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1)<?php $x=array("aaa","ttt","www","ttt","yyy","tttt"); $y=array_count_values($x); echo $y[ttt]; ?> a)2 b)3 c)1 d)4 Show Answer 2) How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method? a)$_GET[]; b)Request.Form; c)Request.QueryString; d)$_POST[]; Show Answer 3)What's the best way to copy a file from within a piece of PHP? a) Print out a message asking your user to "telnet" in to the server and copy the file for you b) Open the input and output files, and use read() and write() to copy the data block by block until read() returns a zero c) Use the built in copy() function d) Use "exec" to run an operating system command such as cp (Unix, Linux) or copy (Windows) Show Answer 4) PHP code is embedded directly into XHTML document? a) False b) True Show Answer 5) Is it possible to submit a form with out a submit button? a) Yes b) No Show Answer 6) Full form of PHP a) PreHypertextProcessor b) HypertextPreprocessor

c) Hypertext Postprocessor d) PostHypertextProcessor Show Answer 7) What is the expansion of LAMP? a) Linux And Mysql Php b) Linux Apache Mysql Php Show Answer 8) In php Which method is used to getting browser properties? a) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; b) $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] c) $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] d) $_SERVER['HTTP_VARIENT'] Show Answer 9) Which of the following function is used to pick one or more random values from PHP Array? a) array_rand() b) array_random() c) Random_array() d) Rand_array() Show Answer 10) <?php $x=array(1,3,2,3,7,8,9,7,3); $y=array_count_values($x); echo $y[8]; ?> a) 43 b) 1 c) 8 d) 6 Show Answer 11) Assume that your php file 'index.php' in location c:/apache/htdocs/phptutor/index.php. If you used$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] function in your page, then what is the return value of this function ? a) phptutor/index.php b) /phptutor/index.php c) c:/apache/htdocs/phptutor/index.php

d) index.php Show Answer 12) Which operator is used to concatenate two strings in php? a) dot operator (.) b) plus operator (+) Show Answer 13)Are there regular expressions in PHP? a) Yes - regular expressions use Perl-like conventions b) Yes - PHP supports two different types of regular expressions: POSIX-extended and PerlCompatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). c) Yes - regular expressions use the POSIX standard d) No - PHP uses "glob" style matching only Show Answer 14) In PHP, which of the following function is used to insert content of one php file into another php file before server executes it a) include[] b) #include() c) include() d) #include{} Show Answer 15) what will be the ouput of below code ? Assume that today is 2009-5-19:2:45:32 pm <?php $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); ?> a) may 19,09,2:45:32 PM b) May 19, 2009, 2:45 pm c) May 19,2009,14:45:32 pm d) May 19,2009,14:45:32 PM Show Answer 16) Which of the following function is used for terminate the script execution in PHP? a) break() b) quit() c) die()

Show Answer 17) What function used to print statement in PHP? a) echo(); b) printf c) "" Show Answer 18) <?php define("x","5"); $x=x+10; echo x; ?> a) Error b) 15 c) 10 d) 5 Show Answer 19) what will be the output of below code ? <?php $arr = array(5 => 1, 12 => 2); $arr[] = 56; $arr["x"] = 42; unset($arr); echo var_dump($arr); ?> a) 42 b) 56 c) Null d) x=42 Show Answer 20) PHP variables are a) Multitype variables b) Double type variables c) Single type variable d) Trible type variables Show Answer

21) Which of these statements is true? a) PHP interfaces to the MySQL database,and you should transfer any data in Oracle or Sybase to MySQL if you want to use PHP on the data. b) PHP interfaces to a number of relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle and Sybase. A wrapper layer is provided so that code written for one database can easily be transferred to another if you later switch your database engine. c) PHP interfaces to a number of relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle and Sybase but the interface differs in each case. d) There's little code in PHP to help you interface to databases, but there's no reason why you can't write such code if you want to. Show Answer 22) Is php can support multiple inheritance? a) NO b) YES Show Answer 23) How would you add 1 to the variable $count? a) incr count; b) $count++; c) $count =+1 d) incr $count; Show Answer 24) Which of the following is used to check if a function has already been defined? a) bool function_exists(functionname) b) bool f_exists(functionname) c) bool func_exist(functioname) Show Answer 25) what is the return value of this substr function? <?php $rest = substr("abcdef", -1); $rest = substr("abcdef", 0, -1); ?> a) f,abcde b) a,fedcb

c) b,abcdef d) a,abcde Show Answer 26) Assume that your php file 'index.php' in location c:/apache/htdocs/phptutor/index.php. If you usedbasename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) function in your page, then what is the return value of this function ? a) phptutor b) phptutor/index.php c) index.php d) /index.php Show Answer 27) $x="display"; ${$x.'_result'} (); ?> Above program will call the function display_result() a) False b) True c) Parser Error d) None of the above Show Answer 28) All variables in PHP start with which symbol? a) ! b) $ c) & d) % Show Answer 29) Father of PHP? a) Larry Wall b) Rasmus Lerdorf c) James Gosling d) Guido Van Rossum Show Answer 30) In PHP the error control operator is _______ a) . b) *

c) @ d) & Show Answer 31) $str="3dollars"; $a=20; $a+=$str; print($a); ?> Output ? a) 23dollars b) 203dollars c) 320dollars d) 23 Show Answer 32) <?php function zz(& $x) { $x=$x+5; } ?> $x=10; zz($x); echo $x; a) 5 b) 0 c) 15 d) 10 Show Answer 33) <?php echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?> a) shows the IP address of the local system b) shows the IP address of the visitor c) shows the IP address of the webserver d) None of the above Show Answer

34) <?php $x=dir("."); while($y=$x->read()) { echo $y." " } $y->close(); ?> What is the following output? a) display all folder names b) display a folder content c) display content of the all drives d) Parse error Show Answer 35) <?php
$qpt = 'QualityPointTechnologies'; echo preg_match("/^Quality/", $qpt); ?>

a) 1 b) 0 c) Quality d) Null Show Answer 36) <?php $test="3.5seconds"; settype($test,"double"); settype($test,"integer"); settype($test,"string"); print($test); ?> What is the following output? a) 3.5 b) 3.5seconds c) 3 d) 3seconds Show Answer

37) <?php $x=array(2=>"mouse",7=>"keyboard"); $y=array_keys($x); echo $y[1]; ?> a) keyboard b) mouse c) 7 d) 2 Show Answer 38) $data="98.8degrees"; (double)$data; (int)$data; (string)$string; echo $data; ?> a) 98 b) 98.8 c) 98.8degrees d) degrees Show Answer 39) PHP is a) Partially cross-platform b) Truly cross-platform c) None of above Show Answer 40) <?php $x="101.5degrees"; (double)$x; (int)$x; echo (string)$x; ?> a) 101.5 b) degrees c) 101 d) 101.5degrees Show Answer 41) Whether One-line comment begin with pound sing(#) in php?

a) True b) False c) None of above Show Answer 42) In PHP, during error handling include() generates...................... a) a fatal error, and the script will stop b) a warning, but the script will continue execution c) None of the above Show Answer 43) <?php
$qpt = 'Eat to live, but not live to eat'; echo preg_match("/^to/", $qpt); ?>

a) 0 b) 1 c) to d) Null Show Answer 44) <?php $x=array("aaa","","ccc","ddd",""); $y=array_unique($x); echo count($x) . "," . count($y); ?> a) 3,1 b) 3,3 c) 5,5 d) 5,4 Show Answer 45) PHP is a _____ . It means you do not have to tell PHP which data type the variable is.PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct data type, depending on its value. a) client side language b) local language c) global language d) loosely typed language Show Answer 46) Which of the following is not a valid variable name?

a) $number-in-class b) $nic c) $NumberInClass d) $number_in_class Show Answer 47) Which of the following function is used to change the root directory in PHP? a) choot() b) change_root() c) cd_root() d) cd_r() Show Answer 48) PHP is a) client side script language b) server side script language c) event-driven language Show Answer 49) $father="mother"; $mother="son"; echo $$father; ?> a) son b) mother c) motherson d) error Show Answer 50) <?php $x=array(4,2,5,1,4,5,3,4); $y=array_count_values($x); echo count($y); ?> a) 8 b) 5 c) 7 d) 28 Show Answer 51) The PHP syntax is most similar to:

a) PERL and C b) Java script c) VB Script d) Visual Basic Show Answer 52) what will be the output of below code ? <?php $arr = array(5 => 1, 12 => 2); $arr[] = 56; $arr["x"] = 42; echo var_dump($arr); ?> a) 42 b) array(3) { [12]=> int(2) [13]=> int(56) ["x"]=> int(42) } c) array(4) { [5]=>int(1) [12]=> int(2) [13]=> int(56) ["x"]=> int(42) } d) 1,2,56,42 Show Answer 53) what will the ouptut of below date() function ? <?php $date="2009-5-19"; $time="14:31:38"; $datetime=$date.$time; echo date("Y-m-d:H:i:s",strtotime($datetime)); ?> a) 2009-5-19:14:31:38 b) 2009-5-19:2:31:38 c) 19-5-2009:2:31:38 d) 19/5/2009:14:31:38 Show Answer

54) <?php $color=array("red","yellow","white"); $x=in_array("black",$color); if($x==0) echo "good bye"; if($x==1) echo "Hello"; ?> a)Hello b) Error c) good bye d) None of the above Show Answer Easy Learning - PHP Answers (1) a (11) b (21) c (31) d (41) a (51) a (2) a (12) a (22) a (32) c (42) b (52) c (3) c (13) b (23) b (33) b (43) a (53) a (4) b (14) c (24) a (34) b (44) d (54) c (5) a (15) b (25) a (35) a (45) d (6) b (16) c (26) c (36) c (46) a (7) b (17) a (27) b (37) c (47) a (8) a (18) d (28) b (38) c (48) b (9) a (19) c (29) b (39) b (49) a (10) (20) (30) (40) (50) b a c d b

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