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While feminists and critics sneer at beauty for being only "skin deep", the cont inuous growth

of the cosmetics industry proves that an increasing number of peop le are really taking effort, time, and money to invest on various beauty regimen and skincare. Nowadays, women are not the only ones who get conscious of their looks, but even some men, particularly the younger generation, have become advoc ates of pampering skincare. Some people, however, are too absorbed in their busy lifestyles that they have n o more time left to engage in proper skincare. Economy also plays a great deal o n why people would refrain from availing those skincare services being offered i n the media. The hard times take its toll on your skin. It is no longer as supple as that of a baby and has become thinner and wrinkle d with age. Your skin is drier due to less oil production from the sebaceous gla nds and the decrease in the number of blood vessels has made your skin lackluste r without youthful glow. There is more to skincare than just a case of vanity. Unknown to many, all human beings, whether healthy or not, probably have some Staphylococcus aureus bacter ia on their skin. These bacteria, simply called staph, are usually found in your nose or throat and may not really cause much problems except for minor skin inf ections. The skin serves as the body's first barrier against these bacterial in fections. This is why it is important to have healthy skin in order to ward off bacterial infections. Once the skin is broken, cut or wounded, you are at risk for infection. Once these bacteria gets to burrow deeper into your skin and pe netrates your body into the bloodstream, urinary tract, lungs, and heart, these seemingly harmless bacteria can become life-threatening. History showed that most cases of fatal staph infections in the past have occurr ed in people who have been in the hospital or those who are suffering from chron ic illness and faltering immune system. However, recent development proves that an increasing number of otherwise healthy people who have never been in a hospi tal are also acquiring these lethal staph infections. Moreover, the usually powerful antibiotics no longer have an effect in fighting against certain strain of destructive bacteria that have evolved over time. Alth ough as of now, most staph infections are still manageable and can be successful ly treated, sooner or later, there will come a time that a new and deadlier stra in of these bacterial infections will become resistant to most currently availab le skincare and medications. The signs and symptoms of bacterial infections depends on the condition and affe cted area of the infection as well as the nature of illness if it is a direct in fection from staph bacteria or from toxins produced by the bacteria. They may ra nge from mild skin infections to food poisoning, deadly pneumonia, surgical woun d infections, and endocarditis which is a lethal inflammation of the heart valve s. Most skin infections caused by staph infections include the following: boils , cellulitis, impetigo, scalded skin syndrome, follicilitis, hordeolum, among ot hers. Most skin problems would require clinical care by medical professionals but it h elps to take note of the following tips: Make sure to always clean and cover areas of skin that have been injured. Do not share towels, sheets, clothing until the infection has been fully healed. Do not touch to avoid spreading it to other parts of your body.

Always remember that cleanliness and good skincare hygiene is not just a form of vanity but it is a way of keeping your skin healthy and strong to be able to pr otect you in warding off bacterial infections as well as preventing many skin pr oblems. <a target="_self" href="*02izLfO6sItKDl U8hjFWlksTmwzoYKfFSx-hRjEqgP65-Z7CrMkIV4nuvE7oIKbT6eeNWZopNirhy1Jbxvr/HealthBeau ty3300x200.jpg"><img class="align-full" src=" L61NYT*02izLfO6sItKDlU8hjFWlksTmwzoYKfFSx-hRjEqgP65-Z7CrMkIV4nuvE7oIKbT6eeNWZopN irhy1Jbxvr/HealthBeauty3300x200.jpg" width="300"></a></strong>

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