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GoldenGate for MS SQL Server 2008 to Oracle

GoldenGate for MS SQL Server 2008 to Oracle

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to configure GoldenGate to provide MS SQL Server to Oracle synchronization. During this lesson, you will learn how to: Prepare your user environment. Configure and execute the initial data synchronization process. Configure and start the change capture process of database operations. Configure and start the change delivery process of database operations.

MS SQL Server to Oracle configuration

The following diagram illustrates a GoldenGate configuration for log-based replication from MS SQL Server source data to an Oracle target database on Windows or UNIX.

Windows server <source> MS SQL Server <dsn> Source <schema> Manager Manager

<target> server









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GoldenGate for MS SQL Server 2008 to Oracle

Overview of Tasks
Prepare the Environment
In order to execute this lesson, the GoldenGate application must be installed on both the source and target systems. The installation includes a sample database and scripts to generate initial data as well as subsequent update operations. The source and target tables are created and loaded with initial data. The GoldenGate Manager processes are also started so that other processes may be configured and started. And finally, source definitions are generated and transfer to the target system.

Configure Initial Data Synchronization

Initial database synchronization is almost always required. To initially load data across heterogeneous databases, you have limited choices. GoldenGate provides the ability to perform initial data synchronization while your application remains active. This lesson demonstrates using Extract to pull data from the source files and send it directly to the Replicat component on the target system.
<source> server MS SQL Server <dsn> Target <schema> Initial Extract Network Initial Replicat <target> server Oracle


Configure Change Capture

The Extract process is configured to capture change data directly from the SQL Server recovery logs (transaction logs) and distribute the changes to a series of files known as a GoldenGate trails. This lesson demonstrates extracting the data with Extract and sending the data directly to the Replicat process. This is known as the direct load method.

Configure Change Delivery

Once the tables have been initially loaded with data, the Replicat process is configured to deliver the captured change data into the target database.

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Exercise 1.

Prepare the Environment

The goals of this exercise are to: Create the database Create SQL Server logins and users Create ODBC data source. Set up transaction logging. Create tables and populate source data.

This lab assumes that the GLOBALS parameters have been created with a <mgr service> name and that the Manager service has been added. This should have been done when installing GoldenGate for Windows.

Prepare the SQL Server 2008 source environment

Install Manager
1. Configure Manager process on the source
Execute the following commands on the <source> system.
Note! The port numbers must be unique if you are installing GoldenGate more than once on

the same server.


In the parameter file, enter the following parameter, then save and close the file.
PORT <port>

Start Manager.

Verify the results:

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Create the database

2. Create the database
From Start>Programs, run SQL Server Management Studio. Enter the name of the local SQL Server instance, then click connect.

Note: These instructions assume SQL Server Authentication which requires the more complex, double layer, of authentication. SQL Server Authentication is an option only if it is permitted at the server level, and only Windows Authentication is enabled by default. If you are using Windows Authentication, you can leave out most of the login and password entries. This displays the main SQL Server Management Studio dialog box. Right, right-click Database and select the New Database option.

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The New Database dialog box appears. In the Name box, type the <database> from the Lab Preparation worksheet.

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Click OK to add the database. The main SQL Server Management Studio dialog box reappears.

3. Create SQL Server logins and users

Right click Security and select the New > Login.

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The New Login dialog box appears.

For Name, type the <login>. Select Authentication,

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If you selected SQL Server Authentication, type the <password> in the two Password fields. Under Defaults, select your <database> for Database, and leave Language set to the default. Do not click OK. Instead, from Select a page in the upper left-hand box, double click Server Roles.

Under Server Role, check the box for the System Administrators role. Click OK to exit. The next step creates a schema that you will associate with the new user. While you have the database selected, click on the New Query button in the main menu. The right side of the dialog displays the SQL Query interface. Type in:
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create schema <schema_name>;

And press the Execute button from the toolbar.

Now you need to associate the new user with the login and the schema that you have created with the new database. In the SQL Query interface, type in:
create user <user_name> for login <select login_name> with default_schema=<schema_name>;

And press the Execute button from the toolbar.

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4. Create the ODBC system data source name

The GoldenGate Extract process connects to a SQL Server database through an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) connection. Both the Extract and Replicat components of GoldenGate require that a system data source name (DSN) be established, which stores the information about how to connect to the SQL Server. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools. Double-click Data Sources (ODBC) to open the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box. Click the System DSN tab, and then click the Add button. The Create New Data Source dialog box appears.

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Select the SQL Server Native Client 10.0 driver and then click Finish. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog box appears.

For Name, type <dsn>.

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Optionally type in a description, type for this source DSN. For Which SQL Server do you want to connect to, select local if SQL Server is on the local system, or enter the server name at your SQL Server location. Click Next. Answer the question about how SQL Server should verify the login by selecting the option that you entered when creating the <login>. Then type <login> in Login ID and <password> in Password.

Click Next. Make certain the default database is set to the database that you created; otherwise select Change the default database to: and select it. Leave the other settings to their defaults to use ANSI.

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Click Next. Leave the next dialog box set to the defaults, and click Finish. In the confirmation, click Test Data Source to test the connection. Close the confirmation dialog box and the Create a New Data Source box. You can leave the SQL Server Management Studio running on the source system, because you will be using it later.

5. Create the practice tables and insert source data

Execute the following commands on the <source> system only. Go to SQL Server Management Studio, select your database and select New Query from the toolbar. If the correct database is not displayed in the drop down box, click on the arrow and select it from the list. Click the File > Open and navigate to the demo_mss_create.sql script. Click Open to open the script in the New Query window. Execute the script by clicking the Execute Query button on the toolbar.
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Verify the results using the following commands in the input window:
sp_help tcustmer go sp_help tcustord go

Click the X button to close the input tab. Click New Query whenever you need to run another SQL command. Following the steps you used to execute the table create script, run the demo_mss_insert.sql script to insert source data into the source tcustmer and tcustord tables. Note! Run this on the source only. Verify the results as you did before. Leave the SQL Management Studio running on the source system.

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Prepare for transaction logging

To support GoldenGate extraction, the following are required. Execute these steps on the <source> system only. Log truncation and non-logged bulk copy must be turned off. The SQL Server database must be set to the full recovery model (this is the default for SQL Server 2008). At least one full database backup must be done before GoldenGate processes are started for the first time. Additional log data must be enabled so GoldenGate can reconstruct update operations.

6. Turn off log truncation and bulk copy

In SQL Management Studio on the source system perform the following steps to turn off log truncation and bulk copy. Clear the input window and then use the following command to check the status of the log truncation option. Type the command in the input window (upper window), then click the F5 key to execute it.
exec sp_dboption '<database>', 'trunc. log on chkpt.'

The following response appears in the results (lower) window with a status of either ON or OFF.

If log truncation is ON, turn it off by executing the following command.

exec sp_dboption '<database>', 'trunc. log on chkpt.', false

The output should now show a CurrentSetting of OFF. Check the status of the non-logged bulk copy option by executing the following command:
exec sp_dboption '<database>', 'select into/bulkcopy'

If non-logged bulk copy is on, disable it with the following command:

exec sp_dboption '<database>', ' select into/bulkcopy ', false

7. Execute backup
Still in SQL Server Management Studio:

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In the console tree, right-click the database name and select Tasks > Backup. The Back Up Database dialog box displays. If the backup destination is correct, skip the next two bulleted steps and initiate the backup as explained in the last step. If it is not correct, change the backup destination and click ADD. The Select Backup Destination appears, where you can select File Name and then click the navigation (...) button to navigate to a directory and specify the backup file name. Click OK to close the Select Backup Destination dialog box. The backup file is added to the Destination list box in the SQL Server Backup dialog box. Click OK to start the backup. This procedure ensures that no transaction log information is lost when GoldenGate starts up.

8. Set up capture of additional log data

Perform the following steps on the source system to configure the database to log full before and after images for each update operation. From the source operating system's command shell, run GGSCI. Log into the database with the following command:

Issue the following commands to force the logging of the full before and after image for updates.
GGSCI > ADD TRANDATA <owner/schema>.tcustmer GGSCI > ADD TRANDATA <owner/schema>.tcustord

Verify that supplemental logging has been turned on for these tables.
GGSCI> INFO TRANDATA <owner/schema>.tcust*

Create source definitions

9. Configure source definition generator
Execute the following commands on the <source> system. Bring up the DEFGEN parameter file in the editor.

Type in the parameters shown below.

DEFSFILE ./dirdef/source.def, PURGE

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SOURCEDB <dsn>, USERID <login>, PASSWORD <password> TABLE <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER; TABLE <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD;

Exit from GGSCI.


10. Execute the source definition generator

Execute the source definition generator from the Windows command prompt.
Shell> defgen paramfile .\dirprm\defgen.prm

11. Transfer the source definition file to the target system

Execute the following commands on the <source> system to transfer the definition file to the <target> system. The cd command should be set to the <target> location and the lcd to the <source> location.
Shell> ftp <target> Name (<target>:<login>): <login> Password: <password> ftp> ascii ftp> cd <install loc>/dirdef ftp> lcd <install loc>/dirdef ftp> put source.def ftp> bye

Note: To avoid overlaying existing definition files, always put the file as <db type>.def instead of source.def (e.g. MSSQL.def).

Prepare your target Oracle environment

Configure the Manager
1. Configure the Manager process on the target system
Execute the following commands on the <target> system. Start the command interface
Shell> cd <install location> Shell> ggsci

Specify the port that the Manager should use.


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-- GoldenGate Manager Parameter file PORT <port>

Start Manager

Verify the results:


Create the tables

2. Create target Oracle tables
Execute the following commands on the <target> system to run the script that creates the tables.
Shell> cd <install location> Shell> sqlplus <login>/<password> SQL> @demo_ora_create

Verify the results:

SQL> desc tcustmer; SQL> desc tcustord; SQL> exit

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Initial Data Load

Exercise 2.

Initial Data Load using Direct Load Method

These steps configure initial load groups that copy source data and apply it to the target tables.

Configure initial load change capture

1. Add the initial data load extract batch task group
Execute the following commands on the <source> system to add an Extract process called EINI<unique id>1. Execute the following command in GGSCI to create the batch task.
Shell> cd <install location> Shell> ggsci GGSCI> ADD EXTRACT EINI<unique id>, SOURCEISTABLE

Verify the results:


2. Configure the initial data load Extract parameter file

Execute the following command in GGSCI to open the editor.

Add the following lines to the parameter file

--- GoldenGate Initial Data Capture -- for TCUSTMER and TCUSTORD -EXTRACT EINI<unique id> SOURCEDB <dsn>, USERID <login>, PASSWORD <password> RMTHOST <target>, MGRPORT <port> RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP RINI<unique id> TABLE <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER; TABLE <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD;

The process names used in lab exercises, for example EINIBD, are made up of 1) one character for the GoldenGate process (E for Extract, R for Replicat); 2) three or four to describe the process type (INI for initial data load, ORA for capture from or delivery to an Oracle database, etc.) and 3) two characters to create a unique identifier (usually your initials). Page 19

Initial Data Load

Configure the initial load delivery

3. Add the initial data load Replicat batch task group
Execute the following commands on the <target> system. Execute the following command in GGSCI to create the batch task.

Verify the results:


4. Configure the initial data load Replicat parameter file

Execute the following commands on the <target> system. Execute the following command in GGSCI to open the editor.

Add the following lines to the parameter file

-- GoldenGate Initial Data Load Delivery -REPLICAT RINI<unique id> USERID <login>, PASSWORD <password> DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RINI<unique id>.txt, PURGE SOURCEDEFS ./dirdef/source.def MAP <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER, TARGET <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER; MAP <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD, TARGET <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD;

Note: Remember to use <db type>.def if you renamed the source.def when you transferred it to the <target>.

5. Execute the initial data load process

Execute the following commands on the <source> system. Execute the following command to start the initial data load process.

Verify the results:


Execute the following commands on the <target> system. Verify the results:
GGSCI> VIEW REPORT RINI<unique id> Page 20

Initial Data Load

GGSCI> EXIT Shell> SQLPLUS <login>/<password> SQL> SELECT * FROM <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER SQL> SELECT * FROM <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD

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Configure Change Capture

Exercise 3.

Configure Change Capture

The goals of this exercise are to: Add the Extract process that will capture changes. Add the trail that will store the changes. Start the Extract process.

Steps to configure change

1. Add the Extract checkpoint group
Execute the following commands on the <source> system to create the Extract group.

Verify the results:


2. Create the Extract parameter file

Execute the following commands on the <source> system. Execute the following command in GGSCI to open the editor.

Add the following lines to the parameter file.

--- Parameter file to capture -- TCUSTMER and TCUSTORD Changes -EXTRACT EMSS<unique id> TRANLOGOPTIONS MANAGESECONDARYTRUNCATIONPOINT SOURCEDB <dsn>, USERID <login>, PASSWORD <password> RMTHOST <target>, MGRPORT <port> RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/<trail id> TABLE <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER; TABLE <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD;

Note: Record the two characters selected for your <trail id>: ______. You will need this in the next step and when you set up the Replicat.

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Configure Change Capture

3. Define the GoldenGate extract trails

Execute the following commands on the <source> system to create a trail.
GGSCI> ADD RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/<trail id>, EXTRACT EMSS<unique id>, MEGABYTES 50

Verify the results:


4. Start the Extract process

On the <source> system, issue the following command in GGSCI to start the Extract process.

Verify the results:


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Configure Change Delivery

Exercise 4.

Configure Change Delivery

The goals of this exercise are to: Set up the checkpoint table on the target system. Create a named group that includes the Replicat process and the checkpoint tables. Configure the Replicat group by adding parameters. Start the Replicat group.

Set up checkpoints
1. Edit a GLOBALS file on the target system
Execute the following commands on the <target> system. Edit the GLOBALS parameter file to add the checkpoint table.
Shell> cd <install location> Shell> ggsci GGSCI> EDIT PARAMS ./GLOBALS

In the text editor, type:

CHECKPOINTTABLE <owner/schema>.ggschkpt

Record the checkpoint table owner and name, then save and close the file. Table owner ____________________ name ___________________ Note: You could name the table anything you want, but for training purposes we are using ggschkpt.

2. Activate the GLOBALS parameters

For the GLOBALS configuration to take effect, you must exit the session in which the changes were made. Execute the following command to exit GGSCI.

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Configure Change Delivery

3. Add a Replicat checkpoint table

Execute the following commands on the <target> system. This step adds the checkpoint table that you specified when you created the GLOBALS parameter file. It will be created in the <dsn> database. Run GGSCI on the target.
Shell> cd <install location> Shell> ggsci

Execute the following commands in GGSCI.


Configure delivery
4. Add the Replicat checkpoint group
Execute the following commands on the <target> system to create the Replicat group named RMSS<unique id>.
GGSCI> ADD REPLICAT RMSS<unique id>, EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/<trail id>

Note: Refer to your Extract set up for the correct two-character <trail id>.

5. Create Replicat parameter file

Execute the following command on the <target> system to edit the Replicat parameter file.

Add the following lines to the parameter file.

REPLICAT RMSS<unique id> USERID <login>, PASSWORD <password> HANDLECOLLISIONS SOURCEDEFS ./dirdef/source.def DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RMSS<unique id>.DSC, PURGE MAP <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER, TARGET <owner/schema>.TCUSTMER; MAP <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD, TARGET <owner/schema>.TCUSTORD;

Note: Remember to use <db type>.def if you renamed the source.def when you transferred it to the the <target>.

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Configure Change Delivery

4. Start the Replicat process

Execute the following commands on the <target> system. Execute the following command in GGSCI to start the Replicat process.

Verify the results:


Discussion points
Search in the Windows//UNIX Reference Guide for the information on the following questions.


When would you use HANDLECOLLISIONS? What does it do? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

2. What information is supplied by SOURCEDEFS?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

3. What is the purpose of the DISCARDFILE?

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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Generate Activity and Verify Results

Exercise 5.

Generate Activity & Verify Results

The goals of this exercise are to: Execute miscellaneous update, insert, and delete operations on the source system. Verify the delivery of the changes to the target Turn off the error handling used for initial load.

Verify your source SQL Server 2008 results

Steps to generate database operations
1. Generate inserts, updates, and deletes
Execute the following commands on the <source> system. Go to SQL Server Management Studio, select your database and press New Query. If the correct database is not displayed in the drop down box, click on the arrow and select it from the list. Click the File > Open and navigate to the demo_mss_misc.sql script and click Open to open it in the input window. Execute the script by clicking the Execute Query button on the toolbar. Verify and record processing statistics with the following command in GGSCI.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Verify the data by executing the following commands in the New Query window of SQL Server Management Studio on the source:
select * from TCUSTMER; select * from TCUSTORD;

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Generate Activity and Verify Results

3. Verify your results on the target system

Execute the following commands on the <target> system to verify the target data.
Shell> cd <install location> Shell> sqlplus <userid>/<password> SQL> select * from tcustmer; SQL> select * from tcustord; SQL> exit Shell> ggsci GGSCI> SEND REPLICAT RMSS<unique id>, REPORT GGSCI> VIEW REPORT RMSS<unique id>

Turn off error handling

4. Turn off initial load error handling for the running delivery process

5. Remove initial load error handling from the parameter file


Remove the HANDLECOLLISIONS parameter.

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