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Virtuelna biblioteka Srbije (VBS)

Vesna Stevanovi} Narodna biblioteka Srbije

Vi r t u a l l i b r a r y o f Serbia (VLS)
Vesna Stevanovic National Library of Serbia

On the February 28th 2003, the Library Na Dan Narodne biblioteke Srbije 28. Day of the National Library of februara 2003. godine promovisan je javno Serbia, the Internet accessible dostupan Uzajamni katalog Republike Shared union catalogue of the Srbije. Wegovo uspostavqawe rezultat je Repulic of Serbia was officially opened. Its vi{egodi{wih napora stru~waka u zemqi i establishment is the result of lengthy efforts of pomo}i koju smo dobili za ostvarivawe ovog projekexperts in the country and help which we obtained for ta, preko odobrenih projekata "Izgradwa Centra the realization of this project through projects for Virtuelne biblioteke Srbije" kod Fonda za which we successfully applied for funding: "Virtual otvoreno dru{tvo i "Izgradwa kooperativne mre`e Library of Serbia" supported by the Open Society visoko{kolskih biblioteka u Srbiji" kod Komisije Fund and "Building cooperative academic library netza obrazovawe Evropske Unije (TEMPUS UMI work in Serbia" supported by the Training Foundation JEP_16059-2001). Tekst ovih projekata objavqen je u of the European Union (Tempus UMI JEP_16049broju 1-2 ~asopisa Infoteka iz decembra 2001. godine, 2001). Texts of those projects were published in the posve}enom 75. godi{wici Univerzitetske bibJ o u r n a l l i o t e k e Infoteka no. 1"Svetozar 2 December Markovi}", 2001, pp. 57koordinatoru 90. That issue projekta u segof the journal m e n t u was devoted to visoko{kolthe 75th skih biblioteAnniversary of ka. Ovo je prvi the University ali i L i b r a r y najzna~ajniji ' S v e t o z a r korak u Markovic", who uspostavqawu Sl. 1: Po~etna veb stranica Virtuelne biblioteke Srbije is the coordinasistema uzaSl. 1: First web page of the Virtual Library of Serbia tor of the projjamne kataloect for the academic part of the library community. gizacije u Srbiji, {to je preduslov za stvarawe This is the first, but also the most important step in virtuelne biblioteke Srbije i weno ukqu~ewe u bibthe establishment of the shared cataloguing system liote~ko-informacioni sistem regiona, Evrope i in Serbia, and the pre-condition for building the sveta. Virtual library of Serbia and its joining the library

SISTEM UZAJAMNE KATALOGIZACIJE Uzajamni katalog u Centru Virtuelne biblioteke Srbije pri Narodnoj biblioteci je formiran objediwavawem lokalnih elektronskih kataloga Narodne biblioteke Srbije, Biblioteke Matice srpske, Univerzitetske biblioteke "Svetozar Markovi}" i JUBIN-a. U samom startu imao je preko 1.3000.000
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information system of the region, Europe and the world. Shared cataloguing system The shared union catalogue in the Centre of the Virtual Library of Serbia at the National Library of Serbia was formed by joining the local electronic cat-

zapisa. Trenutno je u sistem uzajamne katalogizacije ukqu~eno 14 biblioteka, prete`no visoko{kolskih. Online uzajamna katalogizacija zasnovana je na kooperativnom prikupqawu i distribuiranoj obradi podataka. Ona podrazumeva postojawe lokalnih elektronskih kataloga i jednog centralnog, uzajamnog. Unos podataka obavqa se na lokalnim ra~unarskim sistemima biblioteka ~lanica, tako {to se svaki uneti bibliote~ki zapis pohrawuje i na lokalnom i na centralnom nivou. Ona je rezultat rada svih u~esnika u sistemu i omogu}ava da se za svaki dokument uradi samo jedan zapis, koji }e potom koristiti sve biblioteke koje poseduju primerak istog dokumenta. Funkcionisawe uzajamne katalogizacije u wenom najjednostavnijem vidu, bi se moglo ovako prikazati: Ako katalogizator unosi bibliote~ki zapis koga nema u Uzajamnom katalogu, pri wegovom pohrawivawu automatski }e se taj zapis upisati i u lokalnu bazu na kojoj katalogizator radi i u uzajamnu bazu. Bibliotekari iz drugih biblioteka u sistemu mogu taj isti zapis da preuzmu sa centralnog kataloga u svoj lokalni i tamo mu dodaju lokacijske podatke. Pri upisu tog zapisa u lokalnu bazu, automatski se svi wegovi lokacijski podaci sme{taju i u Uzajamni katalog. To zna~i da kad neki korisnik bibliote~kih usluga postavi upit za pretra`ivawe po Uzajamnom katalogu, pored odgovaraju}eg zapisa dobija i spisak biblioteka u kojima se tra`ena gra|a nalazi, broj dostupnih primeraka kojima te biblioteke raspola`u i navedene signature. Demonstrirawe rada sa uzajamnim katalogom Postoje tri tipa pretra`ivawa: osnovno, izborno i komandno. U ovom slu~aju, koristimo osnovno. Unosi se kao primer naslov WINDOWS 2000 * (kori{}ewem xokera). Da bi se smawio broj broj pogodaka, za godinu izdawa unosimo 2001. Tako|e je mogu}e ograni~iti pretra`ivawe po vrsti gra|e. Zapis dobijamo u jednom od ponu|enih formata ispisa. Na raspolagawu su nam: korisni~ki, korisni~ki puni, katalo{ki listi}, COMARC i skra}eni. Na dnu ekrana dobijamo spisak bibloteka u kojima se tra`eni primerak kwige nalazi, uz wenu siglu i broj primeraka za pozajmicu. Klikom na link ka jednoj od ponu|enih bibliote96

alogues of the National Library of Serbia, Library of Matica records. At the moment fourteen libraries are included in the system, most of them academic. Online shared cataloguing is based on cooperative collection and distributive processing of data. It requires the existence of local electronic catalogues and one shared union catalogue. Input of data is done on the local computer systems of the member libraries and every record is saved both at local and central level. The shared union catalogue is the result of the work of all members of the system and it makes it possible to create for every document only one record, which will then be copied to local catalogues of all libraries who have an example of that document. Working in the shared cataloguing system in its simplest way could be described like this: If a librarian creates a library record that does not exist in the union catalogue, when he saves it, it is automatically saved both in the local library catalogue and in the shared union catalogue. Librarians from other libraries in the system can copy that record from the union catalogue into their local one, and add holding data to it. When a record is added into the local database, automatically all holding data are copied into the union catalogue as well. It means that when a user poses a query for search in the union catalogue as a result of his search he will get together with the record a list of the libraries which hold that publication, number of copies it has, and what is the call number for each copy. Demonstration of the functioning of the union catalogue There are three types of search: basic, advanced and command search. In this example we use the basic type. We put in the title WINDOWS 2000* ( with the use of the wild card). To limit the number of hits, we input the year of publication 2001. The search can also be limited according to the types of publications. Each record can be in one of a number of formats offered for printing. We can choose between user format, full user format, card catalogue format, COMARC (with tags) and short format. At the bottom of the display we get the list of libraries that hold the INFOteka 4(2003), 1 Srpska, University Library "Svetozar Markovic" and YUBIN. At first it had over 1,300,000

issue, its code number and number of issues for ka, recimo ka Univerzitetskoj biblioteci u Ni{u, lending. dobijamo slede}i ekran: If we click on the link to one of those libraries - for Vide}emo signaturu tra`ene kwige i uslove wenog pozajmqivawa. Dobijeni zapis mo`emo da ubacimo u ponu|enu "ko{aricu", a iz we da ga prebacimo putem elektronske po{te na neku adresu, ili da ga prenesemo na ekran, a odatle da ga sa~uvamu kao tekstualni fajl na disku (Sl. 8. i 9.). Mo`emo isti upit da postavimo i iz neke lokalne baze. Neka to bude Univerzitetska biblioteka u Kragujevcu, jer je i ona posedovala tra`enu kwigu. Pretra`i-vawe obavqamo iz Sl. 2.: Lista biblioteka ukqu~enih u sistem uzajamne katalogizacije 28.02.2003 Sl. 2.: List of libraries included in the shared cataloguing system on 28.02.2003. maske za izborno pretra`ivawe. Tu nam je omogu}eno da unesemo pet pojmova za pretra`ivawe (kao i u prethodnom modusu) ali ti pojmovi nisu fiksni, ve} se mogu izabrati iz padaju}ih menija. Tako|e oni se mogu povezivati klasi~nim logi~kim operatorima I, ILI, NE. Ako u masku za pretra`ivawe unesemo autora kwige iz prethodnog primera, dobi}emo pogodak u nekom od ispisnih formata sa linkovima na biblioteke koje poseduju tra`enu kwigu, ba{ isto kao kad smo preSl. 3.: Izgled ekrana sa upitom po naslovu i godini izdawa tra`ivali po Uzajamnom kataSl. 3.: Display of the search query with the title and the year of publication logu. example University Library in Nis, we get the follow-

OSTALI CIQEVI PROJEKTA VBS Ostali ciqevi realizacije projekta Virtuelna biblioteka Srbije mogu se sumirati na slede}i na~in: - Automatizacija poslovawa biblioteka, - Formirawe i stalno a`urirawe Baze podataka o bibliotekama u Srbiji, -Rad na bibliografijama nau~nih radnika, Standardizacija i unapre|ewe bibliografskog i bibliote~kog rada, - Edukacija korisnika sistema,
INFOteka 4(2003), 1

ing display. We will see the call number of the book and the terms for its lending. The record we retrieve can be transferred into the offered "basket" from which we can send it by e-mail to an address, or see it on the screen and save it as a text file on hard disk or floppy disk. (Ill. 8. and 9.). We can make the same query from some local database. For example take the University Library in Kragujevac, because it also had the same book. We do the search using the form for advanced search.

- Marketing sistema i bibliote~kih usluga

There we can input five data for searching (the same as in the last mode). Those data are not fixed, but can be chosen from logical NOT. If we input (into the form for search) the name of the author of the previous book, we will get the hit in one of the formats for display, with links to the libraries which hold the chosen book, exactly the same as when we searched through the union catalogue. the drop-down menue. OR, They can also be connected with operators AND,

Sl. 4.: Lista pogodaka na zadati upit

Ill. 4.: List of the hits for the input query

OTHER GOALS OF THE VLS PROJECT Other goals for the project Virtual Library of Serbia can be summarized as follows: - Automation of the work of the libraries - Creation and continual updating of the Database about libraries in Serbia, - Production of bibliographies for researchers, - Standardization and improvement of bibliographic and library work, - Education of the users of the

Sl. 5.: Izabrani zapis sa listom biblioteka koje imaju tra`enu publikaciju
ll. 5.: Chosen record with the list of libraries which hold the publication we searched for

system, - Marketing of the system and

Ovom prilikom }emo prikazati samo Baze podataka o bibliotekama u Srbiji i rad na biblografijama nau~nih radnika. U Bazu biblioteka u Srbiji ulazimo preko linka koji je ponu|en na VBS stranici uz Uzajamni i lokalne kataloge. Ovde tako|e imamo vi{e modela pretra`ivawa, a u osnovnom je dovoqno samo upisati naziv biblioteke da bismo dobili ponu|ene informacije o woj: adresa, telefon, faks, ime direktora, ime kontakt osobe za COBISS . i dr. Link na Bibliografije istra`iva~a ponu|en je na prvoj strani VBS-a. Univerzitetska biblioteka "Svetozar Markovi}"

library services This time we will show only databases about libraries in Serbia and work on the bibliographies of the researchers. We can enter the Database about libraries in Serbia through the link offered on the VLS website, next to the links for union and local catalogues. Here we have also more than one way of searching. In the basic mode it is enough to put in the name of the library to get information about it: addresses, phone and fax number, name of the director, contact person for COBISS, etc. INFOteka 4(2003), 1

u Beogradu ve} radi u COBISS -u na bibliografijama nastavnika i saradnika Beogradskog univerziteta i Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu, ali te bibliografije na`alost nisu potpune. Za ovu priliku, u ciqu testirawa, pripremqene su bibliografije nekoliko istra`iva~a, kako bi pokazali kako funkcioni{e ovaj segment programa. Napomiwemo da ove bibSl. 7.: Lokacijski podaci o izabranoj publikaciji liografije nisu potpune i nemaju Ill 7.: Holding data about chosen publication rezimea, a {ifre istra`iva~a nisu prave. Tipologija dokumenata je programski implementirana i usagla{ena sa nau~nim podelama. Da bi se bibliografije unete u Uzajamni katalog mogle posebno pretra`ivati, potrebno je da se u Ministarstvu za nauku, tehnologije i razvoj izradi {ifrarnik istra`iva~a, i da se Sl. 8.: Ekran sa izabranim zapisima za preuzimawe istra`iva~i obave`u da Sl. 8.: Display with records chosen for putting in the basket dostavqaju svoje bibliografije Univerzitetskoj ili fakultetskim bibliotekama The link for the Bibliographies of researchers is ukqu~enim u sistem. offered on the first page of the VLS website. Ako unesemo ime jednog na-u~nog istra`iv-a~a, University Library in Belgrade already inputs data ili wegovu {ifru, dobi}emo bibliografiju wegovih from bibliographies of teachers and researchers from radova na ekranu, sre|enih po tipu rada i the University of Belgrade and the University of Arts hronolo{ki. in Belgrade on COBISS software in its local database, but those bibliographies unfortunately are not

ORGANIZACIONA STRUKTURA VBS U organizacionom smislu, Virtuelnu biblioteku Srbije ~ine: - Centar VBS, - biblioteke ~lanice, - Nacionalni savet (sastoji se od tri predstavnika ministarstava Republike Srbije, tri predstavnika iz biblioteka osniva~a i tri predstavnika biblioteka stalih ~lanica ), - Stru~na tela, - Ve}e ~lanica. Centar VBS Centar VBS osnovan je sa ciqem da koordinira aktivnosti i pru`a stru~nu pomo} u radu i razvoju
INFOteka 4(2003), 1

complete. On this occasion, in order to test the software, a few bibliographies of researchers were included in the database to demonstrate how this part of the software works. Bibliographies were not complete and did not include summaries, and code numbers of those researchers are not official. The software indicates the type of document and this is done according to a scientific classification. It is necessary to establish code list of all researchers at the Ministry of Science, Technologies and Development, and to oblige the researchers to give their bibliographies to University Library or academic library included in the shared cataloguing system, to make bibliographies included in the Shared Union

Catalogue searchable. If we put a name of a researcher or his code number we will get the bibliography of his works on display, classified according to the type of publication and chronologically. Organizational structure of the VLS Virtual library of Serbia is organized as follows:
Sl. 9. : Ekran za izbor na~ina preuzimawa
Sl. 9. : Display for choosing the mode of taking the data

- VLS Centre, - member libraries - National council (with three representatives from the ministries of Serbia, three representatives from the founder libraries and three representatives of the other member libraries) - Expert bodies, - Assembly of members. The VLS Centre The VLS Centre is founded
Sl. 10. : Maska za izborno pretra`ivawe
Ill. 10. : Form for the advanced search mode

with the aim of coordinating activities and to provide expert help in the maintainance and development of the online library system and to play the role of bibliographic and information service for databases developed and used on the level of the whole system. Among the main tasks of the VLS Centre are: - Planning the activities for connecting libraries to the computer network, - Management and maintaining the Shared Union Catalogue, - Maintaining of the Host, - Providing software support and user documentation for shared cataloguing local library services and other needs to all members of the system, - Providing necessary central activities concerning the functioning of the shared cataloguing system - Expert help in purchasing, installation and maintaining computer and network equipment, - Organization of necessary education and expert help in using software

online bibliote~kog sistema i da obavqa ulogu bibliografsko-informacionog servisa za baze podataka koje se razvijaju i koriste na nivou celog sistema. Me|u glavne zadatke Centra VBS-a ubrajaju se: - planirawe aktivnosti na ra~unarskom povezivawu biblioteka, - upravqawe uzajamnim katalogom i wegovo odr`avawe, - odr`avawe Hosta, - planirawe aktivnosti na ra~unarskom povezivawu biblioteka, obezbe|ivawe programske podr{ke i korisni~ke dokumentacije za uzajamnu katalogizaciju, lokalno bibliote~ko poslovawe i druge potrebe svih ~lanica sistema, - izvo|ewe neophodnih centralnih aktivnosti u vezi sa funkcionisawem sistema uzajamne katalogizacije, stru~na pomo} prilikom nabavke, instalirawa i odr`avawa ra~unarske i programske opreme, - organizovawe neophodne edukacije i stru~na

INFOteka 4(2003), 1

pomo} pri kori{}ewu programske opreme, - organizovawe korisni~kih usluga na nivou celog sistema, - stru~na pomo} ~lanicama prilikom zamene programske podr{ke i konverzije podataka,obezbe|ivawe uslova za ukqu~ivawe razli~itih bibliote~kih programa u sistem VBS pod uslovima koje propi{e Centar.
Sl. 11. : Rezultati izbornog pretra`ivawa Biblioteke ~lanice Ill. 11. : Results of the advanced search mode Biblioteke ~lanice VBS koriste istu softversku (COBISS programsku aplikaciju) i hardversku platformu ( ALPHA serveri sa VMS operativnim sistemom) u radu. U sistem VBS mogu da se prikqu~e biblioteke svih tipova i veli~ina. Na tempo ukqu~ivawa biblioteka u Sistem presudno }e uticati: tehni~ka opremqenost biblioteka, motivacija za Sl. 12. Pretra`ivawe Baze podataka o biblotekama ukqu~ivawe u sistem i obu~enost Sl 12. Search the database about libraries bibliotekara za rad u sistemu. - Organization of user services on the level of the Biblioteke koje odlu~e da koriste jedinstvenu whole system, metodologiju distribuirane obrade podataka, time - Expert help for software replacement and data postaju aktivne ~lanice VBS -a. conversion to the members in process, providOstale biblioteke VBS mogu da koriste kao ing conditions for inclusion into the system of izvor informacija ili podataka za svoj lokalni sisthe Virtual Library of Serbia of different library tem. software, under the conditions that Center will Sami korisnici VBS -a nemaju nikakvo specifi~no regulate. ograni~ewe u vezi sa potrebnim softverom. Wima su dovoqni PC i Internet komunikacija. Member libraries

Libraries which are members of the VLS use the

REALIZOVANI DEO PROJEKTA VBS Vezano za realizaciju prve faze projekta VBS , pored ve} pokazanih segmenata, treba ista}i i formirawe Obrazovnog centra VBS . Formirana je elektronska u~ionica sa 13 radnih stanica, jednim laserskim {tampa~em i projektorom. Osoba zadu`ena za organizovawe COBISS kurseva je
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same software (COBISS software system) and hardware platform (ALPHA servers with open VMS operative system) in their work. Libraries of all types and size can join the VLS. The dynamics of the inclusion of libraries in the system will be mainly influenced by: technical equipment

postavqena, tako da se ve} od 25.10.2002. godine krenulo sa kursevima za katalogizatore. Predava~i na prvom seminaru su bili stru~waci iz IZUM -a, a polaznici su bili iskusni katalogizatori u COBISS sistemu. Tako|e je odr`an i kurs za 20 polaznika iz onih fakultetskih biblioteka koje do sada nisu radili u COBISS programskom okru`ewu. SLEDE]A FAZA REALIZACIJE PROJEKTA VBS - Ujedna~avawe obrade bibliote~ke gra|e na nivou Sistema, - Prikqu~ivawe novih biblioteka u sistem, - Uvo|ewe automatske cirkulacije, Uspostavqawe saradwe u okviru regionalne mre`e, kako bi se realizovao potpisani Sporazum o uspostavqawu COBISS-net-a i obezbedio slobodan protok bibliografskih zapisa kreiranih u autonomnim bibliote~ko-informacionim sistemima Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Makedonije, Slovenije i Srbije.

of the libraries, motivation for joining the system and level of training expertize of librarians to work in such a system. Libraries which decide to use the common methodology of distributed cataloguing of data become active members of the VLS system. Other libraries can use VLS as an information resource for their local system. Users of the VLS have no specific software restrictions in using it. They need only PC and internet communication. Current status of the VLS project Except the aspects of the VLS project discussed, it is important to mention the establishment of the Education Center of VLS. An e-classroom is equipped with 13 PC`s, one laser printer and projector. A person responsible for the management of courses for COBISS is appointed and from 25.10.2002. courses for cataloguing started. On the first course the teachers were from IZUM and the students were experienced system cataloguers from a Serbia, who used the COBISS before. Afterwards course for 20 librarians from faculty libraries who never worked in COBISS and shared cataloguing system was provided. Next phase of the VLS project - Standardization of cataloguing rules throughout the System - Including new libraries into the system - Implementing automated circulation of library material - Establishment of cooperation in regional network, through the Agreement about establishment of COBISS-net and free flow of bibliographic records created in independent systems in Herzegovina, library-information Bosnia and Montenegro,

Sl. 13.: Rezultat pretra`ivawa

Ill 13.: Results of the search

Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.

Sl. 14. Izgled ekrana za projekat Bibliografije istra`iva~a
Sl. 14. Display for the project of the Bibliography of researchers


INFOteka 4(2003), 1

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