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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Santiago de Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio de 2010

Informe Final

Organizado por el Tecnolgico de Monterrey, Campus Quertaro y el Foro sobre la Integracin Norteamericana (FINA)

La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Estimados Delegados y Delegadas del Triunvirato, Quiero agradecerles por habernos permitido vivir una semana sumamente enriquecedora y estimulante en Quertaro. La seriedad y la madurez con las cuales ustedes se desempearon en el Triunvirato fueron impresionantes. Mis felicitaciones a cada uno de ustedes por su excelente trabajo! Estoy encantada de ver que los legisladores lograron la aprobacin de resoluciones nales en los cuatro temas que se discutieron este ao: Establecimiento de fronteras inteligentes ms e caces, Gestin del agua transfronteriza, Combate a la trata de personas y la Consolidacin de la gobernabilidad de Amrica del Norte. Los grupos de presin tuvieron xito por su parte para incluir un nmero determinado de solicitudes en las resoluciones nales, mientras que los periodistas se aseguraron de hacer un llamamiento a todos los participantes en el marco de sus artculos e intensas conferencias de prensa. La conclusin de su semana de trabajo se puede encontrar a continuacin. Estos resultados no habran sido los mismos sin la aportacin de los asesores, a quienes agradezco por habernos acompaado y haber guiado a los delegados a lo largo de la semana. Tambin agradezco a nuestros reconocidos conferencistas, cuyas palabras fueron inspiradoras para todos. Fue un honor para el Foro sobre la Integracin Norteamericana el tener la oportunidad de organizar este evento en colaboracin con Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Quertaro, que nos recibi en su magn co campus y que nos permiti gozar del gran profesionalismo de su equipo de trabajo. Quiero por otra parte agradecer muy particularmente a la Mtra. Cline Roche-Crespo, as como al Lic. Leonardo Romero Erregun por sus contribuciones notables al xito de esta iniciativa. Gracias tambin a todos nuestros Patrocinadores y Colaboradores para su valioso apoyo sin el cual habra sido imposible organizar tal evento. Deseo que esta experiencia haya sido de lo ms aleccionadora para cada uno de ustedes y que les lleve seguir atentamente los debates en torno a los desafos en Amrica del Norte. Es indiscutible que nuestra regin necesita nuevas ideas y un enfoque renovado como el suyo. Les deseo todo lo mejor y espero verlos nuevamente! Christine Frchette Directora General Foro sobre la Integracin Norteamericana

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Universidades Participantes
El FINA agradece a las universidades participantes por su compromiso e inters en el Triunvirato. De esta manera contribuyen al desarrollo de los conocimientos de sus alumnos en las cuestiones polticas y econmicas de Amrica del Norte y promueven la creacin de redes entre los estudiantes de Amrica del Norte.

www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org

La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


La organizacin del Triunvirato no sera posible sin el valioso apoyo de nuestro an trin, socios y colaboradores. Al apoyar el Triunvirato, ellos permiten que decenas de estudiantes participen en la construccin de una ciudadana activa y responsable. Muchas gracias!



Municipio de Quertaro Presidencia 2009-2012 O cina de Congresos y Convenciones de la Secretara de Turismo de Quertaro Foreign A airs and International Trade Canada Le Secrtariat la jeunesse du Qubec

www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org

La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010



Comisin para el Combate de la Trata de Personas

Las personas que encontr aqu ampliaron mi visin y me hicieron pasar momentos inolvidables. Aprend demasiado sobre Amrica del Norte y sirvi como un incentivo para actuar. Volvera a participar. Fue tambin sumamente enriquecedor tener interaccin con gente de diversas carreras y enfoques. -Participante de MxicoCaucus Mexicano The Triumvirate is an essential program that must expand and grow. More attention from the North American governments should be played on this. It should be shown in the media in the three countries and more universities should participate. -Participante de Estados Unidos de AmricaSesin Parlamentaria en Teatro de la Repblica I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Triumvirate. I found it to be a very well conceived, well organized and fruitful exercise. -Participante de CanadComida Conferencia, Dr. Sadot Snzhez Carreo
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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Gracias a nuestros conferencistas por haber compartido sus ideas!

Ingeniero Mario Lpez Prez, Gerente de Ingeniera y Normas Tcnicas de la Subdireccin General Tcnica de la Comisin Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA). El Ing. Mario Lpez Prez ha trabajado los ltimos 28 aos para el Gobierno Federal de Mxico en el sector del agua. Desde 2007 es Director Tcnico de Ingeniera y Normas Tcnicas de la Comisin Nacional del Agua de Mxico. l es responsable de los asuntos binacionales del agua con los Estados Unidos, Guatemala y Belice. Durante su carrera profesional en la Comisin Nacional del Agua ha sido Jefe de Asesores de la Secretara General Tcnica, Coordinador del Programa de Modernizacin del Manejo del Agua (programa nanciado por el Banco Mundial), Director Nacional de Consejos de Cuenca, Director Regional del Agua y Director Regional de Planeacin y Finanzas de la Gerencia Regional. Comenz como profesional trabajando en el Plan de la Comisin Nacional del Agua del Ministerio de Agricultura y Recursos Hidrulicos en 1980.

Lic. Flavio Daz Mirn, Representante en Jefe de Bombardier Inc. en Mxico. El seor Flavio Daz Mirn fue nombrado Chief Country Representative de Bombardier en Mxico el 1 de mayo, 2006. Sus funciones incluyen la identi cacin de oportunidades de negocio para Bombardier Transportation y Bombardier Aerospace. Adems cuenta con amplia experiencia como asesor legal y responsable de relaciones gubernamentales de diversas compaas multinacionales en Medio Oriente, Amrica del Sur y Mxico, tales como Schlumberger y Ford Motor Company. Durante su permanencia en Dubai fue designado como Cnsul Honorario de Mxico. Flavio Daz Mirn curs estudios de abogaca en la Escuela Libre de Derecho en la Ciudad de Mxico. Tambin es graduado de la Universidad de Michigan en Estados Unidos y de la Universidad de Cambridge en el Reino Unido.

Doctor Sadot Snchez Carreo, Subdirector del rea de Trata de Personas del Programa de Apoyo en Seguridad y Justicia. Contratista de USAID. El Dr. Sadot Snchez Carreo es Licenciado en Derecho y complet sus estudios doctorales en la Universidad de la Sorbona en Francia. Ha ocupado distintos cargos pblicos entre los que destacan el haber sido Director General del Programa contra la Trata de Personas de la Comisin Nacional de los Derechos Humanos y Diputado Federal de la LVII Legislatura del Congreso de la Unin, donde tuvo el cargo de Presidente de la Comisin de Justicia. Tambin fue Senador de la Repblica de la LVIII y LIX Legislaturas, donde fungi como Presidente de la Comisin de Derechos Humanos. Actualmente es Subdirector del rea de Trata de Personas del Programa de Apoyo en Seguridad y Justicia. Es Contratista de USAID.

www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org

La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Sr. Marcel Gaudreau, Delegado General de Quebec en Mxico. El Consejo de Ministros nombr al Sr. Marcel Gaudreau Delegado General de Quebec en Mxico el 3 de septiembre de 2008. l cuenta con larga experiencia en el mbito de las relaciones internacionales y comercio exterior. Ha desempeado diversos cargos en la red de representaciones del Gobierno de Quebec en el extranjero, incluyendo el de Jefe de Misin de la O cina de Quebec en Barcelona, Espaa, y Director del Servicio Econmico y Comercial de la Delegacin General de Quebec en Dsseldorf, Alemania. Antes de ser nombrado Delegado General de Quebec en Mxico, Marcel Gaudreau ocup el cargo de Director para Amrica Latina y el Caribe en el Ministerio de Desarrollo Econmico, Innovacin y Exportacin de Quebec.

Excmo. Sr. Guillermo E. Rishchynski, Embajador de Canad en Mxico. El Sr. Guillermo E. Rishchynski fue nombrado Embajador de Canad en Mxico en Septiembre de 2007. l se incorpor al Servicio Exterior Canadiense en 1982 despus de una carrera en el sector privado en mercadotecnia y gestin de proyectos en frica y Amrica Latina. Ha ocupado varias posiciones de alto rango en las o cinas centrales de Ottawa, incluyendo la de Subdirector para Mxico, Amrica Latina y el Caribe (1989-1992) y Director de la Fuerza de Trabajo Team Canada (1997-1998). De 2002 a 2003, fungi como inspector general del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. De 2003 a 2005 se desempe como Vicepresidente para las Amricas en la Agencia Canadiense de Desarrollo Internacional (CIDA) en Canad. Desde agosto de 2005 hasta agosto de 2007 se desempe como Embajador de Canad en la Repblica Federativa de Brasil.

www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org

La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


El Triunvirato felicita a los ganadores de los premios por su trabajo excepcional.

PREMIO TRIUNVIRATO -creado y otorgado por la asamblea de delegados a la persona que mejor encarna los valores postulados por el TriunviratoSihin Trinidad Snchez Delegada Federal del Parlamento de Canad, Delegacin ITESM Campus Quertaro DESEMPEO EXCEPCIONAL Sihin Trinidad Snchez Delegada Federal del Parlamento de Canad, Delegacin ITESM Campus Quertaro

EXCELENTE DESEMPEO Edward Harrison Delegado Federal del Parlamento de Estados Unidos de Amrica, Delegacin Universit de Montral

DESEMPEO NOTABLE Amrica Citlaly Cortez Hernndez Delegada Estatal del Parlamento de California, Estados Unidos de Amrica; Delegacin CETYS MEJOR PERIODISTA MaryAnn Adaeze Ulasi, Editora en Jefe del Trilatherald, Delegacin SUNY MEJOR PROPUESTA DE PROYECTO DE RESOLUCIN Marie Dupuis Delegada Federal del Parlamento de Estados Unidos de Amrica, Delegacin Universit de Montral David Bessette Delegado Federal del Parlamento de Estados Unidos de Amrica, Delegacin Universit de Montral

www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org

La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010

Martes 1 de Junio

HRS 7:00-7:30 7:30-8:00 8:00-8:30 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30

Domingo 30 de Mayo

Lunes 31 de Mayo

Mircoles 2 de Junio

Jueves 3 de Junio

Viernes 4 de Junio

Desayuno Hotel Casa Cayala

Desayuno Hotel Casa Cayala

Desayuno Hotel Casa Cayala

Desayuno Hotel Casa Cayala

Desayuno Hotel Casa Cayala

Traslado al Tecnolgico de Monterrey

Traslado al Tecnolgico de Monterrey

Traslado al Tecnolgico de Monterrey

Traslado al Tecnolgico de Monterrey

Traslado al Tecnolgico de Monterrey

Caucus por Pas

9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30

Caucus por Pas

Caucus por Pas

Caucus por Pas

Sesin Informativa

Comisiones Parlamentarias Caucus por Pas

Border Eciency Gestin del Agua Transfronteriza Countering Human Tracking

Comisiones Parlamentarias
Border Eciency Gestin del Agua Transfronteriza Countering Human Tracking Governance

Sesin Plenaria
Votos de enmiendas Votos de reportes de resoluciones nales Presentacin de Resoluciones Modicadas Debates de temas de actualidad Votos de temas de actualidad

Sesin Plenaria

Comisiones Parlamentarias
Border Eciency Saln 4301 Gestin del Agua Transfronteriza Saln 4302 Countering Human Tracking Saln 4303 Governance Saln 4304 Traslado al Saln de Congresos




Traslado al Saln de Congresos

Traslado al Saln de Congresos


Comida-Conferencia Magistral
Ing. Mario Lpez Prez, Gerente de Ingeniera y Normas Tcnicas de la Comisin Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) "La Gestin de las Aguas Transfronterizas entre Mxico y los Estados Unidos de Amrica: Nuevos Paradigmas"

Comida-Conferencia Magistral Comida-Conferencia Magistral

Lic. Flavio Daz Mirn, Representante en Jefe de Bombardier Inc. en Mxico Dr. Sadot Snchez Carreo, Subdirector del rea Trata de Personas del Programa de Apoyo en Seguridad y Justicia. Contratista de USAID "El Crimen Organizado: La Trata de Personas"

Comida-Conferencia Magistral
Sr. Marcel Gaudreau, Delegado General de Quebec en Mxico "Treinta Aos de Desarrollo y Consolidacin de Relaciones entre Quebec y Mxico"

Comida - Conferencia Magistral

Excmo. Sr. Guillermo E. Rishchynski, Embajador de Canad en Mxico "A Vision of North America: A Canadian Perspective"



14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00 18:00-18:30 18:30-19:00 19:00-19:30

Traslado en Grupo al Teatro de la Repblica

Rueda de Prensa

Rueda de Prensa

Rueda de Prensa

Traslado al Museo de la Ciudad

Sesin de Procedimientos Comisiones Legislativas Border Eciency Registro de Participantes Terraza del Hotel Casa Cayala Sesin Plenaria en Teatro de la Repblica Gestin del Agua Transfronteriza Countering Human Tracking Governance

Comisiones Legislativas
Border Eciency Gestin del Agua Transfronteriza Countering Human Tracking Governance

Sesin de Cabildeo

Ceremonia de Premiacin y Brindis de Clausura

Museo de la Ciudad

Bienvenida de Participantes Terraza del Hotel Casa Cayala

Tour Guiado Centro Histrico de Quertaro Cena* 19:00 : Lmite para entregar los temas de actualidad y lmite para entregar resoluciones enmendadas por las Comisiones Parlamentarias Cena* 19:00 : Lmite para entregar enmiendas

Cena* 19:30-20:00 Cena* 20:00-20:30 Cena* 20:30-21:00

Fin de Programa

* No est incluido en la cuota de inscripcin.

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010



Encuentra las ediciones completas del Trilatherald en nuestra sitio de internet: www. na-na .org Triunvirato 2010 en la seccin de Medios
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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Resoluciones Adoptadas por la Asamblea General del Triunvirato 2010

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Resolution on Adopting a New Border Trade System

www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


RESOLUTION ON ADOPTING A NEW BORDER TRADE SYSTEM Fifth Legislative Assembly June 2010 EXPLANATORY NOTES Noting that less than 5% of trucks crossing the border can be physically inspected even in our post-September 11 era and that there are up to 7 hour waiting lines, it is imperative that the supply chain management be secured in North America. The purpose of this draft resolution is to adopt a new Border Trade System based on the creation of secure manufacturing zones and supply-chain visibility along the U.S.-Canada and the U.S.-Mexico border. This meets the three countries mutual priority to establish a security strategy while also promoting economic growth in a highly competitive global economy, as expressed by the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America among the United States, Canada, and Mexico upon which was agreed that to contribute to smart and secure borders the countries would: Collaborate to establish risk-based screening standards for goods and people that rely on technology, information sharing and biometrics; Develop and implement compatible electronic processes for supply chain security that use advanced electronic cargo information to analyze risk and ensure quick and e cient processing at the border; Develop standards and options for secure documents to facilitate cross-border travel and; Exchange additional law enforcement liaison ocers to assist in criminal, security, and scal investigations. Collaboration, strategic planning, and commitment among federal, state, and local governments in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, as well as the private sector and border communities, is essential to develop a border system that is safe, e ective, and e cient enough for the 21 Century. THE NORTH AMERICAN INTERPARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY STATES AS FOLLOW: TITLE I SECURE MANUFACTURING ZONES (SMZ) CHAPTER I - OBJECTIVES 1. The North American legislators recommend implementing pilot projects aimed at creating SMZ along the U.S.-Mexico border and along the U.S.-Canada border. The objective of the SMZ concept is to develop secure and e cient manufacturing zones that enhance the security and e ciency of the border and the manufacturing supply chain. The importance of the SMZ is that it establishes a speci c location at which inspections and clearance can occur away from the border in facilities within the federations that are placed in strategic key points of trade to relieve the highly transited ones and to promote sustainable regional development. The key to creating SMZ is to bring cost-e ective technology into border trade and establish a trilateral agency (Smart Borders Commission) to facilitate the partnership of the three countries in information sharing, security enhancement, and the success of this speci c resolution. POINT-OF-ORIGIN CLEARANCE 2. These speci cally sanctioned zones will operate under current and, as required, new industrial standards and operating protocols (ISOs). The result will allow the monitored placement of goods into secure authorized vehicles for transport to speci ed destinations on the other side of the border. The e ect of the SMZ will move activities and functions that have previously occurred at the border to the manufacturing facility or other designated sites. This process known as Point-of-Origin Clearance is the core concept of the SMZ. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Point-of-origin clearance is a concept o ering a multiple-value proposition: predictable trade for industry, secure trade for government, and environmental compliance that bene ts the quality of life of the border region. This clearance will improve the movement of goods and secure the manufacturing supply-chain. 3. The project entails the equipping of commercial vehicles and manufacturing facilities with Intelligent Software Agents (ISA) and Information Technology Systems (ITS) to enable point of origin monitoring and clearance of commercial cargo, supply chain visibility for companies that voluntarily participate in the pilot program. 3.1 Contraband detection technologies and methods used may include: radiation detection, gamma ray and x-ray, coordination and laboratory services biometrics, cameras, scopes, mirrors, density readers, trace detection, detector dogs, GPS and others deemed applicable. CHAPTER II - NEW BORDER SYSTEM SELF ASSESMENT ELIGIBILITY OF GOODS 4. The only eligible goods will be those considered to comply with the low-risk assessment as follows: commercial goods that are shipped directly from Canada, United States and Mexico and delivered to an authorized importer, owner or consignee of said countries. Goods that are subject to other governmental or provincial regulations and therefore require a permit, license or other similar document to be provided to the Border Authorities before the goods can be released will not be eligible for the program. EXAMINATIONS 5. As with all other commercial goods entering a country, shipments cleared through the pre-clearance process may be examined at the border. However, since participants have been pre-approved and deemed to be low-risk, their shipments should be examined less frequently than those of non-pre-approved participants. In this way, border services o cers can focus more time on shipments of higher and unknown risks. RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES 6. It is important that members of the trade community understand their rights and obligations and exercise them accordingly. Participants that contravene any legislation could be sanctioned by the commission and related regulations. POST-VERIFICATION AUDITS 7. Pre-approved importers and carriers are subject to post-audit veri cations. Border senior program o cers will monitor the results of such activities and the compliance record of approved clients. If an applicant is not approved, they may have their case reviewed by an appellate body. SUPPLY CHAIN VISIBILITY 8. The creation of SMZ requires using layered, integrated security systems to provide supply chain visibility. Upon departure from the SMZ, each authorized vehicle will be tracked and monitored from its point of origin to its destination utilizing technologies that will protect every element of the supply chain, such as (1) identi cation of authorized drivers/carriers; (2) secure trailers with intelligent locking devices; (3) instant detection of tampering or compromising of cargo; (4) surveillance and tracking of each truck through authorized routes; and (5) instant alarms for any deviations, which includes violations of allowable travel times between checkpoints. 8.1 The North American Commercial Registration Program for e cient and e ective clearance of low-risk goods and pre-approved importers, carriers and commercial drivers. Application requirements for importers, exporters and carriers will include: 90 consecutive days of activity within North America; no history of contraband, major commercial infractions, any other criminal activity deemed problematic and an audit opinion signed by a certi ed public accountant.

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


An applicant must also provide a management attestation of proper labor and commercial policies as well as with federal, provincial, or state emission testing compliance if applicable. By complying with the regulations of the North American Commercial Registration Program the importers, carriers, and drivers will be granted an o cial ID, will be directly eligible for the FAST and NEXUS program and will be granted low-risk status pending renewal as described in section 4. 9. With the adoption of such security precautions, the ow of legitimate trade will be enhanced, allowing inspections to focus on higher risk vehicles and individuals not participating in the system. Inspections need to focus on a broader approach that not only includes terrorist threats but also other illegal goods or activities (such as drug and weapons/arms contraband, smuggling, human tra cking, and organized crime). INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE AGENTS 10. The central feature of supply-chain visibility arises from the use of Intelligent Software Agents (ISAs). ISAs are software modules that automate speci c tasks, provide round-the-clock decision support and/or collaborate with each other without human intervention while providing increased security by increasing the number of vehicles that can be monitored. They also help manufacturers and border agents by providing real time information that will allow them to determine the best response in the event of an incident or anomaly and to take decisive action. ISAs thrive on data so they are best able to provide the human operator with decision support. It helps transform this high-volume data (which o ers low value) into low-volume, high-value intelligence. NEW TRILATERAL AGENCY, INTELLIGENCE SHARING & MULTI-AGENCY COLLABORATION 11. The new trilateral agency for the North American Commercial Registration Program will have the objective of ensuring the integrity of the participating institutions, data reliability and privacy protection, information management and sharing. The North American commercial registration program will be responsible for maintaining and enforcing regulations. The new trilateral agency will facilitate the sharing of information between and across multiple borders, intelligence and security agencies to respond to incidents that require instant collaboration and coordinated action. It provides an interface and interoperability with local situations that allows federal, state or provincial and local o cials to exert real time coordination and control of transportation assets. 12. Information sharing will include existing programs which have been voluntarily agreed to at a trilateral level such as the Container Security Initiative, the Advance Commercial Information and the eManifest. While this information will be shared, the sovereignty of member countries will be respected. Regulation and actions arising from information sharing will be carried out by the applicable national borders services and intelligence agencies. This information will be shared solely for security as agreed to voluntarily and will not be accessible for improper use such as data mining for statistical, tax, or other unrelated purposes. Applicants who fail to pass the screening process will be ineligible to reapply unless their original infraction(s) are exonerated. BORDER TRADE SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS 13. In order to prove the ability of the New Border Trade System to meet the needs of its users, to fully test and integrate proposed technologies, and to ensure that it addresses the quality-of-life issues of border communities, we are recommending the immediate implementation of four demonstration projects that will fully test all of the aforementioned components. 14. These pilot projects will be simultaneously implemented at four key border ports-of-entry and vital trade corridors: Windsor (Ontario) Detroit (Michigan); Surrey (British Columbia) Blaine (Washington); Laredo (Texas) Nuevo Laredo (Tamaulipas) and Tijuana (Baja California) San Diego (California) border crossings. 15. Funding will be sought from governmental agencies in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, as well as the other relevant states and provinces in these countries. These governments will make investments in SMZ as well as funding new regulatory activities, including personnel training. This governmental funding will come from reallocation of existing border investments and new sources of revenue. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


15.1 Fees An application fee and yearly renewal fee will be required both for businesses and drivers to provide funds for the program. Fees will be determined by the Smart Border Commission in applicable rules in accordance to the size and function of transportation as well as the companys trade activity. 15.2 Investments The three parties will de ne security requirements including secure trailers, locking devices, surveillance technology, and GPS systems. Applicant carriers will be responsible for ensuring the meeting of the requirements by making the necessary investments in their vehicle upgrades. 15.3 Tax incentives Any investment the companies make on necessary technologies or infrastructure will be eligible for tax deduction in the next or during the scal year. Each federal government will coordinate and individually amend their legislation accordingly. 15.4 Economic development For economic development, larger tax incentives will be granted to small and medium sized enterprises. In addition, in order to cover upfront infrastructure costs on the Mexican-U.S. border, funding and/or loans will be suggested as projects for the North American Development Bank. EXPECTED DEADLINES AND NEXT STEPS 16. Governments will add SMZ infrastructure immediately and should nish after one scal year. After enhancement and completion of SMZ, the new regulations will enter into force. Governments, in collaboration with state and provincial agencies, will determine pilot project goals and performance indicators and report on this progress annually. 17. After a ve-year testing period, a comprehensive evaluation of the outcomes of the demonstration projects shall be undertaken to determine future steps. Expansions to be considered will include other land based border crossings, seaports, and the southern Mexican Border infrastructure development. CHAPTER III - FUTURE EXPECTATIONS 18. The North American Commercial Registration Program aims to decrease waiting times at border crossings, making the North American trade system more e cient, e ective and secure. The long-term expected impacts will include: Increased trade ow; Enhanced economic and social development; Improvement of border infrastructure; Integrated and uniform security systems; Detection and diminishment of organized crime and contraband activities; Reduction of CO2 emissions and regional pollution; Support of trilateral collaboration, integration, and cooperation; Promotion of social responsibility and North American values and; Long term stability of border trade system. End Notes Ideas presented in the draft bill are excerpts taken from the document A new Vision for Trade Along the U.S. Mexico Border prepared by Border Quality Campaign of El Paso del Norte, Holguin Group/EPV Group, Idaho National Laboratory, Ruby Mountain Inc. and in Cooperation with The Border Legislative Conference, December 2005. On line: www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Resolucin sobre la Gestin del Agua de Amrica del Norte

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


PROYECTO DE RESOLUCIN SOBRE LA GESTIN DEL AGUA DE AMRICA DEL NORTE Quinta Asamblea Legislativa Junio 2010 PREMBULO Considerando que los recursos hdricos son inherentes al ser humano e indispensables al progreso social y econmico de las sociedades; Deseando proceder por el bienestar y la prosperidad de los ciudadanos de Amrica del Norte; Deseosos de que los Estados de Amrica del Norte contribuyan al logro de los objetivos jados en el marco de la declaracin del Milenio de la Organizacin de Naciones Unidas; Inspirados en la declaracin de la ONU, la cual reconoce el derecho al agua potable y al saneamiento; Conscientes de la necesidad de mejorar la gestin de los recursos hdricos en Amrica del Norte; Sabiendo que las intervenciones de un Estado en materia ambiental pueden impactar el equilibrio del medio ambiental del Estado vecino; Reconociendo la heterognea distribucin de los recursos hdricos, as como los desafos que algunas regiones de Amrica del Norte deben enfrentar para satisfacer las necesidades de uso y goce del agua; Dado que la creciente concentracin de los centros urbanos e industriales a lo largo de las fronteras de Amrica del Norte, as como los ujos migratorios del medio rural al urbano, acentan la presin sobre los recursos hdricos; Reconociendo que los cambios climticos y con ello, las alteraciones en los ciclos hidrolgicos, cambios bruscos en el nivel de precipitaciones, inundaciones, sequas, aumento del nivel del mar, salinizacin de los mantos acuferos y de las aguas subterrneas favorecen la adopcin de un plan de accin concertado entre los socios de Amrica del Norte; Los parlamentarios de Amrica del Norte, reunidos para la quinta Asamblea Legislativa del Triunvirato acuerdan: DISPOSICIONES PRELIMINARIAS ARTICULO I - OBJETIVO Rea rmando la soberana que ejercen los Estados sobre sus recursos hdricos, el objetivo de la presente resolucin es: 1. Asegurar la sustentabilidad de las fuentes de agua limtrofes (acuferos, mantos freticos, aguas subterrneas) de Amrica del Norte. 2. Establecer un marco trilateral institucional para la mejora de la gestin de los recursos hdricos limtrofes en Amrica del Norte. 3. De nir los procedimientos y circunstancias bajo las cuales se regir la transaccin del agua en Amrica del Norte. 4. Favorecer la cooperacin y coordinacin entre los actores gubernamentales y no gubernamentales en materia de gestin de los recursos hdricos. ARTICULO II - DEFINICIONES Recursos hdricos de Amrica del Norte En este tratado se considera como recursos hdricos a toda riqueza hdrica que se encuentre entre los lmites de Amrica del Norte. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Estados parte Este Acuerdo concierne los Estados federales y federados miembros de Amrica del Norte en los cuales se asientan recursos hdricos de Amrica del Norte. Los estados federados que no comparten sus fronteras con otro pas miembro de Amrica del Norte pero que concentran importantes fuentes de recursos hdricos son tambin considerados en este acuerdo como fuentes hdricas sujetas a las disposiciones de este acuerdo. Transaccin Este acuerdo considera transaccin como negocio, convenio. CAPITULO I - ESTRATEGIAS DE ACCIN ARTICULO I - ASEGURAR LA SUSTENTABILIDAD DE LAS FUENTES DE AGUA DE AMRICA DEL NORTE 1. Estudios sobre la gestin del agua de Amrica del Norte. A n de favorecer la seguridad hdrica de las poblaciones de Amrica del Norte, los Estados parte se comprometen, a efectuar estudios de gestin del agua tanto a nivel fronterizo como dentro de los territorios de cada nacin. 2. Proyectos. A partir de los estudios previamente mencionados los Estados Parte se comprometen a implementar proyectos que mejoren la gestin de agua y el acceso a agua potable en las zonas donde ste es problemtico. 3. Niveles de consumo. Los Estados parte se comprometen a moderar los niveles de consumo individual e industrial del agua en cada uno de los tres pases a n de asegurar la sustentabilidad de las fuentes de agua limtrofes y a promover la preservacin y el uso sustentable del recurso. ARTICULO II ESTATUTO DEL AGUA EN EL MARCO DE LOS TRMITES COMERCIALES 1. Restricciones extraterritoriales. Los recursos hdricos de Amrica del Norte quedarn fuera de todo acuerdo o negociacin comercial con algn otro Estado que no sea miembro de Amrica del Norte. 2. Restricciones para Amrica del Norte. Los Estados parte, debern intercambiar o vender sus recursos hdricos entre s mismos, pero solamente en casos de urgencia. CAPITULO II MARCO TRILATERAL INSTITUTIONAL ARTCULO I - COMISIN DE GESTIN DEL AGUA EN AMRICA DEL NORTE Dada la problemtica de los recursos hdricos y su carcter estratgico e indispensable para el desarrollo de las sociedades en los pases de Amrica del Norte, el Centro Trilateral est encargado de: 1. Supervisar la implementacin de las disposiciones mencionadas en este acuerdo; 2. Realizar estudios tcnicos que permitan conocer el estado de las fuentes de agua en Amrica del Norte; 3. Realizar estudios de impactos de los proyectos que se implementen en los cuerpos hdricos que se encuentren en Amrica del Norte; 4. Manejar los casos de urgencia; 5. La comisin estar compuesta por: a) Un lder por pas. b) Un equipo de expertos. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


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ARTCULO II TRIBUNAL AD HOC Composicin. Un juez de cada pas. Labor del tribunal. Tendr a criterio juzgar los casos presentados como casos de urgencia y decidir cundo es pertinente la transaccin del agua.

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Resolution on Countering Human Tra cking

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


RESOLUTION ON COUNTERING HUMAN TRAFFICKING Fifth Legislative Assembly June 2010 PREAMBLE Realizing the scope and magnitude of human tra cking, particularly in North America; Rea rming North Americas desire to ban all types of slavery, sexual or labour related; Considering the violation of women, men and more particularly childrens rights; Convinced that all individuals implicated in the organization and exploitation of human tra cking must be severely punished; Joining the universal ght against human tra cking and considering that trilateral e orts are desirable because they have proved to be more e cient; Considering that the United States of Mexico, the United States of America and Canada are parties to the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Tra cking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, additional to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; Rea rming North Americas commitment to the implementation and respect of fundamental human rights; The North American legislators, gathered for the fth Triumvirate Legislative Assembly, have convened upon: PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS ARTICLE I - INTERPRETATION This following resolution shall be interpreted together with the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Tra cking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, additional to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the International Organization for Migration Handbook on Direct Assistance for Victims of Tra cking, and any other relevant document. ARTICLE II - PURPOSES The purpose of the present resolution is to: 1. Protect victims of human tra cking, through speci c measures that will ensure their greater security, privacy and dignity; 2. Criminally pursue and severely punish all individuals who organize or exploit this type of tra c; 3. Prevent the creation of new networks, by informing the general public, and more speci cally the populations at risk of becoming victims of human tra cking; 4. Promote cooperation between the Parties in the pursuit of these objectives. ARTICLE III - DEFINITIONS 1. Tra cking in persons means the recruitment, transportation, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, or fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or the giving or receiving of payments or bene ts to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


2. Exploitation includes, but is not limited to: a) Sexual exploitation: Exploitation of a human through sexual acts which occur by forced prostitution, fraud or coercion; b) Labour exploitation: Work or service extracted from a person under the threat of destitution, detention, violence including death or another extreme hardship to themselves or to members of their family. Labour exploitation includes all forms slavery; c) Economic exploitation: The act of pro ting from another persons labour without the existence of a legal contract between the parties. This act directly implies the use of coercion to force the victim to beg; d) Involuntary servitude: The forced employment of a person being held; e) Any exchange of a victim in return for monetary or material gains; f ) Forced marriage: A forced marriage takes place when one individual does not want to get married but is forced to by others; g) Organ harvesting : The recruitment of persons for the purpose of removing cells, tissues, or an organ for a transplantation or experimental purposes; h) Debt bondage: The status or condition of a debtor arising from a pledge by the debtor of his or her personal services or of those of a person under his or her control as a security for debt, if the value of those services as reasonably assessed is not applied toward the liquidation of the debt, or the length and nature of those services are not respectively limited and de ned. 3. Any person who requests, or o ers victims; promotes, allows, maintains, patronizes or supports human tra cking in any way; holds custodial agreements of victims, for himself or for another person, will also be subject to sanctions speci ed in this resolution. 4. Coercion means (a) threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; (b) any scheme, plan or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that failure to perform an act would result in serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; or, (c) the abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process. CHAPTER I WORK WITHIN THE INDEPENDENT TRILATERAL CENTER (ITC) ARTICLE IV - GOAL 1. To serve as a forum to facilitate the exchange of information related to human tra cking; 2. To support and guide the non-governmental organizations who help the victims of human tra cking and operate shelters in agreement with article 15 paragraph 1.5 of this present resolution. 3. To serve as a research center for new data on human tra cking in the process of creating a North American database of all public information, including people with criminal antecedents related to human tra cking living in the three countries and pro les that represent suspicion of committing any crime related with human tra cking (sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, organ tra cking, tra cking of contraband, etc). ARTICLE V - GOVERNMENTAL COLLABORATION In the framework of paragraph 9d., Parties are invited to collaborate in the investigation of human tra cking cases and the prosecution of tra ckers as well as in the sharing and making public of information regarding human tra ckers. This sharing will only occur when it does not impact any Parties national security. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


ARTICLE VI - CONFERENCES The ITC can organize various North American and international conferences on the subject of human tra cking. ARTICLE VII - FINANCING 50% of the nes tra ckers are sentenced and all con scated pro ts received from human tra cking are sentenced to pay will be directly handed to NGOs. CHAPTER II PROTECTION Considering the violations of women, men and more particularly childrens rights. ARTICLE VIII - DIRECT AID FOR THE VICTIMS The Parties are to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee the protection and assistance of the victims of human tra cking in North America. They shall provide the following services to the victims to the best of their abilities: 1. Shelter. a. Shelters must be a group of facilities providing accommodation and assistance to victims, such as medical rehabilitation centers, transit shelters and half-way houses. b. Services o ered in the shelters shall include but are not limited to meals, medical assistance, psychological assistance, legal counselling, and basic material needs. Assistance for voluntary return or reintegration assistance such as education, vocational training, job placements, and family mediatio shall be o ered. c. Shelter personnel shall develop an individualized case service plan for each shelter resident while maintaining full con dentiality. d. These shelters are established in cities and regions showing a high level of human tra cking cases. e. In conformity with Article 9, paragraph iii. , the ITC may public guidelines concerning the running of shelters by the non-governmental organizations. 2. Medical and Psychological Care. The Parties provide a medical and psychological support service adapted to the situation and needs of the victims. When an approved specialist in psychological care recognizes the progress of the consults, he or she may instruct the authorities to provide the victims with the necessary information and skills in order to begin a self-supporting process with which they can achieve an autonomous way of life. ARTICLE IX - LEGAL ASSISTANCE. 1.The Parties provide legal assistance corresponding to the victims situation and needs. a. Where appropriate and to the extent possible under its domestic law, each Party shall protect the privacy and identity of victims of tra cking in persons, in particular providing for the con dentiality of legal proceedings relating to such tra cking. b. Each Party shall consider implementing measures aimed to provide victims of tra cking in persons, such as: i. Information on relevant court and administrative proceedings; ii. Assistance to the victims so they feel secure and protected when expressing their views and concerns at di erent stages of criminal proceedings against o enders, without diminishing their rights as defendants. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


2. Interpreters. The Parties provide an interpretation service, adapted to the victims situation and needs, particularly in legal matters. 3.Job placement. The Parties commit to o er job placement services to support victims of tra cking in their search for an autonomous way of life. ARTICLE X - SPECIAL VISA Parties shall issue special visas to the victims of human tra cking. Victims shall be permitted to stay and work in the territory of the Party who issued the special visa. Such visas are only issued upon the ful lment of the following requirements: 1. The applicant must be the victim of human tra cking according to the de nition found in article 3 of the present resolution; 2. The victim must be willing to work with local law enforcement and/or governmental authorities in order to expand the knowledge on the crime of human tra ccking; The crime of tra cking must have occurred in the territory of the Party who is issuing the special visa. ARTICLE XI - CONDITIONAL PROTECTION Protection might be granted conditionally. Protection might be granted to presumed or actual victims in exchange for victims collaboration with government authorities. Con dentiality shall be granted to the victims, according to the present resolution. ARTICLE XII - MINORS All individuals aged less than 18 years old, must be granted protection and special attention. CHAPTER III PURSUIT ARTICLE XIII - PURSUIT All individuals implicated in the organization and exploitation of human tra cking must be severely punished to the fullest extent of the law. ARTICLE XIV - LIABILITY Liability for the crime of tra cking in persons shall be applicable to any Government personnel, peacekeepers, and other personnel operating on the behalf of a government abroad. ARTICLE XV - PUNISHMENT 1. The Parties commit to establishing sentences within these limits for the following crimes: a. Any person who recruits, transports, transfers, harbours or takes in victims: 10 to 15 years of imprisonment. b. Any person who organizes or imprisonment. nances an organization related to human tra cking: 12 to 20 years of

c. Any person who requests, or o ers victims; promotes, allows, maintains, patronizes or supports human tra cking in any way; holds custodial agreements of victims, for himself or for another person: 5 to 15 years of imprisonment.

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


d. The sentences are doubled in cases Where the victims are minors; When the victim is physically helpless, mentally defective or mentally incapacitated; Homicide or attempted homicide occurs in regards to the victim. e. Sentences shall not be shortened for good conduct or any other reason applicable according to the Partys law. Only in the case of eectual collaboration with authorities in capturing other oenders of human tracking legislation, or in the rendering of signicantly important information, may the sentence be reduced by a maximum of 1/3 of the original sentence. 2. Human tracking oenders are passable of nes. Such nes are set according to every Partys national law but shall not exceed one million American dollars (1,000,000 USD). 50% of the n will be handed directly to the NGOs by the tribunal charged of the case in question. 3. Any prots received from the tracking of humans shall be conscated and allocated to the victim services provided by the NGOs by the tribunal charged og the case in question. ARTICLE XVI - CONSENT Without regards to the victims age, consent shall be irrelevant in establishing the culpability of any person accused of tracking in person. ARTICLE XVII - JURISDICTION The Parties shall adopt legislative measures as necessary to the establishment of jurisdiction over any oence established in this resolution, when the oence is committed: In its territory; On board of any ship ying the ag of the party; On board of any aircraft registered under the law of that Party; By one of its nationals or an alien who resides in its territory; Against one of its nationals. ARTICLE XVIII - EXTRADITION Tracking in persons is an extraditable oence; therefore, any person charged with human tracking in persons shall be extracted on the same terms and extent as a person charged with any other serious crime. In this case, extradition consists of the ocial process by which one nation or State demands and obtains another nation or State the surrender of any suspected or convicted criminal. Extradition shall be subject to the conditions provided by the national law of the requested State Party or by any applicable extradition agreement. CHAPTER IV PREVENTION ARTICLE IXX - GOVERNMENT TRAINING The Parties elaborate a training program for all government agents related to the ght against human tracking among others police ocers, judges, immigration services, border services. This program must address the social, psychological and legal facts of human tracking. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


ARTICLE XX - LOCAL, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL LEGISLATION Every Party shall be encouraged to adopt legislation to counter human tra cking at every governmental level. ARTICLE XXI - INFORMING THE POPULATIONS AT RISK The Parties shall collaborate with non-governmental organisations to inform the populations most at risk of becoming victim of human tra cking of their rights, existing services and of the recruitment methods used by the tra ckers. Special emphasis must be given to the victims of the sex industry. ARTICLE XXII - INFORMING THE GENERAL PUBLIC The Parties shall collaborate with non-governmental organisations to use communication means such as national television and newspapers in order to inform the general public of human tra cking networks and methods as well as distribute pamphlets in strategic locations such as government o ces, community organizations and airports. ARTICLE XXIII - INFORMING TOURISTS Special emphasis must be given to people susceptible of contributing to the exploitation of sex tra cking victims, in particular men who buy sexual services as well as tourists travelling to countries with high level of human tra cking. Therefore, special awareness raising campaigns should take place in all international and local train station, bus terminal, airport and travel agencies. ARTICLE XXIV - SPECIAL EMPHASIS TO THE MOST CONFLICTED DEMOGRAPHIC The Parties recognize that a special emphasis must be given to the most con icted demographic of victims and tra ckers. Such a speci c approach shall be achieved with the collaboration of specialized governmental and non-governmental organizations. CHAPTER V COOPERATION ARTICLE XXV - NORTH AMERICAN COOPERATION IN THE PROSECUTION OF HUMAN TRAFFICKERS In order to render the ght against human tra cking more e cient and e ective, the police, intelligence services, and all government agencies related to the ght against human tra cking must cooperate, especially in the following areas: 1. Exchange all information and data on the activities of individuals related to human tra cking; 2. The coordination and setting up of bi-national and/or tri-national police operations against human tra cking networks. This would subject to each Partys own criteria and sovereignty. These agencies are open to cooperation. ARTICLE XXVI - HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIMS PROTECTION STANDARDS 1. Human tra cking victims protection standards are to be established to ensure greater e ciency of the measures mentioned in Chapter 1, in particular regarding immigration status issues and the conditionality of protection. 2. The States parties shall develop a standardized system for screening individuals who request assistance and evaluating their speci c needs.

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


Resolution on Governance: Expand the North American Trilateral Leaders Summit

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


RESOLUTION ON GOVERNANCE: EXPAND THE NORTH AMERICAN TRILATERAL LEADERS SUMMIT Fifth Legislative Assembly June 2010 Explanatory Notes The Annual Trilateral Leaders Summit (TLS) is the annual, highest-pro le, continent-level dialogue where North American issues are being discussed and addressed. Since 2005, the TLS has brought together the Mexican and American Presidents and the Canadian Prime minister, as well as members of the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC). This resolution proposes to review the way in which these North American meetings are set up and underlines the fact that North American countries would greatly bene t from the increased participation of a number of key stakeholders in the TLS structure. The magnitude of economic, political, social and environmental issues at stake in the North American region calls for the necessity to involve key governmental, political, NGOs and business actors. Energy, transportation, security, and economic development (amongst others) involve a wide range of national and sub-national policies; therefore, the development of comprehensive North American action plans requires the input of many stakeholders. Taking into account foreign experiences as well as North American dynamics, this resolution describes a new way to structure these Summits and energize North American Leaders Summits in order to fully develop their potential outcomes for North America. RESOLUTION TO EXPAND TRILATERAL LEADERS SUMMIT Acknowledging that transnational problems require the identi cation and implementation of e ective transnational solutions; Convinced that nding institutional solutions and procedures is congruent with the values of the three partners and a good way to the enforcement of the regional agenda; Considering the necessity to consult and involve various key decision-makers and partners in the design and implementation of North American policies and initiatives; Recalling that transparency and dialogue are looked for among civil society, media, academic institutions and advocacy groups; Rea rming that North American legislative branches are close partners and should therefore be included in the on-going North American dialogue and integration process; Recalling that the North American federal and federated states are a ected by the decisions being taken for North American policy cooperation matters; Stressing that it is not in the relevant regions and governments interests to operate without large and diverse consultative and participatory mechanisms; Convinced that involving legislators within the TLS will deepen and strengthen collaboration between the United States, Mexico, and Canada; and Anticipating that if governments do not adopt a more participatory approach with regards to the North American Leaders Summits, vocal people and/or organizations might di use damaging and unfounded fears among the public.

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La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


THE NORTH AMERICAN INTERPARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY STATES AS FOLLOW: TITLE I CHAPTER I - NORTH AMERICAN SHARED VALUES & PRINCIPLES North American Leaders must commit themselves to conduct trilateral relations while respecting a set of fundamental principles and values shared by the people of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. These values include the rule of law, fundamental human rights, as well as nondiscrimination and openness with regards to sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or race. In order to ensure equality of opportunities among peoples, nation-states and regions, the North American governments make a commitment to ensure fair distribution and reduction of disparities among them. The shared democratic principles include the commitment to sustainable development, shared prosperity and a commitment to promoting the free, consistent movement of goods, services, capital across borders tri-nationally while promoting security and cooperation between our nations. CHAPTER II - NORTH AMERICAN TRILATERAL LEADERS SUMMITS North American Leaders Summits are meant to enhance the North American shared values and principles through greater cooperation and information sharing with key political actors while respecting the sovereignty, laws, unique heritage and culture of each nation-state and its regions. It is therefore asked that hereafter North American Leaders Summits annually bring together the Prime minister of Canada and the Presidents of Mexico and the United States. And that, in the context of their meetings, North American leaders will hold discussions with: -North American states and provinces of the three federations, whose leaders will present a joint report with recommendations. -North American Cooperation Commission on Environment, the Commission for Labor Cooperation under the supervision of the Trilateral Center, will also each present an annual status report. -The representation of the Independent Trilateral Center. It is envisioned that other organizations as constituted by the three governments in the future will participate in this reporting process. The discussions and reports will help leaders to identify and develop suitable solutions to key issues identi ed with the North American shared values and principles. TITLE II CHAPTER I - ENHANCED CONSULTATIVE MECHANISMS North American Leaders will establish with di erent Parties, in the context of their annual Summit, parallel consultative mechanisms called pre-summit meetings. These pre-summit meetings will be organized with the following key partners. All of the participants will be accredited by the Trilateral Center to ensure transparency and an open dialogue: -North American Federal Legislators a trilateral group of Federal Legislators coming from Canada, Mexico, and the United States; -The North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) - a trilateral council of business leaders representing the private sectors of Canada, Mexico, and the United States; www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


La Simulacin Parlamentaria de Amrica del Norte Quertaro, Mxico del 30 de mayo al 4 de junio del 2010


-North American Experts Committee which will bring the best and brightest academics and searchers of the three countries; -North American union leaders and; -Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) - A group of NGOs from all three countries expressing an interest in the work of the summit CHAPTER II - PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS In order to gather a variety of solutions and key issues to respect the peoples interest the organizers of the summit should adopt a participative approach with citizens. The participative approach would consist in a two-way dialogue with the public where certain information would be made accessible and where the publics opinion would be solicited. Information regarding the Trilateral Leaders Summit and the research outputs from the trilateral center should be made available in the three working languages of the Triumvirate and in formats accessible to people with disabilities. Multiple forms of media should be used to ensure that information is disseminated as widely as possible. 1. The Trilateral Center will have the responsibility to solicit public feedback. 2. The results of the consultation will be presented along with the annual report to the heads of states before the annual summit. TITLE III - INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I - NORTH AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK In order to ensure greater economic cooperation and convergence between the economies of North America it is proposed that the mandate of the North American Development (NAD) Bank be refocused. It is therefore proposed: -That Canada joins the NAD Bank as a contributor and bene ciary; -The NAD Bank will return the interest to the banks general fund; -That the NAD Bank continues to provide necessary and accessible capital to government and private entities in order to fund water management and environmental projects; -That the NAD Bank extends its mandate to fund such projects throughout North America; -That the NAD Bank also fund investment in infrastructure and capacity building projects throughout North America; -That the NAD Bank be responsible for administering and awarding grants in order to fund development projects and capacity building in less developed areas of North America; -That the NAD Bank must rely on an Economic Cooperation Commission (ECC), composed of representatives of the three national governments in order to decide on the awarding of loans and grants; -That the criteria used by the ECC in awarding loans and grants will be determined by the three national governments in consultation with the Independent Trilateral Center; -That loans and grants made to government entities will be contingent on their demonstrated commitment to scal responsibility and stability as well as to the scal convergence between the three countries;

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-That the Economic Cooperation Commission will take into account recommendations from the Trilateral Center in determining priorities for investment in environmental and infrastructure development projects. CHAPTER II - INDEPENDENT TRILATERAL CENTER In order to ensure the progression of the North American integration process, and to assist in harmonizing the legislation of all three countries it is proposed that North American Governments establish an Independent Trilateral Center. The ITC will: -Use indicators in the elds of social development, security and transparency in each of the three North American countries in order to track and measure the progress and implementation of integration strategies. -Gather information in order to form public databases pertaining to issues for North America as a whole. This does not include data which is private in nature and sensitive to concerns of national security. -Formulate recommendations based on this data in order to inform government policy. -Speci cally focus on areas of signi cance to North America including: 1. Transcontinental crime networks speci cally with regards to human tra cking, narcotics tra cking, arms tra cking, and the general operation of organized crime. 2. Strategies for e cient border integration including facilitation of trade and commerce at borders. 3. Robust data collection and management strategies for North America water resources. -Have the ability to determine other issues and areas of research and allocate resources to these priorities as it sees t. -Recommend e ective strategies to harmonize legislation between the three countries particularly with regards to immigration, customs, scal measures and transportation regulations. -Ensure that citizens are aware of pertinent developments in North American integration through the use of e ective multi media communications techniques and through the creation of an O ce of Publications of the North American Region which will disseminate the centers reports in English, French and Spanish. -Be funded by the federal governments of Mexico, Canada and the United States but will independently identify its own priorities in consultation with governments and key North American stakeholders, regional entities and advocacy groups. The structure of the ITC will consist of: -A main center located in San Francisco, California, which will employ a permanent sta including academics and researchers and will serve as a constant forum of discussion with North American stakeholders such as NGOs, regional entities and advocacy groups. -Speci ed academic networks in all three countries which will be in constant contact with the ITC. Director of the Trilateral Center The Director, who shall be replaced every 4 years, shall represent and re ect the shared values and principles of North America and requires characteristics such as: A strong background in elds related to North American issues and a commitment to the regions prosperity and advancement. www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org


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An ability to fairly and equally represent the North American regions and issues. Deep understanding of the populations and of the issues. The Director will be nominated by a panel of academics, established by States Party to this agreement.

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El Foro sobre la Integracin Norteamericana FINA se pone a sus rdenes en 3744, Jean-Brillant, bureau 581 Montral (Qubec) Canada H3T 1P1 Tel : 514-343-7874 | Fax : 514-343-7348 www. na-na .org | info@ na-na .org Sguenos en Facebook FINA/NAFI Triumvirate Informacin sobre el Triunvirato 2011 estar disponible en el otoo del 2010, esprala!

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