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No Strings A ttached

Written by Peter Ray & Aaron King

Boilerpla te
This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully Pulpit Games. Fiasco is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar.

The Score
Filmed from the w aist up
No Strings Attached is all you need to start your own FIASCO game based on the works of Jim Henson. Maybe you're a group of fuzzies racing crosscountry in a stolen bus trying to save your local theater. Maybe you're trying to save you're buddy from running away and learn a lesson about friendship in the process. Maybe you're the last of an ancient race exploring dark twisting caverns to save the world. Maybe you've been stuck watching a crappy play for hours and have had enough. Maybe you are all of the above.....IN SPAAAAAACE!

Movie Night
The Muppet Movie, Fraggle Rock(TV), Seseme Street (TV), The Great Muppet Caper, Meet the Feebles.

Rela tionships
1 Shares a deep dark dangerous secret. 2 Siblings, affectionate or otherwise 3 Bitter Rivals 4 Friendly Rivals 5 Imaginary Friend 6 Roomates

1 Pundit/Demonized 2 Neighbors 3 Predator/Prey 4 Misfits 5 Mentor/Student 6 Samaritan/Benefactor

Show Biz!
1 Heckler/Heckled 2 Idol/Idolizer 3 Bandmates 4 Host/Guest 5 Star/Sidekick 6 Techie/Actor

1 Roadtrip Buddies 2 Visitor/Guide 3 Rescuer/Rescued 4 Partners in Crime 5 6 Voyager/Financier Mysterious Doppelganger

1 Interspecies Lovers 2 One-Sided Crush 3 Estranged 4 6 Comrades with Chemistry Would be together, but...... 5 Fetishist/Object

1 Marketeer/Marketed 2 Corrupt Official/ Unwitting Pawn 3 Supervisor/employee 4 Coworkers 5 Handyman/client 6 Business Competitors

... in puppet paradise


To Get Rich
1 ...for a good cause (and save the theater!) 2 taking credit you didn't deserve. 3 finding the treasure 4 ...through the biggest con these puppets have ever seen. 5 ...from the ransom 6 by posing as someone else

To Get Out
1 ...of debt (and save the theater!) 2 ...of this relationship 3 ...of this swamphole/trashcan/whatever 4 ...of this trap 5 ...of this contract 6 ...of the crosshairs

To Be A Hero
1 saving the day (and the theater!) 2 ...and get the girl/pig/whatever 3 vanquishing your enemy 4 defending the little guy 5 ...even though your the villain 6 ...because there isn't anyone else.

To Get Even
1 ...with the critics (to save the theater!) 2 ...with your boss 3 ...with your rival 4 ...with that jerk/grouch/whatever who humiliated you 5 ...with the faceless bureaucracy 6 ...MORE!!!!

To get respect
1 ...from your hard work (of saving the theater!) 2 pulling the greatest prank ever 3 being the moral center 4 rising to the top no matter what. 5 ...from those who doubt you 6 don't deserve

To Discover
1 to save 2 ...the meaning of friendship 3 they did it! 4 ...where it went horribly horribly wrong 5 ...who is betraying you 6 ...your hidden talent

... in puppet paradise

LOCA Tions
1 ...the maze 2 ...mystical mushroom forest 3 ...underground city 4 ...the monster's lair 5 ...Escher-like room of stairs 6 ...the little people's laboratory

The Thea ter(!)

1 ...the stage 2 ...backstage 3 ...audience 4 ...balcony 5 grid 6 ...lobby

1 ...the swamp 2 ...the hermit's hut 3 ...treetop village 4 of the talking inanimate objects 5 ...ruins 6 ...generic peasent settlement

On the road
1 Bicycle Tour 2 Dilapidated Tour Bus 3 Roadside Dinner/Bar 4 Bizarre Tourist Trap 5 Fork in the Road 6 Cheap Motel

The Big City

1 Executive's Office 2 4 5 6 Sleazy Used Car Lot Under a Streetlamp Four-star Restaurant Police Station 3 Sewer

1 Bridge of The Swinetrek 2 Planet Koozebane 3 a spacewalk 4 Crash-landing site 5 Asteroid (assumed lifeless) 6 Extra-terrestrial E.R.

... in puppet paradise

1 Open-Hand slap (Haiiii-YAH!) 2 Bomb 3 Cutlass 4 Sledgehammer 5 Science 6 Fish

Transporta tion
1 Studebaker 2 Tandem Bicycle 3 Teleporter 4 Large Furry Creature 5 Balloon(s) 6 Seaworthy Vessel

1 Personalized 8 x 10 2 Locket 3 First Dollar Earned 4 Heirloom 5 Giant Cookie 6 Painting with a map on the back.

Trauma tic
1 Cannon 2 Secret Diary 3 Flock of angry chickens 4 Electrical storm 5 Eviction notice 6 Prophetic Visions

Thea trics
1 Absurdly long Shepherd's Crook 2 Sandbag 3 Prop Gun 4 6 Musical Instrument Rotten Vegetables 5 Curtains

1 Glowing Crystal 2 Futuristic Can Opener 3 Rubber Chicken 4 Magic Lamp 5 Mysterious Footprints 6 Near Bottomless Pit

... in puppet paradise

A No Strings A ttached

Insta setup
Rela tionships in No Strings A ttached
For three players... Friendship: Roomates Show Biz: Bandmates Adventure: Mysterious Doppelganger For four players, add... Work: Corrupt Offical & Unwitting Pawn For five players, add... Romance: One-Sided Devoting

Needs in No Strings A ttached

For three players... To Get Out: Of Debt! For four or five players, add... To Get Respect: By Pulling the Greatest Prank Ever!

Loca tions in No Strings A ttached

For three or four players... On the Road: Bizzare Tourist Trap For five players, add... The Theater: Back Stage

Objects in No Strings A ttached

For any number of players... Traumatic: Flock of Angry Chickens

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