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Simple Linear Regression: ANOVA table

Hypotheses: Ho: 1 = 0 (use y = y to predict y, there is no linear relationship between x and y) HA: 1 0 (use y = b0 + b1 * x to predict y, there is a stat sig linear relationship between x and y) Assumptions: 1. There is a true or population line (or equation): yi = 0 + 1x + i , where 0 is the y-intercept and 1 is the slope, which defines the linear relationship between the independent variable, x, and the dependent, y. The random deviations, eis, allow the points to vary about the true line. (The estimated line is: y i = b0 + b1x.) 2. The is have mean zero, e = 0. 3. The standard deviation of the is is constant, e is not dependent on the xs. 4. The is are independent of each other. 5. The is are normally distributed. We use the residuals, eis, to estimate the is. Combined, this say each of the is are independently, identically distributed N(0, 2) or iid ~ N(0, 2). This means that the ys are also normal, and each y ~ N( 0+1x, 2). The sole purpose of residual plots is to check these assumptions!!!! NOTE: we now have 2 parameters, 0 and 1 we have to estimate for y which is why the df for the t = test n 2.
ANOVA Table for Simple Linear Regression

Source Model Residual Total

df 1 n 2 n 1

Sum of Squares ( yi y )2=SSModel ei2 = SSResidual (yi y )2= SSTotal

Mean Squares SSM = MSM SSR/( n = MSE 2) SST/( n 1)=MST

F value MSG/MSE = F1,n2

p-value Pr(F > F1, n2*)

Residuals are often called errors since they are the part of the variation that the line could NOT explain, so MSR = MSE = sum of squared residuals/df = 2 = estimate for variance of the population regression line SSTot/(n = MSTOT = sy2 = the total variance of the ys 1) F = t2 for Simple Linear Regression. The larger the F (the smaller the p-value) the more of ys variation the line explained so the less likely H0 is true. We reject when the p-value < . R2 = proportion of the total variation of y explained by the regression line = SSM/SST = 1 SSResidual/SST

One-Way ANOVA Assumptions: 1. Each of the k population or group distributions is normal. check with a Normal Quantile Plot (or boxplot) of each group

2. These distributions have identical variances (standard deviations). check if largest sd is > 2 times smallest sd 3. Each of the k samples is a random sample. 4. Each of the k samples is selected independently of one another.
H0: 1 = 2 = . . . = k vs. HA: not all k means are equal (this will always be the hypotheses, the only difference is # of groups) no effect the effect of the treatment is significant ANOVA Table: Source Group(between) Error(within) Total degrees of freedom k-1 N-k N-1 Sum of Squares ni( x i - x )2=SSG (ni 1)si2 = SSE (xij- x )2= SSTot Mean Squares SSG/(k-1) = MSG SSE/(N-k) = MSE SSTot/(N-1)=MST F value MSG/MSE = Fk-1,N-k p-value Pr(F > Fk-1,N-k *)

N = total number of observations = ni, where ni = number of observations for group i The F test statistic has two different degrees of freedom: the numerator = k 1, and the denominator = N k Fk-1,N-k NOTE: SSE/(N-k) = MSE = sp2 = (pooled sample variance) = 1(n 11) + ...+ (nk 1) k = 2 = estimate for assumed 1 k equal variance this is the average variance for each group 2 SSTot/(N-1) = MSTOT = s = the total variance of the data (assuming NO groups) F variance of the (between) samples means divided by the ~average variance of the data, the larger the F (the smaller the p-value) the more varied the means are so the less likely H0 is true. We reject when the pvalue < . R2 = proportion of the total variation explained by the difference in means =

(n 1) s 2 + ...+ (n 1) s 2

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