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BOOT Contract Boon or Buck? By Mahaveer J, www.scribd.

com/mjp Traditional Contract Methodology (TCM) of chorus and ruckus Tender, Quotation, Order and Work Completion Certificate (TQOW) has been maligned, alienated and militated because of corrupt social, economical and political practices which obviously do not justify the Federal Authority and Guidelines of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Who provides guidance? Some under assigned points have to be contemplated to discern the drawbacks of such unconcerned attitude of those who desire to be in imperial solitude and seclusion. When it comes to government contract each and every government employee right from quasi government Clerk to external contract laborite civilian government President starts exhibit hegemony. Did the former or the latter invest talent or wealth to exhibit compulsive concerned involvement? Democratic structure and principles do not bring in transparency, efficiency and capability. Moreover unwarranted interference of non-technical staff particularly Accounts Department will further jeopardizes the project. Furthermore socialism or communism or feudalism or capitalism will only lead to imbalance and inappropriate contract accordance. Later if any failure happens discarded as sabotage of contract. Is Democracy I am not responsible? Obviously Yes! But citizens have to survive! Exhilarant tax collected has to spend this way or that way. International Monetary Fund (IMF) resolution of mandatory spend of 20% (in India 25%) of total tax collection on government staff and maintenances has only lead to sulk, stagnate and decayed economy. Perverted ideology of government staff to concerned psycho, activeness and involvement which is considered to lead to grief has lead them to pagan practices like idolatry, harlotry, murder and fornication not just in personal life but even at government workplace. Mind should not work heart should be dead. Sufficient unto the day is fine thereof. Sit, disturb not any, do Pooja, take salary and go home. Live happily! Finance Minister keeps barking regarding inflation and fiscal deficit just to wash off his hands on citizens which they accept as Thirtham. Undue dependency and enslavement on politicians will only lead to absurdness and downtrodden loathsome conditions. Are these external contract laborite politicians are there to unnecessary involve in financial and technical matters? Their only criterion of appointment is to become bypass between quasi government and citizens which they are not able to take up due to unsoiled exhilarant perks and salary of public money. Ooh! Now lets come back to BOOT Contract. Where have we gone? Seems to be out of context talk! BOOT should be termed as Build, Operate, Own and Takeover not Transfer for fortunately government staff does not have efficiency, capability and transparency to maintain, run and upkeep like their personal children. Does RBI Governor hearken and discern? Who provides guidance? Those who involve in BOOT Contract have to invest unique, distinct and innovative instinctive talent, finance and shed blood to accomplish goal. They impose and implicate other external financers to invest their accumulated wealth for there is no fear of robbery. Then the economy will move, money gets circulated and will lead to generation of employment. Technocrats do not believe in inflation and fiscal deficit but are dependent on highly volatile Minimum Wage Rates the sole decide factor of raw materials, payments and interest to those involved in BOOT Contract. What about commission and political donation? The only little work quasi government authorities have to do is accord Work Permit. Ooh! When will those come? Technocrats have already decided to leave this lazy democratic Prithivi, migrate and settle on other planets. Is there aristocratic sunrise over there?

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