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Fxislenliolism, Urbonism, lporio, Deonlic, Tobulo Roso, Hyperspoce,

Helerolopio, Meloreolily, Slruclurolism .
The unique longuoge used in orchileclurol lheory, in eilher speech
or wriling, con oppeor dounling ond confusing, porliculorly lo new
orchileclurol sludenls.
Cleorly cross-referenced
lluslroled lhroughoul
0ecoJin 7heor,speak provides on occessible guide lo lhe speciolized
longuoge of conlemporory design for lhe nexl generolion of lhinkers,
orchilecls ond design leoders. ln essenliol pockel-sized resource for
sludenls ond proclilioners olike.
Enn 0ts is o proclicing orchilecl ond leocher wilh /O yeors of lheoryspeok
experience. Since 17 he hos been on ossociole professor ol lhe Florido
l&M Universily School of lrchileclure while moinloining on orchileclurol
proclice. He conducls design/build workshops, os well os leoching lheory
ond undergroduole design sludio. Prior lo 17, he wos on orchileclurol
reseorcher ond designer in Winnipeg ond Toronlo, Conodo.
This book is dedicated to the late Tom Porter who made it
possible. He was a true Iriend.
ln illuslroled guide lo orchileclurol lheory
Wilh conlribulions by.
Michoel llfono Jr.
Jonolhon Hole
Croig Huffmon
Belh Lewis
Byron Mikellides
llessondro 0rlondoni
Tom Porler
Published 2O11
by Roulledge
2 Pork Squore, Millon Pork, lbingdon, 0xon, 0X1/ /RN
Simulloneously published in lhe USl ond Conodo
by Roulledge
27O Modison lvenue, New York, NY 1OO1
Rout|eJe is an imprint of the 7a,|or & Francis 0roup, an informa business
2O11 seleclion ond ediloriol moleriol, Fnn 0ls, individuol choplers, lhe conlribulors
occordonce wilh seclions 77 ond 78 of lhe Copyri ghl, Designs ond Polenls lcl 188.
lll righls reserved. No porl of lhis book moy be reprinled or reproduced or ulilised in ony form
or by ony eleclronic, mechonicol, or olher meons, now known or hereofler invenled, including
pholocopying ond recordi ng, or in ony informolion sloroge or relrievol syslem, wilhoul
permission in wriling from lhe publishers.
8ritish Librar, 0ata|ouin in Pub|ication 0ata
l colologue record for lhis book is ovoiloble from lhe Brilish Librory
Librar, of 0onress 0ata|oin-in-Pub|ication 0ata
Decoding lheoryspeok . on illuslroled guide lo orchileclurol lheory / Fnn 0ls , wilh
conlribuli ons by Michoel llfono Jr. ... |el ol.J.
p. cm.
1. lrchileclure-Philosophy. 2. lrchileclure-Terminology. . llfono, Michoel. . Tille. . Tille.
lluslroled guide lo orchileclurol lheory.
Nl25OO.078 2O1O
SBN13. 78-O-/15-7782- lhbkI
SBN13. 78-O-/15-7783O-5 lpbkI
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This edition published in the Ta TTylor & aa Erancis e-Library rancis e-Librar rancis e-Librar , y 2010.
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I SBN 0-203-84190-5Master e-book I SBN
lluslrolions vii
Lisl of conlribulors xi
lcknowledgmenls xiii
Prefoce xv
nlroduclion 1
Theoryspeok 3
Lisl of lerms 213
Furlher reoding 21
Unless indicoled olherwise, oll illuslrolions ore by Fnn 0ls.
Lo 0ronde lrche, Poris. 1 Karen wi||iams
Fronklin Courl 2
Porc de lo \illelle 3
Rurol sludio. / /nJ, 8eckham
Bonk oeslhelic lronsformolion from modern lo posl- 5
modern wilh lhe oddilion of some plywood
Wexner Cenler for lhe \isuol lrls
Piozzo d`lolio 7
The Porllond Building 8
Crown Holl
Herring Holl 1O
Foce building in Helsinki, Finlond 11
llessi`s orchileclonic leo ond coffee lowers 12
Downlown Chicogo 13
Cincinnoli lrl Museum 1/
Psychology ond lrchileclure Deporl. 15 Louis Fe||man
FMP ormolures 1
Luxor Holel ond Cosino, Los \egos 17
New York, New York, Cosino Holel, Los \egos 18
Toronlo in 17/. Bonol modernism 1
llessi coffee ond leo sel 2O
Boxy cor 21
Wexner Cenler for lhe \isuol lrls 22
0uggenheim Museum, Bilboo Spoin. 23 !anice Ratner
Shorp Cenler 2/
nslilul du Monde lrobe. 25 !anice Ratner
The FMP 2
Big Moc ol lhe Ponlheon, Rome 27
While Coslle. Fol like o lillle king 28
Bewore of isms. 2 7hor Hann
Coloslrophic spoliol lronsilion. 3O Kar| 0ts
The lllen Lomberl Cove 0ollerio, Toronlo 31
Le \illo Sovoye. Clossicol modernism. 32 Karen wi||iams
Cliche foode 33
Times Squore, New York. 3/ Kar| 0ts
Fxpo 7. Mon ond His World 35
viii llustrations
Role of conslroinls in lhe problem-solving design process 3
Seollle Public Librory. onli-conlexuolism? 37
Teom Disney Heodquorlers 38
lrl 0ollery of 0nlorio 3
The Cryslol nvosion /O
Seoside colloge by Leon Krier. going ogoinsl lhe doloscope /1
The inlended Seoside doloscope. lhe Trumon Colloge /2
Hobilol 7 /3
Houslon Children`s Museum //
0rienle lroin slolion, Lisbon. / !anice Ratner
Kohn`s honesl concrele deloil. Kimbel lrl Museum /7
/8 !anice Ratner
Sludenl digilol model /
Tom Yohe`s ropid prololyper. 5O 7om ohe
Disneylond 51
Design os problem solving 52
Swiss Re Building. 53 !anice Ratner
0ermon povilion, Fxpo 7 5/
Toronlo Slock Fxchonge os o fronl 55
Felish Florido roodside ollroclion 5
0verbuild slrolegy 57
Mrs Who demonslroles lhe fold. odopled from o diogrom by 58
HaJe|eine LFn|e in / wrink|e in 7ime lDell Yeorling, 12I
Decoroled shed - Borcelono Forum. 5 !anice Ratner

Differenliol obsolescence O
Finlondio Holl 1
Los \egos helerolopio 2
Universily of Houslon 3
The Seoside Hybrid Building /
John Honcock hyperbuilding 5
Boslon Cily Holl - brulolism l18I
Corn Poloce corn-ogrophy 7
Woodlond Cemelery 8
0reoler London lulhorily building. !anice Ratner
nverled povilion ol Fxpo 7 7O
Fnlry lo lhe Kimbell 71
Junkspoce porking lol - o piozzo? 72
ix llustrations
Folk kilsch in Souris, Monilobo 73
Pompidou Cenler. 7/ Karen wi||iams
Mochine for Living. \illo Sovoye 75 Karen wi||iams
Menil 0ollery 7
l mosk for lhe believers 77
Doled Seollle lrl Museum 78
Universily of Winnipeg Sciences Building megoslruclure 7
Tree mimesis in Torlu, Fslonio 8O
Monumenl lo Tchoikovsky 81
Dulles lirporl 82
0rnomenled housebool door in lmslerdom 83
Performonce-bosed design 8/
Florido Copilol Building 85
Ponlheon exlerior 8
Ponlheon inlerior 87
Nineleenlh-cenlury primilive hul 88
Home wilh socred fronl 8
173 Forecosl of lhe fulure of orchileclurol produclion O
process. 0ona|J wink|emann, Fll.
lpplied represenlolion - Dolphin Holel 0rlondo 1
Ruin in Torlu, Fslonio 2
Pompidou Cenler. 3 Karen wi||iams
List ef centributers
HicbaeI AIfanc Jr., ll, is on orchilecl ond urbon designer. He is on
lssociole Professor ond o founding member of lhe Florido l&M Universily
School of lrchileclure. His reseorch ond leoching focus is in orchileclurol
lheory ond urbon design.
Jcnatban RaIe is on orchilecl ond lssociole Professor ol lhe Deporlmenl
of lrchileclure ond Buill Fnvironmenl, Universily of Nollinghom. He is
course direclor for lhe inlerdisciplinory Ml in lrchileclure ond Crilicol
Theory. He is lhe oulhor of numerous orlicles ond books. He is olso o
founder member of lhe inlernolionol sub|ecl group, lrchileclurol
Humonilies Reseorch lssociolion llHRlI.
Craig Ruffman is on oword winning orchilecl ond lssociole Professor
of lrchileclure ol Florido l&M Universily. He hos leclured ond exhibiled
his work lhroughoul lhe Uniled Sloles, conlribuled essoys on design
ond lheory in lwo books, ond hos hod work published in 0ompetitions
Betb Lewis, ll, LFFD lP, lssociole Professor in lhe School of
lrchileclure ol Florido l&M Universily leoches orchileclure design,
susloinoble conslruclion ond green building design. She is oclive in lhe
slole ond locol leodership of ll ond lhe US 0reen Building Council.
Byrcn HikeIIides is on environmenlol psychologisl ond Fmerilus
Professor ol lhe School of lrchileclure, 0xford Brookes Universily ond
visiling professor ol lhe School of lrchileclure, Universily of Cyprus. He
is lhe co-edilor of 0o|our for /rchitecture l17I ond oulhor of /rchitecture
for Peop|e l18OI.
AIessandra 0rIandcni is on orchilecl ond designer bosed in Florence,
loly. She hos colloboroled on numerous cullurol pro|ecls os curolor,
coordinolor ond consullonl. Her wrilings hove been published in severol
inlernolionol publicolions. From 2OO2 lo 2OO5, she wos Professor of
nlerior ond Fxhibilion Design ol lhe nduslriol Design ond Foshion Design
Deporlmenls of lhe Florence lrchileclure Universily.
Tcm Pcrter, lhe lole oulhor ond color consullonl wos \isiling Professor ol
Monlono Slole Universily l2OO-2OO8I ond visiling fellow ol 0xford Brookes
Universily. He hos oulhored numerous books, including /rchispeak l2OO/I,
This volume would nol hove been possible wilhoul lhe generous
conlribulions of lhe following individuols.
Michoel llfono Jr, Jonolhon Hole, Croig Huffmon, Belh Lewis, Byron
Mikellides, llessondro 0rlondoni, Tom Porler
lndy Beckhom, Louis Hellmon, Thor Monn, Korl 0ls, Jonice Rolner,
Koren Willioms, Tom Yohe
would like lo olso lhonk my groduole ossislonls, Jeffrey Smiley ond
Cheryl Collender for lheir efforls. Speciol lhonks ore due lo llexey 0ls for
his ediloriol ossislonce.
Fnn 0ls
Longuoge is lhe house of Being. n ils home humon beings dwell. Those
who lhink ond lhose who creole wilh words ore lhe guordions of lhis
Hartin Reidegger
The discourse on lheory slreoms olong in oll of ils convoluled complexily,
lorgely unnoliced by lhe overoge proclilioner of orchileclure. f lhe orlicles
gel loo complex, simply no one will reod lhem.
7heor,speak is lhe second volume in lhe Speok series. l wos nol
plonned lo be o series, bul ofler /rchispeak wos complele, more lerms
kepl coming up during design sludio reviews ond in generol discussions
wilh sludenls. Since mosl of lhese oddilionol lerms seemed lo be in
lhe oreo of orchileclurol lheory il seemed oppropriole lo supplemenl
/rchispeak wilh 7heor,speak. Togelher lhey provide on inlroduclion lo
over 55O orchileclurol design ond lheory lerms. ls lhe expecled reoder is
onyone who hos o newfound inleresl in design lheory, on efforl hos been
mode lo ensure lhol eoch lerm is occessible ond underslondoble wilhoul
relying on prior knowledge of reloled lerms ond concepls. Towords lhol
end, il hos been imporlonl lo ovoid lhe pedonlic ond obscure, yel ol lhe
some lime lo nol lriviolize or minimize lhe full meoning ond imporlonce
of lhe selecled lerm.
modernisl orchileclurol dogmo, espousing whol mony regorded os cold-
heorled rolionol rules for problem solving lhrough form generolion.
Few members of lhe public opprecioled lhe resulling breok from lhe
orchileclurol ocodemy imporled Furopeon slruclurolisl philosophy ond
recosl il os orchileclurol lheory. The profession ond lhe ocodemy wos
receplive, os lhey hod been olerled by lhe publicolion of Roberl \enluri`s
genlle monifeslo on non-slroighlforword orchileclure, 0omp|exit, anJ
0ontraJiction in /rchitecture l1I, olong wilh olher grumblings oboul
lhe poverly of modernism from Peler Bloke ond olhers.
The pro|ecl of lhe new slruclurolisl orchileclurol lheory wos lo
reslore meoning in orchileclure lhrough lhe melophor of longuoge.
The discipline of semiology provided lhe melhodology for lhis efforl.
Unforlunolely il relolively quickly lurned on ilself ond deconslrucled.
crilicol lheory become of inleresl lo purveyors of orchileclurol lheory in
lhe 1Os. Long-neglecled issues such os feminism, cullurol lheory, ond
globolizolion become lhe lopics of lhe doy wilhin lhe ocodemy.
hos been lorgely reploced by o messier, eorlhier, more lechnicol, yel
humonislic, inleresl in experimenlol ond experienliol orchileclure.
The focus is on building skins, digilol medio, susloinoble design, ond
new forms of digilol proclice. There is o renewed progmolism wilhin
o chonged environmenl of elhicol proclice. lrchilecls ore gelling lheir
honds dirly ogoin. This shifl owoy from lhe more esoleric lheories of lhe
previous decodes wos oided by lhe evenluol occeplonce by designers of
lwenlielh-cenlury porodigm chonges in lhe sciences. Biologicol sciences,
complexily ond choos lheory, slring lheory, ond non-Fuclideon spoliol
The execulion of lhe resulling orchileclurol woves, folds, ond blobs hos
olso been mode possible by odvonces in digilol lechnologies. Terms such
os blobmeisler ond biomimicry hove |oined lhe lexicon of design
lolk. Fmergenl, non-Corlesion form, inspired somewhol by Deleuzion
philosophy, ond mode possible by lhe compuler, is lhe mogozine-worlhy
orchileclure of lhe doy.
l hos olso been o lime of reinvenlion of lhe process of delivering
orchileclure. Poromelric design using building informolion modeling
lBMI ond inlegroled proclice ore lhrusling lhe orchilecl inlo lhe
unfomilior role of working wilh lolol lronsporency in o fully cooperolive
oul by shifling from crilicol lheory lo crilicol proclice. This crilicol
2 ntroduction
proclice hos olso been described os lhe new progmolism. Fvenluolly lhe
susloinoble orchileclure. The slole of lhe nolurol world hos now swepl
opporenl enlhusiosm, os clienls demond il. Unlike lhe energy crisis of
lhe 17Os, lhe enlire design communily is now involved. The slokes ore
higher. We ore nol os nove os lhe eorlier bock lo lhe eorlh movemenls
lhol become ossocioled wilh lhe Woodslock generolion.
s lhis on odd lime for lhe inlroduclion of o glossory of lheory lerms?
Hordly, lhe posl 2O yeors hove seen o dromolic chonge in lhe lheory ond
proclice of orchileclure. The Speok series, including lhis volume, is o
limely efforl ol helping lo novigole lhe speciolized |orgon found in currenl
design lilerolure.
3 I A Absence/presence
Wben 5tructuraIists and Pcst-5tructuraIists make tbe apparentIy
cutragecus cIaim tbat every cbject is bctb a presence and an absence,
tbey mean tbat an cbject is never fuIIy tbere - it is tbere tc tbe extent
tbat it appears befcre us, but is nct tbere in sc far as its being is
determined by its reIaticn tc tbe wbcIe system cf wbicb it is part, a
system tbat dces nct appear tc us. - Donold Polmer
Tbere is nc presence. Tbere is nc absence. Tbere is cnIy tbe difference
between tbem, aIways and aIready in mcvement. - Michoel Benedikl
The nolion lhol o work of orchileclure con hove o simulloneous quolily of
absence ond presence is porl of lhe lole lwenlielh cenlury Slruclurolisl
efforl ol plocing designed ob|ecls wilhin lheir lorger conlexls. For lhem,
lhe quolily of absence wos relolive lo our unconscious underslonding of
lhe missing. The quolily of presence wos simply whol we hove before us,
no more. The discipline for underslonding lhese nolions wos borrowed
from linguislics, o well-developed philosophicol science, hoving been
The quolilies of absence ond presence
Slruclurolisls. Phenomenologisls hove on inleresl in lhe presenlness of
lhe ob|ecl, devoid of lhe absence. Whol mollers mosl lo lhem is lhe row
reolily of lhe experience of lhe ob|ecl before lhem. n olher words, lhe
immediole presence of lhe ob|ecl is whol is lruly reol.
A buiIding witb presence, witb a kind cf mute awareness cf its dccrs
- Michoel Benedikl
Posl-modern slyle orchilecls confronled absence by overlly sompling
orchileclurol orlifocls from lhe posl. The inlenl wos lo reslore meoning lo
o mule modern orchileclure. This ollempl ol lhe removol of lhe absence, by
being more evidenl ond lilerol moy hove been one of lhe downfolls of posl-
modern orchileclure, porliculorly os procliced by less lolenled second-
lhe posl-modern orchileclurol slyle obondoned oll references lo lhe
implicil slruclures lhol form lhe absence.
Whol were being deconslrucled were lhe
lhol Slruclurolisls conlended formed lhe
pro|ecl of posl-deconslruclivism hos been
lo rediscover lhe obsenl slruclures lhol
foll wilhin lhe ogendo of crilicol lheory.
Socio-polilicol ond economic conlexls ore
once ogoin ocknowledged. n o lwisl of fole,
lhe currenl digilol blob ond fold odvocoles
seem lo be mosl inleresled in on oggressive
presence ol lhe expense of absence. Their
references lo conlexl ore lypicolly missing.
This is illuslroled by lhe 0ronde lrche ol
Figure 1. Lo 0ronde lrche, Poris
A I A Abstraction
Lo Defense in Poris, which hos o slrong presence due lo lhe absence of
conlexl, ond even lhe middle of lhe building ilself lFigure 1I.
5pace - Tbe presence cf absence. - Bernord Tschumi
See olso.
Acccrding tc PIatc, wcrds name ccncepts, ideas, wbicb are
abstracticns. - Donold Polmer
Hcdern arcbitecture attempted tc strip itseIf cf tbe cutward trappings
cf CIassicaI" styIe. Tbis prccess cf reducticn was caIIed abstracticn.
- Peler Fisenmon
Modern orchileclure employed mony forms of abstraction, including lhe
elevolion of funclion lo lhe slolus of form giver. ls illuslroled in Figure
2, obslroclion in modern orchileclure con even reduce lhe building lo
ils bore bones. To obslrocl is o fundomenlol humon need. /bstraction
ollows one lo confronl lhe complexilies of row reolily lhrough o process of
sorling, lobeling, colologuing, ond denying lhose ospecls of our world lhol
lhol reloles direclly lo clossicol ond modernisl orchileclure, |usl os lhe
obslroclion we coll non-Fuclideon spoce con be regorded os one of lhe
conlemporory orchileclurol form obslroclions is lhe use of lhe folds,
lwisls, ond blobs derived from nolure. lrchileclure hos moved from lhe
simplislic nolion of form follows funclion of modern orchileclure lo on
even greoler level of abstraction. Form is no longer lhe primory concern
of o meoningful ond elhicol green digilol orchileclure. Funclion is
declored o deod end, os il hos proven lo be loo lronsilory ond orbilrory.
ronicolly, lhe growing use of digilol medio hos mode il possible lo
cyber simulole lhe visible world wilh less abstraction. The virluol world
is becoming more reol wilh eoch new mossive mulliployer online gome.
The digilol design process, however, hos obslrocled lhe physicol ocl of
design. The designer no longer hos on inlimole relolionship wilh her
design medio. l is housed in lhe virluol world, which she con only observe
lhrough lhe looking gloss. 0ccosionolly, in response lo lhe clienl`s need
for o physicol monifeslolion of lhe design, lrodilionol physicol models ore
slill produced. Wilh lhe use of ropid prololyping mochines, even lhese
physicol models ore produced wilhoul lhe inlimole involvemenl of lhe
designer. Physicol models ore slill fovored by mony clienls, even lhough
lhey ore more obslrocl lhon o fully rendered digilol model. For group
viewing siluolions, physicol models ore in lhe round ond lhus eosier lo
use for fund roising ond generol promolionol purposes.
See olso.
5 I A Accident
Furlher sources. Bollonlyne l2OO2. 3/I, Colebrook l2OO. I, 0ouso l2OO3. 21, 2/I
Johnson l1/. 331I Lefebvre lin Hoys. 17/I
Figure 2. Fronklin Courl.
I bate perfecticn. I tbink perfecticn is bcring. Instead, tbere is
- Winko Dubbeldom
Mony of lhe world`s mosl imporlonl discoveries hove been mode os o
consequence of whol is oflen lermed lhe hoppy occidenl. Fxomples ore
Johonn lloys Senefelder`s discovery of lhe lilhogrophic prinling process
in 178 ofler occidenlolly spilling bocon fol on lo o slone surfoce, lhe
lhe mosl fomous, sooc Newlon`s observolion of on opple folling from o
lree which led lo his musings on lhe nolure of grovily. ndeed, occidenls
hove led lo lhe discovery of counlless innovolions bolh greol ond smoll,
from lhe chocolole chip cookie ond lhe Posl-l nole lo penicillin, ink |el
prinlers, ond polycorbonoles. The omounl of discoveries due lo acciJent
vories exlensively ocross lhe disciplines - phormocology ond chemislry
more frequenlly.
Hislory, of course, does nol documenl occidenlol exposures of
informolion, which could hove resulled in o new discovery, ond we ore
discoveries is lhol lheir discoverers ogree upon one common poinl of
view. Thol is, while pre|udice ond preformed concepls presenl lhe greolesl
obslocle, o receplively open mind is required on lhe porl of lhe invenlor
or scienlisl lo delecl lhe imporlonce of informolion lhol is suddenly ond
occidenlolly reveoled.
While exomples obound in orl, acciJent con olso ploy o key role in
orchileclure, where some designers purposefully employ misodvenlure
os porl of lheir design process. Perhops lhe mosl vivid orchileclurol
exomple con be found in Bernord Tschumi`s compelilion-winning design
for lhe Porc de lo \illelle in Poris lsee Figure 3I. Here, Tschumi used
A I A Ad hocism
plonned lo hove occidenlol inlerseclions.
ls eoch loyer wos supposedly developed
wilhoul regord for lhe olhers, lhe resulls
ore surprisingly produclive. Will llsop is
onolher orchilecl who, unusuolly, orriving
ol his orchileclurol designs vio poinling,
is conslonlly open lo lhe incidence of
acciJent ond chonce. He describes o sloin acciJent
on o drowing occidenlolly lefl behind by o
wine gloss os hoving lhe polenliol lo open
up lhe imoginolion lo o whole new world
of possibilily. There is olso lhe legendory
slory of Fronk 0. 0ehry crumpling up
some poper ond lhrowing il inlo lhe
lrosh, only lo relrieve il loler ond use il
os lhe form of inspirolion for one of his
buildings. TP
Hany cf tbcse wbc aIIcw accident tc pIay accident
a part in tbeir design prccess beIieve
tbat accident, - Tom Porler
See olso.
UnseIfccnscicus fcrm
Ad hecism
Design, essentiaIIy a ccIIage, wbere every part cf a buiIding, cr eacb
eIement cf a buiIding-ccmpIex, is designed witb scant regard tc tbe
wbcIe, and cften invcIves disparate parts taken frcm cataIcgues -
Chorles Jencks
. assembIage cccurs in arcbitecturaI design wben mcdeIs and
ccmpcnents and reIaticnsbips cf an idea. - /rchispeak, p. 1O
/J hocism is o common ond longslonding melhod of conslruclion omong
informol selllemenls lhroughoul lhe world. Unforlunolely, lhese unsofe
ond unsonilory developmenls ore going lo grow in number ond size os
polilicol ond environmenlol coloslrophes conlinue in lhe developing
world. n lhe developed world, od hoc conslruclion hos o less ominous
fulure. The currenl do-il-yourself lDYI movemenl hos resulled in
widespreod od hoc design wilhoul o concepluol composs. n oddilion lo
n lhis green ero of recycling moleriols, od hocism is growing os o
design/build melhodology. Progroms such os lhe Rurol Sludio ol luburn
Universily lFigure /I, ond similor efforls ol olher schools of orchileclure,
ore becoming incubolors for fulure od hoc designers. The design/build
movemenl using recycled moleriols is following in lhe foolsleps of Bruce
0off. n referring lo lhe Bovinger House l157I, Jencks describes 0off os
Figure 3 Porc de lo \illelle
7 I A Aesthetics
lhe mosler of od hoc building, or lhe `lrmy ond Novy Surplus leslhelic,`
using ony conceivoble leflover moleriols.
n oddilion lo orchileclure, lowns ond cilies hove developed in on od
hoc monner, conlrolled only by lhe need for defense ond lhe pollerns
of supplied infroslruclure ond nolurol feolures. This is porliculorly lrue
of ploces lhol hove evolved over o very long period of lime. n conlrosl,
modern lowns hove been corefully plonned since lhe slorl of lhe
lwenlielh cenlury. Howord`s 0arJen 0ities l1O2I wos on eorly exomple of
lhe movemenl owoy from od hoc lown growlh. However, os o reoclion lo
lhe slerilily of lhe plonned communily, efforls ore now underwoy in lhese
aJ hocism lhrough conlrived voriolion
of colors, roof lypes, ond olher opplied elemenls. This lype of plonned
aJ hocism is of course no aJ hocism ol oll. lmericon progmolism, os
demonslroled by Thoreou`s cobin ol Wolden Pond, is o beller exomple of
od hoc design ond conslruclion in lhe Uniled Sloles.
See olso.
Tbe study cf tbe feeIings, ccncepts, and judgments arising frcm cur
appreciaticn cf tbe arts cr cf tbe wider cIass cf cbjects ccnsidered
mcving, cr beautifuI, cr subIime. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
. estbetics as an umbreIIa term is used fcr quaIities pcssessed by an
artifact cr buiIding after it bas been designed. - Poul-llon Johnson
\ilruvius populorized lhe discussion oboul orchileclurol oeslhelics wilh
his prescriplions for beouly leurhylhmyI ond orrongemenl ldiolhesisI.
/esthetics wos on imporlonl porl of lhe ensuing clossicol orchileclure,
wilh ils coreful ond explicil conons of proporlion, symmelry, lhe orders,
elc. Clossicol oeslhelics endured for mosl of lhe hislory of weslern
cullure. Modern oeslhelics begon in lhe eighleenlh cenlury wilh lhe
publicolion of Dovid Hume`s 0f lhe Slondord of Tosle l1737I. Modern
orchileclurol dogmo re|ecled formol aesthetics os o volid concern for lhe
designer. The breok occurred wilh lhe odvenl of socielol modernism, ond
Figure /. Rurol sludio
A I 8 A Aletheia
resull, orchileclurol oeslhelics become o losl orl.
For o brief period in lhe lwenlielh cenlury lhere wos on ollempl lo
resurrecl clossicol oeslhelics, bul lhe efforl wos nol oflen bosed upon
scholorship, bul rolher uninformed sompling of hisloricol elemenls.
The commerciolized posl-modern orchileclure lhol wos produced by
less lolenled orchilecls resulled in discrediling orchileclurol oeslhelics
once ogoin. n on ironic lwisl, occosionolly modern buildings were being
updoled lo posl-modern by lhe oddilion of clossicol molifs. The bonk
shown in Figure 5 hod o plywood pedimenl odded in lhe lole 18Os lo
updole il lo lhe oeslhelic of lhe doy. Unforlunolely il wos loo lillle loo lole,
ond lhe building is once ogoin oul of dole.
preoccupolion wilh imoge hos creoled o renewed inleresl in oeslhelic os
o foshion slolemenl. The resull is lhol, os in oll foshions, lhe occepled
aesthetics shifl os lhe consumer induslry ond sociol medio promole lhe
new look. Thus, populor neo-modern losle hos shifled ollenlion woy
from ony formol prescriplions for beouly ond elegonce lowords lhe hip-
hop oeslhelic or lhe chunkiness ond slrongeness of lhe biomorphic. The
severol yeors lo go from iniliol concepl lo compleled building, lhere is on
increosing donger lhol lhe building will olreody be considered lo be old
foshioned lhe doy il hos ils grond opening.
. arcbitecturaI creaticns cannct be detacbed frcm intenticn eitber
in tbeir creaticn cr tbeir interpretaticn . aestbetic autcncmy is
tberefcre a mytb. - Poul-llon Johnson
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bollonlyne l2OO2. 18I, Horries l18. /, 17, 21I, Johnson l1/.
3I, Long l187. 17I
Tbe impcssibiIity cf scmetbing, being true. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of
Fcr reek tbcugbt tbe nature cf kncwing ccnsists in aIetbeia.
- Morlin Heidegger
Figure 5. Bonk oeslhelic
lronsformolion from modern lo
posl-modern wilh lhe oddilion of
some plywood
I A Algorithm
The 0reek lerm a|etheia refers lo lhe problem of lrulh, including lhe
impossibilily of somelhing being lrue, regordless of lhe soundness of lhe
orgumenls lo lhe conlrory. l slrong orgumenl for on impossible lrulh,
somelimes couses lhe designer lo be misled inlo lhinking resulls ore
volid. This moy be porliculorly lrue when o sophislicoled cyber-bosed
design process hos been employed. Upon furlher invesligolion lhe pro|ecl
is oflen reveoled lo be less lhoughl oul lhon lhe represenlolion implies.
The evidence moy be hidden behind o very convincing fully rendered ond
onimoled digilol model. Somelimes lhe design proposol is on eloborole
lhe solulion hos been omilled. f lhe righl queslions hod been osked, lhe
lrulh of lhe onswers lo lhose queslions moy hove shown lhol lhe solulion
under considerolion wos olelhelic. This is o common problem lhol
sludenls encounler wilh lheir closs design pro|ecls, which oflen presenl
good onswers lo lhe wrong queslions. /|etheia con only be prevenled in
lhe sludio if logicol onolysis ond honesl orgumenlolion ore emphosized
poromelers lhol ore being selecled lo be oddressed. did il becouse
olwoys wonled lo do o pyromid, or becouse 0ehry did il moy nol be good
enough. Peler Fisenmon demonslroled o more inleresling opplicolion of
reverse a|etheia lo orchileclurol design in lhe inlerrupled orch ol lhe 18
Wexner Cenler for lhe \isuol lrls
lFigure I. The orch is lrue, despile
lhe impossibilily of il being so.
n our ero of hidden persuoder
we ore incessonlly, ond unknowingly,
confronled by lelevision huckslers
who ore presenling sound orgumenls
for impossible lrulhs. The Shom
Wow does on impossibly good |ob of
cleoning up spills, despile evidence
lo lhe conlrory.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Heidegger lin Leoch
17. 121I
Tbe term aIgcritbm simpIy means a series cf steps. Tcday, as
mcdeIing, representaticn, and fabricaticn tecbncIcgies sbift frcm
manuaI tc autcmated prccesses, tbe issue cf aIgcritbm is pressing .
- Ben|omin lrondo ond Chris Losch
In recent years tbere is an increasing trend in arcbitecture tc expIcit
tbe abiIity cf aIgcritbmic design tc prcduce ccmpIex fcrms by
impIementing reIativeIy simpIe and easy fcrmuIas. - Sowoko Koi|imo
Design bas tried tc get bcId cf tbe immense perfcrmative pcwer cf
aIgcritbms fcr aImcst a decade. - Sonford Kwinler
Figure . Wexner Cenler for lhe \isuol lrls
A I 10 A Allusionism
n lhe posl, a|orithms hove been closely ossocioled wilh lhe speciolized
widespreod populorily of spreodsheel progroms such os Microsofl Fxcel,
lhe use of lhe a|orithm hos spreod lo generol use in lhe business ond
ocodemic worlds. Wilh lhe growing use of digilol poromelric design
lools, such os building informolion modeling lBMI, lhe developmenl ond
use of a|orithms hos become o porl of lhe orchilecl`s everydoy dulies.
Spreodsheel-bosed inpuls, os well os olher lypes of a|orithms, ore
imporlonl lo mony of lhe funclions of o BM. llso, os orchilecls become
increosingly involved in lhe ClD/ClM cycle, focilily wilh a|orithms os
scripling will be necessory.
The spreod of a|orithms
specler of mochines using self-generoled a|orithms lo design ond
monufoclure olher mochines, including orchileclure, moy nol be lhol for
off. The implicolions for orchilecls moy be porliculorly dislurbing, os lhey
become byslonders. Fven lodoy, lhere is o donger lhol lhe orchilecl moy
be forced lo relinquish conlrol over lhe BM lo professionol BM monogers
who ore nol designers, bul more closely resemble lhe occounlonls who
ore mosl comforloble deoling wilh a|orithms. The lyronny of olgorilhmic,
poromelric design is o reol concern. The immeosuroble will suffer. The
foscinolion wilh lhe complex shopes possible due lo a|orithmic design
moy supplonl more pressing design concerns. n lhe fulure we moy be
blessed wilh on increosingly inleresling orchileclure lhol comes complele
wilh lowsuils for lock of funclionolily, cosl overruns, ond domoges due
lo woler inlrusion. Thol fulure moy hove olreody orrived wilh infomous
pro|ecls such os 0ehry`s STlTl ond Libeskind`s Denver lrl Museum.
See olso.
Figure 7. Piozzo d`lolio
AIIusicn - an indirect reference tc scmetbing. - websters unabriJeJ
/||usionism wos on opprooch lo posl-modern orchileclurol design lhol
ollempled lo provide clues for communicoling lhe norrolive of lhe work.
l con loke on o voriely of forms, from explicil references lo porliculor
frogmenls from eorlier buildings, lo lhe wholesole sompling of iconic
11 I A Alterity
buildings from lhe posl. The Ponlheon hos been o populor sub|ecl for
creoling lhe ollusion of oncienl Rome. Chorles Moore`s Piozzo d`lolio
is perhops lhe mosl oggressive ond overl exomple of posl-modern
a||usionism. ls design concepl includes on eloborole founloin in o slone
urbon plozo lhol in plon view is o lilerol mop of loly. The founloin olso hos
o complex, curved bockdrop lhol is o riol of clossicol lolion orchileclurol
references lFigure 7I.
/||usionism hos nol disoppeored wilh lhe demise of posl-modernism
in orchileclure. The Bei|ing 0lympic slodium, lhe Bird`s Nesl, is o
de Meuron`s inlenlion lo reference o bird`s nesl, il wos o hoppy occidenl
lhol lhe ollusion resonoled wilh lhe Chinese clienl group. ls orchilecls
venlure ever more inlo blobs ond folds, lhe public will increosingly look for
ollusions, inlended or nol. llsop`s Big Blue, Cololrovo`s bird wings, ond
Frskine`s lrk ore |usl some of lhe well-known orchileclurol ollusions.
Looking for ollusions is porl of humon nolure. lfler oll, we hove oll looked
ol clouds lo see Homer Simpson or o duck`s heod.
See olso.
Figure 8. The Porllond
Term used in pcstmcdern writing fcr tbe ctberness" cf ctbers, cr
scmetimes tbe ctberness cf tbe seIf. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
/|terit, is lhe philosophicol principle of exchonging one`s own perspeclive
for lhol of lhe olher. l opplies lo lhe discipline of orchileclure os il
involves lhe chollenge of designing for olhers in lheir olherness. n order
lo do so successfully, il is necessory lo pul yourself in lhe olher person`s
shoes. lllhough orchilecls ore oflen occused of designing buildings
lo ossuoge lheir own egos ond personol ogendos, mosl orchilecls
lruly lislen lo lheir clienls ond ploce lhe user`s needs obove lheir own.
goining more noloriely lhrough lhe produclion of ever more exlrovogonl
ond phologenic orchileclure. They ore promoling lheir brond wilh lhe
blessings of lheir clienl/polron. ls we move slill more quickly from one
ism lo lhe nexl, lhese iconic slor works will quickly seem doled ond
nove. We olreody devolue lhe culling-edge posl-modernisl lPoMoI work
A I 12 A Ambivalence
from lhe 18Os os old-foshioned. The iconic Porllond Municipol Services
Building l182I by Michoel 0roves looks decidedly oul of dole lFigure 8I.
The deconslruclivisl orchileclure lhol followed PoMo is now olso oul of
foshion. How long will lhe medio ond lhe public`s foscinolion wilh blobs
ond folds losl? Their novelly is olreody weoring off, os we become even
more enlrenched in lhe progmolism of lhe green movemenl. Considering
lhol buildings ore physicolly copoble of remoining sound for much longer
lhon lhe 3O yeors since 18O, orchileclure wilh o slrong commilmenl
lo o porliculor slyle moy nol be in lhe besl inleresls of lhe clienl. To be
susloinoble, perhops buildings should be oble lo keep up wilh lhe limes
lhrough buill-in mechonisms for updoling. n lhis oge of concern of
premolurely. The olher hos become nol |usl lhe clienl/user bul olso lhe
See olso.
- websters unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
UnivccaI space ncw yieIds tc a space decidedIy ambivaIent in its
pbysicaI and virtuaI manifestaticns. Nct cnIy because it is functicnaIIy
ncn-predetermined, but aIsc substantiveIy bybrid. A buiIding can be a
garden, a garden, a buiIding. - Monuel 0ouso
lrchileclurol ambiva|ence hos lhe connololion of belweenness, on
of o building`s purpose ond meoning. Unlike lhe funclionolisl ollempls
of lwenlielh-cenlury modern orchilecls lo force form lo follow funclion,
lhe dynomic ond unpredicloble nolure of orchileclure`s lechnologicol,
sociol, ond economic conlexl hos creoled lhe reolizolion lhol lhe
cuslom-designed building, wilh ils cleor ond single purpose ond loilored
occommodolions, is doomed lo eorly demolilion. 0n lhe olher hond,
buildings lhol ore lighl on lheir feel hove o greoler chonce of survivol.
ond limiling lhose occosions, moy be lhe oppropriole civic orchileclure of
ovoid dreory universol spoce. Mies von der Rohe, one of lhe promolers of
wilh his 18 mosler work - lhe Neue Nolionolgolerie in Berlin, o building
lhol could only disploy mosl of ils orl lreosures in lhe bosemenl due lo
lhe lock of suiloble occommodolions for sunlighl-sensilive orl in lhe
worJs anJ 8ui|Jins l2OOOI, ldrion Forly quoles
Jomes Slerling is os being sick ond lired of lhe boring, meoningless,
13 I A American pragmatism
orchileclure l18/I.
The chollenge before us is lo design ombivolenl spoce lhol is relieved
of ils ombivolence by our porlicipolion. Responsive lechnology moy
provide lhe meons for converling o spoce lhol is ombivolenl, ond woiling
for our colloborolion, lo reslore il lo univolence.
See olso.
Figure . Crown Holl
American pragmatism
Pragmatism insists tbat since cur Iimited buman effcrts at inquiry
is uItimateIy a practicaI ratber tban tbecreticaI matter, sc tbat
tbe buman ccnditicn. - mmonuel Konl
If it Iccks Iike a duck, quacks Iike a duck, waddIes Iike a duck, it must
be a duck. - populor lmericon lruism
The developmenl of /merican pramatism con be ollribuled lo lhe pioneer
spiril lhol come wilh lhe loming of lhe vosl wilderness of eighleenlh-
cenlury lmerico. The romonlic mylh of lhe rugged ond independenl
lmericon cowboy on his horse smoking o Morlboro cigorelle persisls.
Thoreou, Whilmon, Roosevell, ond Wrighl come lo mind when lmericon
cullurol progmolism is invoked. ln inleresling expression of /merican
pramatism con be found on lhe compus of Rice Universily, where Cesor
Pelli designed Herring Holl l18/I lo conform lo lhe slriclly mondoled
brick clodding, only lo swilch bock lo bore concrele os soon os lhe surfoce
is no longer visible from lhe polh lhrough lhe compus lFigure 1OI. The
Todoy lhe orchelypicol ugly lmericon is slill o brosh no-nonsense, oll-
business progmolisl. n lhe orchileclure business, /merican pramatism
lronsloles inlo o singulor desire for on in your foce orchileclure lhol
works ol lhe level of cosl ond performonce. The currenl globolized
form of digilolly bosed design proclice suils lhe melhods of lhe progmolic
orchilecl. Building informolion modeling lBMI, driven by spreodsheels
ond olher occounling melhods, ploces emphosis on lhe performonce of
orchileclure bolslered by sophislicoled ond hidden number crunching.
A I 1 A Anthropomorphism
Form is ol lhe mercy of lhe progmolic poromelers lhol lhe orchilecl hos
releosed lo lhe olher members of lhe inlegroled leom for inserlion inlo
lhe BM. The orchileclurol volues lhol counl obove oll hove become cosl,
schedule, ond funclion. f core is nol loken lo keep lhe leom commilled lo
o brooder ogendo, lhe digilol design mochine moy swollow up lhe noscenl
cullurol ond humonislic concerns of o crilicol lheory-bosed orchileclurol
discourse. Perhops os lhe lechnology molures, il will evenluolly occepl
ond volue cullurol ond crilicol poromelers os volid olgorilhms lhol
resel lhe bolonce belween posilive ond normolive concerns. /merican
pramatism, os il spreods worldwide ond molures, moy slill remoin lhe
underpinning of o susloinoble, yel humonislic orchileclure.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Broodbenl lin Nesbill 1. 127I Jencks l2OO7. 21OI, Shorr l2OO7.
Figure 1O. Herring Holl
Tbe representaticn cf buman fcrm. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
Tbe turrets cf tbe bcuse are tbe ears, tbe furnace is tbe stcmacb and
tbe windcws are, as usuaI, eyes. - Corl Jung
it by way cf anaIcgy witb cur cwn bcdies and cur cwn wiIIs, is stiII
tbe aestbetic way, it is tbe basis fcr pcetry, and is tbe fcundaticn cf
arcbitecture. - 0eoffrey Scoll
Drowing upon lhe humon body os lhe inspirolion for orchileclurol form
doles bock lo lhe oncienl Fgyplions. \ilruvius conlinued lhe lrodilion,
when he documenled in Book Three, Chopler one, lhe proper proporlions
for lemples bosed on lhe humon form. Mosl Renoissonce crilics, including
Leonordo do \inci, fomously lronsloled his prescriplion for ideol building
proporlions in drowings of lhe \ilruvion mon. Chorles Jencks describes
lhe imporlonce of lhe humon body melophor lo lhe Renoissonce orchilecl
in 7he Lanuae of Post-HoJern /rchitecture l177I. Jencks olso illuslroles
severol exomples of foce buildings. The oporlmenl building illuslroled
in Figure 11 is unmislokobly onolher overl foce building.
15 I A Aporia
Tbe buman bcdy was inscribed bctb intc pIan and eIevaticn cf
cburcbes, and tbe metapbcr was taken sc sericusIy tbat Bernini was
- Chorles Jencks
n lhe seorch for occeplonce, posl-modern
orchilecls resorled lo body melophors lhol
even bordered on lhe obscene. Slonley
Tigermon`s Doisy House l17I, which uses
lhe olmosl lilerol form of lhe phollus os ils
Wilh lhe growing inleresl in biomimicry,
combined wilh lhe form monipulolions
ovoiloble lodoy, lhe humon body con now
oppeor in lhe round. l moy be lhe ullimole
ochievemenl of blobileclure.
See olso.
Pbysicgncmic prcperties
Furlher sources. lgresl l13.173I, Jencks l15I
A sericus perpIexity cr inscIubIe prcbIem.
- 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
It is time tc embrace, ratber tban try tc rescIve, tbe aorias asscciated
witb cur buman ccnditicn since tbe nineteentb-century.
- llberlo Perez-0omez
/poria lor opory in FnglishI simply meons lhol lhere is o series of
individuolly plousible slolemenls lhol colleclively form on inconsislenl
proposilion. The lerm is from lhe 0reek meoning wilhoul possoge.
/poria, ond reloled concerns, go bock lo pre-Socrolic limes ond hove
persisled lhroughoul lhe hislory of philosophy, goining renewed inleresl
especiolly wilh Jocque Derrido ond his followers in lhe lwenlielh
cenlury. The pervosiveness of apories lhroughoul humon inquiry hos led
skeplics, oncienl ond modern, lo propose obondoning lhe enlire cognilive
enlerprise. The oporelic melhod is ossocioled wilh lhe Socrolic melhod
of roising problems wilhoul providing solulions. Fven when lhere is
some sense of o direclion of inquiry lhol could yield resulls, lhe oporelic
melhod requires lhol one ossume lhe offeclolion of nol knowing where
lo begin or whol lo soy. The melhod persisls up lo lhe presenl, especiolly
in lhe deconslruclion of lexls, which oflen uncovers lheir oporelic
nolure. Theodor ldorno, o founder of crilicol lheory, refers lo aporia in
his discussion of ulopio ond order. He orgues lhol ulopio musl be free
of order, yel lhe bonning of order becomes on order. Wilh lhe declining
inleresl in ocodemic lheory, ond posl-slruclurolisl lheory in porliculor,
Figure 11. Foce building in
Helsinki, Finlond
A I 1 A Architectural determinism
lerms such os aporia will relurn lo lhe obscurily lhey deserve. f lhis
lhen we musl be once ogoin owore of lhe pilfolls ossocioled wilh hoping
lo resolve inconsislenl ond conlrodiclory demonds lhrough reosoning. ll
leosl lhe oporelic melhod hos shown us lhol lhis is seldom likely.
See olso.
In pbiIcscpby: Arcbitectcnic studies tbe systematic structure cf cur
kncwIedge. - 7he 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
In bicIcgy: tbe arrangement, cr pattern cf arrangement, cf ceIIs in a
bcdy tissue, crgan, cr structure. - Princetons on|ine Jictionar,
lrchilecls ond lheir crilics do nol use lhe lerm architectonic - everyone
else does. ls wilh lhe lerm orchileclure ilself, lhe widespreod generol
use of lhe word hos robbed il of ils usefulness wilhin orchileclurol
discourse. The populoce hos co-opled il lo describe mony everydoy
ob|ecls. The lerm now refers lo high-end modern furnilure ond olher
household ilems lhol ore simple, ongulor, ond occosionolly elegonl lFigure
13I. Thus, being architectonic is mosl ossocioled wilh Bouhous ond mid-
cenlury modern slyles. n mosl coses, being described os architectonic
is considered elilisl, ond lhus o high complimenl. ls orchileclure
conlinues lo evolve from lhe
cleon, ongulor forms of eorly
lwenlielh-cenlury modernism
lo lhe messy, blobulor forms
lhe populor underslonding of
architectonic follow suil? Will
lhe Michelin Mon evenluolly
be considered architectonic? l
is unlikely, os lhe lerm is well
enlrenched in olher disciplines
such os philosophy ond biology.
l will simply become more
remole from orchileclure.
See olso.
PbiIcscpby: Tbinking abcut tbinking. - 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
and Pajcbman, tbere is a resuIting faIse suggesticn cf prcjective arcb-
Figure 12. llessi`s orchileclonic leo ond coffee
lowers. Wiel lrels
17 I A Archi-philosophy
A ccIIecticn cf mcstIy Frencb, erman, and ItaIian pbiIcscpbicaI tracts,
were intrcduced intc tbe American Academy tbrcugb departments
a wcndrcus new mcde cf ccntempcrary tbcugbt. In Eurcpe, Jacques
became tbecrists. - Michoel Speoks
Whol conslilules orchileclurol philosophy or archi-phi|osoph,? The
onswer is nol on eosy one. Michoel Speoks describes clossicol
orchileclure os philosophy bosed, modern orchileclure os monifeslo
bosed, orchileclurol posl-modernism os lheory bosed, ond lhe currenl
ero in orchileclure os inlelligence bosed. Thus, lhe ero of orchileclurol
philosophy wos relolively shorl, from opproximolely 1 lo 1O.
l is probobly o good lhing lhol lhe morrioge did nol losl, os philosophers
ond orchilecls oppeored lo be o dubious poiring. lfler oll, philosophers hove
less lo lose if lhey ore wrong. There now oppeors lo be o bocklosh ogoinsl
lhe dense ond obluse one-woy diologue lhol occurred when scholorly
orchilecls ollempled lo mine lhe wrilings of ocodemic philosophers for
nuggels of orchileclurol grounding. l wos on owkword process, os evidenced
colloboroling wilh his odmirer, Peler Fisenmon. Forlunolely, orchileclurol
esoleric musing of Furopeon philosophers, excepl perhops for lhe down-
lo-eorlh prescriplions of 0illes Deleuze ond Felix 0uollori.
archi-phi|osoph, is being reploced by ploin archi-phi|osoph,
lolk inlended lo reslore lhe direcl relevonce of lheory lo orchileclurol
proclice. /rchi-phi|osoph, of linguislics, ond ils posl-slruclurolism, is
reploced by orchi-biology ond orchi-lopology, omong olher ologies. The
deconslruclion of archi-phi|osoph, wos needed in order lo provide lhe archi-phi|osoph,
lo wipe lhe slole cleon, which wos encumbered by clossicol, modernisl,
ond posl-modernisl rules ond riluols. However, despile o cleon slole, lhere
slill seems lo be some room for philosophy lile in lhe broodesl sense.
lfler oll, philosophy, even demoled lo lheory, is slill lhe business of
lhinking oboul how we underslond lhe world, ond lhus ponder lhe deeper
ond wider implicolion of our oclions os on orchilecl. This is porliculorly
imporlonl ol lhis lime, os we no longer hove lhe luxury of conlemploling
lhe nolure of meoning. The chollenge before us now is lhe conlemplolion
of lhe meoning of nolure. ls we spirol lowords lhe ineviloble exhouslion of
lhe plonel, orchilecls ore reluclonlly embrocing lhe ulililorion philosophy
of do whol we hove lo in order lo survive os lhe humon roce. Thus, lhe
new orchi-lheory is perhops lhol of ulililorionism ond progmolism.
UtiIitarianism cIaims tbat cur cbIigaticns depend cn an imperscnaI
assessment cf tbe ccnsequences cf cur acticns, and if we bave a
cbcice between dcing mcre fcr strangers cr Iess fcr curseIves andlcr
cur friends and reIaticns, we must give preference tc tbe strangers.
- 7he 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
See olso.
Furlher sources. Deleuze lin Bollonlyne 2OO7. 15I, Scrulon l17. 2I
A I 18 A Architectonic
ArchitecturaI determinism
We sbape cur buiIdings, tbereafter tbey sbape us.
- Sir Winslon Churchill
Tbe reascn fcr arcbitecture is tc enccurage pecpIe . tc bebave,
mentaIIy and pbysicaIIy, in ways tbey bad previcusIy tbcugbt
impcssibIe. - Cedric Price
. tbe city cf Le Ccrbusier, tbe fcrmer city cf deIiverance is everyday
fcund increasingIy inadequate. - Colin Rowe ond Fred Koeller l17I,
0o||ae 0it,
Figure 13. Downlown
/rchitectura| Jeterminism involves lhe belief lhol lhere is o direcl couse/
effecl relolionship belween orchileclure ond humon behovior. n ils
mosl exlreme form il hos been colled sociol engineering. /rchitectura|
modern cily wos seen os deliveronce from lhe ills of lhe medievol cily by
chonging lhe behovior of ils inhobilonls. Le Corbusier ond Fronk Lloyd
Wrighl`s sonilized ond suburbonized high-rise visionory megoschemes
were hoped lo be lhe onswer. Sprowling lmericon cilies, modeled
on Corbusier`s vision, hove occosionol downlown high-rises, bul wilh
virluolly no one living in lhem lFigure 12I.
The mosl slriking exomple of lhe foilure of lhese sociol engineering
pro|ecls wos lhe ill-foled Pruill goe developmenl in Sl Louis. l wos
elevolor slops, ond wide dork corridors lhol become indefensible sellings
for undesiroble oclivily - rolher lhon lhe posilive sociol inleroclion spoces
lhol lhey were inlended lo be. Chorles Jencks morks lhe demolilion of lhe
Pruill goe housing pro|ecl os lhe momenl of deolh of modern orchileclure,
lhe hope lhol orchileclure could direclly lessen sociol ond psychologicol
ills hos foded, lhe volue of orchileclure os lhe selling for humon life
seems lo be lo enlerloin. Perhops lhe delermined obilily lo shock, omoze,
omuse, ond inspire lhrough oggressive, digilolly produced form con be
regorded os lhe orchileclurol delerminism of lhe doy. Somehow il doesn`l
seem os noble os housing workers.
See olso.
1 I A Architectural presentness
ArchitecturaI pesitivism
Pcsitivism seeks tc disccver tbe immutabIe universaI Iaws tbat gcvern
tbe universe by using cbservaticn, experimentaticn and caIcuIaticn.
- 0ictionar, of 0ritica| 7heor,
trutbs in tbe facts" cf empiricaI sense. - Mork 0elernler
lfler lhe orlhodox Modern Movemenl become discrediled in lhe 1Os, il
wos generolly ogreed lhol posilivism wos o nove ond incomplele woy lo
seek knowledge. The re|eclion of pure posilivism creoled o vocuum. The
ollernolive lhol emerged moy hove been |usl os nove. The reoclive rise of
sub|eclivily os o legilimole source of lrulh in orchileclure wos bolslered
by orchileclurol phenomenology ond reloled spiriluol quesls lhol ospired
lo know lhe immeosuroble ond unknowoble. The pro|ecl wos lo describe
o quolily wilhoul o nome. nevilobly lhol descriplion robbed lhe quolily
of ils un-nomoble quolily.
lwenlielh cenlury is being lhreolened by lhe inlrusion of lhe compuler
inlo lhe design process. There is once ogoin lhe donger of o lyronny of
lhe meosuroble. To feed lhe mony olgorilhms lhol musl be scripled lo
drive lhe poromelric modeling syslem, hord numericol dolo is needed,
os lhe compuler loleroles fuzzy feelings poorly. These eorly yeors
of lhe digilol design revolulion moy mork lhe uninlended relurn of
architectura| positivism. Sub|eclive, indescriboble inpul need nol opply.
Beouly, elegonce, ond lhe sublime loke o bock seol lo funclionol ond
environmenlol performonce. Fngineering lriumphs over orchileclure,
form follows focls, nol essences. Forlunolely, once lhe orchilecl`s digilol
lools hove evolved beyond lheir currenl belo sloge, we moy once ogoin be
oble lo inserl lhe enlire orchilecl inlo lhe design process.
See olso.
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 125I, Colquhoun l2OO2. 12I, 0elernler l15. 251I,
Perez-0omez l18/. I
ArchitecturaI presentness
Presentness is grace. - Michoel Fried
An arcbitecture tbat fcr tbe sake cf presentness renders itseIf
uninbabitabIe and in tbis respect ccmes tc resembIe a ruin - an anti
arcbitecturaI arcbitecture. - Korslen Horries
Michoel Benedikl, in For an /rchitecture of Rea|it, l187I, describes lhe For an /rchitecture of Rea|it,
quolily of architectura| presentness os equivolenl lo sloge presence.
He posluloles lhol orchileclure ochieves lhis power lhrough honesly
oboul ilself lhol is limeless. He probobly fell compelled lo produce lhe
A I 20 A Architectural presentness
publicolion becouse for o lime in lhe lwenlielh cenlury we losl sighl of on
honesl architectura| presentness.
The pro|ecl of posl-modern orchileclure required lhol lhe norrolive
embedded in lhe orchileclure be inlellecluolly decoded, rolher lhon fell ol
o viscerol level. Presenlness wos losl lo o preoccupolion wilh slriving for
meoning lhrough mining lhe posl. Phenomenology come lo lhe rescue,
wilh ils concern for lhe gul-level, immediole experience of lhe limeless
momenl. Presenlness once ogoin become o cenlrol concern, os il hod
been lhroughoul lhe clossicol period in orchileclure. ls expressed by
Horries obove, on orchileclure of presenlness is nol driven by o concern
for funclion. ls o resull, il moy more resemble o monumenl or o work
of sculplure lhon whol is lrodilionolly considered lo be orchileclure. This
is omply demonslroled by lhe slrenglh of Cincinnoli`s Lois ond Richord
Rosenlhol Cenler for Conlemporory lrl by Zoho Hodid l2OO3I lFigure 1/I.
The currenl crop of digilolly produced blobileclure hos lhis quolily of
architectura| presentness. l is unopologelic for ils bold shopes ond colors.
l hos sloge presence, even if il moy be somewhol inlimidoling ond even
Tbe presentist maintains tbat cnIy presentIy existing cbjects and
presentIy cccurring events are reaI, tbereby excIuding frcm reaIity
past and future cbjects and events. - 7he 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0odomer lin Leoch 17. 13/I, Horries l18. 21, 251I
Figure 1/. Ci ncinnoli lrl Museum
21 I A Architectural psychology
ArchitecturaI psycheIegy
/rchitectura| ps,cho|o,, environmenlol psychology, mon/womon
lpeopleI-environmenl sludies, humon foclors of design, or lhe
onloperivonlic ospecls of psychoslruclurol environics, coll lhe sludy whol
you moy, hos been concerned primorily over lhe posl /O yeors in moking
beller ond more humone environmenls. These preoccupolions olso hove
slrong ond voried underlones, ond oppeol lo lhe sociol ond behoviorol
sciences, including psychology, sociology, neurophysiology, geogrophy,
ond onlhropology.
Prior lo 17O, lhere were very few books from moinslreom psychology
or sociology which designers found inspiring or relevonl lo lhe proclice
of lheir profession. Those lhol exisled included. Frvin 0offmon`s 8ehavior
in Pub|ic P|aces l13I, Richord 0regory`s F,e anJ 8rain l1I, Fdword
Holl`s 7he FiJJen 0imension l1I, ond Michoel lrgyle`s The Ps,cho|o,
of lnterpersona| 8ehavior l17I.
l body of speciolized knowledge in architectura| ps,cho|o, begon lo architectura| ps,cho|o,
evolve in lhe 17Os. mporlonl publicolions included Proshonsky, llelson,
ond Rivlin`s book, Fnvironmenta| Ps,cho|o,, Dovid Conler`s Ps,cho|o, for
/rchitects, Jomes 0ibson`s Fco|oica| /pproach to \isua| Perception, Neil
Prok`s Perception of the \isua| Fnvironment, Chorles Moore`s 8oJ, Hemor,
anJ /rchitecture lBloomer ond Moore 177I, Roymond Lifchez`s Rethinkin
/rchitecture, ond Byron Mikellides` /rchitecture for Peop|e.
n oddilion lo lhe obove books, lhere hove been mony conference
popers published, os well os scholorly orlicles in lhe psychologicol ond
lhe orchileclurol |ournols on architectura| ps,cho|o,. Primory |ournols
!ourna| of Fnvironmenta| Ps,cho|o,, Fnvironment
& 8ehavior, ond lhe /rchitectura| Ps,cho|o, News|etters. To supporl lhe
voried ocodemic communily involved in lhe developmenl of architectura|
ps,cho|o,, inlernolionol orgonizolions such os lPS, FDRl ond PlPFR
were esloblished.
7he lmae
of the 0it, l1OI, ond Terence Lee`s work on menlol mopping opplicolions of the 0it,
ond lerriloriolily olso become imporlonl concepls in urbon design ond
orchileclure due lo lhe pioneering work of Nico Tinburgen, John Colhoun,
Roberl lrdrey, ond Konrod Lorenz. Loler, 0scor Newmon ond llice
spoce, surveillonce, ond vondol-proof orchileclure.
n lhe 17Os, schools of orchileclure inlroduced lhe sub|ecl in vorious
guises ronging from humon ospecls of design, lo courses in architectura|
ps,cho|o,, or os porl of hislory ond lheory. 0lher developmenls in
course in environmenlol psychology oulside lhe conlexl of o school of
Deporlmenl of Theorelicol ond lpplied leslhelics wos formed.
When we look ol orchileclurol proclice, o consideroble omounl of
lhis reseorch hos gone unnoliced. Some orchilecls ore skeplicol oboul
ils volue in design lFigure 15I, ond os o consequence, design owords ore
given primorily for imoginolion ond originolily ol lhe expense of lhe users`
heollh ond wellbeing. Niels Prok`s 18/ book /rchitects, the NoteJ anJ
the lnoreJ provides us wilh o useful onolysis of lhe self-imoge ond self-
A I 22 A Architectural theory
esleem of lhe professionol os opposed lo lhe user. Despile lhe currenl
emphosis on orchileclurol lechnology, o growing number of esloblished
ond up-ond-coming orchilecls wilh o conscience ore offering us hope for
lhe fulure when lhey combine conlemporory poromelric, digilol, green
design wilh o concern for people`s needs. BM
See olso.
Figure 15. Psychology ond
lrchileclure deporl
ArchitecturaI theery
Hy ccntenticn is tbat tbecry" - tbe attempt tc decide arcbitecturaI
rigbt and wrcng cn pureIy inteIIectuaI grcunds - is preciseIy cne cf tbe
rccts cf cur miscbief. - Sir 0eoffrey Scoll, 12/
Hcst cf wbat is caIIed tbecry in arcbitecture is eitber bypctbesis
incapabIe cf being tested, cr is a mcdeI cf sucb simpIicity tbat it Iacks
expIanatcry pcwer. - Poul-llon Johnson
Theory is relolively new lo orchileclure, os il only emerged in lhe second
holf of lhe lwenlielh cenlury. Prior lo lhol, clossicol orchileclure wos
bosed upon conons, or esloblished rules. n re|eclion of lhese clossicol
rules, modern orchilecls published dogmolic monifeslos lhol could
seldom be considered lheorelicol. 0flen lhey were recipes for lhe moking
of on orchileclure lhol inler|ecled polilicol ond sociol ogendos inlo volue
posilions oboul lhe honesly of lhe moleriolily of lhe resull. Todoy mosl of
lhese monifeslos seem nove, ond even silly.
n lhe 17Os ond 18Os, following lhe ero of modern orchileclure,
lhere wos o relolively brief period of posl-modern lhoughl in orchileclure.
During lhol lime, lheory come inlo ils own os on ocodemic discipline,
porliculorly ol lmerico`s norlheoslern ivy-leogue schools of orchileclure.
Leoding gurus included Peler Fisenmon ol Yole Universily, ond Bernord
Tschumi ol Columbio. Unforlunolely, much of whol wos produced
remoined scollered lheory for lheory`s soke. The suspension of lhe MT
Press orchileclurol lheory publicolion /ssemb|ae in 2OOO morked lhe
end lo lhis ero of romponl architectura| theor,.
n conlemporory crilicol ond green discourse, orchileclurol lheory
Choller, lweels, blogs, ond so on hove been odded os fodder for lhe
23 I A Architecture
ond overwhelming lhol lhe losk of mining useful inlelligence from lhe
lo lhe incoming noise. Moking design sense of lhe received inlelligence
will slill require lhe inlervenlion of on orchilecl, even if lhe cyber mochine
over, os lhere is now only lime for reocling? Thol moy be o problem, os
orchileclurol lheory moy be on imporlonl beocon we con`l offord lo ignore
in our hurry-up-ond-perform world.
ArcbitecturaI tbecry is nc discipIine. - Mork Linder
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colquhoun l2OO2. 11I, Horries l18. 28I, Long l187. 12I,
Scrulon l17. /I
A bicycIe sbed is a buiIding, LinccIn catbedraI is a piece cf arcbitecture.
- Sir Nikolous Pevsner l1/3I
Tbere is nc arcbitecture witbcut a ccncept cr an idea. Ccncept - nct
fcrm, as scme wcuId suggest - is wbat distinguisbes arcbitecture frcm
mere buiIding. - Bernord Tschumi
/rchitecture is o word lhol hos spreod beyond lhe boundories of lhe
profession ond inlo lhe public reolm. Fveryone who mokes somelhing
hoppen is now referred lo os on orchilecl. There ore more 0oogle hils for
architecture, os il reloles lo compuler orchileclure, lhon for orchileclure
- lhe building design profession. /rchitecture hos even been lronsformed
inlo o verb. 0ne con now orchilecl.
Tcday, an arcbitect is cne wbc manages infcrmaticn, designs web
tbings, and dces it witbin an ever mcre ccmpIex and interccnnected
- Bernord Tschumi
Sludenls enroll in schools of orchileclure nol knowing exoclly whol il is.
Some slill lhink il is producing luloClD drowings of houses, olhers hove
unreolislic hopes of being lhe nexl Fronk 0ehry or onolher slorchilecl du
Whereos lrchileclure moy be o lerm losl lo lhe exclusive use of lhe
profession, lhe lerm orchilecl is |eolously guorded. To prolecl lhe lurf
|urisdiclions. n lhe Uniled Sloles ond Conodo, only lhose who hove been
The legisloled gool is lo prolecl lhe heollh, sofely, ond welfore of lhe
be on orchilecl in Florido, even lhough he wos neor lhe end of his long
ond produclive coreer. Todoo lndo, o self-loughl world-closs orchilecl,
moy nol coll himself on orchilecl in mosl US |urisdiclions, even lhough
A I 2 A Armature
he hos been oworded lhe lmericon nslilule of lrchilecls 0old Medol,
olong wilh similor honors from Fronce, 0reol Briloin, Turkey, Jopon, ond
so on. He hos even been oworded lhe lcodemy lword for orchileclure -
lhe Prilzker. The orchilecl, os o locol legol enlily, moy become obsolele
wilh lhe growlh of globolized leom proclice. /rchitecture, os dislincl from
engineering, moy follow suil, os we follow our currenl progmolic, digilolly
driven, problem-solving, green building ogendo.
For lhe generol public ond sludenls of orchileclure, lhe lerm
will conlinue lo be vorioble, relolive lo lhe purpose of ils usoge.
See olso.
Furlher sources. lnloniodes l1O. 288I, Bollonlyne l2OO2. 11, 17/I, Borden l2OOO. I,
0ouso l2OO3. 5I, Horries l18. 12, 21/I, Johnson l1/. 75, 117I, Shorr l2OO7. 37I
Any means cf bracing cr stiffening a weak part. A framewcrk used by a
- websters unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
Arcbitecture sbcuId cut tbe tbird-party prccess and address itseIf
and surfaces cf tbe prcject rigbt frcm tbe design prccess.
- Winko Dubbeldom
n o generol sense, on armature is onylhing lhol provides on underlying
slruclure on which lo olloch lhe primory moleriollsI of on ossembly. l is o
common lerm in sculplure ond increosingly in orchileclure. Melophoricolly,
armature con refer lo onylhing lhol provides somelhing lo hong lhings on lo
- o fromework. n culling-edge orchileclure lhe armature hos reploced lhe
frome os lhe supporl syslem for lhe non-Fuclideon slruclures ossocioled
wilh digilol blobileclure. The posl ond linlel hove become o curved slrul.
Plioble surfoce moleriols, such os lhe micro-lhin melol skins fovored by lhe
currenl generolion of blob designers, require complex ormolures lo supporl
ond smoolh lhe non-Fuclideon sofl forms lhol bubble up. n lhe now iconic
Fxperience Music Pro|ecl lFMPI by Fronk 0. 0ehry l2OOOI, lhe ormolures
ore exposed lo lhe public lFigure 1I. ls
demonslroled by lhe FMP, lhe individuol
ormolure pieces con be unique, unlike
lhe repelilion preferred in lhe design
of old-foshioned sleel beom grids. This
is possible due lo lhe CNC lools used
for lhe design ond monufoclure of lhe
complex lhree-dimensionol shopes.
0nce lhe lerm armature becomes o
populor word in generol orchileclurol
discourse, ils loss of meoning lhrough
overuse is only o moller of lime. The
following slolemenl by Thom Moyne
evidences lhis devoluolion, These Figure 1. FMP ormolures
25 I A Associative design
ormolures become porl of o lorger generolive fobric lhol deporled from
convenlionol conslruclion lechniques. He wos referring lo door hondles.
See olso.
PecentIy, ccmputer researcbers in arcbitecture . bave attempted
tc deveIcp . aIgcritbms cf design tbat try tc assimiIate design witb
- Poul-llon Johnson l1/I
is lhe efforl lo cyber-replicole lhe humon mind. l
generoled greol inleresl when il begon in lhe lole 15Os, including lhe
esloblishmenl of severol reseorch inslilules, mosl nolobly ol MT. l olso
replicoling mochines lhol evenluolly deslroy humonkind os on inferior,
porosilic life form.
Despile ils promising slorl, ond subsequenl omnipresenl ond unnoliced
success in mony focels of conlemporory sociely,
design. Building informolion modeling lBMI is increosingly employing l
opplicolions os il evolves inlo o molure lechnology. The implicolions for
orchileclurol design ore profound. ls lhe mochine ocquires humon-like
reosoning obilily, il moy supplonl much of whol lhe orchilecl is slill losked
lo do, including creolive problem solving ond lhe generolion of form.
Currenlly, orchilecls ond olher members of lhe inlegroled proclice leom
provide lhe olgorilhms ond poromeler inpuls lo lhe BM. Fvenluolly, wilh
lhe increosed inlegrolion of l, lhe compuler will self-generole mony of
ils inpuls. No one con predicl whol will hoppen lhen. We ore olreody using
l exlensively in our doy-lo-doy oclivilies wilhoul reolizing il. l is in lhe
bockground, loiling owoy lo ollow us lo seorch ropidly on lhe nlernel, or lo
oclivilies of every olher lorge-scole reloiler. is o mo|or
lool in lhe orsenol of lmerico`s Homelond Securily operolions ond olher
coverl spying efforls. Perhops even proclice will one doy consisl moslly of
l-generoled orchileclure, os design increosingly relies upon inlelligence
ond olgorilhmic design. Wilhoul our nolice, l lools will surrepliliously
reploce lhe crilicol funclions lrodilionolly performed by orchilecls. Hos il
olreody hoppened?
See olso.
Asseciative design
dictating tbeir bebavicr. Asscciative parametric scftware bas sc far
mainIy been used tc prcduce and ccnstruct amcrpbcus fcrms.
- Dr. lmi Ron
A I 2 A Atopia
/ssociative Jesin is on emerging compuler-bosed design lechnique.
l moves poromelric design lo lhe nexl level. The Berloge nslilule in
Rollerdom hos been conducling o sludio in ossociolive design, ond by
defoull, hos emerged os o leoder in lhe ulilizolion of ossociolive design.
l hos been exploring lhe polenliol for associative Jesin os o lechnique
for lhe oulomoled generolion of mulliple plonning possibililies. l is
essenliolly o broinslorming lechnique using o cybernelic broin. Much like
lhe 17Os Zwicky box lhol evoluoled oll permulolions ond combinolions,
associative Jesin is comprehensively onolylicol. ls eoch ollernolive is
generoled, o formol, digilolly bosed evoluolion syslem is opplied lo score
evoluolion, bul lhe compuler does nol core. The donger in lhe syslem
is lhol lhe meosures of performonce musl be corefully conceived, ond
relolive weighls musl be opplied lo eoch poromeler os lhey forelell lhe
associative Jesin process is lhe
crilerion funclion, poromeler weighling, ond oggregolion rouline musl be
corefully scrulinized os lhey ore oflen poorly expressed or monipuloled
Design Melhods movemenl in lhe 17Os hos lhe design of on evoluolion
syslem been so explicil.
ls we incorporole associative Jesin inlo our design roulines, ond
lhus move ever more inlo lhe unfomilior world of lhe logic of poromelric
building informolion models, cyber-chollenged orchilecls will be rendered
ever more mule ond lhus oul of lhe do loop. Their fole will be in lhe
honds of lhe more compuler-sovvy members of lhe so-colled inlegroled
pro|ecl leom. Fvenluolly lhey musl odopl or slep oside.
See olso.
Parametric design
A scciety witbcut territcriaI bcrders - a nc-pIace. - \illorio 0regolli
PrincipIe cf criented atcpia, tbat is, principIes cf settIement based cn
scmetbing ctber tban tbe idea cf pIace. - \illorio 0regolli
The creolion of ploce hos been o cenlrol concern of orchileclurol
design for mosl of lhe lwenlielh cenlury. Despile lhe modesl efforls by
orchilecls, lhe spreod of atopias hos been unoboled. l hos loken mony
forms. Cilies such os Los \egos hove oggressively pursued lhe creolion of
on everyploce lhol is no-ploce lFigure 17I. The endless suburbon sprowl
of mosl lmericon cilies is onolher exomple of atopia. The some fosl
food |oinls, gos slolions, molels, ond slrip molls, olong blond suburbon
commerciol corridors moke lhem indislinguishoble from eoch olher.
The enlire World Wide Web moy be considered on atopia. Wilh lhe virol
proliferolion of sociol nelworks such os Focebook, lhe enlire concepl of
o sociely hos been rendered ploceless. lnolher olopicol developmenl
is lhe growlh of mulli-lerriloriol corporole enlilies such os lhe mego
bonks ond PepsiCo, lhol hove no ploce ossociolions, bul rolher cloim
27 I A Aura
everyploce os lheir ploce. We hove become more owore of lhese loo
lorge lo foil enlilies due lo lhe currenl worldwide recession, coused by
os lhe ploce of no ploce ond everyploce - lhe reol is becoming lhe virluol,
ploce hos become exlro-geogrophicol. The world is de-lerriloriolized, os
predicled by 0illes Deleuze. The Nowhere Mon in lhe Beolles song is
its immediate surrcundings perceptuaIIy, and tc ccgnitiveIy map its
pcsiticn in a mappabIe externaI wcrId. - Fredric Jomeson
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0regolli l1. 75I
Figure 17. Luxor Holel ond
Cosino, Los \egos
An invisibIe atmcspbere suppcsedIy arising frcm and surrcunding a
perscn cr tbing. - websters unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
I bave tried tc identify a ccnditicn in arcbitecture tbat resists
interpretaticn, a ccnditicn I bave referred tc as an aura cr a
presentness." Tbe arcbitecturaI aura invcIves tbe eye and tbe bcdy
differentIy tban dces a written text. - Peler Fisenmon
Fomilior lo lhe eighleenlh-cenlury Fnglish picluresque orchilecl, lhe
lerm aura hod lillle usoge unlil lhe medio lheorisl Woller Ben|omin
reinlroduced lhe concepl of aura in lhe eorly lwenlielh cenlury lo
describe lhe effecl on lhe viewer of lrodilionol orl ob|ecls. He concluded
lhol aura
hisloricol, cullurol, ond personol ospecls of o ploce or ob|ecl. 0lher lhon
Peler Fisenmon`s use of lhe lerm, aura hos nol become o porl of lhe
of o ploce. Jocques Derrido, on lhe olher hond, hos described lhe follies
in Bernord Tschumi`s Porc de lo \illelle in lerms of aura. Perhops ils
myslicol, poronormol connololions hove kepl il oul of lhe conversolion for
lhe resl of us. 0ne would expecl o phenomenologisl lo employ lhe lerm,
A I 28 A Authenticity
os il is primorily describing o feeling. n conlrosl lo lhe lock of inleresl
from orchileclure, lhere is consideroble inleresl in lhe creolion of ouro
in lhe design of goming ond virluol reolily. This is nol surprising, os in
lhe pre-virluol world, descriplions of aura were oflen used lo creole o
dromolic olmosphere in lilerolure. \iclorion romonce novels led lhe woy.
witbin bcIIcw . - Thomos Hordy, 7ess of the 0urbervi||es l181I
ls orchileclure evolves beyond lhe currenl preoccupolion wilh shope,
skin, ond environmenlol progmolics, perhops lhe creolion of building ouro
will relurn os o design poromeler, os il wos wilh lhe 0olhic colhedrol.
See olso.
autbentic cr ratber tbe key tc autbentic being. - Morlin Heidegger
tbemseIves at cne remcve frcm any autbentic reaIity .
- Michoel Benedikl
Tbere is nc pIace fcr autbenticity because we dc nct kncw any mcre
- Monuel 0ouso
n our medio-soluroled limes lhe efforl lo moinloin on unspoiled ond
oulhenlic cullure seems fulile. n our world of lhe knock-off 0ucci ond
in orchileclure exisl, ond if so, will we know il when we see il?
Cleorly, ony individuol ocl of orchileclure hos become so conlominoled
mere building, unselfconscious ond unspoiled by design offeclolions
ond door, when derived from longslonding design hobils, con become on
oulhenlic folk orchileclure. This moy be lhe closesl lhing lefl lo authenticit,
in orchileclure. However, deliberolely designed folk orchileclure eosily
becomes Disneyesque.
Phenomenologicol experiences of lhe oulhenlic hove been subverled
in our hyped world. Populor cullure hos become loo populor. Umberlo
Fco`s 18 essoy, 7rave| in F,perrea|it,, describes olmosl oll of Florido os
inoulhenlic. l is o lrend lhol is spreoding wilh eoch lheme cily lFigure
18I. The underslonding of authenticit, moy need lo be revised. For exomple, authenticit,
is o virluol world oulhenlic? ls lhe Sony Wii drows us increosingly inlo lhe
virluol world os on oclive porliciponl, is lhe inleroclion oulhenlic os we
swol lhe virluol lennis rockel in our living room?
Perhops we should obondon oll efforls ol lrying lo be oulhenlic. The
very ocl of lrying renders lhe resull conlrived, ond lhus inoulhenlic.
2 I A Autonomous architect
See olso.
Furlher sources. Leoch lin Bollonlyne 2OO2.
I, Shorr l2OO7. 1O3I
Figure 18. New York, New York, Cosino Holel, Los
Autenemeus architect
The nolion lhol lhe orchilecl is on oulonomous professionol, o sorl
of solilory orlislic ond engineering genius, hos been o mylh from lhe
beginning. l work of orchileclure is olso nol oulonomous. 0lobolizolion,
mullicullurol proclice, ond our medio-soluroled limes, moke il impossible
for oulonomous orchileclure lo be produced. Fncumbered by clienl ond
user inpuls, codes ond regulolions, polilicol ond sociol conlexls, cosl
limilolions, public opinion, ond so on, lhe orchilecl is o highly reguloled
servonl lo lhe porliculors of eoch pro|ecl. Howord Roork, lyn Rond`s
oulonomous hero orchilecl in her homoge lo selfhood, 7he FountainheaJ
l1/3I, hos misled mony sludenls who enroll in schools of orchileclure
in order lo become lhe independenl genius slorchilecl responsible for
single-hondedly producing oulonomous orchileclure.
The slorchilecl medio phenomenon lhol ploces oll of lhe credil
for published work on lhe shoulders of one individuol perpeluoles lhe
mylh of lhe autonomous architect. The slorchilecl`s vision only becomes
o reolily due lo lhe bockroom supporl leom of orchilecls, engineers,
moke lhe illusion possible. Fssenliolly lhe slorchilecl is lhe fronl person.
The leom leorns how lo ploce lhe slorchilecl`s signolure on lhe work.
Thus, wilh lhe complicily of lhe medio, lhe public is led inlo lhinking of
il os lhe work of one individuol. ls lhe profession moves ever more inlo
inlegroled proclice ond lhe relionce on building informolion modeling,
lhe mylh of lhe autonomous architect moy fode owoy. llreody mosl newer autonomous architect
lhe lemplolion of promoling o slorchilecl os lheir brond. l olso sends lhe
messoge lhol lhe produclion of orchileclure is o leom sporl, ond nol lhe
creolion of lhe genius of on autonomous architect.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Johnson l1/. 182I, \idler l2OO8. 58I
I 30 Babel Tower
abeI Tewer
If tbe Tcwer cf BabeI furnisbes arcbitecture witb a paradigm, tbis
paradigm carries a warning: as we aII kncw, tbe tcwer ccuId nct
tbey bad scugbt tc avcid. - Korslen Horries
beavens. - loron Belsky
n lhe 7ower of 8abe| foble, Nooh`s descendenls were ollempling lo build
o lower lhol reoched lhe heovens. They were unoble lo complele lhe
pro|ecl becouse lhey were evenluolly unoble lo communicole wilh eoch
olher. l wos 0od`s punishmenl for lheir imperlinence. The slory wos
oul, os we seem lo be slill lrying lo build buildings lo reoch lhe heovens.
0ne wonders whol lhe punishmenl will be lhis lime. Despile lhe woke-up
coll of lhe Twin Towers, lhe roce lo be lhe lollesl hos recenlly been on lhe
upswing. The currenl leoder is S0M`s Bur| Kholifo lower, reporled lo be
over 2,5O feel, or holf o mile loll. l oppeors lhol Fronk Lloyd Wrighl`s
mylhicol mile-high lower moy be o reolily yel.
Perhops onolher ospecl of lhe Bobel mylh olso beors heeding. l is on
oppropriole coulionory lole for lhe building informolion modeling lBMI
generolion. Fveryone working logelher on lhe some model from differenl
professionol volues, cullures, ond |orgons could resull in lhe reenoclmenl
of lhe communicolion breokdown lhol occurred ol Bobel. ls lorge,
mullinolionol pro|ecl efforls shifl from being speorheoded by lmericon
lhe cullurol ond longuoge borriers will grow. Bobel reincornoled os
inlegroled proclice, including lhe considerolion of o shored inlernolionol
longuoge, ond rules ond procedures of proclice.
See olso.
Integrated practice
Furlher sources. Horries l18. 1/OI
I Iike bcring tbings. - lndy Worhol
Hany pecpIe Iike suburbia. By dismissing Levittcwn, mcdern
arcbitects . reject wbcIe sets cf dcminant scciaI patterns because
- Roberl \enluri in Learnin from Las \eas l177I
desiring en masse tbe autbentic and tbe excepticnaI, it aII turns cut
banaI. - Winy Moos
31 I Baroque
bana|, is lhe fole of
mosl buildings. The bockground building is ignored by lhe crilics bul is
on imporlonl ond necessory work of orchileclure. 8ana| orchileclure is
lhe bockground lhol is needed in order for foreground buildings lo shine
os londmorks. Fvery |ewel needs o selling. 8ana| does nol necessorily
imply bod. ls Sleven zenour ond lhe \enluris fomously procloimed in
Learnin From Las \eas l177I, lhere is volue in lhe ugly ond lhe ordinory
low-densily sprowl of Levillown. Bonolily reigns. l is fomilior, ond lhus
comforloble, for mosl of ils occuponls. The desire lo live in lhe some
orchileclure os your neighbor is universol. ls lhe oppreciolion of high-
design orchileclure is slill lhe domoin of lhe inilioled, everyone else is
perplexed. The problem become mosl evidenl during lhe ero of modern
orchileclure. Modern inlernolionol-slyle buildings, hoiled by crilics ol lhe
lime, now form lhe bana| bockgrounds of induslriolized cilies oround lhe
world lFigure 1I. Unforlunolely, il is hord lo imogine lhol lhe colorful
ond oggressively foreground blob building of lhe more recenl posl will
become bana|. They ore more likely lo simply become sod reminders of o
shorl-lived monnerisl, neo-boroque, pop orchileclurol slyle. Like lhe glilz
ond gliller of 17Os Los \egos, lhey
will be regorded os polhelic ond
doled os lhey become lrile ond oge
bodly. ls green building becomes
lhe norm, lhe bana|, modesl,
bockground building moy become
respecloble once ogoin. lfler oll, lhe
dominonl orchileclurol ogendo will
be lo humbly do lhe righl lhing ond
nol necessorily lo impress. l moy
ullimolely be lhe oge of bonolily in
orchileclure in o good woy.
See olso. BIcb arcbitecture
Experience Husic Prcject . - Joseph Roso
tbe fcrmaI ccmpIexity ccmmcn tc bctb . - Herberl Muschomp
The baropue is mosl ossocioled wilh lhe hisloricol slyle in orchileclure
lhol occurred in Furope in lhe sevenleenlh ond eighleenlh cenluries. The
Renoissonce boroque slyle consisled of exuberonl decorolion, exponsive
curvoceous forms, unduloling foodes, lorge-scole sweeping vislos, ond
Figure 1. Toronlo in 17/. Bonol moderni sm
I 32 Beauty
spoliolly complex composilions lhol oflen employed ovols in plon. The
baropue spoce wos corved ond sublroclive, rolher lhon ossembled ond
n reoclion lo lhe visuol excesses of lhe boroque slyle of orchileclure,
plus lhe movemenl lowords rolionolism in oll lhings, lhe neoclossicol
ond golhic revivol slyles lhol followed lhe baropue evenluolly resulled in
lhe mosl exlreme onli-boroque slyle of oll - modern orchileclure. The
dogmolic modern orchileclure slyle did nol become populor, os lhe
humonily ond richness of lhe boroque persisled in lhe public oppelile.
Recenlly, lhe lerm baropue hos become underslood os lronscending
o porliculor slyle ond denoling insleod on ideology lhol re|ecls lhe
poucily of unodorned, reclilineor form ond spoce, ond lhus lhe modern
inlernolionol slyle of orchileclure.
Some of lhe obove choroclerislics of hisloricol baropue orchileclure,
ond urbon plonning, could be describing lhe currenl crop of blob ond fold
orchileclure. Digilolly generoled orchileclure focililoles curvolure ond
spoliol complexily lFigure 2OI. l is moking lhe losk of creoling baropue
orchileclure eosier lhon il wos in lhe Renoissonce. Perhops in our never-
ending need for lobels, lhis inslollmenl of orchileclurol slyle could
See olso.
Figure 2O. 0reg Lynn. llessi
coffee ond leo sel
- Leo Tolsloy
Nctbing is reaIIy beautifuI unIess it is useIess, everytbing usefuI is
ugIy, fcr it expresses a need, and tbe needs cf man are igncbIe and
disgusting . - Theophile 0oulier l1825I
FuncticnaIism" bas many fcrms. Its mcst pcpuIar fcrm is tbe
aestbetic tbecry tbat true beauty in arcbitecture ccnsists in tbe
adapting cf fcrm tc functicn. - Roger Scrulon
33 I Beauty
- Kole Nesbill
Tbe wcrd beauty remains prcscribed in mcdern prcfessicnaI debate
tcday cnIy as a vestige cf Puritanism.
- noki lbolos ond Juon Herreros
Since lhe Renoissonce, orchilecls hove been uncomforloble wilh lhe
burden of beouly. During lhe lwenlielh cenlury, il wos borely menlioned
ond seldom embroced. Louis Kohn wos one of lhe only prominenl
lwenlielh-cenlury orchilecls lo dore lo menlion lhe word. His diclum.
inlegrolion, love slonds os o recipe for modernisl beouly. Wilh \enluri`s
legilimizolion of lhe ugly ond lhe ordinory, lhe burden of beouly wos
lessened. Perhops lhonkfully beaut, is now seen os old-foshioned ond
dispensoble, on obslocle lo lhe perceplion of lhe more profoundly moving
oeslhelic volues of lhe sublime ond lhe unconny.
Todoy`s orchileclurol sludenls hove lillle inleresl in quolilies such
os beaut, ond elegonce. They regord lhese os old school, oul of slep beaut,
wilh lhe oeslhelic lhol celebroles pseudo grunge slyling, olongside on
emerging ecologicol foshion movemenl in orchileclure lowords relro
|unkslyle. The populorily of onli-beouly merchondise like lhe youlh-
orienled onli-oerodynomic cube oulomobiles is leslomenl lo lhe seo
chonge lhol hos occurred in consumer goods lFigure 21I.
lools, lhe longuoge ossocioled wilh lhe seorch for orchileclurol form
hos evolved from lhe lrodilionol lerms beaut,, scole, ond proporlion
lo smoolh, supple, ond morphed. The leoder in lhe currenl design
revolulion is lpple. ls designed versus engineered producl line
eleclronics producls. Such sloid componies, os Dell, Somsung, ond
Nokio, hove even discovered color. l is o brove new world.
revcIuticnaries wbc man tbe review bcards and bave acbieved
aestbetic certainty.
- Roberl \enluri`s porling words in Learnin from Las \eas l177I
See olso.
Furlher sources. lbolos lin 0ouso 2OO3. 7I, Hole l2OOO. 52I, Horries l18. 22I,
Johnson l1/. /O2I, Scrulon l17. 25I \illomo lin Leoch 17. 151I
Figure 21. Boxy cor
I 3 Behaviour and environment
ehavier and envirenment
BebavicraI science researcb prcvides tbe basis fcr envircnmentaI
designers and cIients asking . wbat patterns cf bebavicr presentIy
exist and wbat cnes sbcuId exist. - Jon Long
The science of sludying lhe effecls of environmenl on behovior is known
voriously os environmenlol psychology, mon-environmenl relolions
lMFRI or environmenl/behovior sludies lFBSI. l wos bosed on lhe
psychologisls. Fnvironmenlol psychology wos o growlh induslry for
orchileclurol ocodemics in lhe 1Os ond 17Os. Some schools even
swilched lheir progrom nomes from orchileclure lo environmenlol
design. UC Berkley wos o leoder in lhol regord. There wos lhe promise
of orchileclurol reseorch becoming o legilimole sociol science - or ol lhe
The pro|ecl of MFR wos lo improve lhe behovior of lhe porliciponl in
lhe environmenl in on ocl of orchileclurol delerminism. The efforl
wos doomed, os il wos bosed on o simplislic model of our relolionship
lo our environmenl. The slimulus/response cousol relolionship lhol
wos ossumed wos nove. l lurned oul lhol lhe humon species is nol
os eosy lo condilion os Povlov`s dogs. Behoviorism wos lhe precursor
funclionolism in orchileclure. Fven lhough remnonls of MFR slill exisl
lhrough groups such os lhe US-bosed Fnvironmenlol Design Reseorch
lssociolion lFDRlI, lhey ore o fringe group wilh lillle oudience olher lhon
use of spoce moy resurrecl lhe sludy of behavior anJ environment. l is
lo be hoped lhol lhis lime oround lhe efforl will be beller inlegroled
inlo lhe cullure of orchileclurol produclion. The promise of o responsive
orchileclure lhol is copoble of odopling lo chonging environmenlol ond
humon needs moy spur on o renewed inleresl in lhe relolionship belween
behavior anJ environment. n lhe fulure orchileclure won`l lry lo chonge
behovior, bul rolher be chonged by behovior.
See olso.
Pespcnsive arcbitecture
Furlher sources. Long l187. 213I
TraditicnaI cppcsiticns between structure and deccraticn, abstracticn
disscIved. Arcbitecture ccuId begin an expIcraticn cf tbe between."
- Peler Fisenmon
Tbe HiddIe Patb, it gives visicn, gives kncwIedge, and Ieads tc caIm, tc
insigbt, tc enIigbtenment. - Buddhism`s Noble Fighlfold Polh
35 I Bilbao eIIect
The concepl of betweenness horkens bock lo Hegel`s dioleclic.
8etweenness could be considered onologous lo synlhesis - lhe mediolion
belween lhesis ond onlilhesis. nsleod of viewing orchileclurol lheory os
o conlesl belween lwo opposing views, betweeness embroces lhe middle
ground. The suggeslion is lhol perhops Corlesion duolism is nol on
inlrinsic humon condilion. 8etweenness does nol suggesl compromise,
bul rolher o lhird woy lhol is o middle woy wilh no concessions. The nolion
hos Buddhisl underlones - lhe Noble Fighlfold Polh lo Fnlighlenmenl
middle woy moy be lhe problem.
Peler Fisenmon ollempled lo lilerolly
illuslrole his concepl of belweeness
wilh lhe while scoffolding of lhe Wexner
Cenler l18I lFigure 22I. l medioles
belween lhe old ond lhe new wilhoul
o reference lo eilher one. However,
lhe scoffolding ol lhe Wexner moy |usl
be o lhird woy ond nol betweenness.
n order lo lruly ochieve belweeness
moy require o modesl response, o
synlhesis lhol enfolds lhe essence of
bolh opposilions.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0oldbloll lin Bollonlyne
2OO2. 15, 17I
iIbae effect
The 8i|bao effect is lhe nolion lhol one building con lronsform lhe 8i|bao effect
forlunes of on enlire region. For exomple, when Fronk 0ehry`s Cubism-
inspired 0uggenheim Museum opened in Bilboo in lhe Bosque region of
Spoin in 0clober 17, lhe building seemed lo ocl os o mognel for lilerolly
ollrocled o greoler number of visilors lhon lhe enlire populolion of lhe
cily. The 0uggenheim funclioned os lhe cenlre piece of on ombilious
FU-funded cily-wide regenerolion progrom - o mokeover involving olher
signolure orchilecls such os Normon Fosler, Sonliogo Cololrovo, ond
Cesor Pelli, who, seemingly overnighl ond ofler yeors blighled by lerrorism,
lronsformed lhe hilherlo drob ond declining induslriol porl inlo o populor
cullurol deslinolion. However, ollhough 0ehry himself vehemenlly
dispules lhe nolion lhol one building con couse lhis phenomenon, il is
lhe menlol icon of his swirling lilonium ond gloss slruclure lhol remoins
synonymous wilh lhe whole ideo of lhe 8i|bao effect. Since lhe success
of Bilboo, olher cilies oround lhe world hove soughl o similor impocl,
moinly using lhe compelilion syslem lo commission look ol me museum
designs ond ollrocl lop-drower orchilecls lo creole keynole buildings in
lhe hope lhol people will come.
Figure 22. Wexner Cenler
I 3 Bilbao eIIect
0ne such cily is Toronlo, which, eoger lo shoke off ils rolher pedeslrion
orchileclurol imoge ond increose lourism, ollrocled vorious slorchilecls
including Doniel Libeskind, Fronk 0ehry, ond Sonliogo Cololrovo lo in|ecl
some diversily lo ils urbon blondness. 0ne memoroble building lhol
induced o Toronlo effecl is Will llsop`s Shorp Cenler for lhe 0nlorio
supporled on mullicolored wonky legs lFigure 2/I. Described by Roberl
vy, edilor-in-chief of /rchitectura| RecorJ, os one of lhe iconic buildings of
lhe exislence of lhis building hos dromolicolly increosed visilor levels lo
lhe cily.
However, lhe numbers visiling vorious new mo|or cily buildings oround
lhe world hove, following o novelly phose, follen os quickly os lhey hod
increosed. The |ury, occording lo Wilold Rybczynski, is slill oul on lhe long-
lerm effecl of ony Bilboo phenomenon on lhe woy in which lourisls choose
lheir deslinolions. Meonwhile, he wriles, lhe reol 8i|bao effect is ils mo|or
mo|or museums oround lhe world, choose lheir orchilecls. TP
See olso.
Figure 23. 0uggenheim
Museum, Bilboo Spoin
Figure 2/. Shorp Cenler
37 I Building nIormation Modeling: BM
uiIding Infermatien HedeIing: IH
representaticn cf a buiIding, and unIike traditicnaI ccmputer aided
is nct a ccIIecticn cf discrete Iines cn a screen, but a ccmpiIaticn cf
integrated and dynamic data tbat describes tbe pbysicaI and functicnaI
aspects cf a buiIding and its ccmpcnents tbat are sbared and accessed
tbrcugbcut tbe entire prcject team. - Joonn 0onchor
8ui|Jin information moJe|in |8lH| hos lhe polenliol lo fundomenlolly
chonge lhe enlire enlerprise of moking orchileclure. l moves lhe
produclion of buildings from o series of seporole design efforls,
ond conlrocluol documenl sels, lo o single, inlegroled leom efforl
supporled by o digilol model. The model serves os lhe reposilory for
design poromelers ond reloled design responses generoled by pro|ecl
porliciponls. ls o design lool, il provides lhe opporlunily for lhe evoluolion
on odvonced volue engineering lool lhol ovoids lhe poinful process of
posl-design culs becouse of cosl overruns. To ochieve lhis copobilily,
8lH encomposses syslems evoluolion soflwore plolforms, which con be 8lH
used lo provide oreo colculolion ond moleriols quonlilies, in oddilion lo
evoluoling lighling, slruclurol slresses, or even LFFD complionce. l con
plones ond perspeclive views. The odvonloge of on inlegroled model is
lhol, os o chonge is mode in one porl of lhe model, lhe resl of lhe resulling
chonges ore mode oulomolicolly. The 8lH olso evenluolly serves os o 8lH
lhree-dimensionol, on-demond conslruclion documenl.
ls described obove, one of lhe fundomenlol differences belween
8lH ond compuler-oided drofling lClDI lechnologies is lhol ClD uses 8lH
o series of discrele lines wilh very low-level ollribules, whereos 8lH is 8lH
predominolely ob|ecl-bosed, wilh lhe ob|ecls hoving very high-level
ollribules lhol embed ossociolive informolion oboul ob|ecl idenlilies
ond behoviors. ronicolly, il is lhe molleobilily of lhe discrele lines in ClD
lechnologies lhol mokes il very eosy lo drow wholever con be imogined.
This con be seen os o disodvonloge of 8lH os lhere ore predelermined 8lH
conslroinls buill inlo 8lH lechnologies. l is lhese preconceived conslroinls 8lH
lhol couse some lo believe lhol 8lH somelimes forces orchilecls lo do 8lH
lhings lhol lhey do nol wonl il lo do. lnolher concern is lhol lhere is o
polenliol blurring of dulies ond responsibililies belween conslruclion
monogemenl ond orchileclure. The forced colloborolion roises lhe feor of
o power grob for pro|ecl conlrol, wilh lhe orchilecl morginolized. ssues
of liobilily ore olso poromounl. To oddress lhese issues, lhe lmericon
nslilule of lrchilecls in November 2OO7 releosed on lnterateJ Project
0e|iver, 0uiJe. The documenl oullines besl proclices for colloborolion
belween owners, designers, consullonls, ond conlroclors, wilh 8lH os 8lH
lhe focililoling lechnology. We slill hove lo woil ond see how oll of lhis
unfolds. The odoplion of 8lH is slill in ils eorly sloges. 8lH
See olso.
I 38 Biomimicry
Tbe study cf tbe structure and functicn cf bicIcgicaI systems as
mcdeIs fcr tbe design and engineering cf materiaIs and macbines.
- 7he Free 0ictionar,
0ne cf tbe great advances in tbcugbt in cur cwn era came wben a
ccnnecticn was fcrmed between tbe prccesses cf nature and tbe wcrId
cf fcrm. - Sonford Kwinler
For lhe posl 2O yeors lhere hos been o renewed inleresl in lhe lessons
lhol nolure con leoch lhe designer. From lhe pioneering work of d`lrcy
Thompson in lhe eorly lwenlielh cenlury, lhrough lhe lheorelicol ond buill
works of lhe Joponese Melobolisl group ol mid-lwenlielh cenlury, nolurol
forms ond processes hove been of inleresl lo orchilecls lhroughoul
hislory. Fven lhe 0reek lemple is believed lo be o mimesis of lhe socred
olive grove. The more recenl monifeslolion of biomimicr, hos exlended lhe biomimicr,
melophor lo include on emphosis on orchileclurol process ond lechnology,
in oddilion lo form. Jonine Benyus l17I lisls lhe following biomimicr,
funclion, recycle everylhing, ond reword cooperolion ond diversily.
Frei 0llo l182I rolionolized his lighlweighl lenl ond pneumolic
slruclure os bionic. The reference wos more ossocioled wilh lhe process
designing is bosed upon o conslonl seorch for how nolure would do il hos
The re|eclion of form simply following funclion, plus lhe 1Os emergence
of blobileclure ond lhe fold is cerloinly o conlinuolion of lhe lrodilion of
biomimicr,. Bionic is cool ogoin, decodes ofler Sleve luslin, lelevision`s
bionic mon. The polenliol of bionic orchileclure remoins lo be seen. ls
o culling-edge ospecl of biomimicr,, biomimelic design concenlroles on
lhe replicolion of lhe odoplolion ond survivol mechonisms of biologicol
orgonisms. The skin of o building moy one doy funclion very much like
lhe humon skin, oble lo heol ilself, reocl lo prolecl ils hosl from lhe sun,
wind, ond roin, oll while providing on ollroclive oulword oppeoronce.
Perhops lhis currenl experimenlolion wilh dynomic, responsive skins
is |usl on lhe surfoce. Biology hos mony more lessons for orchileclure,
os new lechnologies provide lhe meons ond moleriols. Nonolechnology
promises lo be o key elemenl in lhe developmenl of orchileclurol
bionics. 0ne con imogine o mullilude of nono-sensors lhol ore lied lo
nono-mochines oclively
od|usling o building form
ond surfoce lo respond lo
level of occuponcy, inlernol
environmenlol needs, ond
exlernol weolher condilions.
Unlike lhe unique, bul
foiled, bionic skin of Jeon
Nouvel`s nslilul du Monde
lrobe l187I lFigure 25I,
wilh ils inoperoble 3O,OOO
lighl-sensilive diophrogms,
Figure 25. nslilul du Monde lrobe
3 I Blobitecture
supporling bionic orchileclure. o brove new world.
See olso.
Pespcnsive arcbitecture
Furlher sources. Kruff l1/. /3I
Tbe mcst interesting exampIe is tbe deveIcpment cf iscmcrpbic pcIy
surfaces" meta-cIay" meta baIIs" cr bIcb" mcdeIs.
- 0reg Lynn l13I
DigitaI tecbncIcgy bas made bIcb Iike fcrms buiIdabIe wbiIe
streamIining tbe design prccess frcm ccncept tc fabricaticn.
- Joseph Roso
Crapitecture. - Sir Peler Cook
Figure 2.
l hos been more lhon len yeors since lhe londmork Fxperience Music
Pro|ecl lFMPI by Fronk 0ehry opened in Seollle lFigure 2I. l is
cenlury. Jusl os lhe nineleenlh cenlury hos been choroclerized os lhe
induslriol cenlury, ond lhe lwenlielh os lhe modern cenlury, lhe lwenly-
of on orgonic cenlury will nol consisl of reclilineor, Fuclideon boxes, bul
rolher isomorphic poly surfoces - blobs. 8|obitecture, os il wos lobeled
by lhe lole New ork 7imes
0reg Lynn ond olhers experimenling wilh shopes on lhe compuler.
8|obitecture hos greol oppeol lo lhe sludenl ond orchilecl seorching for
o foolhold in fome. l is o profound breok wilh lhe hislory of orchileclure,
o hislory lhol hod become soiled by lhe hislrionics of modernism, ond
subsequenlly lhe self-indulgence of posl-modernism. ls o meosure of
ils success, schools os presligious os Tu Delfl ond Columbio now offer
courses in b|obitecture.
I 0 Blur
Time will lell if blobs will become posse, ond lhus render onolher
generolion of orchileclurol forms old foshioned. llreody lhe shock volue
hos worn off.
Wbat we usuaIIy caII avant-garde fcrms are cften cnIy new fcr an
instant and tben quickIy beccme arriere-garde" fcrms. - 0dile Decq
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0ouso l2OO3. 8/I, Lynn lin Molgrove 2OO8. 5/3I, Roso l2OO3. 33I
anaIcgicaI and tbe syntbetic wcrId, bcnding agent between tbe virtuaI
wcrId and tbe reaI. - Fnric Ruiz-0eli
BIur cbaIIenges tbe crtbcdcxy cf bigb rescIuticn by presenting a
fcrmIess, featureIess, scaIeIess, deptbIess, spaceIess, massIess, and
surfaceIess space. Upcn entering tbe fcg mass, visuaI and accustic
references are erased, Ieaving cnIy an cpticaI wbitecut and tbe wbite
- Flizobelh Diller
povilion, blurring is o common oclivily we oll underslond. We b|ur when b|ur
we lose focus. We blur lhe lines when we combine lhings ond deny lheir
seporoleness. Thus lhe lerm b|ur hos olso become o lerm used lo describe
lhe oclion of developing o conlinuum, os illuslroled in lhe following
slolemenl by Thom Moyne om lrying lo b|ur b|ur
lhol of lhe necessily of moleriolily in orchileclure. Jusl os John Coge`s
152 silenl composilion Four, lhirly-lhree, morked o shifl in whol could
con be considered lo be orchileclure. l opened up lhe possibilily of o
sofl orchileclure lhol wos free from moleriolily.
However, lhe mosl prevolenl, ond lhus consequenliol, blurring mighl
be lhe blurring of lhe dislinclion belween lhe virluol world ond lhe reol.
ponel digilol disploy wolls, b|ur lhe boundory belween lhe virluol ond b|ur
lhe reol. Cyber represenlolion, including building informolion modeling
lBMI, evolves inlo Holodeck levels of orchileclurol simulolion. Star
7rek`s Slorship Fnlerprise virluol reolily lime-lrovel device moy evenluolly
become lhe ullimole blurred orchileclure. lvolors will be represenling us
in lhe blurred virluol reolily of digilol hyperspoce.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Ruiz-0eli lin 0ouso 2OO3. 88I
1 I Braids
Acccrding tc RusserI, we can describe tbe cbjects in cur minds
as pbencmena cnIy after we bave bracketed tbeir existence. By
bracketing tbe cbjective wcrId, cne suspends judgment abcut tbe
existence cf tbings arcund us. - 7he 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
l principle problem wilhin phenomenology is our obilily lo occess lhe
inlrinsic, when lhe world is o bombordmenl of lhe exlrinsic. n order lo
lhol is unreloled lo lhe noked reolily of lhe experience of lhe phenomeno
ol hond. The chollenge is lo focus on lhe essence wilhoul lhe dislroclions
of lhe world oround us, lhe excess. n lhe orchileclurol oreno lhis meons
lhol lhe poromelers inlroduced lo creole o reol orchileclure musl be
corefully reduced lo only lhose lhol drow oul lhe inlrinsic presence of
lhe work. This is ochieved by plocing slricl brockels oround ocquired
inlelligence. This is eosier soid lhon done. We con hordly shul oul lhe
noise of lhe resl of our full exislence os we seorch for essences. Buddhisl
monks spend o lifelime lrying lo ochieve o conneclion wilh lhe inlrinsic
wilhoul lhe exlrinsic, o slole of nolhingness. For lhe resl of us, bracketin
lrchilecls, by lheir lroining ond condilioning, ore ill equipped lo
severely brockel lheir lhoughls lo focus unclullered on lhe inlrinsic nolure
of lhe ob|ecl in queslion. They ore by necessily brood ond crilicol lhinkers,
ond lypicolly nol very good ol suspending |udgmenl. The quick concepluol
geslure skelch lhol comes before lhe rolionol mind lokes over moy be
lhe eosiesl, ond mosl underroled, window inlo lhe phenomenol reolily
of lhe desired orchileclure. Fronk 0ehry fomously ond unopologelicolly
uses lhis bracketin lechnique.
See olso.
Braids are spatiaI Iccps, transgressive trajectcries, ncdes and
crcsses, virtuaI bcnds and Iinks cf mcvement, but aIsc superimpcsed
messages . - Monuel 0ouso
Braids pIay an impcrtant rcIe in tcpcIcgy. By cIcsing braids we
cbtain kncts cr Iinks. A knct is an embedded cIcsed curve in tbe
3-dimensicnaI space and a Iink is a disjcint unicn cf embedded cIcsed
curves. - Toshiloke Kohno
n lhe bog of lricks of lhe new digilol orchileclure, braiJs ore one of lhe
new spoliol ordering devices lhol hove emerged from non-Fuclideon
molhemolics ond physics. 0lher forms lhol ore inspirolionol include
nonolubes, buckibolls, lhe double helix, lorus ldoughnulsI, weovings,
Moebius slrips, ond cryslols. Doniel Libeskind, in porliculor, hos odopled
lhe cryslol os lhe oppropriole form for lhe museum. To dole, his cryslols
lrying volionlly lo pose os museums hove groced Denver ond Toronlo.
I 2 Branding
8raiJs moy hove lheir greolesl opplicolion in lhe developmenl of
building enclosures. n o reversion lo primilive, low lechnology, lhe
broiding of grosses, including bomboo, mighl be o vioble green
lechnology lo be considered os lhe use of oil-bosed moleriols becomes
increosing unsusloinoble. ll lhe high end, one could olso consider
Cololrovo`s Turning Torso in Molmo, Sweden ond lhe Turning Tower,
Duboi lo be slronds of broid orchileclure.
seclioning, lesselloling, folding, conlouring, ond forming ore some of lhe
digilolly ossisled form monipulolions lhol |oin braiJin os lhe lools needed
cenlury. The longuoge of orchileclurol design is undergoing o revolulion
unlike ony in lhe posl. lfler oll, we hove been holding on lo commodily,
See olso.
lssocioled wilh oppropriolion ond slolus, branJin describes lhe
o sign of ownership burnl on lo liveslock, or eorlier on prisoners, branJin
is olso used lo discriminole lhe exislence of producls or services in lhe
morkel ploce ond lo communicole persuosive concepls oboul idenlily,
quolily, ond ossocioled lifeslyles.
Morkelers ond od people know lhol words ond color ossociolions used
ob|ecl being described will be viewed or deoll wilh. Known os brond
volue, o producl or o service con be differenlioled. lhol is, imbued wilh
on elhos ond even mode lo lronscend lhe very nolure of ils exislence.
Similorly, lo brond o building design wilh o nicknome con imporl o sense
of idenlily lo lhe form, in olher words, il con ideolize or brond-mork lhe
design in o monner lo suil lhe inlenlion of lhe pro|ecl. For promolionol
reosons, mosl mo|or cilies ollrocl nomes, such os lhe Big lpple ond
lhe Cily of Dreoming Spires. Similorly, lhe bronding of buildings occurs
when nomes, such os Poddy`s Wigwom lBosil Spence`s Liverpool
ore somelimes offeclionolely or cynicolly opproprioled by users or
designers who oflen invenl such lobels os o meons of personolizing o
brond new design ideo or domeslicoling unusuol orchileclurol forms.
Through such choroclerizolion, branJin con be persuosive, lobels oflen
prominenl in lhe design, while, os orchilecl Will llsop poinls oul, helping
olhers lo occepl ond buy inlo lhe ideo.
0lobol morkeling hos meonl lhol o universol vocobulory of branJin
pervodes cilies ocross lhe world, cousing lhem lo creole o brondscope
- on invosion lhol, in eroding locol idenlily ond conlexluol formolism,
oppeors lo hove creoled o new urbon lypology. McDonold`s hos invoded
mony socred ploces wilh ils brosh brond. Nol even lhe Ponlheon in
Rome is sofe lFigure 27I. l is one lhol hos nol gone unnoliced in lhose
3 I Branding
orchileclurol progroms conscious of lhe evolulion of on urbonscope
more concerned wilh globol morkeling lhon wilh socio-polilicol issues or
queslions of conlexl. Here, dedicoled sludenl pro|ecls sludy bronds ond
branJin lechniques os o meons of orliculoling ospecls of our cullure ond
lo revilolize lhe cily. To do so, brond volues, imoge ond lhe slyle of producl
ore sludied in lhe ollempl lo creole on orchileclurol response. TP
See olso.
Figure 27. Big Moc ol lhe Ponlheon,
C I 0aricature
distinctive features cr pecuIiarities are deIiberateIy exaggerated tc
prcduce a ccmic cr grctesque effect. - 7he Free 0ictionar,
. tbis rusb tc take pcssessicn cf tbe Iatest fasbicn, tbis prcductivistic
tbese times is nct mannerism but caricature, and primariIy seIf-
caricature. - \illorio 0regolli
ls we become numbed by lhe onsloughl of medio, cullurol crilics ore
increosingly resorling lo cryplic, hyped norrolives, rolher lhon lhe corefully
crofled onolysis. Crilicism hos become lhe produclion of sound biles lhol
ore no more lhon caricatures. Blogs ond lweels ore lreoled seriously.
we embroce simplislic lobels ond exlreme orchileclure ol lhe expense of lhe
full oppreciolion of lhe serious works of orchileclure lhol ore occurring in lhe
resl of lhe profession. Slorchilecls hove become coricolures of lhemselves,
coughl up in lheir own medio imoge. To help sorl lhings oul, crilics such os
Chorles Jencks feel compelled lo mop lhe recenl orchileclurol discourse by
opplying lobels lo every slor ond lheir ideology. Thol mop is olso o caricature.
n lhe populor lwenlielh-cenlury medio of lelevision ond lhe movies, foux
orchilecls Mike Brody of 7he 8raJ, 8unch ond Wilbur Posl, lhe owner ond
sloble mole of Hr. FJ, 7he 7a|kin Forse, hove been reploced by lhe more
noble ond heroic orchilecl coricolures of lhe orchilecl/eleclricion Poul
Newmon in 7he 7owerin lnferno ond Wesley Snipes in !un|e Fever.
Serious orchileclure wilh o deplh of virluosily is nol immune lo
being coricolurized. Coricolurizolion is moinly for lhe omusemenl of lhe
medio ond lhe generol consumer, ond nol for lhe serious connoisseur of
orchileclure. Chorles Jencks, in 7he Lanuae of Post-HoJern /rchitecture
l177I, presenls o number of choroclerizolions of imporlonl orchileclure,
including Le Corbusier`s chopel ol Ronchomp os o duck, ond lhe Sydney
0pero House os breeding lurlles. Unforlunolely lhis incessonl need lo
reduce orchileclure lo o sound bile devolues orchileclure in lhe eyes of
lhe public. The perceplion lhol orchileclure is nolhing more lhon frivolous
exlerior decorolion is reinforced by cynicol, consumer-orienled, buildings
like lhe miniolure while coslles lhol house lhe lmericon While Coslle
homburger choin ond lheir miniolure homburgers lFigure 28I.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0regolli l1. 1I
Figure 28. While Coslle
Fol like o lillle king
5 I C 0artooning
Derived from lhe lolion word corlone ond lhe Dulch korlon, meoning
o lorge sheel of heovy-duly poper, lhe lerm cartoonin originolly described
o process used by lhe old moslers. l refers lo lhe produclion of o full-
sized, deloiled composilionol oulline drowing execuled on slurdy poper os
o preporolory sludy, or modello, ond mode in preporolion for ils lroce-
lronsfer lo o surfoce inlended for o poinling. Typicolly, lhe corloon wos
lronsferred by rubbing lhe bock wilh cholk ond redrowing lhe oulline wilh
o slylus, lhus lronsferring ils delineolion lo lhe convos or ponel. Corloons
were olso used os o guide in lhe produclion of frescoes, lo quickly ond
occurolely lronsfer o composilionol drowing before il wos poinled on
domp plosler. To do so, corloons received pinpricks olong lhe conlours of
lhe design ond, while held ogoinsl lhe woll, o bog of powdered pigmenl
wos lhen dobbed or pounced over lhe corloon lo slencil dols direclly
on lo lhe plosler. Surviving corloons by Renoissonce poinlers, such os
Leonordo do \inci ond lhe fomous Rophoel corloons, ore highly prized in
lheir own righl. However, lhe loller, inlended for lopeslries, were colored
ond used in o differenl woy. lhol is, os o visuol regisler by weovers when
working ol lhe loom.
The modern meoning of lhe lerm corloon wos born in 18/3 by
ossociolion wilh lhe sub|ecl moller of o drowing by John Leech published
in Punch mogozine, which poked ironic fun ol polilicions by humorously
solirizing lhe preporolory corloons for frescoes in lhe lhen new Poloce of
Weslminsler. Wilh ils rools in lhe biling, soliricol drowings of nineleenlh-
cenlury coricolurisls such os Honore Doumier in Fronce, ond possibly
even eorlier in lhe eighleenlh-cenlury lompoons of Brilish coricolurisls
likes of 0erold Scorfe, Mel Colmon, ond 0ory Lorson. Wilh offshools in lhe
subcullure of comic books, comic slrips, ond grophic novels, corlooning
olso become onimoled.
When used in orchileclurol currency, cartoonin loosely describes lhe
produclion of o preporolory skelch delineolion. However, in lhis conlexl
lhe corloon is usuolly devoid of ony humor. ln inleresling developmenl
reloled lo cartoonin is lhe growing number of orchileclurol lexlbooks
illuslroled wilh corloons. l is o sign of lhe limes, os is lhe book
/rchitecture for 0ummies lDielsch, 2OO2I. 7ime Hanaement for /rchitects
anJ 0esiners by Thorb|oern Monn is o cose in poinl lFigure 2I. Comic
Figure 2. Bewore of
C I 0atastrophe theory
books ore olso wrillen by, ond for, orchilecls. 0flen lhese ore produced
lo inlroduce lhe beginning sludenl lo orchileclure. The orchilecl ond
oulpul, including lhe comic book /rchitecture for 8einners l188I, comes
lo mind. More recenlly, Rem Koolhoos ond 0Ml produced o follow-up lo
lhe groundbreoking SHL\L l15I wilh o serious comic book/mogozine
0ontent l2OO/I. l is on exomple of orchileclurol corlooning lhol is cerloin 0ontent
lo be copied by olher orchilecls slriving lo be hip. 0ne wonders whol
clienls lhink of lhis dumbing down of lhe profession. TP
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0ehry 28
Catastrephe theery
Catastrcpbe Tbecry is nct primariIy ccncerned witb wbat we caII
catastrcpbes but, witb tbe mcre prcsaic pbase transiticns" tbat are
everywbere visibIe in nature: tbe dramatic transfcrmaticn cf water
ccrn kerneI intc pcpccrn. - Chorles Jencks
l moy seem lhol lhere is lillle relolionship belween catastrophe theor,
ond orchileclurol lheory, bul lhol is in lhe process of chonging. Twenly-
of phose lronsilions os il embroces biomimicry. 0ne of lhose opplicolions
is lhe process of folding. Folding creoles o dromolic chonge in direclion,
moving suddenly from o lwo-dimensionol plone lo o complex lhree-
dimensionol shope in spoce lFigure
3OI. The coloslrophic spoliol lronsilion
is o hoppy one. lnolher phose
lronsilion sequence ossocioled wilh
lhe produclion of orchileclure is lhe
move from lhe mind of lhe designer
lo lhe digilol informolion ond design
model, lo o CNC-produced physicol
orchileclurol fobricolion. Similor
lo lhe produclion of popcorn, lhe
orchileclurol elemenl resides wilhin
lhe compuler, woiling lo bursl forlh
in o melomorphosis lhol is o dromolic
lronsformolion - o coloslrophe.
ls orchileclure increosingly
courls nolure for ils inspirolions,
orchileclurol coloslrophes of lhe
besl kind will become common.
lrchileclure lhol is biomorphic,
responsive, ond dynomic lmuch
inlelligence, buildings will be oble lo
iniliole ond execule o lronsformolion Figure 3O. Coloslrophic spoliol lronsilion
7 I C 0ave
when required. This moy be o fulure form of high-performonce, yel
opplicolions of catastrophe theor,. l will be o brove new world of dynomic
See olso.
Furlher sources. Jencks l15. 53I
- Chrislion Norberg-Schulz
As Laugier presents tbe system, tbe fcrest is aIIcwed tc triumpb cver
tbe cave. - Korslen Horries
Weslern orchileclure hos evolved from lhe cave lo lhe foresl lo lhe
colhedrol, ond now hos relurned lo lhe cave. 0bviously lhol slolemenl
orchileclure lhol grew oul of lhe foresl hos dominoled orchileclurol
form for lhe posl 5,OOO yeors. Finolly, il is slorling lo be reploced by
non-Fuclideon cove-like orchileclure. l moy loke o while, os relolively
lillle cave orchileclure hos been produced lo dole. Seollle`s Fxperience
Music Pro|ecl lFMPI by Fronk 0ehry, o cave, is slill conlroversiol len yeors
in o recenl nlernel-bosed poll. 0n o lighler nole, lhe cove lhol Sonliogo
Cololrovo creoled in downlown Toronlo is universolly liked lFigure 31I.
Unlike lhe FMP, il ovoids clouslrophobic spoces ond insleod bolhes lhe
now enclosed slreel wilh lighl.
There is o chonce lhol cave-form orchileclure moy nol become
lhe norm unlil il hos proven lo be o susloinoble ond offordoble form of
orchileclure. l is slill more economicol
lo build boxes bosed upon lhe Fuclideon
geomelry of reodily ovoiloble lrodilionol
building moleriols.
lre we relurning lo our beginnings
in lerms of spoliol ordering syslems?
Louis Kohn would be pleosed, os he wos
olwoys mosl inlrigued by \olume Minus
0ne. l moy be ineviloble lhol lhe cove,
in o reversol of hislory, will evenluolly
reploce lhe primilive hul. lfler oll, lhe
curvolure of lhe universe ollows us lo
evenluolly loop bock in spoce-lime os on
ocl of bock lo lhe posl os lhe fulure.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Horries l18. , 11I
Figure 31. The lllen Lomberl Cove
0olleri o, Toronlo
C I 8 0haracter
. a distinctive trait, quaIity, cr attribute.
- websters unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
mcre tban bint at its meaning. - Louis Sullivon
. suspicicus tbcugb arcbitects and critics became cf cbaracter" in
tbe mcdernist era, tbey never.fcund it pcssibIe tc dispense witb it
aItcgetber. - ldrion Forly
The modern ero in orchileclure succeeded in oll bul eliminoling
references lo character. l wos considered unprofessionol lo consider
such o sub|eclive, personol |udgmenl oboul o work of orchileclure. The
lwenlielh-cenlury rolionol humon did nol engoge in speculolion oboul
The discussion of character wos rediscovered wilh lhe emergence of character
posl-modern orchileclurol lheory. ls pro|ecl wos lhe reslorolion of meoning
in orchileclure, lhus lhe queslion of character become relevonl. lllhough
orchilecls ond lheir professionol crilics slill seldom use lhe lerm, everyone
else likes lo evoluole lhe character of o work of orchileclure. Some of lhe character
character descriplors lhol ore used by cullurol hoppenings crilics ond lhe character
public include cule, cold, fun, formol, imposing, omusing, ond friendly. 0ne
con hordly imogine on orchilecl, or serious orchileclurol crilic, describing
o work of orchileclure os cule. The descriplors moy chonge os fulure
buildings become more lifelike, or onlhropomorphic. 0nce lhe buildings of
wilh lheir occuponls, lhey ore more likely lo loke on o personolily. l moy
become on ero of pel orchileclure. ls o pel, orchileclure will become
character of lheir owners?
See olso.
Cbatter: ccmmunicaticn, sucb as e-maiI and ceII pbcne caIIs, between
pecpIe wbc are invcIved in terrcrism cr espicnage, as mcnitcred by a
gcvernment agency. - 7he Free 0ictionar,
0hatter is lhe informolionol deluge of lhe doy for oll of us, nol |usl 0hatter
lerrorisls. Tweels, e-moils, blogs, lexls, YouTube, Focebook, Bing, lobloid
lelevision, polilicol crilicism comedy, documenlory movies, ond so on
provide lodoy`s informolionol orgy, which is onologous lo drinking oul of
0oogle-lype seorch lools.
n siluolions involving lhe produclion of orchileclure, lhe resulling
gool is lo be inclusive ond democrolic in lhe developmenl of pro|ecl
I C 0lassicism
poromelers. The slolic, bounded orchileclurol brief lprogromI is no
0nce form lhol follows funclion wos no longer lhe primory ob|eclive, lhe
descriplion of oclivilies lo be housed in lhe new building become only o
smoll, ond moslly irrelevonl, porl of lhe design chollenge. Now eoch ocl
of orchileclure is underslood lo be porl of o much lorger sociol, polilicol,
ond environmenlol siluolion over lime. The mullidimensionol design
ogendo is loo diverse ond complex for one member of lhe pro|ecl delivery
consliluency lo underslond. ls lhe orbilrolor, lhe poromelric digilol model
is expecled lo provide lhe onswers lhol esloblish lhe queslions. Design
becomes lhe preporolion of soup - mony ingredienls wilh o complexily
lhol comes from lhe synergy of losles. 0ne only hopes lhol lhere is slill o
chef who knows whol lype of soup il wos meonl lo be.
See olso.
. a styIe wbicb impcses purity cf part, categcry, and crder, via a set cf
deIineaticn cf arcbitecturaI eIements.
- John Summerson
s c|assicism
clossicol in orchileclure exlends beyond lhe simple ossessmenl of lhe
oppeoronce of o building. When considering lhe spoliol order of o work
of orchileclure, lhe resull moy quolify il os clossicol, even lhough il is o
conlemporory building. The mosl discussed exomple is lhe work of Le
7owarJs /n
/rchitecture l123/18I hove more in common wilh clossicol rules lhon lhe
rules of lhe modernism wilh which he is mosl ossocioled lFigure 32I. Peler
Fisenmon, in his seminol 18/ essoy, The end of lhe clossicol, lokes lhe
porl of lhe lwenlielh cenlury. n his ossessmenl, lhe enlire enlerprise of
Modernism wos merely onolher monifeslolion of lhe clossicol.
Wilh lhe lole-lwenlielh-cenlury incursion of posl-slruclurolisl lheory,
orchileclurol ordering syslems become onli-clossicol. The orchileclure
of rules gove woy lo o no rules orchileclure - or so il seemed. Fven
fell viclim lo onolysis ond porsing. Rules for being o deconslruclivisl
were invenled by crilics lo moke lheir |obs eosier. ronicolly, more recenl
odvonces in digilol design lechnology hove furlher reined in lhe freedom
of lhe no rules orchilecl. n order for inlegroled proclice, using o shored
poromelric building informolion model, lo be successful lhere needs lo be
coreful ogreemenl by oll porlies regording lhe rules of lhe gome. Cononic
design is moking o comebock.
. tbe Iesscns tc be Iearned tcday frcm cIassicism are nct fcund in
- Demelri Porphylios
C I 50 0lich
See olso.
Furlher sources. lnloniodes l1O. 1I, Fisenmon lin Nesbill 1I, Horries
Figure 32. Le \illo
Sovoye. Clossicol
A trite cr cverused expressicn cr idea. - 7he Free 0ictionar,
capacity tc make scmecne Iisten and tbink. - 0wendolyn Wrighl
lrchileclurol cliches obound. Form follows funclion, 0od is in lhe
deloils, lrchileclure is frozen music, ond so on ore well-worn cliches.
The enlire home design induslry is bosed upon lhe use of decorolive cliches.
The 0reek-columned porlico, lFigure 33I, lhe pseudo-Medilerroneon lile
roof, ond lhe Tuscon villo of lhe lmericon suburbs, ore |usl o few of lhe
c|iches ossocioled wilh lhe lmericon house.
The orchileclurol c|iche is nol olwoys os bod os il sounds. l moy be
ironic, or il moy be o deliberole slrolegy used lo engender fomiliorily.
Fosl-food choins rely on orchileclurol cliches, such os lhe golden orches,
porl of lhe world lhey ore operoling in. lccording lo Fnrique Wolker, o
received ideo or c|iche received ideo or , plus on orbilrory self-imposed conslroinl, moy
be o voluoble creolive lechnique for lhe discovery of unexpecled, ond
yel oppropriole, orchileclurol moves. llso, lhe c|iche meeling onolher
c|iche moy resull in surprising ond useful resulls. 0n lhe olher hond,
mony cliches hound orchilecls. Unforlunolely one of lhose cliches - lhe
orchilecl os lhe exlerior decorolor of buildings - is becoming increosingly
lrue. ls lhe currenl
preoccupolion wilh lhe
building skin grows,
lhere is lhe donger
lhol lhe primory design
conlribulions expecled
from lhe orchilecl will be
of lhe envelope. lll olher
mollers will be rolionolly
Figure 33. Cliche foode
51 I C 0losure
derived from o process of inserling performonce-bosed poromelers ond
ossocioled olgorilhms inlo o BM - hordly lhe inleresl or currenl experlise
of lhe orchilecl.
See olso.
0|osure is lhe opposile of openness. 0|osure is o lerm found in severol
disciplines, from compuler science lo funclion ond ils environmenl lhol
con be possed inlo onolher funclionI lo low llhe closure of o lriolI ond
legislolive ossembly lo procedure for ending o molion or o debole ond
c|osure os lhe
ils use in orchileclure speoks more of on ospecl of our bodily movemenl
lhrough sequences of spoce. The lerm is borrowed from psychology lo
describe lhe visuol c|osure of spoce. n one sense il refers lo lhe creolion
of o perceived breok in o choin of connecled spoliol evenls lhol, while
momenlorily conloining lhe eye, does nol reslricl nor erodicole lhe sense
of progression beyond.
0|osure occurs in bolh inlerior ond urbon spoce. For inslonce, lo
progress lhrough 0xford`s serpenline High Slreel, oflen described os
lhe mosl beouliful high slreel in Furope, is lo wolk lhrough o series of
lhem. However, due lo lhe slreel`s winding foolprinl, lheir closure is
illusory os eoch is connecled by lhe conlinuum of spoce - lhe resull of lhis
opporenl conloinmenl increosing onlicipolion ond orousing curiosily of
whol lies beyond. This kind of spoliol experience chimes wilh lhe ideos
lownscope, lhe lole 0ordon Cullen, who in his seminol book 7he 0oncise
7ownscape l11/15I wrole, l long slroighl rood hos lillle impocl
becouse lhe iniliol view is soon digesled ond becomes monolonous.
0|osure is olso on imporlonl ospecl of visuol perceplion. n lhis
conlexl il refers lo our copocily lo close, or visuolly poinl-in, incomplele
informolion in lhe slimulus. This is lhe low of c|osure, when, in order
lo complele ils underslonding of on incomplele imoge - lhol is, lo
increose ils regulorily - lhe broin moy experience elemenls il does nol
direclly perceive lhrough sensolion. The lerm derives from lhe 0esloll
psychologisls who, in 112, sludied visuol perceplion os on inleroclive,
dynomic, ond creolive process. Their lheories slress lhol, in seeking
ond lherefore ils meoning. llso, os porl of lhis visuol reconslruclion
process, our lendency lo percepluolly group like elemenls inlo simple
unils is governed by proximily llhe relolive neorness of elemenls lo one
onolherI ond similorily llhe relolive someness of elemenlsI.
There is olso lhe lerm premolure c|osure, lhol, drown from lhe world
of creolive wriling, describes o form of menlol conslipolion in problem
solving. Those orchilecls ond sludenls of orchileclure who ovoid ony
exlensive seorch for oplions before commilmenl, ond lhereby foil lo push
C I 52 0ommoditization
new ideos lo lhe limil, oppeor lo suffer from lhis condilion. Conversely,
lhe exhouslive design processes of orchilecls like Louis Kohn, Chorles
Moore, ond Corlo Scorpo seem lo hove lhe opposile problem, lhol is,
fruslroling lheir clienls by conlinuing lo explore differenl ovenues of
enquiry well beyond lheir deodlines. TP
See olso.
- wikipeJia
The lwenlielh cenlury sow lhe developed world coreen inlo o consuming
frenzy lFigure 3/I. Fverylhing lhol could be boughl become o commodily,
including orchileclure. The unspoken gool in life become lo die wilh lhe
mosl sluff. The slondord of living, meosured in 0NP ond personol weollh,
ignored such meoningful meosures os hoppiness ond spiriluol heollh.
The negolive effecl wos lhe devoluolion of everylhing lhol wos beyond
volue. ls Worhol showed us, commodily become orl ond orl become
commodily. The slogon everylhing hos o price become generolly
Fven leoding orchilecls become commodilized os slorchilecls. conic
buildings become bronds, lo be replicoled ond sold on lhe open morkel,
much like shoes. 0f course lhis is nol reolly new, os il olso hoppened wilh
slruclures such os lhe Fiffel Tower, lhe Slolue of Liberly ond Big Ben. Fvery
lourisl gifl shop hos miniolure versions of lhese symbols of lhe cilies lhey
represenl. l is lhe icon in lhese coses lhol hos been commodilized. The
Bilboo effecl meonl lhol lhe gool of new public orchileclure become lhol
of morkeling lhe lown, rolher lhon providing lhe needed well-designed
concerl holl or museum.
lo lhis relurn lo orchileclurol progmolism mighl be lhe blobs ond folds
prevoil, orchileclure moy once ogoin be reslored lo o higher level of volue
lhon lhol of o commodily.
See olso.
Figure 3/. Times
Squore, New
53 I C 0onservation
and a sense cf ccmmcn purpcse and traditicn.
- 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
Tbe tbesis tbat tbe ccmmunity, ratber tban tbe individuaI, tbe state,
tbe naticn, cr any ctber entity, is and sbcuId be at tbe centre cf cur
anaIysis and cur vaIue system. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
Wilh lhe recenl virol spreod of nlernel-bosed virluol communilies
lhrough sociol nelworks such os MySpoce ond Focebook, communily
3 yeors ogo in 7he Private Future l17/I, individuols ore sloying home
ond building lheir communilies from lheir ormchoirs, rolher lhon ol
lhe counlry club. Under lhese circumslonces, communitarianism lokes
on o differenl meoning. ls on elhicol poslure, il remoins o loudoble
gool - lhol of serving lhe enlire communily, rolher lhon lhe wishes of
individuols or orgonizolions wilh power. The problem is one of dispersol.
is delerriloriolized. 0n lhe surfoce lhis seems lo be o problem for lhe
fulure of orchileclure, os issues lhol ore orchileclurolly reloled lend lo
be ploce bound, or ol leosl wilhin o limiled geogrophicol oreo. Hos lhe
imporlonce of physicol communily foded owoy? Hordly. l lurns oul lhol
lhe virluol communily serves os o vehicle for increosing lhe incidence
lo members of lhe locol inleresl group. Due lo lhe effecliveness of lhe
lweeling, messoging, ond posling ossocioled wilh sociol nelworks,
Focebooking is lhe growlh of o mullilude of speciol inleresl communilies
environmenl. We ore living in on oge of heighlened communitarianism.
l is o brove new virluol world. 0omputer 0it,, lhe visionory proposol by
lrchigrom`s Dennis Cromplon l1/, in Cook, 17I, hos come lo poss.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bess lin Nesbill 1. 372I Nesbill l1. 37OI
. tbe emergence cf ccnservaticn bas been greatIy aided by tbe
pcsitive meaning tbat tbis wcrd bas recentIy assumed as a prctectcr
cf arcbitecturaI beritage, cf nature, and cf bistcricaI memcry, in
- \illorio 0regolli
conservation is lhe preservolion
ond coreful monogemenl of lhe environmenl ond of nolurol resources.
Due lo lhe relolively recenl worldwide compoign lo roise oworeness
C I 5 0onstraints
of lhe need for resource conservolion, designers ore now expecled lo
incorporole conservolion principles ond proclices inlo lheir work. This
orchilecl. Design freedom lo mylh oll olongI oppeors lo be even more
curloiled. lccounlobilily for lhe consequences of design decisions hos
exponded beyond lhe clienl ond lhe immediole public lo include lhe world`s
populolion ond lhe heollh of lhe plonel. ll lhe some lime, lhe inlroduclion
of lhe chollenge of conservolion hos given o lired profession looking for
relevoncy o shol in lhe orm. n lhe public`s mind orchileclure hos found
o roison d`lre beyond lhe decorolive. lfler decodes of olienolion from
public fovor, orchileclure is being embroced once ogoin os imporlonl lo
lhe communily. lllhough in reolily orchileclure is slill lorgely porl of
lhe problem, il is being herolded os porl of lhe solulion. This iconic
colchphrose of lhe noscenl Woodslock revolulion is heord once ogoin,
lhis lime in lhe boordroom.
lrchileclurol conservolion lokes mony forms. l includes hisloric
Fuller`s credo of doing lhe mosl wilh lhe leosl lFigure 35I. The
responsible use of non-renewoble resources is now inlimolely reloled
lo lhe design of buildings. Thus, ollernolive building moleriols such os
rommed eorlh, slrow boles, ond bomboo hove become of greol inleresl
lo clienls ond designers. Jusl os lhe lwenlielh cenlury moy be ullimolely
cenlury will become known os lhe cenlury of conservation. ls ll 0ore
would soy, our fulure exislence depends upon il. We ore nol off lo o good
slorl. The developed world is moking o loken efforl lhol is being concelled
oul by lhe ropidly developing lsion conlinenl. Denmork is no molch for
See olso.
Figure 35. Fxpo 7. Mon
ond His World,
Tbe buman race buiIt mcst ncbIy wben Iimitaticns were greatest
and, tberefcre, wben mcst was required cf imaginaticn in crder tc
buiId at aII. Limitaticns seem tc bave aIways been tbe best friend cf
arcbitecture. - Fronk L. Wrighl
55 I C 0onstraints
. arcbitecture tbat reIies cn autcncmy and independence frcm
purpcse is mereIy wisbfuI tbinking. - Poul-llon Johnson
The hislory of orchileclure is replele wilh conslroined design. l hollmork
of clossicol orchileclure is lhe imposilion of o slricl sel of rules, or
conons. Following lhe prescribed woy lo creole orchileclure wos lhe gool
of ochieving lhe perfecl orchileclure wilh meoning ond beouly. \ilruvius,
ond loler, pollern books, provided lhe recipes.
Wilh lhe emergence of modern orchileclure, lhe sel of constraints
shifled from esloblished formol rules oboul oeslhelics, lo rules ond
procedures oboul form moking. 0onstraints
ond opporlunilies lFigure 3I. 0f porliculor inleresl wos lhe occeplonce
of lhe constraints of honesly of moleriols, expression of slruclure,
minimolism, obsence of ornomenlolion, funclion os lhe oulhorily for
form, ond o dedicolion lo socio-polilicol couses.
The constraints imposed on lhe posl-modern orchilecl shifled lo o
concern for ensuring lhol orchileclure hod meoning, even if very few
individuols could decipher lhe meoning.
n lhe currenl environmenl of poromelric, digilol, ond green
orchileclure, lhe lerm conslroinl hos loken on o new meoning. While
design poromelers for sensilivily lo conlexl, energy ulilizolion levels, lhe
use of heollhy ond susloinoble moleriols, ond lhe conservolion of nolurol
resources, hos imposed on unprecedenled level of conslroinl upon lhe
designer. f Fronk Lloyd Wrighl wos correcl, il moy meon lhol we ore
moving inlo on ero of greol nobilily in orchileclure.
See olso.
Figure 3. Role of conslroinls in lhe problem-solving design process
C I 5 0ontextualism
. ccntextuaIism bas been used as an excuse fcr mediccrity, fcr a
dumb serviIity tc tbe famiIiar. - Philip Johnson
CcntextuaIism cffers a middIe-grcund pcsiticn between an unreaIistic
witb tbe tctaI Icss cf tbe urban fabric. - Kole Nesbill
0ontextua|ism wos on onolhemo lo lhe inlernolionol slyle. n reoclion lo
lhe plocelessness of modern orchileclure, contextua|ism emerged in lhe
every design sludios in Norlh lmerico. The nolion of responding lo on
immediole conlexl remoined o populor ond simplislic recipe for resloring
meoning ond o sense of ploce lo orchileclure. l only losled for o shorl
period of lime, os posl-modern orchileclure shifled lhe nolion of conlexl
belween contextua|ism ond design is more mixed. Conlemporory digilolly
bosed orchileclure is once ogoin forgoing contextua|ism in fovor of lhe
explorolion of blobs, folds, ond boxes. The design of lhe new Seollle
Public Librory coused o ruckus omong lhose cilizens concerned oboul
preserving lhe undislinguished conlexl lhol lhe 2OO/ Koolhoos building
wos lo inhobil lFigure 37I.
n conlrosl lo lhe monnerisl exercises in felish blob ond fold orchileclure,
lhe environmenlol crisis hos spowned o renewed concern for conlexl. ls
good slewords of lhe environmenl, green orchilecls ore considering lhe
found environmenl os o slorling poinl when developing lhe bosic fobric of
lheir buildings. Possive design slrolegies, green roofs, green wolls, ond o
greoler inleresl in climole-responsive building ore moking on oppeoronce
in o growing number of oword-winning orchileclurol pro|ecls. Bul is lhis
conlexuolism? Mosl green buildings ore self-obsorbed exercises in lhe
conservolion ond susloinobilily. The resulls ore oflen foreign lo lheir
immediole conlexl. The green building
is slill on unwelcome elemenl in ils
Tcwns make tbe miIieu fcr individuaI
buiIdings, and cne needs tc understand
tbe interdependence cf buiIdings and
miIieu if cne is tc design a successfuI
buiIding - a buiIding tbat sustains Iife,
and tbat beccmes a tbriving crganism.
- Bollonlyne on Deleuze
See olso.
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 15OI, Forly
l2OOO. 132I, Johnson l1/. 285I, Nesbill
l1. 32, 2/I Slern lin Nesbill l1. 1O3I
Figure 37. Seollle Public Librory.
57 I C 0osmogenic architecture
CentinentaI phiIesephy
CcntinentaI pbiIcscpby is an inaccurate term used tc refer tc tbe
sucb as RegeI, Harx, cr Reidegger, by pbencmencIcgy and
existentiaIist scbccIs, cr by pcst-5tructuraIist Frencb pbiIcscpby.
- 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
0ontinenta| phi|osoph,, os oullined obove, is o semi-pe|orolive, nol
porliculorly descriplive umbrello lerm. l describes o hosl of divergenl
philosophicol posilions lhol moinly shore lheir geogrophic locole ond
inleresl in debunking onolylicol philosophy. The lerm wos coined os
o lerm of convenience in Brilish ond lmericon ocodemic circles. l is
generolly nol used in Furope, where lhe nolion of continenta| phi|osoph,
is viewed wilh os much woriness os lhe ideo of o conlinenlol breokfosl
lDescombes 183I. The wrilings of nineleenlh-cenlury French ond
0ermon philosophers were of porliculor inleresl lo lhe purveyors of lhe
more esoleric posl-modern orchileclurol lheories of lhe second holf of
lhe lwenlielh cenlury. lccording lo legend, when Colin Rowe broughl
continenta| phi|osoph, ocross lhe lllonlic, il wos wolered down lo lhe continenta| phi|osoph,
level of lheory lo suil lhe less scholorly Norlh lmericon orchileclurol
Todoy, inleresl in continenta| phi|osoph, hos foded or moved lo lhe continenta| phi|osoph,
bockground. l few inlelligenlsio ore slill honging on, bul lhol generolion
is ropidly being reploced by lhe young guns who ore blozing lhe woy wilh
lheir brozen, neo-boroque, digilolly conceived conslruclions. Theory is
phi|osoph, poved lhe woy for lhe breok from lhe cold grosp of onolylicol phi|osoph,
modernisl dogmo. For lhol we ore groleful. Bul il would be wise lo
lo be lhol of relurning lo lhe lyronny of environmenlol ond economic
progmolism ond heorlless logic. Despile lhe good work of conlinenlol
philosophers, il is onolylicol philosophy lhol moy win lhe doy, os lhe
slruggle for survivol on our depleled plonel demonds unfeeling rolionol
See olso.
Cesmegenic architecture
Ccsmcgenesis is tbe metapbcricaI web tbat penetrates every area cf
- Chorles Jencks
n 7he /rchitecture of the !umpin universe l15I, ond 0ritica| HoJernism
l2OO7I, Chorles Jencks devoles enlire choplers lo cosmoenic
lhol ore mullivolenl, complex, ecologicol, ecleclic, ond bosed on currenl
cosmic sciences. His prescriplion is lhol cosmoenic architecture is lhe
C I 58 0osmopolitan architecture
lhe cenlury. Jencks olso lroces cosmic orchileclure os lhe precursor lo
cosmoenic architecture. 0ne of lhe exomples of cosmic orchileclure he
ciles is lrolo sozoki`s Teom Disney building in 0rlondo l11I lFigure 38I.
l includes o lorge cone-shoped cosmic sundiol wilh o Joponese gorden
The melophor of cosmogenesis is generolly ocknowledged ond
embroced by lhe currenl generolion of slorchilecls ond lheir followers.
0f porliculor inleresl ore lhe non-Fuclideon geomelries found in nolurol
forms when viewed lhrough lhe lens of complexily science ond choos
lheory. Folds, froclols, ond blobs emerge os vioble orchileclurol forms.
0f less inleresl is lhe cosmogenic principle of susloinobilily. l is lorgely
orchileclure. Mogozine-worlhy digilolly generoled forms lend lo be oboul
lheir cleverness ond uniqueness, rolher lhon oboul lheir environmenlol
performonce. 0ne exceplion is lhe 0reoler London lulhorily building
by Fosler l2OO2I. ls form wos derived direclly from lhe progmolics
of responding lo climole. l is ol one wilh lhe cosmos. n lhe cose of
mosl olher blobileclure lhe generous use of energy-inlensive melol
skins, combined wilh lhe complex sleel ormolures needed lo produce
lhe desired complex, non-lineor forms, ore cerloinly in viololion of lhe
bosic environmenlol lenels of cosmogeneily. l seems lhol ochieving
lhe oppeoronce of o cosmoenic architecture lrumps following lhe
environmenlol elhic of cosmogenesis.
See olso.
Figure 38. Teom Disney
CesmepeIitan architecture
- websters unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
tbe ccsmcpcIis, arcbitecture tbat migbt tberefcre described as
ccsmcpcIitan arcbitectures." - Neil Leoch
Due lo omnipresenl bombordmenl by eleclronic medio, including sociol
nelworks, lhe world hos become our communily. Cilizens porlicipoling
5 I C 0radle to cradle
orchileclure lhol is increosingly globolized is olso cosmopolilon, bul only if il
resisls provinciolism. The forces of regionolism ond conlexluolism conspire
ogoinsl lhe new inlernolionol slyle - cosmopolilonism. The eorlier efforl
lwenlielh cenlury, foiled due lo ils dogmolic insislence upon simplicily,
rolher lhon complexily, lhe slolic, pure, ond precious ob|ecl, rolher lhon o
ond indelerminole, os il is bosed upon on orgonic melophor, rolher lhon
orchileclure is inescopobly cosmopolilon. 0nce creoled, conlemporory
culling-edge orchileclurol imoges ore broodcosl worldwide lo become
cosmopo|itan architecture. lfler
oll, we ore olso cosmopolilon due lo lhe power of lhe World Wide Web.
lrchileclure con no longer escope lo lhe sofely of lhe provinciol. n lhe
words of 0illes Deleuze, we hove been delerriloriolized. Despile lhe loss of
lhe possibilily of provinciolism in lhis increosingly globolized world, lhere
is slill o lendency in some quorlers lo ollempl lo relreol inlo provinciolism
in order lo hong on lo idenlily of ploce. lHeidegger cerloinly provides o
model for lhis wilh his romonlic musing oboul o form in Bovorio.I The
resl of us, including lhe princes, sheiks, ond mullohs, hove embroced lhe
worldwide spreod of lmericon cullure, including fosl-food fronchises,
Wol-Morl, ond lhe lmericon-slyle skyscroper.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Leoch lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 1OOI
CradIe te cradIe
Injustice anywbere is injustice everywbere. We are caugbt in an
inescapabIe netwcrk cf mutuaIity. tied tc a singIe garment cf
destiny. wbatever affects cne directIy affects aII indirectIy.
- Morlin Lulher King
Tbe buman race is cbaIIenged mcre tban ever befcre tc demcnstrate
cur mastery . nct cver nature . but curseIves. - Rochel Corson
n lhe losl holf-cenlury, our modern sociely hos evolved inlo o lhrowowoy
economy, which is wosling our resources in moleriols ocquisilion os well
os energy in lhe produclion, processing, ond disposol of lhese moleriols.
Fvery producl we purchose is |usl lhe lip of o vosl pyromid of exlrocled
resources, burnl fossil fuels, ond loxic wosles, ond oflen produced wilh
sweolshop lobour. n lhe eorly 1Os in 0ermony, Friedrich Schmidl-
reducing moleriol use by proposing lhol modern induslriol economies
could funclion very effeclively using only one-fourlh of lhe virgin row
moleriols prevoiling ol lhe lime. Loler Schmidl-Bleek, who founded lhe
Foclor 1O nslilule, orgued lhol roising resource produclivily by o foclor of
len wos wilhin reoch of exisling lechnology given cerloin incenlives.
C I 0 0raIt
Reducing moleriols use begins wilh recycling, which olso creoles
lremendous energy sovings, culs corbon emissions, culs oir pollulion, culs
eoch yeor in vorious forms is enough lo meel lhe enlire needs of lhe US
oulo induslry. Sleel mode from recycled scrop melol lokes only 2 percenl
os much energy os lhol from iron ore. Recycled oluminium needs only /
percenl, recycled ploslic uses only 2O percenl, ond recycled poper uses
/ percenl os much, ond wilh for less chemicols for processing. Sleel ond
Rolher lhon designing producls wilh limiled reusobilily lcrodle lo
groveI, designers ore colled on lo design syslems lhol supporl reuse
in regenerolive producls ond services, much like lhe lorger syslem of
nolure. This concepl of craJ|e to craJ|e is explored by lmericon orchilecl
Williom McDonough ond 0ermon chemisl Michoel Broungorl in lheir book,
0raJ|e to 0raJ|e: Remakin the wa, we Hake 7hins l2OOOI. They conclude
lhol wosle ond pollulion ore lo be ovoided enlirely, ond slole, pollulion
is o symbol of design foilure. They coll for closed-loop lifecycles lhol
recycle oulpuls ond byproducls of one process os inpuls for onolher, such
lhol wosle equols food, ond promole lhe besl monufocluring proclices
possible for lhe woy lhings ore mode. Their craJ|e to craJ|e lC2CI prolocol
delicole bolonces of nolure ond lhe humon body. This is oll bosed on lhe
nolion lhol everylhing we own should be recycled, remode, or buried in
lhe ground lo composl. FL
See olso.
Furlher sources. McDonough lin Mollgrove 2OO8. 57I
Arcbitecture is tc mascnry wbat pcetry is tc Iiterature, it is tbe
dramatic entbusiasm cf tbe craft. - C.N. Ledoux l18O/I
Craft is a tecbne as it takes raw nature and transfcrms it intc usefuI
utensiIs and tccIs by means cf a carefuIIy preccnceived and reascned
inteIIigence. - Demelri Porphyrios
n lhe conlemporory environmenl of experimenlolion wilh blobs ond
folds, lhe issue of craft craft
building foilures hove occurred due lo o lock of craft in lhe deloiling of lhe craft
complex conneclions ossocioled wilh lhe new non-Fuclideon geomelries.
Fronk 0ehry ond Doniel Libeskind ore noloble exomples of orchilecls who
hove over-reoched lheir obilily lo conlrol lhe craft ossocioled wilh lheir
complex form odvenlures. 0ehry`s problems wilh lhe new oddilion lo
lhe lrl 0ollery of 0nlorio lFigure 3I, ond lhe MT Compuler Sciences
building lSTlTlI, ore well documenled, os ore Libeskind`s problems
wilh lhe Denver Museum of lrl ond ils younger sisler, lhe Royol 0nlorio
1 I C 0reativity
Figure 3. lrl 0ollery of
Pecent visitcrs tc tbe newIy recpened and mucb ceIebrated Tcrcntc
streaming dcwn many cf its cuter windcws, wbiIe buckets dct its
- lmes Brodshow, 7oronto 0|obe anJ Hai|
bis design cf tbe $300 miIIicn 5TATA Center in Cambridge, cne cf tbe
mcst ceIebrated wcrks cf arcbitecture unveiIed in years, caused Ieaks
tc spring, mascnry tc crack, mcId tc grcw, and drainage tc back up.
- Shelley Murphy, 8oston 0|obe
lllhough lhere is nolhing new oboul orchilecl-designed buildings
hoving leoking roofs, lhe problem hos become more serious becouse
of increosingly complex building geomelries, experimenlolion wilh new
moleriols, shorlened pro|ecl schedules, o shorloge of conslruclors wilh
on oppreciolion for craft, ond lhe involvemenl of more members of lhe
inlegroled leom wilh responsibilily for moinloining o high level of quolily.
Design by commillee con couse lhings lilerolly lo foll belween lhe crocks.
The responsibilily of lhe orchilecl for deloiling lhe building hos olso
been dislribuled omong lhe design orchilecl, lhe orchilecl of record, lhe
pro|ecl monoger, lhe producl represenlolive, engineering consullonls,
ond lhe conslruclors. ls more pro|ecls foil, lhere moy be o bocklosh
ogoinsl experimenlolion wilh non-Fuclideon digilol orchileclure. l will
be o shome.
See olso.
. tbe bi-asscciaticn cf twc previcusIy unreIated ideas.
- lrlhur Koesller
We lypicolly soy lhol lhere is creativit, ol work when somebody hos creativit,
produced on ideo lhol is surprising, slorlling, unusuol, new, ond
unconvenlionol. However lo be legilimole, il musl olso be o plousible
C I 2 0ritical humanism
onswer lo o worlhwhile problem. l musl be o reol chollenge. Jusl coming
up wilh some weird, crozy onswers lo irrelevonl queslions does nol
cul il. Typicolly, creativit, lokes conscious efforl, oflen using creativit, creativit,
lechniques. Somelimes il hoppens in your sleep, bul lhol is lhe exceplion.
More oflen il hoppens when you wolk owoy from lhe problem ol hond.
Broinslorming is o populor lechnique lhol involves unfellered
spewing forlh of ideos wilhoul |udgmenl or crilicism. Bi-ossociolion of
unreloled ideos or lhings is onolher creativit, lechnique. Superimposilion creativit,
of unreloled drowings somelimes does lhis. Some orchilecls lWill
llsop, Michoel 0roves, Mox ScogginI poinl unlil o creolive direclion for
lhe building design reveols ilself. Fven Le Corbusier liked lo combine
poinling wilh orchileclurol design. Fronk 0ehry uses lhe geslure skelch.
0lher creativit, lechniques include. loking oporl, seporoling, dislorling creativit,
lsqueezing, slrelchingI, exoggeroling, loking lo exlremes, inverling.
inside oul, upside down, reversing direclion, queslioning, osserling lhe
symbolism, syslemolic onolysis, ond modeling.
0reativit, is seldom loughl in orchileclure school. l is perhops
considered lo be on innole obilily of onyone who selecls design os o
coreer choice. ronicolly, il is loughl in mosl olher disciplines, mosl of
which ore nol known for creativit, which ore nol known for .
See olso.
CriticaI humanism
Hcst arcbitects wcuId admit arcbitecture is ccncerned witb pecpIe, but
as part cf a brcad-brusb bumanism based cn tbeir ad-bcc assimiIaticn
- Poul-llon Johnson
The lerm critica| humanism
critica| humanism,
philosophy lhol believes in humons, rolher lhon 0od, ond reoson over
belief. The lerm crilicol implies lhe use of informol logicol orgumenlolion
humanism con be underslood lo meon concern for lhe welfore of humons
using o syslem of orgumenlolion lhol is rolionol bul nol conslroined by
science or formol logic. l is concerned for lhe welfore of oll seclors of
humonkind. Combining crilicol lheory ond lhe philosophy of humonism
lhey foce lhe humon ond environmenlol chollenges lo come.
However, os Johnson poinls oul obove, orchilecls do nol lend lo funclion
os crilicol humonisls. They ore brood brush humonisls who proclice lheir
profession os conscienlious servonls. They subscribe lo on unselfconscious
elhic of good works lhol is bosed on lheir upbringing os cilizens. Whenever
possible, lhe orchilecl ollempls lo design lo lhe besl inleresls of lheir lorger
consliluency, os well os lo lheir clienl`s progrom or brief. The scope of lhol
efforl moy be polilicol, economic, oeslhelic, cullurol, or environmenlol.
3 I C 0ritical modernism
Wilh lhe growing concern for lhe welfore of lhe plonel, even lhe orchilecl
drown inlo o concern for lhe welfore of lhe environmenl. The dilemmo is
lhol orchileclure, os o discipline, is nol yel blessed wilh on orgonized ond
shored body of crilicol humonisl knowledge. 0nly lhe mosl mundone ond
meosuroble design recipes ore ovoiloble lo be shored. Unforlunolely,
crilicol lheory is slorling lo lose ils lusler in lhis oge of proclicol efforls
ol environmenlol solvoge. There ore slill sporodic ond isololed ollempls ol
exploring critica| humanism in orchileclurol schools, bul lhese efforls moy
be simply remnonls from o posl ero of ocodemic esolery.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Johnson l1/. 355I
CriticaI medernism
eacb ctber . many mcdernisms fcrces a seIf-ccnscicus criticaIity, a
Hcdernism # 2. - Chorles Jencks
lole modernism, posl-modernism, ond critica| moJernism. He regords
critica| moJernism os lhe lolesl evolulion of modernism. To quell lhe
voices of lhe mony crilics of his pel lerm posl-modernism, he oppeors
lo be |oining lhe ronks of crilicol lheorisls. ls his book 0ritica| HoJernism
l2OO7I reveols, his inleresl in crilicol lheory is os o ponoceo for doomsdoy
foligue. Crilicol lheory is expecled lo orrive ol ollernolive scenorios for
lhe survivol of humonkind from lhe resulls of globol worming. 0ritica|
modernisms. Jencks remoins lhe consummole colologuer, o loller-
doy lrislolle. f critica| moJernism is lo be our solvolion, o second
coming of modernism, lhen il corries wilh il lhe responsibilily of doing
even more wilh less. Unforlunolely, lhe lerm crilicol hos received so
much use, ond obuse, lhol il hos losl ils speciol meoning. nlereslingly,
critica| moJernism is olmosl on oxymoron, os lhe rolionol, mechonislic,
posilivislic bosis of modernism runs counler lo crilicolily, in ils re|eclion of
pure rolionolism ond ils preference for lhe orgonic over lhe mechonislic.
Con critica| moJernism be lhe onswer lo our fulure chollenges? 0iven
lhe exlrovogonce of mony of lhe currenl crop of digilolly moslered
orchileclurol confeclions, il is hord lo imogine lhol we will be spored.
See olso.
C I 0ritical regionalism
CriticaI regienaIism
CriticaI regicnaIism - an investigaticn cf rescIved difference."
How is o work locol ond universol ol lhe some lime? Thol is lhe porodox
lhol critica| reiona|ism ollempls lo resolve. The ocl of holding lwo
disporole ideos simulloneously in lhe mind is lhe beginning of crilicol
lhinking. Kennelh Fromplon`s discourse on critica| reiona|ism l183I
poinls of view. Fromplon proposes lhol lhe orrire-gorde posilion will
generole o resislonl, idenlily-giving cullure . hoving discreel recourse
lo universol lechnique. To moinloin o crilicol edge, on orchilecl needs
lo be owore of lhe idiosycrosies of populism in oddilion lo lhe conons of
ocodemic lheory.
ln opplicolion of Fromplon`s lheory is llex Tzonis ond Lilione
Lefoivre`s The grid ond lhe polhwoy l181I - o bridge over which ony
humonislic orchileclure of lhe fulure musl poss lP. RicouerI. Crilicol
regionolism will mediole lhe speclrum belween universol civilizolion ond
lhe porliculorilies of ploce. Ricouer queslions how lo become modern
ond lo relurn lo sources, how lo revive on old, dormonl civilizolion ond
loke porl in universol civilizolion. This queslion osserls lhe necessily of
o hisloricol model of conlinuous evolulion whereby lessons of lhe posl
inform fulure moves. However lhere oflen exisls, os Ricoeur sloles, lhe
requiremenl lo obondon o whole cullurol posl in order lo loke porl in
modern civilizolion. f crilicol regionolism is o solulion, lhen one would
circumslonce of whole cullurol obondonmenl ond lherefore ils shifling
Thoughlful opplicolions of critica| reiona|ism oppeor in Todoo lndo`s
work. There is o subslonliol shifl owoy from lhe lrodilion of Joponese
conslruclion ond conlexl, however, lhe severe geomelries of his work
emerge from lhe conlinuous evolulion of lhe minimolisl orl, spiriluol
proclice, cullure, ond londscope of Jopon. CH
See olso.
Furlher sources. Fromplon lin Fosler 183. 1I, Fromplon lin Jencks 17. 7I,
Fromplon lin Mollgrove 2OO8. 51I, Fromplon lin Nesbill 1. /7OI, Jomeson lin
Leoch 17. 2/7I, Nesbill l1. /8I, Tzonis ond Lefoive lin Nesbill 1. /8/I
CriticaI theery
A wbcIe range cf tbecries wbicb take a criticaI view cf scciety and tbe
buman sciences. - 0ictionar, of 0ritica| 7heor,
CriticaI tbecry is any mentaI scbema wbicb abstracts a mcdeI,
expIanaticn, specuIaticn, bypctbesis cr metbcd cf acticn fcr any
aspect cf scciaI Iife. - oin Borden ond Jone Rendell
5 I C 0riticism
Tbe umbreIIa cf criticaI tbecry ccvers tbe wcrk cf disparate tbinkers
and grcups wbcse wcrk sbares ccmmcn tbreads, sucb as gender
tbecrists, pcst-structuraIists, pcst-ccIcniaIists, pcstmcdernists, and
deccnstructicnists. - ldom Shorr
0riginolly developed by lhe nslilule for Sociol Reseorch, founded in
12, ond known os lhe Fronkfurl School, critica| theor, hos evolved from critica| theor,
umbrello of lheories lhol hove os lheir common ogendo lhe developmenl
of o descriplive ond normolive bosis for increosing lhe freedom of
humonkind. 0ritica| theor, is crilicol in lhol il occepls orgumenls lhol ore 0ritica| theor,
bosed on informol logic - o logic lhol is occepling of informolion lhol hos
0ritica| theor,, on lhe olher hond, is nol o
lheory os such.
0ritica| theor, is of inleresl lo orchileclurol lheorisls due lo ils emphosis 0ritica| theor,
on inlerdisciplinory sociol reseorch lhol is philosophicol, yel embroces
proclicol reoson ond re|ecls oll forms of reduclionism. Crilicol lheorisls
generolly believe lhol science ond ils reloled posilivism ore full of non-
lheorelicol inleresls ond ore repressive due lo lheir slricl odherence lo
reoson. n ils focus on lhe emoncipolion of oll humonkind in o democrolic
globol sociely, critica| theor, includes previously proclicol ond neglecled critica| theor,
oreos of orchileclurol lheory such os feminism, roce, ond lhe concerns of
olher morginolized consliluencies.
The co-founder of critica| theor,, Mox Horkheimer, slipuloled lhol
o crilicol lheory is odequole only if il meels lhree crilerio. il musl be
explonolory, proclicol, ond normolive - oll ol lhe some lime. lNormolive in
lhis conlexl meons whol oughl lo be - Mocey, 2OOOI Being releosed from
lhe grip of slricl rolionolism ond posilivism is o relief for orchilecls who
Tbe centraI insigbt cf criticaI tbecry is tbat meaning itseIf-tbe way we
expIain wbat bappens arcund us and tbus bcw we act in respcnse - is a
ccnstructed tbing. - Williom Hubbord
See olso.
Furlher sources. Shorr l2OO7. 112I
WbiIe tbe wcrd critic" entered tbe EngIisb Ianguage in tbe middIe
cf tbe sixteentb century, it derives frcm tbe reek krites meaning
judge." - Poul-llon Johnson
Criticism, by mcst acccunts, is ineffectuaI, disappearing, and cn tbe
retreat. - Bernord Tschumi
Fveryone is o crilic. ls lhe generol public is increosingly osked lo vole on
lhe winner of /merican lJo|, or ils equivolenl oround lhe world, lhe role of
crilic is becoming dongerously egolilorion. Blogs ond personol websiles
C I 0riticism
conloin endless opinions on every lopic. Mony ore inone. Sociol nelworks
opps poll lheir membership relenllessly. This populorizolion of omoleur
criticism hos led lo o brood, shollow, ond generolly ill-informed public
discourse oboul lhe orls, including orchileclure. Blog poslings oflen
degenerole inlo vulgorilies when lhe oulhor runs oul of lhings lo soy.
Thus, crilicol discourse hos been devolued lo lhe level of lhe uninformed,
unwoshed mosses. The din from lhe hordes drowns oul lhe few brove
lcodemic crilicism involving lhe lheory ond philosophy of orchileclure
is increosingly morginolized, os inleresl moves lowords concern for
proclice ond lhe progmolic. Mosl of lhe orchileclurol inlelligenlsio who
hove been crilics in lhe posl hove relreoled inlo proclice. Fisenmon,
Koolhoos, Libeskind, ond Tschumi ore on lhol lisl. Few newspopers in
Norlh lmerico slill employ o professionol orchileclurol crilic. Poul
0oldberger ond o hondful of olhers ore lhe exceplions. More ond more
of lhe crilicism by lhe professionol communily is now self-generoled
produce promolionol publicolions disguised os o crilique of lheir ocquired
inlelligence ond produclion. n lhe fulure, how will we know whol lo lhink
oboul orchileclure? Professionol crilicism is becoming o losl orl, os public
in Tcrcntc, caIIed tbe CrystaI," [see Figure 0| was pIaced at Nc. 8 cn
ccm. Tbe raticnaIe menticns its stark inccngruity witb tbe criginaI
- 7oronto Star, November 2O, 2OO
See olso. American Pragmatism
Furlher sources. 0hirordo lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 8I, Johnson l1/. /3I
Figure /O. The Cryslol
7 I C 0ryptodeleuzian materialism
CryptedeIeuzian materiaIism
Michoel Speoks l2O1OI uses lhis lerm os o lobel of our currenl
preoccupolion wilh lhe melophoricol ond obluse wrilings of 0illes
Deleuze ond lhe homespun moleriolism lhol he espouses. Hefled sheep,
preoccupolion wilh lhe body - including ils boser funclions - disguise o
disdoin for lhe enlire effele enlerprise of ocodemic posl-slruclurolism. l
is seen os lhe hollmork of our oge.
There ore lwo unreloled meonings for lhe lerm moleriolism. The
moleriolism lhol involves lhe excess desire for goods ond weollh. The
olher meoning is lhe one lhol Speoks lolks oboul. l is lhe view lhol lhe
world is enlirely composed of moller, wilh no ploce for hypolhelicol
obslroclions such os universols. mmoleriolilies ore nol occepled wilhin
To reduce Deleuzion philosophy lo o cryplic version of ilself is perhops
o disservice lo lhe mony inleresling ond somewhol folksy musings of lhe
mon ond his colloborolor Felix 0uollori. The worlds of populor cullure ond
high cullure hove merged, os hove lhe inlellecluol ond gullurol worlds.
Porliculorly imporlonl conlribulions lo orchileclurol lhoughl hove been
wilh lhe sense lhol onylhing goes.
See olso.
CuIturaI theery
understand tbe dynamics cf cuIture. RistcricaIIy tbese bave invcIved
arguments abcut tbe reIaticnsbip between cuIture and nature, cuIture
and scciety, tbe spIit between bigb and Icw cuIture, and tbe interpIay
between cuIturaI traditicn and cuIturaI difference and diversity.
- 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Socio|o,
CuIturaI tbecry prcpcses, witbcut reservaticn, tbat existing
ccncepticns cf arcbitecture need tc be repIaced by brcader and mcre
incIusive issues sucb as race, gender, space, image and tbe unequaI
distributicn cf rescurces and cppcrtunities.
- Murroy Froser ond Joe Kerr
The obove exisling conceplions ore of o mole-orienled orchileclure
for lhe elile. Women, minorilies, lhe poor, ore lhe orchileclurolly
disenfronchised. The feminisl movemenl in orchileclure is slill perceived
os lhe responsibilily of o few femole crilics, proclilioners, ond leochers.
Serving lhe underclosses is slill o fringe movemenl lhol everyone ogrees
wilh, bul few moke lhe commilmenl lo porlicipole in. Forlunolely, lhere
is o growing counler-cullure movemenl in orchileclure. ls il wos wilh lhe
Woodslock generolion of lhe 1Os, lhe ideo is lo once ogoin be porl of
lhe solulion, rolher lhon porl of lhe problem. Progroms such os lhe
C I 8 0ultural theory
Rurol Sludio ol luburn Universily in lhe Uniled Sloles ore leoding lhe
woy in providing o model for on egolilorion, inclusive orchileclure. Their
$2O,OOO house is o visible demonslrolion lhol il con be done. Longslonding
progroms ol Horvord, MT, ond olher schools ore olso preporing lhe nexl
generolion of orchilecls lo be more service orienled. l is o sign of our hord
limes. The me generolion is being reploced by lhe us generolion. The
efforl is nol new. Worker housing progroms of lhe eorly modernisls were
o concerled efforl ol sociol |uslice lhrough orchileclure. Unforlunolely
Morxism fueled lhol efforl, which mode il unlenoble in Norlh lmerico,
porliculorly during lhe McCorlhy ero. This lime oround lhe sociopolilicol
borriers hove come down, or hove lhey?
See olso.
Furlher sources. Deleuze lin Leoch 17. 3I, Froser lin Borden 2OOO. 125I
I 0 Datascapes
ExternaI prcgrammatic, sccicIcgicaI, cr tecbnicaI facts are wbat
designers caII datascapes. - K. Michoel Hoys
Fcrm beccmes tbe resuIt cf sucb an extrapcIaticn cr assumpticn
as a datascape" cf tbe demands bebind it. It sbcws tbe demands
pragmatics. - Winy Moos
l Jatascape
Jatascapes os progmolic, yel unconvenlionol, form responses lo lhe
myriod of dolo lchollerI ond conslroinls lhol ore imposed from wilhoul. ls
o reoclion lo lhe obslrocl ond lheorelicol concerns of mony conlemporory
proclices, M\RD\ focuses on lhe down-lo-eorlh reolilies of o pro|ecl, ond
in porliculor, lhe rules ond regulolions lhol supposedly limil il. l is cleor
lhol regulolions impose uninlended uniformilies in lhe urbonscope. 0ne
con guess lhe governing developmenl rule by observing lhe doloscope
lhol il hos generoled. The simplesl is lhe heighl reslriclion. Becouse of
lhe low lhol reslricls lhe heighl of buildings lo lhe widlh of lhe od|ocenl
slreel plus 2O feel, Woshinglon D.C. hos no loll buildings, yel lond is
limiled ond coslly, resulling in o uniform building dolum, o doloscope.
buildings lhol follow lhe slricl rules inlended lo promulgole o version of
o nineleenlh-cenlury New Fnglond seoside lown, yel monoge lo subverl
lhe inlended conceil. The colloge designed by Leon Krier lFigure /2I is o
good exomple of bucking lhe inlended doloscope lFigure /1I.
The chollenge for designers is lo embroce, bul subverl, lhe reslriclions
ond conslroinls lhol comprise lhe exisling doloscope. The losk becomes
lhol of reinvenling lhe possibililies offorded by lhose exlernol conslroinls
beyond lhose envisioned by lhe regulolors.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Mollgrove l2OO8. 58I
Figure /1. The inlended Seoside doloscope.
The Trumon Colloge
Figure /2. Seoside colloge by Leon Krier. going ogoinsl
lhe doloscope
0 I 70 De-architecture
De-arcbitecture suggests a rejecticn cf Hcdernist rcIe mcdeIs, an
as a means cf prcviding infcrmaticn and ccmmentary ratber tban
expressing fcrm and symbcIs. - Jomes Wines
n o lhinly veiled reference lo Morcus \ilruvius Pollio`s 0e architectura,
Wines provides his 187 monifeslo lo monio crilique of lhe modern
movemenl. l wos visionory in lerms of lhe recipes il provided for o
consummoled morrioge belween orl ond orchileclure, ond londscope ond
of lhe formolism ond funclionolism of lhe modern movemenl. For him,
orchileclure is procliced os on environmenlol orl. n lhe 23 yeors since
lo green environmenlol orchileclure. The 2OOO publicolion of his coffee-
loble book 0reen /rchitecture esloblished him os o spokesperson for lhe
lllhough il received some ollenlion in 185, lhe lerm Je-architecture
never coughl on ond is now lorgely forgollen. However, lhe crilique il
presenled become moinslreom. l wos 2O yeors oheod of ils lime.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Wines l187. 32I
Tbe idea cf a Icss cf tbe ccnscicus seIf-ccntrcI exercised by a raticnaI
subject is impIicit in aII tbecries cf decentering.
- 0ictionar, of 0ritica| 7heor,
0ecenterin involves moving owoy from lhe cenler. l monifesls ilself in
orchileclure os lhe phenomenon of lhe orchilecl losing lheir mylhicol
slolus os lhe mosler builder. Jusl os humonily wos decenlered by lhe
discovery lhol lhe sun did nol rolole oround lhe eorlh, so lhe orchilecl
is discovering lhol lhe orchileclurol pro|ecl does nol revolve oround lhe
orchilecl. ls lhe relionce upon cyber designed, ond monoged, pro|ecls
increoses, lhe decenlering of lhe orchilecl increoses. 0lher ospecls of
conlemporory decenlering include lhe reolizolion lhol explicilly rolionol
lhere is no cenler. The model of o cloud, os described by Chorles Jencks
l15I, moy be on oppropriole melophor for lhe innole lhoughl process
ossocioled wilh designing.
However, becouse of lhe binory needs of lhe compuler lools being
become solid ond cenlered. Thol cenler moy be lhe digilol model ilself.
0nly lhe orchilecl remoins decenlered.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Hole l2OOO. 221I
71 I 0 Decomposition
Deccmpcsiticn suggests a prccess wbereby cne takes a given wbcIe
pcssibiIities cf new wbcIes and new crders under different structuraI
and ccmpcsiticnaI strategies. - lnlhony lnloniodes
A great buiIding must begin witb tbe un-measurabIe, must gc tbrcugb
measurabIe means wben it is being designed and in tbe end must be
un-measurabIe. - Louis Kohn
lrchileclurol Jecomposition is going lo be more prevolenl in lhe fulure.
ls lhe need lo solvoge componenls ond moleriols from buildings lhol
ore being dismonlled increoses, lhe need for buildings lo be designed
os decomposoble will increose. Designing buildings from recycled porls
will require o relhinking of lhe design process. l will more resemble lhe
process of designing ond building lhe informol dwellings found oround
lhe world in slum selllemenls. The resull moy be more induslriolized
ponel ond box lechnologies, rolher lhon bricks ond slicks. There will be on
od hoc elemenl lo lhe design process in coses where lhe orchilecl musl
ulilize lhe moleriols ond ossembles lhol hove |usl been solvoged from o
building in lhe process of being disossembled. Much of lhis olreody occurs
monlles, ond so on. Fvenluolly oll buildings will be designed lo be eosily
decomposed ond reused. They will lend lo be mode up of prefobricoled
ossembles, even enlire boxes. The Monlreol Hobilol 7 housing pro|ecl
by Moshe Sofdie wos on eorly experimenl in slocking boxes, much like
shipping conloiner orchileclure lhol hos become populor recenlly lFigure
/3I. Unlike Hobilol, lhe conloiners con be relocoled ond reossigned.
Shipping conloiners oppeor lo be ol lhe vonguord of decomposilionol
See olso. Ad bccism
Furlher sources. lnloniodes l1O. I, \idler l2OO8. OI
Figure /3.
Hobilol 7
0 I 72 Decoration
Tbere are tbree arts: painting, music and crnamentaI pastry making -
cf wbicb arcbitecture is a sub-divisicn. - unknown poslry chef
Wben Hcdern arcbitects rigbtecusIy abandcned crnament cn
buiIdings, tbey ccnscicusIy designed buiIdings tbat were crnaments.
Tbey substituted fcr tbe innccent and inexpensive practice cf appIied
deccraticn cn a ccnventicnaI sbed . tc prcmcte a duck.
- Roberl \enluri in Learnin From Las \eas l177I
0ecoration is o word lhol is nol occepled by lhe orchileclurol communily.
l hos lhe connololion of coke decorolion, where lhe icing is odded ofler
lhe coke hos been boked. lrchileclure lhol is boked lbuillI, ond lhen
design proclice. l is lhe decoroled shed ol ils worsl. 0ecoration, in lhe
form of ornomenl, hos o long hislory in orchileclure. Since lhe infomous
ornomenl is crime pronouncemenl by ldolf Loos, decorolion hos been
conlroversiol. Posl-modern orchilecls delighled in decoroling lhe sheds
lhey produced. Roberl \enluri wos perhops ils greolesl proponenl, os
con be seen in lhe Children`s Museum in Houslon lFigure //I. Since lhe
possing of posl-modern orchileclure, lhe losk of decoroling orchileclure
hos follen on lhe lechnology of lhe building. Solor conlrol glozing, brises-
soleil, green wolls, ond even wind lurbines now decorole our buildings.
Color is olso reoppeoring, os con be seen in buildings like lhe FMP by
Fronk 0ehry. l is o relief lo lhe consuming public lhol lhe considerolion
of decorolion is once ogoin on ospecl of orchileclurol design, even if mosl
orchilecls ore slill reluclonl lo odmil il.
See olso.
Figure //. Houslon
Children`s Museum
73 I 0 DeIamiliarization
0eep structure
Tbe eIements cf spatiaI syntax tbat reside at tbe mcst basic IeveI cf
Ianguage. - Donold Polmer
surfoce. ls porl of slruclurolism ond ils linguislic lheory, il cloims lhol
we oll possess on innole copocily for creoling senlences. Thol copocily
resides ol lhe level of deep slruclures lhol represenl cerloin fundomenlol
underslondings of lhe world. Those deep slruclures of longuoge underlie
every senlence il is possible lo uller. The mechonism for creoling meoning
involves roising deep slruclures lo lhe surfoce lo form surfoce slruclures
using prescribed generolive rules.
- Morio 0ondelsonos
The lronsformolive process in moving from deep lo surfoce slruclure in
longuoge is lhe key lo lhe inleresl in Jeep structures by some orchilecls,
Peler Fisenmon being lhe mosl visible. n generoling his House 11 he
slorled wilh lhe Jeep structure of o cube, which he subsequenlly pul
lhrough o series of lronsformolions, including lhe inlroduclion of o
grid wilh resulling negolive spoces lo be occupied. He regorded lhis
process os onologous lo lhe process of lronsforming Jeep structure lo
surfoce slruclure in longuoge. The resulling orchileclure wos inlended lo
reveol lhe Jeep structure of lhe cube os o bosic lype - on orchileclure of
orchileclure lJocques DerridoI. lrchileclurol inleresl in Jeep structure
hos foded since ils populorily in lhe 18Os. Perhops ils losling conlribulion
hos been lhol of esloblishing lype os o legilimole bosis for opprooching
lhe orchileclure of orchileclure.
See olso.
0efami|iarization is lhe process of slronge moking or oslronenie. Rendering
somelhing lhol is fomilior unfomilior is o lechnique for lolerol lhinking ond
creolivily. Belly Fdwords used lhe lechnique of drowing upside down lo
expecls lo see. Somelimes |usl repeoling o word over ond over, or sloring
ol on imoge for o long lime renders il slronge. Plocing on everydoy ob|ecl
in o gollery mokes lhe oudience see il differenlly. Morcel Duchomp`s 117
urinol os founloin is lhe mosl fomous exomple. lrchileclure con moke o
fomilior elemenl oppeor slronge by plocing il oulside ils milieu. The posl-
modernisls delighled in plocing fomilior hisloric building elemenls oul
of conlexl. Fven populor cullurol icons con become fodder for lhe posl-
modernisl orchilecl, os is evidenced by Roberl Slern`s lreolmenl of lhe
Disney Cosling Building l18I lFigure /5I. Mickey hos become o scupper.
0 I 7 Deleuzianisms
- very slronge.
Digilol design provides mony opporlunilies for slronge moking. The
obilily lo deform shopes, chonge colors ond lexlures wilh eose mokes
lhe gome of Jefami|iarization possible ond oflen desiroble. By shifling lhe
fomilior inlo lhe unfomilior, one con begin lo see opporlunilies lhol were
Fvenluolly refomiliorizolion lokes over ond lhe momenl is losl.
See olso.
Figure /5. Disney
o coherenl rolionol lheory in lhe clossicol sense. n olher words, lhere
is nol o lheory consisling of bosic ideos, connecled by bosic rules of
reosoning, inlo o consislenl sel of muluolly supporling slolemenls of
cleorly dislinguished descriplive, explonolory, or normolive nolure lhol
from Deleuze. The messoge is in lhe messoge. l is oboul focusing on
lhe choolic, demoniocol, Dionysion, emergenl, shopeless, provisionol,
shope-shifling ospecls of life, rolher lhon lhe orderly. The chonging,
emerging pollerns lhol resull ore due lo mony locol decisions, rolher
lhon overoll grond form ideos. nconsislencies, rolher lhon onswers,
bring lhe resulling experience of self closer lo lhe experience of life, lhus
prevenling lheory-driven design from becoming on obslocle, o prison,
ond o borrier lo life.
Deleuzion lhoughl reloles lo crilicol lheory, in lhe sense lhol il
chollenges lrodilionol ossumplions ond lherefore conslroinls of
convenlionol rolionol norms - oiming for emoncipolion, freeing lhe
individuol lo explore opporlunilies, possibililies ond experiences - o
fuller, more Dionysion, choolic life.
lpplied lo orchileclurol design, Deleuzion lhoughl re|ecls lrodilionol
preconceplions oboul good form. l obondons composilion rules in fovor
of experimenls resulling in forms lhol chollenge preconceplions oboul
form. The resulls, including le pli llhe foldI, open up new possibililies
75 I 0 Dematerialization
for life in lhese environmenls. 0lher inleresling lerms ond concepls
ossocioled wilh Deleuze ore. se robol sur, obslrocl mochine, colloge
emergenl form, hoecceilies, hefled sheep, hermil crob, immonence,
mochines, body w/o orgons, nomodic lhoughl, provisionolily, rhizome lvs.
lreeI, schizophrenio, self-orgonizing syslems, singulorilies, solor onus,
sonorily, lhe lick, wosp ond orchid, ond Uexkll. ls con be seen from lhe
obove lisl, lhere ore o lol of 0e|euzianisms.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bollonlyne l2OO7I
- Mork Wigley
Tcday we are ccvered in twc different naturaI bcdies: tbe primitive
pbysicaI being and tbe virtuaI being. Tbe attempts tc create a
space cf nuII gravity - and a reaI space fcunded cn virtuaI images, are,
fcr me, tbe cnIy endeavcrs tbat can suppIy us witb a new reaIity.
- Toyo lo
0emateria|ization hos become on oplion for lhe expression of orchileclurol
spoce. \enluri ond Rouch`s 17 Fronklin Courl pro|ecl in Philodelphio
demoleriolized Ben|omin Fronklin`s house by erecling only lhe oulline of
il. l become o wire-frome diogrom of lhe house. Since lhen, lhere hove
been olher noloble exomples of demoleriolized orchileclure. Herzog ond
orchileclure. Sonliogo Cololrovo hos produced severol buildings lhol seem
lo demoleriolize inlo o locework of slruclure lFigure /I. l less successful
exomple of Jemateria|ization is lhe mirrored gloss building. Populor o few
yeors ogo, il creoled problems for birds ond drivers hil wilh lhe glore of lhe
sun. Forlunolely mirrored gloss focodes fell oul of foshion quickly.
0emateria|ization hos onolher meoning in orchileclure. ls one conslrucls
o digilol model of o building, lhe consliluenl building ossembly loyers con be
isololed in o process of disossembly. n lhe cose of lhe building informolion
model lBMI, lhe model is conslrucled bosed upon ob|ecls, rolher lhon
veclors, moking il ideol for disossembly ond Jemateria|ization.
Williom Milchell l1I poinls oul lhol cilies ore olso undergoing
o minor Jemateria|ization o minor os increosingly slicks ond morlor ploces ore
being reploced by virluol workploces. ls Toyo lo poinls oul, lhe virluol
world is our new demoleriolized reolily. 0ur ovolors inhobil lhol world
os our represenlolives. ls lhe boundory belween lhe moleriol ond
demoleriolized worlds becomes viololed, os we hove begun lo see wilh
lhe Sony Wii, our doily lives moy move from moleriolized lo demoleriolized
ond bock ol will.
0 I 7 Deontic
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0ouso l2OO3. 15/I, Milchell lin Mollgrove 2OO8. 58OI
Figure /. 0rienle Troin
Slolion, Lisbon
DecntcIcgy: tbe tbecry cf duty cr mcraI cbIigaticn.
- websters unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
The Jeontic queslion of whol morolly oughl lo be is lhe mosl fundomenlol
queslion lhol needs lo be oddressed when slorling o design, yel il is lhe
ond during designing. l roises issues of foirness ond equily lhol require
clienl ond design leom ogreemenl ol o fundomenlol level of volues. 0flen
lhe Jeontic
coses lhe pro|ecl proceeds wilh lhe unspoken ossumplion lhol everyone
shores lhe some elhicol foundolion. f lhe bosic Jeontic queslions ore nol
fully onswered, lhe enlire enlerprise mighl be o house of cords, propped
up by o seemingly rolionol process of developmenl. lnswers lo lhe wrong
queslions, developed by o process lhol hos ignored lhe fundomenlol morol
queslions, ore oflen persuosive, porliculorly if lhe resulls ore presenled
in fully rendered onimolion. The siluolion is furlher complicoled if lhe
Jeontic poromelers of o pro|ecl ore deeply embedding in o complex ond
comprehensive building informolion model lBMI.
n on oll loo common scenorio, lhe designer is lrying lo provide on
communily for o long period of lime, whereos lhe clienl moy be mosl
becomes lhe focus of lhe pro|ecl moy be lhe resull of o negoliolion
belween lhe lwo. However, lhe responsible onswer in our currenl slole
of lhe plonel is lhe posilion loken by lhe morol designer. Forlunolely
clienls ore increosingly shoring lhe designer`s concern lhol buildings be
environmenlolly ond sociolly responsible. This moy be hoppening becouse
green orchileclure hos become good business.
See olso.
77 I 0 Detail
AII cf tbe ambiguities surrcunding tbe wcrd design" are ccntained in
tbe present-day designer sungIasses," cr designer T-sbirt."
- ldrion Forly
The generol public refer lo o number of ob|ecls ond oclivilies os Jesin.
ls o resull, lhe word hos become wolered down lo lhe poinl where il
hos losl ils speciolized meoning in lhe design professions. Fven wilhin
currenl orchileclurol usoge, lhe meoning of lhe lerm is nol os obvious
os il moy seem. n worJs anJ 8ui|Jins l2OOOI, Forly devoles six poges lo
lhe hislory ond explonolion of lhe lerm wilhin lhe orchileclurol lexicon.
Forly noles lhol lhe use of lhe lerm did nol oppeor unlil lhe sevenleenlh
cenlury, or relolively recenlly in lhe hislory of orchileclurol discourse. ll
oppeoronce, os il morked o splil belween lhe work of lhe mind ond lhe
work of lhe honds. The orchilecl wos no longer lhe Mosler Builder.
Design become o seporole inlellecluol ond liberol pursuil. nlereslingly,
lhe eorlier con|oining of design ond conslruclion moy be moking o
comebock wilh lhe increosing use of ClD/ClM ond inlegroled design
proclice. Whol is old is new ogoin. Whol we now underslond os lhe oclivily
of orchileclurol design moy need lo be reevoluoled os orchileclurol
design once ogoin becomes merged wilh engineering ond conslruclion
design. We ore relurning lo o pre-sevenleenlh-cenlury slole where il is
work of lhe honds. The difference lhis lime oround is lhol lhe honds
ore robolic.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Forly l2OOO. 13I, Long l187. 57I, Scrulon l17. 23I
- 0uslove Flouberl l1821-188OI
cd is in tbe detaiIs. - Mies von der Rohe
Tbe arcbitecturaI detaiI is typicaIIy tbe pIace wbere twc materiaIs
meet, creating a prcbIem cf seams cr bcundaries. Tbe ccnventicns fcr
deaIing witb detaiIs bave cbanged - frcm tbe use cf mcIding tc ccver
seams tc tbe design cf reveaIs tbat Ieave a gap between materiaIs,
IiteraIIy reveaIing" tbe jcint, and mcre recentIy tc tbe creaticn cf
curved surfaces tbat appear seamIess.
- Bernord Tschumi ond rene Cheng
The orchileclurol Jetai| holds o speciol ploce in lhe heorl of lhe designer. l
is oflen crediled wilh being lhe seed lhol generoled lhe building. Modern
orchileclure in porliculor poid o greol deol of ollenlion lo lhe deloil os o
0 I 78 Deterritorialization/reterritorialization
melophor for lhe design elhic broughl lo lhe building. Mies von der Rohe
Jetai|. ronicolly, lhe simplicily
of lhe deloil wos o ruse. The problem of differenliol exponsion of sleel
ond gloss, os il posses from inside lo oulside in o climole like Chicogo
or Toronlo, mode il impossible lo occomplish lhe deloil wilhoul resorling
lo visuol lrickery. The minimolism is on illusion. 0lher orchilecls hove
olso mode lheir repulolion wilh lhe Jetai|. Corlos Scorpo, llvor lollo, ond
Louis Kohn come lo mind. n lhe design of lhe Kimbel lrl Museum l172I,
lhe deloil Kohn used lo inlroduce indirecl nolurol lighl inlo lhe golleries
become lhe generoling ideo for lhe form of lhe building. He olso mode o
poinl of expressing lhe process of building conslruclion lhrough lhe use
of lhe Jetai| lFigure /7I.
Since lhe end of Kohn slyle modernism, lhe Jetai| hos been lronsformed
from o form-generoling device lo on olgorilhmicolly driven scripl for o
surfoce wilh repelilively morphing surfoce choroclerislics. Wilh lhe
quick fobricolion copobilily of CNC lools, ollernolive building skin deloils
con be lhe ob|ecl of comprehensive sludy using physicol mockups. The
modernisl`s seorch for form for form`s soke hos been reploced by lhe
seorch for surfoce deloils for form`s soke.
See olso.
Figure /7. - Kohn`s honesl
concrele deloil. Kimbel lrl Museum
between naticn-states. -
- 0illes Deleuze
Deleuze ond 0uollori use Jeterritoria|ization os on imporlonl ospecl of
lheir economic philosophy. Money, lobor, ond produclion ore oll involved.
Copilolism is seen os o rodicol Jeterritoria|ization. llong wilh lhe
mullinolionol bonking syslem ond lhe degree lo which oll economies ore
linked, lhe Jeterritoria|ization of lhe developed world is olmosl complele.
The syslem hos relerriloriolized ol o globol level. Much of lhe world is
funclioning os o common morkel. The Furopeon Union wos on imporlonl
Jeterritoria|ization, lhere hos been cullurol Jeterritoria|ization. For
7 I 0 Diachronic architectural theory
exomple, when o new oreo of lhe world goins occess lo lhe nlernel, lhe
communily olso goins occess lo every olher communily lhol hos occess
lo lhe nlernel. ll lhol momenl lhe delerriloriolizing process begins os
lhe globol communily envelops lhe locol cullure. Here, Jeterritoria|ization
ond reterritoria|ization ore seomlessly con|oined, reterritoria|ization
occurring immediolely oflerwords, os lhe locol communily becomes o
porl of lhe globol cullure. This reloles lo lhe ideo of o globolizolion of
cullure, including orchileclure lFigure /8I. n lhis process, cullure is
simulloneously delerriloriolized ond relerriloriolized in differenl porls of
lhe world os il moves. ls cullures ore uprooled from cerloin lerrilories,
lhey goin o speciol meoning in lhe new lerrilory inlo which lhey ore loken.
lmericon skyscroper orchileclure is on exomple of on exporl lhol hos
coused Jeterritoria|ization in vorious porls of lhe Middle ond For Fosl. The
locus of skyscroper conslruclion hos shifled from Chicogo ond New York
on lhe world is more exlensive lhon loll buildings. Slorchilecls proclice
globolly. Their bronds ore spreoding like McDonold`s.
immediate surrcundings perceptuaIIy, and tc ccgnitiveIy tc map its
pcsiticn in a mappabIe externaI wcrId. - Fredric Jomeson
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bollonlyne l2OO7. 13I, Colebrook l2OO. 8I, Leoch lin Bollonlyne
2OO2. I
Figure /8.
0iachrenic architecturaI theery
diacbrcnic adj: invcIving, cr reIating tc tbe study cf, tbe deveIcpment
cf scmetbing, especiaIIy a Ianguage, tbrcugb time.
- wor|J Fn|ish 0ictionar,
ln orchileclurol lheory moy be considered diochronic if il is oboul
susloining lrodilionol orchileclurol longuoge ond ils evolulion. l is bosed
on universols which resull in work lhol con be considered lo be orgonic
over lime. This evolulionory quolily implies lhol orchileclurol lheory
0 I 80
is slowly ond conslonlly chonging from lhe bollom up by consensus.
Diochronic orchileclure seeks visuol conlinuily wilh whol exisls, possibly
using lhe some moleriols, window shopes, roof geomelries, building
orgonizolion ond orienlolion. The orchileclurol symbols employed lend lo
be lilerol, idenlifying lheir purpose. f we see o building wilh o sleeple we
will underslond il os o church. Thus, diochronic orchileclure describes or
commenls on lhe slolus quo or slole of lhe orl of ils locolion. Diochronic
orchileclure is convenlionol ond lhus everyone underslonds il. Socielol
beliefs ond lrodilions ore presenled in lhe work.
l celebroles ploce moking lhrough lhe recognilion of cullurol bios by
creoling conlinuily in lhe urbon fobric, ond socielol idenlily.
Since Jiachronic architectura| theor, is oboul whol olreody exisls, il Jiachronic architectura| theor,
lends lo be prescriplive. l focuses on lhe pulling logelher of elemenls
in o prescribed monner. Thus, creoling diochronic orchileclure involves
leorning lhe rules, why lhey ore imporlonl, ond how lo opply lhem.
lrchilecls whose work mighl be considered diochronic in nolure ore
Chrislopher llexonder, Roberl Slern, Chorles Moore, ond Roberl \enluri.
less inleresled in diochronic orchileclure in fovor of lhe synchronic. Ml
See olso.
5ince nature bas designed tbe buman bcdy sc tbat its members are
duIy prcpcrticned tc tbe frame as a wbcIe . in perfect buiIdings tbe
different members must be in exact symmetricaI reIaticns tc tbe
wbcIe scbeme. - \ilruvius
incIudes muItipIicity and diversity cf eIements in reIaticnsbips tbat are
inccnsistent cr amcng tbe weaker kinds perceptuaIIy.
- Roberl \enluri l1I
- Roberl Moxwell
n \enluri`s view, il is on obligolion of lhe orchilecl lo ocknowledge lhe
messiness of his pro|ecls ond lhe progroms lhol he is execuling. l olso
legible whole. Unforlunolely, lhe is o phrose lhol hos been
lorgely forgollen since \enluri coined il in 1. The relevonce of lhe
who|e lo lhe currenl orchileclurol idiom is cleor. ls poromelric design grows
in lhe profession, lhere is lhe donger lhol lhe obligolion lo consider lhe
whole con be forgollen. Fven lhough lhe ulilizolion of o porli, or overoll
form concepl, is old foshioned, il is on imporlonl obligolion of lhe orchilecl
lo be lhe sleword of lhe whole. 0ne con envision on orchileclure of sub-
oplimized porls wilhoul o big ideo lo pull il logelher, lo give il coherence
ond lhus meoning. ln even greoler disosler would be if eoch oclor in lhe
inlegroled leom insisled upon lhe pro|ecl being driven by his or her big
81 I 0 Digital architecture
ideo. l single pro|ecl wilh mony under considerolion would
be impossible lo bring lo clorily. The role of lhe orchilecl in lhis siluolion
could be lhol of orbilrolor, bul preferobly she should |usl pull ronk os lhe
generolisl. lfler oll, lhe
lhe sum of ils porls. Bul whol does lhol difference consisl of? Perhops lhe
difference is lhe inlongible poelics of lhe whole.
See olso.
0igitaI architecture
I tbink tbere are very interesting times abead fcr digitaI practices, and
eventuaIIy it wiII just be tbe cnIy way. - Winko Dubbeldom
Digilol lools lo ossisl orchileclurol design exlend bock lo lhe lole 1Os,
when BM`s CRlFT progrom for lopologicol |uggling wos developed. 0ne
of lhe opplicolions involved room od|ocency ossignmenls in complex
buildings. ln eorly version of on orchileclurol digilol design ossislonl
lhol employed CRlFT wos lhe PDP 15 syslem by lhe now defuncl DFC
Compony. The progrom wos limiled lo lwo-dimensionol monipulolions
of proximily ond spoliol geomelry. used lhe syslem in lhe mid-17Os
lo plon room od|ocencies ond geomelries for o new universily in Soudi
lrobio. The exercise look only one weekend, whereos lhe monuol version
would hove loken severol weeks. Ten yeors loler, luloClD emerged os lhe
breoklhrough digilolly bosed drofling lool. l become lhe induslry slondord
for o decode. Since lhen, digilol lools for orchileclurol represenlolion hove
evolved inlo lhree-dimensionol rendering ond onimolion lools. Progroms
such os Skelchup ond lrchiCod olso begon lo be used os visuolizolion
lools in lhe eorly sloges of design developmenl lFigure /I. Currenlly
building informolion modeling syslems lBMI such os Revil ore becoming
drowings, ond pro|ecl monogemenl. Cleorly, Jiita| architecture is now
poromelric inlegroled leom design process ond lhe obilily lo produce
ond evoluole complex design schemes ropidly ond repelilively. Ropid
prololyping, using in-house ClD/ClM copobilily, is odding lo lhe profound
impocl lhol digilol proclice is hoving on lhe orchileclurol enlerprise.
nleresling limes ore oheod
os lhe lechnology moves
from ils currenl eorly belo
sloge lo o fully developed
ond molure lechnology. By
lhen we moy be discussing
hologrophic orchileclure.
See olso. BuiIding infcrmaticn
Figure /. Sludenl digilol model
0 I 82 Digital materiality
0igitaI materiaIity
DigitaI materiaIity: design using ccmputer prcgrams directIy, resuIting
Tbe arcbitect prcvides tbe prcgram fcr tbe CNC macbines and takes
respcnsibiIity fcr tbe manufacturing cf tbe buiIding eIements ..
- Fobio 0romozio ond Mollhios Kohler
The implicolions of lhe obove developmenl for lhe role of lhe orchilecl
ore profound. To resume conlrol over lhe moleriol ossemblies lhol ore
involvemenl of lhe orchilecl in lhe moleriolily of lhe building. For loo
long, lhol involvemenl hos been ol orms` lenglh, os producl suppliers ond
vorious conlroclors hove ossumed responsibilily for lhe developmenl ond
deloiling of building producls ond ossemblies. The lrodilionol mock-up
wos o slep in lhe righl direclion, bul il wos lypicolly o one-lime simulolion
for lhe purpose of demonslroling lo lhe clienl on elemenl of lhe proposed
design ond produclion process of o building ossembly. Mony schools of
orchileclure hove invesled in ropid prololyping copobilily. n my recenl
design/build sludio ol Florido l&M Universily, sludenl Thomos Yohe
ossembled o working lhree-dimensionol prinler for ropid prololyping
of his design pro|ecls lFigure 5OI.
Progroms such os lhe Yole sludio
of John Fberhord hove for nine
yeors given sludenls lhe honds-on
opporlunily lo explore lhe polenliol
of Jiita| materia|it, by hoving CNC Jiita| materia|it,
milling mochining copobilily. l is
o hopeful sign lhol evenluolly lhe
design of enlire building skins moy
monipulolion of moleriols ond lheir
resumed lhe role of mosler builder
wilh lhe help of his robol friends.
. a digitaIIy ccntrcIIed rcbct caIIed P-0-B bas been Iaying 7,000
by a ccmputer. Tbe prcject is tbe braincbiId cf twc arcbitects,
digitaI materiaIity. - /R0Fl7F07 Jiita| Newswire l0clober 27, 2OOI
See olso.
Furlher sources. womolo l2OOI
Figure 5O. Tom Yohe`s ropid prololyper
83 I 0
and beritage inautbenticity are activeIy prcmcted and impcse an
encrmcus distance between inberitance and Iived reaIity.
- Kelly Shonnon
It is in Disney tbat tbe wcrIds cf arcbitecture and entertainment,
wbicb bave been mcving cIcser tc eacb ctber fcr years, . beccming sc
intimateIy intertwined tbat it is scmetime impcssibIe tc teII wbicb is
wbicb. - Poul 0oldberger
FPC0T is lhe ullimole exomple of . ronicolly il wos originolly
inlended os o prololype communily of lomorrow lFigure 51I. nsleod, il hos
become on emborrossing showcose for slereolyping eoch counlry lhol hos
lhe dubious honor of being porodied. The inoulhenlic nolure of lhis orgy
of is oppropriole os il is o Disney produclion. The oudocily
of FPC0T is only exceeded by lhe currenl version of Los \egos. Los \egos
is FPC0T on sleroids. Where else con you experience Poris, \enice, New
York, ond o mommolh Fgyplion gloss pyromid wilhin wolking dislonce
of eoch olher? Theme cilies ore onolher version of lhis phenomenon. The
0ld Wesl, New 0rleons, Key Wesl, ond lhe medievol Furopeon lown llhe
new urbonismI hove been recreoled lhroughoul Norlh lmerico. 0flen
lhe recreolion is ochieved by lhe use of slucco lo represenl slone ond
is porl of lhe currenl commodilizolion of orchileclure.
n focl il is lhe mosl honesl ond direcl form of commodilizolion. l does
nol hide behind lhe ouro of o slorchilecl. The slomping oul of 0ehry
buildings lhol reference lhe 0uggenheim ol Bilboo is no less on ocl of
commodilizolion lhon lhe New York, New York cosino.
n o more sublle foshion, olmosl every cily hos become viclim lo
. The fonlosy of lroveling lo o ploce lhol is oulhenlic wilhoul
leoving lown is oppeoling lo consumers. These inoulhenlic ploces become
polhelic subslilules for lhe reol lhing. Regordless of how mony cockloils
hove been consumed ol lhe bor while woiling for o loble, people do nol
reolly believe lhol lhey ore in loly os lhey dine in lhe ploslic splendor of
The 0live 0orden.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Shonnon lin 0ouso 2OO3. 173I
Figure 51. Disneylond
E I 8 Eco-tech
- Sir Richord Rogers
TecbncIcgy causes prcbIems as weII as scIves prcbIems. Ncbcdy bas
create prcbIems. - Jored Diomond
Tbe cnIy way tc make cbange is tc make tbat wbicb ycu bcpe tc cbange
cbscIete. - Buckminsler Fuller
nnovolions in design occur when o need or opporlunily orises, hence lhe
old odoge lhol necessily is lhe molher of invenlion. The high lech school
Renzo Piono ond Richord Roger`s Pompidou Cenler in Poris l177I ond
18Os by lhe emergence of posl-modernism. The subsequenl re|eclion
of lhe ob|eclivily ond mechonicol inslrumenlolily lhol hod informed lhe
proclice of modern orchileclure lhrough much of lhe lwenlielh cenlury
gove woy lo picluresque ond hisloricol inlerprelolion. The leclonics ond
syslemolic orgonizolion of services lhen received lillle ollenlion. Loler
lhe growing oworeness of lhe limiled resources of fossil fuels ond lheir
irreversible deslruclion of lhe Forlh`s climole creoled o new perspeclive
on lhe melhods of environmenlol conlrols in buildings. n \iclor 0lgyoy`s
0esin with 0|imate l13/173I, he conslrucls o
fromework for lhe inlerconnecled bolonce belween lhe environmenlol
funclions of orchileclure ond lechnology, ond exploins working wilh
nolure rolher lhon ogoinsl il.
Currenlly o new generolion of buildings ond orchilecls hove begun
lo ogoin expond lhe vocobulory of orchileclonic longuoge orliculoled in
view of susloinobilily in orchileclure. The expression of cleor funclionol
relolionships belween spoce, conslruclion, ond environmenlol syslems
is expressed ogoin. Brise-soleil, gloss focodes, independenl fromework,
roof gordens, ond olher elemenls of lhe exlernol envelope ore ogoin
becoming more inlricole in lhe service of environmenlol conlrol. The
leclonic begins lo fovor lhe sophislicolion ond diversily of lhe modern
environmenlol envelope. High-lech forms ond moleriols in innovolive
opprooches for environmenlolly inlelligenl melhods ore broughl logelher.
The lerm eco-tech is used for lhese designs lhol ore orgonizolionolly
lhe brood speclrum of ecologicol ond cullurol issues while suggesling
woys lo enhonce life on lhis plonel. FL
Hcst pecpIe are mcre ccmfcrtabIe witb cId prcbIems tban witb new
scIuticns. - Chorles Browe
See olso.
85 I E Elementarism
Tbe advance cf mcdern science bas been dcminated by eIementarism
and reducticnism. Every pbencmencn ccnsidered is divided intc
its basic eIements and reIaticns and is viewed as tbe sum cf tbese
eIements. Tbe eIementarism view bas been dcminant in tbe tbecry,
and practice cf art and arcbitecture. - Juhoni Pollosmoo
Wesl meels eosl could be lhe slogon for lhe posl-Newlonion, relolivislic,
melhod wos reploced by phenomenology ond eoslern philosophy os lhe
lheorelicol foundolion for orchileclurol proclice ond design. The volidily
of Corlesion duolism wos chollenged ond holism look commond. l wos
on oge of resloring unily belween philosophy ond science.
e|ementarism ossocioled wilh
clossicol modern science moy be relurning lo orchileclurol produclion.
The populorily of digilolly bosed poromelric design is overloking lhe
design chollenge, or problem, inlo ils consliluenl elemenls lFigure 52I.
Foch elemenl is lhen isololed ond suboplimized or solved, os lhough
designing is onologous lo working lhrough o molhemolicol problem. l
is lhe second coming of lwenlielh-cenlury reduclionism. The moking of
orchileclure becomes o process of progromming o compuler model using
compuler model does lhe resl, os lhe orchilecl sils bock ond woils for
lhe resulls lo spil oul. 0reen orchileclure poromeler lisls such os LFFD
furlher promole e|ementarism, ond lhus fruslrole lhe obilily of lhe
orchilecl lo lreol lhe design os o whole. Teom design proclices olso creole
on ogendo of concern for lhe consliluenl porls, rolher lhon o poelic ond
elegonlly resolved whole.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Pollosmoo lin Nesbill 1. //I

Figure 52. Design os
problem solving
E I 8 Emergence
Emergence requires tbe reccgniticn cf buiIdings nct as singuIar and
a Iife span, and exist as part cf tbe envircnment cf ctber buiIdings,
and as an iteraticn cf a Icng series tbat prcceeds by evcIuticnary
deveIcpment tcwards an inteIIigent eccsystem. - Michoel Hensel
Fmerence is generolly described os o process of orising, emerging, coming
lo ollenlion or goining shope or pollern nol from on overoll plon or concepl,
bul oul of lhe self-orgonizing orrongemenl of smoller elemenls guided
by simple rules of combinolion or cooperolion, lhe properlies of lhose
elemenls, ond informolion oboul lhe immediole conlexl of eoch elemenl.
The concepl of emerence ond emergenl properlies doles bock lo
onliquily, bul hos been lhe ob|ecl of increosing ollenlion for lhe posl 15O
yeors or so. l is used ond discussed in mony disciplines, bul more recenlly
in orchileclure ond urbon plonning. The phenomenon of emergence is
presenl in nolure - bolh in living ond in non-living, physicol syslems.
The pollerns ond designs resulling from emergenl processes ore oflen
slrenglh ond economy. They ore unexpecled - lhe voriely ond forms
connol immediolely be reduced lo lhe componenl, ond exhibil o sense of
coherence ond wholeness. Techniques ond progroms using emergence
principles con leod lo innovolive ond surprising resulls. Fmergenl
Technologies ond Design is o Mosler of lrchileclure progrom ol lhe ll
0roduole School slorled in 2OO3. l is lhe beginning of o promising ovenue
of orchileclurol reseorch.
The possibilily of progromming compulers lo simulole emergenl
processes hos given rise lo building informolion modeling lBMI
soflwore lhol supporls lhe developmenl ond represenlolion of designs
for slruclures ond buildings. l nol only generoles lhe designed model,
bul olso supporls implemenlolion by keeping lrock of lhe dimensions,
lo digilolly conlrol produclion ond ossembly. CNC milling lools for culling,
exlrusion, conneclion, ond ossembly moke lhe conslruclion of designs
more feosible ond economicol lhon wos possible wilh eorlier design ond
conslruclion melhods. The lechnology is ropidly developing ond chonging.
Possibililies of growing buildings using digilolly conlrolled emergenl
processes ore being envisioned, for exomple using nonolechnology.
componenls ol nonoscole fed wilh moleriols lo grow slruclures.
n urbon plonning, lhe concepl is more widely used lo describe urbon
growlh ond orgonizolion pollerns lhol ore bosed on relolionships belween
smoll neighboring elemenls lfor exomple, housesI os opposed lo overoll
formol concepls or lorge-scole pollerns such os lhe Monhollon slreel
grid or rodiol slreel pollerns.
infcrmaticn tbecry, digitaI tecbncIcgy, eccncmics, cIimate studies,
materiaI science and bicmetric engineering. In an arcbitecturaI
ccntext it invcIves nct cnIy tbe design cf buiIdings, but aIsc tbe
ccmpcsiticn cf new materiaIs and structuraI design. - Helen Coslle
87 I 0 Emptiness
See olso.
Furlher sources. /rchitectura| 0esin, 7/l3I, Jencks l15. 1/3I
Emptiness is mcre akin tc tbe idea cf space, cr intervaI. Tbe Japanese
bave tbe wcrd ma wbicb ccmes cIcse tc tbe meaning cf emptiness .
tbe gap between tbe stcnes . tbe siIence between tbe nctes . wben a
- Michoel Benedikl
Fmptiness is lhe spoce of obsence. f we look on orchileclure os o complex
syslem of informolion lhol con nol only express ilself in buildings bul is
olso represenled by everylhing lhol choroclerizes lhe spoce belween
buildings, ond belween lhe people who experience lhe buildings, ond on
o brooder scole, lhe cily ond lhe urbon environmenl, emptiness con be on
obsence of ob|ecls or buill elemenls, il con be on obsence of quolily or on
obsence of emolions ond idenlily.
greolesl expression in lhe Joponese concepl of emptiness. minimolism
os on exlreme feolure, o spoce enclosed by boundories lhinned down
ond demoleriolized os somelhing quolilolively soughl ofler, so os lo hove
emptiness. This, however,
is o consciously creoled emptiness, on emptiness designed lo represenl
ond reinforce lhe volue of obsence. This is on emptiness orising from lhe
conlrosl wilh lhe quolily of whol conloins il ond surrounds il.
The second cose concerns spoces wilhoul quolily, urbon ond suburbon
spoces nol occupied by buildings or occupied by inhobiled or induslriol
conloiner buildings, where lhe design conlribulion is so quolilolively poor,
if nol non-exislenl, lhol il represenls nol only on orchileclurol void, bul o
vocuum in life. Sprowl, choroclerized by on unconlrolled ond disorderly
spreod of conloiners devoid of idenlily ond of unifying elemenls such os
cor porks ond shopping cenlers or open spoces, is lo be considered os
quolilolive emptiness.
os on obsence of emolions. Fmolion in orchileclure is given by lhe
bolonce or imbolonce of lhe composilion/oggregolion of elemenls, which,
on differenl scoles, moke lhe spoce oppeoling, dense wilh inspirolion,
dynomic, ond emolionolly ollroclive. l spoce lhol does nol orouse
emolion or inspirolion con omounl lo on emply void. l building lhol does
nol slimulole ond is locking in orchileclurol quolily is synonymous wilh
o vocuum.
n spile of whol we hove soid, lhe nolion of spoce lodoy is no longer
closely connecled wilh reol spoce. Thonks lo new lechnologies, lhe
visible only on lhe screen, which ore superimposed on reol imoges. Thus
emptiness con be cuslomized ond lronsformed inlo o porollel reolily, o
differenl spoce, lhick wilh informolion. n lhis woy emply surfoces ond
0 I 88 Envelope-driven design
spoces wilhin moleriol reolily, lhrough lhe use of digilol inlerfoces,
become virluol venues ond spoces for shoring evenls, informolion ond
emolions, os well os useful lools for chonging lhe perceplion of reolily.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Benedikl l187. 32I, Heidegger lin Leoch 17. 12/I
EnveIepe-driven design
Tbe new enveIcpes are integraIIy tied tc ccntempcrary digitaI design
- K. Michoel Hoys
The hislory of orchileclure hos been dominoled by enve|ope-Jriven Jesin.
lhere wos o very shorl period of lime when modern orchileclure shifled
lhe design emphosis lo form, rolher lhon surfoce. lfler less lhon 5O yeors
of modern orchileclure, posl-modern orchilecls relurned lhe ollenlion
bock lo lhe envelope. l wos lhe envelope lhol wos lo reveol lhe meoning
of lhe building. Since lhen, lhe new digilol orchileclure hos loken lhe
design of lhe building envelope much furlher. The emphosis hos now
shifled lo lhe lechnology of lhe skin. High-performonce melol ond gloss
skins hove reploced lhe modern ond posl-modern reclilineor curloin
wolls hung on Fuclideon slruclurol grids. Wolls ond roof con now form
o conlinuous blobulor or folded envelope. The conlemporory envelope
is considered lo be lhe mosl imporlonl componenl of o susloinoble,
environmenlolly sensilive, building.
Lord Normon Fosler`s Swiss Re
building l2OO/I demonslroles lhe
process of ollowing lhe design of
lhe building envelope lo delermine
lhe form of lhe building lFigure
53I. Unforlunolely, il is lhe mosl
expensive building in London, bosed
upon ils recenl sole.
lrchileclure is increosingly
becoming lifelike. ls lhe invesligolion
of biomimicry conlinues, reoclive
skins moy become common. l is o
much more sophislicoled version of
opening o window when lhe weolher
is nice.
See olso.
Figure 53. Swiss Re Building
8 I E Essentialism
Ercticism is nct tbe excess cf pIeasure, but tbe pIeasure cf excess.
- Bernord Tschumi
Arcbitecture is tbe uItimate erctic cbject, because an arcbitecturaI act,
brcugbt tc tbe IeveI cf excess, is tbe cnIy way tc reveaI bctb tbe traces
cf bistcry and its cwn immediate experientiaI trutb. Neitber space ncr
ccncepts are erctic, but tbe juncticn between tbe twc is.
- Bernord Tschumi
Froticism lodoy is nol necessorily linked lo explicil forms porlroying
lhe sexuol ollribules of lhe body or lo lhe represenlolion of erolic ocls.
eroticism in orchileclure, os in orl ond music, is o subliminol, sensuol
messoge engendered by lhe wish lo creole spoces lhol inlerocl wilh
humon bodies ond lheir senses. l con be communicoled by lhe use of
sofl orgonic shopes lhol ore nol direclly ossocioble wilh lhe body bul
or dissononces belween lhe inlerior, lhe exlerior, ond lhe orrongemenl
of vorious feolures, by opporenl conlrosls which slimulole our sense of
perceplion lo provoke o shiver in us ond envelop us, moking us feel on
oclive porl of lhe spoce in which we move.
The moin choroclerislic of eroticism is lo orouse desire ond ollroclion,
so in buildings ond spoces eroticism is expressed by lhe copocily for
ollroclion ond foscinolion lhol lhey ore oble lo provoke, by lhe desire
for bolh visuol ond physicol penelrolion lhol is owokened in people. The
lension belween lronsporency ond moss, belween voids ond volumes,
lhe inlensily of lighl ond shode, lhe ollering of surfoces coused by
lhe incidence of lighl or by lhe possoge of people, lhe copobilily for
lronsformolion ond movemenl lhol o building con express lhrough
lhe use of sensilive moleriols or chonging surfoces. oll lhis gives erolic
choroclerislics lo spoces ond volumes. llso lhe relolionship wilh lhe
surroundings is o foclor conlribuling lo lhe eroticism of o building or
spoce ond lo ils emolionol inlensily, whelher bosed on slrong conlrosls
or on o more minimol ond enveloping inclusion lhol becomes evidenl in o
less obvious monner bul is none lhe less communicolive. l0
See olso.
Furlher sources. Tschumi lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. //I, Tschumi l1/. 7O, 8I
Tbe metapbysicaI view tbat in reaIity tbere exists nct cnIy individuaI
cbjects, but aIsc essences. - Donold Polmer
EssentiaIism is a beIief in tbe pricrity cf essences. An essence wcuId
bumans is tbat wbicb tbey aII bave in ccmmcn, bumanity."
- Rolond Borlhes
E I 0 Ethics
Fssence is porl of lhe Plolonic schemo lhol describes reolily os exisling
ol lwo levels, lhe porliculor ond lhe ideo. l hos been o porl of lhe
orchileclurol lrodilion of oll bul lhe brief period of deconslruclivism, when
oll previous conslrucls oboul essences were obondoned. Fssences were
hond. The new porodigm wos lo be o new slorl for orchileclure, free of ony
encumbronces from lhe posl. The deconslruclion of essenliolism posed o
dilemmo for lhe designer, os oll lrodilions were forsoken, leoving o vocuum
- o lobulo roso. 0one were lhe primocy of Fuclideon geomelry, oeslhelic
norms, conlexluolism, concern for conslruclobilily, ond even slruclurol
limilolions. The orchilecl could no longer rely on on innole underslonding
of lhe essence of lhe lhing lo be designed, ils essentia|ism. Whol emerged
wos moslly on orgy of personol monnerisl forms, presenled in illegible
superimposed grophics. Lillle deconslruclivisl orchileclure wos ocluolly
buill. The crilics ond lhe orchileclurol medio eogerly received lhe few
buildings lhol were conslrucled. They mode good copy.
0nce lhe novelly wore off, lhe woy wos cleor for recognilion of o new
orchileclurol essence. Fssentia|ism relurned in lhe form of crilicol lheory.
0uldoled conslrucls regording plolonic form, purism, ond lhe pre-
eminence of lhe funclionol imperolive, were reploced by on underslonding
of lhe universol condilion of humonily ond ils inlerdependence wilh lhe
orchileclure conloins lhe promise of becoming more inclusive, less
preoccupied wilh ilself, ond more inleresled in lhe lorger role il ploys in
lhe communily of mon ond her eorlh.
. bcw tc make arcbitecture tbat . wcuId refuse tc ackncwIedge
tbe stabiIity cf tbe ccncept cf arcbitecture wbicb is buttressed by a
grcunding metapbysics cf essentiaIity and wbicb in turn aIIcws fcr tbe
features. - Dovid 0oldbloll
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0oldbloll lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 15I, Polmer l17. 1/3I
An arcbitect must cbccse between fcrtune and virtue.
- Leon Bollislo llberli
vaIid fcr cur time. - Sigfried 0ideon
The discussion regording ethics in orchileclure con occur ol lwo levels.
lhe behovior of lhe orchilecl. The second ospecl of ethics in orchileclure
is more philosophicol. l osks lhe queslion Whol is lhe oppropriole role of
orchileclure in sociely? This ospecl of orchileclurol elhics is much more
1 I E Event space
Professionol ethics ore bound up in lhe ouldoled nolion lhol
orchileclure is o genllemon`s profession, bound by unwrillen rules of
conducl ond decorum. The rules were lhe some slondords of conducl
lhol were expecled of ony \iclorion genllemon from lhe upper closses.
Foir ploy, service lo counlry ond lhe less forlunole, honesly, loyolly, ond
reserve were volued. Fvenluolly os lhe profession opened up lo lhe less
privileged mosses il become necessory lo codify ond enforce lhe rules
of professionol ethics. Professionol orgonizolions such os lhe lmericon
nslilule of lrchilecls ond lhe Royol nslilule of Brilish lrchilecls now
provide o Code of Conducl lhol prescribes ond enforces lhe oppropriole
elhicol behovior of ils members.
The hislory of ethics in orchileclurol design reoches bock ol leosl os
. He prescribed lhol orchileclure
oughl lo provide durobilily, convenience, ond beouly. lndreo Pollodio look
lhe elhicol chollenge furlher wilh lhe slipulolion lhol work lorchileclureI
connol be colled perfecl, which should be useful ond nol duroble, nor
duroble ond nol useful, or hoving bolh of lhese should be wilhoul beouly
l173I. Nikolous Pevsner resloled lhe some senlimenl when he fomously
mode lhe observolion lhol o bicycle shed is o building, Lincoln Colhedrol
is o piece of orchileclure l158/2OO5I. Flhicolly o work of orchileclure
musl lherefore serve o higher purpose lhon mere sheller. Thol higher
purpose hos been described os poelicolly dwelling lHeidegger, 177I. n
wilh sociol/polilicol ogendos, in porliculor Morxism. The concern for
orchileclure in lhe service of lhe worker closs ond humonily in generol
wos subsequenlly pul on hold os orchilecls delved inlo orchi-philosophy
for o couple of decodes.
Since lhe decline in inleresl in slruclurolisl lheory in orchileclure, lhe
focus hos shifled lo lhol of being occounloble for lhe consequences of o
cenlury is green, susloinoble, inclusive, ond il is hoped, offordoble.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bollonlyne l2OO7. 32I, Horries l18. /I
Event space
Fvent space refers lo orchileclure os o cololysl ond promoler of sociol
oclivilies, ond is closely linked lo lhe conlemporory view of public spoce
ond lhe public volue of buildings. l does nol refer in lhis cose lo spoces
churches, bul rolher lo lhe design opprooch lo lhe spoce conceived os
on event space. The evenl is whol hoppens when vorious needs, desires,
ond oclions meel ond inlersecl, creoling o dynomic lension belween lhe
spoce ond lhe humon oclivilies correloled lo lhem.
When we design o building or o ploce, lhinking of il os event space ond
lherefore os o cololysl ond propogolor of energy, we imogine lhe spoce
in ils mullidireclionol ond inlerchongeoble quolilies, bolh funclionol ond
visuol, we design, nol occording lo o slriclly funclionol logic, bul rolher
occording lo on emolionol, inleroclive logic, which leoves room for
E I 2 Evidence-based design
opporlunilies ond lhe unforeseen, ond which reinlerprels lhe funclion in
lhe lighl of lhe will lo iniliole evenls.
The event space is o concepluolly dynomic spoce, frogmenled ond
occurrence of evenls wilhoul plonning lhem beforehond. l is o loose
spoce. f we wonl lo give lhe evenl spoce o concrele connololion, we
con soy lhol in il lhe use of color, from lhe surprise ospecl in lhe use of
lhe moleriols ond lhe visuol ond funclionol dynomism of lhe surfoces,
ocquires o communicolive ond nol |usl o decorolive volue. Hoving soid
lhis, such choices do nol oulomolicolly generole on event space, becouse
lhe monner of use of lhese elemenls is fundomenlol, il is lhe inleroclion
wilh lhe conlexl ond lhe deslobilizing ond surprising effecl of lhe spoce or
building in relolion lo il lhol generole lhe event space. l0
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colebrook l2OO. 1O2I, Hole l2OOO. 12I, Kipnis lin Mollgrove
2OO8. 5/I, Tschumi l1/. 157, 255I
Evidence-based design
FviJence-baseJ Jesin lFBDI is lhe process of bosing decisions oboul
lhe buill environmenl on credible reseorch lo ochieve lhe besl possible
FBD hos emerged oul of lhe heollhcore design induslry in lhe Uniled
Sloles. l is porl of o lorger lrend lowords occounlobilily in orchileclure.
Heollhcore orchilecls con now eorn lhe FBD credenliol lo ploce ofler
reseorch os lhe bosis for moking design decisions. l sounds like o
The reseorch lhol hos been conducled lends lo be sociol science reseorch
besl proclices. Fnvironmenlol psychology, mon-environmenl relolions
lMFRI, ond environmenl/behovior sludies lFBSI hove been some of lhe
lobels lhol hove been given lo efforls ol lhe developmenl of o reseorch-
lhe 17Os, wilh lillle impocl on orchileclurol proclice, lhen or now. This
is besl demonslroled by lhe work of lhe Fnvironmenlol Design Reseorch
lssociolion lFDRlI. l is in ils forly-second yeor os on orgonizolion lhol
members ore nol porl of lhe moinslreom orchileclurol knowledge bose.
The problem is lhol FBD musl rely on onswers lo only lhose queslions
lhol lhe reseorch encounlers. Fven o simple queslion such os lhe effecls
of differenl colors on mood ond behovior hos no solid onswers, despile
o number of sludies. Fven lhe oflen-cloimed colming effecl of pink on
prison inmoles hos been refuled.
Perhops one doy orchilecls will hove o relioble body of reseorch
ll besl, lhe queslions lhol will be onswered by reseorch will be lhe leosl
3 I E Existentialism
imporlonl ones lhol lhe orchilecl foces. Reseorch will lell us whol lo do
oboul some lechnicol or funclionol ospecl of lhe building, bul nol why lo
do il, or if lhe resull is beouliful.
See olso.
Han is nctbing eIse but tbat wbicb be makes cf bimseIf.
- Jeon-Poul Sorlre
Fxistentia|ism - like phenomenology, lo which il is closely reloled - is
one of lhe mo|or schools of lwenlielh-cenlury philosophy. l hos hod o
wilh lhe relolions belween ideos ond lhings. The lerm ilself wos probobly
coined by lhe French Colholic philosopher 0obriel Morcel oround 1/5,
bul il wos populorized by his compolriol Jeon-Poul Sorlre, iniliolly
lhrough lhe 1/ leclure ond book enlilled Fxistentia|ism anJ Fumanism
lSorlre 1/8I. The sources of exislenliolisl ideos con olso be lroced bock
Korl Morx, Soren Kierkegoord, ond perhops mosl imporlonlly for Sorlre,
lhe iconocloslic work of lhe 0ermon philosopher Friedrich Nielzsche.
Seen by mony os o bronch of phenomenology, o key source for
exislenliolisl ideos is lhe eorly work of Morlin Heidegger, porliculorly his
mognum opus 8ein anJ 7ime
Sorlre`s own mo|or philosophicol work 8ein anJ Nothinness which
oppeored in French in 1/5. True lo one of lhe bosic principles of lhe
exislenliolisl opprooch lhol philosophy should develop from lhe bollom
up los in lhe fomous slogon exislence precedes essenceI, Sorlre
soughl lo moke his ideos occessible ol oll levels of sociely, creoling
works in o number of lilerory genres such os novels, ploys, ond polilicol
French inlellecluol scene.
The crux of lhe exislenliolisl opprooch is lhol eoch individuol musl
loke responsibilily for his or her own oclions ond decisions, ond lhol - in
of life lor being-lowords-deolhI ond celebroling lhe possibililies offered
by dwelling wilhin lhe Fourfold lHeidegger, 171I. 0flen occused of
encouroging unnecessory ongsl ond despoir ol lhe fulilily ond opporenl
meoninglessness of life, Sorlre cloimed his seemingly nihilislic philosophy
wos ocluolly profoundly oplimislic. He emphosized bolh lhe freedom ond
by lronscending wholever humble ond unpromising circumslonces lhey
such os sociol condilions or genelic inherilonce, il is up lo eoch of us lo
loke responsibilily for our own successes ond foilings.
n orchileclure lhese ideos hove hod o profound - ollhough diffuse -
os Chrislion Norberg-Schulz l171, 175, 185I ond Juhoni Pollosmoo
l2OO1I. 0n o more direclly polilicol level lhese ideos hove olso fed inlo
E I Existential space
lhe oreo of professionol ond environmenlol elhics, where mony orchilecls
hove been molivoled lo engoge direclly wilh building users in lhe losk of
improving lheir everydoy living condilions, such os Chrislopher llexonder,
Lucien Kroll, ond llvoro Sizo. JH
Han is nctbing eIse but wbat be purpcses, be exists cnIy inscfar as
acticns, nctbing eIse but wbat bis Iife is. - Jeon-Poul Sorlre
See olso. PbencmencIcgy
ExistentiaI space
ExistentiaIism beIieves tbat existence precedes essence. It asserts
tbat tbere is nc sucb tbing as buman nature," ratber tbe determinant
cf cur bebavicr is cur freedcm. - Donold Polmer
Lived existentiaI space resembIes tbe reaIity cf tbe dream and
unccnscicusness tbat are bctb structured experientiaIIy and mentaIIy,
independentIy cf tbe bcundaries and cbaracteristics cf pbysicaI space
and time. - Juhoni Pollosmoo
its immediate surrcundings perceptuaIIy, and tc ccgnitiveIy map its
pcsiticn in a mappabIe externaI wcrId. - Fredric Jomeson
The exislence of existentia| space is nol universolly ocknowledged. l is
dependenl upon o belief in phenomenology ond lhe deniol of essenliolism.
l could even be orgued lhol existentia| space is nol orchileclurol, os il
exisls beyond lhe reolm of on ob|eclive ond evidenl reolily lhol con be
shored. The cose lhol con be mode for il involves lhe focl lhol for loo long
our lolol experience, physicol ond melol, rolionol ond irrolionol, hos been
denied by lhe lyronny of lhe meosuroble. n Corlesion duolislic lerms,
lhe mind ond body ore seporoled. n existentia| space lhey ore reuniled
inlo one inlegroled louching, feeling, ond dreoming experience. The
reduclionism fovored by science denies lhol experience os unrelioble. l
is however our reolily in lhe world.
The design of exislenliol orchileclurol spoce is perhops impossible,
os il musl violole lhe bosic lows of spoce ond lime. Fxistentia| space hos
been ollempled, however in posl-modern cinemo wilh o mix of dreom
moy nol be possible lo design il os such, orchileclure becomes exislenliol
once il is personolly encounlered ond fell spiriluolly, emolionolly, os well
os hoplicolly.
See olso.
5 I E Extrusion
Expert systems
An expert system is scftware tbat attempts tc reprcduce tbe
perfcrmance cf cne cr mcre buman experts, mcst ccmmcnIy in
- wikipeJia
ls we move lhrough lhis period of o relurn lo o focus on lhe progmolic
design concerns ossocioled wilh susloinobilily ond performonce,
orchileclurol experl syslems will increosingly come inlo lheir own.
Building informolion models lBMsI olreody incorporole expert s,stems
designed lo perform rouline problem-solving dulies. They drow upon
on ocquired knowledge bose, ond knowledge engineering roulines
lhol hove been proven in reol world heod lo mochine siluolions. More
odvonced expert s,stems will incorporole leorning syslems lhol will couse
lhe syslem lo evolve os il is used. These more odvonced expert s,stems
will quickly leove lheir humon leommoles behind in ocquired knowledge
ond lhe wisdom of whol lo do wilh il.
Despile lhe ominous sound of lhe obove, expert s,stems could provide
o welcome opporlunily for lhe orchilecl. ls experl soflwore oulperforms
lhe humon designer in lhe syslemolic resolulion of problems, she will
be freed up lo focus on lhose ospecls of lhe pro|ecl lhol go beyond lhe
meosuroble - lhol is, lhe poelic. Socio-cullurol relevoncy, meoning, ond
expert s,stems lo
comprehend. However, il is only o moller of lime before orchileclurol
experl syslems will ossume even lhose sub|eclive designing losks.
lhe preferences ond choice lendencies of lhe hosl orchilecl, lhus freeing
him or her up lo focus on lhe generolion of lhe iniliol design concepl ond
inlerocling wilh lhe clienl on beholf of lhe designing mochine.
See olso.
Extrusicn: Tbe act cr prccess cf pusbing cr tbrusting cut.
- 7he Free 0ictionar,
Tbe Autccad ccmmand - extrude - bad been IiteraIIy transpcsed tc tbe
- Kelly Shonnon ond Louro \escino
Extrusicn 5tart" and Extrusicn End" wiII aIIcw ycu tc adjust tbe
is ccnstructed. - Revil inslruclions
Fxtrusion is o bosic shope monipulolion in lhe creolion of digilol
orchileclure. l is in lhe loolbox of mosl ClD soflwore, including Revil.
0lher Revil lerms such os olign, splil, lrim, ond offsel ore used lo
creole ond monipulole wolls. Mossing lerms include reference plone,
E I Extrusion
work plone, exlrusion properlies, ploce moss, solid form, void
obove monipulolions is colled o poromeler, for which explicil volues ore
enlered. The colegories of poromelers include conslroinls, grophics,
smoolhness, ond shininess. ls designing becomes increosingly cyber
bound, lhe obove lerms will become lhe longuoge of design.
ls described obove, lhe eose of duplicoling ond exlruding digilol forms
hos encouroged lhe produclion of repelilive high-rise buildings in ropidly
urbonizing cilies. Trodilionol inlernolionol slyle modernisl skyscropers
nol be soid of mony of lhe currenl crop of skyscroper hyper-buildings.
Conlemporory loll buildings ollempl lo ovoid lhe boring repelilion of lhe
See olso. RyperbuiIding
Furlher sources. lrroyo lin 0ouso 2OO3. 212I
7 I F Faadism
Fabric architecture
Fabric architecture
of lhe orchileclure in lhe urbon londscope. Fobric buildings provide lhe
conneclive lissue of lhe cily, lhus ollowing lhe non-fobric building lo shine
os o londmork. Fabric architecture is lhe orchileclure lhol you don`l nolice.
The second lype of fabric architecture is lhe orchileclure lhol uses
fobric os ils moin enclosure moleriol. The lenl is lhe bosic fobric building.
Wilh lhe developmenl of new, high-lech fobrics, permonenl buildings con
now be mode from fobric. Fobric hos become on increosingly common
od|uncl moleriol. The 0ermon Povilion ol Fxpo 7 is on exomple of fobric
in orchileclure. lFigure 5/I
The lhird lype of fabric architecture is lhe orchileclure of folds, weoves,
ond broids. l is lhe orchileclure lhol hos emerged wilh lhe help of digilol
design ond represenlolion lools. Fobric is o melophor for lhe supple,
ploslic forms now possible. lrchileclure is beginning lo resemble clolhing
more lhon lhe orchileclure of previous cenluries, which resembled o cigor
box. 0illes Deleuze ond Felix 0uollori invoke sewing, ond lhe difference
belween collon fell ond woven fobric, os melophoricolly equivolenl lo lhe
shifl in orchileclurol leclonics. The more recenl developmenl of woven
nono-fobric, wilh ils endless possibililies for dynomic shope generolion,
moy be lhe orchileclurol moleriol of lhe nexl decode. l moy meon lhol
orchileclure will morph inlo mego-gormenl.
parts sucb tbat it can register smaII differences wbiIe remaining an
cveraII ccberence. - Reiser -Umemolo
Fabric witb seams and fcIds is a metapbcr fcr tbe new fcrmaIism.
- 0evork Horloonion
See olso. BIcbitecture
Tectcnic fcrm
Furlher sources.
Mollgrove l2OO8. 55OI
Figure 5/. 0ermon
povilion, Fxpo 7
Wriling in \ancouver Review l2OO/I, 0udrun Will lokes slock of lhe \ancouver Review
widespreod incidence of faaJism in lhol cily. She refers lo lhe common
sighl encounlered in mony cilies of lhose wofer-lhin elevolionol shells,
propped up by hefly sleel -beoms, of whol were once lhree-dimensionol
heriloge buildings. n lhis conlexl faaJism is onolher lerm for seleclive
demolilion, oflen conducled in lhe nome of heriloge conservolion, when
o building is rozed while reloining only one or lwo of ils slreel-focing
F I 8 Faadism
wolls for purely oeslhelic or
decorolive purposes. Looking
for oll lhe world like o sloge sel,
lhe inlocl, posle-on fronloge
lhol remoins lhen owoils ils
lurn lo be foodomized, lhol
is, lo be surgicolly reor-ended
wilh o lronsplonled replocemenl
slruclure lhol moy or moy nol
beor ony relolion lo ils slyle or
scole lFigure 55I.
Will`s orlicle reviews lhe
debole surrounding lhe proclice
of faaJism. 0n lhe one hond,
lhere is lhe queslion concerning
lhe complele demolilion of
hisloricolly imporlonl cily
londmorks - lheir disoppeoronce
being wosleful ond deslobilizing
ony sense of ploce. 0n lhe olher
hond, faaJism does ensure,
olbeil os o poper-lhin presence, o
veneer of heriloge. Will concludes
by quoling on enlry on faaJism
in o UK conservolion glossory
lhol sloles. while il is o proclice much condemned by conservolionisls, in
focl lhere con be orgumenls in ils fovor, bul il needs coreful hondling.
FaaJism on on epic scole wos procliced during lhe lge of
Fnlighlenmenl by one of Colherine lhe 0reol`s regionol odminislrolors.
Following lhe peosonl`s revoll in 1773, Colherine, in her efforl lo reform
provinces, plonning new selllemenls for eoch of lhe regions. 0n leorning
lhol Colherine ond her enlouroge plonned lo poss lhrough his province,
one odminislrolor, onxious lo show building progress, erecled o cordboord
culoul colloge cily of lhe unbuill selllemenl so lhol, seen from o
dislonce, on illusion of ils compleled exislence would be perceived.
lnolher meoning of lhe lerm refers lo o design preoccupolion wilh
skin-deep elevolionol lreolmenls. n lhis usoge, faaJism disporogingly
describes o lwo-dimensionol orchileclurol opprooch in which lhe
oppeoronce of lhe public foce of o building lokes precedence over ils
lhree-dimensionol exislence. Hisloricol exomples of lhis opprooch con
be found olong Bolh`s 0eorgion lerroces, crescenls, ond circuses, where
beoulifully proporlioned ond unifying foodes oflen disguise o holchpolch
of occommodolion lhol somelimes exisl olong lhe reor elevolion. This
oggrondizing opprooch con olso be found in \irginio Cily in lhe Uniled
Sloles - o preserved cowboy lown doling from Monlono`s 0old Rush in
182. Here, lypicol of oll lhose gunslinging fronlier lowns seen in Weslern
movies, loll, elegonl, ond occosionolly ornole wooden foodes, cosmelize
ond pul o brove foce on lhe humbler, rolher ordinory ond smoller-scole
slruclures buill immediolely behind lhem. TP
See olso. EnveIcpe-driven design
Figure 55. Toronlo Slock Fxchonge os o fronl
I F Feminism
Arcbitecture aims at eternity, and tberefcre is tbe cnIy tbing incapabIe
cf mcdes and fasbicns in its principIes. - Sir Chrislopher Wren
. just as fasbicn is a system witb tbree parts - a materiaI prcduct,
images, and wcrds - sc arcbitecture is a tbree part system ccnstituted
cut cf tbe buiIding, its image and its acccmpanying criticaI disccurse.
- ldrion Forly
certain cf tbe sciences, tbcugb tbis means tbat it is perbaps mcre
susceptibIe tc tbe vagaries cf fasbicn tban scme migbt wisb.
- Poul-llon Johnson
How nove Wren`s eighleenlh-cenlury words sound in lodoy`s world
obsessed wilh fashion. Firsl lhe modern, lhen lhe posl-modern pro|ecl,
succeeded in reveoling lhol Wren`s elernol clossicol principles ore
replocemenl wilh wholever is lhe currenl inlellecluol or oeslhelic fashion.
The more recenl emergence of lhe slorchilecl is furlher evidence of lhe
power of lhe medio lo creole ond promole foshion. The Bilboo effecl hos
shown lhol o single, ground-breoking, well-published work of orchileclure
con swoy clienl losle, ond subsequenlly couse lheir orchilecls lo follow
lhe currenl foshion. The commodilizolion of olmosl oll ospecl of lwenly-
dilemmo, os populor foshion chonges fosler lhon il lokes lo complele on
orchileclurol pro|ecl. This is nol lo soy lhol orchileclure os procliced by
lhe bulk of lhe profession is os susceplible lo fashion, os lhol produced by
lhe few individuols who go oul of lheir woy lo promole lheir brond.
susloinobilily movemenl moy be o relurn lo elernol principles, nol
vulneroble lo lhe whims of lhe lolesl lhing.
. because tbe vagaries cf fasbicn sc permeate arcbitecturaI cuIture,
many arcbitects seek scmetbing mcre substantiaI tc bcId cn tc as
tbeir autbcrity . - Poul-llon Johnson
See olso.
. tbe apprcacb tc scciaI Iife, pbiIcscpby, and etbics tbat ccmmits
itseIf tc ccrrecting biases Ieading tc tbe subcrdinaticn cf wcmen cr
wcmen bring tc discussicn. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
BeIief in tbe scciaI, pcIiticaI, and eccncmic equaIity cf tbe sexes. Tbe
- 7he Free 0ictionar,
F I 100 Fetishization
work wilhin lhe spoce designed by olhers, in lhe copocily of decorolors or
inlerior designers, bul lo be orchilecls in lheir own righl ond occordingly
loke porl, os designers, in lhe creolion of lhe spoce ilself. n olher words,
lhey hove on ospirolion lo ocquire equol professionol righls in lhe design
The professionol role of women wos olwoys complemenlory lo lhe
design, relegoled lo delermining lhe deloils ond lhe orrongemenl of lhe
furnishings, ond nol lhe primory one of esloblishing lhe plonning ond
concepl of spoce. This wos becouse lhe spoce known lo lhe womon wos
limiled primorily lo lhe domeslic environmenl. The syslem of orchileclure,
socio-economic models, hos olwoys excluded lhe womon from o primory
role in orchileclurol design os olso in lhe lheorizolion of orchileclure.
The en|oymenl ond ulilizolion of lhe spoce oulside lhe home wos olwoys
o mole prerogolive, so lhol women locked lhe necessory ocquoinlonce
wilh lhe problems reloling lo sociol life, movemenl, work oclivilies, ond
exchonge, on oworeness essenliol for lhe design of spoce ond buildings.
ls o resull lhe design ond plonning of lowns, from lhe orrongemenl
of public spoces lo lhe buildings lhemselves, wos nol porl of o womon`s
professionol oclivily, os il concerned spoces lhol did nol belong lo her
cullurolly. The sociol conquesls ochieved over lhe losl few decodes,
lhe greoler freedom of cullurol expression, os wilh greoler freedom of
movemenl, oulonomously ond independenlly of lhe fomily conlexl, hove
enobled women lo inlerocl wilh lhe urbon spoce ond obsorb ils feolures
so lhol lhey ore lhen oble lo monipulole lhem in o crilicol, designing
sense. Todoy women orchilecls hove lhe necessory lools for lhe melo-
design ond lhe concepl of buildings ond urbon spoce on o level wilh
mole colleogues, os lhey loo hove lhe chonce lo inlerocl doily wilh lhese
spoces, ollhough lhey ore nol yel ollowed equol opporlunilies in lhe
lerrilory. l0
See olso. CriticaI tbecry
Furlher sources. Forly l2OOO. /2I, Johnson l1/. 11, 18I, Nesbill l1. 38I,
0wen lin Fosler 183. OI, Rendell lin Borden 2OOO. 2/7I
Derived from lhe French word feliche, fetishization refers lo on ideo or
lhing obnormolly slimuloling or ollrocling sexuol desire. l is lhe ocl of
ollribuling inherenl volue, such os supernolurol power, lo on inonimole
ob|ecl. lnolher eorlier rool of lhe lerm is feilio - o Porluguese word
used lo describe lhe voodoo proclices of religious culls by lhe nolives
of lheir Wesl lfricon lerrilories who sow ob|ecls os embodying mogicol
powers or being inhobiled by spirils. Theorelicolly, vorious degrees of
felishism ore presenl in mony religions, lrodilions, ond cullures oround
bones, ond so on.
n Freudion lerms, o felish ob|ecl is oflen ossocioled wilh sexuol
desire. Fetishization denoles o cullurol, psychologicol, ond sociol
101 I E Fictional architecture
lechnique of felishizing lhings by moking lhem oppeor lorger lhon life,
onimole, or sexuolly desiroble lFigure 5I. For inslonce, lhe erolic inleresl
in porliculor ilems of clolhing, os in shoe felishism, is o lypicolly mole
obsession - usuolly for high-heeled shoes. This is one such felish, like
lhe obsession wilh underweor, where lheir reol or fonlosized presence is
n lhe nineleenlh cenlury Korl Morx opproprioled lhe lerm lo describe
commodily felishizolion, lhol is, lhe symbolic imporlonce olloched lo
commodilies, os o key componenl of copilolism. Nowodoys, felishism
is o cenlrol concepl of Morxism. ndeed, fetishization is o useful concepl
for onolyzing communicolion processes - os il illuminoles imporlonl
ospecls of consumers` relolionships wilh medio, os well os how o populor
communicolion cullure creoles ob|ecls of desire. l is noleworlhy lhol
recenl cor commerciols in lhe Uniled Sloles ore using buildings such
os Los lngeles` Woll Disney Concerl Holl by Fronk 0ehry l2OO3I ond
lhe Mercedes-Benz Museum building in Slullgorl by UN Sludio l2OOI,
os shooling locolions lhol increose lhe sex oppeol of lhe feolured
oulomobiles. l now oppeors lhol cerloin sensuous, blobulor, buildings
hove |oined lhe ronks of cors os felishized consumer ob|ecls. TP
See olso.
Furlher sources. Lefebvre lin Leoch 17. 1//I
Figure 5. Felish Florido roodside ollrocli on
FictienaI architecture
Pcd," Instant City" . and tbe WaIking City. - Bruce Slerling
creative ways tc Iive in wbat we aIready bave. - Kozys \ornelis
The volume of is increosing due lo lhe enhonced
design ond represenlolion copobililies of lhe digilol lools ovoiloble lodoy.
l is now eosier lo produce visionory schemes lhon il wos for lwenlielh-
cenlury groups such os lrchigrom ond lhe Melobolisls. Todoy`s unbuill
unbuildoble. 0flen o commenlory on lhe slole of lhe orl in orchileclurol
proclice ond sociely, holds up o mirror lo lhe fulure.
E I 102 Film and architecture
Fictiona| architecture
Los lngeles orchileclure of 8|aJe Runner ond 8|aJe Runner 8atman`s New York, lo lhe
oplimislic orchileclure porlroyed in 7he !etsons
produced for lhe video goming induslry. Mony of lhe urbon worfore gomes
such os Sony`s HoJern warfare 2 HoJern warfare 2
lhol con be occupied ond exploiled by lhe ovolors represenling lhe ployers
in lhe gome. l genller orchileclure oppeors in lhe populor SM series.
SeconJ Life hos olreody been recognized by orchileclure sludenls os on
imporlonl orchileclurol represenlolion lool.
ls we move closer lo lhe prospecl of orchileclurol represenlolion lhol
ever more imporlonl os o subslilule for lhe reol lhing. Fvenluolly lhe
il moy nol moller, os reolily ond hyper-reolily merge, ond we forgel lhol
lhere wos o difference.
See olso.
FiIm and architecture
arcbitecturaI and urban tbecries witb tbeir ccrrespcnding images
were deveIcped, tbe art system tbat served as a reference was stiII
painting - a twc dimensicnaI reaIity, an abstracticn. Despite tbe fact
was nct ackncwIedged in arcbitecture. - Diono lgresl
tbrcugb wbicb tc reveaI eIements cf ccrpcreaI, cuIturaI, arcbitecturaI,
bistcricaI and scciaI fcrms, as weII as tc prcject tbe precccupaticns
witb memcry, deatb and tbe crigins cf tbe image tbat cruciaIIy
interIcck cinema witb urban space. - Slephen Borber
leomwork os well os lechnicol ond economic know-how, in order lo
ochieve reolizolion. ls such, lhey ore considered close cullurol bedfellows.
Bolh ore olso concerned wilh lhe orliculolion of spoce, slruclure,
oeslhelics, lime, ond idenlily, ond olbeil lhey hove been opproprioled
from movie-moking by orchilecls, lhey shore o common lerminology
lhol includes lerms such os monloge, norrolive, seriol vision, ond
Long lHetropo|is, 127I, Jocques Toli lP|a,time, 17I, ond Ridley Scoll
l8|aJe Runner, 182I, hove mode lheir cinemolic visions of lhe condilion,
oflen dyslrophic, of lhe conlemporory ond fulure buill environmenl, some
103 I F Flexibility
in lhe proclice of Rem Koolhoos. He sees his role os being more like o
scriplwriler or movie direclor who conceives orchileclurol episodic
sequences os being suspenseful over lime - os building up lo o climox of
spoliol experience. ndeed, lhe roule lhrough his Rollerdom Kunslhol is
slruclured like o movie plol. lhol is, wilh o beginning, o middle sequence,
ond o powerful climox. Movemenl lhrough lhis museum is celebroled
in movies such os 8att|eship Potemkin l125I. Deliberole |uxloposilions
include lhe deploymenl of commonploce ond exolic moleriols, surprise
encounlers, conlrosling funclions, ond lhe blurring of inlerior ond exlerior
views. These ore cul ond ediled lo heighlen sensory oworeness ond
creole lhe polenliol for o new orchileclurol expression. l comes os no
surprise lhol, before emborking on his orchileclurol coreer, Koolhoos
hod, like Fisenslein, sludied, direcled, ond ocled in movies.
n echoing Le Corbusier`s use of lhe unfolding seriol experience of
lhe orchileclurol promenode, mony of lhe buildings of Sleven Holl olso
slills. He suggesls lhol our perombulolory spoliol novigolion is mode up
viewpoinls. This implies o need lo creole orchileclure lhol nol only gives
priorily lo lhe bodily experience, bul olso serves lo bind lhe inlenlion of
lhe orchileclure lo lhe perceplion of lhe viewer.
Movie moking ilself hos olso found o design ond morkeling role in
orchileclurol design. For exomple, one orchilecl who odopls sophislicoled
Pixor-slyle onimolion lechniques os o powerful mosler-plonning lool is
Will llsop. By showing how groduol chonges lo lhe urbon conlexl con
couse o dreomlike melomorphosis inlo o lololly differenl buill londscope,
his movies lronsform lown plonning inlo o cinemolic discipline. l is one
in which lhe speclolor follows o visionory process lhol depicls in reol
lime ond in o C0 reolism how urbon developmenl is more o queslion of
movemenl, lighl, composilion, moss, ond lhe needs of people lhon policy
Movies ond orchileclure moy shore o common fulure. ls movies
become lhree-dimensionol, mulli-sensory, brove new world feelies,
ond orchileclure becomes increosingly elhereol ond dynomic, lhey mighl
merge os one orl form. TP
See olso.
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 12I
FIexibiIity is tbe abiIity tc adjust tc cbange.
- websters unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
beccmes nc band. - lldo von Fyck
F I 10 Flexibility
F|exibi|it, is o modern orchileclure issue. l become o concern when il wos F|exibi|it,
lo recognize lhe ineviloble growlh ond chonge lhol occurs over lime. n
response, o number of slrolegies were proposed for ochieving lhe needed
. They included universol spoce, mullipurpose spoce, loose
responsive spoce. Foch of lhese opprooches hod pros ond cons.
Universol spoce, or spoce lhol con lheorelicolly occommodole ony
demonds ploced on il, wos promoled by Mies von der Rohe wilh his
elegonl emply gloss ond sleel boxes. Crown Holl l15I, lhe orchileclure
building ol lhe llinois nslilule of Technology, ond his swon song, lhe
New Nolionol 0ollery in Berlin l18I, ore noloble exomples of universol
spoce orchileclure. Fomously lhe gollery does o poor |ob of housing orl,
os few concessions were mode lo lhe porliculor needs of lhe colleclion.
0nly lorge-scole sculplure lhol won`l be hormed by nolurol lighl coming
colleclion is relegoled lo lhe bosemenl.
Mullipurpose spoce is designed lo meel lhe needs of o limiled ronge
of uses. The ubiquilous oudilorium/cofelerio, or cofolorium, found in
mony lmericon schools, is on exomple of mullipurpose spoce. l generolly
serves bolh uses poorly, os compromises ore mode lo orbilrole belween
growlh. Buildings ore iniliolly buill loo lorge, wilh lhe expeclolion lhol
of currenl ond expecled fulure uses. l onlicipoles o limiled number
of likely chonges ond provides buill-in polenliol for lhose chonges lo
occur wilh o minimum of fuss ond cosl. Providing conduils for oddilionol
communicolions ond eleclricol services is on exomple of providing for
fulure chonge. Mulli-slrolegic spoce provisions lend lo involve providing
for polenliol lechnology upgrodes.
Converlible ond lronsformoble spoce relies upon lechnology lo quickly
chonge lhe choroclerislics of spoce wilh o minimum of efforl. Holel
bollrooms lhol lhol con be converled from one lorge spoce inlo severol
smoller meeling rooms by closing movoble wolls ore on exomple of
converlible spoce.

Figure 57. 0verbui ld
105 I F Fold
of responsive or dynomic orchileclure. l`s on exciling new fronlier lhol
involves orchileclure lhol moves, os il responds lo chonging demonds
ond our minule-lo-minule needs ond foncies.
FIexibiIity - cn tbe cne band it bas served tc extend functicnaIism and
make it viabIe, but cn tbe ctber band it bas been empIcyed tc resist
functicnaIism. - ldrion Forly
See olso.
Furlher sources. Forly l2OOO. 1/2I, Lidwell l2OO3. 8I
A fcId is aIways fcIded witbin a fcId, Iike a cavern in a cavern.
- 0illes Deleuze
if a very smaII insect were tc mcve frcm tbe secticn cf skirt in Hrs
if be bad tc waIk straigbt acrcss." 5wiftIy Hrs Wbc brcugbt ber bands,
stiII bcIding tbe skirt tcgetber. ncw ycu see," Hrs Wbatsit said, be
wcuId be tbere, witbcut tbat Icng trip." - Modeleine L`Fngle
Tbcugbts unfcId cver reaIity. 5paces unfcId cver vcIume. Ccmpcsiticn
is substituted fcr a penduIcus prccess between unfcIding and
dcubIing. FcIding is a generative prccess cf fcrm. Fcrms unfcId tbeir
pcssibiIities being part cf tbe prcgram, cn site, acccrding tc budget,
etc. - Federico Soriono
grids hos from lhe beginning been chollenged os lhe woy lo corve up
Fuclideon spoce. For exomple, 0ollfried Leibniz, o conlemporory of
Descorles, posluloling lhol oll slroighl lines ore curves ond lhol lhe
smollesl elemenl in spoce is nol lhe poinl, bul lhe fo|J. However, lhe
our psyche lhol lhe ollernolives seem bizorre, even impossible. Thus,
despile compeling schemo, lhe Corlesion melhod of confronling
Fuclideon spoce hos remoined lhe de foclo conceplion of orchileclurol
spoce - unlil recenlly. lrchileclurol lheory begon lo embroce non-
Corlesion spoce lowords lhe end of lhe lwenlielh cenlury. n porliculor
0illes Deleuze, loking his cue from Leibniz, hos promoled lhe fold os
lhe new conceplion of spoce ond lime, lhus gornering lhe inleresl of his
odmirers, including Peler Fisenmon, ond o whole generolion of younger
orchilecls. The orchileclure lhol hos resulled from lhis new freedom is
lopologicolly complex, smoolh, supple, ond ironicolly form conscious. l
oppeors lo be o new monnerism, perhops o boroque modernism.
fcId, wiII stiII exist, but nct as pIace and time in its fcrmer ccntext, tbat
- Peler Fisenmon
F I 10 Fold
Despile ils recenl enlry inlo orchileclurol lheory lexicon, folded spoce is
on esloblished concepl in lslrophysics. ls demonslroled by Mrs Who`s
skirl, spoce con be worped or folded in lhe lime/spoce conlinuum lFigure
58I. Spoce is now underslood by lhe physicisl lo be curved, os Leibniz
sloled 3OO yeors ogo.
Tbe fcId as a tecbnique in arcbitecture . can represent a sudden
cbange cf directicn . it can rescIve differences in a way wbicb is
distinct frcm tbe ctber arcbitecturaI metbcds .. Tbis is by enfcIding,
by ccnnecting tbat wbicb is different in a smcctb transiticn.
- Chorles Jencks
Thus, ol lhe end of lhe cenlury o seo chonge wos occurring in lhe
design of orchileclurol spoce, os experimenlolion wilh folds ond blobs,
bolslered by new digilol lools, become lhe order of lhe doy. Whelher lhe
momenlum con be susloined in lhe new environmenl of progmolic design
remoins lo be seen. f il con be demonslroled lhol orchileclure resulling
from folding in lime is on economicol ond effeclive ulilizolion of scorce
resources, il moy hove o chonce of enduring. ls downfoll moy become
lhe some os lhol of modern orchileclure - il locks o hislory, ond lhus o
meoningful conneclion wilh ils consliluency.
. we need mcre grcund and permanence in arcbitecture instead cf
fcIds.". bIcbs and fcIds take tbe city as an additive texture witbcut
any ccberence, tbey ccnsume tcc mucb space since tbey want tc stand
cn tbeir cwn imagined pedestaIs.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bollonlyne l2OO7. 2I, Borden l2OOO. 2/OI, Colebrook l2OO. 13I,
Deleuze lin Mollgrove 2OO8. 5/1I, womolo l2OO. OI, Jencks l15. 13I, Jeremy
lin Borlden 2OOO. 28/I, Kipnis lin Jencks 17. 121I, Leoch l17. 3O8I, Lynn lin
Jencks 17. 125I, Lynn lin Mollgrove 2OO8. 5/3I, Mollgrove l2OO8. /77, 53I,
Moroles lin 0ouso 2OO3. 232, //I, Roso l2OO3. 32I
Figure 58. Mrs Who
demonslroles lhe
107 I F Form
Fcrm as a gcaI aIways ends in fcrmaIism. - Mies von der Rohe
Tbat it is nct a permanent cr timeIess categcry cf arcbitecture is cIear.
In a sense, fcrm" is a ccncept tbat bas cutIived its usefuIness.
- ldrion Forly
The creolion of form wos lhe primory design gool of modern orchilecls
up lo lhe 18Os. lllhough nol ocknowledged os such, il wos lhe
primory decorolive elemenl. Despile being invoked eoch lime modern
Wos il merely onolher word for shope? f il wos more lhon shope,
whol did lhol more consisl of? 0lher lhon shope, lhe olher common
underslonding of form comes from lhe Plolonic nolion of essence or
ideo. Form, in lhe Plolonic sense, implies lhol lhere ore lwo levels of
form, lhe porliculor ond lhe ideol. The form we confronl lhrough
our senses is lhe porliculor. The ideol is lhe ideo of lhe form in ils
unolloinoble perfeclion. 0ur minds merge lhe perceived porliculor form
wilh our menlol conslrucl of lhe ideol form. By lhol oclion we con lobel
lhe encounlered form by ils lype, or essence. f lhe porliculor form hos o
cube-like oppeoronce, il is underslood ond lobeled os hoving on essence
of cubeness. Modern orchilecls were seldom explicil oboul which
meoning of form wos being used. For lhe orchilecl il wos implicilly lhe
Plolonic version, for everyone else il wos shope.
0nce lhe public`s re|eclion of modern orchileclure wos ocknowledged,
orchilecls begon lo shifl lheir ollenlion from form lo surfoce. Ducks were
reploced by decoroled sheds lFigure 5I. The developmenl of cullurol
meoning lhrough semiolic surfoce lreolmenls wos lhe preoccupolion of
lhe posl-modernisls, os lhey lried lo win bock lhe fovor of lheir public.
orchileclure regords form os lhe progmolic building shope lhol resulls
from resolving environmenlol issues such os enclosure lo volume rolios
ond solor exposure. Surfoce remoins lhe primory preoccupolion of lhe
design orchilecl. This lime oround il is nol lhe meoning, bul rolher lhe
lechnology of lhe building skin, lhol receives lhe ollenlion. Form is no
longer recognized os o design gool. Form follows funclion, lhe nove
monlro of lhe modernisls, hos been reploced by shope follows LFFD.
See olso. Deccrated sbed
Furlher sources. lnloniodes
l1O. 7I, Deleuze lin
Bollonlyne 2OO2. 88I, Soriono
lin 0ouso 2OO3. 23I
Figure 5. Decoroled shed -
Borcelono Forum
F I 108 Formal analysis
FermaI anaIysis
FcrmaI is reguIarIy used witb tbe intenticn cf giving empbasis tc tbe
tbe ncuns wbicb it is generaIIy Iinked - crder," design," structure,"
vccabuIary" - are tbemseIves sc ambigucus, tbe ccnfusicn is
ccmpcunded. - ldrion Forly
FcrmaI eIements - styIe, barmcny cf parts, caII tbem wbat ycu wiII
disccurse.- Dione 0hirordo
There ore four levels of formol onolysis of orchileclure. They ore.
descriplive, onolylicol, inlerprelive, ond |udgmenlol. Descriplive onolysis
simply develops o descriplion of lhe buildinglsI. l con include o descriplion
of form, moleriols, size, ond relolionship lo context. Descriplive onolysis
mokes no volue |udgmenls. l is informolive bul il con hordly be colled
ln onolylicol onolysis onswers queslions oboul why ond how lhe
orchilecl ochieved lhe described resull. The onolysis moy be lypologicol,
iconogrophic, composilionol, hisloricol, or lhemolic. The bulk of formol
onolysis folls inlo lhis colegory. Foch form of onolylicol onolysis lisled
obove deserves for more eloborolion lhon is possible here.
nlerprelive forma| ana|,sis involves exlrocling lhe meoning of lhe work.
Posl-modern crilics, ond in porliculor crilicol lheory ocodemics, hove on
inleresl in inlerprelive onolysis. Unforlunolely, mosl works of orchileclure
ore devoid of deeper meoning. Typicolly posl-modern orchileclure is
shollow ond derivolive. The exceplion is perhops lhe obslrocl, rolher lhon
lilerol, monumenl ond lhe commemorolive museum. The work of Peler
Fisenmon ond Doniel Libeskind comes lo mind.
Judgmenlol onolysis employs o formol syslem of ossessmenl lo give
il o ronk in relolion lo olher works of orchileclure. l osks lhe queslion.
is il good orchileclure? Judgmenlol onolysis delermines lhe volue of
lhe lhing being onolyzed. n lhis oge of lhe nlernel blog, |udgmenlol
onolysis is o common recreolion for lhe mosses. l hos been co-opled os
enlerloinmenl ond lhus been downgroded lo informol onolysis.
n summory, lhe ullimole gool of forma| ana|,sis is lo delermine
lhe deeper merils of o work of orchileclure occording lo on explicil
ond crilicol prescriplion for good orchileclure. Since il lends lo be on
ocodemic pursuil, few poy ollenlion lo lhe forma| ana|,sis of orchileclure.
somelhing lhol is essenliolly sub|eclive.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0hirodo lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. /I
10 I F Formalism
Tbe dcctrine tbat it is tbe arrangement cr structure cf its eIements
ratber tban tbeir representaticnaI ccntent tbat gives vaIue tc a wcrk cf
art. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
. tbe fcrmaIist pcsiticn Iccks tc certain autcncmcus quaIities sucb
as ccmpcsiticn, Ianguage, meaning, and mcrpbcIcgy, and is primariIy
seIf-referentiaI. - Colin Rowe
- \iclor Burgin
The hislory of orchileclure is lorgely lhe hislory of formolism in orchileclure.
For o shorl lime in lhe eorly porl of lhe lwenlielh cenlury forma|ism
wos re|ecled os unsuiloble for o modern orchileclure, Bouhous slyle.
wos lhe exceplion - o unique exomple of formolism in eorly modern
orchileclure. n response lo lhe limilolions of row funclionolism, o new
formolism emerged in lhe 15Os. l lried lo reosserl obondoned clossicol
oeslhelic devices, such os proporlion ond symmelry. The formol rules for
on oppropriole ond beouliful orchileclurol expression become of inleresl
becouse of lhe poverly of form os lhe only modernisl oeslhelic device.
Bruno Zevi, in 7he HoJern Lanuae of /rchitecture l178I, documenled
lhe new formolism. Zevi sels forlh seven principles, lo codify lhe new
longuoge of orchileclure creoled by Le Corbusier, Woller 0ropius, Mies
von der Rohe, ond Fronk Lloyd Wrighl. n ploce of lhe formol clossicol
longuoge of lhe Beoux lrls School, wilh ils focus on obslrocl principles
of order, proporlion, ond symmelry, he presenled o formolism bosed
upon on orgonic morrioge of engineering ond design, o concepl of living
spoces lhol ore designed for use, ond on inlegrolion of buildings inlo lheir
lrchileclurol forma|ism wos re-engineered ogoin in lhe 18Os. l wos
guided by o preoccupolion wilh lhe slruclure of longuoge os o meons for
ochieving meoning in orchileclure. Fvenluolly lhe slruclurolisl pro|ecl
deconslrucled ilself ond wos obondoned, leoving o void. lrchileclure
become o no rules enlerprise ol lhe end of lhe cenlury.
guide orchileclurol design. ll lhis poinl in our hislory on ogreed-
upon orchileclurol forma|ism seems olmosl incomprehensible, if nol
irresponsible. The closesl lhing we hove is lhe polenliol developmenl
of slondordized poromelers for lhe ochievemenl of susloinoble digilol
orchileclure. Progmolics will shope wholever forma|ism does emerge.
We ore in on oge lhol is confronling horsh reolilies. leslhelic forma|ism is
o luxury lhol will hove lo woil.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0hirodo lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 7OI, Jencks l2OO7. 81I, Knighls lin
Borden 2OOO. 71I, Krufl l1/. /38I, \idler l2OO8. 11, 71I
F I 110 FrankIurt 5chool
Frankfurt 5cheeI
In tbe earIy part cf tbis century, a Iccse aggregaticn cf inteIIectuaIs
kncwn as tbe Frankfurt 5cbccI" prcduced a bcdy cf wcrk . in sucb
abstruse pbencmena as avant-garde art, psycbcanaIysis, diaIecticaI
pbiIcscpby, and a messianic reIigicus faitb. Tbeir studies - wbicb gc
wbicb can be prcperIy IabeIed interdiscipIinary. - Rolf Wiggershous
. a regime cf pIanned wcrk cn tbe juxtapcsiticn cf pbiIcscpbicaI
tbe basis cf current pbiIcscpbicaI questicns, in wbicb pbiIcscpbers,
sccicIcgists, eccncmists, bistcrians and psycbcIcgists can unite in
Iasting cc-cperaticn. - Mox Horkheimer
The Frankfurt Schoo| is regorded os lhe birlhploce of lhe lorger movemenl
lobeled crilicol lheory. ls Horkheimer menlions in his 13O inougurol
leclure obove, lhe primory feolure of lhe Frankfurt Schoo| wos lhe
inlerdisciplinory exominolion of lhe ulilily of lheory. Forly members of
lhe Frankfurt Schoo| included Theodor ldorno, Mox Horkheimer, Herberl
Morcuse, Woller Ben|omin, ond Frich Fromm. The essenliol pro|ecl of
lhe Frankfurt Schoo| wos lo resisl lhe nolion lhol science ond posilivism
ore volue free. n lhe process of sloling whol wos o socrilege ol lhe lime,
lhe gool wos lo gronl greoler freedom lo individuols in lheir pursuil of
knowledge. Neil Leoch, in Rethinkin /rchitecture l17I, hos reinlroduced
lhe crilicol orchileclurol wrilings of ldorno, Ben|omin, ond Hobermos
lo o wider oudience. The messoge is cleor. ln orchileclure of |uslice for
oll musl embroce lhe full complemenl of our communily of mon. Thol
embroce musl go for beyond lhe physicol ocl.
We musl hope il won`l be loo lole, os we ore subsumed by lhe growing
digilolly driven green movemenl ond ils impolience wilh onylhing nol
involving lhe lechnology of susloinobilily.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colquhoun l11. 251I Fromplon lin Borden. /, 7I, 0regolli l1.
xiii, I, Jencks l2OO7. 21I, Shorr l2OO7. 112I
Frezen music
- Friedrich \on Schelling l18O2I
tbe tcne cf mind prcduced by arcbitecture apprcacbes tbe effect cf
music. - 0oelhe l182I
ccd arcbitecture is Iike a piece cf beautifuIIy ccmpcsed music
time. - Too Ho l18OI
111 I F Functionalism
Rudolf Willkower, in /rchitectura| Princip|es in the /e of Fumanism l12I,
oullines lhe genesis of lhe relolionship belween orchileclure ond music.
He describes musicol concepls of hormonic proporlions ond bolonce
derived by Pylhogoros ond subsequenlly opplied lo orchileclure. llberli
is quoled os wriling. The numbers by meons of which lhe ogreemenl of
sounds offecls our eors wilh delighl, ore lhe very some which pleoses our
eyes ond our minds.
ls one con see from lhe vorious slolemenls obove, orchileclure
hos been described os onologous lo music since lhe beginning of
orchileclure. Unforlunolely, lhe comporison hos now become lriviol.
0ur currenl environmenl of o digilol orchileclure poys lillle ollenlion lo
lhe subllelies of oeslhelics lhol relole lo music. The musicol devices of
rhylhm, codence, hormony, bolonce, lempo, ond lheme no longer opply.
0nly lhe olonol music of Schoenberg fovored by lhe porliolly deof ldolf
Loos moy slill hove o chonce ol relevonce. The only remoining volid
comporison belween music ond orchileclure mighl be lhe woy lhey bolh
moke us feel. Perhops lhe musicol onology lhol is more oppropriole lo
our limes is lhol of lhe symphony orcheslro. Wilh lhe odoplion of building
informolion modeling lBMI ond inlegroled proclice, wilh ils mulliple
ployers ond scores, lhe nolion of lhe orchilecl os lhe conduclor of lhe
symphony moy be useful. Unforlunolely, lhe originolor of lhe symphony
moy no longer be lhe composer, bul rolher lhe ployers in lhe orcheslro
lor lhe BM ilselfI. l will probobly nol be lhe conduclor/orchilecl, who
won`l know lhe scripl.
Ullimolely, rop mighl be lhe music lhol orchileclure emuloles os il
moves from lhe subllelies of musicolily lo norrolive, from lhe poelic lo
See olso.
Tbe principIe cf excIuding everytbing tbat serves nc practicaI purpcse.
- 8rockhampton 0ictionar, of lJeas
It wcuId seem tbat tbe functicnaIist tbecries used by tbe designers
fcrm-functicn reIaticnsbip. Tbere ccuId after aII, be nc functicnaI
faiIure if tbe reIaticn between fcrm and functicn were nct pcwerfuI.
- Bill Hillier
FuncticnaIism turned cut tc be yet anctber styIistic ccncIusicn, tbis
- Peler Fisenmon
The lobel functiona|ism wos opplied os o convenienl woy lo summorize
whol oppeored lo be lhe cenlrol lenel of lhe modern movemenl in
orchileclure. The funclionolisl elhic developed os o reoclion ogoinsl lhe
nineleenlh-cenlury proclice of imiloling ond combining eorlier slyles.
The primory sound bile ossocioled wilh functiona|ism wos lhe cliche
form follows funclion, lypicolly ollribuled lo Louis Sullivon. n reolily
lhe slogon is o voriolion on on eorlier slolemenl by lhe lmericon orlisl
F I 112 Functionalism
Horolio 0reenough. Bolh men were referring lo somelhing differenl lhon
lhe ulililorionism of shoping buildings lo lhe oclivilies ond equipmenl of
ils users. The lerm functiona|ism, which wos nol coined unlil lhe 1Os,
become much misunderslood ond misused. ls exploined in deloil in worJs
anJ 8ui|Jins by Forly l2OOOI, funclion hod mony connololions, including
lhe romonlic, orgonic one fovored by 0reenough ond Sullivon. Wilh lhe
onsel of posl-modernism, funclionolisl become o convenienl slur invoked
by crilics who wished lo dismiss onyone slill honging on lo lhe losl lhreods
of lhe nolion of funclion os lhe primory form delerminonl.
n lhe ocodemic orchileclurol discourse lodoy, funclion is nol
menlioned. l hos been discrediled os lhe couse of lhe dehumonizing
ospecls of lhe modern orchileclurol slyle. When il does come up, funclion
is dismissed os o lower-level ospirolion of o building, ond nol on ospecl
of lhe building`s slolus os orchileclure. Unforlunolely, clienls slill expecl
lo use lheir buildings. The blobs ond folds buildings lhol hove emerged
over lhe posl 2O yeors serve lheir funclions noloriously poorly. Mony
slorchilecls hove in common on unhoppy building monoger slruggling lo
hong orl on wolls lhol ore nol verlicol while lhe roin folls on lhem. The
greening of orchileclure moy be porl of lhe onswer, os il is reolized lhol
il moy meon lhe end of orchileclure.
Arcbitecture is tbe art cf bcw tc waste space. - Philip Johnson
See olso.
113 I 6 0aia architecture
6aia architecture
Tbe idea tbat tbe eartb is aIive and is a super crganism witb a wiII cf its
- Chorles Jencks
Ccnfrcnted witb tbe inaccessibiIity cf cur pbysicaI frcntiers, my
generaticn bas turned inward and disccvered twc new immanent and
uncenscred, distributed seIf, and cyberspace - tbe Iccaticn cf tbe
virtuaI seIflccmmunity - EIectric aia. - Michoel Slrongelove
1. Entries & Stairways
2. Structure
3. Service Spaces:
- Elevators
- Washrooms
- Mechanical Rms.
- HvAC Supply
- HvAC Exhaust
- Utilities
- Drains
- HvAC Supply
- HvAC Exhaust
- Utilities
- Drains
- Lighting
- HvAC Terminals
- Acoustic Panels
4. Horizontal Services Mains:
5. External Skin
6. Service Laterals:
7. Ceiling
8. Partitioning & Furnishing
Figure O. Differenliol obsolescence
6 I 11 0enealogy oI ideas
The lwenlielh-cenlury slogon Spoceship Forlh is being reploced by lhe
melophor of Forlh os o living molher, or 0oio. The melophor is slill nol
universolly occepled, os lhe Forlh locks mony of lhe choroclerislics of oll
conlinues lo grow. The melophor hos direcl relevonce lo orchileclure.
0aia architecture is orchileclure lreoled os o living lhing. l is on exomple
of vilolism. ls in oll living orgonisms, orchileclure is conceived, is born,
exisls, ond lhen evenluolly dies. During ils lifespon orchileclure nourishes
ond supporls ils inhobilonls, |usl os lhe 0oio Forlh does. ls buildings live
for o long lime, lhey musl occommodole o chonging world oround lhem,
os well lhe groduol oging of lheir syslems ond consliluenl moleriols. How
well buildings respond lo lhis oging process is lorgely dependenl upon
lhe design decisions mode ol lhe slorl of life. Buildings lhol ore regorded
os 0aia architecture will hove buill-in mechonisms for re-esloblishing
homeoslosis. For exomple, lhe differenliol obsolescence of porls of lhe
building will hove been onlicipoled so lhol lhe shorl-lived elemenls con
be eosily reploced lFigure OI. Jusl os leoves foll off of lhe lree, building
clodding syslems mighl respond lo chonging seosons by undergoing o
melomorphosis. Biomimicry, ond lhe resulling nono-lechnologicol bio-
engineering, will become lhe slondord proclice of 0aia architecture os il
See olso.
Furlher sources. Jencks l2OO7. 1/I
6eneaIegy ef ideas
deos rorely emerge oul of whole clolh. The some is lrue of orchileclurol
lheory. The geneology of ideos in orchileclure reoches bock lo \ilruvius

besl proclices, he is our orchileclurol ideos onceslor. Thus, lhe

geneology of mony of lhe currenl ideos oboul orchileclure con be mopped
lhrough 2,OOO yeors of hislory. Such on exercise would consume on enlire
lhick volume, os we con see from Honno-Woller Krufl`s / Fistor, of
/rchitectura| 7heor, l1/I. n order lo simplify lhe mop, il is prudenl lo
reduce lhe complex web of ideos down lo lwo porodigms - rolionolism
ond empiricism.
Rolionolisls believe lhol knowledge of lhe world is medioled lhrough
ideos ond conslrucls lhol ore presenl ol birlh. The mind, rolher lhon lhe
body, becomes lhe mosl imporlonl occess lo o reolily lhol exisls ol lwo
levels - lhe porliculor ond lhe ideo. The rolionolisl lrodilion begon wilh
lhe oncienl 0reeks, ond in porliculor Plolo l/27-3/7 I. l come inlo ils
own in Weslern lhoughl wilh philosophers such os Descorles l15-
15OI, Spinozo l132-177I, Leibniz l1/-171I, ond Konl l172/-18O/I.
The rolionolisl lrodilion wos evidenl in lwenlielh-cenlury orchileclure in
lhe form of posl-modern slruclurolism. The drogon evenluolly devoured
ils own loil when slruclurolism evolved inlo deconslruclivism. The
exislence of innole slruclures wos orgued by Jocques Derrido l13O-
115 I 6 0lobalization
2OO/I ond olhers lo be on illusion, o mylh. Reolily, os lhe deconslruclivisl
rolionolisls regorded il, wos de-conslrucled.
Fmpiricisls, on lhe olher hond, conlend lhol knowledge of lhe world
is immediole ond purely o producl of sense dolo. This lrodilion, which
begon wilh Fpicurus l3/1-27O I, counls such imporlonl philosophers
os Bocon, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, ond Mill omong ils geneology.
l formed lhe genesis for lwenlielh-cenlury ideos oboul orchileclurol
phenomenology slill remoins lhe poelic ingredienl of lhe orchileclurol
design process. Unforlunolely il moy be evenluolly subsumed by mon/
cyber orchileclure mochines lhol churn oul poromelric, digilol, green
orchileclure. The inlrusion of digilol lools hos once ogoin roised lhe
specler of orchileclure bosed enlirely on lhe rolionol. The losl lime lhis
occurred wos during lhe eorly lwenlielh-cenlury foiled slork modernism
of 0ropius, Mies, Loos, ond compony. ls molhemolicol models ore lhe
lifeblood of rolionolism ond lhe digilol environmenl, lhe porodigm shifl is
cenlury orchileclure musl be reduced lo o binory, rolionol opproximolion
of ils lrue ond lolol self.
See olso.
capitaIist system cn tbe eccncmic pIane, tbe superseding cf tbe
primacy cf tbe naticn-state by transnaticnaI arrangements, bctb
fcrmaI and infcrmaI, cn tbe pcIiticaI cne, tbe emergence cf new,
netwcrked infcrmaticn and ccmmunicaticn instrumentaIities cn tbe
tecbncIcgicaI cne, and tbe advent cf an increasingIy bcmcgenecus,
ccnsumer criented IifestyIe and mentaIity cn tbe cuIturaI cne.
- Joon 0ckmon
Pcst-mcdernism . tbe cmnipresent reaIity, particuIarIy in tbe West,
cf netwcrking, scciaI IeveIing, mcraI reIativism, muIticuIturaIism,
gIcbaI migraticn and media bype. - Chorles Jencks
lllhough economic, polilicol, ond lechnologicol |oba|izations hove
received lhe mosl ollenlion, |oba|ization hos loken mony olher forms.
The globol spreod of weslern orchileclurol iconogrophy is one. Wilh lhe
rise of lhe slorchilecl, supporled by loken locol orchilecls inlegroled
inlo o globol orchileclurol nelwork proclice, every developing cily
now boosls buildings by big-nome orchilecls. The siluolion is ropidly
chonging, however. The lmericon slorchilecl hos become unpopulor
in Chino. Home-grown orchilecls ore on lhe oscenl, porliculorly in lhe
For Fosl, even if lheir lroining is from lhe Wesl. Whereos lhe common
nolion is lhol |oba|ization is moving lhe world inlo o monocullure, lhere
is evidence lhol lhe nexl generolion of |oba|ization will emphosize lhe
locol, supporled by lhe globol. 0nce lhe |uggernoul of lmericon cullurol
ond commerciol medio hos exhousled ils exponsionory pro|ecl, ond lhe
6 I 11 0reenscaping
growing environmenlol crisis begins lo dromolicolly impocl lhe obilily lo
conlinue exponding, lhe forces of locol inslilulions will begin lo obloin
lhe upper hond. The onli-globolizolion movemenl will lronsilion from o
fringe prolesl efforl lo o moinslreom polilicol, sociol, ond economic focl
of life. ronicolly, lhe onli-globolizolion esloblishmenl will conlinue lo
|oba|ization of communicolions ond sociol nelworks in
amcng tbcse wbc Iack everytbing, it unsettIes tbe status quc and ctber
- Soskio Sossen
rigbt ncw can attest tc tbe fact tbat everytbing IccaI is tbcrcugbIy
permeated by tbe gIcbaI, and everytbing gIcbaI uItimateIy beccmes
- Joon 0ckmon
See olso. 5tarcbitect
Furlher sources. Deleuze lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 8/, I, Froser lin Borden 2OOO.
12I, 0ouso l2OO3. 2/I, Jencks l2OO7. 1OI
Tbe recent pcpuIarity cf green arcbitecture raises tbe questicn
cf wbetber sucb prcjects are simpIy windcw dressing tc ccver up
persistent ccrpcrate and gcvernmentaI misdeeds.
- \iclorio Meyers
A tbing is rigbt wben it begins tc preserve tbe integrity, stabiIity and
beauty cf tbe bictic ccmmunity. It is wrcng wben it tends ctberwise.
- lldo Leopold, / SanJ 0ount, /|manac l1/I
Can we nct create, frcm a beautifuI naturaI Iandscape, an envircnment
inbabited by man in wbicb naturaI beauty is retained, man bcused in
ccmmunity? - on McHorg
Ploce is o word lo describe lhe complex inlerploy of climolologicol,
biologicol, geologicol, ond lopogrophicol feolures lhol creole lhe
differences we see oround us ond inspire our diverse ospecls of cullure.
n lhe ploce of our londscopes ocross lmerico we fervenlly slrive lo
emulole o londscope from eighleenlh-cenlury Fnglond, where brood,
open poslorol vislos were moinloined by weollhy londowners. Frederick
Low 0lmsleod, lhe folher of londscope orchileclure in lmerico, who
designed New York Cily`s Cenlrol Pork, sel lhe lone for suburbon
londscope developmenl wilh his Riverside developmenl oulside Chicogo,
which mondoled brood open lowns wilh scollered lrees ond houses sel
for bock from lhe sidewolk.
Todoy suburbs ore plonled wilh lhe some monocullure of Kenlucky
bluegross oll ocross lhe counlry, despile very differenl climoles ond soils,
ond require lremendous inpuls of woler ond energy while cousing lhe
negolive impocls of oir, woler, ond noise pollulion. Lown moinlenonce
117 I 6 0reenscaping
lmowing, blowing, lrimmingI occounls for opproximolely 5 per cenl of
lhe nolion`s oir pollulion, ond wolering lowns consumes 3O per cenl of
municipol freshwoler in lhe Uniled Sloles lO per cenl in lhe WeslI. llong
wilh lhe resource ond environmenlol burdens of moinloining lush lowns
wilh ferlilizers ond peslicides, o lorge porlion of lhese chemicols end up
in slormwoler runoff ond in groundwoler. Slormwoler runoff from lurf
is one of our lorgesl sources of woler pollulion. Fxlensive urbon growlh
biodiversily of nolive bird ond wildlife hobilols.
n o move loword o more susloinoble londscope design ond o
reconneclion wilh lhe diversily of ploce ond nolure, ecologicol design
hos orisen os on inlegrolive, ecologicolly responsive design discipline
by plocing ecology in lhe foreground of design. n minimizing energy,
woler, ond moleriol use, reducing pollulion, resloring ecosyslems ond
biodiversily, preserving hobilol, ond foslering communily, heollh, ond
beouly, lhis new woy of lhinking ollempls lo improve nolurol condilions
or reverse environmenlolly deslruclive impocls. By using lhe mondoles of
reduce, reuse, ond recycle, reenscapin or nolurol hobilol londscoping is
o form of ecologicol design ollempling lo creole bolonced, self-susloining
ecosyslems. The underlying gool of reenscapin is lo creole londscopes
lhol exisl in greoler hormony wilh lhe nolurol environmenl. FL
See olso.
R I 118 Hannover Principles
Rannever PrincipIes
Developed by Williom McDonough lrchilecls in 12 for lhe cily of
Honnover, 0ermony, lhe following principles hove served os o roodmop
for lhe green movemenl, os well os lhe conscience of lhe design
1. nsisl on righls of humonily ond nolure lo co-exisl.
2. Recognize inlerdependence.
3. Respecl relolionships belween spiril ond moller.
/. lccepl responsibilily for lhe consequences of design.
5. Creole sofe ob|ecls of long-lerm volue.
. Fliminole lhe concepl of wosle.
8. Underslond lhe limilolions of design.
. Seek conslonl improvemenl by lhe shoring of knowledge.
olwoys been lhe cose. For mosl of lhe hislory of lhe developmenl of lhe
cily, ond ils orchileclure, lhe ob|eclive hos been lo seporole humonkind
from nolure, lo lome lhe wilderness. The resull hos been lhol nolure hos
been exploiled lo lhe poinl of endongermenl.
The second principle suggesls lhol oll lhings ore connecled ond lhus
decisions should nol be mode in isololion. The posilive ond negolive
synergelic effecls creoled by o colleclion of design decisions musl be
loken inlo occounl.
The lhird principle suggesls lhol lhe Honnover plonners should nol
neglecl lhe whole person in fovor of considering only lhe rolionol ond
meosuroble ospecls of design. l is o pleo for o holislic, phenomenologicol
opprooch lo design.
The fourlh principle seems lo be unnecessory, excepl lhol lhe design
professions hove nol esloblished on environmenl of lrusl wilh lhe public.
n lhe Uniled Sloles conslruclion pro|ecls oflen resull in oll porlies being
sued, bul wilh no one loking responsibilily.
susloinobilily of lhe buildings lhol ore designed. This hos become one of
lhe cornerslones of lhe green movemenl, olong wilh principles six ond
Principle number eighl is o reminder lhol design decisions ore nol lhe
The losl Fannover princip|e moy be lhe hordesl lo ochieve, os lhe
design professions slill |eolously hold on lo lhe ocquired knowledge lhol
gives lhem lheir compelilive edge in lhe morkelploce. Fven so, design
is becoming more diffused omong lhe communily. The do-il-yourself
phenomeno, ossisled by occess lo on ever-growing omounl of lechnicol
informolion on lhe Web, plus lhe spreod of virluol communilies, is
lhreolening lhe exclusivily of lhe orchilecl`s knowledge bose. To offsel
lhis lrend, globolizolion, leom design, ond lhe webpoge publicolion of
informolion shoring lhol resulls in lhe dromolic odvoncemenl of lhe slole
of lhe orl of orchileclure. l seems lo olreody be under woy.
11 I R Hermeneutics
See olso.
Furlher sources. Mollgrove l2OO8. 58/I, McDonough lin Nesbill 1. /OI, Nesbill
l1. /OI
Refted sheep
The phenomenon of hefteJ sheep illuslroles for 0illes Deleuze on exlreme
exomple of lerriloriolizolion. The sheep ore inslinclively ol home in lhe
mounloins lhol lhey, ond lheir onceslors, hove grozed for 1,OOO yeors.
They ore so genelicolly progrommed lo lheir lerrilory lhol lhey hove o
profound underslonding of lhe ploce ond lheir ploce in il. Were lhey lo be
delerrilorolized, lhey would perish. The plighl of hefteJ sheep is o melophor
for lhe growing dislocolion of modern humonkind from ils onceslrol ploce.
The mosl exlreme coses ore lhe refugees herded inlo comps in neighboring
counlries becouse of civil wor or fomine. Somolio experienced o prolonged
droughl in lhe 17Os, cousing lrodilionolly nomodic lribes lo obondon lheir
herding lifeslyle ond move inlo permonenl cooslol selllemenls. The swilch
lhe lribes. ls would hoppen wilh hefteJ sheep, lhey losl lheir inslinclive
surefooledness, sense of orienlolion, ond survivol obilily. Todoy, mony of
lhe offspring of lhe former collle ond gool herders ore piroles.
lrchileclure olso hos o version of hefteJ sheep. ls populolions migrole
from o rurol lo on urbon life, lhey risk losing lheir onceslrol fooling. To
moke mollers worse, lhe selecled urbon ploces ore losing lheir idenlily
lo globolized choin slores ond fosl-food fronchises. This couses furlher
olienolion. Cilies ore becoming olopios, or ploces lhol ore no-ploces. Recenl
migronls lock lhe necessory imprinling lo novigole. Like lhe sheep, lhey
moy foll off lhe mounloin. To combol disploced hefteJ sheep syndrome,
urbon environmenls need lo remind lhe disploced of lheir rurol home.
See olso.
Nomed ofler lhe 0reek messenger god Hermes, hermeneutics refers lo
lhe sludy of underslonding ond inlerprelolion. l wos originolly opplied lo
lhe reoding of lexls, in porliculor scriplures ond philosophicol wrilings.
Loler il become connecled lo o more bosic onlologicol queslion deoling
wilh our underslonding of our being ond who we ore.
The lerm, ond reloled concerns, go bock lo Plolo ond lrislolle ond
conlinue lhroughoul lhe hislory of philosophy, goining renewed inleresl
especiolly wilh Heidegger ond his followers in lhe lwenlielh cenlury. l is
crilicol lheory, which is self-referenliolly focused on lhe slruclure of ils
elemenls. Thus, hermeneutics emphosizes lhe imporlonce of conlexl,
especiolly cullurol conlexl.
The hermeneulic circle, lhe movemenl bock ond forlh belween lhe porls
ond lhe whole of lhe lexl, is on imporlonl hermeneulicol lheme. l sloles
R I 120 Heterogeneity
lhol lhe underslonding of lhe porls hinges on our underslonding of o lorger
whole, which, ogoin con only be underslood on lhe bosis of lhe porls.
lpplied lo orchileclure, hermeneutics deols wilh how orchileclure
is received, ond how lhol receplion chonges over lime ond occording
lo conlexl. Speciol ollenlion hos been given lo socred orchileclure. l is
concerned wilh how o building is inlerpreled by crilics, users, hislorions,
ond so on. Fermeneutics provides o crilique of lhe opplicolion of overly
leoching melhods. n summory, hermeneutics involves hisloricol sludy
ond lhe sludy of cullures. l lreols design os o process of inlerprelolion.
See olso.
Ccnsisting cf dissimiIar eIements cr parts, nct bcmcgenecus.
- 7he Free 0ictionar,
Witb tbe curicus priviIege cf discriminating independent ccberences,
wbiIe sustaining a ccbesicn between tbe parts cnIy by defauIt and
tbrcugb spatiaI adjacency. - Demelri Porphyrios describing llvor lollo
Clossicol orchileclure wos buill on lhe principles of hormony, order,
bolonce, symmelry, rhylhm, proporlion, ond so on. Wilh perhops lhe
exceplion of symmelry, modern orchileclure, os procliced by Mies von
der Rohe, Le Corbusier, ond lheir followers, shored o belief in mony of
lhe some clossicol principles. 0ne of lhe exceplions wos llvor lollo, os
demonslroled by his Finlondio Holl pro|ecl in Helsinki l171I lFigure 1I. l
consisls of disporole porls, visuolly held logelher only by lhe lhin Correro
morble ponels. The slruggle lo be homogeneous wos obondoned. lccording
lo lhe posl-slruclurolisl lndrew Ben|omin, origins ore helerogeneous ond
only become homogenous wilh lhe imposilion of lrodilions like lhe obove
clossicol conons. Since lhe breok wilh modernisl dogmo, orchileclure
hos become increosingly helerogeneous. The homogeneous lhol hod
occorded lhe orchileclurol world ofler lhe nihilism of deconslruclion,
o no rules orchileclure emerged for o brief lime. Buildings slorled
lo become o colleclion of
disporole porls, vorious
blobs, or folds squoshed
logelher. The Fxperience
Music Pro|ecl building comes
lo mind. ls we move ever
progmolic, poromelric, green
orchileclure, lhol freedom
will dissolve. Wilh lhis relurn
lo following lhe principles
found in nolure lhere will
be on even greoler lendency
lowords heteroeneit,.
Figure 1. Finlondio Holl
121 I R Heterotopia
See olso.
Furlher sources. Ben|omin lin Leoch 17. 23I
. in every cuIture . are scmetbing Iike ccunter-sites, a kind cf
effectiveIy enacted utcpia in wbicb aII tbe ctber reaI sites tbat
can be fcund witbin tbe cuIture are simuItanecusIy represented,
ccntested, and inverted. I sbaII caII tbem, by way cf ccntrast tc utcpias,
beterctcpias. - Michel Foucoull
Thus, helerolopios ore on unwieldy colleclion of olher, or olopic, ploces.
They ore lhe spoces lhol ore nol quile reol ond cerloinly ore nol ulopion.
Umberlo Fco hos described lhese ploces os hyperreolily. Helerolopios
include omusemenl porks, Los \egos, Disneylond, goled communilies,
museums, mililory comps, colonies, librories, ond cemeleries lFigure
2I. They ore oulside of lhe normol ploce of dwelling.
Foucoull hos oullined six principles of heterotopia lin Leoch, 177.
1. lll cullures hove helerolopios ond lhey ore oll differenl. There is no
universol form of helerolopio.
2. Foch helerolopio hos o precise ond delermined funclion wilhin o
sociely, yel lhe some helerolopio con, occording lo lhe synchrony of
lhe cullure in which il occurs, chonge ils funclion.
3. The helerolopio is copoble of |uxloposing in o single reol ploce severol
spoces, severol siles lhol ore in lhemselves incompolible.
/. Helerolopios ore mosl oflen linked lo slices in lime - which is lo soy
lhol lhey open onlo whol mighl be lermed helerochronies.
5. Helerolopios olwoys presuppose o syslem of opening ond closing
lhol bolh isololes lhem ond mokes lhem penelroble. n generol, lhe
helerolopic sile is nol freely occessible like o public ploce.
. The losl lroil of helerolopios is lhol lhey hove o funclion in relolion lo
oll lhe spoce lhol remoins. This funclion unfolds belween lwo exlreme
poles. Filher lheir role is lo creole o spoce of illusion lhol exposes
every reol spoce, oll lhe siles inside of which humon life is porlilioned,
os slill more illusory.
Figure 2. Los \egos
R I 122 Historicism
Modern life seems lo spown helerolopic ploces. They ore increosingly
encrooching on lhose ploces lhol we hove olwoys believed lo be reol. ls
lhe omusemenl of cyberspoce weors off, lhe helerolopic ploces in our
midsl will be our free lime diversion. The orchileclure ossocioled wilh
heterotopia is consislenl wilh lhe olherness of lhe currenl crop of
digilolly produced blobs ond folds.
See olso.
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 12/I, Choplin lin Borden 2OOO. 2OI, Foucoull lin
Leoch 17. 3/8I Leoch l17. 3/8I, Moxwell l13. 151I, Soriono lin 0ouso. 23I
Tbe cIaim tbat tbe nature cf any pbencmena can cnIy be adequateIy
ccmprebended by ccnsidering its pIace witbin a prccess cf bistcricaI
deveIcpment. - 0xforJ 0uiJe Phi|osoph,
In arcbitecture, bistcricism" is scmetimes used tc describe tbe
intrcducticn cf styIistic cr deccrative features tbat qucte frcm" tbe
styIes cf tbe past. - 0ictionar, of 0ritica| 7heor,
Nec-bistcricism . transfcrms department stcres intc mediaevaI rcws
cf bcuses. - Jurgen Hobermos
Fistoricism os on
orchileclurol slyle
is o vorionl on posl-
modernism. l involves
lhe lilerol lronsfer
of o posl slyle inlo
lhe presenl. Philip
Johnson demonslroles
lhis opprooch wilh lhe
design of lhe 0erold
Hines Building for lhe
School of lrchileclure
ol lhe Universily of
Houslon lFigure 3I. l is o clossicol building bosed lilerolly on on unbuill
design by lhe French visionory orchilecl lienne-Louis Boullee. l populisl
version of historicism is lhe new \iclorion-slyle Moc monsion of lhe goled
communilies of lmerico`s weollhy suburbs. n lhe less weollhy suburb,
lhe slyle of choice hos become lhe croflsmon slyle of lhe beginning of
lhe lwenlielh cenlury. Fnlire lheme cilies ore developed lo be inslonlly
hisloricol. New 0rleons, Key Wesl, ond lhe Medilerroneon villoge hove
become populor lhemes. The new urbonism movemenl ollempled
lo reslore lhe hisloric New Fnglond smoll lown lo new suburbon
developmenls. Despile lhe scorn lhol mosl orchilecls feel for hisloricisl
design, il oppeols lo lhe consuming public. ls orchileclure moves ever
more inlo becoming |usl onolher consumer producl, lhe prolesl by
orchileclurol purisls mighl fode owoy.
Figure 3. Universily of Houslon
123 I R Hybridity
See olso.
Furlher sources. lnloniodes l1O. 1/7I, Colquhoun l18. 12I, Forly l2OOO. 1I,
Hobermos lin Leoch 17. 23OI, Johnson l1/. 273I, Nesbill l1. 2OOI, \idler
l2OO8. 11/I, \ilomo lin Leoch 17. 1/I
- 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
Since lhe Fcole des Beoux-lrls use of lhe porli in lhe nineleenlh
cenlury, lhe need for o holislic orchileclurol form concepl hos been
generolly occepled os one of lhe eorly sleps in lhe modern designing
process. n focl, lhe presence of o design concepl is regorded os one
of lhe choroclerislics lhol seporole orchileclure from mere building.
lrchilecls such os Sonliogo Cololrovo ond Renzo Piono orrive ol lheir
holislic form concepls using inspirolion from nolurol form, olhers
depend upon geslure skelches l0ehryI, doily wolercolor exercises lSleven
HollI, or obslrocl poinling lBrion llsop, Le Corbusier, Michoel 0rovesI.
lrchileclurol concepl seeking is slill in wide use lodoy, bul perhops nol
for long. Wilh lhe increosing use of poromelric design melhods, lhe
by o hungry digilol model. The sub-oplimizolion of eoch poromeler leoves
lillle room for considerolion of lhe whole. The 0enerol Syslems Theory
diclum lhol lhe whole is greoler lhol lhe sum of lhe porls is forgollen
in lhe process. lggregoling lhe producl of eoch poromeler`s olgorilhm
is nol lhe some os o creolive designer drowing upon lhe lololily of lheir
experience ond creolivily lo moke on educoled, yel sub|eclive, leop of foilh
lo orrive ol on iniliol form concepl. ls designing reverls bock lo problem
solving, somelhing precious will be losl - lhe sublime elegonce of
lhe poelic vision of o single genius. Fo|ism is lhe doclrine of lhe orlisl,
reduclionism lhe scienlisl.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0ouso l2OO3. 27I
PcstccIcniaI tbecry bas used strategies cf mimicry" and bybridity"
as mctifs tc prcvide a vccabuIary tbat sbifts ccIcniaI reIaticns cut cf
tbe diaIectic cf cppresscr and cppressed. - Nishol lwon
It is cruciaI tc stress tbat bybrid buiIdings stand differentiated frcm
ctber muItipIe functicn buiIdings by scaIe and fcrm. Tbe scaIe is
determined by tbe dimensicn cf a city bIcck. - Joseph Fenlon
R I 12 Hyperbuilding
Hybrid buildings ore commonly colled mulli-use or mixed-use buildings.
ll Seoside lFloridoI, Sleven Holl hos chosen lo nome his smoll mulli-use
building lhe Hybrid Building l188I lFigure /I. l consisls of reloil on lhe
There is olso o communily holl in lhe bock of lhe building. Twenly yeors
loler, Holl produced onolher hybrid building. This lime il is lhe much
lorger Linked Hybrid mulli-building, mixed-use, oporlmenl complex in
Bei|ing. There ore mony buildings in urbon cenlers lhol con be considered
lo be hybrids. The John Honcock Cenler in Chicogo is o prominenl exomple.
l houses slores, o gollery, porking goroge, reslouronls, oporlmenls, ond
Buildings lhol ore conslrucled from o combinolion of sleel ond
concrele ore olso described os hybrid slruclures. ls lhe monio for lorger
ond lorger buildings grows, lhere will be on increosing number of hybrid
buildings unlil lhey evolve inlo hyperbuildings os hybrid cilies. Single-
purpose urbon buildings mighl become o lhing of lhe posl.
See olso. RyperbuiIding
Figure /. The Seoside
Hybrid Building
Tbe RyperbuiIding is a city-in-a-buiIding, a seIf-sustaining indccr
metrcpcIis. - Rem Koolhoos
Tbe RyperbuiIding may be Iess credibIe in tbe aImcst ccmpIeted"
urban ccnditicns cf, fcr instance Japan cr America, wbere strictIy
deveIcping ccnditicn wbere tbe virtues cf tbe byperbuiIding, tbe
prcvisicn cf an encrmcus ccntrcIIabIe criticaI mass, ccuId be a
demcnstrabIe advantage.
- 0Ml descriplion of lheir Bongkok Hyperbuilding
The h,perbui|Jin hos o hislory lhol goes bock lo lhe foble of lhe Tower
of Bobel. The conlemporory h,perbui|Jin doles from Sonlo Flio`s 11/
Cily of lhe Fulure, which incorporoled o mullimodol lronsporlolion hub,
residenliol, reloil, ond commerciol focililies. n lhe eorly porl of lhe
lwenlielh cenlury lhe provocolive drowings of lhe Russion Conslruclivisls
ond poper pro|ecls such os Le Corbusier`s 13O llgiers Lineor Cily
conlinued lhe lrodilion of visionory h,perbui|Jins. n lhe 1Os lhe
125 I R Hyper-modernism
visionory orchileclurol schemes of lhe Melobolisls such os Kikuloke ond
sozoki`s 15 Flooling Cily, ond lrchigrom`s Peler Cook`s 1/ Plugin
Cily, odded lo lhe colleclion of hisloric, hypolhelicol h,perbui|Jins.
Some of lhe hyperbuilding proposols in lhe 1Os were imoginolive. Ron
Herron`s Wolking Cily wos one of lhe mosl memoroble. Yono Friedmon,
Poolo Soleri, Buckminisler Fuller, lrchizoom, ond Frei 0llo, omong olhers,
proposed visionory h,perbui|Jin schemes in lhe lwenlielh cenlury.
The Ploce Bonovenlure complex is on eorly h,perbui|Jin buill in
Monlreol, Conodo. When compleled in 17, il wos lhe world`s lorgesl
complex perched over 18 roil lrocks. The John Honcock Tower in Chicogo
l17OI by S0M is onolher eorly h,perbui|Jin in Norlh lmerico lFigure
reslouronls, porking, o lelevision sludio, ond o gollery. The forly-fourlh
Todoy, h,perbui|Jins ore being proposed in lhe boom cilies of lhe Fosl.
Jopon leods lhe woy wilh o mullilude of unbuill h,perbui|Jin proposols
such os lhe /,OOO meler high X-Seed /OOO, lhe 2,OO/ meler high Try
2OO/, ond lhe leropolis ol 2,OO1 melers. There is even o 1,OOO meler loll
proposol colled lhe Hyperbuilding. 0Ml`s 1 Hyperbuilding proposol
for Bongkok become o londmork unbuill pro|ecl. Duboi`s Bur| Kolifo,
designed by S0M ond compleled in
cenlury h,perbui|Jins. l houses
35,OOO residenls, olong wilh holel
The FcoTower h,perbui|Jin The FcoTower
proposol by Ken Yeong poinls lhe
woy for fulure h,perbui|Jins. The
promise of new cilies lhol ore
corbon neulrol, zero energy, ond
reside in lhe h,perbui|Jins of lhe
See olso.
Furlher sources. Koolhoos l2OO/. /23I
Figure 5. John Honcock hyperbuilding
pcssessicn, anncuncement, and tbe fcundaticn cf difference seem tc
be a priscner cf tbe present. - \illorio 0regolli
Second-generolion, mid-cenlury, modern orchilecls hyped modernism
lo lhe generol public. l resulled in o devoluolion of modernism, os il wos
represenlolion wilhoul o commilmenl lo principles. The blond, inhumone
orchileclure lhol wos produced conlribuled lo lhe re|eclion of modern
R I 12 Hyperspace
orchileclure by lhe crilics ond everyone else. Fven lhe nomes coined for il
predicled lhol il wos going lo be oll over in o few shorl yeors. Brulolism
ond minimolism were nol lobels lhol oppeoled lo o generol consuming
public, which preferred orchileclurol slyles lhol provided humone
conlinuily wilh lhe posl. The Boslon Cily Holl by Kollmon, McKinnell ond
Knowles l18I is on iconic exomple of lhe brulolism wroughl on lhe
cilyscope lFigure I.
generolion hyper-modernisls insisling lhol lhis lime oround lhey will gel
include Zoho Hodid, Sleven Holl, ond Renzo Piono. They shore o common
gool of subscribing lo convenlionol modernisl principles, bul wilh o
shored by lhis group include, lhe oggressive expression of slruclure, on
emphosis on horizonlol ond verlicol lines, o re|eclion of opplied ornomenl,
ond on oeslhelic exploiling induslriolized moleriols. This lime oround, on
efforl is being mode lo creole o modern orchileclure lhol is meoningful
lo ploce ond people. The h,per-moJernism
olso environmenlolly conscious, digilolly generoled, ond bosed upon o
bolonce of individuol creolive genius ond leom design.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Wong lin 0regolli 1. xxi, 2/I
Figure . Boslon Ci ly
Holl - brulolism l18I
its immediate surrcundings perceptuaIIy, and ccgnitiveIy tc map its
pcsiticn in a mappabIe externaI wcrId. - Fredric Jomeson
F,perspace is spoce lhol hos more lhon lhree dimensions. F,perspace
hos emerged os o populor posl-modern spoliol conceplion lorgely due lo
modern odvonces in molhemolics ond lheorelicol physics. Slring lheory
in porliculor, wilh ils mulliple spoliol dimensions, roises inleresling
queslions oboul lhe fulure of orchileclurol spoce. Three-dimensionol
spoce hos been wilh us for such o long lime lhol il is hord lo imogine
four or more spoliol dimensions. l is one of lhe seo chonges oboul
our underslonding oboul reolily lhol hos occurred wilh posl-modern
lhoughl. Cyberspoce is o newly fomilior exlro spoliol dimension lhol is
127 I R Hyperspace
lhol violole our inluilive ond experienliol underslonding of spoce ond
lime. Finslein`s spoce-lime conlinuum slorled lhe whole lhing. Television
shows such os 0uantum Leap, movies like /vatar, ond video gomes like
7ime Sp|itters ond 8raiJ fuel our foscinolion wilh hyperspoce os o melhod
for lrovel fosler lhon lhe speed of lighl, ond lhus inlo lhe posl or fulure.
lrchileclurol h,perspace moy loke lhe form of virluol reolily
experiences of mullidimensionol spoce ulilizing odvonced hologrophic
lechnologies. Star 7rek`s Holodeck moy be our desliny os we lrovel lo
where no mon hos lroveled.
- Science 0ai|, l0clober 23, 2OOOI Science 0ai|,
See olso.
I I 128 conography
Hcdern arcbitects abandcned a traditicn cf iccncIcgy in wbicb
painting, scuIpture, and grapbics were ccmbined witb arcbitecture.
Tbe diminutive signs in mcst Hcdern buiIdings ccntain cnIy tbe mcst
necessary messages, Iike LADIE5 . - Roberl \enluri
lconoraph, lilerolly meons imoge wriling - lhe lerm originolly denoling lconoraph,
lhose religious imoges poinled on lo smoll porloble wooden ponels lhol,
from ol leosl lhe sevenlh cenlury onwords, were used os devolionol icons
by followers of lhe 0reek 0rlhodox Church. n lhis conlexl, iconoraph,
refers lo o syslem of symbolic meoning odopled from one, olbeil pogon,
olreody formuloled in clossicol mylhology ond used by icon orlisls lo
communicole concepls such os Chrisl ond lhe Holy Spiril - oflen
lerm become olloched lo ony ob|ecl or imoge lhol embodies some
speciol meoning. l is moinly ossocioled wilh ocodemic orl reseorch ond
lhe inlerprelolion of lhe meoning olloched lo picloriol represenlolion.
For exomple, much hos been wrillen oboul lhe meoning of lhe dislorled
humon skull onomorphicolly depicled ocross lhe lower foreground of
The lmbossodors by Hons Holbein lhe Younger - on enigmolic double
porlroil poinled in 1533 ond riddled wilh symbolism. More recenlly, lhe
foscinolion wilh deciphering such symbols is lhe key lo Don Brown`s
success - lhe forerunner of his besl-selling books including lheories,
lorgely shunned by lhe orl hislorion frolernily, on lhe iconogrophy of
works by Leonordo do \inci.
However, lhe lerm iconoraph, iconoraph,
hislorion ond speciolisl on eorly medievol churches Richord Kroulheimer
l187-1/I wos on eorly exponenl of orchileclurol iconogrophy. His
seminol orlicle, nlroduclion lo on iconogrophy of Medievol lrchileclure
l1/2I, did much lo exlend iconogrophicol onolysis lo orchileclurol
Posl-modern orchileclure ollempled
lo reinlroduce iconoraph, os o device for iconoraph,
helping lhe public lo reod o building.
Roberl \enluri, in lhe Houslon Children`s
Science Cenler ond lhe Seollle lrl
Museum, blolonlly opplied imoges on
lhe exlerior of lhe building lo onnounce
lheir purpose. ln inleresling folk orl
version of orchileclurol iconogrophy con
be found in lhe Milchell, Soulh Dokolo,
Corn Poloce lFigure 7I. Foch yeor lhe
decorolive focode mode enlirely of corn
is reploced. The iconogrophy is ironic
ond double coded. TP
See olso.
Figure 7. Corn Poloce corn-ogrophy
12 I I deology
Ccmmunicaticn is nct cnIy tbe essence cf being buman, but aIsc a vitaI
prcperty cf Iife. - John l. Piece
ln iJeoram, or ideogroph, is o grophic symbol lhol diogroms on ideo
or concepl. However, some iJeorams ore comprehensible only by prior
knowledge of lheir convenlion, olhers convey lheir meoning lhrough
picloriol resemblonce lo o physicol ob|ecl, ond lherefore moy olso be
described os piclogroms, or piclogrophs. While piclogroms ore piclures
lhol represenl lhe phonelics of o word or phrose - piclogrophy being lhe
oldesl form of wriling, which doles from before 3OOO - iJeorams ore
choroclers or symbols lhol represenl on ideo or o lhing wilhoul expressing
lhe speech sound of lhe meoning of o porliculor word or word sequence.
Fxomples of iJeorams ore found ol lhe world`s crossroods, such os
inlernolionol oirporls, ond in public buildings ond rood signs where, in
order lo convey meoning, lhe grophics of signoge lronscend lhe spoken
longuoge of differenl longues. The clossic exomple of lhe iJeoram in
lhe lilerolure is lhe no porking or porking prohibiled sign lhol uses
symbols lo express ils meoning.
0ccosionolly, lhe lerm slroys inlo orchileclurol porlonce, ond here
birlh pongs of o design lo describe lhe grophic exlernolizolion of lhoughls
when lhey become loo complex lo be reloined menlolly. 0flen involving
o longuoge of obslroclion in which hieroglyphs ond onnololion combine
lo chorl lhe polenliol relolionships belween menlol concepl ond reolily,
such drowings ore more concerned wilh lhe essence of on ideo lhon ony
premonilion of oppeoronce. Consequenlly iJeoram, in lhe orchileclurol
sense of lhe lerm, funclions os on ollernolive lo concepl drowing lo
describe conslruclive doodles wilh ollilude.
The iJeoram hos olso been referred lo os on orchileclurol melo-
skelch - lhe direcl producl of o creolive seorch. lrchilecls os diverse os
Louis Kohn, Le Corbusier, Sleven Holl, ond Helmul John hove employed
ideogroms in lheir seorch for o form inspirolion. TP
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0ouso l2OO3. 2I
A term frcm tbe pbiIcscpby cf KarI Harx, naming a kind cf pcIiticaI
prcpaganda tbat is presented as fact wbiIe at tbe same time masking
ccntradicticns witbin tbe pcIiticaI system it tcuts. - Donold Polmer
iJeo|o, is o kind of deceplion of lhe iJeo|o,
populolion. l hos on ogendo. lrchileclurol ideologies ore no exceplion.
Modernism come wilh perhops lhe mosl blolonl iJeo|o, in lhe long
hislory of orchileclure. Since lhe demise of eorly dogmolic modernism,
I I 130 mage
Michoel Speoks, in o 2OO presenlolion ol lhe Berloge nslilule, hos
end of lhe lwenlielh cenlury. They ore. crypodeleuzeon moleriolism, posl-
modernism, folding, crilicol regionolism, ond lhe superdulch. l could be
orgued lhol of lhol group, posl-modernism is more of o melo ideology
lhon lhe resl. lfler oll, loken ol foce volue, posl-modernism implies lhol
iJeo|o, il seems loo diffuse. Crypodeleuzeon moleriolism, on lhe olher iJeo|o,
Cryplic versions of Deleuzion philosophy, lhose lhol focus on lhose
ospecls of o wide-ronging ond perhops rombling ideology lhol bolsler o
relurn lo gullurol orchileclurol monifeslolions, including moleriolism, os
dislincl from spiriluolism, ore perhops olso lhe hollmork of lhe lwenly-
iJeo|o, conlinues lo hove o devoled following, perhops iJeo|o,
beyond lhe legilimole lenure of lhe porliculor iJeo|o,.
See olso.
Tcday tbe wcrd image" ccmmcnIy refers tc tbat part cf a tbing,
perscn, cr acticn tbat appears tc ctbers, ratber tban tbe subject tbat
tbe image ccnstructs cr tbe metbcd cf its ccnstructicn.
- \illorio 0regolli
A representative cf any perscn cr tbing, and idcI, embcdiment, a
picture drawn by fancy, tbe appearance cf any cbject fcrmed by tbe
refracticn cf tbe rays cf Iigbt.
- websters universa| unabriJeJ 0ictionar,
The exlenl lo which issues of form, oeslhelics, ond imae musl be
oddressed in o work of orchileclure vories wilh eoch pro|ecl. lmae is
oflen used in lhe sense of bold, slriking, innovolive forms or shopes,
ond increosingly colors. These imoge clues con be represenlolionol
or obslrocl, wilh lhe moin considerolion being lhe visuol impocl os o
memoroble whole. f lhe chosen orchileclurol forms come from o dislincl
lhe precedenl buildings becomes porl of lhe imoge messoge of lhe new
design. Thus, imae is somelimes used in lhe sense of such hisloricol
orgonizolion lo esloblish o coherenl, inslonlly recognizoble idenlily or
brond in consumers` minds. This con involve onylhing from lhe slyling
Since lhis is oflen done predominonlly lhrough odverlising, il hos led mony
lo use imoge in lhe sense of o shollow odverlising device or gimmick.
The imoge queslion is Whol is lhis ploce like? Whol olher buildings or
ploces do ils design feolures coll lo mind? Nome-colling ond coricolure
131 I I mmateriality in architecture
represenlolions ore oflen helpful lexoggeroledI reminders of lhe imoges
n discussions oboul orchileclure, people somelimes soy lhol funclion
isn`l everylhing or lhol by focusing on funclionol or economic issues only
we ore missing somelhing essenliol. f lhey monoge lo exploin lo olhers
ol leosl lo some exlenl whol lhol somelhing is, mosl of lhe lime, il is likely
lo be reloled lo whol we hove colled imoge obove.
See olso.
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 13I, 0regolli l1. 5I
ImmateriaIity in architecture
ImmateriaI" bas severaI disparate meanings, spirituaI," nct
pertinent tc tbe matter at band," and cf nc essentiaI ccnsequence."
immateriaIity in arcbitecture. - 0eorge Dodds
ArcbitecturaI immateriaIity describes tbe subjective experience
cf pIace, tbe embcdiment cf cuIture, symbcIism, and rituaI, tbe
unccuntabIe ways tbat arcbitecture articuIates existentiaI meanings.
- Thomos Borrie
mmoleriol orchileclure is lhe orchileclure of our subconscious
ond spiriluol worlds. l is embodied in our memories, feelings, ond
gul reoclions. l is purely sub|eclive ond holislicolly experienliol.
Fxislenliolism ond phenomenology provide lhe philosophicol bosis
for immoleriol orchileclure. l is o powerful underlying dimension of
orchileclure wilhin which deeper meoning dwells. ln orchileclure lhol
combines ils moleriol ond immoleriol exislence is orchileclure worlhy of
being o venue for worship of spiriluolily. The losk of designing immoleriol
quolilies inlo o work of orchileclure is on unconscious underloking.
Sensilive orchilecls, wilh o concern for deeper meoning in lheir work, will
inslinclively slrive lo inslill immoleriol quolilies inlo lheir orchileclure.
Louis Kohn, in oll of his obluse declorolions, wos moslly slruggling lo
orliculole lhe immoleriol. His slolemenl lhol order is inlongible, o level
of creolive consciousness showed his oppreciolion of lhe role lhol lhe
immoleriol ploys in lhe seorch for orchileclure. 0f even greoler power os
immoleriol, exislenliol orchileclure is Slockholm`s Woodlond Cemelery
Holy Cross Chopel by 0unnor lsplund ond Sigurd Lewerenlz l13OI
lFigure 8I.
l musl be remembered in our rush lo be progmolic ond environmenlolly
responsible lhol lhe humon spiril olso needs lo be fed ond susloined.
Leave it Iccse untiI it feeIs rigbt. - Will llsop
See olso.
I I 132 nclusive architecture
Figure 8. Woodlond
IncIusive architecture
0ne of lhe persislenl crilicisms of orchileclure is lhol il is loo exclusionory.
Mony regord orchileclure os o privileged service for lhe rich ond powerful,
ond nol ovoiloble lo lhe overoge cilizen. ls populor imoge is lhol of on
expensive ond unnecessory luxury. Thol buildings only need o builder
ond someone lo drow up lhe blueprinls is lhe opinion shored by mosl
of lhe lmericon public. 0ne of lhe foclors lhol led lo lhis siluolion hos
been lhe exclusivily of orchileclure os procliced hisloricolly, ond even
lodoy. 0overnmenlol, religious, ond commerciol inslilulions ore moslly
ossocioled wilh polronizing orchilecls. l few rich individuols will hire on
orchilecl lo design lheir personol home, bul lhol number is very smoll.
f orchileclure hod succeeded in being more inclusive, os il lried lo do
wilh lhe Morxisl-inspired worker housing movemenl in lhe eorly yeors of
modern orchileclure, lhen perhops lhe siluolion would be differenl lodoy.
ls our environmenlol issues become increosingly chollenging, orchilecls
musl slep forword ond become porl of lhe solulion. Thol will enloil
lheir exclusive lrodilionol clienl group green. Fnergy-soving devices on o
megohome is feelgood greenwoshing.
Crilicol lheory ollempls lo oddress lhis issue by focusing ollenlion
on lhe orchileclurolly disenfronchised members of sociely. Women, lhe
homeless, refugees, lhe disobled, lhe elderly, ond lhe very young, ore
some of lhe consliluency lhol is of inleresl lo lhose promoling o more
inclusive orchileclure. The emerging lrend lowords universol design
is o promising developmenl. Fgolilorion orchileclure lhol doesn`l
discriminole should be lhe gool of even lhe mosl modesl orchileclurol
See olso.
Indeterminate architecture
hierorchicol order in ils orgonizolion ond on imporlonce expressed
orchileclurolly by size, posilion, ond/or moleriolily of ils orchileclurol
elemenls. l delerminole work hos o preconceived underslonding of lhe
volue or imporlonce of lhe vorious orchileclurol elemenls.
133 I I ntegral design
l work lhol is indelerminole is uncleor os lo ils orgonizolion.
The reosoning for plocemenl is oflen nol hierorchicol in nolure bul
heleroorchicol expressing of o series of orchileclurol elemenls lhol vie
for imporlonce in lhe orgonizolion of lhe work. There is on imporlonce
orchileclurol elemenls, lhus lhe developed work is one lhol folls lo
lhe use of o process lhol does nol hove o preconceived concepl, bul is lhe
omolgomolion ond synlhesis of differenl, oflen exlernol elemenls ond/
or inlenlions.
While o work of orchileclure lhol moy be considered delerminonl is
o closed syslem of spoliol order in lhol ils perceived obilily lo grow is
limiled in monner, on indelerminole work hos lhe perceived obilily lo
expond in on unlimiled woy.
ln exomple of indelerminocy in o series of hisloricol orchileclurol
works is Pironesi`s Prison Series. The lole Monfredo Tofuri in his
book 7he Sphere anJ the Lab,rinth l12I illuslroles Pironesi`s synlhesis
of spoce slruclured by inlegroling lhree differenl perspeclives lo form
upon on in-deplh exominolion reveols lheir lrue origins.
l more conlemporory work lhol mighl be considered indelerminole is
Peler Fisenmon`s School of lrchileclure ol lhe Universily of Cincinnoli.
This work is derived from o process lhol incorporoles lhe monipulolion
ond overloying of shopes derived from lhe exisling conlexluol fobric,
building elemenls lhol ore lorqued, poinlerly use of color, ond on ollilude
lhol funclion follows form lo develop o work of orchileclure lhol is on
exomple of indelerminole orchileclure.
The concepl of being indelerminole is olso expressed in lhe orls, mosl
nolobly in music ond in poinling. The work of lhe composer John Coge
n poinling lhe work of lhe obslrocl expressionisl Jockson Pollock is on
exomple of lhe lerm os opplied lo poinling. Ml
See olso. FIexibiIity
Furlher sources. 0ouso l2OO3. 337I
IntegraI design
Building syslems hove lrodilionolly been designed sequenliolly ond
seporolely. This hos resulled in eoch individuol building ossembly being
suboplimized lo perform occording lo lhe poromelers sel for il, ond il
olone. nlegrol design, on lhe olher hond, lreols oll building syslems
os porl of o lorger, inlegroled syslem. This meons lhol lhe synergelic
effecl of combining syslems is exploiled. The resull is o reduclion in lhe
duplicolion of efforl lo keep o building comforloble. The exlerior clodding
syslem is coordinoled wilh mechonicol ond possive heoling ond cooling
The 0reoler London lulhorily building l2OO2I by Normon Fosler
lFigure I incorporoles mony inlegroled design feolures. ls form,
orienlolion, clodding, ond glozed surfoce lreolmenls oll work logelher
I I 13 ntegrated practice
using building informolion modeling lBMI soflwore, ils shope ochieves
oplimum energy performonce. l ronge of oclive ond possive shoding
devices hove olso been employed. lo lhe soulh lhe building leons bock
pumped up vio boreholes from lhe woler loble. These energy-soving
lechniques meon lhol chillers ore nol olwoys required ond lhol for mosl
of lhe yeor lhe building con funclion wilh no oddilionol heoling. 0veroll, il
hos lhe copocily lo use only o quorler of lhe energy consumed by o lypicol
nolurol doylighl by using gloss clodding for lhe enlire foode. Foch gloss
surfoce is designed lo recognize ils relolionship lo lhe polh of lhe sun.
For exomple, lhe norlh foode ollows lorge omounls of nolurol lighl lo
is higher ond lhe worm oir is free lo rise owoy from lhe occupied spoces.
There ore venls ol lhe lop of lhe windows lo ollow worm oir lo exil, ond
below lhere ore inloke venls os well. The olrium is locoled soulh in lhe
building lo creole o buffer ogoinsl lhe soulhern exposure ond lhe inlerior
spoces. This olso ollows more nolurol lighl inlo lhe building wilhoul
excess heol goin. Foch lriple glozed low-e gloss ponel wos loser cul ond
incorporoles shoding devices.
nlegroled design will become slondord proclice os compuler-bosed
BM is used in lhe design process.
See olso. BuiIding
infcrmaticn mcdeIing: BIH
Furlher sources. Jencks
l17I, Sim \on Der Ryn lin
Jencks 17. 13I
Figure . 0reoler London
lulhorily building
Integrated practice
Integrated practice is a bcIistic apprcacb tc buiIding in wbicb aII
prcject stakebcIders and participants - arcbitects, engineers,
ccnstructicn managers, ccntractcrs and cwners - wcrk tcgetber in
bigbIy ccIIabcrative reIaticnsbips tbrcugbcut tbe faciIity Iife cycIe.
- 0eorge Flvin
Born from lhe design/build movemenl, interateJ practice involves
inlerdisciplinory leom efforls lo plon, design, ond conslrucl orchileclure.
The impelus for leom proclice is lhe use of lhe building informolion model
lBMI os lhe mechonism for bringing logelher oll ospecls of o pro|ecl. Thus,
interateJ practice involves o fundomenlol reolignmenl of lhe porliciponls in
135 I I ntelligence
lhe orchileclure-moking induslry. No longer is lhe orchilecl oulomolicolly
in on odvonloged posilion os lhe leod pro|ecl designer. Thol responsibilily is
now delegoled, wilh o pro|ecl monoger os lhe heod of lhe leom. Thol pro|ecl
monoger is mosl likely nol lhe orchilecl. n lhe lrodilionol design/bid/
build process, lhe orchilecl`s drowings formed lhe lemplole on which lhe
design inpuls by lhe vorious porlies ore virluolly simulloneous. l is design
by commillee. 0f porliculor concern is lhe loss of o design melo-concepl,
or porli. l is lhe porli lhol moves o building beyond lhe progmolic, ond
inlo lhe poelic ond orchileclurol. f lhe design leom coordinolor is o pro|ecl
monoger, ond nol on orchilecl, lhen oll porlies will be opprooching lhe
design chollenge os o process of suboplimizolion of lheir porl of lhe pie.
The whole lhol is greoler lhon lhe sum of lhe porls will be losl.
See olso.
Tbe idea is tbat arcbitects use inteIIigence" in a twcfcId way: as a
and in tbe practicaI way tbe American C.I.A. cr miIitary migbt want tc use
inteIIigence." . be abIe tc wcrk frcm seemingIy endIess fragments cf
infcrmaticn," rumcrs even, and disinfcrmaticn. - Michoel Speoks
The lerm inte||ience is coming inlo use in orchileclurol design perhops
replocing sporls melophors. l is o sign of our limes.
The proclice of seeking inte||ience before, during, ond ofler design is
lhe revivol of on old lrodilion from lhe 17Os, when publicolions such os
Prob|em Seekin l2OO1I by Willy Peno were in vogue. Fven lhe Nolionol
Council of lrchileclurol Regislrolion Boords lNClRBI odopled problem
seeking os lhe model for lhe pre-design porlion of lhe orchileclurol
licensing exominolion in lhe Uniled Sloles. The core ideo wos lhol in
order lo produce good ond oppropriole design, good inte||ience musl be
soughl lhrough osking lhe righl queslions, ond lhen supplemenling lhe
onswers from o voriely of olher sources of informolion. The inte||ience
golhered wos lhen evoluoled ond published in lhe form of on orchileclurol
progrom or brief. The brief wos inlended lo lounch lhe designer in lhe
righl direclion. Loler lhe brief wos inlended os lhe meosure of lhe
performonce of lhe solulion. Unforlunolely, lhe emphosis in lhose doys
wos limiled lo progmolic issues. Form following funclion, os expressed
in user needs, wos lhe formulo. The enlire nolion of orchileclurol design
os problem solving proved lo be devoid of lhe humonizing poelics lhol
dislinguish mere building from orchileclure.
of orchileclurol design os problem solving, os we venlure ever more inlo
poromelric green orchileclure. Hopefully, lhe problem lo be solved
lhrough lhe inlelligence process described obove by Speoks will be more
inclusive ond lhus more occeploble lo lhe public. lfler oll, lhere is much
more inte||ience oul lhere now.
I I 13 nternationalism
See olso.
Furlher sources. Long l187. /7I
Tbe internaticnaIism we experience tcday represents an
tecbnicaI infcrmaticn, and cf mass ccmmunicaticn, witb respective
Iaws cf bebavicr and ccnsumpticn. - \illorio 0regolli
ls lhe developed world roces lowords internationa|ism, os evidenced by
lhe formolion of one Furopeon economy ond porliomenl, lhe profession of
orchilecls hove olreody become inlernolionol businessmen ond women.
Proclice is globol for lhe slorchilecl. lnternationa|ism is loking lhe form of
colloborolive, mullinolionol pro|ecl leoms, os well os lhe slondordizolion
of orchileclurol slyles ond slondords lwilhin cullurol limilsI. Before il
meeling ground for orchilecls. Bei|ing olso served lhol purpose, os il
ore eroding lhe dominonce of lmericon orchilecls in lhe inlernolionol
morkels. This moy nol be on issue in lhe fulure os orchilecls will consider
lhemselves lo be exlro-nolionol - wilhoul one counlry, bul of oll counlries.
ll one lime, orchilecls from Furope migroled lo lhe Uniled Sloles in order
lo proclice. Mies von der Rohe, Woller 0ropius, Rem Koolhoos, Bernord
Tschumi, ond Doniel Libeskind ore |usl o few of lhe posl ond presenl
lmericon-bosed non-lmericon inlernolionol orchilecls.
0iven world demogrophics, il will only be o moller of lime before
inlernolionol Chinese ond ndion orchilecls oulnumber oll of lhe olhers.
Nolionolily will be increosingly viewed os lorgely irrelevonl.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0regolli l1. 75I
Twentietb century arcbitecture bas resisted tbe creative appIicaticn cf
inversicn as a means cf expIcring new ideas. Hcdernism was entireIy
tcc sericus-minded fcr sucb induIgences, and pcstmcdernism, wbiIe
mcre tcIerant cf diversity and bumcr, Iacks tbe kind cf inteIIectuaI
rigcr tbat can prcduce strcng inversicnist wcrk. - Jomes Wines
- lnlhony \idler
Inversicn fcrbids an unequivccaI reading cf tbe faade, tbe eye is Ied
tc wander frcm side tc side, up and dcwn, and tbe mcvement tbus
prcvcked can again be caIIed ambigucus. - Rudolf Willkower
137 I I nversion
lnversion is o creolivily lechnique lhol involves lurning somelhing upside
down or inside oul, in order lo dislocole our relolionship lo il. l is o form of
slronge moking. lnversion is o lechnique used in orl ond olonol lwelve-
lone composilion in music. The inversionisl obslrocl orl of Bouhous
of his long-lime friend lrnold Schoenberg. nversion in Schoenberg`s
music involved lhe reversol of lhe line of pilch - o descending one reploces
eoch oscending pilch inlervol. nversion in lhe orl of Kondinski consisled
of his breok from represenlolionol orl.
n orchileclurol design, inversion
orchilecl free of ony convenlions regording lhe righl woy lo develop
orchileclurol form. This is foirly recenl, os lhe modernisl orchilecl did
nol generolly hove lhe freedom lo explore composilion lhrough inversion.
Fven lhe posl-modern orchilecl wos conslroined by on overoclive
concern for embedding coded meoning inlo lhe work. Lilerol inversion
in orchileclure did occur occosionolly. The Kolimovik Conodion povilion
ol Fxpo 7 in Monlreol wos one such inversion lFigure 7OI. l remoined o
gimmick, rolher lhon o breoklhrough in orchileclurol form possibililies.
l subller exomple of orchileclurol inversion is lhe orcheslrolion of lhe
enlries lo lhe Kimbell lrl Museum ol Forl Worlh Texos by Louis Kohn
l172I. Kohn chose lo ploce lhe moin enlry ol lhe bock of lhe building,
owoy from lhe undislinguished vehiculor drop-off enlry lowords lhe
slreel. To complicole mollers even furlher, he ploced o mool ond o grove
of youpon lrees belween lhe building enlry ond lhe pork nexl lo il lFigure
71I. There is no cleor polh lo gel lo lhe pork or lhe building. The enlire
enlry sequence is poelicolly, rolher lhon funclionolly, delermined. The
ob|eclive is lo ploce one in lhe righl frome of mind for conlemploling lhe
orl conloined in lhe building.
Passing frcm tbe grcve
cn intc tbe buiIding, cn
steps up tc and under tbe
centraI pcrticc, bareIy
tbe Icw brancbes.
- Michoel Benedikl
See olso. Absencel
Figure 7O. nverled povilion ol
Fxpo 7
Figure 71. Fnlry lo lhe Ki mbell
J I 138 Junkspace
- Roberl Slern
Junksace is tbe sum tctaI cf cur current acbievement, we bave
buiIt mcre tban aII previcus generaticns tcgetber .. Acccrding tc
tbe new gcspeI cf ugIiness, tbere is aIready mcre Junkspace under
twentietb. - Rem Koolhoos
Peler Bloke, in 0oJs 0wn !unk,arJ 0oJs 0wn !unk,arJ
in lmerico we ore polluling our environmenl wilh suburbon sprowl ond
ils occomponying junkspace. n response, Roberl \enluri, Denise Scoll
Brown, ond Sleven zenour in Learnin from Las \eas l172I orgued
for orchilecls lo slop prelending junkspace does nol exisl ond embroce
il for whol il is. They even compored lhe l&P porking lol lo on lolion
piozzo lFigure 72I. The emperor hos no clolhes declorolions by \enluri
lond groupI hove led lo lhe ocodemic discourse on junkspace lhol Roberl
Slern re|ecls os unsuiloble dinner-loble conversolion. Despile Slern`s
ob|eclions, lhe ugly ond ordinory of junkspace hos sluck os legilimole
orchileclurol lheorelicol discourse. lrchilecls os imporlonl os Rem
Koolhoos hove espoused lhe undenioble imporlonce of junkspace os
symplomolic of our currenl urbon moloise. His omusing diolribe of len
dense poges in 0ontent l2OO/I wos probobly inspired by lhe inlerview wilh
junkspace is dishonesl ond fulile, os lhere is o lol more junkspace lhon
lhere ore orchilecls, or poying clienls, reody lo loke il on.
miIIicns cf ycur best friends. - Rem Koolhoos
Furlher sources. Koolhoos l2OO/. 12I
Figure 72.
porking lol -
o piozzo?
13 I K Kitsch
Kitsch is nctbing but tbat wbicb bas pretensicns tc cIassic status in tbe
prcIiferaticn cf vcices and tastes. - 0ionni \ollimo
The nolion of kitsch is fomilior lo lhe consumer of designed ob|ecls.
lllhough il lypicolly involves somelhing lhol is in bod losle, in some
quorlers il hos ossumed o cerloin cochel. Folk orl is considered lo be
kitsch by lhose lhol ore nol folks lFigure 73I. Kilsch is porl of lhe
s lhere emerging o eorly modernisl kitsch? The mid-cenlury modern
bungolow is one of lhe mosl desired house lypes for members of lhe boby
boom generolion in lmerico. The mylhic home of lheir childhood, wilh
ils pink, lurquoise, or ovocodo Formico ond pre-KFl Scondinovion leok
furnilure, is de rigueur kitsch.
The recenl generolion of posl-conlexluolisl, digilolly bosed orchilecls
hove few hong-ups oboul following clossicol, modern, or posl-modern
foshion rules. The oflen oudocious, ugly, ond owkword orchileclure lhol
resulls from lheir individuol orlislic voices moy quolify os inslonl kitsch
- nol o bod lhing perhops. lrchilecls such os Will llsop, ond olher
blobmeislers of his ilk, ore keeping lhings inleresling. Unforlunolely, mosl
fulure orchilecls will nol hove lhis luxury due lo lhe growing populorily
of inlegroled leom design bosed upon discrele progmolic poromelrics,
supporled by o shored digilol building informolion model or BM. 0reen
design by commillee is unlikely lo creole orchileclure bold enough lo be
inslonl kitsch.
See olso.
Integrated practice
Furlher sources. \ollimo lin Leoch 17. 153I
Figure 73. Folk
ki lsch in Souris,
L I 10 Late modern architecture
Late medern architecture
Late modern architecture is pragmatic cr tecbnccratic in its scciaI
idecIcgy and, frcm abcut 190, takes many cf tbe styIistic ideas and
rejecticn cf tbe dumb bcx," deveIcped after 195 in a scuIpturaI
directicn - tbe articuIated bcx - and tcwards an eIabcraticn cf
structure, services and jcints: Rigb Tecb. - Chorles Jencks
Jencks seems lo be referring lo lhe eorly work of Renzo Piono, Richord
Rodgers, ond olhers lhol hove been lobeled high-lech lsee /rchispeak
p. I. The Cenlre 0eorge Pompidou l177I is lhe posler child for lole
modern, high-lech orchileclure, os described by Jencks lFigure 7/I. ls
on opologisl for lhe posl-modern slyle in orchileclure, Jencks oppeors
lo re|ecl lechnology os o desiroble or oppropriole inspirolion for lhe
oeslhelic expression of o building. This view is consislenl wilh lhe brief
ero of lole-lwenlielh-cenlury semiolic posl-modern orchileclure de-
emphosizing lechnology, in fovor of o frogmenled clossicol norrolive.
The celebrolion of lechnology is once ogoin on lhe oscendoncy,
os wilnessed by lhe growing inleresl in lhe fobricolion ond design of
building skins. Technology is olso lhe focus of lhe renewed concern
for environmenlol performonce. The melophor of lhe living orgonism
hos reploced lhe melophor of lhe mochine. Mechonicol engineering is
reploced by bioengineering. The lechnology suggesled by lhe currenl
biologicol melophor is ol o much higher level of lechnology. Late moJern
architecture is evolving inlo o responsive, dynomic, living orchileclure lhol
is copoble of muloling lo oplimize ils performonce over lime. l moy need
o new lobel.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Jencks l17. 1OI, Jencks l2OO7. 23I
Figure 7/. Pompidou
11 I L Linguistics
pcst-mcdern ccncern: tbe creaticn and recepticn cf meaning.
- Kole Nesbill
Linguistics is aIsc radicaI because cf tbe way it seems tc cvertbrcw
we can kncw is tbe system cf ccncepts generated by tbe arbitrary
- Donold Polmer
Linuistics is lhe science of longuoge. l wos lounched wilh lhe publicolion
of Ferdinond De Soussure`s 1O7 lo 111 leclure noles enlilled / 0ourse in
0enera| Linuistics lPolmer, 17. 1/I. Soussurion linguislics become lhe
mid-lwenlielh-cenlury orchileclurol ovonl-gorde crilics os lhe onlidole
lo o mule ond uninleresling modern orchileclure. These posl-modernisls
meoningful, orchileclure would become populor ogoin. lfler oll, lhere hod
been on underslood clossicol longuoge in orchileclure, os documenled in
John Summerson`s erudile 7he 0|assica| Lanuae of /rchitecture l13I.
The 2,OOO-yeor-old clossicol longuoge wos discorded by lhe modernisl
purge of orchileclurol hislory. Thol purge is now regorded os o misloke,
os wos orgued by Roberl \enluri in 0omp|exit, anJ 0ontraJiction in
/rchitecture l1I. This single publicolion wos lhe wolershed evenl lhol
morked lhe shifl in orchileclurol sensibililies from funclion lo meoning.
Jencks`s lively 7he Lanuae of Post-moJern /rchitecture l177I wos lhe
response lo Summerson. lrchileclurol posl-modernism wos evenluolly
devolued by ils populor success. Third-role designers found il loo eosy
lo orbilrorily slop o clossicol porlico on o fosl-food reslouronl, cousing
lhe movemenl lo become discrediled in lhe eyes of lhe crilics ond lhe
informed public.
Since lhe shifl owoy from slruclurolism ond posl-modernism in
orchileclure, |inuistics hos been lorgely forgollen os o model for lhe
slruclure of orchileclurol lheory. ls conlribulion remoins in lhol lhe
new modernism is more sensilive lo lhe longuoge underslood by ils
See olso.
Furlher sources. Horries l18. 8/I, Nesbill l1. 32I, Tschumi lin Bollonlyne
l2OO2. 182I
H I 12 Machines
Tbe new artistic sensibiIity cf tbe twentietb century bas nct cnIy
unIimited expressive pcssibiIities fcr tbe arts. - Theo von Doesburg
Tbe bcuse. a macbine fcr Iiving. - Le Corbusier lFigure 75I
Arcbitecture is a macbine fcr tbe prcducticn cf meaning. - lrolo sozoki
, orchilecls hove hod o deep
inleresl in lhe mochine. Michelongelo ond Leonordo do \inci designed wor
mochines. l wos seen os o legilimole ospecl of orchileclurol proclice up
lhrough lhe Renoissonce. \iollel-le-Duc, in lhe mid-nineleenlh cenlury,
explored lhe morrioge of lhe golhic wilh lhe cosl iron oeslhelic of lhe
mochine. l wos lhe \iclorion induslriol oge of cosl iron, sool ond rusl
lBonhom 18/I. The mochine wos lhe cenlrol melophor of lhe modern
oge. lrchileclure did nol escope lhe foscinolion wilh lhe mochine. ls
described by Reyner Bonhom in his seminol book, 7heor, anJ 0esin in
the First Hachine /e
whol wos expecled lo be o series of mochine oges.
The second mochine oge occurred in lhe second holf of lhe lwenlielh
cenlury, ond wos morked by lhe inlroduclion of lhe lronsislor ond personol
losl inleresl in lhe mochine os il delved inlo lhe sociol sciences, including
linguislics. However, lhe mochine melophor never fully disoppeored. l hod
o resurgence of populorily ofler lhe Fxpo 7O world`s foir in 0soko Jopon.
Mochine-inspired high-lech buildings, such os lhe Pompidou Cenler
l177I, Lloyd`s of London l18I, ond lhe Hong Kong ond Shonghoi Bonk
l18I, kepl lhe mochine oeslhelic olive lhrough lhe 17Os ond 18Os.
in whol moy be colled lhe lhird mochine oge. This lime lhe mochine is
o complex bio-mochine lhol replicoles living orgonisms. These ore lhe
mochines Deleuze ond 0uollori describe wilh eorlhy guslo. lllhough slill
in o belo sloge, lhe biolechnology of lodoy is voslly more evolved lhon lhe
mechono-lechnology of lhe previous cenlury. 0ur everydoy mochines hove
become smorler, smoller, more porloble, globol, ond more personol. 0ur
orchileclure will surely follow.
See olso.
Furlher sources. lnloniodes l1O. 32I, Colebrook l2OO. I, Deleuze lin
Bollonlyne 2OO2. 28I
Figure 75.
Mochine for
Living. \illo
13 I H ManiIestos
HaniIestos are pcetry written by scmecne cn tbe run. Tbey bave a
bystericaI, teIegrapbic quaIity fcr tcday as if tbe sender did nct want
tc pay fcr extra syIIabIes. Arcbitects, sucb as AIdc van Eyck, are adept
at tbese gncmic utterances, wcrd trunks tbat ccIIapse space-time intc
necIcgisms sucb as buiItfcrm." Tbese are directed at ctber Arcbitects
- Chorles Jencks
I dc nct beIieve we need anctber manifestc in arcbitecture ..
Arcbitecture, it seems bas suffered encugb frcm tbe iIIusicn tbat
maniIestos matter . - Michoel Speoks
The lrodilion of orchileclurol manifestos wos in ils heydoy during lhe eorly
lwenlielh cenlury when polilics ond orchileclure were inseporoble. The
Morxisl revolulion wos inspirolionol. ClM, lhe Bouhous, lhe Fulurisls,
Le Corbusier, ond Fronk Lloyd Wrighl were omong lhe individuols ond
groups lhol published endless manifestos in books, mogozines ond
pomphlels during lhis period.
. a new industriaI Iandscape, a new demccratic scciaIism, and a new
pIuraIistic epccb.expIains , in part, tbe manifestc mania tbat sccn
surfaced in arcbitecture. - Jomes Wines
n lhe 1Os lhe manifesto become o genlle, ond nol so genlle, response
lo lhe eorlier slridenl, ond somewhol nove, modernisl declorolions of
ideology. Londmork publicolions included Chrislion Norberg-Schulz`s
lntentions in /rchitecture l15I, Roberl \enluri`s 0omp|exit, anJ
0ontraJiction in /rchitecture l1I, lhe Smilhsons` 7eam 7en Primer l17I, 7eam 7en Primer
ond on McHorg`s 0esin with Nature l1I. These imporlonl manifestos
suggesled lhe need for o porodigm shifl owoy from lhe inlernolionol slyle
ond lowords o more locol ond responsive orchileclure.
manifestos did nol obole lhrough lhe 17Os ond 18Os.
Rem Koolhoos` 0e|irious New ork: / Retroactive Hanifesto for Hanhattan
l178I, Kennelh Fromplon`s, 7owarJs a 0ritica| Reiona|ism l183I, Mork
Wigley`s 0econstructivist /rchitecture l188I, ond Sleven Holl`s /nchorin
l18I, ore |usl o few of lhe imporlonl manifestos published during lhis
period of reolignmenl of orchileclurol lheory. The 1Os were o period
of disloncing orchileclurol lheory from lhe posl-modern mochinolions
of lhe posl-slruclurolisls. l wos on ero of crilicol lheory opplied lo o
normolive direclion for orchileclure. No longer lheory for lheory`s soke,
manifestos become o forum for describing on inclusive digilol ond/or
green orchileclurol proclice.
cullurol ogendos proposed in lhe obove lole-lwenlielh-cenlury manifestos.
We ore now in lhe eorly sloges of o revolulion lhol is choroclerized by
o shifl lowords lhe lechnology of o globolized elhicol proclice. l digilol
orchileclure bosed upon inlegroled green poromelric modeling is lhe
emerging orchileclure of our limes. The building informolion modeling
lBMI operoling monuol is lhe de foclo manifesto of our limes.
H I 1 Mannerism
See olso.
Furlher sources. Jencks l17. I, Wines l187. 2OI
Arcbitecture bas witnessed a ccnscIidaticn cf anti-mcdern sentiment
and a settIing in cf mannerist precccupaticns tbat bas superseded
tbe seIf-ccnscicus bistcricaI bcrrcwings cf pcstmcdernism witb an
intense cuItivaticn cf styIe . - P.l. Johnson
A principaIIy ItaIian mcvement in art and arcbitecture between tbe
represent an ideaI cf beauty ratber tban naturaI images cf it, using
cbaracteristic distcrticn and exaggeraticn cf buman prcpcrticns,
perspective, etc. - 0o||ins Fn|ish 0ictionar,
mannerism hos become
ossocioled wilh ony odherence lo o dislinclively personol or offecled
slyle. There wos o debole in lhe mid-lwenlielh cenlury oboul modernism
os mannerism which involved Colin Rowe ond Nikolous Pevsner. Rowe
conlended lhol modern orchileclure hod much in common wilh monnerisl
orchileclure. The some orgumenl could occur lodoy, os lhe oulpul of mony
of lodoy`s slorchilecls could olso be considered monnerisl. The work of
Fronk 0ehry comes lo mind. His exuberonl, dislorled forms ore personol
ond o cubisl dislorlion of perspeclive. 0lher orchilecls who complele
recognizobly monnerisl work ore Zoho Hodid, Sonliogo Cololrovo, Michoel
0roves, Fric 0wen Moss, lnloine Predock, ond Richord Meier. l is os
lhough lhere is on efforl for eoch slorchilecl lo hove lheir dislinclive brond
of orchileclure. 0ne exceplion mighl be lhe Renzo Piono Workshop, which
seems lo sublimole o personol slyle in fovor of lhe unique poromelers
of lhe pro|ecl ol hond. The Menil
0ollery in Houslon l18I lFigure
7I is o relolively eorly exomple of
lhe work of Piono lhol beors no
resemblonce lo lhe more fomous
Pompidou Cenler he designed wilh
Richord Rogers. Rogers, on lhe olher
hond, conlinued in lhe high-lech
slyle of lhe Pompidou ond become o
See olso.
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 37I, \idler
l2OO8. 87I
Figure 7. Menil 0ollery
15 I H Mask
I tbink tbe dressing and tbe mask mask
Tbe deniaI cf reaIity, cf tbe materiaI, is necessary if fcrm is tc emerge
as a meaningfuI symbcI, as an autcncmcus creaticn cf man.
- 0ollfried Semper
numercus. Facades, arcades, squares, even arcbitecturaI ccncepts
beccme tbe artifacts cf seducticn. Like masks, tbey pIace a veiI
between wbat is assumed tc be reaIity and its participants. 5c
scmetimes ycu desperateIy wisb tc read tbe reaIity bebind tbe mask.
0nce ycu unccver tbat wbicb Iies bebind tbe mask, it is cnIy tc disccver
anctber mask. - Bernord Tschumi
Wbat is tbe beauty cf a buiIding tcday? . tbe same as tbe beautifuI face
cf a mindIess wcman: scmetbing mask-Iike. - Friedrich Nielzsche
The melophor of lhe mask over lhe beouliful foce is o powerful imoge for
orchileclure lhol slrives lo move one inlo on experience of myslery ond
subsequenl discovery. n o more negolive mood, 0illes Deleuze ond Felix
0uollori describe lhe mask os o negolive force lhol hides lhe ugliness
ond inhumonily of lhe foce. The mask is seen os primilive, o riluolislic
lronsformolion lo onimol.
Fcr tbere is nc unitary functicn cf tbe mask, except a negative cne .
tbe mask assures tbe inbumanity cf tbe face. - Deleuze ond 0uollori
Todoy, lhe orchileclurol mask occurs mosl oflen on commerciol slrip
moll buildings lhol ore lovished wilh expensive morble ond sloinless
sleel fronls, while lhe inexpensive prefobricoled melol shed lurks behind.
The deceplion fools no one, os one hos only lo peer oround lhe corner
lo see lhol il is o mask. There is no oulcry, os lhe public is groleful lhol
lhe ugliness is shielded from lheir view. The complicily moy even be
more overl, os in lhe exomple of lhe rurol Florido church shown here.
The diminulive enlry, wilh ils dworf sleeple, is enough of o mask for lhe
congregolion lo deny lhe reolily of lhe lorge melol building lFigure 77I.
See olso. Beauty
Furlher sources. Deleuze lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 71I, Tschumi lin Bollonlyne 2OO2.
18I, Tschumi l1. OI
Figure 77. l mosk for lhe believers
H I 1 Meaning
Heaniny in Arcbitecture is nct an anaIysis abcut tbe same cId tbing, but
abcut difference. - Jose Moroles
Wben cne sees an arcbitecture, wbicb bas been created witb equaI
ccncern fcr fcrm, functicn and tecbnic, tbis ambiguity creates a
muItivaIent experience wbere cne csciIIates frcm meaniny tc meaniny
- Chorles Jencks
The seorch for meanin wos lhe cenlrol pro|ecl of posl-modernism in
orchileclure during lhe second holf of lhe lwenlielh cenlury. l wos o reoclion
lo lhe crilicism lhol modern orchileclure hod foiled lo be meoningful lo
meanin, orchileclurol lhinkers
lurned lo lhe science of linguislics. The slruclure of longuoge wos seen os
lel lo slruclurolisl philosophy, wilh ils belief in lhe imporlonce of lhe
underlying slruclure of lhings. Unforlunolely lhe meoningful orchileclure
lhol wos ollempled by posl-modern orchilecls foiled lo esloblish ilself lo
lhe exlenl lhol lhe clossicol longuoge of orchileclure hod previously. l
never goined o foolhold. Despile o greol deol of ocodemic heod scrolching,
lhe proclilioner did nol gel lhe memos ond lherefore lillle lhol could be
considered lhe new meoningful orchileclure wos buill. The posl-modern
orchileclure lhol did monoge lo be buill now seems doled lFigure 78I
ond irrelevonl, os lhe ollenlion hos moved lo green orchileclure ond o
renewed focus on lhe progmolic.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colquhoun l11. 25/I, Johnson l1/. /25I, Long l187. /I,
Moroles lin 0ouso 2OO3. /2I, Nesbill l1. //I
Figure 78. Doled Seollle lrl Museum
- Roberl \enluri
17 I H Megastructure
Heyastructure fcrm - a Iarge frame in wbicb aII tbe functicns cf a city
are bcused. - Fumihiko Moki
Kohlifo in lhe lrob Fmiroles or lhe Pelronos Twin Towers in Moloysio.
Heastructure con olso describe o megocily, eilher encopsuloled
wilhin o single slruclure or exponded oddilively, modulor foshion ond
Heastructure is lhe sluff of science
seen in lhe opening sequences of Ridley Scoll`s 8|aJe Runner ond lrlhur 8|aJe Runner
C. Clorke`s clossic novel sel in lhe lwenly-second cenlury, RenJezvous
with Rama. However, beyond movies, lhere is olso Buckminsler Fuller`s
visionory megopro|ecl - one lhol is slill published os o novelly lo lhis doy.
This is his proposed 1. kilomeler high, 3.2 kilomeler wide superdome
- including oll of upper Monhollon`s skyscropers.
The mego-cily concepl wos seeded ol lhe end of lhe 15Os ond
loler spowned from on ensuing 1Os pop cullure. Fxomples include
lrchigrom`s Plug-in Cily lPeler CookI ond Wolking Cily lRon HeronI, ond
lhe supersized, modulor slruclures by lhe Melobolisl group. There ore
olso Conslonl Nieuwenhuys` New Bobylon ond Yono Friedmon`s Spoliol
Cily pro|ecls - who, seeing lhe modern conurbolion os o redundonl
orgonism, creoled independenl mego-slruclures suspended over
exisling cilies ond lhe londscope. l mini version of lhe Spoliol Cily
Megoslruclure con be found ol lhe Universily of Winnipeg where o new
science megoslruclure is buill suspended over lhe hisloric compus
lFigure 7I. However, by lhe end of lhe 1Os, widespreod inleresl in
lhe dreoms of lhe mego-slruclurolisls prompled on ironic reoclion from
lhe lwo rodicol lolion orchileclurol groups. Supersludio ond lrchizoom.
Their respeclive pro|ecls, super-orchileclure ond lolol urbonism
come os couslic criliques of lhe funclionolisl ond spoliol legocies of lhe
modern movemenl.
n lhe mid-17Os orchileclurol crilic, wriler ond hislorion of lhe neor
fulure Reyner Bonhom sow lhe megoslruclure os o woy of fusing lhe
vision of cily plonners ond orchilecls in lheir ollempls lo provide onswers
lo urbon sprowl ond disfunclionol cilies. ndeed, his book Heastructure:
urban Futures of the Recent Past l17I become lhe essenliol guide lo urban Futures of the Recent Past
lhe megoslruclure movemenl. l resurgence of inleresl hos seen o 2OO8
exhibilion ond on occomponying publicolion Heastructure Re|oaJeJ
lediled by Sobrino von der Ley ond Morkus RichlerI.
However, superseded by ils common use, ond vorying from conlexl
meastructure is by meosure, il
originolly described o buill slruclure ol leosl 1,OOO kilomelers llhol is,
one megomelerI in lenglh, ond lhis occounls for lhe origin of lhe lerm.
f we opply lhe size yordslick, bolh lhe Chonnel Tunnel l5O kilomelers in
lenglhI ond lhe 0reol Woll of Chino l,352 kilomelers longI foll inlo lhe
meastructure colegory.
self-supporling slruclure or building or, using orchilecl Rolph Wilcoxon`s
H I 18 Metareality
mony smoller slruclures grouped logelher. TP
See olso. RyperbuiIding
Furlher sources. Colquhoun
l18. 223I
Figure 7. Universily of Winnipeg
Sciences Building megoslruclure
in wbicb infcrmaticn tecbncIcgies furtber a way cf inbabiting a
netwcrked wcrId tbat requires a new apprcacb tc tbe ccncepticn cf
arcbitecture and cities - a metarea/ity. Hetarea/ity is tbe brcadest mcst Hetarea/ity
perfect interface fcr acticn in tbe wcrId, tbe pIace wbere tbe pbysicaI
and digitaI meet. - \incenle 0uollorl
onolher concepl, used lo complele or odd lo lhe loller. Hetarea|it, is lhus Hetarea|it,
o more recenl ilerolion of lhe long line of reolilies lhol hove foscinoled
philosophers for millennio. The ideo of o metarea|it, emerged from metarea|it,
crilicol reolily, which could be considered o bronch of crilicol lheory. l
is o reolily lhol is inclusive, embrocing lhe cyber universe, lhe inner life,
os well os lhe physicol exislence we hove been condilioned lo regord os
our only lruslworlhy reolily. Hetarea|it, is lhe reolily of our combined Hetarea|it,
consciousness os o nelworked plonel. For lhe generolion lhol hos come
of oge in lhe nlernel oge, metarea|it, is more reol lhon overl see ond metarea|it,
louch reolily. The implicolions for orchileclure ond cilies is profound, os
communily hos become ploceless. 0ur metarea|it, communily hos become ploceless. 0ur is nol supporled by metarea|it,
cilies ond orchileclure. l is delerriloriolized.
enccuntering a digitaI screen cf scme kind. Tbey are cn cr in
everytbing frcm airpcrts tc ccnvenience stcres - rigbt dcwn tc
tbe pbcnes in cur bands. Tbey are fundamentaIIy cbanging cur
reIaticnsbip witb arcbitecture. - Chrislopher Howlhorne
Hetarea|it, is o relevonl concern when considering lhe design of lhe Hetarea|it,
would ossume lhol lhe need for golhering is lessened, bul lhe opposile is
proving lo be lhe cose. Wilh sociol nelworking, il is now possible lo olerl
your sociol nelwork oboul on evenl ol o momenl`s nolice. The resull is
1 I H Mimesis
lhol lhere is o greoler incidenl of foce-lo-foce inleroclion. 0ross-rools
polilicol movemenls such os lhe lmericon righl-wing, ullro-conservolive
Teo Porly ore exploiling lhis copobilily.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0uollorl lin 0ouso 2OO3. /32I
In tbe future, we wiII see arcbitecture dcing reaI acts cf mimicry,
imitating ncises, breatbing cr prcducing fcg and vapcr.
- Solvodor Perez lrroyo
Himesis is a psycbcanaIytic term - taken frcm Freud - tbat refers tc a
creative engagement witb an cbject. - Neil Leoch
The clossic underslonding of lhe lerm mimesis is lhol of imilolion.
Himesis wos on occepled design lechnique in lhe clossicol world, os
is illuslroled by lhe mylh of lhe origin of lhe Corinlhion copilol os on
imilolion of oconlhus leoves growing oround o boskel. The hislory of
weslern orchileclure is replele wilh mimesis. miloling lhe ruins of
yeors of lhe hislory of orchileclure. 0nly in lhe losl cenlury did il become
unocceploble for orchilecls lo mimic lhe work of olher orchilecls. The
genllemon`s ogreemenl ogoinsl imiloling eoch olher`s buildings prevenled
mimesis from being o recognized porl of orchileclurol proclice - or so il
seemed. The syslem of mosler ond opprenlice in orchileclure hos led lo
mony exomples of lhe opprenlice being misloken for lhe mosler in on
ononymous design compelilion. The mosl fomous coses ore lhe seleclion
of Zoho Hodid for lhe Peok ond Corlos 0ll for lhe Poris 0pero house. n
eoch cose, lhe work of lhe opprenlice wos misloken for lhe work of lheir
mosler, Zenghelis ond Meier respeclively.
ls orchilecls relurn lo nolure for lheir form inspirolions, lhere will be o
new round of mimesis. Biomimicry ond bioengineering-bosed imilolions of
biologicol forms ond processes will become more common lFigure 8OI.
See olso.
Furlher sources. lnloniodes
l1O. 171I, lrroyo lin 0ouso
2OO3. /35I, Leoch lin Borden
2OOO. 3OI, Ulmer lin Fosler 183.
87, 1I
Figure 8O. Tree mimesis in Torlu,
H I 150 Models
0enerolly speoking, lhe lerm model describes o represenlolion, usuolly
ol o smoller scole ond in onolher moleriol, of o lhing or o slruclure. l con
olso describe o syslem, such os molhemolicol formuloe, on exemplory
person, or o slyle or on ideo. For inslonce, o concepluol drowing or o
diogrom is o grophicol model of on ideo, lhe orchileclurol model, oflen
described os o physicol model lo differenliole il from o compuler model,
being ils lhree-dimensionol equivolenl.
HoJe|s hove en|oyed o long hislory in lhe creolion of orchileclure.
orchoeologisls believe lhol lhe 0reeks lond lhe Fgyplions before lhemI
employed lhe use of porodeigmolo, lhol is, prefobricoled full-sized mock-
ups or specimens from which lo copy ond lronsfer dimensions on sile inlo
lhe ocluol building moleriols. This wos becouse o molhemolicol syslem
moJe|s - produced os o design oid -
were mode in lhe mid-fourleenlh cenlury bul ochieved new slolus in lhe
0uollrocenlo. This coincided wilh lhe Renoissonce nolion of lhe orchilecl
os sole creolor of o building - when immoculolely crofled smoll-scole
moJe|s were mode for lesling bolh oeslhelic ond slruclurol |udgmenl ond
olso for morkeling orchileclurol proposilions. By lhe sixleenlh cenlury,
while lhe orchilecl drifled inlo working olmosl enlirely by grophic meons,
lhe role of lhe model chonged, becoming on explonolory device rolher
lhon on explorolory lool. However loler, in lhe eorly lwenlielh cenlury,
lhe model reossumed ils invesligolory role wilh mony of lhe modernisl
dimensionol exislence os 3D scole models.
Despile lhe owesome obilily of lhe digilol model lo represenl o design
proposol in o pholo-reolislic simulolion, lodoy lhe physicol model hos nol
gone owoy. f onylhing, il hos seen o minor resurgence os il conlinues lo
provide lhe opporlunily for group oppreciolion of orchileclurol design in
lhe round. l hos olso been noled lhol o skillfully phologrophed physicol
model provides o more compelling represenlolion lhon prinls from
o digilol model. n oddilion lo lhe widespreod use of digilol models for
represenlolion purposes, lhe digilol model hos loken on for greoler
imporlonce os o pro|ecl design ond monogemenl lool. Poromelricolly
bosed building informolion models lBMI ore becoming lhe induslry
slondord, replocing lrodilionol compuler-oided drowings. ln inleresling
developmenl is lhe obilily lo produce physicol models using lhree-
dimensionol CNC prinlers. Mony schools of orchileclure now hove
lhese ropid prololyping devices ol lhe disposol of design sludenls. The
increosing number of CNC milling mochines in schools suggesls lhol lhe
nexl generolion of orchilecls will conlinue lo keep lhe lrodilion of physicol
models olive.
This comporolively recenl lechnologicol innovolion hos been pioneered
by 0ehry & lssocioles in Los lngeles lo deol wilh lhe ploslic complexily of
lheir buildings. Here, physicol moJe|s of o building ideo ore ClT-sconned inlo
o compuler ond digilized inlo on eleclronic model. ldopling Colio soflwore
olreody used in lhe oerospoce ond oulomolive induslries, lhe model re-
emerges from lhe compuler lronsformed inlo o new physicol reolily - o
process reheorsed for 0ehry`s 0uggenheim Museum of Modern lrl in Bilboo
151 I H Monument
l17I. l is lhrough lhis lechnology, ond lhrough lhe possibilily of compuler
soflwore lo progrom lhe ocluol fobricolion of building componenls, lhol we
con envision lhe coming of o new supermodel - o building ideo, vio lhe
compuler, moving direclly from concepl lo conslruclion. l is o vision in
which lhe orchilecl, lhe model moker ond lhe builder of lomorrow moy
fuse os one lo become lhe super-model moker. TP
Hode/s bave mcved frcm pbysicaI mode/s tc digitaI. AIcng witb tbe
increase in digitaI mcdeIs tbere bas been a renewed use cf fuII-scaIe
mcckups, especiaIIy witb tbe aid cf CNC macbines.
- Michoel Speoks
See olso. Prctctyping
Tbe presence cf tbe great arcbitecturaI mcnuments cf tbe past in tbe
mcdern wcrId. pcssess tbe task cf integraticn cf tbe past and tbe
present. Wcrks cf arcbitecture dc nct stand mcticnIess cn tbe sbcre cf
tbe stream cf bistcry, but are bcrne aIcng by it.
- Hons-0eorg 0odomer
Tbe baIance cf fcrces between mcnuments and buiIdings bas sbifted.
BuiIdings are tc mcnuments as everyday Iife is tc festivaIs.
- Henri Lefebvre
0nIy a very smaII part cf arcbitecture beIcngs tc art: tbe tcmb and
tbe monument. Everytbing eIse, everytbing tbat serves a purpcse, is
excIuded frcm tbe dcmain cf art. - ldolf Loos
There is o dislinclion belween o monument
ond monumenlolily. We lend lo lhink of
monumenls os lorge, imposing slruclures
lhol represenl somelhing imporlonl. 0flen
lhey leoch us somelhing oboul o hisloric
evenl or person. The hisloric Necropolis
of lhe lrls ol lhe llexonder Nevsky
Monoslery in Sl. Pelersburg is full of
works lhol ore monumenls wilhoul being
monumenlol. They ore underslood lo be
monumenls becouse of lhe imporlonl
people lhey represenl. The messoge is
cleor in lhe cose of lhe modeslly sized,
bul highly didoclic, monumenl lo lhe
composer Pyolr Tchoikovsky. He is wilh
lhe ongels lFigure 81I.
To quolify os on orchileclurol monument,
lhe imporlonce of lhe hisloricol period,
evenl, or orchilecl involved in ils creolion. Figure 81. Monumenl lo Tchoikovsky
H I 152 Morphogenetic design
Woshinglon D.C. is resplendenl wilh orchileclurol monumenls of lhis lype.
Presence is ochieved by lhe orchilecl`s skill ol providing lhe slruclure wilh
lhe obilily lo be noliced, lo hove sloge presence. Typicolly, we ossociole
monumenlolily wilh size. The bigger, lhe more monumenlol. Monumenlolily
con olso be ochieved by smoller slruclures lhol hove o formolily ond myslery
oboul lheir purpose.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0odomer lin Leoch l17. 13/I, Horries l18. 2//, 3O2I, Lefebvre
lin Leoch 17. 13I, Rossi lin Jencks 17. 3I, \ollimo lin Leoch 17. 15I
Herphegenetic design
Hcrpbcgenesis invcIves tbe sbapes cf tissues, crgans and entire
- Michoel Hensel
Hcrpbcgenetic systems generate fcrm using internaI genetic Icgics.
- Korl Chu
l long-slonding chollenge lhol hos foced orchileclure hos been lhe
slolic nolure of buildings. Horphoenetic Jesin oddresses lhis problem
by copying biologicol slruclures ond processes in order lo occommodole
environmenlolly sensilive growlh ond chonge. l involves mimicking nolurol
growlh slruclures ond syslems, including slruls, lollice syslems, seeds,
ond cell division lmilosisI. 0enelic modeling is olso providing inspirolion for
lhis efforl. lrchilecls ore beginning lo loke nolice of lhese experimenls in
responsive ond dynomic orchileclure. Schools such os lhe ll, Horvord, ond
Tu Delfl ore involved in reseorch work in lhese oreos. l is ol lhe culling edge
is on lhe verge of o seo chonge, going from o mochine-bosed meons ond
melhods, lowords o living orgonism model lhol promises lo odopl lo ils
environmenl. The role of cyber lools is key lo lhis efforl, wilh modeling ond
onolysis soflwore borrowed from medicine ond microbiology helping lhe
couse. lrchileclure moy never be lhe some ogoin if lhese efforls succeed.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Brond l1/. 17O, Jencks l2OO7. 187I
Tbe practice cf ackncwIedging and respecting tbe varicus cuItures,
reIigicns, races, etbnicities, attitudes and cpinicns witbin an
envircnment. - Universily of Texos ol Fl Poso websile
Wilh lhe rise in globolizolion lhe chollenge for orchileclure is lo preserve
lhe Wesl ore designing much of lhe orchileclure in lhe Fosl. To preserve
dislinclive cullures moy be impossible olreody, os worldwide medio cross-
153 I H Myth
conlominoles eoch cullure. Music is o cose in poinl. Rop music hos spreod
from lhe Uniled Sloles lo virluolly every counlry wilhin eorshol of o rodio
or MP3 ployer. The resull hos been French rop, Russion rop, ond lsion
rop, omong olhers. Foch cullure ossimiloles lhe hip-hop lifeslyle in ils
own unique woy. The lesson for orchileclure is lhol lhere is o commonolily
wilhin lhe differences. Hu|ticu|tura|ism survives, nol in o slolic pure woy, bul
rolher os evolving phenomeno. The chollenge is lo idenlify ond underslond
lhe elemenls of o cullure lhol provide conlinuily ond idenlily. Cesor Pelli,
Renzo Piono, ond Sleven Holl, omong olhers, hove mode serious efforls ol
mixing weslern ond eoslern cullurol references in lheir orchileclure. The
inlernolionol slyle is giving woy lo lhe mullinolionol slyle.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Jencks l2OO7. 1I
It is criticaI tbat we re-estabIisb tbe tbematic asscciaticns invented
by cur cuIture in crder tc fuIIy aIIcw tbe cuIture cf arcbitecture tc
represent tbe mytbic and rituaI aspiraticns cf scciety. - Michoel 0roves
n Lanuae anJ H,th l1/I, Frnsl Cossirer explores lhe relolionship
belween lhe eorly inlerprelolion of lhe m,th os lhe vehicle for lhe origins
of longuoge ond lhe developmenl of cullure. Cossirer`s lhesis is lhol
mon inlerprels his world lhrough lhe use of lhe symbolic forms of mylh,
longuoge, hislory, orl, ond science. Three of lhese symbolic forms ore
ossocioled wilh lhe conslruclion of spoce or conslrucled spoce. They ore
cullurol mylh, oeslhelic mylh, ond lheorelicol mylh.
lccording lo lhe lole onlhropologisl Joseph Compbell l188I, cullurol
mylh commenls on whol we believe bosed on foilh olone, including how
we should behove, how lhe world works, ond socielol slruclure. The
conslrucled spoces lhol express cullurol mylhs ore oflen spoces lhol
hold colleclive socielol power, such os ceremoniol, religious, |udiciol,
The oeslhelic mylh commenls on whol we consider lo be lhe ideol
moleriolily, scole, ond posilion. How, ond whol, we consider beouliful
purposeful expression of lhe oeslhelic mylh of o cullure.
The lheorelicol mylh involves developing o sel of prediclive principles
lhol ore open lo chonge. This is lhe reolm of science, os is il involves o
sel process, ond deols wilh lhe meosuroble. This is lhe mosl dynomic
of lhe mylhic slruclures, os il is nol bosed on opinion or foilh olone. The
process lhol develops lheorelicol spoce involves perceplion, which leods
lo consciousness. Consciousness lhen leods lo reproduclion, which in
lurn leods lo lheory. Ml
See olso.
Furlher sources. Leoch lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 5I, Shorr l2OO7. 112I
N I 15 Naked architecture
Naked architecture
Tbe idea cf a truIy functicnaI artifact, wbicb is sbcrn cf aII expedient
aII artifacts tc ccnstruct. Tbis is nct tc say tbat anctber deveIcpment in
naked arcbitecture migbt ccme abcut, perbaps as a reacticn tc cver-
deccrated buiIdings. - Roberl Moxwell
Wos lhere ever such o lhing os nakeJ architecture? To be noked is lo be
pure, wilh no conlominolion or embellishmenl. lrchileclure is olwoys
on ocl of compromise. Thol compromise clolhs lhe orchileclure in lhe
exlro-funclionol. The nolion lhol pure funclionolism resulls in nakeJ
architecture wos one of lhe core, unspoken beliefs of orlhodox modernism.
wos convenienlly forgollen wos lhol funclion is dynomic, ollusive, oflen
immeosuroble, ond conlingenl upon lhe momenl. The descriplion of
funclion is olwoys on opproximolion of o porliculor poinl in lime, usuolly
well before lhe building is reody for occuponcy. By lhe lime lhe building is
reody for occuponcy, lhe funclions lo be housed in lhe building will hove
chonged. Unforlunolely, lhe building will nol be oble lo od|usl lo lhe new
lo chonge.
n response lo lhe dilemmo posed by nakeJ architecture, ond ils
being explored ol lhe ocodemy. Tu Delfl, lhe ll, ond Horvord, omong
olhers, ore conlemploling lhe design chollenges presenled by on
orchileclure lhol occommodoles momenl-lo-momenl smoll incremenlol
fulure. l will cerloinly resull in orchileclure lhol is fully clolhed.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Moxwell l13. 75I
It is tbe same fcr arcbitecture as fcr aII tbe arts: its principIes are
fcunded cn simpIe nature
cIearIy drawn. - Morc-lnloine Lougier
Nature furnisbed tbe materiaIs fcr arcbitecturaI mctifs cut cf wbicb
tbe arcbitecturaI fcrms, as we kncw tbem bave deveIcped.
- Fronk Lloyd Wrighl
- 0ollfried Semper
155 I N Neo-expressionism
nature. - 0llo Wogner
Wbat man makes, nature cannct make. - Louis Kohn
Nature hos been crediled wilh lhe origins of orchileclure. The grove of
lrees become lhe lemple ond lhe primilive hul become lhe genesis of
orchileclurol lheory. Nature ond orchileclure hove been discussed logelher
since lhe oncienl 0reeks. 0pinions hove voried from mimesis, lhol is,
regording nolure os perfeclion lhol orchileclure should seek lo imilole
lPlolo, llberli, Leonordo do \inci, 0uolremere de 0uincy, Fronk Lloyd
Wrighl, Richord Rogers, Sonliogo CololrovoI, lo regording orchileclure
os o re|eclion or onlidole lo nolure lCloude Perroull, 0ollfried Semper,
0llo Wogner, Louis Kohn, Mies von der RoheI. 0enerolly lhese orchilecls
ore lwenlielh-cenlury modernisls. They re|ecled lhe romonlic ideo of
nolure in fovor of lhe mochine. Two noloble exceplions lo lhe modernisl
love offoir wilh lhe mochine oeslhelic were Fronk Lloyd Wrighl ond llvor
The view lhol orchileclure musl respecl ond emulole nature hos
relurned lo lhe forefronl wilh lhe green revolulion. Susloinobilily,
biomimicry, bioengineering, ond greenscoping hove become populor
lhere is much less lhol is nolurol remoining.
- Fernondo Porros
See olso.
Furlher sources. lbolos lin 0ouso 2OO3. //8I Deleuze lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. /5I,
Forly l2OOO. 22OI, Jencks l2OO7. 3I, Johnson l1/. 8I, Shorr l2OO7. 112I
Expressicnism is widespread, sbifting attenticn frcm tbe quaIity cf tbe
prcduct tc tbe cbaracter cf tbe prcducer . - Williom Borlley l173I
Fxpressionism in modern orchileclure is generolly ossocioled wilh o
bronch of mid-lwenlielh-cenlury orchileclure lhol devioled from lhe
eorlier, more dogmolic, rolionol efforls ol expressing lhe mochine
oeslhelic, ond insleod become more personol ond expressive. Rolher lhon
lreoling lhe developmenl of form os o science, expressionism lreoled il
os on orl. lrchilecls os voried os Le Corbusier lchopel ol RonchompI,
Frich Mendelsohn, ond Fero Soorinen lFigure 82I ore ossocioled wilh
modern expressionism.
The principles of orchileclurol expressionism include lhe dislorlion
of form for on emolionol effecl, lhe expression of inner experience, on
underlying efforl ol ochieving lhe new, originol, ond visionory, ond lhe
conceplion of orchileclure os o work of orl. This prescriplion sounds
N I 15 Neo-Iunctionalism
slorchilecls. Cerloinly lhe dromolic
ond sensuous work of Zoho Hodid,
0reg Lynn, Reiser - Umemolo,
ond Fronk 0ehry quolify os neo-
expressionislic. Perhops lhe enlire
crop of fold ond blob orchilecls
con be colegorized os neo-
See olso.
Furlher sources. Jencks l2OO7. /3I
Figure 82 Dulles li rporl
A nec-functicnaIist pcsiticn abandcns tbe penduIar mcvement tbat
represented by functicnaIism, ncw by nec-raticnaIism and nec-
reaIism. - Morio 0ondelsonos
of funclion. Whereos clossic funclionolism wos oboul responding lo o
building`s rolionol purpose, neo-functiona|ism is olso very concerned
wilh lhe progmolics of environmenlolism. Form follows funclion
hos been reploced by form follows susloinoble proclices. The debole
belween bollling ideologies hos been usurped by o compelling cose for
gelling bock lo lhe business of moking on orchileclure lhol is elhicol
ond susloinoble in our lime of globol chollenges. l chonged process of
proclice drives neo-functiona|ism. Designing hos become o porlnership
belween members of on inlegroled leom, working wilh o poromelric
form of incremenlol olgorilhms lhol ore lhe progmolic poromelric inpuls
lo o building informolion model lBMI. l is lo be hoped lhol lhese new
condilions of proclice will permil lhe neo-funclionol building lo be more
funclionol, ond lhus more susloinoble, lhon ils eorlier nomesoke.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0ondelsonos lin Mollgrove 2OO8. /13I, 0regolli l1. 11I
157 I N Normative theory
Because aII pbiIcscpbicaI attempts tc distinguisb between anaIyticaI
and empiricaI, necessary and ccntingent, universaI and bistcricaI,
- Richord Rorly
The deniol of lhe obsoluleness of lrulh ond meoning hos profound
implicolions for emerging inlegroled ond globol orchileclure. Fxporling
design from one sociol/cullurol conlexl lo onolher becomes problemolic,
os lhe personol ond porliculor nolure of orchileclure is reveoled.
lrchileclurol proclice involving BM will require lhe olmosl simulloneous
colloborolion belween sociol proclices, os voried os engineering ond
orchileclurol disciplines, conslruclors, monufoclurers, clienls, users,
Tower of Bobel is high.
The new progmolism ollempls lo be holislic, ond yel relies on o
process lhol reduces lhe chollenge ol hond lo monogeoble bils. The
process colers lo lhe needs of lhe digilol lools being employed lo design
lhe orchileclure. ll lhis poinl, lhe consequences of lhis compromise ore
nol well underslood. l moy be lhol progmolic ogendos ore mel, bul lillle
else. Will il slill quolify os orchileclure?
Arcbitecture is nct tbe answer tc tbe pragmatic needs cf man, but tbe
answer tc bis passicns and imaginaticn. - Fmilio lmbosz
See olso.
Nermative theery
Normative theory ccnsists cf tbe cvertIy vaIue-Iaden statements cf Normative theory
pbiIcscpbers, pcIiticians, and arcbitects, amcng ctbers cn wbat cugbt
tc be. 5cme pecpIe bave described tbeir ncrmative statements as
- Jon Long
. tbe ncrmative view cf bistcry must be rejected if, by setting
up abscIute standards cutside bistcry, it igncres tbe fact tbat
arcbitecturaI meaning is bistcricaIIy fcunded and tbat tbis meaning
cannct be detacbed frcm tbcse meanings wbicb arcbitecturaI fcrms
bave acquired frcm bistcry. - llon Colquhoun
Normolive slolemenls by designers ore volue-loden opinions on whol
oughl lo be. The sum lolol of normolive posilions held by on individuol
of normolive lhoughls by lhe designer. l lurns oul lhol design decisions
ore nol enlirely rolionol, ond probobly should nol be. Design is inevilobly
o process of drowing upon rolher ill-formed memories, impressions,
ond feelings oboul lhe chollenge ol hond. Nol oll of lhese inpuls con be
N I 158 Normative theory
lhe inlroduclion of compulers inlo lhe design process. n porliculor, lhe
move lowords leom design, rolher lhon relying upon one inspired genius
designer, will inevilobly resull in o relurn lo o posilivisl design process. l
moy meon lhe oscendonce of engineering ol lhe expense of orchileclure.
Poelics will suffer ol lhe honds of lhe progmolic.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colquhoun l185. 1I, Long l187. v11, 15, 21I
15 I 0 0rnamentalism
0rnament is crime. - ldolf Loos
0rnamenta|ism refers lo lhe lrodilionol proclice of decorolion, lhe lerm
oflen used lo denole on excess of ornomenl disployed on lhe surfoces of
furnilure, inleriors, ond exleriors of buildings. Procliced in Mesopolomio
ond oncienl Fgypl ond lhroughoul onliquily, ond omong lhe so-colled
primilive cullures, lhe orl of ornamenta|ism, lhrough lhe oges, wos
considered lhe nolurol embellishmenl of surfoce. The moin source book
of ornomenl, of course, is nolure - ils inexhouslible reposilory of molifs
being lronsloled inlo pollern lhrough o bosic knowledge of geomelry.
n more modern limes, lhe odvenl of lrl Nouveou in lhe 18Os wos
on inlernolionol visuol orls movemenl choroclerized by orgonic, highly
inspired molifs lhol soon become inlernolionol in spiril. However, eorlier
in lhe nineleenlh cenlury lhe populorily of ornamenta|ism wos olreody
being fueled by new orcheologicol discoveries of o highly decorolive
ond colorful posl which lriggered o mossive revivol. n mid-nineleenlh-
Fxhibilion l1851I, lhe demond for ornomenlol producls sky-rockeled - on
induslriol revolulion moss produclion moking decoroled goods nol |usl
lhe privilege of lhe weollhy bul occessible lo lhe slolus-seeking mosses.
The croving for ornamenta|ism wos fed by o plelhoro of encyclopedios, lhe
mosl imporlonl of which wos 0rammar of 0rnament. Published in 185 by
lhe orchilecl, decorolor exlroordinoire ond onliquorion 0wen Jones, lhis
published in sumpluous eighl-color chromolilhogrophs ond deemed
oppropriole lo serve lhe new induslriol oge.
n his book 0rnament l18I, Sluorl Duronl describes lhe decline
or ornomenlolism in conlemporory orchileclure os porolleling lhe
oscendoncy of o modern movemenl ouslerily in lhe eorly lwenlielh
cenlury. For lhe posl ninely or so yeors lhe lerm, rolher like ils
synonym decorolion, hos evoked negolive olliludes in design circles
- ornomenlolion being seen os odullerolion of lhe purily of form. lnli-
ornomenlolisls held exlreme views oboul bonishing such embellishmenl
from ob|ecls ond buildings. ndeed, in 135 one orchilecl, H. S. 0oodhorl-
Rendel, considered lhol l fondness for ornomenl is no more reodily
Forlier, ldolph Loos wenl so for os lo condemn lhe use of ornomenl os
wosleful ond lonlomounl lo o criminol ocl. n 1O8 he wrole, ls ornomenl
is no longer orgonicolly reloled lo our cullure, il is olso no longer lhe
expression of our cullure lreprinled in Loos, 17I. Surprisingly, Loos`s
own orchileclurol work wos oflen eloborolely decoroled. His visuol
dislinclion wos nol belween lhe complicoled ond lhe ploin, bul belween
However, in lhe foce of such ollocks, lhere were orchilecls ond crilics
who unoshomedly procliced ond supporled ornomenlolism. For exomple,
Louis Sullivon l185-12/I, oflen regorded os lhe folher of modernism
ond creolor of lhe modern skyscroper, wos o proclilioner in lmerico`s
Midwesl who chompioned ils use - porodoxicolly seeing ornomenl os
o requiremenl for o fully developed orchileclure ond opprooching lhe
0 I 10 0rnamentalism
form of his buildings os o hosl for ollusion ond ornomenlolion. The
oeslhelicion Herberl Reod wriling in his /rt anJ lnJustr, l13/I, described /rt anJ lnJustr,
ornomenlolion os o psychologicol necessily for lhose who hove on
incopocily lo lolerole emply spoce, ond more recenlly lhe philosopher
ond wriler Roger Scrulon, in decrying lhe conlemporory cull of lhe
ulililorion in his lelevised lreolise enlilled wh, 8eaut, Hatters lBBC2,
December 2, 2OOI, suggesled lhol 0rnomenl liberoles us from lhe
lyronny of lhe useful.
Despile lhe enormous onsloughl of o modernisl dogmo which, by
11/, hod discrediled lrl Nouveou, ornamenta|ism
in revivols, such os lhe psychedelic grophics of lhe 1Os ond 17Os
ond plurolism of movemenls such os posl-modernism. Fven folk orl
ornomenlolion lokes over when lhe bore slruclure foils lo deliver, os is
evidenl from lhe poinled housebool door in lmslerdom lFigure 83I. Posl-
modernism embroced lhe ornomenlolion of orchileclure os o device for
conveying meoning, much like pre-modern orchileclure. TP
WbiIe it is true tbat Hcdernism rejected appIied ornamenta/ism, it
never abandcned crnament itseIf. - Roberl Slern
See olso.
Naked arcbitecture
Furlher sources. ldorno lin Leoch 17. 7I, Horries l18. /3I, Scrulon l17.
125I, Slern lin Nesbill 1. 1O/I, \ollimo lin Leoch 17. 157I
Figure 83. 0rnomenled
housebool door in
11 I P Parametric design
Parametric design
Parameter: a reference cr vaIue tbat is passed tc a functicn,
prccedure, subrcutine, ccmmand, cr prcgram. - 7he Free 0ictionar,
Parametric desiyn
cn ccnsistent reIaticnsbips between cbjects, aIIcwing cbanges in a
singIe eIement tc prcpagate ccrrespcnding cbanges tbrcugbcut tbe
system. - Tomoko Sokomolo
Parametric tccIs are dcubtIess amcng tbe mcst pcwerfuI
ccmputaticnaI devices yet tc be put in service cf arcbitecturaI
prcducticn. But parametric scftware is nct design scftware and its use
bas faiIed tc prcduce cbjects cr wcrIds cf interest, ncveIty cr deptb.
- Sonford Kwinler
Mosl currenl ClD/ClM/ClF soflwore ulilizes poromelrics. By lhe use
of poromelric equolions, dimensions ond olher voriobles ore linked lo
geomelry in such o woy lhol when lhe volues chonge, lhe geomelry moy
of ossocioled dolo con be performed remorkobly quickly, compored
wilh lhe redrowing required by lrodilionol ClD. Poromelrics ore lhe
heorl ond soul of building informolion modeling lBMI soflwore lo lhe
exlenl lhol parametric Jesin hos been used os on ollernolive lobel for
BM. l is ropidly becoming lhe design process of choice omong lhird-
generolion digilol orchilecls. n parametric Jesin, il is lhe elemenls of o
porliculor design lhol ore declored, nol ils shope. By ossigning differenl
oble lo oulomolicolly od|usl building dolo such os lolol gross oreo, lolol
fundomenlol nolure of lhe lrodilionol design process lhol orchilecls hove
used since lhe Beoux lrls. The equisse ond lhe porli ore gone ond
reploced by lhe spreodsheel ond lhe scripl, or olgorilhm. The romonlic
nolion lhol lhere is on oho momenl of clorily when one discovers
lhe solulion due lo inspirolion found in endless design skelching is
forgollen. The designer becomes o progrommer. Conlrol over form is ol
syslem becomes predeslined, opoque ond oul of reoch.
ArcbitecturaI practice is starting tc sbift tbe rcIe cf tbe arcbitect in tbe
cf tbcse gecmetricaIlaIgcritbmic reIaticnsbips describing tbe prcject
and its ccmpcnents. - Morco \onucci
tbe parametric prccess it seems as if everycne awcke frcm tbe
embarrassing drunken party cf pcst-mcdernism, trying tc fcrget
everytbing tbat bappened. - Michoel Meredilh
See olso.
P I 12 Passive design
Passive design
Nature dces nctbing useIessIy. - lrislolle
Witbcut Iigbt tbere is nc arcbitecture. - Louis Kohn
Icnger anytbing tc add, but wben tbere is nc Icnger anytbing tc take
away. - lnloine de Sl Fxupery
Lcck deep intc nature, and tben ycu wiII understand everytbing better.
- llberl Finslein
energy resources ond lhe ossocioled negolive consequences such os
corbon dioxide emissions, lhe designer or orchilecl should oplimized
possive solor design slrolegies in creoling improved lhermol comforl
condilions in orgonizing lhe plon, lhe shope of lhe buill form, ond lhe
enclosure syslem. Passive Jesin meons lhol lhe designer lokes full
odvonloge of lhe resources of nolure ond sile lo improve lhe environmenlol
performonce of o building by using rodiolion, conduclion, ond nolurol
conveclion lo dislribule heol ond doylighl for lighling. 0ur life on Forlh
lrocks lhe cycles of lhe sun os il orches ocross lhe sky ond so connecls us
wilh lhe rhylhm of nolure. Possive solor design does nol use mechonicol,
eleclricol, or pholovolloic meons lo solisfy heoling, lighling, or cooling
Slrolegic oworeness, underslonding, ond cleor responses lo sile
ond ploce, climolic condilions, londscoping, design ond conslruclion,
solor orienlolion, plocemenl windows ond shoding devices, ond lhermol
moss ore used lo redislribule lhe sun`s energy. Possive solor design lor
bioclimolic designI provides lhermol comforl by using nolurol energy
sources ond sinks, such os solor rodiolion, lhermol moss, lhermol
chimney effecl, doy-lighling, evoporolion, ond vegelolion, depending on
lhe locol climolic condilions.
n o cold climole, possive meosures would oim lo design o buill form
so lhol solor goins ore moximized, bul in o hol dry climole, lhe primory
oim would be lo reduce solor goins ond moximize nolurol venlilolion.
These principles require ollenlion lo orienlolion ond building form. For
exomple elongoling o building in lhe eosl-wesl orienlolion provides
opposed lo low-ongle eosl or wesl-focing sunlighl. lddilionol compuler
modeling of lhese bosic principles con oflen help ochieve furlher energy
reduclions. FL
See olso.
Pattern Ianguage
A seIf-annctating scIipsist.
- Royner Bonhom describing Chrislopher llexonder
13 I P PerIormance-based design
Chrislopher llexonder, olong wilh Soro shikowo ond Murroy Silverslein,
developed pattern |anuae in lhe 17Os os o formol for documenling
limeless universol pollerns of user preferences in lown plonning ond
orchileclure. l wos documenled in o series of books, slorling wilh 7he
7ime|ess wa, of 8ui|Jin l17I. The longuoge consisls of mony individuol
recipes lhol formed pollerns for ochieving ploces lhol feel good. Foch
pollern wos repuledly derived from polling lhe public. Fxomples of
pollerns include such voried recipes os window seols ond buildings
wilh sleeply sloped roofs. The pollerns ore decidedly onli-urbon ond
noslolgic, olmosl medievol. The imporlonl orchileclurol conlribulion of
pattern |anuae is nol lhe pollerns lhemselves, bul rolher lhe nolion
lhol orchileclurol design is o porlicipolory oclivily. Fven lhe conslrucling
process should involve oll porlies, including lhe orchilecl.
n lhe fomous 182 Horvord Universily debole belween Peler Fisenmon
ond Chrislopher llexonder, llexonder wos colled o wesl coosl |oy boy by
Fisenmon, who lhen colled himself on Foslern inlellecluol. Fisenmon`s
posilion in lhe debole wos lhol orchileclure should embroce slruclurolisl
posl-modern lhoughl. lllhough lhe oudience seemed lo disogree, his
posilion proved lo be lhe more successful, bosed on lhe subsequenl yeors
of orchileclurol discourse. llexonder orgued lhol feelings were more
imporlonl lhon one`s inlellecluol relolionship wilh o work of orchileclure.
lllhough il remoined populor on lhe Wesl coosl, ond even formed lhe bosis
for lhe plonning of lhe Universily of 0regon, pattern |anuae never become
lhe universol longuoge of orchileclure ond plonning moves lhol llexonder
inlended. l longuished ol Berkeley for decodes. l wos nol foshionoble.
pattern |anuae moy re-emerge os
orchileclurol designers relurn lo o concern for feelings. Phenomenology
is once ogoin being discussed os lhe bosis for ochieving o solisfying
orchileclure. 0ne con imogine design poromelers consisling of pattern
|anuae recipes being used in lhe developmenl of o pro|ecl`s building
informolion model lBMI. This would be oppropriole, os llexonder`s Notes
on the S,nthesis of Form l13I conlribuled lo lhe evenluol developmenl
of BM soflwore. l would olso be ironic, os llexonder reconled lhe slricl
rolionolism of Notes shorlly ofler ils publicolion.
See olso.
Furlher sources. llexonder lin Mollgrove 2OO8. /51I, Brond l1/. 132I, Kruff
l1/. //3I
Perfermance-based design
Performance-baseJ Jesin is o syslemolic design melhod lhol is bosed
lhen used in meosuring lhe success of lhe design lFigure 8/I. This is
differenl from lhe lrodilionol building design process in which lhe building
owner ond orchilecl creole o building progrom lhol conloins lhe funclionol,
economic, ond lime requiremenls of lhe building. Typicolly, lhere ore no
performonce gools esloblished for lhe building. The orchilecl designs
lhe building lo solisfy lhe progrom requiremenls, ond lhen lhe pro|ecl
P I 1 PerIormance-based design
engineers design lhe slruclurol, eleclricol, ond mechonicol syslems. The
performonce gools lo direcl lhe design ond lillle inleroclion, lhe resulls ore
usuolly mediocre. n o performance-baseJ Jesin opprooch, performonce
gools ore developed during lhe iniliol sloges of lhe design. The inlegroled
design leom should be involved in esloblishing lhe evoluolion poromelers
ond lhe performonce levels desired.
The performance-baseJ Jesin melhod horkens bock lo lhe syslems
opprooch lhol grew oul of lhe 1Os spoce roce lhol lounched o mon
on lhe moon. Subsequenlly, performance-baseJ Jesin melhods were
enlisled os o solulion lo lhe offordoble housing shorloge in lhe Uniled
Sloles. 0perolion Breoklhrough l1-78I wos inilioled by lhe
Deporlmenl of Housing ond Urbon Developmenl lHUDI. l wos designed
lo improve lhe process of providing housing for lower-income fomilies by
demonslroling lhe volue of induslriolized housing conslruclion melhods.
on open syslems induslriolized school conslruclion syslem for Soulhern
Colifornio lSCSDI.
0pen systems are usuaIIy prcduced in respcnse tc bidding ccnditicns
requiring eacb subsystem tc be ccmpatibIe witb twc cr mcre
subsystems at eacb interface, tbus assuring virtuaIIy universaI
intercbangeabiIity. - Fducolionol Focililies Loborolory l17I
Unlike lhe lrodilionol spoce-lisling progrom, lhese efforls lorgely foiled
ond lhe use of lhe performonce-bosed orchileclurol design process foded
Performance Statement

Figure 8/. Performonce-bosed desi gn
15 I P Pet architecture
n our currenl climole of poromelric green design, lhe use of o
performance-baseJ Jesin melhod is once ogoin relevonl. l is compolible
wilh lhe use of BM os lhe monogemenl lool for lhe design, evoluolion,
conslruclion ond life-cycle monogemenl of buildings. The populor LFFD
progrom is o form of performance-baseJ Jesin. The chollenge will be
lo moinloin o bolonce belween lhe meosuroble ond lhe immeosuroble.
l will be o shome if orchileclure becomes enlirely consumed by lhe
See olso.
Pet architecture
The reoder mighl be forgiven for lhinking lhol pet architecture describes
dog kennels, bird bolhs, oviories ond feline scrolching lowers, or indeed
movie slor ond orchilecl-wonnobe Brod Pill`s design of his well-publicized
ond lrchigrom-inspired home for his offsprings` gerbils. However,
ollhough occosionolly used in lhis conlexl, lhe lerm ocluolly describes
on orchileclure of opporlunily ond economics, usuolly cheoply buill, of
modesl scole, ond encounlered in lhe nooks ond cronnies of high-end
reol eslole ocross lhe melropolis.
Pet architecture, lherefore, refers lo lhe commondeering of wosle or
unused urbon spoce for ils ingenious conversion inlo o new ond imporled
funclion. Populorized in lwo besl-selling volumes of lhe Pet /rchitecture
0uiJe 8ook lllelier Bow-Wow, 2OO2I, lhe sub|ecl wos reseorched by
Yoshihoru Tsukomolo ond Momoyo Koi|imo of lhe Joponese orchileclurol
proclice llelier Bow-Wow, who, il is believed, olso coined lhe lerm. They
describe ond documenl lhe urbon incidence of condensed slruclures lhol
ronge from o diminulive ond od hoc vernoculor lo lhe elegonl ond wofer-
However, ollhough inleresl in lhis orchileclurol subcullure moy
seem lo emonole from on exclusively Joponese ond essenliolly bonsoi
opprooch lo opproprioling ond squeezing inlo unwonled spoce for living
ond lroding, such on opprooch is olso found in orchileclure ol lorge, ond
porliculorly in sludenl pro|ecls lhol opporlunislicolly piggy-bock exisling
slruclures or connibolize leflover spoce found oround, belween, in, or on
exisling slruclures. Designed lo lesl lhe mellle of lhe would-be designer,
pet architecture is lhe sluff of skelch designs ond ideos compelilions lhol
encouroge lolerol lhinking ond shorpen design skills. ndeed, lhe clossic
hobiloble bridge, hobiloble billboord, hobiloble woll, logelher wilh lhe
ubiquilous roof oddilion ond lhe ouldoor cinemo suspended belween lhe
cheeks of od|ocenl cily wolls, oll come lo mind.
0ne reolized ond lilerol exomple of pet architecture is lhe birdlike
Decon slruclure designed by Coop Himmelblou in 18 ond perched on
lhe roof of Folkerslrosse - o lrodilionol oporlmenl building in \ienno.
inlervenlions of Lebbeus Woods invode lhe Corlesion molrix of ideolized
spoce in exisling cilies such os Berlin ond Zogreb. His porosilic
slruclures hong from or bursl lhrough lhe fobric of exisling buildings.
nlenlionolly confronlolionol, lhey ore inlended lo prod o re-evoluolion
P I 1 Phallocentrism
of our occuponcy of lrodilionolly conslrucled spoce in lerms of use
ond meoning. lllhough unbuill, lhese Woodsion urbon inserlions olso
represenl lhe pet architecture of lhis wriler. TP
See olso.
In tbis pcst-Freudian age it bas beccme fasbicnabIe tc asscciate
sucb assertive buiIdings witb mascuIinity, mcre narrcwIy witb tbe
American maIe," and tc interpret tbeir strcng verticaIs as pbaIIic
symbcIs. - Korslen Horries
Lcgccentrism and antbrcpcmcrpbism, in particuIar maIe
antbrcpcmcrpbism, bave underIain tbe system cf arcbitecture ever
Hcdern Hcvement. - Diono lgresl
The hislory of biomorphic orchileclure is well documenled, from lhe
pleosure poloces of lhe Romons lo Slonley Tigermon`s Doisy House
l177I. The Doisy House feolures melophoricol references lo bolh mole
ond femole genilolio. More common ond evidenl in lhe urbon londscope is
lhe loll, verlicol building os o reference lo lhe phollus. l is no secrel lhol
wilh only o few exceplions, orchileclure is slill on exclusive boys` club.
Thol is probobly why feminisl lilerolure in orchileclurol crilicism focuses
on lhe gender ossociolions of buildings. ls on expression of power, lhe
loll building is o populor device
for esloblishing one`s ploce
on lhe world`s sloge, os is
evidenced by lhe holf-mile-high
Duboi Kholifo, currenlly lhe
lollesl ereclion in lhe world. l is
doublful lhol lhe overl inlenlion
wos lo osserl lhe mosculinily
of lhe developers. l is for lhe
crilics ond lhe public ol lorge
lo moke lhe ossociolion. The
Florido Copilol building l177I
by Fdword Durell Slone sends
o cleor messoge lhol il is lhe
heodquorlers of lhe good ole
As visitcrs tc and residents cf TaIIabassee bave ncticed cver tbe
years, frcm a direct view frcm tbe frcnt, tbe new capitcI buiIding Iccks
scmewbat pbaIIic, an impressicn aided by tbe deIicate pIacement cf
tbe dcmed wings cn eitber side cf tbe base as it Iccms cver tbe cId
fcr years, incIuding tbe saIe cf bcxer sbcrts witb tbe siIbcuette cf tbe
briefs." - wikipeJia enlry
Figure 85. Florido Copilol Building
17 I P Phenomenology
See olso.
Hcrpbcgenetic design
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 17/I, Horries l18. 18/I, Scrulon l17. 27I
tbem. - Henri Bergson l18I
ls one of lhe mo|or schools of lwenlielh-cenlury philosophy,
phenomeno|o, phenomeno|o,
nouguroled in 1OO wilh lhe publicolion of lhe 0ermon philosopher
Fdmund Husserl`s Loica| lnvestiations l1OO/173I, phenomenology sel
oul lo chollenge lhe mosl bosic ossumplion underlying hundreds, if nol
lhousonds of yeors of weslern philosophicol hislory. lhe splil belween
lhe mind ond lhe body usuolly referred lo os Corlesion duolism ofler ils
eorly-sevenleenlh-cenlury formulolion in lhe work of Rene Descorles.
The legocy of lhis rolionolisl or inlellecluolisl lrodilion is lhe ideo lhol
ullimole lrulhs oboul lhe world ore lo be found - olmosl lilerolly - by
silling slill in o dork room ond lhinking very hord. n conlrosl lo lhis, lhe
phenomenologicol opprooch slresses lhe imporlonce of oclive, embodied
engogemenl wilh lhe world. The body is no longer lo be seen os on
unforlunole encumbronce ond o source of error - o borrier belween us
ond lhe oulside world. 0n lhe conlrory il is, os lhe French philosopher
Mourice Merleou-Ponly suggesls, lhe only meons hove lo go unlo lhe
heorl of lhings.
n lhe work of Morlin Heidegger lo sludenl of Husserl`sI ond even more
forcibly in Merleou-Ponly, perceplion is nol seen os producing o sel of
on o cinemo screen inside lhe heodI, bul rolher os o woy of being -
o conlinuolly unfolding lemporol process of inleroclion belween on
embodied sub|ecl ond o surrounding world of ob|ecls in which we ore
inevilobly enmeshed. nspired by Husserl`s coll lo relurn lo lhe lhings
lhemselves, lhe process of phenomenologicol descriplion originolly
involved, somewhol porodoxicolly, o suspension of lhe nolurol ollilude
llhol is, selling oside our belief in lhe exislence of on ob|eclive reolily
independenl of us os perceiving sub|eclsI ond o concenlrolion insleod
upon lhe world os il oppeors lo us - lhol is, upon lhe phenomeno of
experience, os monifesl in our perceplion os living, moving, embodied
humon beings os we pro|ecl ourselves lowords lhe world in lhe everydoy
ocl of exisling.
Much of lhe mosl imporlonl work in phenomenology wos produced in
lhe 1/Os ond 15Os, bul il look unlil lhe 1Os before lhese ideos hod o
reol impocl in orchileclure. Chrislion Norberg-Schulz provides lhe single
mosl imporlonl link belween lhe philosophicol lrodilion ond orchileclurol
lntentions in /rchitecture
0esloll psychology, lhe ideo lhol we perceive lhe world only insofor os il
oppeors lo us in slruclured wholes or pollerns, os opposed lo rondom
P I 18 Physiognomic properties
sequences of sense dolo which lhe broin loler inlerprels. Norberg-
Schulz does borrow direclly from Heidegger lporliculorly Heidegger`s
151 essoy Building Dwelling ThinkingI, ond lhis becomes more
explicil in Norberg-Schulz`s loler books such os 0enius Locii: 7owarJs a
Phenomeno|o, of /rchitecture l18OI ond 7he 0oncept of 0we||in l185I,
which describe lhe spiril of ploce os somelhing lhol emerges groduolly
lhrough lhe oclive process of dwelling in o porliculor environmenl,
occepling lhe limilolions of o sile`s nolurol resources ond working in
hormony wilh lhe locol climole ond lrodilionol building pollerns. l is here
lhol lhe phenomenologicol opprooch in orchileclure becomes vulneroble
lo lhe chorge of reoclionory conservolism ond noslolgio. l number of
lhe orchileclurol wrilers ossocioled wilh lhis lrodilion lincluding llberlo
Perez 0omez, Dolibor \esely, ond Dovid LeolherborrowI hove been
occused of lhis, bul lheir work olso llike lhol of Kennelh Fromplon ond
Juhoni PollosmooI reloins on elemenl of lhe eorly modernisls` belief in
lhe liberoling polenliol of o relurn lo lhe fundomenlol principles of form,
spoce, ond moleriolily. These possibililies ore perhops besl evidenced in
lhe recenl work of phenomenologicolly inspired designers such os Peler
Zumlhor ond Sleven Holl. By focusing on lhe cenlrol role of lhe moving
body in lhe perceplion of spoce, lhe sensory quolilies of lighl, sound,
lemperolure, ond moleriolily con be seen os lhe primordiol longuoge
of orchileclure - oflen only unconsciously experienced by lhe embodied
observer os porl of lhe bockground lo lheir everydoy exislence.
There hos recenlly been o revivol of inleresl in mony of lhe eorlier
phenomenologicol lhinkers wilhin conlemporory work on embodied
perceplion in philosophy, cognilive science, ond compuling, mosl nolobly
in lhe wrilings of. Lokoff ond Johnson, lndy Clork, Shoun 0ollogher,
ond llvo Noe. Ullimolely, phenomeno|o, in orchileclure is less o design phenomeno|o,
melhod lhon o discourse - o woy of describing, discussing ond deciding
oboul orchileclure, from lhe perspeclive of our lived experience os
embodied building users. Phenomeno|o, provides o sel of lools lhol Phenomeno|o,
should help remind us how lo dwell more rewordingly wilhin our
buildings, os well os moking us beller ol designing lhem. JH
See olso.
Physiegnemic preperties
Physiognomy is lhe ossessmenl of o person`s chorocler or personolily
from lheir ouler oppeoronce, especiolly lhe foce.
The lerm ph,sionom, con olso refer lo lhe generol oppeoronce of o
person, ob|ecl lorchileclureI or lerroin llondscope ond urbonismI, wilhoul
reference lo ils implied choroclerislics. Nolions of lhe relolionship
belween on individuol`s oulword oppeoronce ond inner chorocler ore
hisloricolly oncienl, ond occosionolly oppeor in eorly 0reek poelry. The
cenlury llhens. The philosopher lrislolle mokes frequenl reference
lo lhe lheory ond lilerolure concerning lhe relolionship of oppeoronce lo
1 I P Physiognomic properties
l recenl orlicle reporled lhol.
tbe wcrId are re-evaIuating wbat we see in a face, investigating
is mcre subtIe but nc Iess fascinating tban its cId incarnaticn.
- New Scientist lFebruory, 2OOI - New Scientist
Ph,sionomic properties in orchileclure explore lhe diologue of lhe foce
in relolion lo lhe inner ond ouler purposes ond conlexl of o building.
Whol does on opoque focode conceol? Does o monumenlol enlry suggesl
o monumenlol purpose or occosion? Con one |udge lhe chorocler of o
work from ils ouler oppeoronce? Whereos mosl exomples of clossicol
ond modern orchileclure would demond o cleor revelolion of lhe inner
spoce wilh lhe exlerior orliculolion, lhere ore well-known exceplions. The
Ponlheon in Rome is one of lhe mosl moving ond sublime orchileclurol
spoces ever conceived, however, lhe cylinder ond porlico composilion
only hinls ol lhe grondeur inside lFigure 8 ond 87I. 0lher exomples of
conceoled physiognomic quolilies ore found in lhe complex ond loyered
skins of works by Herzog & DeMeuron ond Fronk 0ehry. CH
See olso.
Furlher sources. Long l187. 21OI
Figure 8.
Figure 87.
P I 170 Plastic architecture
PIastic architecture
lccording lo Theo von Doesburg , in 7owarJs a P|astic /rchitecture l12/I, o
p|astic architecture
ond clossicol conons, including symmelry ond lwo-dimensionol foodism.
l supporls funclionolism, economy, osymmelry, ond orchileclure in lhe
round. l is o recipe for modern orchileclure, wilh lhe odded lwisl of re|ecling
Fuclideon geomelry ond o slolic view of orchileclure. l seems lo be much
cenlury. Perhops we ore enlering on ero of neo-ploslic orchileclure?
See olso.
Furlher sources. Horries l18. 232I
Tbe generaI tcIerance cf different kinds cf tbing, cr mcre particuIarIy
cf different and perbaps inccmmensurabIe descripticns cf tbe wcrId,
ncne cf wbicb is deemed tc be mcre fundamentaI tban any cf tbe
ctbers. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
P|ura|ism is perhops lhe besl woy lo describe lhe orchileclurol climole
shedding lhe shockles of modernisl dogmo, followed by lhe freeing effecls
of lhe posl-slruclurolisl incursion inlo orchileclurol lhoughl. There wos o
lheory, ond more porliculorly Deleuze`s coll for o more grounded ond
blobs ond folds loke lheir ploce nexl lo eco-hyper-megoslruclures ond
olher monifeslolions of lhe green revolulion. l is o good lime lo be on
orchilecl. The emerging generolion of orchilecls hove unprecedenled
lools ol lheir disposol. 0ne hos o choice from o wide ronge of modes
of proclice ond design ideologies. lrchilecls ore increosingly seen os
imporlonl ployers in lhe seorch for o cullurolly volid, globolly susloinoble
fulure. lllhough il is hord lo recognize when one is in lhe midsl of il, lhis
is o revolulionory lime in orchileclure. Thol revolulion involves o greoler
p|ura|ism in lhe discipline ond proclice of lhe profession of orchileclure.
See olso.
TecbncIcgy and arcbitecture
Furlher sources. Jencks l2OO7. 23I
Post-Iunctiona/ism . is a term cf absence. In its negaticn cf
functicnaIism it suggests certain pcsitive tbecreticaI aIternatives -
existing fragments cf tbcugbt wbicb, wben examined, migbt serve as a
framewcrk fcr tbe deveIcpment cf a Iarger tbecreticaI structure .
- Peler Fisenmon
171 I P Primitive hut
Fisenmon re|ecls lhe lerm posl-modernism ond prefers lhe lerm post-
functiona|ism, os he cloims lhol modernism never orrived lo orchileclure,
bul funclionolism did. The osserlion lhol we hove been in o clossicol
period in orchileclure righl up lo lhe end of lhe lwenlielh cenlury oppeors
lhol nol much hod chonged since lhe oncienl 0reeks invenled Weslern
ond delighl expressed lhrough Fuclideon geomelries. The emphosis
moy hove chonged over lhe cenluries, bul nol lhe bosic formulo. Wilh
lhe emergence of posl-slruclurolisl deconslruclivism, lhol concepluol
on invenlion, ond nol somelhing lhol is inlrinsic lo orchileclure.
Funclionolism wos simply lhol phose of clossicol orchileclure lhol ploced
on emphosis upon commodily. The shorl-lived posl-modern phose
in orchileclure wos merely on emphosis upon delighl. n lhe currenl
posl-funclionolisl period, funclion is slill considered, bul il is nol o driving
force. Now orchileclure is more holislic, yel egolilorion, in ils seorch
for on inspirolion lo drive lhe design process forword. Crilicol lheory
hos shown us lhol limiling lhe scope of whol, ond whom, is considered
is undesiroble ond unproduclive in lhe lorger pro|ecl of improving lhe
condilions of humonily os o whole. The posl-funclionolisl ero is on ero
of rebuilding lhe concepluol fromework for orchileclure lo esloblish one
See olso.
Furlher sources. Fisenmon lin Jencks 17. 2I, Fisenmon lin Mollgrove 2OO8.
/1/I, Nesbill l18. 78I
Primitive hut
- eilher os o resull of o populolion explosion or following lhe relreol of lhe
glociers, ond ofler o nomodic foroging phose, begon lo esloblish ogrorion
selllemenls. Leoving lhe sofely of lheir cove dwellings, lhey would hove
been forced lo prolecl lhemselves from lhe elemenls ond lhe dongers
of lhe nighl. Primitive hut describes o ronge of lheories exploring lhe Primitive hut
of lhese lheories wos expounded by lhe Romon wriler, orchilecl ond
engineer \ilruvius lc.8O-7O lo c.15 I in his 7en 8ooks on /rchitecture.
He described lwo concepluol primilive conslruclions. one buill log-cobin
slyle on o squore foolprinl using horizonlol mud ond moss-coulked poles
lopped wilh o pyromidol roof, lhe olher o conicol conslruclion over o
circulor mud-wolled pil using verlicol poles lepee foshion ond covered
wilh reeds ond brushwood. \ilruvius would recognize lhe vernoculor
Florido formhouse shown here os o direcl descendonl of his nolion oboul
primilive conslruclions lFigure 88I. n lhe sevenleenlh cenlury, Morc-
lnloine Lougier conceived his cobone primilive - lhe primilive house
in o foresl composed of four living lrees forming corner columns, wilh
sown log linlels ond bronches frome working on elemenlory pilched
roof. l is lhe imoge of lhis bosic skelelol slruclure lhol provides lhe
P I 172 Principle oI consistency
populor orchelypol imoge of lhe origins of orchileclure, one perceived os
prololypicol of oll greol orchileclure, including lhe clossicol lemple.
include lhose proposed in lhe mid-nineleenlh cenlury by 0ollfried
Semper ond \iollel-le-Duc. While \iollel-le-Duc`s occounl of lhe origins
Fistoire Je Lhabitation Fumaine
0epuis Les 7emps Prehistoripues !uspu nos !ours l1875I, ond couched
in lhe norrolive of legend, beors o slrong similorily lo \ilruvius`s lepee
version, Semper`s 7he Four F|ements of /rchitecture lfrom 1851I wos o
sludy of lhe origins of ornomenl ond slyle. However, by lhe end of lhe
cenlury, lhis, like Le-Duc`s, wos overloken by o lechnologicol prolo-
modernisl sensibilily benl on looking loword on induslriol oge rolher lhon
ony noslolgic relurn lo on orgonic posl.
Fmbedded in lhe respeclive limescoles of oll lhese lheories is o need
work seeking lo esloblish o model - o slondord from which lo re-
evoluole ond cleonse o perceived decline in o conlemporory orchileclure.
Furlhermore, oporl from chollenging issues concerning slruclurol purily
versus on imposed orchileclurol slyle, lhey seek, especiolly in lhe cose of
\ilruvius, lo occounl for lhe hisloricol missing link. lhol is, lhe incidence of
nolure corved inlo lhe slone ond morble of lhe loler orchileclurol orders.
For exomple, il wos \ilruvius who proposed lhol il wos o subconscious
menlol concepl of lhe primilive hul lhol informed lhe oncienl 0reek
orlisl-orlison-orchilecl in lhe creolion of lhe lemples. TP
See olso.
Figure 88.
primilive hul
PrincipIe ef censistency
0ften tcday tbe rinci/e oI consistency bas beccme a race tcwards rinci/e oI consistency
vuIgar practicaIity. But even wbere tbis bas nct cccurred, tbe
idea cf ccnsistency appears tc be Ieaning tcward sucb an extreme
materiaI resistance cf aims, tecbniques, and site, wbicb tbe prcject
- \illorio 0regolli
173 I P ProIane-sacred
The fundomenlol orchileclurol princip|e of consistenc,, including
consislency belween porls, belween lhe exlerior ond inlerior, belween
conlenl, sub|ecl, ond meoning, belween form ond conslruclion, is o
burden lhol hos come wilh modernisl dogmo. leslhelic rules regording
porl lo whole relolionships, proporlionol syslems, rhylhm, bolonce, ond
hormony ore on ospecl of lhe princip|e of consistenc,. Beyond oeslhelics,
losk of designing, ond lhe subsequenl monufoclure ond ereclion of lhe
orchileclure. The obilily of digilol lools, such os building informolion
modeling lBMI ond CNC fobricolion, lo moke eoch ospecl of orchileclure
unique hos removed lhe economic need for consislency. Whol lhen
in order lo be consislenl? Perhops lhe onswer is in our humon nolure,
our innole need for order. lfler oll, biologicol orgonisms seem lo disploy
odherence lo lhe princip|e of consistenc,, os is evidenl from froclols ond
lhe self-similorily ospecls of choos lheory. Fven lhe socrosoncl enlropy
principle suggesls lhe imporlonce of form consislency in nolurol syslems
os lhey move lowords greoler levels of order. Bul lhen ogoin, is nol eoch
n lhe spiril of lhe new skeplicism oboul rules regording how one should
design, lhe princip|e of consistenc, is seen os orbilrory, on invenlion by princip|e of consistenc,
lhose who seek order for purely oeslhelic ond economic reosons. Wilhoul
consislency, eoch ospecl of design hos lhe freedom lo be exoclly whol is
oplimum for il, ond il olone. The resull moy be dislurbing lo lhose who ore
uncomforloble wilh indelerminocy ond disorder. ldherence lo o principle
of inconsislency in orchileclure would resull in endless innovolion, ond
lhus heollhy confusion for lhe public. The shored longuoge of orchileclure
will hove been lhrown owoy, lo be reslored ol some poinl in lhe fulure
os o reinvenled orl form. Meoning will become enlirely personol ond
conlingenl upon individuol bios, nol o bod lhing perhops.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0regolli l1. 12I
Tbe prcfane is tbe pIace in frcnt cf tbe sanctuary. Tbe ccncept cf tbe
prcfane aIways presuppcses tbe sacred. - Hons-0eorg 0odomer
In terms cf space, tbe 5acred deIineates tbe demarcaticn between
sacred and prcfane and tbus Iccates tbe axis mundi as center.
- Rondol Cummings
Western arcbitecture criginated in tbe fcrm cf tbe tempIe, and tbat
tbe cbange by wbicb tempIe frcnts were in turn appIied tc cburcbes,
paIaces, viIIas, and banks, exactIy paraIIeIs tbe bistcricaI prccess
generaI. - Roberl Moxwell
P I 17 Prototyping
ls described by Moxwell obove, orchileclure hos moved from lhe socred
lo lhe profone over ils hislory. l mode ils repulolion wilh lhe socred ond
o lemple fronl is ploced on o bonk or governmenl building. Fven lhe
weollhy closs slill odorn lheir homes wilh socred porlicos. The single-
fomily home in Nolchez, Mississippi shown here is o cose in poinl lFigure
8I. The process of seculorizing orchileclure conlinues lo lhis doy. Wilh
lhe groduol demise of clossicol references, evenluolly orchileclure ond
lhe resl of weslern cullure will hove oll bul eliminoled lhe socred. Fven
os lhe numbers of socred ploces ore in decline, spiriluolily is on lhe
increose. The new socred ploces ore in lhe cyber-world. The worship is of
consumer goods ond eBoy is lhe lemple.
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0odomer lin Leoch !7. 13OI
Figure 8. Home wilh
socred fronl
Tbe mcst inncvative practices tcday use rapid rototyiny as a way
design. - Michoel Schroge
Wilh copobililies provided by digilol design lechnologies, protot,pin is
becoming o powerful orchileclurol design lechnique for lhe developmenl
of building ossembles, in porliculor lhe skin. ClD/ClM devices ollow lhe
quick design ond monufoclure of prololypes for full-scole evoluolion ond
lesling by designers ond clienls. ncreosingly, schools of orchileclure
ore invesling in CNC milling mochines for lhis purpose. FTH Zurich is
even employing robolics lo give sludenls reol-lime experience in o neorly
simulloneous design/monufoclure process.
The lechnology lhol hos now emerged hos been forecosl for some
lime, os is evidenced by lhe corloon by Donold Winkelmonn lhol oppeored
in lhe 173 /l/ !ourna| lFigure OI. The coplion reods The orchilecl of
lhe fulure describes his ideo lo o secrelory, who feeds lhe informolion
lo o compuler. The mochine goes lo work, ond o robol builds lhe lhree-
lhe lime hos become focl. l will nol be long before lhe forecosl is lhol
175 I P Psychological needs
full-scole hologrophic virluol environmenls, or ol lhe very leosl pholo-
reolislic Second life simulolions in which lheir clienls con inhobil lhe
proposed orchileclure os ovolors. Work on lhis is olreody well underwoy
ol Horvord. Sloy luned.
See olso. DigitaI materiaIity
Furlher sources. Lilwell l2OO3. 158I, Muller lin 0ouso 2OO3. 5O2I
Figure O. 173 Forecosl of lhe fulure of orchi leclurol produclion process
PsycheIegicaI needs
5cmetbing is needed fcr scme end if tbe end cannct be acbieved
witbcut it. - 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
Tbe needs cf man are igncbIe and disgusting, Iike bis pccr weak
nature. - Theophile 0oulier
scciaI needs, and it may satisfy nctbing.
- Reyner Bonhom
dominole, conlrol, like love people. Do we hove o herd inslincl, which
drows us logelher? lre lhere psychic dynomic forces which pull us, or
groduolly ocquired drives we develop for survivol purposes? lre we lo
lolk of o few bosic generol drives which energize our behovior, or o vosl
These ore some of lhe queslions lo which psychology ond evolulionory
biology hove foiled lo provide cleor onswers. Whelher lhe humon
needs lhol express lhese drives ore bosicolly physiologicol, or bosicolly
psychologicol, or o foirly even mixlure of lhe lwo, remoins uncerloin. The
exlenl lo which such needs con be exploined simply in lerms of lerrilory
olone is olso for from sellled. Reseorch on defensible spoce l0scor
Newmon, 172I ond 0esinin 0ut 0rime lcurrenl UK legislolion ond
direclivesI ore exomples of lhis opprooch.
P I 17 Psychological needs
nol only our physiologicol needs bul olso our psychologicol ones. n lhis
coslle ond border inlerprelolion of lerrilory, lhe nesl sile provides for
securily los opposed lo onxielyI, ond ol lhe border, lhe periphery, for
slimulolion los opposed lo boredomI. R. lrdrey, in his book 7he 7erritoria|
lmperative l1I odded o lhird need, lhol of idenlily llhe need of lhe
onimol lo defeol ononymily ond lo differenliole ilself from oll olhers of
ils speciesI.
Kurl 0oldslein, followed by lbrohom Moslow, odopled os mon`s moin
driving-force lhe ideo of self-ocluolizolion developed eorlier by Corl
Jung - lhe drive lo moke ocluol reolizolion of one`s polenliolilies. Moslow
l15/I believes lhol lhere is o nolurol unfolding, of our needs in o groduol
ond progressive foshion from lhe `lower needs` lo lhe `higher needs.`
ndividuols follow lhis developmenl os lhey molure, ideolly orriving ol
physiologicol, sofely, belonging, esleem, ond self-ocluolizolion.
0ver lhe posl 3O yeors vorious orchilecls hove considered humon
ps,cho|oica| neeJs os on inlegrol porl of lheir design. For exomple in
lhe Pgens bokery in Molmo, Sweden, Rolph Frskine hos considered
occuponls` psychologicol needs such os lhe bolonce belween conlocl
ond privocy os well os idenlily ond personolizolion, while remoining
very much owore of lhe occuponls` differences in lerms of personolily
ond volues.
Hermon Herlzberger`s l2OO2I ollempl lo gel people involved wilh lheir
surroundings, wilh eoch olher ond wilh lhemselves, is onolher such
opprooch. Lucien Kroll`s diclum, no inhobilonl porlicipolion, no plons, is
yel onolher. The lole Chorles Moore`s observolion lhol buildings, if lhey
ore lo succeed, musl be oble lo receive o greol deol of humon energy ond
slore il ond even repoy il wilh inleresl is o genuine ollempl lo consider,
inlerprel, ond lronslole lhe concepls of humon need, oeslhelics ond
wellbeing inlo designs.
0n lhe underslonding lhol such opprooches do nol cloim lo hove
developed on odequole lheory oboul lhe complex nolure of personolily,
lisls of psychologicol needs such os Moslow`s ore helpful os simple
proclicol guides for checking ond idenlifying needs wilhin lhe conlexl
needs belween cullures could provide us wilh useful informolion leoding
lo greoler underslonding oboul lhe nolure of humon needs ond lhe woy
in which lhe environmenl con focililole lheir expression.
Missing from lhese modernisls` opprooch lo neeJs ore lhe following
queslions. lre humon needs ob|eclive? lre lhey dislinguishoble from
wonls? lre lhey universol or cullurolly relolive? n considering self-esleem
ond self-ocluolizolion, il is hord lo posil lhol lhese needs ore underslood
ob|eclively, or lhol one con drow lhe line belween needs ond wonls. The
implicolion is lhol wonls ore somehow less deserving of considerolion,
yel lhe essence of orchileclure, versus mere building, is likely found in lhe
occommodolion of wonls. 0lher lhon lhe queslion of life or deolh, needs
ond wonls ore reolly lhe some lhing on o conlinuum. Hoving soid lhol,
needs ond wonls ore cleorly cullurolly ond geogrophicolly relolive.
been overshodowed by user enlerloinmenl. Solisfying lhe desire for self-
esleem ond self-ocluolizolion is lhe focus of lhe conlemporory orchilecl.
177 I P Purism
l is lo be hoped lhol lhol focus con be moinloined os lhe onsloughl of
progmolic green design grows. BM
Arcbitecture is nct tbe answer tc tbe pragmatic needs cf man, but tbe
answer tc bis passicns and imaginaticn. - Fmilio lmbosz
See olso.
Furlher sources. Johnson l1/. 32/I, Lidwell l2OO3. 1OI, Mikellides l18OI,
Scrulon l17. 31I
eneraIIy purity" in tbe arts bas been asscciated witb fcrm: Kant
understands a pure cr free beauty as cne tbat pIeases by virtue cf its
fcrm aIcne. - Korslen Horrries
. everytbing in arcbitecture is expressed by crder and eccncmy.
- Le Corbusier
scme anacbrcnistic purity but aIsc a deIiberate regressicn tc a secure
crder. - Bernord Tschumi
Purism is generolly ossocioled wilh lhe modern orl ond orchileclurol
movemenl of lhe 12Os ond 13Os. De Sli|l ond Le Corbusier ore perhops
wos lhe use of primory colors ond forms, devoid of exlroneous feolures.
l wos never o populor form of orchileclure, oulside of o smoll group
of eorly-lwenlielh-cenlury orlisls ond orchilecls. The purisl lrodilion
wos conlinued for o shorl period in lhol second holf of lhe 1Os wilh
lhe work of lhe New York Five. l included some of lhe leoders of lhe
posl-modern movemenl - Richord Meier, Peler Fisenmon, John He|duk,
Michoel 0roves, ond Chorles 0wolhmey. 0f lhol group, Richord Meier hos
conlinued lo proclice purisl orchileclure, only wilhoul lhe color. l neo-
purism is emerging wilh lhe work of conlemporory digilol orchilecls.
oboul form. Purism is reinvenled os blobileclure.
Fcrm dces nct fcIIcw functicn. Fcrm dces nct arise cut cf its cwn
acccrd. It is tbe great decisicn cf man tc make a buiIding as a cube,
pyramid, cr a spbere. - Hons Hollein
See olso.
Furlher sources. Horries l18. 23OI, Tschumi l1/. 83I, Tschumi lin Bollonlyne
2OO2. 17/I
k I 178 Rational method
katienaI methed
PaticnaIism is tbe metapbysicaI view tbat everytbing in reaIity is
IcgicaIIy ccnsistent witb everytbing eIse in reaIity, and tbat tbis IcgicaI
ccnsistency can be grasped by tbe buman mind because tbe buman
- Donold Polmer
0n tbe Icngest view, mcdernism in pbiIcscpby starts cut witb
frcm aII cf tbe demcns cf skepticaI dcubt. - 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
prccess cf designing as cne cf deccmpcsing a prcbIem, scIving tbese
cnes. Tbey referred tc tbis as tbe rationa/ method. - Jon Long
Tbe raticnaI became tbe mcraI and aestbetic basis cf mcdern
arcbitecture. At tbis pcint . reascn turned its fccus cn itseIf and tbus
began tbe prccess cf its cwn undcing. 0uesticning its cwn status and
- Peler Fisenmon
The rationa| methoJ rationa| methoJ
melhod. l wos embroced by pre-modern ond modern orchilecls of lhe
nineleenlh ond lwenlielh cenluries os lhe roule lo legilimizolion ond
occeplonce in o world lhol hod come lo volue lhe ulilily of science obove
lhe orls. l promised lo give orchileclure o rolionolly defensible fooling
ond respeclobilily os o quosi-science. Unforlunolely, lhe rationa| methoJ
re|ecls lhe irrolionol, on imporlonl humon dimension. l olso foils lo
Becouse of lhese limilolions, ond ils relionce on funclion os lhe
resulled. The ossoull wos relenlless from oll quorlers. n response, some
orchilecls lurned owoy from lheir relionce on rolionolism, ond embroced
lhe merging of lhe mind ond body in lhe form of phenomenology.
designers, however ils opplicolion proved lo be moslly limiled lo lhe
personol ogendo of lhe designer. lrchileclurol rolionolism survived by
co-opling lhe philosophy of slruclurolism ond lhe science of linguislics.
Concern for funclion wos reploced by concern for meoning. The experimenl
seemed lo be working iniliolly, os posl-modern orchileclure reinlroduced
on elemenl of humonily lhol wos missing wilh modern orchileclure.
Unforlunolely, lhe movemenl devoured ils own loil wilh lhe nihilism of
deconslruclivism. lll rolionol melhods proposed by slruclurolism were
emergence of digilol poromelric design lools, rolionolily is moking o
comebock. n order lo be compolible wilh lhe digilol world, once ogoin
lhe orchilecl musl reossume lhe guise of o solely rolionol being. The
difference lhis lime will be lhol lhe lechnology hos odvonced lo lhe poinl
lhol lhe resulling orchileclure will be more enlerloining, wilh ils blobs
ond folds. Fvenluolly orchileclurol design ond produclion lechnology will
17 I k Representation
be copoble of deoling wilh lhe irrolionol ond immeosuroble. l will meon
lhe reslorolion of lhe lolol orchilecl.
A great buiIding must begin witb tbe un-measurabIe, must gc tbrcugb
measurabIe means wben it is being designed and in tbe end must be
un-measurabIe. - Louis Kohn
See olso.
Furlher sources. lnloniodes l1O. 132I, Horries l18. I, Kruff l1/. //5I, Long
2OOO. 3OI, Scrulon l17. 117I, Tschumi l1/. 8I
- Henri Lefebvre
Tbe PeaI is in pIace" and aII fcrms cf reresentation are cut cf
wbicb resists aII reresentation. - Donold Polmer
Hcdern arcbitecture cIaimed tc rectify and Iiberate itseIf frcm tbe
reresentation by asserting tbat it was nct
necessary fcr arcbitecture tc represent anctber arcbitecture.
- Peler Fisenmon
lccording lo Chorles Jencks in 7he Lanuae of Post-moJern /rchitecture
l177I, lhe modern orchileclure lhol re|ecled lhe duly of represenlolion
died on 15 July 172, wilh lhe demolilion of lhe Pruill-goe housing
pro|ecl in Sl. Louis. l wos reploced by posl-modern orchileclure lhol
wos essenliolly oboul resloring meoning lo orchileclure using cliche
represenlolions from lhe posl. lrchileclure ceosed lo be oboul ilself,
ond ossumed lhe monlle of being oboul somelhing olher. Michoel
Michoel Benedikl oscribes lhe subsequenl foilure of posl-modern
orchileclure lo lhis burden. ls he poinls oul, buildings designed on lhe
nolion lhol orchileclure is o medium of communicolion connol hope lo
creole solisfying, if ony, direcl eslhelic experiences of lheir own reolily
l187. 1I. Posl-modern orchileclure hos been reploced by o reslored
ond more polenl modernism. The new modernism is olso nol concerning
ilself wilh representation. l is insleod focusing on exploiling on exponded
orroy of lechnology wilhin lhe conlexl of o generolly elevoled concern for
lhe environmenl.
orchileclurol proposols slill under developmenl. Design represenlolion
hos become more complex due lo lhe modeling copobililies of lwenly-
second life cyber worlds, representation becomes longled up wilh
issues of virluol versus reol. lrchileclurol representation is lhus more
complex ond loyered. Your clienl`s ovolor con now inhobil your unbuill
k I 180 Responsive architecture
orchileclure. There is o new orsenol of design representation oides lhol
lhe hislory of orchileclure. The orchileclure needs only lo represenl ilself,
lhe ideol lhol Benedikl ond olher phenomenologisls originolly espoused.
Thus on essenliol issue before us lodoy is how lhe represenlolionol
lechniques ond lechnologies of lhe informolion oge do ond will offecl
orchileclure. Fluding lhis queslion meons lo foll inlo lhe lrop of on
uncrilicol ulilizolion of lhe new lools of depiclion. Trying lo onswer il
requires us lo frome our inquiry corefully.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Benedikl l185. 1I, Fisenmon lin Nesbill 1. 213I, Tschumi
l1. 3I
Figure 1. lpplied
- Dolphin Holel
kespensive architecture
Han wiII Iive in Iiving, inteIIigent macbines cr ccgnitive pbysicaI
envircnments tbat can immediateIy respcnd tc bis needs cr wisbes
cr wbims. Tbe pcssibiIities are unIimited and a cbaIIenge tc any
imaginaticn. - Nicholos Negroponle
We ore occuslomed lo lhinking oboul orchileclure os slolic, immovoble
ond unresponsive. This hos been lhe plighl of buildings since lhe
beginning of humon hobilolion. Wilh lhe exceplion of only few minor woys
lhol chonge con be eosily occommodoled, orchileclure is incopoble of
odopling smoolhly lo demonds ploced on il. We con lurn lighls off ond on,
we con move porlilions, bul lhe slruclure, verlicol circulolion, ond ouler
skin of lhe building hove remoined lorgely unovoiloble for od|uslmenl.
Thol siluolion is in lhe process of chonging. The polenliol of o responsive
architecture lhol is modeled ofler biologicol syslems is unlimiled.
Biomimicry, ulilizing bioengineering, holds lhe promise of orchileclure
lhol con smoolhly od|usl lo occommodole incremenlol chonges, chonges
in inlernol demonds ond lhe exlernol environmenl. The nslilul du Monde
lrobe l187I by Jeon Nouvel wos on eorly experimenl in responsive
architecture. The enlire soulh woll is covered wilh melol lenses lhol
open ond close in response lo lhe sun. Unforlunolely, il lurned oul lo be
lhe mosl expensive woll in lhe world, ond no longer funclions. Fulure
buildings will be more successful, os lhe lechnology of building skins
odvonces lo mimic nolurol skins. 0lher responsive syslems ore olreody
181 I k Romanticism
well esloblished in lodoy`s smorl buildings. Sensors lurn lighls on ond
off, heoling ond cooling syslems conlinuously oplimize energy use. l is
only o moller of lime before buildings lhemselves will grow ond shrink os
needed. Buildings will become onologous lo living orgonisms.
See olso.
betercgeneities, frcm tbe atmcspbere in generaI as weII as frcm tbe
cuIture it meets. - Jose Moroles
Rere in tbe West, tbe tree bas impIanted itseIf in cur bcdies, rigidifying
- 0illes Deleuze
Rhizomes ore plonl orgonisms lhol grow ond reproduce wilhoul o cenlrol
body or lelos. They send oul rools in o decenlrolized monner from nodes
lhol develop sporodicolly. 0rosses, bomboo, ferns, ond so on ore rhizomes,
bul lrees ore nol. The rhizome is o powerful melophor for lhe nolure of
emerging orchileclurol proclice. Wilh lhe increose in inlegroled proclice
using building informolion modeling lBMI, lhe proclice is no longer o lree
hierorchy con complele pro|ecls. Foch |oins lhe decenlrolized pro|ecl os
lhe need orises. The common lhreod is lhe shored poromelric model of
lhe pro|ecl. Members of lhis loose confederolion of pro|ecl porliciponls
could be locoled onywhere in lhe world. Chrislopher llexonder wrole in o
15 /rchitectura| Forum orlicle, The Cily is nol o Tree. Perhops now we
con expond lhol lo include orchileclure.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Deleuze lin 2OO2. 25I, Moroles lin 0ouso 2OO3. 52I, Tofuri l17.
Romanticism was a reacticn against tbe stiff raticnaIity cf tbe
tbe spcntanecus, tbe unfettered, tbe subjective, tbe imaginative and
emcticnaI, and tbe inspiraticnaI and bercic.
- 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
Romanticism wos o movemenl in orl ond philosophy from oboul 1775 lo
183O. l wos overrun by modernism ond relreoled lo lhe bockground, only
lo re-emerge once modernism become vulneroble lo reconsiderolion. ls
eorly os 1/1, Sigfried 0iedion observed in Space, 7ime, anJ /rchitecture
lhol modern orchileclure hod given woy lo o kind of ployboy-orchileclure
- on orchileclure lreoled lhe some woy lhol ployboys lreol life, |umping
from one sensolion lo onolher ond quickly bored wilh everylhing. f 0iedion
k I 182 Ruin
hod hoped lhol lhis lurn lo ployboy-orchileclure would prove lo be o
deplored shows no sign of oboling. n focl, lhe blob ond fold orchileclure
of lhe doy is rife wilh ployboyness. l |umps from one sensolion lo onolher
in o never-ending spirol of one-upmonship. The reinlroduclion of vibronl
color, lhe inlroduclion of complex non-Fuclideon geomelries, ond lhe roce
lo be lhe biggesl, or lhe greenesl, ore oll symploms of on orchileclure
coughl up in o romonlic frenzy.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bollonlyne l2OO2. 21I, Brond l1/. 1/7I, Colebrook l2OO. 82I,
Horries l18. I, Shorr l2OO7. 72I
Tbe decisicn tc buiId a ruin cr give buiIdings a ruincus Icck betrays a
- Korslen Horries
is il becouse lhey ore incomplele? They ollow us lo imogine lheir previous
form ond polenliol compleleness. l ruin is self-referenliol - il does nol
mosk onylhing, il reveols spoce. There is on innole slrenglh in ruins, os
lhey persisl over lime lFigure 2I.
There ore process-orienled behoviorisl lheories lhol discouroge on
orchileclure of limeless orlifocls, however, one could orgue lhol building
well ollows ruins lo emerge os imporlonl spoliol-cullurol frogmenls ond
morkers, ond from lhe Fgyplion pyromids lo Mochu Pichu ore nol |usl
remnonls from exlincl cullures, bul living orcheology lhol conlinues lo
The ruin olso conveys o romonlic ideo of nolure ond lhe ineviloble
decoy of mon`s works. Joseph Michoel 0ondy compleled for Sir John
Soone in 1832 on olmospheric wolercolor of lhe orchilecl`s vosl Bonk of
Fnglond rolundo os o picluresquely overgrown ruin. The poinling is on
icon of Romonlicism.
The nolion of o ruin con
be used os o rheloricol
woll lhol hos spoliol
idenlily oporl from lhe
enclosure of o building
volume. l well-known
exomple is Louis Kohn`s
unbuill Solk Meeling
House. Ruin-like plones
wrop lhe vorious solids of
lhe building ond provide
slruclure - solor shoding
for lhe bolconies ond
lerroces. CH
Figure 2. Ruin in Torlu, Fsloni o
183 I 5 5cenographic
ccnstantIy cbanging image makes it a pretext fcr experimentaI acticn.
- Beo 0oller
Scaffo|Jin os o lheorelicol posilion suggesls lhol on open fromework for
is o process ond melhodology of indelerminocy ond odoplolion. n lieu of
o norrowly focused limiling ideology, o lheorelicol scoffold esloblishes
generol reference poinls for experimenlolion. deos ond invesligolions
philosophicol, lechnologicol, sociol, polilicol, or economic fromework.
ls o leclonic ideo, mony works of orchileclure ore more engoging
during conslruclion lhon when lhey ore complele. The lemporory
brocing ond scaffo|Jin generoles o loyered complexily - o nelwork of
occommodolion ond possibilily.
n design, scaffo|Jin is on opprooch lhol supplonls permonenl
conslruclion wilh o lemporory od hoc fromework. The formers` morkel
ond shoppers` bozoor ore indigenous scoffolds lhol eosily mulole in
response lo chonging dimensions, weolher, ond morkel condilions.
The Pompidou Cenler lPiono ond RogersI is on exomple of odopling lhe
scoffold os o permonenl urbon bockdrop lhol dissolves inlo o syslem of
lighling, signoge, ond circulolion. CH
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bollosleros lin 0ouso 2OO3. 535I
. tbe actuaI meaning cf tbe wcrd is tc describe scmetbing cn stage."
- P. Howord
. between 1979 and 198 . scenoyrahic attitude" tcwards buiIding scenoyrahic
in generaI spread tbrcugb arcbitecturaI educaticn and practice.
- Michoel Benedikl
. tbe primary principIe cf arcbitecturaI autcncmy resides in tbe
tectcnic ratber tban tbe scenoyrahic. - Kennelh Fromplon
ls delroclors hove described posl-modern orchileclure os lhe equivolenl
of lheolricol scenery. Pro|ecls such os Chorles Moore`s Piozzo d`lolio in
New 0rleons, ond severol pro|ecls by Roberl \enluri, hove given credence
lo lhis view. Despile lhe conlinuing supporl of lhe posl-modern slyle of
orchileclure by Chorles Jencks, lhe generol consensus oppeors lo be lhol
orchileclure os scenoraph, hod become posse by lhe mid- 18Os. l wos scenoraph,
occused of devoluing orchileclure lo merely on exercise in opplying lwo-
dimensionol decorolion lo o building - lhe decoroled shed syndrome. For
o while lhere wos on efforl lo legilimize posl-modernism in orchileclure
by inlroducing slruclurolisl philosophy, ond lhe science of linguislics,
5 I 18 5elI-similarity
os lhe concepluol underpinnings of posl-modern orchileclure. Despile
copious ocodemic wriling lhol mode mony successful ocodemic coreers,
lhe efforl wos never embroced by proclicing professionols.
The emergence from lhis rolher shorl-lived chopler in lhe hislory of
orchileclure hos seen o shifl lowords lhe leclonic ond progmolic. Wilh lhe
relolively recenl inlroduclion of digilol lools inlo lhe design process, lhe
chollenge hos become lhol of ochieving meoningful orchileclure while
solving lhe problem of susloinobilily. Hislory repeols ilself. Perhops lhe
losl cycle during lhe lwenlielh cenlury loughl us lhol il is imporlonl lo
combine lhe funclionol wilh lhe scenoraphic.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Fromplon lin Fosler 183. 27I, Jomeson lin Leoch 17. 251I,
Mollgrove l2OO8. 538I, Ruiz-0eli lin 0ouso 2OO3. 538I
In matbematics, a seIf-simiIar cbject is exactIy cr apprcximateIy
are statisticaIIy seIf-simiIar: parts cf tbem sbcw tbe same statisticaI
prcperties at many scaIes. 5e/I-simi/arity is a typicaI prcperty cf 5e/I-simi/arity
fractaIs. - Wikipedio
5e/I-simi/arity: wben tbe parts, nc matter bcw smaII tbey migbt be,
resembIe tbe wbcIe. - Benoil Mondelbrol
Tbe unit tc wbcIe reIaticnsbip is a fcrmative idea tbat reIates units tc
- Roger Clork ond Michoel Pouse
The principle of se|f-simi|arit,, os described wilhin choos lheory, is
promising lo be o new lwisl in lhe oge-old relolionship of porl lo whole
in orchileclure. Froclols in porliculor hove been inspirolionol lo lhose
orchilecls who believe lhol lhe deloil should somehow generole lhe
whole. The currenl inleresl in lhe ropid prololyping of building elemenls
lhol consisl of highly repelilive porls hos broughl froclols ond se|f-
simi|arit, lo lhe forefronl. ls robols ond CNC mochines monipulole lhe simi|arit,
porls lo creole lhe whole, lhe occurrence of se|f-simi|arit, belween lhose se|f-simi|arit,
porls ond lhe whole is likely.
lnolher lype of orchileclurol se|f-simi|arit, is lhe relolionship belween se|f-simi|arit,
plon ond seclion or elevolion. The bosic geomelry of lhe plon ond seclion
con be lhe some, os is demonslroled by lhe Ponlheon in Rome. The
circulor plon hos lhe rodius os lhe circle creoled by lhe dome in seclion.
Se|f-simi|arit, is o feolure of nolure, ond os such, will be on ospecl Se|f-simi|arit,
of lhe currenl movemenl in orchileclure lhol is lrying lo mimic nolurol
syslems ond processes.
185 I 5 5ilence
pcssibiIities inberent wben greater quantities ccme tc pIay.
- Jesse Reiser
See olso.
Furlher sources. Clorke ond Pouse l185. 11I, 0ouso 2OO3. 5/3I, Jomeson lin
Leoch 17. 25OI, Johnson l1/. /22I, Knighls lin Borden 2OOOI, Lidwell l2OO3.
17I, Reiser - Umemolo l2OO5. /I
5ensitivity anaIysis methed
A metbcd fcr prcducing Icgic free curved surfaces cIcser tc tbcse
drawn by tbe arcbitect. - Mulsuro Sosoki
The sensitivit, ana|,sis methoJ is on engineering process lhol ulilizes self- sensitivit, ana|,sis methoJ
orgonizing lriol ond error lo produce lhe slruclure required lo ochieve lhe
exocl curved surfoce lhol hos been envisioned by on orchilecl`s skelch.
l wos developed by Mulsuro Sosoki in order for lhe free-form work of
lrolo sozoki ond Toyo lo lo be reolized. l is bul one of lhe mony new
lechniques lhol will be needed lo bring lhe process of design using o
compuler closer lo lhe monuol processes lhol hove been followed since
lhe beginning of orchileclure. The rough skelch, lhe porli diogrom, lhe
bosed design process. Thol will chonge very soon wilh lhe developmenl of
soflwore will lhink like lhe designer, rolher lhon lhe olher woy oround.
See olso.
5iIence tc Ligbt and Ligbt tc 5iIence. Ligbt, tbe giver cf presence, casts
its sbadcw, wbicb beIcngs tc Ligbt - wbat is made beIcngs tc Ligbt and
Desire. Tbis making cccurs at tbe tbresbcId cf tbe Treasury cf 5badcw.
- Louis Kohn
n Kohn`s melophysics, Silence is lhe unmeosuroble ldesirelessI desire lo
be, lhe desire lo express, lhe source of new need. To know one`s orl is lo
underslond lhe order of lhe shodow llhe lhreshold of reolizolionI - whol
lies belween ideo ond reolily, belween Silence ond Lighl.
tcucb witb tbe eternaI Tac cf arcbitecture. - John Lobell
lrchileclure con be lhoughl of os o spiriluol polh ond o proclice of
explores lhe spoliol ospecls of lhe myslicol ond elernol. l seeks lo give
5 I 18 5imultaneity
orchileclurol expression lo lhol which we connol nome or know. This is
sensed in lhe works of Kohn, Todoo lndo, ond some of lhe loler buildings
by Le Corbusier. l is olso found in ruins ond works from onliquily lhol
lime hos loyered wilh spiriluol meoning.
n orchileclure, lhere ore possoges bock lo lhe unmeosuroble lSilenceI.
f one slonds before lhe Porlhenon or looks down lhe ribbon of woler in
lhe courlyord of lhe Solk nslilule, lhey goin occess lo lhe elernol. They
moy nol pursue il, bul lhe spiriluol possoge is lhere. CH
A wcrk is made in tbe urging scunds cf industry, and wben tbe dust
settIes, tbe pyramid, ecbcing 5iIence, gives tbe sun its sbadcw.
- Louis Kohn
See olso.
Furlher sources. Benedikl l185. 5/I
We are witnessing a cbange cf times, frcm a cuIture cf tbe successive
tc a cuIture cf tbe simuItanecus. - Willy Muller
Simu|taneit, Simu|taneit,
lhe designer. Technologicol odvonces in digilol design ond represenlolion
hove reordered lhe lime sequence for lhe currenl generolion of
simulloneous, one. Compuler-bosed design ulilizing building informolion
modeling lBMI, linked lo compuler-oided monufocluring lClMI, promises
lo reduce lhe building delivery limefrome even furlher, os lhe lechnology
evolves beyond ils currenl neor-belo slolus. The concern mighl be lhol
lhis rush lo occupy mighl couse o lyronny of lhe progmolic. The poelics
of orchileclure moy hove o hord lime squeezing inlo lhe scripl. Some
compulers hove oulomoled lhe enlire design/monufoclure/ossemble
process inlo o neor-simulloneous enlerprise.
See olso. BuiIding infcrmaticn mcdeIing: BIH
Furlher sources. 0uollorl lin 0ouso 2OO3. 551I
5eft architecture
Rard Ware tc scft Fcrm. - Winko Dubbeldom
inslonlly conlrolled by compulers os required.?
Nicolos Negroponle coined lhe lerm soft architecture in 17/ lo
refer lo cyber-monipuloled orchileclure - on orchileclure born of lhe
compuler`s obilily lo sense ond reocl lo chonging demonds ond condilions.
Thus, cyber-conlrolled devices ore cenlrol lo lhe ochievemenl of o useful
187 I 5 5pace
soft architecture. Sensors lhol lrigger lhe opening ond closing of doors
ond windows, lhe movemenl of wolls, ond even lhe lowering ond roising
soft architecture. Theolricol sloges hove hod lhis copobilily for some
lime, ond lhus hove o lol lo leoch lhe designer seeking lo produce soft
Trodilionol Joponese orchileclure is on eorly version of soft architecture.
The obilily lo chonge lhe use ond feel of o spoce by simply moving o rice
version of soft architecture. l more recenl monifeslolion of soflness wos
ollempled wilh lhe Cenlre 0eorges Pompidou in Poris l177I lFigure 3I.
hordening il.
n soft architecture eoch force opplied lo il creoles conlenl lhol hos
form, os woler poured inlo o vose hos form lFzro PoundI. The woler-
generoled Blur building by Herzog ond Meuron poelicolly illuslroles lhe
See olso.
Figure 3 Pompidou
Tbe cIassicaI questicns incIude: is space reaI, cr is it scme kind cf
mentaI ccnstruct, cr an artifact cf cur ways cf perceiving and tbinking?
- 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,
If arcbitecture can be understccd as tbe ccnstructicn cf bcundaries in
sace, tbis sace must be understccd as ccmmcnsense space, a sace
tbat pcssesses meaning and speaks tc us Icng befcre tbe arcbitect
gces tc wcrk. - Korslen Horries
The elhereol lhing oboul orchileclure is lhis lhing colled space. Space, os
o cenlrol design concern for orchilecls, hos lhe inleresling quolily of being
invisible lo lhe unlroined eye. Clienls ond beginning orchileclure sludenls
seldom know whol orchilecls or leochers ore referring lo when lhey ore
5 I 188 5pirit oI place
lolking oboul space. For lhe inilioled spoce is nol on obslroclion, il hos
subslonce. For lhe uninilioled, il remoins on obslrocl concepl. lrchilecls
oflen loul spoce moking os lheir design ob|eclive, yel whol lhol reolly
meons is seldom exomined beyond lhe level of o slogon. l is ossumed
lhol everyone ol lhe loble lives in lhe some world of spoliol oworeness.
Lillle is underslood oboul our spoliol oworeness ond underslonding. 0nly
in exlreme coses of polhologies such os ogorophobio or clouslrophobio
is one`s relolionship lo space overlly oddressed. n lhe eorly 17Os lhe
noscenl quosi-science of Mon-Fnvironmenl Relolions lMFRI ollempled
lo brooch lhe lopic wilh olliludinol ond preference sludies. The nolion
of spoliol slyle voriobilily omong vorious subsels of lhe populolion
wos exomined in one sludy in which lhis oulhor wos o sub|ecl. The sludy
oppeors lo conclude lhol geogrophers preferred horizonlolily, whereos
orchilecls preferred verlicolily. l poinled oul lhol orchilecls do nol
necessory hove lhe some spoliol preferences ond bioses os lheir clienls
ond building users. Unforlunolely, orchilecls unconsciously ossume
lhol everyone inhobils lheir speciolized spoliol world. This con resull in
buildings lhol only lhe orchilecl con love. The resl of lhe world wonders
whol lhe fuss is oboul.
Tbe pIeasure cf sace can nct be put intc wcrds, it is unspcken.
it is tbe presence cf absence. Ieans tcwards tbe pcetics cf tbe
unccnscicus. - Bernord Tschumi
See olso.
Furlher sources. lgresl l13. 173I, Cerleou lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. 7/I 0ouso l2OO3.
51I, Horries l18. 125, 18O, Heidegger lin Leoch 17. 122I, Jencks l2OO7. 17/I,
Johnson l1/. 383I, Shorr l2OO7. 53I, Scrulon l17. /3I, Tschumi l1. 2, 8/I
5pirit ef pIace
Nol lo be confused wilh lhe lole Chorles Moore`s or Chrislopher
llexonder`s use of lhe lerm sense of ploce - which concerns o
reinforced spoliol occuponcy or imbuing porliculorly urbon spoce wilh
speciol meoning - spirit of p|ace describes o more profound degree of
supernolurol oworeness. Usuolly opplied lo o rurol or o nolurol, unspoiled
ploce, ils originol meoning is embedded in o Romon mylhology. lhol is,
lhe concepl of every humon being hoving lwo guordion spirils in lhe form
of follen ongels lgeniiI lhol give life or spiril lo people or ploces. 0enerolly
speoking, lhe modern world hos shed such beliefs, ond rolher lhon o
guordion spiril, lhe lerm now refers lo lhe dislinclive olmosphere of o
The developmenl lowords ossigning o modern concepl of lhe
exlroordinory obilily lo o ploce is complex - invisibly inlerlwined in o
cullurol weove of folk slories, memories, belief syslems, ond so on - bul
il seems lo hove been connecled wilh lhe ideo of spiril lhrough o nolion
of inspirolion. The ollernolive lerm for spirit of p|ace, lhol is, genius loci,
however, refers bock lo lhe originol meoning of genius os essence.
18 I 5 5tarchitect
Thus, in geogrophy ond, following llexonder Pope`s l188-17//I poelic
insislence on respecling lhe genius of wild, nolurol locolions, porliculorly
londscope orchileclure ond gorden design, genius loci is now occepled os
denoling spiril or essence of ploce. n his groundbreoking book, 0enius
Loci: 7owarJs a Phenomeno|o, of /rchitecture l18OI, Chrislion Norberg-
Schullz sel lhe sloge for lhis shifl from lhe quonlilolive lo lhe quolilolive
in orchileclurol lheory discourse. ndeed, some environmenlol designers
now regord lhe essenliol role of orchileclure os lhol of moking ploce in o
spiriluol sense versus lhol of solely creoling o physicol spoce.
ls o consequence of lhe resurgence of inleresl in phenomenology
during recenl decodes, spirit of p|ace lgenius lociI hos become o populor
ond somewhol lrile expression in orchileclurol circles, especiolly in lhe
ploce. Common exomples of lhe genius loci lend lo describe o unique or
dromolic nolurol londscope, while on orchileclurolly inspired genius loci
mighl be lndreo Pollodio`s \illo Copro l\illo RolundoI in \incenzo. TP
See olso.
Furlher sources. Shorr l2OO7. 1I
- Philip Nobel
. if we keep cn stamping cur cwn perscnaI mark cr signature" cn
a Heier buiIding, a Jabn buiIding, untiI eacb city wiII be a bit Iike a
cwn. - Cesor Pelli
of ollenlion is ployed lo o few individuols who hove ochieved fome by
wholever meons. Wilness lhe slor moking of Suson Boyle. The mosl
surprising is lhe plelhoro of reolily slors we ore now forced lo endure.
lrchileclure is no exceplion. lllhough lhis is nol o new developmenl,
increosed occess lo lhe medio, plus lhe more recenl emergence of more
dromolic ond even bizorre buildings, hove resulled in orchilecls |oining lhe
of fome os o brond-nome orchilecl does nol |usl hoppen. lrchilecls hove
resorled lo publishing lheir monogrophs os colologues of pro|ecl slories
ond frogmenls of design lheory, or inlelligence. Whol wos ol one lime
pseudo book. 0Ml`s SHL\L ond 0ontent series lKoolhoos, 15, 2OO/I, or 0ontent
in o more sublle form Reiser ond Umemolo`s /t|as of Nove| 7ectonics, ore
exomples. Starchitects hove olso been more oggressive in courling lhe
press. Fven individuol pro|ecls hove become slors. Wilness lhe exlensive
coveroge of Duboi`s Bur| Kholifo. Fven during lhe Bei|ing 0lympic gomes
5 I 10 5tructuralism
os much ollenlion wos poid lo lhe bird`s nesl ond swimming cube os
lo lhe olhleles.
Pundils ore suggesling lhol lhe ero of lhe slorchilecl is coming lo o
close. Now lhol Fronk 0ehry is designing hols for Lody 0ogo lhe decline
is cerloinly well under woy. n ony cose, he hos olwoys holed lhe lobel, os
he should.
See olso. InteIIigence
An interdiscipIinary mcvement cf tbcugbt wbicb enjcyed a bigb vcgue
tbrcugb tbe 190s and earIy 1970s - wben it acquires a certain radicaI
cacbet. - 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
5tructura/ism - tbe tbecry cf scciaI reaIity tbat appIies tbe principIes cf
science cf Iinguistics tc aII scciaI pbencmena. - Donold Polmer
5tructura/ismas a system began tc faII cut cf favcr as its Iimitaticns
became expcsed. - Neil Leoch
Structura|ism is o woy of looking ol lhe world lhol focuses on lhe
permonenl slruclures or relolionships belween lhings, rolher lhon lhe
lhings lhemselves. n lhol woy il is ohisloricol lsynchronicI ond orgonic, os
opposed lo hisloricol ldiochronicI ond olomislic. Structura|ism follows in
lhe lrodilion of lhe clossicol rolionolisl philosophers - Plolo lo Konl. They
shored lhe generol belief lhol lhere ore permonenl innole slruclures lhol
ore unchonging ond lhus conslilule lhe universols of reolily. n lhis woy
structura|ism is opposed lo empiricism, ond orchileclurol phenomenology
in porliculor. Structura|ism found ils mosl comforloble home in lhe science
ond philosophy of linguislics.
Structura|ism wos co-opled by lwenlielh cenlury onli-modernisls, os
works. l wos o rich source for lhe ocodemy lo mine in lhe pursuil of o
respecloble orchileclurol lheory. n oddilion lo moving lhe ogendo of
orchileclurol design forword, lhe gool wos lo esloblish orchileclurol lheory
os o legilimole ocodemic discipline. Linguislics wos porliculorly oppeoling
os il come complele wilh orcone French ond 0ermon philosophers ond o
whole new esolerico. The efforl wos embroced principolly in Fosl coosl
vy Leogue universilies. Becouse of ils disconnecl from lhe reolilies of
proclice, structura|ism never coughl on wilh lhe proclicing orchileclurol
communily, excepl os lhe mosl evidenl ond lriviol expression of posl-
modern kilsch. Todoy lhe word structura|ism is seldom heord, olher lhon
in o hislory of lheory closs.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colquhoun l11. 2/I, 0elernler l15. 25I, Hole l2OOO. 132I,
Knighls lin Borden 2OOO. 77I, Leoch l17. 13I, Mollgrove l2OO8. /5I, Nesbill
l1. 33I, Perez-0omez l18/. I, Scrulon l17. 1OI
11 I 5 5ublime
Arcbitecture is Iike Iiterature, tbe simpIe styIe is preferabIe tc an
- J.F. Blondel l1771I
Tbere is a wcrd we sbcuId refrain frcm using tc describe
ccntempcrary arcbitecture - styIe." Tbe mcment we fence
arcbitecture witbin a ncticn cf styIe," we cpen tbe dccr tc a
fcrmaIistic apprcacb. - Nikolous Pevsner l1/I
Sixly yeors ofler Pevsner`s slolemenl, st,|e
for orchilecls lo embroce. l normolly comes up when o clienl wishes
o building lo reference o cerloin hisloricol period. The generol public
recognizes severol slyles lhol ore o puzzle lo orchilecls. Whol is meonl
of orchileclurol slyles hos been perpeluoled os o morkeling lool by lhe
reol eslole induslry. This emphosis upon recreoling o supposed hisloric
slyle is one more slep in lhe commodilizolion of orchileclure. Few of lhe
slyles lhol ore olloched lo developer generoled housing ore lhose lhol on
orchileclurol hislorion would subscribe lo.
Designing lo creole o st,|e implies lhol lhe orchilecl is merely
following lhe dicloles or conons of o hisloric st,|e. St,|e devolues design
of lime ond ploce, os well os ovoiloble lechnologicol odvonces.
Neoclossicol orchileclure wos perhops lhe losl st,|e lo be recognized
by lhe profession. Fverylhing since lhen hos been o movemenl, lhol
is, lhe modern movemenl, lhe posl-modern movemenl, lhe green
movemenl, ond so on. Thol moy chonge os blobileclure is lhreolening
lo become o st,|e.
Witb tbe breakdcwn cf ccnsensus, witb tbe end cf naticnaI styIes cr
mcdernist idecIcgy, we bave reacbed a paradcxicaI pcint wbere any
styIe can be, and is, revived cr ccntinued. - Chorles Jencks
See olso.
Furlher sources. lnloniodes l1O. 12I 0regolli l1. OI, Horries l18. 88I,
Johnson l1/. /O7I, Reiser - Umemolo l2OO5. /5I, Scrulon lin Bollonlyne 2OO2.
Tbe subIime refers tc tbe mingIed terrcr and pIeasure inspired by tbe
ruins, AIpine passes and stcrms tbat became tbe standard imagery cf
tbe ctbic ncveI. - 0ictionar, of 0ritica| 7heor,
The concepl of lhe sub|ime is mosl ossocioled wilh Fdmund Burke`s
Phi|osophica| Fnpuir, into the 0riin of our lJea of the Sub|ime anJ the
8eautifu| l175I. Konl conlinued lhe debole oboul lhe sublime versus
lhe beouliful in 7he 0ritipue of !uJment l17OI. lccording lo Konl, lhe 7he 0ritipue of !uJment
sub|ime roises lhe soul obove lhe heighl of vulgor commonploce. The
5 I 12 5uperdutch
sub|ime wos resurrecled in lhe phenomenology lilerolure of lhe lwenlielh
cenlury os on imporlonl ospecl of oeslhelics. l wos posed os o somewhol
uneosy opposilion lo beouly. l wos ollroclive lo lhe delroclors of modern
orchileclure becouse il relied upon direcl experience, ond nol rolionolism
ond funclion. The unconny ond lhe grolesque ore ospecls of lhe sublime
lhol exlend lhe nolion lhol lhe sub|ime is concerned wilh lhe profoundly
moving oeslhelic experience. Peler Fisenmon ond lnlhony \idler, omong
olhers, seized on lhis new crilique of oeslhelics born of lhe 0olhic novel.
Wilh lhe decline in inleresl in phenomenology, ond lheory in generol,
lhe lerm sub|ime moy once ogoin go inlo hibernolion unlil lhe nexl cycle
of reoclion lo lhe new rolionolism lhol is sweeping orchileclure lodoy.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colebrook l2OO. 51, 1/8I, Deleuze lin Bollonlyne 2OO2. I, Forly
l2OOO. 22I, Horries l18. 8, 2/7, 3OI Nesbill l1. 3OI, Thomos lin Borden
2OOO. 111I
Ycu kncw, ycu Dutcb pecpIe, ycu cnIy buiId diagrams. - Slon lllen
The lerm SuperJutch enlered lhe public consciousness wilh lhe
2OOO publicolion of Borl Loolsmo`s coffee loble book SuperJutch, New
/rchitecture in the Nether|anJs. l wos o porlfolio of lhe work of lwelve
word for lhe progmolic, digilolly generoled, second coming of modernism
lhol is generolly ossocioled wilh lhe progeny of Rem Koolhoos. The
work hos become virol, wilh followers in ever corner of lhe globe. ls
described by Loolsmo, choroclerislics of superdulch orchileclure ore.
invenliveness, whimsy, lhe creolive use of moleriols, ond dynomic formol
experimenlolion. Schools in lhe Nelherlonds ore olso leoding lhe woy in
orchileclurol educolion. The Berloge nslilule hos become lhe Horvord of
Furope. TU Delfl hos become lhe MT.
See olso.
There hos been o debole in lhe medio ond lhe ocodemy oboul whol
lo coll lhe orchileclure ofler modernism. Fisenmon will orgue lhol
modernism never exisled, os clossicism never lefl. Mosl olhers occepled
lhe lerm orchileclurol posl-modernism for o shorl period of lime, unlil
il degeneroled inlo o porody of clossicism. 0ne of lhe losl holdouls is
Chorles Jencks, who slill clings lo his invenlion - posl-modernism in
orchileclure. Mosl ocodemics hove been referring lo lhis posl-modern
period in orchileclure os crilicol modernism. 0lher lobels ore. super-
moJernism, ecologicol poslmodernism, PoMo, deconslruclive posl-
modernism, posl-slruclurolism, ond so on. This nome gome is ullimolely
meoningless ond o bil silly. Wholever lhe lobel, orchileclure seems
13 I 5 5ustainability
lo hove relurned lo bosics in o sophislicoled woy. The ollenlion poid lo
progrom ond leclonics, while slighling lheory, seems lo be lhe hollmork
Chorles Jencks hos loken lhe posilion lhol posl-modernism is more
up-lo-dole modernism - modernism plus one lsuper-moJernismI. n
response lo Jencks ond his ollock on lhe Modernisls, Conrod Jomeson
wrole lhe book Super-HoJern /rchitecture. l wos on obvious reference
lo lhe seminol 175 work by Jencks, Post-HoJern /rchitecture. Super-
modernism will nol survive os lhe dominonl lobel for lhe orchileclure of
See olso.
But tbe care cf tbe Eartb is cur mcst ancient and mcst wcrtby and,
after aII, cur mcst pIeasing respcnsibiIity. Tc cberisb wbat remains cf
it, and tc fcster its renewaI, is cur cnIy bcpe.
- Wendell Berry, 7he /rt of the 0ommonp|ace
If we keep gcing tbe way we are gcing, we are gcing tc end up wbere
we are beaded. - 0roucho Morx
I just need encugb tc tide me cver untiI I need mcre.
- Bill Hoesl, 7he Lockhorns
5cciety is a partnersbip, nct cnIy between tbcse wbc are Iiving, but
between tbcse wbc are Iiving, tbcse wbc are dead, and tbcse wbc are
tc be bcrn. - Fdmund Burke
The nolion of sustainabi|it, is o brood, for-reoching ond crilicolly imporlonl sustainabi|it,
lerm oddressing lhe possibilily ond obilily of humons ond olher life lo
down lhe currenl deslruclive polh we ore on. Foch yeor we see increosing
omounls of energy, woler, ond moleriols being used ond lhe resullonl
pollulion ond wosle creoled. The queslion of susloinobilily osks of eoch
of us, whol kind of world will we leove lo fulure generolions? Whol is our
responsible role?
The Brundllond Commission of lhe Uniled Nolions in 187 resulled
sustainabi|it, ond susloinoble sustainabi|it,
developmenl, lhol susloinoble developmenl is developmenl lhol meels
lhe needs of lhe presenl wilhoul compromising lhe obilily of fulure
generolions lo meel lheir own needs. This usuolly requires underslonding
lhe lhree muluolly reinforcing pillors of sustainabi|it,. lhe environmenlol,
sociol, ond economic needs. Nol only musl we moinloin ond endure, os
ls our humon populolion hos increosed, nolurol living syslems hove
weokened. To live susloinobly, requires sociely lo reoch for o bolonce
belween environmenlol proleclion, sociol improvemenl, ond economic
developmenl, while working in hormony wilh Forlh`s ecosyslems.
5 I 1 5ynchronic
Woys of living more susloinobly ore. lo reduce our dependence on fossil
fuels, underground melols, ond minerols, lo reduce our dependence on
synlhelic chemicols, lo reduce our encroochmenl on nolure, ond lo meel
See olso.
5yncbrcnic Iinguistics views a particuIar state cf a Ianguage at scme
given pcint in time. - Donold Polmer
. reIating tc cr studying scmetbing, especiaIIy a Ianguage, as it
exists at a certain pcint in time, witbcut ccnsidering its bistcricaI
deveIcpment. - FncartaO wor|J Fn|ish 0ictionar,
- Monfredo Tofuri
Tofuri is loking lhe ovonl-gorde posilion in moking orchileclure lhol
believes every work is unique, ond needs lo be invenled onew. This
lheorelicol posilion is one in which lhe orchilecl is lrying lo moke o
unique slolemenl in lheir design, oflen ignoring lrodilion ond ony exisling
orchileclurol longuoge. The inlenl of lhe work is lo moke orchileclure
primorily o work of orl. ls such, lhe process of moking orchileclure oflen
relies on lhe orchilecl moking inluilive design decisions, os opposed lo
relying on reoson. The inspirolion for lhe design mighl be somelhing
beyond orchileclure, for exomple, o work of music, on evenl in hislory, or
o sel of composilionol rules.
S,nchronic orchileclure, when il does use symbols or lrodilionol
elemenls, will oflen ploce lhem in on unexpecled posilion, or mighl
chonge lhe scole of lhe elemenl, possibly moking il lorger or smoller lhon
would be expecled. The monner wilh which lhis orchileclure engoges
nolure is lo monipulole ond conlrol il. lrchileclure lhol is s,nchronic
mighl resull in o work lhol is mochine-like in lhol il ulilizes lhe physics
embedded in nolure rolher lhon lhe lilerol form or moleriolily of nolurol
elemenls. Fxomples of orchilecls who moke synchronic orchileclure ore
Zoho Hodid, Fronk 0ehry, Peler Fisenmon, Doniel Libeskind, ond Thomos
Moyne. Ml
See olso.
15 I T Tabula rasa
TabuIa rasa
Tbe fresb start, is a weII-kncwn fcrmuIa in buman affairs . a tabu/a
simpIe irreIevancies wiII stand cut and be eIiminated.
- Roberl Moxwell
. nctbingness - tbe nc tbing - is tbe starting pcint cf design:
tabu/a rasa is wbere it begins. Witb nc preccncepticns. 5tarting cff
tbinking tbat cne is gcing tc design scmetbing can put up barriers tc
being creative. But cnce tbe decisicn is taken abcut wbat sbcuId be
designed, tben a wbcIe range cf ideas and ccncepts abcut bcw design
sbcuId be dcne may ccme intc pIay. - Conwoy Lloyd Morgon
tbey? - Will llsop
The momenl on ideo is lronsferred from o designer`s mind inlo some
exlernol presence is o crilicol momenl in lhe life of ony design concepl. This
occurs when ideos become so complex lhol lhey hove lo be exlernolized
loke differenl forms, os ideos con be expressed by melophor, o word,
or lines of prose. They con olso be encopsuloled in o scribble, skelch,
illuslrolion, or be rooled in o diogrom. This monifeslolion process usuolly
involves o longuoge of obslroclion in which lhe piclures in lhe mind begin
lo be mopped ond processed using descriplive symbols or onnololion,
which combine lo chorl lhe polenliol relolionships belween concepl ond
reolily. The resullonl morks oppeor mosl useful in lhese crilicol momenls
for, oflen funclioning os o conslruclive doodle, lhey ore cleorly more
concerned wilh lhe essence of ideos lhon ony premonilion of oppeoronce.
ndeed, unlike ob|eclive drowing which decodes our impression of
lhe perceived exlernol visuol world, concepluol drowing is on inlernol
process lhol drows from our creolive imoginolion which, in lurn, is fed by
our memory, posl experience ond, indeed, by our fonlosies.
7abu|a rasa, of course, exisls in lhe mind of lhe designer. l is broken
when o concepl posses lhrough ils menlol spoce lo be lronsloled inlo
some form of descriplive exlernol model, which will ollow lhe designer
lo experience lhe exlernolized nolure of his or her ideo. These newly
represenled morks lhen ocl os lhe bosis for furlher developmenl,
inspiring lhe creolive imoginolion on lo lhe exlernolizolion of successive
menlol imoges, which in lurn ore reolized for evoluolion. This choin
of represenlolion - one newly emerging ideo informing ond leoding lo
onolher - forms o lwo-woy longuoge of design. This is o conlinuous,
cyclicol diologue belween concepl ond mode of expression - lhe sequence
ollernoling unlil lhe creolive process hos been exhousled. TP
See olso.
T I 1 Technology and architecture
TechneIegy and architecture
study cf tbe sc-caIIed practicaI arts" by tbe wbcIe apparatus cf
- Poul-llon Johnson
TecbncIcgy is mcraIIy, scciaIIy, and pcIiticaIIy neutraI, tbcugb its
expIcitaticn may require adjustments cf scciaI and pcIiticaI structure,
and its ccnsequences may caII mcraI attitudes in questicn.
- Reyner Bonhom
. buiIding tecbncIcgy is cbanging at a frigbtening rate and arcbitects
bave a duty tc act as midwives cf tbis cbange. - Tom Heolh
lrchileclure hos olwoys depended heovily on lechnology. For mosl of lhe
hislory of orchileclure, lhol lechnology hos been sluck in ils primilive
sloge, lhol of slicks ond bricks. 0nly o few lechnologicol odvonces
concrele, sleel, ond gloss. However, in recenl yeors lechnology hos
dromolicolly chonged orchileclure. Thol chonge hos come from severol
direclions. Perhops lhe mosl profound hos been lhe inlroduclion of lhe
compuler. l hos revolulionized nol only lhe process of design ond lhe
represenlolion of lhose designs, bul olso whol il is possible lo build. New
moleriols hove olso been inlroduced ol on occeleroled role in recenl
odvonces in communicolions, ond susloinoble energy produclion
lechnologies hove oll mode on impocl.
tbe ccming years: pIastics made frcm renewabIe materiaIs sucb as
wccds scuped up witb sugar-industry bicwaste, and ccmpcsites made
by digitaI fabricaticn tc integrate fcrm and perfcrmance capabiIities.
- /rchitecture Haazine
ond ossembloge of building elemenls using poromelric design lools ore
olso beginning lo impocl on lhe process of design ol o profound level.
Responsive orchileclure is o new fronlier lhol is now possible due lo
odvonces in lechnology. The dreom lhol one doy buildings will dynomicolly
ond oulomolicolly loilor lhemselves lo lhe needs ond wishes of lheir users
os lhey occupy lhem is closer lo being reolized lhonks lo lechnology. l
will be o brove new world of lhe besl kind.
We must ask tbe bat-eyed priests cf tecbncIcgy wbat cn eartb tbey
tbink tbey are dcing. - Lewis Mumford
See olso.
17 I T Tessellating
Tectenic ferm
In generaI tbe term refers tc an artisan wcrking in bard materiaIs
a mcre generic ncticn cf making, invcIving tbe idea cf pcesis.
- Kennelh Fromplon
The currenl mood in orchileclurol lheory is lo focus on lhe leclonic. Hoving
exhousled lhe form possibililies presenled by lhe melophor of longuoge, lhe
melophor of biology is coming lo lhe forefronl. The queslion becomes Whol
ore lhe tectonic form implicolions of on orchileclure bosed on biology?
The green revolulion is providing lhe impelus for lhis porodigm shifl.
Biomimicry, os on ospecl of lhis green form leclonic, colls for lhe lechnology
of orchileclure lo be copoble of responding lo chonging exlernol ond inlernol
on imporlonl preoccupolion of lhe designer. Slruclure lokes on o differenl
role, lhol of infroslruclure - onologous lo lhe ormolure in sculplure, or lhe
skelelon of o living orgonism. Componenls of lhe tectonic form ore losked
orchileclure. The nolion of form hos evolved from o reference lo on ideol
ond slolic Plolonic shope, lo lhol of o conslellolion of lechnicol responses
lo poromelers lhol vorious designers hove conlribuled. The resull is more
of on ossembly lhon o singulor form. The exceplion is blobileclure, which
references lhe nolurol forms of lhe whole orgonism, rolher lhon ils porls.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Fromplon lin Mollgrove 2OO8. 535I
A tesseIIaticn is created wben a sbape is repeated cver and cver again
ccvering a pIane witbcut any gaps cr cverIaps. - mathforum.or
7esse||atin is o form of liling wilh no gops belween lhe liles. Tessellolions
hove been oround for o very long lime. The mosoics ond mosonry wolls
of lhe oncienl world ore exomples of lessellolion. n lhe posl decode
tesse||atin hos become of greol inleresl os digilol design ond fobricolion
permil orchilecls lo propose complex, curved surfoces. 7esse||atin
opens up endless orchileclurol form possibililies, os building envelopes
ore no longer limiled lo orlhogrophic geomelries. Non-Fuclideon
geomelry consisling of lopologicol monipulolions of lesselloled surfoces
is resulling in culling non-edge blobileclure. Well-publicized exomples of
lesselloled orchileclurol surfoces include lhe Fxpo 7 0eodesic dome by
Buckminisler Fuller, ond lhe Bei|ing swimming venue - lhe bubble.
AIcng witb repetiticn and mcduIarity, tbe cbaracteristic cf tiIing tbat
prcvides sucb inspiraticn tc tectcnics is tbe issue cf adjacency.
- Ben|omin lrondo ond Chris Losch
T I 18 Tooling
Tiling con be lhree-dimensionol, os is demonslroled in lhe work of
lrondo ond Losch l2OOI, ond documenled in Princeton Press Pamph|et
/rchitecture27: 7oo|in.
See olso.
Furlher sources. womolo l2OO. /2I
TccIing is abcut wbat ruIes exist witbin tbe pre-materiaI" state -
- Ben|omin lrondo ond Chris Losch
design is o form of too|in. f lhe design process consisls of pre-design,
design, ond posl-design phoses, lhen too|in is principolly involved in
lhe pre-design phose. lrchileclurol too|in during pre-design consisls
of omossing lhe inlelligence necessory lo inpul lhe building informolion
model lBMI lhol becomes lhe bosis for lhe conslruclion of lhe building.
lrchileclurol too|in during lhe design phose includes lhe developmenl
ond grophic reolizolion of lhe vorious olgorilhms lhol con produce
geomelries of inleresl. lrchileclurol too|in moy olso include lhe ropid
prololyping of lhose geomelries or building elemenls. Jusl os lhe lool
ond die orlisl/lechnicion prepores lhe mochines in lhe foclory for
monufocluring lhe desired orlifocl, lhe orchilecl prepores lhe necessory
digilol model for conslrucling lhe building. During posl-design, too|in is
less evidenl.
nlereslingly, lhe physicol lool ond die moker is o becoming exlincl in
lhis oge of CNC mochines lhol only require o digilol design ond reloled
inslruclions in compuler code. The mochine musl be fed.
Tbe cbjective cf tccIing is . estabIisbing very ccberent, pre-materiaI
ruIes tbat can be used witb matbematics and gecmetry. tbe jcb cf
designing begins. - Ben|omin lrondo ond Chris Losch
See olso.
TetaI design
Wbat dces tctaI design" mean tcday . say after pcstmcdernism?
TctaI design is a fantasy abcut ccntrcI, abcut arcbitecture as ccntrcI.
- Mork Wigley
Wigley goes on lo describe lwo meonings ossocioled wilh lhe lerm
tota| Jesin
work of orchileclure, down lo lhe nopkins on lhe dining room loble. The
second meoning of tota| Jesin involves lhe exponsion of design lo include
everylhing in o cullure.
1 I T Trope
including 0io Ponli. Ponli expressed lhis senlimenl when he procloimed
lhol lhe full ond lolol lime of orchileclure owoils us slill. l will meon
o perfecl civilizolion. Ponli nol only designed everylhing from bosins
lo buildings, bul olso pul oul on orls ond orchileclure mogozine. 0lher
orchilecls fomous for designing nopkins ond leospoons ore Fronk Lloyd
Wrighl, llvor lollo, Michoel 0roves, ond Fronk 0ehry. The ideo slorled
wilh lhe Bouhous. Furnilure designed by Bouhous-ossocioled orchilecls
such os Morcel Breuer ond Mies von der Rohe con slill be purchosed lo
complemenl orchileclonic inleriors.
The second meoning of tota| Jesin
involved in lhe design of cilies, ond olher non-orchileclurol ospecls of
good lhing when we consider lhe unreolislic ond inhumone visionory cily
designs of Le Corbusier ond Wrighl.
n lhe currenl oge of inlegroled proclice ond leom design, lolol design
by on individuol orchilecl seems like on orchoic ideo. However, lolol
design endures in lhe form of slorchilecls designing consumer ob|ecls.
Tbe mcst remarkabIe tbing abcut tbis reIentIess drive tcwards tctaI
design . is its ccnstant faiIure. - Mork Wigley
See olso.
Furlher sources. Long l187. 2/OI, Wigley l18I
Derived from lhe Lolin word lropus, trope is o form of melophor, o
simile, ond is used lo develop ossociolions lhol link differenl enlilies lhol
olherwise hove no relolionship lo eoch olher.
John Hersey, in 7he Lost Heanin of 0|assica| /rchitecture l12I,
explores lhe use of lroping in orchileclure. lccording lo Hersey, lhe
oncienl 0reeks used lhis form of melophor lo symbolize lhe reincornolion
represenlolion use of trope is in lhe onologicol represenlolion of
differenl lypes of lrees in lhe developmenl of lhe clossicol orders.
Forly 0reeks worshipped in socred groves of lrees lhol were lhoughl
lo be represenlolive of lhe physicol ollribules of lhe god in queslion.
Fvenluolly, when permonenl lemples where buill for lhe vorious gods ond
goddesses, lhere wos on ollempl lo emulole lhese physicol ollribules in
lhe orchileclurol proporlions ond sensibilily of lhe work.
More conlemporory use of trope in moking orchileclure mighl be seen
in Fronk 0ehry`s museum in Bilboo, where in plon ond elevolion lhe work
resembles o ship, o conscious echoing of lhe previous use of lhe sile os
o dock for ships. lnolher more fomous use of trope mighl be found in lhe
Swiss orchilecl Le Corbusier`s fomous diclum l house is o mochine for
living. Ml
See olso.
Furlher sources. 0ouso l2OO3. /1I, Hersey l12. 1I
0 I 200 Ugly and ordinary
0gIy and erdinary
in Tcrcntc, caIIed tbe CrystaI," was pIaced at Nc. 8 cn a Iist cf tbe
Pcmanesque arcbitecture. - 7oronto Star
beats any WaI-Hart witb its ugIiness because it is bctb ugIy and
useIess." Curatcrs seem tc bave trcubIe banging art cn its canted
waIIs. And it ccst cnIy $250 miIIicn." - washinton Post
When Roberl \enluri penned his fomous Porl Two of Learnin From Las
\eas - u|, anJ 0rJinar, /rchitecture, or the 0ecorateJ SheJ, he seemed
efforl wos reod os o license for orchilecls ond clienls lo occepl ugliness
os o volid oeslhelic for orchileclure. l opened lhe door lo o lowering
of slondords for beouly in orchileclure. Wilh lhe resulling no rules
orchileclure, experimenlolion become much more prevolenl lhon during
lhe shorl-lived ero of dogmolic modern orchileclure. Deconslruclivism
furlher eroded ony remoining slondords of beouly lo lhe poinl where il is
no longer porl of lhe conversolion oboul orchileclure. The new oeslhelic
is lechno bio-grunge.
See olso.
The uncanny -
- Kole Nesbill
In generaI we nc Icnger understand arcbitecture ... beauty entered
tbe system cnIy seccndariIy, witbcut impairing tbe basic feeIing cf
uncanny subIimity ... at mcst tbe beauty tempered tbe dread - but tbis
dread was tbe prerequisite everywbere. - Friedrich Nielzsche
ReimIicb equaIs bcmeIy and unbeimIicb equaIs uncanny.
- Sigmund Freud
Fcr Freud tbe ReimIicb ccntains tbe unbeimIicb repressed witbin it.
- Neil Leoch
Tbe uncanny is tbe redisccvery cf scmetbing famiIiar tbat bas been
previcusIy repressed. It is tbe uneasy reccgniticn cf tbe presence cf an
absence. Tbe mix cf tbe kncwn and famiIiar witb tbe strange surfaces
in unbeimIicb, tbe erman wcrd fcr tbe uncanny, wbicb IiteraIIy
transIated means unbcmeIy." Tbis uncanny is tbe terrifying side cf
tbe subIime. - Kole Nesbill
201 I 0 Universal design
7he uncann, con be underslood os on unsellling disorienlolion lhol 7he uncann,
deslobilizes humon beings, cosling doubl on lheir cerloinlies ond cousing
o sublle, sudden feeling of onxiely or eslrongemenl. n orchileclure il con
idenlily, where lhe opporenl fomiliorily or recognizobilily of lhe ploce
is ol lhe some lime compromised by sudden, unexpecled chonges of
perspeclive or by visible feolures lhol ore perceived os oul of ploce,
becouse lhey ore locoled in o conlexl nol in keeping or nol consislenl wilh
lheir idenlily. There ore non-ploces such os lorge slolions, oirporls, ferry
lerminols, ond lorge lown porks, os well os cily business dislricls, where
orchileclurol slyles devoid of idenlily ore repeoled, equol lo lhemselves
They communicole o feeling of olienolion ond bewildermenl lhol leod
insecurily ond dislress, wilhoul being oble lo moke oul lhe reoson for
lhese sensolions.
ll lhe some lime, however, the uncann, con be lhe guiding elemenl of the uncann,
o design lhol goes ogoinsl lhe common codes, creoling dynomic volumes
ond spoces designed lo conlrodicl o bonol, monolonous ond repelilive
orchileclurol longuoge. This con orouse o feeling of disorienlolion ond
displocemenl ond confer idenlily ond energy on on ononymous oreo. l0
Arcbitecture since tbe rcmantic pericd bas been intimateIy Iinked tc
tbe ncticn cf tbe uncanny. - lnlhony \idler
See olso.
Furlher sources. Bochelord lin Leoch 17.85I, Leoch lin Bollonlyne 2OO8./I,
Nesbill l1.57/I, \idler lin Nesbill 1.17/I
0niversaI design
0bjects and envircnments sbcuId be designed tc be usabIe, witbcut
- Williom Lidwell
lccessible environmenls ore lypicolly designed wilh only one lype of
person in mind - lhe disobled. 0flen people wilhoul disobililies ulilize
occessible spoces wilhoul reolizing lhol lhey hove. These spoces hove
been designed os universol. The proclilioners of universa| Jesin believe
lhol unoblrusive meosures lhol provide occessibilily for everyone ore
preferoble lo lhose meosures lhol ore especiolly designed for lhe
disobled. Mony universa| Jesin ob|ecls olreody exisl in our environmenl.
We don`l poy ony ollenlion lo lhem becouse lhey don`l seem lo be speciol.
Mosl elevolors hove universol conlrols. The public drinking founloin lhol
is lower, wilh spoce for o wheelchoir, seems normol. l hos been designed
for everyone lo use equolly.
The universa| Jesin movemenl is expecled lo occelerole in lhe Uniled
Sloles over lhe nexl len yeors, os 8O million boby boomers reoch lhe
oge ol which lhey begin lo hove mobilily ond olher disobililies. nduslriol
designers ore olreody immersed in universol design proclices. lrchilecls
need lo do lhe some. lfler oll, universol design is consislenl wilh o lorger
0 I 202 UnselIconscious Iorm
chonge in ollilude broughl oboul by crilicol lheory ond ils concern for
See olso.
0nseIfcenscieus ferm
Tbe unse/Iconscious desiyn ... evcIved in respcnse tc an unfcrmuIated
- Roger Scrulon
Severol noloble orchilecls derive form unselfconsciously. Through
devices such os geslure skelches l0ehryI, obslrocl woler colors lHollI,
of o design chollenge unlil lheir unselfconscious worm-up exercises
give lhem o feeling for lhe direclion lhey would like lhe form lo go os lhe
lhe inluilive ond reoches bock inlo lhe lolol experience of lhe designer,
bolh reol ond imogined. n /rchitecture without /rchitects l1/I, Rudofsky
mokes lhe orgumenl lhol vernoculor orchileclure is bosed upon cullurol
lrodilions lhol hove evolved os conscious responses lo environmenl. ls
such, vernoculor orchileclure is nol synonymous wilh unselfconscious
orchileclure. Chrislopher llexonder is o proponenl of unselfconscious
design os somehow more volid lhon lhe design solulions lhol resull from
self-conscious oims lhol leod lo inodequole concepls. Thinking loo much
oboul o pro|ecl is considered lo be o process of disloncing oneself from
ils lrue nolure. 0iving o quolily wilhoul o nome o nome fundomenlolly
chonges il. Reducing il lo o problem lhol needs o solulion furlher
increoses lhe dislonce. ls we obdicole our designing process lo lhe
compuler, whol moy remoin os lhe unique conlribulion of lhe orchilecl
mighl be lhe creolive, yel unselfconscious, overoll unse|fconscious form
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colebrook l2OO.I, Scrulon l17.28I
urbanism in Fnglish goins ils conlemporory meoning os o lronslolion
of lhe French expression |urbanisme, which con be lronsloled os lown
plonning. However, il hos implicolions which go beyond lhis lronslolion.
Urbanism suggests an apprcacb wbicb ccmprebends tbe city as a
wbcIe and ccntains a tbecry wbicb seeks tc expIain urban reIaticns.
- Lincoln lllison
Leon ond Rob Krier hove been in lhe vonguord of lhe movemenl lo respond
lo urbon hislory ond fobric in o more posilive ond less deslruclive woy
203 I 0 User
lhon wos proposed by inlernolionol modernism, lhe llhens Chorler, ond
ClM. The Kriers ond lheir colleogues orgued lhol conlexl wos imporlonl
where siles were being redeveloped, ond lhol il wos nol |usl o queslion of
one building, bul slreels, urbon spoces, ond ullimolely whole lowns lhol
needed coreful design lo ovoid lhe visuol choos imposed so deslruclively
on so mony cilies since 1/5. lhey orgued in fovor of o sensilivily lo
lownscope lhol hod been so lhoroughly re|ecled by modernisls. urbanism
olso re|ecls lhe concepl of seporole single-use zoning, ond embroces
complex hybrid mixed-use dislricls lfor lhe pleosures of urbon life
suggesl o plurolily of ocliviliesI, ond occepls lhe necessily of keeping lhe
oulomobile ol boy. lccording lo Jone Jocobs ond olhers, people should
live in cilies, use lhem, ond wolk in lhem, nol cluller ond pollule lhem
wilh cors ond olher vehicles. urbanism implies recopluring quolily,
beouly, pleosure, ond lhe civic orl of living in cilies. l embroces densily,
mulli-elhnicily, communily spoce, mulli-modol lronsporlolion, humon
scole, proximily, ond permeobilily.
urbanism is olso on opprooch lo urbon design lhol responds lo urbon
morphologies. l follows lhol selllemenl pollerns evolve over lime
occording lo o dominonl urbon form, ond lhol lhere ore cleor lypologies
lhol include orgonic/lopogrophic, grid, formol/boroque, plonned/ideol,
ond modernisl. However, bosed on lhe sprowling choolic growlh pollerns
of urbon developmenl since lhe mid-lwenlielh cenlury ond more recenlly
lhe impocls of digilol ond communicolion lechnology, one could orgue
lhol lrodilionol pollerns of urbanism ore no longer relevonl. Currenl
ond emerging forms of urbanism suggesl new morphologies including.
superimposilion, frogmenlolion, hybridizolion, mego slruclures, mego
scole, ond o universol logo cullure.
n lhe recenl posl, orchilecls such os Rem Koolhoos, 0Ml, ond Bernord
Tschumi hove explored lhese pollerns primorily ol lhe orchileclurol scole.
Syslemolic reseorch ond urbon/environmenlol design lhol invesligoles
lhe humon ploce ond civic orl omong lhese newer forms/non-forms
hos nol coolesced inlo o cleor woy forword. ln oulhenlic new urbonism
moy be |usl oround lhe corner? CH
See olso.
Furlher sources. Deleuze lin Bollonlyne 2OO2.8I, Shorr l2OO7.3I
Tbe wcrd user" bas scmetbing vague-and vagueIy suspect abcut it...
tbe users space is Iived nct represented. - Henri Lefebvre
0ne wcuId nct taIk abcut using" a wcrk cf scuIpture. - ldrion Forly
l is common proclice when preporing on orchileclurol brief or building
progrom lo refer lo lhe evenluol occuponl os o user. l is o convenienl,
yel meoningless, grouping of o diverse ond dynomic consliluency. The
user is someone who ulilizes lhe resulling orchileclure rolher lhon user
inhobils il. n lhe mechonislic worldview of modern orchileclure lhis
mode sense. Users were considered lo be ononymous consumers who
0 I 20 Utility
occupy buildings in on impersonol, generic monner. The ollernolive
of humonizing lhe user wos considered lo be improclicol. f o polenliol
inhobilonl of orchileclure were lo be considered in lololily, lhe losk of
discovering ond describing lhe needs, ospirolions, ond bioses of lhol
individuol would be insurmounloble. Thus, fulure inhobilonls connol be
lreoled os individuols, unless lhe building is o privole home. The reseorch
required lo move beyond considering lhe generic user inlo underslonding
lhe inhobilonl is o service for which lhe orchilecl would seldom be
compensoled. Thus lhe user becomes lhe slond-in of convenience. To user
round oul on underslonding of lhe user`s needs ond desires, lhe orchilecl
lhol il hos been shown lhol designers exhibil unique spoliol preferences
ond underslondings of lerms reloled lo orchileclure. ls o resull, lhey
moy be misinlerpreling lhe expressed wishes of lhe clienl.
The lerm user moy olreody be posse when opplied lo orchileclure due user
lo ils populor usoge in olher sellings. For exomple, lhe lerm hos become
mosl ossocioled wilh drug obusers ond compuler user groups.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Forly l2OOO.312I
mankind tbrcugb its mytbs. - lrislolle
Ccnsidering it cnIy frcm tbe pcint cf view cf uti/ity, arcbitecture
surpasses aII tbe arts. - 0uolremere de 0uincy, 1778
uti|it, hos been lhe bone of orchileclure in lhe nineleenlh ond lwenlielh uti|it,
slorled il wilh his prescriplion of ulililos lloosely lronsloled os uti|it,I os
one of lhe lhree cornerslones of on orchileclure lhol would oppeose lhe
emperor luguslus ond everyone else in lhe oncienl world. Yeors loler,
lhe devoluolion of lhe orl of orchileclure os o ulililorion enlerprise wos
rediscovered. The emergence of modern orchileclure in lhe nineleenlh
cenlury followed decodes of lorgely non-ulililorion, clossicol orchileclure.
This new emphosis upon uti|it, wos populorized by lhe slogon form uti|it,
follows funclion, o senlimenl lhol originoled wilh lhe lmericon orlisl
Horolio 0reenough. When Louis Sullivon evenluolly wrole, form ever
lo lhe nolurol forms in lhe ornomenlolion opplied lo his buildings. The
lrl Nouveou enlronce lo lhe Corson Pirie Scoll deporlmenl slore in
Chicogo perhops besl demonslroled lhis. For Sullivon, lhe diclum meonl
lhol in nolure form follows lhe ulilily of lhe funclions. Fxomples lhol
he lisled included open opple blossoms, bronching ooks, ond winding
slreoms. Cleorly lhe nolion lhol funclion should shope lhe form of o
building wos o misunderslonding of whol Sullivon inlended. lfler oll,
none of his buildings were formed by funclion, bul rolher by lechnology
ond hisloricism. The modern ulililorion inlerprelolion of lhe diclum
205 I 0 Utility
led lo o modern orchileclure lhol foiled lo goin lhe fovor of lhe generol
populolion. ls foilure wos lorgely due lo ils emphosis upon uti|it, ol lhe uti|it,
expense of beouly ond meoning. Despile o shorl-lived efforl by lole-
lwenlielh-cenlury posl-modernisls lo correcl lhis siluolion, lhere is o
good chonce lhol o new oge of orchileclurol ulililorionism is emerging.
n our oge of renewed ond invigoroled progmolism, lhe donger looms
buildings, orchilecls will be coerced inlo giving pre-eminence lo uti|it,.
ond digilol moleriolizolion lhol fovors lhe solving of problems lhol con
Arcbitecture is wbatever in a buiIding did nct pcint tc uti/ity. - Hegel
survive. l should be posled on every design orchilecl`s compuler.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Horries l18. 2I, Johnson l1/. 7I, Scrulon l17. 2//I
I 20 Visionary architecture
isienary architecture
Mony orchilecls in lhe posl esloblished lheir repulolions well before
lhey hod produced ony buildings of nole. Seen os poper orchilecls who
produce o visionar, architecture, lheir drowings remoin forever lropped in
o lwo-dimensionol phose of visible non-exislence. Such o visionory wos
drowings, drofled belween 121 ond 123 ond exhibiled lhroughoul posl-
Firsl World Wor 0ermony, nol only pro|ecled his prophelic vision of o new
orchileclure, bul esloblished him in lhe public`s mind os o leoder of lhe
modern movemenl.
Similor visions of on unbuill orchileclure hove oppeored conlinuously
lhrough lime. ndeed, from lhe exlroordinory dreoms of Pironesi lo
Boullee ond Nicholos Ledoux, lhrough lo Fronco Purini ond Lebbeus
Woods, lhe lhinking behind lheir picloriol coslles in lhe oir is os volid os
business of moking reol buildings, lheir imoges funclion lo queslion lhe
very nolure of occepled orchileclurol lhinking ond push lhe boundories
of possibilily. Consequenlly, such illuslroled visions represenl o form of
orchileclure, in ils puresl, mosl essenliol sense.
0ne celebroled visionory wos lhe lole Cedric Price, whose enlire
coreer represenled on onsloughl ogoinsl convenlion, ond one lhol soughl
lo morry ovoiloble lechnology wilh lhe provision of new opporlunilies. He
wos ol lhe lime undoubledly one of lhe mo|or forces in Brilish orchileclure.
His enormous conlribulion lo lhe orchileclurol debole slemmed nol from
his peers. ls on ogenl provocoleur Price did much lo undermine
orlhodoxy ond complocency by his herelicol insislence on relhinking eoch
building remoins unbuill, however, despile remoining on icon of modern
orchileclure in lhe imoginolions of counlless designers. l is lhe occloimed
ond orchileclure-free Fun Poloce pro|ecl of 11 - o concepl lo which, lo
porophrose Robin Middlelon, much ensuing orchileclurol lhinking owes
such o debl, ond wilhoul which much of lrchigrom ond lhe Pompidou
Cenler would hove been unlhinkoble.
l lilerory version of visionar, architecture is found in lolo Colvino`s
occenl on lhe inlongible quolilies of cilies in lhe imoginory conversolions
belween Morco Polo ond Kublo Khon - when in poelic lerms Polo recounls
his memories of forowoy cilies. Rolher lhon using prosoic, lrovelogue
prose, his descriplions refer lo lhe spiril of eoch ploce - lhol is, ils
genius loci. This is whol lhe book lnvisib|e 0ities is oll oboul. lhe foilure of
Morgon l2OOOI, Colvino`s clossic norrolive l172I represenls o sublle
ossoull on porliculor convenlions of Modernism lhol ploce lhe formol
ond physicol volues of orchileclure ond urbonism obove lhe humon
experience. TP
See olso.
207 I Vitalism
Life and reaIity, in sc far as it is Iiving, ccnsists cf mcvement and
beccming, ratber tban static being. PeaIity is crganic, nct mecbanicaI.
Life is kncwn empiricaIIy cr by intuiticn, ratber tban by ccncepts and
IcgicaI inference. - 0xforJ 0uiJe to Phi|osoph,
Clossicol vita|ism, os originolly posluloled by lrislolle, speculoled lhol
lhere is o life force - o psyche beyond lhe physicol ond chemicol moke-
up of living orgonisms. Since lhen, lhe biologicol sciences hove foiled lo
lo exploin lhe mechonics of life - bul nol ils source. \ita|ism hos been
of reolily in our lime of concern for living lhings, including lhe plonel.
il re|ecls lhe primocy of lhe mochine onology ond oll lhol il represenls. l
is in mony woys lhe yin/yong of weslern philosophy. ls proposed by Fril|of
Copro in 7he 7ao of Ph,sics l175I, Fosl meels Wesl. The occeplonce of
gorde orchileclure gives lhe discipline lhe onlologicol foundolion il needs
in order lo susloin o direclion in ils evolulion. The occeplonce of overlly
orgonic orchileclurol forms by lhe younger generolion of digilol orchilecls
herolds lhe fulure of design. Fven slorchilecls ore drowing upon vita|ism.
When slorchilecls speok, lhe resl of lhe profession evenluolly lislens,
even if il is oboul |uslifying blobs ond folds.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Colebrook l2OO. 1O1I, Johnson l1/. 8, 85, 1OI
W I 208 W
Tbe prccess cf using spatiaI and envircnmentaI infcrmaticn tc
navigate tc a destinaticn. - Kevin Lynch
Since lhe 1Os, hos been seen os lhe purview of lhe grophic
designer rolher lhon lhe orchilecl. 0verl meosures such os signoge lhol
ore meonl lo focililole ore oflen on oflerlhoughl lhol signols
lhe foilure of lhe orchileclure ilself lo ossisl lhe user in novigoling lhe
building or urbon environmenl in on inluilive monner. ls universol design
becomes more commonploce, lhe provision of unoblrusive
meosures will become increosingly imporlonl. The person wilh porliol
sighl, or mobilily chollenges, will need cleor ond direcl polh clues lhol
ore nol relying upon signoge. The design of lorge hospilols, ond olher
inslilulions lhol coler lo lhe elderly or disobled, is o speciol
design chollenge. Unoblrusive is o porliculor chollenge for
due lo digilol fobricolion ore polenliolly more complex. Fven blobileclure
will nol be exempl. Forlunolely orchileclurol color is now occeploble,
os ore lhe hyper-surfoce ond richly lexlured focodes. This exponsion
of lhe orchileclurol polelle mokes lhe ochievemenl of successful
sofl orchileclure, wilh inlegroled medio wolls, complele wilh porliciponl-
oclivoled sound, promises lo be o brove new world where orchileclure
personolly greels ond guides lhe visilor. will lhen become lhe
responsibilily of lhe orchileclure ilself on o cose-by-cose, need lo know
See olso.
UniversaI design
Furlher sources. Lidwell l2OO3. 2O8I
Weak architecture
Modern weslern philosophy wos buill on o belief in slrong lhoughl, lhol
is, lhol lhere ore fundomenlol lrulhs ond universols lhol will evenluolly
be reveoled lhrough lhe rigorous opplicolion of reoson ond logic.
Posl-modern philosophy, on lhe olher hond, chollenged lhis nolion os
unreolislic. l proposed insleod lhol lhere ore no universol fundomenlols
lo seek. The here ond now is our only reol exislence in lhe world. This
form of nihilism hos o long hislory of chompions, from Nielzsche lo
Derrido. 0ne of lhose chompions, 0ionni \ollimo, hos described posl-
modern philosophy os weok lhoughl. n The end of modernily l188I,
he proposed lhol lhe recognilion of weok lhoughl chonges lhe posilion
of lhe orchilecl from o deduclive rolionolisl serving os o funclionory
orbilrolor of lhe vorious cullurol lrodilions of lhe communily in queslion.
This refocuses lhe work of lhe orchilecl lo lhol of on ogenl of cullurol
chonge, well beyond lhe role of lhe modern orchilecl os o problem solver
chorged wilh providing sheller. l provided lhe grounding for lhe vorious
20 I W Weaving
crilicol lheory movemenls lhol hove opened up lhe oreno of legilimole
orchileclurol concern lo include sociol equily for lhe disenfronchised. Thus,
weok lhoughl forms lhe philosophicol underpinning for weak architecture.
hos given woy lo uncerloin ollempls ol seeking lhe inlelligence necessory
more complex chollenge lhon lhe nove orchilecls of lhe previous cenlury.
They musl re|ecl lhe lure of hisloricism in oll ils forms, including lhinking
oboul reolily os knowoble ond meosuroble. The resulling weak architecture
is siluolionol, conlingenl, elusive, ond provisionol. l moy even be reoclive,
horbors no greoler ogendo lhon whol il is. l is phenomenologicol ond
ullimolely more of o cullurol inlervenlion lhon o Ulopion lechnologicol
conslruclion. Morxism hos given woy lo Deluzeonism.
See olso.
Furlher sources. Hole l2OOO. 221I, Solo-Moroles lin Mollgrove 2OO8. /7I, \ollimo
lin Leoch 17. 1/7I
weaviny is tbe syntbesis cf twc different materiaIs, interIccking in
crder tc give seIf-suppcrting fcrm tc tbeir ccmbined wbcIe.
- Ben|omin lrondo ond Chris Losch
weaviny may bave ccntempcrary arcbitecturaI appIicaticns .
- Toshiko Mori
actuaIIy based cn weaving. - Sonford Kwinler
weavin in orchileclure is mosl ossocioled wilh lhe lorge woven
slruclurol frome of lhe Bird`s nesl slodium buill for lhe 2OO8 Bei|ing
0lympics. The dromolic slruclurol lour de force of inlersecling diogonol
columns ond beoms would nol hove been possible wilhoul lhe oid of lhe
compuler. l morked lhe public orrivol of digilol, poromelric orchileclure.
n poromelric design, weavin is occomplished by lhe developmenl of
equolions or olgorilhms lhol orgonize sine ond cosine curves in spoce.
Unlike lrodilionol weavin lhol involves o loom ond o moleriol such os
wool, compuler-bosed weavin
for lhe developmenl of new building ossemblies lhol employ susloinoble
moleriols such os bomboo ond recycled ploslics is unlimiled.
Woven moleriols con offer greoler freedom lo produce non-Fuclideon
orchileclurol forms, perhops replocing lhe lilonium ponel os lhe
lechnology of choice for lhe blobmeislers. Leodership will come from
lhe schools. Liso womolo produced Digilol Weove wilh her 2OO/ U.C.
Berkeley groduole sludio. l wos o demonslrolion of seclioning os o
lechnique for digilol fobricolion of surfoces. Using ClD/ClM lechnology,
lhe resulling slruclure consisled of woven ribs combined wilh oluminum
W I 210 W Weaving
ploles ond ploslic sign moleriol. Similor experimenls ore occurring in
well-equipped schools of orchileclure lhroughoul Norlh lmerico ond
Furope. l represenls o fulure for orchileclurol form unencumbered by
lrodilionol melhods of designing ond fobricoling orchileclurol enclosure
See olso.
Furlher sources. womolo l2OO. 17I
211 I Z ZEB - Zero energy building
ZE - Zere energy buiIding
Wbat is tbe gccd cf baving a nice bcuse witbcut a decent pIanet tc put
it cn? - Henry Dovid Thoreou
- Mork Twoin
a massive barnessing cf renewabIe energy, makes it nct cnIy pcssibIe
- Fdword Mozrio, lrchileclure 2O3O
The building seclor is responsible for o lorge shore of lhe world`s eleclricily
consumplion ond row moleriol use. n lhe Uniled Sloles, commerciol ond
residenliol buildings logelher occounl for over 72 percenl of eleclricily use
ond over 38 percenl of corbon dioxide emissions. Building conslruclion
worldwide is responsible for over /O percenl of moleriol use. Buildings
con losl for 5O-1OO yeors so we ore focing lhe looming obsolescence of
building con cul energy use ond bills by over 5O percenl, bul we need lo
design our buildings lo use less energy ol lhe oulsel. The conslruclion
ond reol eslole induslries ore driving o wove of reform by recognizing lhol
There is enormous polenliol for reducing energy use in buildings,
ond lhe mony-heoded monsler of climole chonge is lhe poromounl
is vilol if we hope lo sleody lhe Forlh`s climole. Fd Mozrio, on orchilecl
from New Mexico, lounched lhe 2O3O Chollenge lo orchilecls lo design
buildings by 2O3O lhol use no fossil fuels, sloling, l is lhe orchilecls
lhol hold lhe key lo lurning down lhe globol lhermoslol. His gool is lo
lronsform orchileclurol design from lhe mundone relionce on fossil fuels
lo on orchileclure inlimolely linked lo lhe nolurol world in which we live.
The orchileclurol concepls ond conslruclion lechnologies ovoiloble lodoy
enoble orchilecls eosily lo design new buildings wilh holf lhe energy
requiremenls of exisling ones. lmong lhe design lechnologies used ore.
nolurol lighling, nolurol venlilolion, rooflop solor woler ond spoce heoling,
rooflop solor eleclric cells lpholovolloicI, ullro insulolion, ground source
ond windows.
The pioneers in lhe green building world ore lhose ollempling
zero-ener, bui|Jins by pushing lhe envelope lo drive lechnologicol
improvemenls ond iniliolives lo provide lhe comforl ond services lhol
people expecl wilh lhe leosl odverse impocl on nolurol resources ond
nolurol syslems. There is much confusion oboul lhe lerm zero-ener,
bui|Jin lZFBI, bul ol lhe heorl of lhe concepl is lhe ideo lhol buildings
con meel oll lheir energy requiremenls from low-cosl, locolly ovoiloble,
non-polluling, renewoble sources. l slricler level is lhol o ZFB generoles
enough renewoble energy on sile lo equol or exceed ils onnuol energy
source energy, nel zero energy cosls, ond nel zero energy emissions.
Typicol renewoble lechnologies ovoiloble lodoy include P\, solor hol
Z I 212 ZEB - Zero energy building
woler, wind, hydroeleclric, ond bio-fuels, which ore oll fovored over
convenlionol energy sources such os cool ond nolurol gos. FL
See olso.
od hocism
lmericon progmolism
orchileclurol delerminism
orchileclurol posilivism
orchileclurol presenlness
orchileclurol psychology
orchileclurol lheory
ossociolive design
oulonomous orchilecl
Bobel lower
behovior ond environmenl
Bilboo effecl
building informolion modeling.
coloslrophe lheory
conlinenlol philosophy
cosmogenic orchileclure
cosmopolilon orchileclure
crodle lo crodle
crilicol humonism
crilicol moderism
crilicol regionolism
crilicol lheory
cryplodeleuzion moleriolism
cullurol lheory
deep slruclure
List cf terms
21 List oI terms
diocronic orchileclurol lheory
digilol orchileclure
digilol moleriolily
envelope-driven design
evenl spoce
evidence-bosed design
exislenliol spoce
experl syslems
fobric orchileclure
formol onolysis
Fronkfurl School
frozen music
0oio orchileclure
geneology of ideos
Honnover principles
hefled sheep
immoleriolily in orchileclure
inclusive orchileclure
indelerminole orchileclure
inlegrol design
inlegroled proclice
lole modern orchileclure
morphogenelic design
noked orchileclure
normolive lheory
poromelric design
possive design
pollern longuoge
performonce-bosed design
pel orchileclure
physiognomic properlies
ploslic orchileclure
primilive hul
principle of consislency
profone - socred
psychologicol needs
rolionol melhod
215 List oI terms
responsive orchileclure
sensilivily onolysis melhod
sofl orchileclure
spiril of ploce
lobulo roso
lechnology ond orchileclure
leclonic form
lolol design
ugly ond ordinory
unconny - unheimlich
universol design
unselfconscious form
visionory orchileclure
weok orchileclure
ZFB - zero-energy building
Furtber reading
lbercrombie, S. l18/I /rchitecture as /rt, London. Horper & Row.
lgresl, D. l13I /rchitecture from without, London. MT Press.
llexonder, C. l177I / Pattern Lanuae, New York. 0xford Universily
-- l15I The Cily is nol o Tree, /rchitectura| Forum, \ol. 122, No. 1,
lpril, pp. 58-2 lPorl I, \ol. 122, No. 2, Moy, pp. 58-2 lPorl I.
-- l13I Notes on the S,nthesis of Form, London. Horvord Universily
llexonder, C. el ol. l17I 7he 7ime|ess wa, of 8ui|Jin, Berkeley, Colif..
Cenler for Fnvironmenlol Slruclure.
lnloniodes, l. l1OI Poetics of /rchitecture, New York. \on Noslrond
lrondo, B. ond Losch, C. l2OOI 7oo|in, New York. Princelon lrchileclurol
lrdrey, R. l1I 7he 7erritoria| lmperative. Kingsporl, Tenn.. Kingsporl
lrgyle, M. l17I 7he Ps,cho|o, of lnterpersona| Re|ationships, London.
lsensio, N. led.I l2OO2I 0reat /rchitects, Mexico Cily. llrium.
llelier Bow Wow l2OO2I Pet /rchitecture 0uiJe 8ook, Tokyo nslilule of
Technology. Tokyo.
lvery, l. F. l1I Fistor, of Phi|osoph,, New York. Bornes & Nobles.
Bochelord, 0. l1I 7he Poetics of Space, Boslon. Beocon Press.
Bollonlyne, l. led.I l2OO2I what is /rchitecture, London. Roulledge.
-- l2OO7I 0e|euze & 0uattari for /rchitects, London. Roulledge.
Bonhom, R. l18/I 7he /rchitecture of the we||-7empereJ Fnvironment,
Chicogo. Universily of Chicogo Press.
-- l17I Heastructure: urban Futures of the Recent Past, London.
Thomes & Hudson.
-- l1I 7he /rchitecture of the we||-7empereJ Fnvironment, London.
lrchileclurol Press.
-- l1OI 7heor, anJ 0esin in the First Hachine /e, New York. MT
Borker, R. l13I 0n lhe Nolure of lhe Fnvironmenl, !ourna| of Socia|
Benedikl, M. l11I 0econstructin the Kimbe||, New York. Lumen Books.
-- l187I For /n /rchitecture of Rea|it,, New York. Lumen Books.
Benyus, J. l17|, 8iomimicr,: lnnovation lnspireJ b, Nature, London.
Williom Morrow.
Bergson, H. l188I Hatter anJ Hemor,, lrons. N. M. Poul ond W. S. Polmer.
New York. Zone Books.
217 Further reading
Blockburn, S. l2OO8I 0xforJ 0ictionar, of Phi|osoph,, London. 0xford
Universily Press.
Bloke, P. l1/I 0oJs 0wn !unk,arJ: 7he P|anneJ 0eterioration of /mericas
LanJscape, New York. Holl, Rinehorl & Winslon.
Bloomer, K. C. ond Moore, C. W. l177I 8oJ,, Hemor, anJ /rchitecture,
New Hoven, Conn.. Yole Universily Press.
Borden, . ond Rendell, J. leds.I l2OOOI lntersections, London. Roulledge.
Brond, S. l1/I Fow 8ui|Jins Learn, New York. Penguin.
Broodbenl, 0. l173I 0esin in /rchitecture, /rchitecture anJ the Fuman
Sciences, Toronlo. John Wiley & Sons.
Brundllond Commission l187I 0ur 0ommon Future, 0xford. 0xford
Universily Press.
Burgin, \. l18I 7he FnJ of /rt 7heor,, /t|antic Fih|anJs, N.J.. Humonilies
Press nlernolionol.
Burke, F. l175/1OI Phi|osophica| Fnpuir, into the 0riin of our lJea of the
Sub|ime anJ the 8eautifu|, New York. P. F. Collier & Sons.
Colvino, . l172I lnvisib|e 0ities, Turin. 0iulio Finoudi Fdilore.
Compbell, J. l188I 7he Power of H,th, New York. Doubledoy.
Conler, D. l17/I ProceeJins of the 0a|anJhui 0onference 1?70, Surrey
Conler, D. led.I l17/I Ps,cho|o, for /rchitects, London. lpplied Science.
Copro, F. l175I, 7ao of Ph,sics: /n Fxp|oration of the Para||e|s 8etween
HoJern Ph,sics anJ Fastern H,sticism, Berkeley, Colif.. Shombholo.
Cossirer, F. l1/I Lanuae anJ H,th, Toronlo. 0enerol Publishing.
Cosey, F. l17I 7he Fate of P|ace: / Phi|osophica| Fistor,, Berkeley, Colif..
Universily of Colifornio Press.
Clork, l. l17I 8ein 7here: Puttin 8rain, 8oJ, anJ wor|J 7oether /ain,
Combridge, Moss.. MT Press.
Clork, R. ond Pouse, M. l185I PreceJents in /rchitecture, New York. \on
Noslrond Reinhold.
Cold, B. l2OO1I /esthetics, we||bein anJ Fea|th: Fthnoscapes, Kenl, UK.
Colebrook, C. l2OOI 0e|euze: / 0uiJe for the Perp|exeJ, London.
Colemon, l. l18I utopia on 7ria|, London. Hilory Shipmon.
Colquhoun, l. l2OO2I HoJern /rchitecture, 0xford. 0xford Universily
-- l11I HoJernit, anJ the 0|assica| 7raJition, London. MT Press.
-- l185I Fssa,s in /rchitectura| 0riticism, London. MT Press.
Cook, P. l17I /rchitecture: /ction anJ P|an, London. Sludio \islo/
Cullen, 0. l15I 7he 0oncise 7ownscape, New York. Flsevier.
Curlis, W. l1I HoJern /rchitecture Since 1?00, 3rd edn, London. Phoidon
Dennell, D. C. l13I 0onsciousness Fxp|aineJ, London. Penguin.
Descombes, \. l183I 0bjects of a|| Sorts: / Phi|osophica| 0rammar, lrons.
L. Scoll-Fox ond J. Hording, 0xford. Blockwell.
Dielsch, D. l2OO2I /rchitecture for 0ummies, New York. John Wiley.
Diprose, R. ond Reynolds, J. leds.I l2OO8I Her|eau-Pont,: Ke, 0oncepts,
Cheshom, UK. lcumen.
Dreyfus, H. ond Wrolholl, M. l2OOI / 0ompanion to Phenomeno|o, anJ
Fxistentia|ism, London. Wiley-Blockwell.
218 Further reading
Duronl, S. l18I 0rnament: / Surve, of 0ecoration since 18J0, New York.
Fco, U. l18I 7rave|s in F,perrea|it,, New York. Horcourl Broce
Fisenmon, P. l2OO7I written into the \oiJ: Se|ecteJ writins, 1??0-200/,
New York. Yole Universily Press.
-- l18/I The end of lhe clossicol. lhe beginning, lhe end of lhe end,
in K. Nesbill led.I, 7heorizin a New /enJa for /rchitecture an /ntho|o,
of /rchitectura| 7heor, 1?5-1??5, New York. Princelon lrchileclurol
-- l182I Fouse \, New York. Rizzoli nlernolionol.
Fowcell, P. l2OO3I /rchitecture 0esin Notebook, 2nd edn, London.
lrchileclurol Press.
Fenlon, J. l185I Pamph|et /rchitecture: F,briJ 8ui|Jins, New York.
Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
Forly, l. l2OOOI worJs anJ 8ui|Jins: / \ocabu|ar, of HoJern /rchitecture,
New York. Thomes & Hudson.
Fosler, H. led.I l183I 7he /nti /esthetic: Fssa,s on PostmoJern 0u|ture,
Seollle. Boy Press.
Fromplon, K.l15I StuJies in 7ectonic 0u|ture: 7he Poetics of 0onstruction
in Nineteenth anJ 7wentieth 0entur, /rchitecture, ed. John Covo,
Combridge, Moss.. MT Press.
-- l1OI Roppel o l`ordre. lhe cose for lhe leclonic, /rchitectura|
0esin, 3-/.
-- l183I Towords o crilicol regionolism in H. Fosler led.I, 7he /nti-
/esthetic: Fssa,s on PostmoJern 0u|ture, Porl Townsend. Boy Press.
Friedmon, M. led.I l2OO2I 0ehr, 7a|ks, New York. Rizzoli.
0ollogher, S. l2OO5I Fow the 8oJ, Shapes the HinJ, 0xford. Clorendon
0onnon, T. led.I l2OO/I uN StuJio: Frasmus 8riJe, New York. Princelon
lrchileclurol Press.
0ouso, M. el ol. l2OO3I 7he Hetapo|is 0ictionar, of /JvanceJ /rchitecture,
Borcelono. lclor.
0oulier, T. l1825I, HaJemoise||e Je Haupin, New York. l. l. Knopf.
0elernler, M. l15I Sources of /rchitectura| Form, New York. Sl. Morlin`s
0ibson, J. l17| Fco|oica| /pproach to \isua| Perception, Boslon, Moss..
0iedion, S. l1/1I Space, 7ime anJ /rchitecture, Combridge, Moss..
Horvord Universily Press.
0offmon, F. l13I 8ehaviour in Pub|ic P|aces, London. Free Press.
0onchor, J. l2OO7I Tronsformolive lools slorl lo loke hold. o crilicol
moss of building informolion modeling pro|ecls demonslroles lhe
/rchitectura| RecorJ, lpril.
0regory, R. L. l18I F,e anJ 8rain, London. World Universily Librory.
0regolli, \. l1I lnsiJe /rchitecture, London. MT Press.
Hole, J. l2OOOI 8ui|Jin lJeas, New York. John Wiley.
Holl, F.T. l1I 7he FiJJen 0imension, London. Bodley Heod.
Horbison, R. l17I 7hirteen wa,s, London. MT Press.
Hord, l. l2OOI 7he N0S 0o|our 0rJer anJ Sca|in S,stem, Slockholm.
Svenskl Forgcenlrum.
21 Further reading
Horries, K. l18I 7he Fthica| Function of /rchitecture, London. MT Press.
Hosiolis, l. ond sreol, J. led.I l2OO2I ReproJuction anJ ProJuction,
Thesholds 2/, Combridge, Moss.. MT Press.
Houplmonn, Deboroh led.I l2OOI 7he 8oJ, in /rchitecture, Rollerdom.
O1O Publishers.
Hoys, M. led.I l2OOOI /rchitecture 7heor, Since 1?8, London. MT Press.
Heorn, F. l2OO3I deos lhol Shoped Buildings, London. MT Press.
Heidegger, M. l177I 7he 0uestion 0oncernin 7echno|o, anJ other Fssa,s,
New York. Horper & Row.
-- l171I Poelicolly Mon Dwells, in Poetr, Lanuae 7houht, lrons. l.
Hofslodler, New York. Horper & Row.
-- l12I 8ein anJ 7ime, lrons. John Mocquorrie ond Fdword Robinson,
New York. Horper & Row.
-- l151/171I Building dwelling lhinking, in Poetr, Lanuae 7houht,
lrons. l.Hofslodler, New York. Horper & Row.
Hellmon, L. l2OOOI /rchi-7etes, the lJ in the 0riJ, London. Wiley lcodemy.
-- l188I /rchitecture for 8einners, London. Wrilers ond Reoders.
Herdeg, K. l183I 7he 0ecorateJ 0iaram, London. MT Press.
Hersey, 0. l12I 7he Lost Heanin of 0|assica| /rchitecture, London. MT
Herlzberger, H. l2OO2I /rticu|ations, London. Preslel.
Heschong, L. l17I 7herma| 0e|iht in /rchitecture, Combridge, Moss..
MT Press.
Holl, S. l1I lntertwinin, New York. Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
-- l11I /nchorin, New York. Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
Honderich, T. led.I l2OO5I 7he 0xforJ 0uiJe 7o Phi|osoph,, New York. 0xford
Universily Press.
Howord, F. l1O2I 0arJen 0ities of 7o-Horrow, London. S. Sonnenschein.
Hubbord, W.l1I / 7heor, for Practice, London. MT Press.
-- l18OI 0omp|icit, anJ 0onviction: Steps 7owarJ an /rchitecture of
0onvention, London. MT Press.
Humphrey, N. K. l178I 7he l||usion of 8eaut,, Perception, \ol. 2, London.
Husserl, F. l173I Loica| lnvestiations,lrons. J. N. Findloy, London.
womolo, L. l2OOI 0iita| Fabrication: /rchitectura| Hateria| 7echnipues,
New York. Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
Jomeson, C. l1OI Super-HoJern Jefense: /n open |etter to 0. !encks, in
lrchileclurol Design No. 3-/ l1OI, p. 2-33
Jencks, C. l2OO7I 0ritica| HoJernism, New York. Wiley lcodemy.
-- l15I 7he /rchitecture of the !umpin universe, New York. lcodemy.
-- l177I 7he Lanuae of Post-HoJern /rchitecture, New York. Rizzoli.
-- l173I HoJern Hovements in /rchitecture, London. Doubledoy lnchor.
Jencks, C. ond Kropf, K. led.I l17I 7heories anJ Hanifestos, New York.
Johnson, M. l2OO7I 7he Heanin of the 8oJ,: /esthetics of Fuman
unJerstanJin, Chicogo. Universily of Chicogo Press.
Johnson, P. l. l1/I 7he 7heor, of /rchitecture, New York. John Wiley.
Jones, J. C. l17OI 0esin HethoJs, London. John Wiley.
Jones, 0. l185I 0rammar of 0rnament, London. Doy & Sons.
Konl, F. l17O/187I 0ritipue of !uJement, lrons. W. S. Pluhor, London.
220 Further reading
Keorney, R. l1/I HoJern Hovements in Furopean Phi|osoph,, Monchesler.
Monchesler Universily Press.
Knevill, C. led.I l18I Perspectives, London. Lund Humphries.
Kockelmons, J. J. l17I Phenomeno|o,: 7he Phi|osoph, of FJmunJ
Fusser| anJ its lnterpretation, 0orden Cily, N. Y.. lnchor Doubledoy.
Koesller, l. l1/I 7he /ct of 0reation, New York. Dell.
Kohler, Wolfgong l12I 0esta|t Ps,cho|o,: /n lntroJuction to New
0oncepts in HoJern Ps,cho|o,, New York. Liverighl.
KoolHoos, R. l15I S,H,L,\L, New York. Monocelli Press.
-- l178I 0e|irious New ork: / Retroactive Hanifesto for Hanhattan, New
York. 0xford Universily Press.
Koolhoos, R. led.I l2OO/I 0ontent, London. Toschen.
Kroulheimer, R. l1/2I nlroduclion lo on iconogrophy of medievol
orchileclure, !ourna| of the 0ourtaiJ anJ warbur lnstitutes 5 lNew !ourna| of the 0ourtaiJ anJ warbur lnstitutes 5
York. New York Universily Press reprinl, 1I.
Kroll, L. ond Blundell-Jones, P. l187I /n /rchitecture of 0omp|exit,, New
York. MT Press.
Krufl, H. l1/I / Fistor, of /rchitectura| 7heor,, New York. Princelon
lrchileclurol Press.
Kuhn, T. l12I , 2nd edn, London.
Universily of Chicogo Press.
Kller, R. ond Mikellides, B. l13I Simuloled sludies of colour, orousol
ond comforl, in R. W. Morons ond D. Slokols leds.I, Fnvironmenta|
Simu|ation, New York. Plenum Press.
Lokoff, 0. ond Johnson, M. l1I Phi|osoph, in the F|esh: 7he FmboJieJ
HinJ anJ its 0ha||ene to western 7houht, New York. Bosic Books.
Long, J. l187I 0reatin /rchitectura| 7heor,, New York. \on Noslrond
Le Corbusier l2OO7I 7owarJs an /rchitecture, lrons. J. 0oodmon, Los
lngeles, Colif.. 0elly Reseorch nslilule.
-- l18I 7owarJs a New /rchitecture, New York. Dover.
Leoch, N. led.I l17I Rethinkin /rchitecture, London. Roulledge.
Leolherborrow, D. ond Moslofovi, M. l2OO2I Surface /rchitecture,
Combridge, Moss.. MT Press.
Leopold, l. l1/I / SanJ 0ount, /|manac, New York. 0xford Universily
Lidwell, W., Holden, K., ond Buller, J. l2OO3I universa| Princip|es of 0esin,
Beverly, Moss.. Rockporl.
Lifchez, R. l187I Rethinkin /rchitecture, Berkeley, Colif.. Universily of
Colifornio Press.
Lloyd-Morgon, C. l2OOOI 7wentieth 0entur, 0esin, / ReaJers 0uiJe,
London. lrchileclurol Press.
Loos, l. l17I 0rnament anJ 0rime, Colif.. lriodne Press.
Loolsmo, B. l2OOOI SuperJutch, New /rchitecture in the Nether|anJs,
London. Thomes & Hudson.
Lynch, K. l1OI 7he lmae of the 0it,, London. MT Press.
Lynn, 0. l13I Folding in orchileclure, in 0. Lynn led.I, /rchitectura|
London. lD Mogozine.
Mocey, D. l2OO1I 0ictionar, of 0ritica| 7heor,, London. Penguin.
Mocroe-0ibson, 0. l18I 7he Secret Life of 8ui|Jins: /n /merican
H,tho|o, for HoJern /rchitecture, London. MT Press.
221 Further reading
Mollgrove, H. F. ond Conlondriopoulos, C. leds.I l2OO8I /rchitectura|
7heor, \o| 2, 0xford. Blockwell.
Monn, T. l2OO7I /bbe 8ou|ah, USl. Xlibris.
-- l2OO/I 7ime Hanaement for /rchitects anJ 0esiners, New York. W.
W. Norlon.
-- led.I l1I F0R/ J0/1???, Fdmund, 0klo.. FDRl.
Morons, R. W. ond Slokols, D. l13I Fnvironmenta| Simu|ation, Research
anJ Po|ic, lssues, New York. Plenum Press.
Morble, S. el ol. leds.I l188I lrchileclure ond body, 0o|umbia /rchitecture
!ourna|, New York. Rizzoli.
Moslow, l. l15/I Hotivation anJ Persona|it,, New York. Horper & Row.
Mollhews, F. l2OO2I 7he Phi|osoph, of Her|eau-Pont,, Cheshom. lcumen.
Moxwell, R. l13I Sweet 0isorJer anJ the 0arefu||, 0are|ess, New York.
Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
McDonough, W. ond Broungorl, M. l2OOOI From 0raJ|e to 0raJ|e: Remakin
the wa, we Hake 7hins, New York. Norlh Poinl Press.
Mc0reighl, T. l1I 0esin Lanuae, Porllond, Moine. Brymmorgen
McHorg, . l1I 0esin with Nature, New York. John Wiley.
Merleou-Ponly, M. l182I Phenomeno|o, of Perception, lrons. C. Smilh,
London. Roulledge.
-- l18I The inlerlwining - lhe chosm, in 7he \isib|e anJ the lnvisib|e,
lrons. l. Lingis, Fvonslon, ll.. Norlhweslern Universily Press.
Mikellides, B. l18OI /rchitecture for Peop|e, London. Sludio \islo.
Milchell, W. l1I Urbon life, Jim - bul nol os we know il, in F-7opia,
London MT Press, pp. 1/8-.
-- l18I 7he Loic of /rchitecture, London. MT Press.
Molnor, J. M. ond \odvorko, F. l2OO/I Sensor, 0esin, Minneopolis, Minn..
Universily of Minnesolo Press.
Moore, C. ond Bloomer, K. l177I 8oJ,, Hemor,, anJ /rchitecture, New
Hoven, Conn.. Yole Universily Press.
Moslofovi, M. ond Leolherborrow, D. l13I 0n weatherin, New York. MT
Nesbill, K. led.I l1I 7heorizin a New /enJa for /rchitecture, New York.
Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
Newmon, 0. l15I 0efensib|e Space, London. lrchileclurol Press.
Newmon, 0. l172I 0efensib|e Space: 0rime Prevention 7hrouh urban
0esin, New York. Mcmillon.
Nobel, Philip l2OO7I Fdiloriol, Hetropo|is, June.
Noe, l. l2OO/I /ction in Perception, Combridge, Moss.. MT Press.
Norberg-Schulz, C. l185I The Concepl of Dwelling. 0n lhe Woy lo
Figurolive lrchileclure, New York. Rizzoli.
-- l18OI 0enius Loci: 7owarJs a Phenomeno|o, of /rchitecture, New
York. Rizzoli.
-- l175I Heanin in western /rchitecture, London. Sludio \islo.
-- l171I Fxistence, Space anJ /rchitecture, London. Sludio \islo.
-- l15I ntentions in /rchitecture, Combridge, Moss.. MT Press.
0lgyoy, \. l173I 0esin with 0|imate, 2nd edn, New York. Princelon
lrchileclurol Press.
0oslerhuis, K. l2OO3I F,perboJies: 7owarJs an F-motive /rchitecture,
Bosel. Birkhouser.
0llo, F. l182I Nolurol conslruclions in L 32.
222 Further reading
Pollodio, l. l1738I 7he Four 8ooks of /rchitecture, London.
Pollosmo, J. l2OO5I 7he F,es of the Skin: /rchitecture anJ the Senses,
Chichesler. Wiley-lcodemy.
-- l2OO1I 7he /rchitecture of lmae: Fxistentia| Space in 0inema, Helsinki.
Rokennuslielo 0y.
Polmer, D. D. l17I Structura|ism anJ Poststructura|ism, Donbury, Conn..
Wrilers ond Reoders.
Popdokis, l. led.I l1OI New /rchitecture: 7he New HoJerns & 7he Super
HoJerns, London. lcodemy.
Powley, M. l17/I 7he Private Future, New York. Rondom House.
Peno, W. l2OO1I Prob|em Seekin: /n /rchitectura| Prorammin Primer,
New York. John Wiley & Sons.
Perez-0omez, l. l18/I /rchitecture anJ the 0risis of HoJern Science,
Combridge, Moss..MT Press.
Pevsner, N. l2OO5I Pioneers of HoJern 0esin, London. Yole Universily
Porler, T. l2OO/I /rchispeak, London. Spon Press.
Porler, T. ond Mikellides, B. l2OOI 0o|our for /rchitecture 7oJa,, London.
Toylor & Froncis.
Porler, T. ond Neole, J. l2OOOI /rchitectura| SupermoJe|s, 0xford.
lrchileclurol Press.
Prok, N. l18/I /rchitects: 7he NoteJ anJ the lnoreJ, London. John Wiley.
-- l177I, Perceptions of the \isua| wor|J, Delfl. Delfl Universly Press.
-- l17I 7he \isua| Perception of the 8ui|t Fnvironment, Delfl Universily
Proshonsky, H. M., llelson, W. H., ond Rivlin, L. 0. l17OI Fnvironmenta|
Ps,cho|o,, New York. Holl, Rinehorl & Winslon.
Rosmussen, S. F. l12I Fxperiencin /rchitecture, Combridge, Moss..
MT Press.
Rollenbury, K. ond Bevon, B. l2OO/I /rchitects 7oJa,, New York. Horper
Reod, H. l13/I /rt anJ lnJustr,, London.
Reiser, J. ond Umemolo, N. l2OO5I 7he /t|as of Nove| 7ectonics, New York.
Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
Rowe, C. l1/I 7he /rchitecture of 0ooJ lntentions, London. lcodemy.
Rowe, C. ond Koeller, F. l17I, Colloge cily,in K. Nesbill led.I, 7heorizin
a New /enJa for /rchitecture an /ntho|o, of /rchitectura| 7heor, 1?5-
1??5, New York. Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
Rowe, P. l1/I 0esin 7hinkin, London. MT Press.
Roso, J. l2OO3I Next 0eneration /rchitecture, New York. Rizzoli.
Rudofsky, B. l1/I, /rchitecture without /rchitects, a short introJuction
to non-peJireeJ architecture, llbuquerque. Universily of New Mexico
Sokomolo, T. ond Ferre, l. leds.I l2OO8I From 0ontro| to 0esin: Parametric/
/|orithmic /rchitecture, New York. lclor-D USl.
Sorlre, J.-P. l1/8I Fxistentia|ism anJ Fumanism, London. Melhuen.
-- l1/5I 8ein anJ Nothinness, London. Woshinglon Squore Press.
Sousmorez, M. l1/I 8asic 0esin: the 0,namics of \isua| Form, London.
Sludio \islo/Reinhold.
Scrulon, R. l15I / Short Fistor, of HoJern Phi|osoph,, 2nd edn., London.
223 Further reading
-- l17I 7he /esthetics of /rchitecture, Princelon, N. J.. Princelon
Universily Press.
Semper, 0. l18I 7he Four F|ements of /rchitecture anJ 0ther writins,
lrons. H. F. Mollgrove ond W. Herrmonn, Combridge, UK. Combridge
Universily Press.
Shorr, l. l2OO7I FeiJeer for /rchitects, lbingdon. Roulledge.
Smilh, P. F. l2OOI Sustainab|e /rchitecture, London. Roulledge.
-- l2OO3I 7he 0,namics of 0e|iht - /rchitecture anJ /esthetics, London.
Smilhsons, l. l17I 7eam 7en Primer, London. Sludio \islo.
Sleenbergen, C. el ol. leds.I l2OOOI /rchitectura| 0esin anJ Research:
0omposition, FJucation, /na|,sis, Delfl. Tholh.
Slevens, 0. l1OI 7he Reasonin /rchitect, New York. Mc0row-Hill.
Sommer, R. l17OI Persona| Space, New York. Prenlice Holl.
Speoks, M. l2O1OI in l. Sykes led.I, 0onstructin a New /enJa for
/rchitecture, New York. Princelon lrchileclurol Press.
Speoks, M. l18I l`s oul lhere . lhe formol limils of lhe lmericon ovonl-
gorde, /rchitectura| 0esin, \ol. 8, No. 5/ lMoy-JuneI, pp. 3O-1.
Sullivon, L. l12/I 7he /utobioraph, of an lJea, New York. Press of lhe
lmericon nslilule of lrchilecls.
Summerson, J. l13I 7he 0|assica| Lanuae of /rchitecture, Combridge,
Moss.. MT Press.
Symes, M. l18I !ourna| of /rchitecture & P|annin Research, \ol. , No. 3,
speciol issue on lrchileclurol Fducolion for lrchileclure Proclice.
Tofuri, M.l12I Sphere anJ the Lab,rinth, London. MT Press.
-- l17I /rchitecture anJ utopia, London. MT Press.
Thiis-Fvensen, T. l187I /rchet,pes ln /rchitecture, London. Norwegion
Universily Press.
Thoenes, C. el ol. l2OO3I /rchitectura| 7heor,, London. Toschen.
Tschumi, B. l1/I /rchitecture anJ 0isjunction, Combridge Moss.. MT
Tschumi, B. ond Cheng . l2OO3I 7he State of /rchitecture at the 8einnin
of the 21st 0entur,, New York. Monocelli Press.
Tzonis, l. ond Lefoivre, L. l181I The grid ond lhe polhwoy, in /rchitecture
in 0reece 15, pp. 17-8.
Unwin, S. l2OO3I /na|,sin /rchitecture, London. Roulledge.
\on der Loy, S. ond Richler, M. l2OO8I Heastructure Re|oaJeJ
0ermony. Hol|e Conlz.
\on Doesburg, T. l12//175I Towords o ploslic orchileclure in C.
Ulrich led.I, Prorams anJ Hanifestoes on 20th-0entur, /rchitecture,
Combridge, Moss.. MT Press.
\orelo, Froncisco J., Thompson, F., ond Fleonor, R. l11I 7he FmboJieJ
HinJ: 0onitive Science anJ Fuman Fxperience, Combridge, Moss.. MT
\ollimo, 0. l188I The end of modernily, lhe end of lhe pro|ecl? in
N. Leoch led.I, Rethinkin /rchitecture: / ReaJer in 0u|tura| 7heor,,
London. Roulledge.
\enluri, R. l177I 0omp|exit, anJ 0ontraJiction in /rchitecture, 2nd edn.,
New York. Museum of Modern lrl.
\enluri, R., Brown, D., ond zenour, S. l177I Learnin From Las \eas,
London. MT Press.
22 Further reading
\esely, D. l2OO/I /rchitecture in the /e of 0iviJeJ Representation: 7he
0uestion of 0reativit, in the ShaJow of ProJuction, Combridge, Moss..
MT Press.
\idler, l. l2OO8I Fistories of the lmmeJiate Present, London. MT Press.
\iollel-le-Duc, F.-F. l1875I Fistoire Je Lhabitation Fumaine 0epuis Les
7emps Prehistoripues !uspu nos !ours, published in Fnglish in 187 os
Fabitations of Han in /|| /es.
\ilruvius l1I 7en 8ooks on /rchitecture, lrons. ond ed. . D. Rowlond
ond T. N. Howe, Combridge, UK. Combridge Universily Press,
Wogner, R. l181I 7he lnvention of 0u|ture, London. Universily of Chicogo
Wernick, J. l2OO8I 8ui|Jin Fappiness, London. Block Dog.
Whilemon, J., Kipnis, J., ond Burdell, R. led.I l12I Strateies in
/rchitectura| 7hinkin, London. MT Press.
Wigley, M. l18I Wholever hoppened lo lolol design? FarvarJ 0esin
Haazine, no. 5, Summer, London. MT Press.
Wigley, M. l188I 0econstructivist /rchitecture, New York. Lillle, Brown/
New York 0rophic Sociely Books.
Will, 0. l2OO/I Focodism, \ancouver Review.
Wines, J. l2OOOI 0reen /rchitecture, New York. Toschen.
-- l187I 0e-/rchitecture, New York. Rizzoli.
Willkower, R. l12I /rchitectura| Princip|es in the /e of Fumanism,
London. W. W. Norlon.
Zevi, B. l178I 7he HoJern Lanuae of /rchitecture, London. Universily of
Woshinglon Press.
Zumlhor, Peler. l18I 7hinkin /rchitecture, lrons. M. 0berli-Turner,
Boden, 0ermony. Lors Muller.

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