which can be analyzed. And in this writing form there are some words considering difficult to be understood. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method, because the data of this study were in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. The steps of data collection were reading and understanding the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. Then, the writer selected the data that are related to the problems of the study. At last, the data were arranged systematically in accordance to the problems of the study. To analyze the data, he presented the data, interpreted the data and drew the conclusion. Based on the result and discussion of the data, from the analysis of nineteen advertisements - electronic products and Airlines Services above, it can be concluded that the writing forms used are Reason Why Form, Sense Appealed Form, Testimonial Form and Conversational Form. And the deixis often found are Pronoun Deixis and Place Deixis.

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COVER ................................................................................................................. i STATEMENT OF THE AUTHENTICITY ........................................................ ii APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................... iii LEGITIMATION SHEET................................................................................... iv MOTTO ................................................................................................................ v DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................vii ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study................................................................. 1 1.2 Research Problems .......................................................................... 5 1.3 Objectives of the Study ................................................................... 5 1.4 Scope and Limitation ...................................................................... 6 1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................ 6 1.6 Definition of the Key Terms ........................................................... 7 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Discourse Analysis ......................................................................... 8 2.2 The Role of Context in Interpretation.............................................. 8 2.3 Deixis ............................................................................................. 11 2.4 Advertisement ................................................................................ 13 2.5 The Relation between Advertisements, the Writing Form of Advertisement and the Deixis ............................................................... 15 2.6 Previous Studies ............................................................................. 17 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design ............................................................................. 20 3.2 Research Subject ............................................................................ 20 3.3 Data Sources................................................................................... 21 3.4 Research Instrument ....................................................................... 21 3.5 Data Collection ............................................................................... 21 3.6 Data Analysis ................................................................................. 22 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Findings .......................................................................................... 24 4.2 Discussions ..................................................................................... 38

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CHAPTER V: CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions .................................................................................... 43 5.2 Suggestions .................................................................................... 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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This chapter covers background of the study, problem of the study, object of the study, scope of limitation, and definition of the key terms. All sections which have been mentioned above will be discussed as follow:

1.1 Background of the Study Language has an important role in the process of social interaction. Language is not only used in oral communication but also it is used to communicate such as writing form the information or giving the information by mass media. Language is not simply a means of communicating information (Trudgill in Raja T Nashr, 1984: 140). From that definition we can conclude that a language is used both as a medium in giving information and as means of establishing and maintaining relationship with other people. In this era, the trade world competition made some producers compete each other in attracting consumer's attention. They create advertisement to promote their products. In our daily life, we always find advertisement if we read newspaper or magazine, listen to the radio, watch television. One of the functions of the advertisement is to describe or present a product. It is presented in many media for example newspaper, magazines, radios, and televisions, in which each of them has its own characteristics. According to Rowse and Nolan, a main purpose of advertising is to

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sell goods and services (1957: 37). From those statements we can say that to promote goods and service to the customers, advertisement is used. The customer will use the product or service when they have a need or feel a need, for a product or service. Therefore, one of the purposes of advertising is to create a need and to direct a consumer to use a specific product or service. Advertising is one of the biggest and most continuous psychological influences upon the consumer (Rowse and Nelson, 1957: 123). It can be said that when there is an attractive advertisement, we are like to receive some invitation to buy the product or use the service offered. In order that, advertising may perform its part in some ways such as merchandising plan the selling process, the character of the language, the location of the market. On the other hand, the advertiser must be expert in the technique of advertising, such as the method of obtaining attention, the effective use of illustration and the written form that will produce action. There are some possibilities that make advertisement to be famous to society. For instance, the advertisement is famous because of its promotion especially its performance. It will interest the society to buy, join, or approve the advertisement. The advertisements in magazines are usually not so big, they only consist of few columns or one full page of the magazine and they have colorful pictures. The language advertisement on magazine has different characteristics. They have their own styles (Rowse and Nolan, 1957). It means that the advertisement's words are simple, can be understood by the reader, not ambiguous

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because between the writer of advertisement and the readers must have agreement. The language that is used must be containing of informative meaning. The advertisement's language in magazine is the language that used in every form of message about a product that reported in the mass media by the speaker (writer) to the listener (reader). The words or the language usually are used in the advertisements do not have certain rules. In advertisements, an advertiser should know about what language that the audience wants or interested in. This choice of language or words should be suitable or expected by the customer. The final purpose of advertisement is the customer. The advertiser tries to persuade them to buy, join, or approve the advertisement and gives the maximum performance in presenting their productions or services. One of the important elements of an advertisement is the massage. It contains of a message plans to say to his target customers through the advertisement. In this part language plays an important role since almost all advertisements use language in stating their massages. To get good response from the readers, it needs good communication too. The message of the advertisements must be clear and need explanation. In reading an advertisement, sometimes we get difficulties in understanding or interpreting the messages as like in the writing form of advertisement. The theory of deixis is chosen because deixis is used to point

thing in order to make clear what the writer means. The researcher chooses the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine to be analyzed because the researcher assumed that in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine

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there are kinds of deixis which can be analyzed. And in this writing form there are some words considering difficult to be understood. Deixis deals with connection between a text and the situation in which text is used. It is one of an important element of textual cohesion. (Rankema 1993: 76) stated that deixis is used to denote the elements in a language which refer directly to the situation. It means that what the speakers or writers want is not always the same with the readers and listeners view so deictic words need to be explained in order to have the same view between the reader and the writer or between the speaker and the listener. Based on the analyzing, the language that used in the written form of advertisement seems to use deictic words. Therefore, the writer intended to analyze the existence of deictic word in each type of the written form used by advertisement slogan in the Time Magazine and the meaning of its deictic words. The writer chooses the Time magazine because many its advertisements have their own style. On the other hand, Time magazine is outstanding international magazine means that the English language is used. In that magazine, there are some examples of international advertisement electronic product, cigarettes, Airlines, and many others. It is believable that Time magazine is consumed by people all over the world. The writer finds that the language that is used in its advertisement is need interpretation for readers. The interpretation itself can be in the form the meaning of the deixis in the advertisement. This action is important in order to have the same meanings between the advertisers and the readers.

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University students have done the studies of discourse analysis from different perspectives. There are some researchers who study on the same field. Hasanah (2004) discussed deixis of headlines published by Kompas during general election 2004. Wahyuningtyas (2004) studied deixis of advertisement published in The Jakarta Post. In addition, Khoirot (2005) investigated deixis on Romeo and Juliet novel by William Shakespeare. Moreover, Hana (2006) studied of deixis used in Garfield comic strips in The Jakarta Post. Based on the previous study, we have known that there are many researchers who have investigated on the same field, but they have different objects. However, in this research, the researcher takes the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine to get the same view between the writer and reader by using deixis theory proposed by Rankema.

1.2 Problems of the Study The writer tries to raise some problems, they are: 1. What kinds of the written form of advertisement? 2. What is the deixis in each type of written form of advertisement? 3. What are the interpretations of the deixis in each type the writing form of advertisement?

1.3 Objectives of the Study Based on the statement of the problem, the objectives are: 1. To identify kinds of the written form of advertisement.

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2. To identify the deixis in each type of written form of advertisement? 3. To find the interpretation of the deixis in each type the writing form of advertisement

1.4 Significance of the Study This study is expected to enlarge the writer's knowledge about one of the technique of advertising - the written form of advertisement .On the other hand, for advertisers, hopefully, it will be useful in the process of making an advertisement so that their advertisement becomes more effective, interesting, and persuasive.

1.5 Scope and Limitations In Indonesia, there are many magazines published in English both which come from Indonesia and abroad. The English magazine published by Indonesia publisher such as Tempo, Hello Magazine and Indonesia Daily News. And the English magazines published by abroad such as Newsweek, Time, Juma, Kanguru English Magazine, Female, Elle etc. This study is focused on the language of advertisement on Time magazine. This study is limited in the written form of advertisement which is proposed by Rowse and Nolan and the deixis which is proposed by Rankema and focused on electronic product and Airlines in Time Magazine. Moreover, the final purposes of those advertisements are to promote and persuade the readers to use the product.

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1.6 Definition of Key Terms In this study, the writer focused on some words. 1. Deixis is used to denote the elements in a language which refer directly to the situation (Rankerna, 1993: 76). The written Form of Advertisement One of the techniques of advertising by made the things to be like another especially a reproduction of letter and picture (Rowse and Nolan, 1957: 123) Advertisement Is a tool to provide information which is persuasive about goods, ideas and services to people on many media (Wright in Liliweri, 1992: 20).

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To support the analysis this chapter reviews on several theories related to the research. Those are: discourse analysis, the role of context in interpretation, deixis, advertisement, the relation between (advertisements, the writing form of advertisement and the deixis) and previous studies. 2.1 Discourse Analysis Discourse studies the discipline devoted to the investigation of the relationship between form and function in verbal communication (Rankema, 1993; 1). From the definition we can say that when we are studying discourse or a text, we have to be connected with some of the aspects of the text that suggest the social attitudes of the general society. In other word, discourse analysis seeks to take an analysis of a text well beyond the mere words on the page to delivering a comment on the kind of society or context that helped form it and of which it is an interesting part. Discourse analysis covers the activities that focus on language, which is spoken or written. The analysis of discourse is the analysis of language in use (Brown and Yule, 1983:1). From the definition, we can make an assumption that discourse means that language in use for communication is society and can be in the form of spoken and written. Then they said that discourse emphasizes on the study of language in social context. In short, the language that is used is existed and used in social community.

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Discourse analysis involves the close study of the linguistic performance of a speaker or writer, in particular of his or her style within the discourse (Crystal, D. 1991). It attempts to describe and explain how and what meaning is created within and across a text both at the surface (semantic) level as well as at the sub-textual (pragmatic) level. Finally, we can make a conclusion that discourse analysis is the relation of language and context used for social communication. In advertisement as the means to offer the product or service is the language in use in communicating idea which is its meaning contextually depends on the users, in this case the customers.

2.2 The role of context in Interpretation Language is one of way for communicating meanings. The essence of language is human activity - activity on the part of one individual to make himself understood by another and an activity on the part other to understand what was in the mind of the firs (Rankema, 1993: 8). It means that the interpretation of what people mean can be different accordance with the context used. Therefore, it is very important to show what the factor that influences the meanings itself. We can say words in a good arrangement 'without concerning the context, the words would be meaningless. So that. It is necessary to know the situation in which the languages use. The word "context" refers to those particular elements of a situation that could affect the text in some way, (Halliday and Hasan, 1989: 5-9) such as the effects of time, place, ideology, relationships. Moreover, language has two

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potentially important contextual effects: that in which it is created and that in which it is interpreted. Therefore, in interpreting the language meaning gives some influence in catching the meaning of language itself, therefore, it can be said that meaning of languages can not be separated from context. In interpreting sentence, the people must know the context in which language is used; they should know the particular meaning of the words or sentences. People must also know the fact that one particular sentence is being talked about, however knowing these things do not help the people to understand the sentence completely. The situation and people's knowledge about situation in this case context of language help to get full understanding. Context of situation is the way of describing how the writer or speaker produce the sentences and how he associated them with the components of the context of the situation. According to Hymes in Brown and Yule (1983: 38) propose the components of the context of the situation such as - participant, topic, setting, channel, code, message-form, event, key, and purpose. Participant refers to the addresser (speaker or writer who transmit a message), addressee (hearer or reader who receive a message) and audience. Topic refers to 'what is being talked about. The setting refers to where the event is situated in place and time and in term of the physical relations). Channel is a medium that used in delivering information. Code is what language or dialect style of language being used. Message-form is refers to what form is intended such as chat, debate, sermon. The event refers to in what situation the sentence being used. The key is evaluation message. In addition, the last is purpose that is what did the participant intend

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should come about as a result of the communicative event. 2.3 Deixis Deixis deals with connection between a text and the situation in which text is used. It is one of an important element of textual cohesion. Rankema (1993: 76) stated that deixis is used to denote the elements in a language which refer directly to the situation. It means that what the deixis show is speaker or writer dependent on the position in place and time. Deictic words need to be explained in order to have the same view between the reader and the writer or between the speaker and the listener. He further defined that there are three kinds of deixis: Pronoun deixis, Time deixis and Place deixis. On the other hand, if we connected the relationship about the advertisement and deixis, there are some kinds of written form of advertisement proposed by Rowse and Nolan: The first form is Reason- Why Form in this form; habits, emotions, and reasoning enter in various degrees into customers' decision to purchase goods. Reason-Why Form IS best adapted to advertising such as articles as machinery, office equipment, fuel, and new products entirely unknown to the public. It is also effective in other highly competitive fields. The second is Human-Interest Form. Human-Interest form is advertising that addresses itself chiefly to the emotions without attaching very much importance to reason or intellect. This kind of advertisement is based upon appeals to pride, fear, love, justice, friendship, happiness and other emotions to which the average person reacts.

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The third is Sense-Appealed Form. If an advertisement makes an appeal to one or more of the five senses called Sense-Appealed Form. It is principally descriptive and contains an illustration showing the agreeable effects resulting from the use of commodity. The forth is Story-Form. It used especially in good magazines and in direct advertising. It can be used to present abstract truths and to advertise such merchandise as books of history and fiction. The fifth is Conversational Form. This kind of copy may a conversation between two consumers, or it may quote the statements of a user of the product or of someone in a position to give advice regarding the use of the product. The sixth Educational Form. The purpose of this copy is to increase public knowledge of a particular product, organization or service. Such form must attempt to increase familiarity with the commodity that will become a part of the life of the consumer. The seventh is Testimonial form. Many different forms of Testimonial form have been extensively and successfully ballplayer, housewife, celebrity etc. The eight is Institutional Form. It is the form of advertising which aims to develop goodwill rather than to sell goods. Selling points are not offered, and particular articles are not mentioned. The ninth is Cartoon Form. There is an interesting trend toward the use

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of humor in advertising. Cartoons were formerly used almost exclusively for small advertisement in black and white. 2.4 Advertisement Advertisements have large influence to the readers. It is an activity to promote or introduce a new good, organization, and service to audiences through multiple media. Almost in every time, we can read advertisements with their own style that offer their product and service that will be sold. It links with the advertisements written on the published media especially newspaper and magazine read by the readers. Advertisement is a media for providing information, which is persuasive about goods, ideas, and services to people (Wright in Liliweri, 1992: 20). It means that advertisement is a part of human behavior where ideas and concepts are communicated persuasively between the advertisers and the customers' future behavior. In short, the language used by advertisement is persuasive that have a goal to persuade the customers. Advertising is a public notice offering or asking for good services (Hornby, 1995: 18). It can be said that the advertisement is one of public media to offer or ask for products or services. In other view, Whittier (1955: 48) said that an advertisement is any paid for message that seeks to motivate someone. It means that advertisement is paid message that seeks to make someone buy a product, use a service, or embrace an idea. According to Wright in Liliweri (1992: 42-43) advertisement is divided into two types-broadcast advertisements and printed advertisements.

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Broadcast advertisements usually occupy either radio broadcast and the main factor in promoting the products or services is the sound. While printed advertisements presented in almost all printed media such as; newspaper, magazines, cooks, and brochures. In this type, the words can be read repeatedly and accurately. On the other hand, it understood by the readers. Several publications like magazine can be held for a long time. Likewise, the factor that must be paid attention is the message, picture and color printing. Moreover, it can make an advertisement having high quality. Therefore, long and short format of the advertisement has main purpose to read. It means that the sentence must influence the readers, such as: written in Italics or in bold which influence the readers' attention. On the other hand, there are two types of advertisement viewed by Ernest and Asmund (1988), they are; Institutional and Promotional

Advertisement. Trough institutional advertisement, a business firm is promoted as a good place to buy because it measures up to certain standards. This can be because of the lines of products and various services offered to customer. The next type is promotional Advertisement. It attempts through advertisement to convince people to buy specific goods and services in a particular business constitute promotional advertisement. This form of advertisement can be used to acquaintance customers with new product. Based on the purpose of promotion, the advertisement can be categorized into commercial and non-commercial advertisement (Vetesgaard in Ma'ruf, 2002). The commercial advertisement has a purpose to promote the

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products or services in order to get income from the company itself. The noncommercial advertising as the one comes from association with their purposes is charity and political propaganda. It asks public in an action or supports the purpose. Advertising is one of the biggest and most continuous psychological influences upon the consumer (Rowse and Nelson, 1957: 123). In short, when there is an attractive advertisement, we are like to receive some invitation to buy the product or use the service offered. In order that, advertising may perform its part in some ways such as merchandising plan, the selling process, the character of the language, the location of the market. On the other hand, the advertiser must be expert in the technique of advertising, such as the method of obtaining attention, the effective use of illustration and the written form that will produce action. In short, the written form can be defined as one of the techniques of advertising by made the things to be like another especially a reproduction of letter and picture.

2.5 The relation between Advertisement, the Writing form of advertisement and the Deixis One of the important elements of an advertisement is the massage. It contains what an advertiser plans to say his target audience through the promotion. In this part, language plays an important role since almost all advertisements use language in stating their massages. Related to the reason, Trudgill in Raja T Nash (ed) said that there are two aspects of language behavior

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which are important form of social point of view, those are the function of language is establishing social relationship and the role-played by language in conveying information about the speaker (1984: 141). Advertisement's language is a form of communication that consists of information and idea about product for public. Generally, the language used in advertisement does not have certain rules. Therefore, the advertisers freely create their ides in communicative language in their mind. But the words must be persuasive, provocative and economic. And the important element that must be held is the advertisement has the clear purpose and the readers can catch the advertiser mean. In advertisements, an advertiser should know about what language that the audience wants or interested in. This choice of language or words should be suitable or expected by the society. Besides that, he should know first who the target customer are, what level they are in the social community. So, the advertiser can find out or choose the language level. Advertising is one of the biggest and most continuous psychological influences upon the consumer (Rowse and Nelson, 1957: 123). It means that when there is an attractive advertisement, we are like to receive some invitation to buy the product or use the service offered. Advertising is more effective if it is offered by using an appropriate technique. There are several techniques in presenting advertisement that the existence of language itself is really needed. One of the techniques used is the writing form in the advertisement. On each type of writing form, there will be exist deictic word that refers to the situation in which

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advertiser uses words, phrases or sentences to enable a customer to identify the language used in advertisement, therefore they will be influence to use the product. 2.6 Previous Studies This study area has been investigated by some university students but presented using different perspective. Hasanah (2004) studied deixis of headlines published by Kompas during general election 2004. She found that deixis used in the headlines of Kompas covers five kinds of deixis, namely, person, time, place, discourse and social deixis. The first person deixis was used when journalist wanted to show the speakers who produce the utterance in the headlines, while the third person deixis was expressed when the journalist wanted to show the people who did refer to the speaker or addressee. Furthermore, the time deixis appeared to point the certain period of time when the utterance is produced by the speakers and ever occur. Place deixis was used to describe a location relative to the location of participant in speech event, as well as have been shown in the context. Moreover, discourse deixis was used to refer to some portions of discourse that contains the utterance or as a signal and its relation to surrounding text. In addition, social deixis was shown to indicate the distinction between participants related to the certain social context in which the utterance is employed. Moreover, Wahyuningtyas (2004) discussed deixis of advertisement published in The Jakarta Post. She analyzed deixis used in the telecommunication tools advertisements of Jakarta Post are in the forms of the person deixis, time deixis and place deixis. The first person deixis was used when the advertisers

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want to show themselves or the people as the producers of telecommunication tools and the speaker. Furthemore, the second person deixis was used to indicated the reference to one or more addressees; they are the readers or future users of those telecommunication tolls. Then, the third person deixis was expressed when the advertisers want to show the people who are not the speakers or addressees. Moreover, the time was used to indicate certain periods of time when the advertisers began to give their service to the users. Furthermore, place deixis was appeared to describe a location relative to the location participants in the speech events, as well as what have been shown in the advertisements. Furthermore, Khoirot (2005) investigated deixis on Romeo and Juliet novel by William Shakespeare. She found that deixis used in the conversations between Romeo and Juliet covers three types of deixis, namely, person deixis, time deixis and place deixis which based on Karl Buhlers theory. Person deixis could be found as subject, object, possessive determiner, possessive pronoun, reflexive or emphatic pronoun, name of person, nickname or deixis. Moreover, time deixis could be in the form of minute, hour, day, week, month, season, or even year. The level of frequency in using deixis was person deixis, and then was followed by place deixis, and the last was time deixis. It was caused both the speaker and the addressee often talked about themselves and their conditions. They rarely used the time and made appointment in certain time. Next, Hana (2006) investigated deixis in Garfield comic strips in The Jakarta Post which published from April 1st to April 30th, 2006. She found that deixis used in Garfield in The Jakarta Post can be categorized into five types of

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deixis, namely, person, time, place, discourse and social deixis. The data showed that the person deixis mostly appears in Garfield. It can be classified into the first person, the second person, and the third person deixis. The first person deixis is used when the cartoonist wants to show the speakers who produce the utterances in Garfield, while the second person deixis is used to show the referents identified as the addressees, and the third person deixis is used to point to the referents not identified as the speakers or addressees. The time deixis is used when the cartoonist showed the time in which the utterances occurred. It also often used in Garfield comic strips. In addition, the place deixis are used to describe the place or location relative to the location of the participants in the speech event based on the context given. Furthermore, the discourse deixis is used to point to some portions of discourse which contain the utterance as a signal and its relation to the discourse context. Meanwhile, the social deixis is used when the cartoonist showed the social status between the speakers and addressees. Although there are many researchers who have conducted the researches on the same field, yet they have different subjects and different theories. Some of them conducted the research on newspaper, magazine and novel. However, in this research the researcher takes a play text, namely The Devil and Daniel Webster play text as a subject of the research. Therefore, in this study the researcher analyzes The Devil and Daniel Webster play text using five kinds of deixis theory proposed by Stephen C. Levinson.

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This chapter discusses about the method used in the study which include research design, research subject, data source, research instrument, data collection and data analysis. 3.1 Research Design There are two kinds of research methods; qualitative and quantitative researches. Qualitative inquirer deals with data that are in the form of word, rather than number and statistics. The data collected are the subjects experiences and perspective. The quantitative research, attempts to arrive at a rich description of the people, objects, events, place conversation and so on. In this research, the research analyzes the data by using deixis theory. This research is classified as a descriptive qualitative because the data are in the form of word, namely utterances used by the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine.

3.2 Research Subject The subject of this research is in the form of the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine that contains many kinds of writing form and deixis. This subject is a simple and understandable.

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3.3 Data Source In Indonesia, there are many magazines published in English both which come from Indonesia and abroad. The English magazines published by Indonesian publishers are for example Tempo, Hello Magazine and Indonesia Daily News. And the English magazines published by foreign publishers are for example Newsweek, Time, Juma, Kanguru English Magazine etc. In this study, the writer took some advertisements on Time Magazine. The writer started conducting the study with assumption that context was so critical and the data obtained were treated from their context. As sample, the writer used random sample (Arikunto: 1998: 120), in assumption that the advertisements in Newsweek Magazine have the same characteristic and forms.

3.4 Research Instrument In this study, the writer applied human instrument and text analysis. It means that the writer was the instrument for measuring data and should be sensitive to what happen in noting the data. On the other hand, the theory analysis means that the writer analyze the data by using theoretical of deixis based on definite reference, in this case proposed by Rankema, John.

3.5 Data Collection For the first time, the writer chosen the English magazine that commonly read by the people, that is Time Magazine. Then, the writer turned the

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attention to the advertisement on that magazine to find out the kinds of writing form, the deictic words used in each type of form and the interpretation of them. This study focused on the phenomenon of advertisements. It focused on the deixis of the writing form used by advertisements. Because his study intended to the qualitative study, in collecting the data, the researcher applied fields note or documentation. It was supported by Depdikbud said that the qualitative research used field notes to collect the data. Documentation technique was used to get the data from documents.

3.6 Data Analysis The first step in analyzing the data was collecting the data. The data were in the form of printed material, in this case advertisement on several editions on Time Magazine. Those are Time No. 3. January, 20, 1999, Time No. 24. December, 11, 2000, Time No. 7. February, 12, 2001, Time No. 1. December, 31, 2001, Time No. 16. April, 22, 2002. The next was classifying the data. After taking the data, the writer started to select through each data in order to find out the kinds of writing form, the deixis on each type and the interpretation of reference them. Then the writer analyzed the data that had been classified. The analysis was begun from presenting of the advertisements words which collected from Time magazine. In analyzing, the writer described kinds of writing form used by advertisement and the deictic words and then made interpretation of writing form and deictic words.

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The last step was conclusion in which the writer drew some conclusion of data analysis. It would be presented in chapter 5.

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This chapter presents research finding of deixis used by the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. This chapter is devidid into two sections, (1), research finding of kinds of written form used by an advertisement, found the deixis used and made an interpretation of each, (2), research discussion.

4.1 Finding of Kinds of written Form, the diexis and its interpretation.

1. Nokia A new office with an added benefit As business changes, Nokia is changing business with the launch of the Nokia 9000 Communicator. ................................. With a staggering 8

megs of' memory in something so small and light, the Nokia 9000 Communicator will change the way you do business with the world. Nokia Connecting People Nokia as cellular telephone advertisement could be grouped in Reason-Why Form. The new product of Nokia 900 Communicator and its sophisticated technology in communication was one of the reasons tried to show by the advertiser in order to attract the reader attention to choose the product. Besides, by using Nokia, it would change the way of business become better and easier.

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The deixis used in the advertisement were "something" and "you" that included in Pronoun Deixis. The word "something" referred to the product Nokia 900 Communicator. The next was the pronoun. "You" referred to the readers or customers.

2. Sharp The hardest angle gets easier to shoot with ViewCam. More smiles guaranteed. Because the ViewCam's LCD twists over, a full 270 radius, you can position it at exactly the most convenient angle to see as you shoot. The big LCD makes every detail clear so everybody can see what you've just shoot. And now there's no more waiting to connect the Viewcam to a TV to see. Sharp Minds, Sharp Products. The "Sharp" advertisement was inserted as Reason-Why Form. Sharp as name of famous electronic product offer their new product. This advertisement tried to show why this product is necessary to consume and it would make the user satisfied. The deixis used in this advertisement are "You", "It" and "everybody". "You" can be known as the readers or customers. The next was it refers to the product which offered in the advertisement - Sharp ViewCms LCD. The last deixis pronounce was the word "everybody" which referred to the people who want to enjoy the best result of shooting, by using the product - Sharp ViewCm's LCD.

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3. Sony Digital has taken us into a new dimension of dynamic sound. And SONY has been the leader in the field of' digital technology since the debut of the compact disc. Using the digital technology SONY developed the Mini Disk - the recordable new age audio equipment that brings maximum excitement. Crystal clear sound. Instant access. A variety of size from portable to Hi-Fi. Everything you've ever wanted. Another dream comes, true with digital. Digital is dream. Digital is SONY. Sense-Appealed Copy seemed to be used in this advertisement. This advertisement made appeal to sense in the fundamental development. It purchased the readers to use the sense of hearing to enjoy the product. The pronoun deixis was used in the advertisement - "us", "everything" and "You". The pronoun "us" referred to the people who enjoy the advantage of digital world. The next was the word "everything" referred to a variety of size of audio equipment which its labeled Sony. The next was the pronoun "you" refers to the readers or the customers. 4. Acer Acer, we hear you Sense Appealed Copy seemed to underline this advertisement. That keyword purchased the readers to use sense of hearing to show the sophisticated of the product.

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The deixis were "we" and "you" that included as pronoun deixis. "We" as the third person plural reversed to the product. There was no obvious explanation about what "we" refers exactly. The next was the pronoun "you" that referred to the readers or the customers. 5. Samsung We design our product to bring joy to your world. That's why our phone includes an MP3 player. And why our super-sharp monitors and high-definition televisions glow with amazing color and. clarity. It's the way our YEPP MP3 player creates the perfect soundtrack to your life. And it's how our fun features and practical solutions will make your, day. Enjoy your Samsung Digital Experience. We made it just for you. SAMSUNG DIGITAL, everyone's invited. This advertisement tended to underlined Reason-why Form. The advertisement tried to give several reasons why the product would make the changing of the reader's life. By using Samsung's digital product, every problem connected with communication can be solved. The deixis in the advertisement were "We", "our", it, you", "your" and "everyone". Either of them belonged to pronoun deixis. The first deixis is "we" as subject pronoun and our as possessive, both referred to the expert, the producer, and the teams that work in Samsung's company. The next pronoun was "it" that referred to Samsung's product, in this case cellular phone. "You" and "Your" referred to the readers or customers. The last was "everyone" it could be interpreted as people in general.

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6. Siemens

Doesn't look like an MP3 player, does it? The new 6688. You'll be excused for thinking it's just another ultra --light and small mobile phone. But it also has a built-in MP3 player that let you enjoy your favorite music anytime anywhere. So, don't judge it by its fabulous looks alone. The advertisement above could be categorized as Reason-Why Form. Siemens as name of famous cellular telephone product offered their new product. This advertisement tried to show several reasons why this product was necessary to belong and it would be satisfied the users. There were all deixis used in this advertisement. "It", "you", "its" were belonging to pronoun deixis."anytime" belonged to Place deixis and "anywhere" included in Place deixis. The first pronoun deixis was "it" that could be interpreted as the product - mobile phone labeled Siemens. On the other hand, "its" as possessive pronoun had the same interpretation. The interpretation of "you" could be the readers. The "anytime" that had meaning a particular time when the readers need a mobile phone to communicate each other was included as time deixis. The last was "anywhere" this adverb of time referred to some places where the reader needs to use their mobile phone.

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7. Sanyo Your body is a ship. You are its captain. Fuel up with digital high test. Let your mind trip. To the destination of your desires. The high octane power of digital Sanyo can take you there. By utilizing a renowned digital technology, our superior image and sound ensure your sense of the most pleasurable journey. To the further enhance performance, we meticulously engineer every single part the goes into our products. Digital Sanyo. Wherever you want go. The advertisement above could be said as Reason-Why Form. The advertiser presented several reasons why the readers had to choose the Sanyo product. Sanyo improved their creativity to create innovation that would make people enjoy pleasurable journey of life. The deixis found in the advertisement were "We, Our", You" and "Your". Either of them belonged to pronoun deixis. And the next deixis was "Wherever" that could be grouped as Place deixis. "You" and "Your" in this advertisement referred to the readers or customers. The next deixis was "We" as subject pronoun and "Our" as possessive; both could be interpreted as the expert, the producer, and the teams in Sanyo. The last was "Wherever" as Place deixis, it could be a particular place that the people want to enjoy the product.

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8. Philips Philips, let's make thing better. Philips present the world's first high resolutions 32" flat TV with super smooth picture. For the owner of a Philips flat TV, live is very focused. Focused on his TV, that is. On its ultra slim body that stands proudly its arch stands or hangs flat against the wall. And on the brilliant resolution, super clarity and the smoothest moving picture - thank to new technologies that make it high-definition TV ready. It's no wonder EISA* named this the "European Plasma TV of the year" And made it the star of the family. The advertisement could be inserted as Reason-why Form. The advertisement tried to persuade the readers to buy the: product by giving several reasons. One of the way to give the reason was announced to the readers that the product receive award from EISA as European Plasma TV of the year. The deixes in the advertisement were "let's", "its", "it" and "this". All products were included in Pronoun deixis. The first is "let's" which has the meaning the invitation, to the readers in order to use the product. The next three, deixis - "its", "it" and "this" refers to the same thing, which is the product Phillips' television.

9. Ericsson "We've discovered a way to keep our network productive even when people aren't talking." (PETER. THOMSON - GENERAL MANAGER CORPORATE. TELECOM NEW ZEALAND LTD. WELLINGTON. NEW

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ZEALAND). "Finally they've added a phone service that will actually reduce my business costs" (MARK CAMPTON WINEMAKER, HOTEL DU VIN. PROSPECTIVE CPD USER. AUCKLAND. NEW ZEALAND). This advertisement used famous figure to attract the readers' attention. It was inserted the opinion from the customers Peter Thomson and Mark Campton. So, it could be grouped as Testimonial Form and Conversational Form. From the statement that was made by the customers above. There were several deixis "we" "our" "they" and "my" that could be grouped in Pronoun deixis. The pronoun "we" and "our" could be interpreted as the company that used the Ericsson's product, in this case Telecom New Zealand. Then, the pronoun "they" referred to Ericsson's product. and "my" could be interpreted as Mark Campton's bossiness.

10. Sony The New Sony MHC W550 Are you looking at me, or listening to my hifi? You want to look? 'Then feast your eye- on sleek style and slim lines. Thats The New Sony MHC W550, not me. Now listen. And what do you hear? Nothing! Nothing but pure undistorted sound, thanks to the 4 way 5 unit speakers and Triple Tweeters for crystal clarity. And the 'Variable Attenuation Control System

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(calls it VACS) which lets you play loud with no distortion even at maximum volume Sony advertisement above tended to ask the reader communicate or use the five senses. The readers asked to see and listen how sophisticated the product. Therefore, it was included as Sense- Appealed Form. The deixis found in that advertisement were "you" "your"' "me" and "my". All belonged to Pronoun deixis. The interpretation of "you" and "your" was the readers or customer. And the pronoun "me" and "my" referred to the beautiful model that compared with the song Hifi product.

11. Rolex Ice, steel and grace crafted into perfection. Peggy Fleming and Ekaterina Gordeeva. World champions of figure skating, Both sharing one perpetual obsession perfection on ice. Rolex Oyster Perpetual. This advertisement used public figure to attract the readers' attention Peggy Fleming and Ekaterina Gordeeva, world championships of figure skating. Therefore, it could be grouped as Testimonial Copy. The deixis "on ice" included as place deixis. The meaning of "on ice" was the place where they competed to win the skating.

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12. Rolex Sylvie Guillern has a way of dancing around tradition. Her suppleness is legendary. Her command over those incredibility long limbs means that every performance elicits gaps from audience around world. Sylvie Guillern frequently finds herself in conflict with the traditions and rules of classical ballet. "I have. a way of being able to walk around tradition if it gets in my way."..."It is a beautiful watch. I fell in love with it" This advertisement could be grouped as Testimonial Form and Conversational Form. It could be said as Testimonial Copy because the advertisement employs Sylvie Guillem; famous ballet dancer to purchase the readers' attention. In addition, this advertisement also quoted the statement from the public figure such as "I have a way of being able to walk around tradition if it gets in my way" and "It is a beautiful watch. I fell in love with it." so that it could be inserted in Conversational form. The Pronoun deixis found in the advertisement were "her", "I" and "it". The first deixis "her" the possessive pronoun referred to the public figure -Sylvie Guillern. The second one was "I" the first person singular pronoun. It was one of the characteristic of Conversational Copy. "I" referred to Sylvie who was mentioned before. The next was "it" referred to the product Rolex watch.

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13. Patek Philippe Begin your own tradition Whatever innovations Patek Philippe introduce, every watch is stall crafted by hand. The men's Annual calendar is the first self-winding.; calendar watch in the world to require resetting only once a year. And because of the exceptional workmanship, each one is a unique object. Which is perhaps why some people fell that you never actually own a Patek Philippe? You merely look after it .or the next generation. The advertisement above could be categorized into Reason-Why Form. The writer tried to influence the readers or the customers to show the newest innovation that Patek Philippe regarded as unique watch and the people should belong in this era. In addition, the advertisement mentioned several reasons why people have to wear the product. The deixis used in the advertisement are some people, you, it and in the world. The pronoun deixis such as some people, you, and it were used in this advertisement the word "some people" in this case: could be interpreted as the people who used this watch. The second one was the pronoun "You". The meaning of the word was the readers or the customers. The repetition of the word "You" to attract the reader's attention and to make the sentence in the advertisement communicatively. The last was "it". It had meaning as the product itself, in this case Patek Philippe.

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The other deixis used was Place Deixis in the world". It showed that the products were used by all of people who live in this world. 14. Tagheuer What are You made of, The advertisement could be grouped as Testimonial form. It employed the picture of the public figure in presenting the product. The advertisement presented David Coulthad, formula one Grand Prix Winner with his question. The deixis was you The word "you" referred to the product watch. The model seemed to express through those question how good and sophisticated the product to the readers.

15. Omega JAMES BOND'S CHOICE Bond, James Bond. This typically suave greeting by everybody' favorite secret agent is arguably one of the most easily recognized lines in cinematography history. Omega has built up a lasting and life--saving) relationship with secret agent 007 and is proud to be Bond's choice once again in it "Die Another Day". The advertisement above could be grouped as Testimonial Form. It employed a public figure, James Bond, the star in famous movie "Die Another Day

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The deixis in the advertisement was "everybody" "Everybody" as Pronoun deixis in this advertisement could be interpreted as particular people who admire with the character that acted by the actor Pierre Brosnan (James Bond) in his movie.

16. Emirates Remember the first time you saw snow? Or squeezed sand between your toes? Or felt a warm tropical rain on your face? Fly to more than 60 destinations worldwide. Where you can see, smell, touch or taste something else for the first time. Keep discovering The advertisement tended to give some reasons in the form of several question. And the answer of all questions could be: by choosing Emirates airlines. Therefore, it could be said as Reason, why Form. The deixis found in the advertisement was Pronoun deixis - "you" "your" and "something". "You" and "your" referred to the same thing that was thy; readers or customers. "Something" in this case can be interpreted as several activities and placed that could be done for the first time by using the service of Emirates Airline.

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17. Singapore Airlines Singapore Airlines presents SPACE BED The biggest bed in Business class. Experience the comfort of the most spacious business class bed in the sky. Raffles Class Space bed offers you a new level of luxury with more space to work, relax or sleep. All, of course, while enjoying the in-flight service even other airlines talk about. The advertisement showed the innovation to make. The customers feel comfort during the flight. On of the way was the existence of "space bed". So that it was included in Reason- Why Form. The Pronoun deixis "you" was found in the advertisement. In addition the "space bed" as place deixis was also found. "You" referred to the readers. And the "space bed" can be interpreted as a place in the plane with more space to work, relax or sleep. 18. Cathay Pacific From our international Super Hub in our home Hong Kong you can connect to 26 of the region's major cities. Quickly and conveniently. So come fly the Asian expert. Fly Cathay Pacific. The Heart of Asia. The advertisement above was included in Reason Why Form. Those mentioned that Cathay Pacific was an Asian expert in airlines. The Pronoun deixis were used "our" and "you."

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The pronoun "our" in this advertisement could be interpreted as Cathay Pacific's company and all people who work in it. Then, the pronoun "you" referred to the readers.

19. Cathay Pacific In the hectic world of international travel, it's nice to know there's someone who cares. Someone with warmth and understanding. Someone who knows it's the little touches that make all the different. Fly Cathay Pacific. The Heart of Asia.

The Reason- Why Form was used in this advertisement. These Airlines tried to show that the good services will be given to the readers. The deixis found were "someone" as Pronoun deixis and "in the hectic world" presented the Place deixis. The pronoun "someone" could be interpreted as Cathay Pacific Airlines. Next, the word "in the hectic world" means the busy activities in this time.

4.2 Discussion

From the analysis of nineteen advertisements electronic product and Airlines Services above, could be concluded that the written forms used were Reason Why Form, Sense Appealed Form, Testimonial Form and Conversational Form.

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The Reason Why Form was the most technique used to present the advertisements. In this way, the advertiser gave several reasons to attract readers' attention in order to use the product. These advertisements that used this form were, Nokia, Phatek Phillipe, Sharp, Samsung, Siemens, Sanyo, Philips, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, and Cathay Pacific. In short, there were 11 advertisements. The second way in presenting advertisement was Testimonial Form.. There were 5 advertisements Ericsson, Rolex, Tagheuer, Rolex, and Omega. All these advertisements presented famous people to support it, for example, the customers or celebrities. The next was Sense Appealed form. The advertisement made an appeal to the use of one or more of the five senses. The advertisement that belonged to this kind of form was Sony, Acer and. Sony. The last writing form was Conversational Copy. It was found in Ericsson and Rolex advertisement. This kind of copy employed a conversation between two consumers, or it may quote the statements of a user of the product or of someone in a position to give advice regarding the use of the product. On the other hand, these advertisements also used Testimonial Form. The kinds of written form above had a purpose. It attempted, through advertisement, to convince people; buy specific goods and services. This form of advertisements could be used to acquaint the customers to a new product. There were several techniques in presenting advertisement that the existence of language itself was really needed. It means that in presenting on advertisement, the advertiser used word, phrase, or sentences as a part of

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language. One of the techniques used was the writing form.The advertisement. hi each type of written form, there existed a deictic word that referred to the situation in which advertiser uses words, phrases or sentences, they needed to be interpreted well therefore the customers would be influenced to use the product. Deixis dealed with a connection between a text and the situation in which the text was used. It was one of important elements of textual cohesion. There were three types of deixis Pronoun Deixis, Place Deixis and TIme Deixis. From the analysis, it was found that the Pronoun Deixis was often used. In almost all advertisements the personal pronoun "you" was existed. Its pronoun referred to the readers or customers. The advertisement called the readers with "you" in order to make the advertisement more communicatively. Moreover, it was made the same like a conversation in everyday life. Though, there was an advertisement had different interpretation, it was found in Taugheuer, "you" in this case referred to the product. The possessive Pronoun "your" was also referred to the readers. For example: Let your mind trip. To the destination of your desires" (Sanyo). It means that the readers' mind and the readers' desires. The other personal pronoun was "we" that could be interpreted as the expert, the producer, the teams and all people who work in the company that produced the product in the advertisement. Besides, the possessive pronoun "our" had the same interpretation.

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As the main characteristics of Conversational Form, the pronoun "I" was used. "I" referred to the actor or the public figure that gave the statement. For example, "Sylvie Guillem frequently finds herself in conflict with the traditions and rules of classical ballet". I have a way of being able to walk around tradition if it gets in my way. ..... ..... It is a beautiful watch. I fell in love with it". I in that advertisement referred to Sylvie Guillem. The next was the personal pronoun "it". In order to communicate with tile readers, the advertiser used "it" to mention the products repeatedly. For example "We made it just for you" (Samsung). "It" in this case referred to Samsung's product- cellular phone. Other pronoun in those advertisements were "something" in Nokia, "everything" in Sony, "everyone" in Samsung, some people" in Phillip, and "everybody" in Omega.

Place Deixis in the advertisements were "anywhere in Siemens that could be interpreted as some places where the readers needed to use their mobile phone. The next was "wherever" in Sanyo that referred to a particular place where people want to enjoy the product. The third was "on ice" as a place where the athletes competed to win the skating. The fourth was "space in bed" could be interpreted as a wide place to work, relax or sleep inside the plane. The last was "in the hectic world" in Cathay Pacific meant the busy activities in this time.

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Finally, we might conclude that the writing form as one of techniques in presenting in Times Magazines used deixis that needs to be interpreted in order to engage readers' attention to buy the product.

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CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION This chapter presents two sections, conclusion and suggestion, as the final result of this thesis entitled A deixis in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. After analyzing and interpreting the obtained data in the previous chapter, the conclusion and suggestion as the last part of this writing are taken. The conclusion below is as the answer of the statement of the problem. 5.1 Conclusion From the analysis of nineteen advertisements - electronic products and Airlines Services above, it can be concluded that the writing forms used are Reason Why Form, Sense Appealed Form, Testimonial Form and Conversational Form. The Reason Why Form used in, Nokia, Phatek Phillipe, Sharp, Samsung, Siemens, Sanyo, Philips, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, and Cathay Pacific. There are 11 advertisements. There are 5 advertisements belongs 'to Testimonial Form -Ericsson, Rolex, Tagheuer, Rolex, and Omega. The next is

Sense Appealed Form Acer and Sony. The last written form is Conversational Copy. It existed in Ericsson and Rolex advertisements. On the other hand, these advertisements also used Testimonial Form. From the analysis, it is found that the Pronoun Deixis is often used. In almost all advertisements the personal pronoun "you" existed. Its pronoun refers to the readers or customers. Though, there was an advertisement has different interpretation. It was found in Taugheuer, "you" in this case refers to the product.

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The possessive Pronoun "your" also refers to the readers. The other personal pronoun was "we" that can be interpreted as the expert, the producer, the teams and all people who work in the company that produced the product in the advertisement. Besides, the possessive pronoun "our" has the same interpretation. File pronoun of "I" is used. "I" refers to the actor or the public figure that give the statement. The next is the personal pronoun "it". In order to communicate to the readers, the advertiser used "it" to mention the products repeatedly. Other pronouns in those advertisements were "something" in Nokia; "everything" is Sony, "everyone" in Samsung, "some people" in Patek Philippe and "everybody" in Omega. Place Deixis in the advertisements are "anywhere' in Siemens that call be interpreted as some places where the readers need to use their mobile phone. The next is "wherever" in Sanyo that refers to a particular place where people want to enjoy the product. The third is "on ice" as a place which the athletes compete to win the skating. The last is "space in bed" can be interpreted as a wide place to work, relax or sleep inside the plane. Next, the word "in the hectic world" in Cathay Pacific means the busy activities at this tine.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the above conclusion, the writer would like to suggest that this linguistic study is expected to enlarge readers knowledge about one of the techniques of advertising. Furthermore, for advertisers, hopefully, it would be

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useful in the process of making an advertisement so that their advertisement becomes more effective, interesting, and persuasive. Moreover, the words used in advertisement have their own style so everybody is free to make interpretation. To make this thesis more perfectly and also criticism and suggestion from the readers are needed.

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KARTU KENDALI KONSULTASI SKRIPSI Nama NIM Jurusan/Fakultas Judul Awal Konsultasi Akhir Konsultasi Pembimbing NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Tanggal 21 Maret 2009 18 April 2009 16 Mei 2009 16 Juni 2009 20 Juni 2009 25 Juni 2009 09 Juli 2009 08 Agustus 2009 14 Agustus 2009 14 September 2009 05 Oktober 2009 : Iksan Uddin : 03320096 : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris/ Humaniora dan Budaya : A DEIXIS IN THE WRITING FORM OF ADVERTISEMENT IN TIME MAGAZINE : 21 Maret 2009 : 05 Oktober 2009 : Drs. H. Basri Zain, MA., Ph.D Materi Pengajuan Judul ACC Proposal Seminar Proposal Konsultasi Bab I & III Revisi Bab I & III Konsultasi Bab II Revisi Bab II Konsultasi Bab IV Revisi Bab IV Konsultasi Bab V ACC Keseluruhan Malang, 05 Oktober 2009 TTD Dosen Mahasiswa

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Mengetahui, Dekan Fakultas Humaniora dan Budaya Kajur Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Drs. KH. Chamzawi, M.Hi NIP. 19510808 198403 1 001

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