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Stealth Marketing Summary Jay Abraham For Dane Maxwell by Tommy Tai Things Ive learned (so far)

Key Points 1. Advertising is helping the prospect perceive the value of my product (good advertising is win-win) 2. Find Hidden assets (back-end, marginal net worth) 3. Leverage (my own/other peoples asset/value, opportunities are everywhere) 4. Test everything (getting leverage) 5. Build a relationship with the customer (educate) 6. Become Service Oriented 7. Dont pay for action, pay for results 8. Take 1 concept and work it fully before moving to the next concept 9. Turn 1 time services into perpetual income (Lock in sales in advance) 10. First to Mind (preemptive advantage, following up and building relationships

Its all about leverage! Marketing is the ultimate leverage testing/optimizing (fixed cost to run an ad but one ad might outperform the other ad by 100x, prices, test everything, find what the market wants) start small then expand Hot Buttons (celebrities, big money, sex, violence, major news) Hidden Assets Relationships (leverage other peoples products/talents, JV, bonuses, competitors) life time value of customer (marginal net worth) work past/current list (might cost $100 to acquire a customer, but itll only take $0.60 to resell, the best prospect is one who has already brought from me before) everything can be and should be leveraged (competitors, referrals, even refund requests lol) license successful concepts(residual income) bump/upsell

Its not about me, its about the Customer First to Mind preemptive marketing (tell them before anyone else) follow up build relationships Hidden Asset think multi-step selling (follow up, stair-step, foster trust, people want good quality information) Most profit are from long term (back end) Moving parade (circumstances change, keep following up) Personal (think in term of the customer) test everything list benefits, not features Be service-oriented discover and fulfil the customers needs (desires, mindset, etc) go the extra mile - the backend rewards could be tremendous educate so the customer will appreciate me and my services make it fun, and desirable to do business with me (it can never be to easy to order/buy) provide value Do the dirty work and tell the customer (price, research, best decisions) be ready to respond

The Ad marketing is salesmanship en masse Lower Barrier of entry guide the customer step by step (1, interested? 2, pick up phone. 3, dial #. 4, ask about product...etc) risk reversal Longer guarantees are less likely to come (people will return in the first couple of weeks anyways, so assuming the risk is not at all that risky) address any concerns (do the dirty work for the customer, guarantees) Personal (use you rather than I or we) niche - be specific appeal to emotion (story why, add credibility, honesty) Story Why (not just a discount, but educate) contrast principle (incentives to buy, compared to something else) why act now benefits not features first impressions = critical (opener) Structure AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) Q&A 29 - structure of ad

headlines are ad for an ad (be specific, no fluff, generic, or cutesy, include USP, Q&A 37 - example of headlines) clear use what works (even if an ad looks old, keep it until something outperforms the current ad) assume the sale

Marginal Net worth (residual value) Leverage hidden assets work list follow up upsell/bump license successful concepts (total cost) < (# of customer) x (unit of sale) x (number of times customer buys) = (profit) customer = front-end profit + back-end profit Every business is a Lead-Generation Business Multiple Streams of Income

Dont pay for action, Pay for Results (profit) trackable ads have a purpose lock in sales (subscription, residual value > 1st time purchase) test for 80/20 (keep essential and top performing, then triage) performance based pay test hires

Model Success Anticipate, Plan, Execute Focus find the biggest, best, and most adaptable idea or concept and concentrate solely on that concept first until it either proves ineffectual or expand its potential to every avenue possible build success upon success Rest focus - then relax (allow your subconscious mind to cook) Integrity but dont be afraid to ask for what you want Inertia (fear of failure, what hols people back) start small and build Dont ignore the obvious

Barter triangulation (value differs for different people) (like the quest in zelda, trade one for the other till you get the desired result) Selling = states of mind 1. Outcome 2. Manage state of mind 3. Mater building rapport Solving Problems Good Communicator 1. presentation towards One Person 2. Be Aware 3. If it doesnt work Change

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