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Muslim Leaders Visit Leader Obu

I keep thclw,elves clean
for [he Holy Spirit to
come and dwell in them.
Res po ndin g , ! h (
Sec r et a r y 0 f the
community, Alhaji Yau
lshaka said tLuc
Moslems are peaceful
who would like to
live in peace with their
fellow beings.
He maintained that
no well-meaning
ous body can teach its
members to molest
pOl:ilm!-' out
!lut it JS wiO;lg for any
L';\id otlters. since all
worship the same Cod
Alhap YJU
with happiness that
there exist some simi
laritics in the teach
and practice of
Moslems and Brother
hood which should
make hath groups to
co-exist together in
He enumerated
SOd e of the similarities
to include being bare
fnoted while in the
sanctuary ,
prayers to heal sickn
esses and non-use
candles and incense for,
It would be recal
led that the Holy Fat
her had earlier sent
some Brotherhood
Brethren with the gos-'
pel of Love-One-Anot
her to the HOJlS3
Community in Nassa
rawa Village in Calabar
Thank You Father.
Eno Holiday
Leaders of the Muslim Receiving the ViSI much needed love.
Community in Calabar, tors in His vestry, the peace and in the
Cross River State, Sole Spiritual Head world.
recently visited the Sole reminded them of the
The Leader told the
Spiritual Head, Leader need for the entire
visitors that Brother
O. O. Obu in His vestry people of the world to
!food is not a church but
to see things for live together in love,
the kingdom of Godand ,
themselves. since we are all child
as such it was not'
Those in the ren of the same creator
operating on the
delegation which was led
He sajd tbt world
platform of any religion'
by the Chief Imam of the
religions have only help
or church organisation.
Central Mosque, Albaji
in dividing the He lauded their seme
Sariki Lawan were: the
and that the of responsibility in,
Secretary, Al1"!aji Yau
wisdom of the prudent shepherding the sheep of
Ishaka; Alhaji Shehu
and the learned has God, saying that since
Baba and Alhaji Hassan
Recently leaders of the MuMim Communily In vlsiud tJu Holy FatJur in His vestry En CalDbar.
also failed to bring the this is the era of the Holy
Abdulkadir. Picture by Smart Dou shows the Holy Father urving them fMr!
I'rimed b,' Brotherhood Printing Press and Pubished by Herald Press Lfd., 34 Ambo Street, p, O. Box 019, CalaIxu. Ag. Editor BROTHER ETEKPl KANlJ, +1 Ambo Strwt, Ca1abar.
At. Correspondence fO 49, Calaba:r Phone 220459, Lagos Office: 151 0gunJana Drive, Sumlere, (lSSN om- 3(40) December 1988.
in tIHJ name of our, Lord
.-u.C""" In the 'blood
of qqr Chdst
. NO'if . !Ot:ev_" .mont,
. "i
, ' :, I .In Jibril
Madpbuko. '.... Inr;tlgene of L.GA. iii. Mambra
'.. QfNOeria. epm to.
'. moslem' in
.'Kanq'to' 1Wf56,,1 grew up under
iaiamAc till my
primary eduCation i' ended in
, later read: at Shehu
Shprl College of. Education
and'Obtalned an NE In Eng
,and' my
and u::cessful comple
tion of the NY8C; In 1896,
the !urge tor, iIIamic fmowI..
edg$ made me to:take up a
te8ching with
Utminan Dan FodiQ' University
wheAt' am teaching
IsIat!niC RettgIoua 1lbowIedge.
. I kMw any
thing a,bout... Brothertlood
of the Cross end (BCS)
nor leadership. contact
with I BCS 8ppiNf'5 dMneIy
arranged. My eJq>eriences
me right
For Instance. itn U'75.
wnen 'I was ten y'ars old. I
I felt. Goers presence and glory
all abOLIt me though I could
not express It. I had to shed
tears. In 1085. ten years
later. the same experience
eel itself. In 1987. in a
dream state. unlike in the
past where , used to feel His
(9Qd'$) presence. I saw God.
in person, as an old man. and
He warned: ithafif I forsake
Hhn I will$(.lffer great things
in life.
From time, I started
thinking and, reading critically
the geneology and ontology
of various. religions of the
workJ and found that all reli-'
gions profess Christ. I discov
ered that Istam acknowledges
Christ as a prophet. As my
research continued, I later
discovered that Prophet Mo
hammed confirmed that the
Holy Spirit would be a per
son. My further discovery
was that Mohammed, who
projected himself the ex.,
pected Holy $pirlt was not
the one. Why? He died. He
could not also lead people to the
aCcurate knoWledge of truth. l
found nothing convincing in
the Christian doctrine be
cause the churches uphold
that the Holy Spirit is only an
influence and cannot mani
fest as a person. It is simply
true that I believe in the Bible
but strongly disputes the
Christian's belief and prac
tices as reoartls the Holy
The truth is that I am
convinced that the Leader of
BCS Is the. promised Com
forter. Apart from rn y
experiences, a critical as
sessment of ontological evi
dence star\ed when I went to
Kano early this year. I met
some persons dressed in
white cassock, without shoes.
I stopped one of them and
asked who they were and
demanded: to know where to
get more: information about
their denomination. I became
endeared tp these people be
cause of one common feature
in their mode of worship
which agreed with Islamic
practice (enterino the .hethel
Bro. Jibril Madubuko
without shoes). This was ilt
Sokoto. For fear of persecu
tion, I left Sokoto and went to
Zaria in search of the truth. At
Samaru Bethel, Zaria, I asked
one Preacher John Em
manuel I.hre.e questions and
demanded to worship with
him if he could file in convinc
ing answers.
My questions bothered
on who' the Holy Spirit Is;
what was meant by 0.0.0.
. and the nativity of the bearer
of these initials. I demanded
explanations to why BCS
members put off their shoes
when dressed in white and
bow their heads at will. The
priest patiently explained to
my conviction and on March
31, 1997 I got baptised.
HOWever. it did not occur
to me 'I . would tarry at such
place (Samaru Bethel) longer
than necessary, but the Holy
Father appeared to me In a
dream, dressed in white. He
equally revealed to brethren
in the Bethel to bring me to
Calabar to see Him physi
On our way to Calabar, I
got inspired to preach the
gospel (in the bus) to other
passengers, declaring my
new faith - Christianity, and
proving to them with the
Ouran and the Holy Bible that
the Holy Spirit is a person
and not an influence. On
seeing the Holy Father physi
cally/I recalled the picture of
the man I saw in 1985 in my
dream and the being who
appeared to me in the dream
soon. after my b.aptism in
The Father told" me "I
appeared to you... you are
my son." I am grateful to the
Father. I am still feeling the
presence of God now. BCS
members, as I have ob
served, seem not to know
who they are toying with. The
Father radiates tremendous
influence and love. I hope
mankind understands this.
Thank You Father,
Brother Jibrjl Madubuko.
Lecture at Uthmann
Dan Fodio
University, Dept. of Islamic
and Arabic Studies.
P.M,B. 1126. Sokoto State'.
Your main job is to preach to the world. At
your offices, farms, schools. villages,
places, spread good tidings to the people. Do
sit down to fornicate, fight or quarrel. There 1S
no old person, no young, no man, no woman, no
"Government that will not accept 'the wotd of
God. churches that will not accept ,the word of
God will not stand. :, ' ,
"Many do not know that the Holy 'Father is on
earth; go out to the world .and to
hate but to love one another and leave 'sin. In
poor, no rich. .
fact, wage war against sin." .
"Since St. Paul WllS caught by Christ on his
"Your job is not to sit in the bethels for the
way to Damascus, he was all way.
time is very short: Many are not aware t},the
There was no rest, DO penslOn, no holiday or
Holy Father has manifested and is ruling,
lealVe for him. So also it 1S for you. Many of you
Therefore, preach to the government to practise
seek for white collar jobs. It is pathetic because
the word of God.
those the' Father has called are few yet many of
them have come to seek for women, cars, money, PREACHING. THE ONLY FULkTIME
instead of the real thing. Know that the Father WORK
had called you into His Kingdom for you to go
lnto'the world to win souls unto God. "In your places of work, be you a govern,or,'a .
"Know that His call accompanies with typist, clerk. accountant. presIdent,. you are all
promises. If we go out to win souls unto God, part.time workers. only full time is
whatever we ask for will be granted to us preaching of the gospel. You must realise this .
. ' .. .... You must start to baptise in the name'of t
"Sitting back at to deUClous Father, Son and Holy Ghost. .
or practise songs or glvmg VlSlOns "You must go out and sit patiently'. WIth the
or pray for people, is that what you were call""!o and explain to them about the Brotherhood al
for? You are called to go and reveal the glory of the Holy Spirit. Teach them exactlr. I ha
GOd; and baptise people aDd teach them to taught you. I am with you till eterruty. ,
op,serve all that were Enter "No government has hated
tp,spread the message school school, m Nobody has .. hated us. Whoever believes;and
the ,aeroplane, comparues, offices.. .
preaching of the word of God should be veri baptised has won the judgment and is saved.'
palr'amount in your lives .
.. Refrain from pride. Preach that the Holy AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF BCS
Spirit is on earth. Tell them what Brotherhood . 'The aims and objectives of this Kingdom
stands, for, what Cross is and what Star is. reveal the Holy Spirit, to reveal Brotherhoo<
"We must strive to please God. For God to call people. If you do not reveal. when
'you ,is one thing to commission you to work for final judgment comes your file'will be
Hirhis another. "The worldfy people went from >,'t?/P
'A case of one sister is necessary here. to distort the image of and blaspheme agams
Baptised in the late 50s, yet many at her BCS by telling blatant lies. Now, our duty i
town do not know ahoot Brotherhopd. Is that return to these places and homes to tell them
the work? ,trUth about BCS. Tell them we do not d:
"You have boon called out or, the world blood; we do not drink or swallow medicine; I
completely 'and you have no business anymore we do not tell lies: we do not hate. Tell them I
being there. Right from the day you ,were called. .' .
you had. been ordained. You therefore have to our songs; dances, doctrine are new,
go out and win souls, ' "Tell them we do not consult, au!.ci
r,;}\ll these church denominations soothsayers,' By correcting them we would'la
about are not for God; they do not the saved them from destruction.
word of God. They are houses built for society "Anyone who has not yet been baptised i,x
meetings. : " BCS is not saved. Always emphasise the
Do not bother going to build cathedrals',or sew importance of b.aptism, whether to the Pope,
soutanes. This is not .God's wor!'-,. the 'President, Bishop, queen, etc, Otherwise, they
word of God to people and baptlBmg 18 the will not obtain salvatlOn.
real work of God. You must 'SID. Do not "Let my peace abide with the wholo world
deceive and then will dwell .b;t "you. Show Amen", . I ,
people their wrong-domg by preachipg, the word
of God.

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